A commentary sent in by a Special Correspondent that I felt worthy of broader coverage. It might be more appropriately titled with the astute observation MONEY IS THE ONE THING NOT TAINTED BY ASSOCATION WITH AN SP.
A few posts back you commented that Flag’s systematic and systemic practice of purging “undesirable” staff and public deserved a post of its own. Indeed it does.
Having been a “purgee” I am personally familiar with this corporate policy. Furthermore I have witnessed numerous instances of others being purged. Interestingly enough, the purge flows both ways, as many people have voluntarily purged themselves, possibly in equal or greater numbers. An unintended consequence of Flag’s practices which I am sure, in their arrogance, they never conceived would occur. And then there is the inevitable purge of life itself as Scientologists simply die, too many before their time.
The three great purges I have witnessed are the 1981-3 dismantling and destruction of the mission network in which enormous numbers of Scientology’s best and brightest were declared, destroyed or simply left the game rather than have the iron boot of the RTC and the Finance Police on their neck.
The next occurred between 1996 and 2003 during the Lisa McPherson debacle.
And the current one, in progress now, began with the arrival of Anonymous in 2008, accelerated with the advent of Marty’s and then your blog and seems to be reaching some sort of tipping point now.
This thirty year brain drain has decimated Scientology. While a facade is still standing and apparently solid; it is in actual fact like a termite-riddled wall. One blow, even an indirect one, and it crumbles into dust.
We all have our little view, our slice of reality that is the time-space continuum. In just my little world alone I am left speechless by what has occurred to myself, family and friends in Scientology: The elderly woman who arrived for services, was sold $14,000 in accommodations by the smarmy Gene and then told she can’t be at Flag due to her chronic lung condition. The couple that relocated to Clearwater told they are not eligible for Flag services because his brother works for the FBI. . .as an ACCOUNTANT! The woman made to divorce her husband and father of her four children because his mother is antagonistic. He’s not connected to her, but that bloodline is apparently too thick for Flag. Women with breast cancer denied services and told to go get medical treatment and come back when (and if) they are cured. The children who have never seen their grandparents because the wife’s brother is an SP and the non-Scn parent’s won’t disconnect from their son, so the remainder of the family disconnect from them. The ill and infirm staff of Flag, previously left to languish and die in hot, filthy rooms at the Hacienda or QI, first shipped off to rundown nursing homes where they could qualify for Medicare or Medicaid if they were lucky and finally, when that was no longer a solution, simply fitness boarded out of the Sea Org and left to their own devices. It is hard to see a Class IX auditor with cardiomyopathy living in a tiny apartment in Clearwater and trying to get well enough to go back in the Sea Org.
These are my examples and I could go on and on and on; this is just my little slice of the whole reality. So what is the whole reality like? It boggles my mind.
And as you so astutely observed Mike, this systematic policy and program was subject to all manner of whim, arbitrary and exception. So the loud-mouthed FSM, with likely early stage prostate cancer, gets to start his OT levels (probably deceased now). The undiagnosed and untreated man with a blood sugar of 320 gets to start OT VII (likely dead of end stage renal disease by now). The sister of the church’s ecclesiastical leader commits securities fraud while working for Digital Lightwave, and gets to continue on her bridge. The daughter of a wealthy and successful psychiatrist gets to do her bridge unimpeded and as the sole heir has oodles of money for “donations” when the evil psychiatrist parent dies. Apparently money is the one thing not tainted by association with an SP.
And then there are the dead. Out of respect I am not going to name names, but anyone in the upper echelon of Scientology public between 1990 and 2005 knows who they are. The ones I personally knew number in the scores. Most of them women, most dead of breast and other female cancers, but men too with various cancers and cardiac disease. Many of them the OTs of great ability. There were no replacements for these stellar women and men waiting in the wings. So how many more died that I didn’t personally know? It boggles my mind.
And then there are the people who left of their own accord. Not declared, or denied Flag services but just fed up with the travesty that Scientology has become. They each had their breaking point and said “NO MORE”. I know scores of them too. Many highly trained and skilled auditors, long-term mission and org staff, long-term Scientologists who had enough and left quietly or nosily and started other games, better games in their estimation. So how many more left that I don”t know? It boggles my mind.
If all of us got together and compared our various realities, what over-all picture would form? The problem is that for decades we didn’t talk about it. NO ONE talked about it. It was forbidden. And now, as more and more of us start talking the picture that forms is horrifying. Not just because the church leader is a brute and an SP, but because so many lives were destroyed, ruined or ended and are being destroyed, ruined and ended right now, in present time.
Thank you for rising up from that mire and doing something to help those people.
de Elizabethan,
Thank you. I’ve never spoken of this incident aside from telling my husband the day it happened. It’s bothered me for a long time. Very shocking at the moment and then left me feeling degraded and introverted.
