You can bet that if someone reaches out to the “Chair of the City Council’s Administration Environment and Public Safety Committee” he or did not think they were presenting an award to “Scientology” but to the Way to Happiness Foundation “non-religious” front group.
No sooner had they gotten this award than “the church of scientology” put out a press release that is all about how the city of Columbus supports scientology, while also pitching scientology TV and tossing in some ass-kissing for Mr. Mickiewicz.
Calling Stefani Hutchison.
“Safeguard and preserve your teeth”. Sounds good until you check the teeth of the man who wrote it. At least 80% of the precepts are the opposite of what the author would do. Somehow this “Do as I say, not as I do” booklet is supposed to be advertising for Scientology?
They put zero effort into this because it did not involve the other political party.
Never let the truth get in the way of desperate lies.
The Micturating Midget Monstrosity “Mr. Mickiewicz” must be going through a couple of big economy size incontinence pads a day in terror of being discovered and served notice.
TWTH is hardly legitimate, it is poorly composed and riddled with Hubbard’s amorality, such as where it just says “try.” Hubbard himself never lived by it, and he didn’t want followers, especially those tasked with going after his perceived enemies, to be hampered by it, so it contains all sorts of escape clauses like that.
Underlying it is Hubbard’s dishonest, cynical and brutal authoritarianism. From what he wrote for or said to followers, he seemed fairly convinced for example that his end of creating a happier world would require that something like 2% of the population be disposed of “quietly and without sorrow”; apparently those aren’t “Person[s] of Good Will” and their extermination isn’t “Murder” in his Orwellian redefinition of words.
Dear Mike,
I just caught up on your recent posts, and noticed you’re now referring to Miscavige as “Mr.Mickiewicz”. I’m sorry to sound obtuse, but I can’t for the life of me figure out the meaning behind the play on words/pun. Help!
See last week’s Thursday Funnies
The cherch seems more desperate by the day.
Seeking approval from a City of WOGs can hardly be considered ‘uptone’.
If the person who wrote this press release had taken a moment to proofread and edit it before going to publication, they would have realized that it’s three committees, not one, that’s represented by an actual person with an actual name. Emmanuel V. Remy is Chair of the Administration, Environment, and Public Safety Committees. I retrieved this from the website of the City of Columbus (Columbus City Council: 90 West Broad St., 2nd Floor, Columbus, OH 43215. Office: 614-645-7399).
Everything about this press release is just wrong. TWTH * IS * the Church of Scientology. How can it sponsor itself? How can they call the booklet nonreligious when scientology goes around proclaiming itself to be a church?
There are numerous “common-sense” guides to better living which are better than TWTH. The Holy Bible, for example, holds many, if not all, of the precepts that TWTH does (and does it better).
Scientology is the star of its own “Litter League.” I’m not talking about softball; rather, I’ve documented and picked up a lot of scientology’s trash (promotional material, etc.) in and around Hollywood, California.
Through their booklets, online courses, and films, scientology and Mr. Mickiewicz are seriously intent on taking over the world.
Non Religious moral code? Even under a non religious moral code Scientology would be identified as immoral.
You see the Sea Org leadership performing major violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Oh wait, that’s a legal code!
I checked out Columbus’ website and there is not a City Council’s Administration Environment and Public Safety Committee. Administration, Environment, and Public Safety are three separate committees.
Off-topic warning. I took up your recent idea and started to “communicate” with the bot of open ai. And guess what, the story of Xenu is in its database:
Me: Do you know the story of Xenu which is part of the mythology of OT III, one of the advanced levels in the religion of Scientology?
AI: In the belief system of Scientology, the story of Xenu is said to be part of the mythology of OT III, which is one of the advanced levels of the religion. According to the story, Xenu was the dictator of the “Galactic Confederacy” who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of people to Earth (then known as “Teegeeack”) in spacecraft that looked like DC-8 airliners, stacked them around volcanoes and killed them using hydrogen bombs. The thetans of these murdered beings then clustering together, sticking to the bodies of the living. This event is referred to as “Incident II” and these clusters of thetans are believed to be the source of all human psychological and spiritual problems.
This story is not something that is widely discussed or acknowledged by the Church of Scientology, and is considered to be one of the most secretive and controversial aspects of the religion. The church has tried to prevent the story from being widely known by taking legal action against those who have publicly discussed it and encouraging its members to keep it secret.
It is worth mentioning that this story is not supported by any scientific evidence and it is considered to be a pseudoscientific, it is also considered to be a way of explaining the problems of humanity and the world, and gives the church of Scientology a reason to offer their courses and services as a solution.
It’s also important to note that these beliefs are not considered mainstream and are controversial. The Church of Scientology has been the subject of much criticism and has been known to aggressively defend its intellectual property and secrecy.
Please let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with.
I asked it to come up with a story that would relate to Xenu and could be incoporated into New OT IX. The result was rather disappointing. Too tame, too politically correct for my taste:
Me: Could you please invent a story that is related to that concept and is based in ancient space opera history, like the one with Xenu?
AI: I can certainly try to create a story based on the concept of past-life actions and decisions and their impact on spiritual well-being, set in an ancient space opera-like history. However, it’s important to note that such story will be purely fictional and should not be taken as an official teaching or belief of the Church of Scientology, or any other religion.
Once upon a time, long ago in a distant galaxy, there was a powerful ruler named Kaltor. Kaltor was known for his great power and wisdom, but also for his cruelty and greed. Kaltor’s empire was vast and included many different planets, but his ultimate goal was to become the ruler of the entire galaxy. To achieve this goal, Kaltor embarked on a campaign of conquest, enslaving and destroying entire civilizations in his quest for power.
As his empire grew, Kaltor began to notice a strange phenomenon. His subjects were plagued by strange illnesses and negative emotions that could not be explained by any known medical or psychological causes. Kaltor’s best scientists and scholars were unable to find a solution to this problem.
One day, a wise and ancient being appeared to Kaltor in a vision. The being revealed to him that the problem was caused by the negative spiritual influences of his past actions and decisions. The being told Kaltor that in order to achieve spiritual freedom and true enlightenment, he must take responsibility for his past actions and make amends for them. […]
Me: Not bad. Find now a link in the story between Kaltor and Xenu.
AI: Thank you for your feedback. To create a link between Kaltor and Xenu in the story, one possibility would be to say that Kaltor was once a student or follower of Xenu, and was influenced by his teachings and actions.
One possibility for the story is:
In the beginning, Kaltor was a follower of Xenu, the ruler of the galactic confederacy. He was trained by Xenu and learned his ways of conquest and enslavement of civilizations. Kaltor was so fascinated by the power and control that Xenu had, that he decided to follow his footsteps and become a powerful ruler himself. However, as time passed, Kaltor begin to realize the consequences of his actions, the suffering of the enslaved populations and the negative karma that his actions generated. He had a vision in which he could see the spiritual implications of his past actions and that’s when he decided to follow the guidance of an ancient being and embark on a journey of self-discovery. He worked on taking responsibility for his past actions and making amends, eventually reaching a state of true enlightenment and redemption.
Please bear in mind that this story is a fiction and not officially related to the Church of Scientology or any other religious belief.
I don’t know whether to consider the thing fascinating or freaky. Maybe somebody will give it a dose LSD programming and see what happens. Timothy Leary and all that. Lol