The CoS’s system of not being able to communicate is really unhealthy and sick. I believe it is part of the reason why so many sea org members, staff and public scientologists get cancer and die young. Also, all the broken up families. There are so many of them! It’s definitely an outpoint that people just don’t want to see.
By the way, I misspelled Correspondent. My English teacher Mom would be disappointed.
I’m glad you spoke out. Not long ago I was looking at “treason” and realized I had been in treason to myself, knowing what i knew was true in my heart so many times, yet disregarding it and listening to others. Of course it’s different when you become free form the suppression and can know that you know!
I also agree with your post, thanks.
Special Coorespondent – What a great post! Thanks to Mike Rinder for sharing.
I am of the third purge sweep and grateful of it!
Yes, Flag (and trickled down to the orgs) systematically purges people out, in the CoS’s nasty tradition of using and wasting people. First, reg public for the max they can get, then get those (lucky) public out of the orgs for any reason. We’ve all seen it, over and over.
Flag (and the orgs) even gets rid of people just by their “regular” actions.
I was spied on while staying at the Osceola for services. I caught the security guard red-handed in the bathroom of my suite, handling my toiletries in the medicine cabinet, checking to see what each one was. When he closed the cabinet door and saw me in the mirror, he freaked out, became angry and stomped out of the suite. I followed him saying “Excuse me…, Can I speak with you please? Excuse me…” He only had one word to say; “Don’t!” I watched him stride down the hallway to the stairwell, slack-jawed.
I couldn’t understand why my privacy would be violated. I had no history of substance abuse, psych or criminal, why was I not to be trusted to this extent? I told my husband about what happened and he insisted that it was a “white glove check” . I told him no way; I knew what I saw and the reaction of the guard. He persuaded me not to make an issue of it or “cause trouble”. I let it go.
I could never reconcile that incident and later came to the conclusion that the org does not trust its public. My next question was, Why? I had the sense that “bad things” had happened at the Flag base and could sense bad energy all over. It gave me the creeps.
This is an example of not-so-obvious purging, in my opinion. Driving decent people away
That’s a great story, thanks. You Knew!
What a great post! Totally heartbreaking, but great.
I was in San Francisco, when the great Purge of 1983 happened. By that time, I had been there for over five years and had seen the effectiveness of the mission network in the Bay Area. There were mission holders and mission staff who had been there for decades already and knew how to make a successful and profitable mission. Working in both Day and Foundation Orgs at SF, I saw the people who were being funneled in from these missions. They were there doing their levels, their grades, Clear Intensives and other actions only available at the Orgs.
What was happening, was what LRH said should be happening, if things were done right. So of course, it was stopped. Good people were made wrong. Talented people, were made nothing of. Their reach and enthusiasm was stifled and suppressed, as effectively as anything I had ever seen previously.
In the Data Series it is essential for the evaluator to have a good solid idea of what the scene should look like, so he can compare it to the existing scene and spot the outpoints. He has to know what the “Moonlight Sonata” sounds like, played well, before he can critique anything or anyone else. Well, if you get rid of everyone who knows what a good mission network looks like; if you get rid of all the auditors that know what a standard session should be like, then those you are left with, are people susceptible to false data and false scenes. And this is what we have now. 16 year-old MAAs who have no clue, what an in ethics person looks and sounds like. Class IX auditors who have less of an understanding of an auditor’s comm cycle, than the HQS auditors I studied with in 1972.
It’s a sad tale, but it’s Truth. And with the Truth comes as-isness. I am very hopeful that the tipping point will be reached very soon in the RCS. Cognitions will start raining down on those unsuspecting sheeple walking the halls and like some Zoombie coming out of their spell, they’ll look around, see for the first time, what is actually happening and after screaming in disbelief, will calmly walk out and look for a real auditor. We’ll be waiting!
Hey, not-so-Odd Thomas. Yes, I saw that mission network at work too.
That’s why it’s so illogical to me that DM shut them all down! What a GREAT feeder system!
IMHO, why are the orgs limping with an asthmatic wheeze? They have no life being brought to them by these groups anymore. They are being made to wear not only the Org’s but the mission’s and the field group’s hats because all of those entities are gone.
And now, to make things even more special at Flag, you have to fill out a long form asking a bunch of nosey questions in order to apply for a security card to be allowed in any Flag buildings, per report from Karen #1 posted on ESMB.
Methinks that email is a hoax. A funny one, but a hoax nonetheless. What is remarkable about it is that a few years ago an email like that would have been rejected out of hand. Now everyone thinks its real. It will probably create mass confusion wiuth the church, especially as they ARE trying to implement photo ID’s.
You may be right, but I found it quite plausible after having experienced all the suspicion and paranoia at Flag the last time I went there. And that was years ago.
Mike, I’lm not challenging you at all, but what makes you think it is a hoax? Given that they want to keep the bitter, fringe apostates out of the events and out of Flag, it seems real that they would make everyone wear these ID tags around their neck. More tractable that way. And more 1984-ish too.
Posting coming with the ACTUAL form sent out for event attendees. It is the response to the fake email that was sent….
Great write-up Special Correspondent!
Scn has a powerful lure, the promise of full OT. What beings are willing to experience and endure for this promise is hard to grasp sometimes. I think we’ve all experienced hardship and heartbreak to some degree, some more than others.
The mental gymnastics one goes through to justify the insanity has become an art form. All for the sake of an idea, a promise that has yet to materialize – OT. So strong is this that people will do unconscionable things to themselves and others, often at the instruction and insistence of org staff.
Eventually, those pursuing this idea of OT will come to realize that the biggest problem they face is the organization itself. From my 25+ years of experience, what I have observed to be true time and time again, is – the group is all and the individual nothing. You are valuable as long as you serve the beast. The group acts with impunity and never pays for its transgressions, unless society holds a gun to its head.
It would be nice to think that David Miscavige is responsible for all this. Depose him and sanity is restored. Unfortunately this is not the case. The behavioral problems of organized Scn existed long before DM’s reign. These are cultural problems that run deep in the fabric of LRH’s creation. I think DM institutionalize much of the abuse. And from what others have said about DM’s personality traits, it appears the organization has adopted his “winning valance” – capricious, ruthless, vicious, sadistic, heartless…psychotic.
How can anyone achieve spiritual freedom from such an organization?
I don’t know who you are, Statpush, but you are a kindred spirit, for sure.
Thank you for that!
Moonshot, was your 16 yr old MAA at the AO or Oak Cove?
“And as you so astutely observed Mike, this systematic policy and program was subject to all manner of whim, arbitrary and exception.”
Nicely stated. The width and breadth of this is vast and permeates all aspects of what is now done in the name of the movement. Not good at all. Div 6 is a farce, Div 4 is sad, academies are empty, promises likewise. It is a mess. I am so glad to hear from those commenters who point the way to auditing and training actions they are doing outside. Well done indeed.
Thanks for the article and thanks Mike for posting it.
Your post is spot on. People are talking and exposing the crimes. So many have suffered in silence in the past, but not any longer. A shift has taken place. The victims have reclaimed their power. Miscavige ” policy” is exposed as an aberration and we all see the damage he has inflicted. I guess he thinks he will live forever, Miscavige is in for a rude awakening.
I think he’s trying to sneak a doozy by everyone here. In preparation for them great tent debacle, he is paying for enough clicks to fund a small country. India now ranks as #3 on the country lost visiting Scientology.org. A week ago, only 4.2% of his clicks were from India, now it’s 6.1%. He’s going to use the web visit stat somewhere even though it is so false.
They may also be counting “clicks” as people who have arrived on their video ads. You click on something like Scott Campbell’s story, for example, and a Scn ad comes up first, before you can watch the video.
Very few people would go to a Scn vid on purpose but they are sure piggy-backing on the videos that ARE getting a lot of hits. Maybe we should complain to google when we see ’em?
What a great post.
I too have witnessed all of these purges as described.
Over the years mentioned above I have noticed many of the most competent, producing, up-toned, caring staff members being being pushed off of their posts and replaced by people who were not in the same league as their predecessors. This meant that there was no one there to mentor or hat the often well-meaning replacements who were then more prone to take off policy, out tech orders. This in turn has resulted in a systematic emaciation of the whole organizational structure from top to bottom. It has been a gradual, insidious death by 1000 cuts for the Church of Scientology.
But there is just one problem with Miscavige’s little scheme….. one cannot kill an immortal being.
Thetans (spirits, souls) live forever. And they can and will keep learning and becoming wiser.
Plus, we will keep coming back to the game until we put things right. Count on it. 🙂
+ 10 Espiritu!
What is true for you is what you have observed yourself. And when you lose that, you have lost everything.
What is personal integrity? Personal integrity is knowing what you know. What you know is what you know and to have the courage to know and say what you have observed. And that is integrity and there is no other integrity.
Of course, we can talk about honor, truth, nobility—all these things as esoteric terms. But I think they would all be covered very well if what we really observed was what we observed, that we took care to observe what we were observing, that we always observed to observe. And not necessarily maintaining a skeptical attitude, a critical attitude or an open mind—not necessarily maintaining these things at all—but certainly maintaining sufficient personal integrity and sufficient personal belief and confidence in self and courage that we can observe what we observe and say what we have observed.
Nothing in Scientology is true for you unless you have observed it and it is true according to your observation.
That is all.
L. Ron Hubbard
Thanks for the post Mike.
Not so friendly for the trees either! Thanks to The Oracle for posting this: http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/region_north_pinellas/clearwater/scientology-slapped-with-fines-for-cutting-down-lives-oaks
Slappy is slapped again – with thousands of dollars of fines.
Doesn’t He know that many people will stand by and let people get put in The Hole, slapped, frozen, electrocuted, etc., but you cut down a couple of trees and you’ve got a PR nightmare on your hands. First Lisa McPherson and now two trees. Will the killing ever end?
Comment at the link above, if you feel so inclined.
If DM pulls that kind of crap with mature trees in the San Francisco bay area of hot-tubbers and tree-huggers he’ll wind up in jail.
Yes, and Roberts/Pomeranz will IAS reg us for yet another emergency situation that the church is being suppressed by trees that we need to handle right away.
Hahaha, Formost.
Yes, the why is the tree.
How ironic that a goldenrod, made of trees, could be issued on a tree. Sort of strangely cannibalistic.
This story would make an OSCAR winning movie if it were
not for the fact that the script was all true. I put on my
“WHY” finding beanie (with a propeller on top)
I resigned from the C of $ and my life across all dynamic’s improved
beyond my wildest dreams .
My condolences to the dead and dying but I’ve
faced the grim reaper on the battlefield so many times I think I owe him a Beer at Chesty Pullers.
My Mother was In charge of the Cancer ward at Travis AFB and I have heard all of the horrible Cancer stories by the barn load at the dinner table at home whilst woofing down Moms dinners.
I have had entire rebel armies try to kill me and some that are touted as the best.
FLAG has become and aberration of runtinstien Miscavige and you betcha he can get others to kill
others by having the weak minded do his dirty work. David Miscaviges are a dime a dozen in most third world countries. So its up to each individual to come to grips with what’s important and go it alone no matter what beach you land on to fight. Not everyone is a data evaluator or Scientologist but everyone has some God given common sense of right and wrong. Do the right thing. I dive into the tech every day and apply it and better off for it. Be a Sherlock Holmes and figure things out and have the courage to see where things are not as they should be.
The Marine
From an Army brat, thank you for your service, Marine.
Brilliant Jose! I’m an army mom, my daughter just got out after 2 tours.
Wow, Excellent post.
You are a smart cookie Mike Rinder
Most people around the world might not know it but the Netherlands are on the front of treating cancer. Yes not the US , the small country with windmills and pot.
That is because in the Netherlands, they actually let medical researches treat patients with terminal cancers with new experimental regimes that have shown great promise in animal and in vitro testing.
The system in the USA is designed to require endless testing before human trial, then very limited and extensive human testing later…all under the supervision of the FDA. The purpose of the FDA is to create a nightmare beauracratic series of hurdles that only the very largest of patent drug companies can overcome.
Alsoo it is designed to never pay out when it’s really needed kind of like the Church of Scientology
You missed a purge. From about 1994-2001 the church actively worked to get rid of field auditors, by making their lives miserable, revoking their I-HELP licenses, excluding them from the IRS settlement, and forcing them to do GAT or lose their licenses.
I know of someone wo went to Flag for auditing, was declared illegal PC because he spoke to a psychiatrist in his young age. He was really ovewhelmed. A “field reg”, went to see him to convert his audting package in library donation. I knew it by the reg who bragged about it. “I told him it was out tech to audit him, but if he bought the books he would really help freedom on another flow. Actually what happened to him was worthwhile because this money would serve a better cause than a simple first dynamic improvement.”
And the PC gave up his money.
A friend of mine went to Flag for OT7. it was found that a brother of his was SP declared. Even if he disconnected, he was not allowed on 7, as he was a PTS type C. He was fired from Flag, and one of his business partner who was on 7 had to disconnect from him or he would also be PTS. His life was shattered. And so many more where someone went to Flag for services and lost everything : mental health, money, family.
But, I recall having had also tremendous gains, fantastic life improvement. When the tech is applied. But Miscavige is a monster, he is totaly responsable for the mess. I hope he’ll wind up in jail.
Yea, I moved near Flag 13 years ago. I finished OT7, did OT8, did the GAT auditing training through CLASS V and audited at Tampa. But, Flag just seemed to get less and less friendly as time went on. There are reges behind every tree, not to mention 1,000,000 rules and twenty-something ethics officers. Calling it the friendliest place in the world is just FALSE. Disneyworld is infinitely friendlier.
If you are in the area and are “under the radar” or officially out, feel free to contact us. My secure email =
[email protected]. My cell phone = 727-512-6030. My wife and I are having a great time, making lots of friends and really enjoying being OUT. As they say – OUT IS THE NEW IN.
Know how you feel. My “ethics officer” at “Flag” was maybe 16. Her “handling” of me consisted of screaming at me at the top of her lungs like i was the most degraded reprobate in creation. All for a pretty minor, all things considered, “out-2D” overt. Spending tens of thousands of dollars to have a girl-child staff member scream at me and arbitrarily block my progress for endless rewrites of my conditions week after week after week did not exactly endear me to “The Mecca of Technical Perfection.”
OMG Moonshot! Such a little psycho bitch! I hope you’re well recovered.
I feel for you Moonshot. For some unknown (to me) reason, children have been chosen as the Ethics Guardians for the RCS. A continuous stream a pre-pubescent nutters, whose concept of Ethics is nothing more than an amalgam of fixed ideas and false data from those who are viewed as “their seniors.” It’s a Trickle-Down nightmare, where the worst habits, the most arcane and warped concepts of in-ethics, the most incomplete or wholly misunderstood ideas of what pro-survival actually means, somehow, trickle-down to these gatekeepers. Who then stand there, in all their Fixed Idea glory, stopping anyone who can’t pass their equivalent of an Ethics Breathalyzer test. During my 2005, Drive to OT 5, I ran across three such individuals, average age 18 or so. Who were so enamored with their own viewpoints, and so insistent that they were right, that I felt like an Alien trying to understand the Off-Side Rule in Soccer. I was labeled out-ethics, right after I said Hello. I guess my enunciation was all fucked up, or too East Coast.
On behalf of all those well-intentioned and compassionate people who nobly wore the mantle of Ethics Officer, I apologize to you Moonshot. May all your future ethics cycles, be sane and standard.
Yep, and I might add that after many years at Flag one time I came and there was not one ethics terminal that I recognized, all of them were new, even the receptionist, and all were as you described, very young. The one assigned to me was not only young, but was a recent immigrant here to the US who came her from a foreign country when recruited to the SO. That was her ticket to the USA. She hadn’t done any courses or auditing other than her instant and mini ethics hat and whatever course new MAA’s are given. Her english had a thick accent too. So maybe they’ll get straight up and vertical SO recruit stats by going to foreign countries and offering a free ticket to America if they sign a billion year contract.
Regarding the SO, Hitler children, I’ve said it before and I won’t stop saying it.
See counter 21:30 for what Orwell predicted in his book, 1984. These are the children that are being raised to forward, “Command Intention.”
What did go trough your mind on OT 3 , not details just your gut reaction.
Disneyworld? Heck, the Taliban are infinitely friendlier!
All right, sitting here drinking my cold coffee brings to mind the year of 2000. My father drops his body in 1999 leaves me some money and I drop $100k for 12 intensives at Flag. I do the routing form, get all the necessary sec checks, meter checks and then BOOM, I am kicked off the Base because of ‘reports’ in my ethics file. It takes me 6 months of fighting with the FSO MAAs to get these ‘false reports’ expunged from my file so I can get on lines. And then, when I am approved I get c/sed for everything BUT the Bridge. I should have taken Matt Pesch’s, then Treas Sec FSO, advice when I was declared ineligible for Flag Services to ask for a repayment and he would have gladly given it.
This and the notes mentioned above are typical treatment at the unfriendliest place in the world. I was even required to get the hospital I was born in to send a notarized affidavit that the hospital does not now nor have they ever had a psychiatric wing! I was dealing with young, no street sense MAAs…or I should say ‘robots’.
Michael, Many of us sip cold coffee sometimes simply because we are too busy to brew a fresh cup. But you, a knowledgable and competent tree surgeon, drinking cold coffee? No wonder good ol’ Mat finally bailed to preserve and rehab his own personal integrity. Iced coffee is fine in the summer, but that huge old oak tree that DM removed (that used to be next to the Grey Moss Inn) used to provide some of the coolest shade in all of Clearwater.
Michael – this story is nearly identical to mine. In retrospect though as a direct result I started the long waking period so the money could be said to have been well spent.
Can you handle the truth ?
I spent several hours today at the bedside of a woman I met 8 years ago. She will probably pass sometime in the next 24 hours. She was never a scientologist. She has non-Hodgkins lymphoma that went into remission for 11 years and returned this past January.
She’s quite the character. She and her husband live separately although on the same 100 acres they own in Vermont where they raised their three children. Now adults. A product of the 60’s — an artist and a free spirit. Someone who believes deeply in rebirth and who felt that when the end came she was ready.
And she is. Not complaining. Just slowly letting go. Her family on the other hand isn’t having as easy a time.
Rebirth isn’t something they’ve thought about and as her husband said to me when I walked into to the hospital room (before they brought her home to hospice) — “This is surreal. We never thought we would die”
Trust me. You will. BUT you never think you are going to. Not really. There is always tomorrow.
Nope. Not true. No guarantees about tomorrow. Just right now.
Live your life every moment as if it might be your last and like my friend, you will have no regrets as you prepare to make the transition. Others left behind might not be as lucky.
The good news is — if you have money, you’ll be welcomed IN the church. The bad news is – because you are welcomed IN the church your life is over.
I’m going to assume most who read this blog are out or getting close to being out. NOW — live your life authentically. Don’t lie to yourself. Live so you won’t regret today or tomorrow or the rest of your life.
Great advice Christine.
What I love about this post is the invitation contained to join up the people over the years that came to the realization that the CoDM was not the way. The original Ron’s Org, people like the Freeman’s and the Krenik’s who got out and called themselves Freezoners, cuz that’s what there was, and the Independents. We all together have an incredible story of trying to help people while being suppressed.
There are things that could be worked on together. Like helping David Mayo, Debbie Cook and others go public again. What could we create without the suppression of CoS gag orders?
I’m on Level 0 right now. And when I get trained up to Class V, I’d like to have lots of small groups all across the country who want to make sure this subject survives and working together to fix this mess in the eyes of the average citizen in this country.
And I think we must network well to make that happen.
Truth always comes out, it wants to get out. It will. When it does orgs will sue to re-obtain ownership. The first org that goes indie will get thousands of supporters they didn’t know existed. Then go about the business of auditing and training. Disband OSA and the legion of scum. The abuse stops completely. Make friends with anon and support their causes because they’re right. For those not in need of change you have freezone and other alternatives that might provide an entrance point to the bridge. All a-ok, just like in the real business world you have partners, and so on.
Not all roses. Just because someone leaves Scientology Inc. doesn’t mean it leaves them. They would have to get the ingrained and conditioned responses out of them first and decompress – not easy to do when you remain in the environment, even if it is “indy”.
Fabulous Brian! What a beautiful postulate! You’ll make a great auditor.
Not to mention the suicides.
Someday I’ll tell that one story and what it has to do directly with COB and Karin Paow.
A brilliant life snuffed itself out because of a phone call that was, “more suppressive than any person I’ve ever met anywhere.”
Indie 8 million, Please, do tell!
Not yet, Miss Jane. Too many details to connect to me.
But, when I get good and ready, you’d better get an extra box of Kleenex. This one is really gonna piss you and a whole lot of other people off.
Stay tuned.
Or you could tell me privately by hushmail?
Not ready, Freddie. When I do my coming out party. 😉
The thing that tripped my BS detector for good was the Basics campaign. Up until then I excused a long string of outpoints as isolated one-offs, some over-zealous and under-trained staff member, etc. But the Basics madness was so obviously directed and pushed from the top that it was impossible to ignore and it got me looking. Only then did I discover the Truth Rundown, Marty’s blog and Anonymous, in about that order.
That was a major point for me too Aeolus. The SO kinda went nuts here in LA where we got 20 calls a day and people stopping by the house constantly to sell more. The change in attitude was like a valence shift to snide, ruthless and arrogant. I’m not exaggerating when I say everyone went into crush sell, with a dose of condescension and disgust because I didn’t buy anything. I’m sure there was some kind of group hatting where the staff were told they were better than everyone else and they were supposed to just tell the asshole public to do what they’re told. An SO staff member actually told me that it had been decided by cob that everyone on the planet was on their command lines. ARC was overtly abandoned and the bridge was replaced with reading books creating massive dev-t and confusion. A major point of dismantling the bridge in my opinion.
“Everyone on the planet was on their command lines”. That’s exactly the condescending arrogance that puts the Sea Org out of ARC with the rest of the civilized world, including Scientology public. When I had refused to buy the Basics after umpteen calls and visits I was told I had been “ordered” to see the Flag Rep at AOLA. I said I wasn’t one of those people who “take orders from just anyone” and was informed that all public were “juniors”.
When I take the boss’s money in exchange for my applied expertise for his benefit, I have agreed to be his Junior. when I pay someone or some group for their applied expertise, that makes them my Junior, and that’s the relationship I am (or was) willing to have with the Church. I pay them, they give me what I paid for. If I pay them and I then have to do what they say, that’s something else entirely. I’d call it slavery.
The churches were once called ‘service orgs’ because they actually provided valuable services to their public. In that wise, the staff members were also the servants of their public.
LRH understood that relationship well, and spoke frequently about it. Alas, all of those policies and advices for staff have been superseded by ‘Command Intention’, which demands subservience, obedience, and service from the public.
Hell, the church isn’t responsible for anything anymore.
The academy is empty? It’s you degraded public that are making it that way.
No toilet paper in the bathrooms? You degraded public are just wasteful, and aren’t providing enough financial support for your orgs.
Staff pay too low? You degraded public are holding out on the orgs and not contributing enough money make life better for them.
OT 9 and 10 not released? You damned degraded public haven’t poured enough money in the coffers to make every org ‘Ideal’, and that’s why those OT levels haven’t been released.
Auditing or training going badly? It’s because you’re out ethics, you’re connected to SPs, and you aren’t supporting Command Intention, you degraded piece of shit!
Thank you for this article. It made me realize Flag has no more sanity in it and as a group it is acting psychotic. No one can understand the rationale for what they are doing. The organization supposed to deliver the top of spiritual freedom is psychotic. It says a lot about the quality of the services they can deliver.
Yes, they almost wrecked a selectee I sent there, not too long ago. Evaluated that she couldn’t possibly be experiencing such OT phenomenon because she wasn’t OT per the grade chart. If she was that OT without the Bridge, went their reasoning, that was a degrade to the Bridge.
And I sent her there because I thought that Flag had been the least infiltrated. My bad. They are closer to the source…of the suppression.
Hubbard made clears and OT’s. David has been inventing victims.
And, long ago, LRH said ‘a scientologist is someone who is not a victim’ (or words to that effect).
WOW – well said. And speaking of the girl with a Psychiatrist for a father, it always boggled my mind that Tom Cruise was permitted to continue on his bridge while married to Nicole Kidman who has two parents that are Psychologists (something I read in a magazine). Correct me if I’m wrong on this Mike. Amazing how the rest of us non-celebs could never be connected to a Psychologist or Psychiatrist if we wanted to go up the bridge. The double standards are mind blogging aren’t they? But just as you stated some monies are just not “tainted”.
This is so clever of Scientology – Staff were told Nicole Kidman was declared an SP because her parents were “PSYCHS”! I was appalled that TC and NC were getting divorced and discussed it with several staff members.
I bought it and then engaged my “scientology think” on the subject. I knew nothing of their history and from what I read about SP’s – I believed it! CRINGE~~~~~
Covert invalidation and nullification is the social intercourse of the SP and Scientology specializes in this. This is what Scientology is today – lies, betrayal, extortion and abuse.
Good post Mike – I have interviewed several members (all out on the fringes and not going back) and the method Scientology uses to get money and then totally spin someone is so criminal it is beyond belief.
The “illegal PC” scam is one of my favorites! They start an “illegal PC” on the bridge at a small org. The person continues to get regged by AOLA, ASHO and FLAG along their long and windy journey – and they put money on account to “secure their bridge”.
After some time, the PC will be told they need to go to FLAG or ASHO OR AOLA for a special program or to do some special bridge stuff – once there, they are made to wait up to one week…this drives them down tone. Then they go through the Routing form and into session….just enough to debit the package of intensives…then they are told they have to go to the MAA – and then wait…..wait….wait. Upon arriving in the MAA’s office – they are told “they are illegal and cannot have auditing or have to leave Flag base.
The person is so devastated – they are really spinning by now. They are so messed up they don’t even think about their money on account. SEE how clever Flag, ASHO and AOLA is!!
Many are regged for their money on account.
THAT ^^^ is Scientology!! Welcome to the friendliest place on the planet where we fleece you out of every dime and then send you home feeling confused, upset and caved in!! Welcome to FLAG – technical perfection of extortion!
+1 and how TC still gets to be connected to his daughter and his ex-wife.
How about the big banana, dm himself, with his internet apostate niece. I was apparently too soiled by my daughter, who works in an intelligence field, to be allowed on solo nots, but…. dm’s niece is writing tell all books about the church (thanks Jenna!) and he’s ok to run the whole bleepin RCS and make a complete mess of it. He should have disavowed himself.
OMG, Hallie! How did we miss this??
You are SO right! He’s PTS – connected to a declared SP.
haha. But his biggest source of PTSness is that he’s PTS to himself (see definition of psychotic in tech dictionary).
I read that Greta Van S is also connected to a family member who is a psychiatrist plus she works for Fox News owned by Murdoch who publicly insulted Scientology on his Twitter during the TomKat divorce. But that’s OK, I guess, that she’s on the payroll of an “SP”. Apparently she’s another celeb whose money is not tainted.
These are the exact things that I have observed as well. Interesting to note that all these things (to me) remind me of “stops” and the datum, “All stops are due to failed purpose.” For me the phenomena of failed purpose as to the basic 1st and 3rd dynamic goals and purposes of Scientologists became more and more noticeable over the many years I was involved.
Auditing would rehabilitate those purposes and then demanded compliance to a growingly arbitrary “Command Intention” would cause them to fail once again. The purposes of every decent Scientologist are thwarted every day by the counter productive policies and programs of current management. When one attempts to right these wrongnesses as a SO member, you are confined to either the Hole or the RPF and when you attempt to right them as a public you’ll be subjected to evaluative and invalidative ethics “handlings”, coercion and expensive sec checks.
The once-valuable and helpful (when used for solely the p.c.’s benefit) confessional becomes the manipulative thought controlling Sec Check that soon disenchants one toward the entire subject of auditing and one begins to puzzle if it really ever actually worked. The failed purpose has taken over.
I have a confidence that, if all these arbitrary off purpose actions were to be jettisoned and the coercive sec checks were abandoned, the tech would again make more free beings, and much of the promises that Ron once had for auditing would again be true. Our parishioners would be more healthy, live more freely and confidently and be very happy, purposeful beings. The typical onlines Scientologist has continued to operate for so long in a suppressive environment that he has learned to cope with it and justify it, rather than cast it aside. Thus, they are being audited over a continuing ARC break and failed purpose, and just get more and more sick.
+1 Mi amigo.
Justify it, yes, just like a lie a person keeps telling their spouse or one’s boss because they don’t want it to be found out that they flat hate their marriage or their job but can’t do anything about it.
So they think.
To those in – if it doesn’t seem right, it probably isn’t. Well done for coming here to read what all of your friends have to say. Move in the direction of being able to back slowly away from the snarling tiger that you may have been ignoring for so long. Now is the time. You have friends here.
Nice viewpoint. Yes, the whole truth would not be very pretty. Thanks to the Internet, we are getting to see and share more of it than ever.
Here’s one truth that resonated with me when reading about the three Ds in thought reform the other day, by Langone:
The result of this process [thought reform], when carried to its consummation, is a person who proclaims great happiness but hides great suffering. I have talked to many former cultists who, when they left their groups and talked to other former members, were surprised to discover that many of their fellow members were also smilingly unhappy, all thinking they were the only ones who felt miserable inside.
See the full article:
Wow! Yes Mike, Thank you and the others who have had the courage to stand up and communicate. This is the stuff heroes is made of.
There may be another factor to consider, and that is that Dianetics became the hit that it was on the strength of a new phenomenon — the commercial fad — much like Elvis or Beatlemania. A thing that can spontaneouly become popular can also spontaneouly become unpopular.
You ought to try some original, 1950s era Dianetics auditing, Eddie. You’d find out pretty quick that there’s really something to it. Something wonderful. For you. It was never just a fad.
And LRH may have had his character flaws (let he who is without sin cast the first stone) but he REALLY meant for people to be free from the reactive demons and anchors.
Love your comments, Ronnie.
Special correspondent, what a sledgehammer accounting of the “scorched earth policies and orders” of an “ecclesiastical leader” — this is worse than any member of the public could ever get their “woggish” heads around. — It brings visions of a veritable ‘nightmare’ visit to the ‘Church’ of Mi$cavology, amid the ghoulish stench of spiritual disembowelment and the living dead, long since stripped of their human emotion, and wheeled out for display like some macabre clothing dummies on creaking casters, as shadowy apparitions of their former selves. The eyes, completely lifeless, the plastic smiles reminiscent of a “Charlie McCarthy” ventriloquists’ doll, animated by a remote controller.The horror of being entombed into such a vault of inescapable mind control — the manufacture of madness — It is the ultimate trap for each and every soul enticed by the gilded promises of the final revealing of one’s “eternity.”
No wonder that place “creeps” people as far away from its doors as possible.
The CoS is a spiritual war zone, with casualties everywhere. It is spiritual carnage. Mike’s blog is the spiritual Red Cross.
Brilliant essay- thanks to the Special Correspondent, and to Mike for highlighting it in its own post. It is amazing when you scan the overall picture this way, you see what a wrecking machine the “Church” really is. It quite literally wrecks everything in its path; livelihoods, lives, businesses, even the the subject itself. And the one constant throughout the whole debacle, is Him. He who swings the wrecking ball in the middle, with gay abandon, seemingly oblivious to the carnage around him. I pray it will end soon. Enough already.
Such a shame.
I have witnessed some of this.
Yes, we all need to find another game, leave quietly, leave noisily, just find another game.
I often wonder about all the people who comment here, wonder what THEIR purpose is?
Do they think CofS will change or if they are changing CofS, with every finger punch of the keyboard?
For me, I ‘m done with CofS. So well done, I’ m crispy, should’ve been turned long ago.
Perhaps I have “graduated ”
The reality of DM is that he is going nowhere. He IS CofS.
I have another game, a happy one which brings joy to many.
I hope you all find a new game to play, one without CofS , one with compassion, empathy,caring, love, harmony and understanding.
Roger Waters probably had no idea when he wrote the lyrics for the “Animals” album that he was in fact writing about the Church of Scientology. Sad and sickening.
“The problem is that for decades we didn’t talk about it.” People did talk about it and try to warn others but they were dismissed as SPs or had “other fish to fry” or vested interests or whatever it was. The first person to warn others was Dr. Joseph A. Winter who actually penned the introduction in the first edition of DMSMH. It took him 3 months to realise that all was not well.
Oh…the damage that is done before people open their eyes and see the truth is unbelievable!
Just like in politics. Millions of people continue to vote for a party that wants to do away with ALL social programs, minimum wage and food stamps, and for many it’s not until they find themselves uneducated, hungry and living under a bridge do they realize they were duped. It is just a shame that so many people don’t “wake up” sooner and realize that THIS is not what they signed up for.
I got news for you, Sydney. There’s no such thing as a free lunch in this world. Someone’s got to pay for all those food stamps, housing subsidies, health care, cash payments, and other assorted goodies of the welfare state. It’s a fact that most people who choose to become wards of the state, wind up becoming too disabled to ever pay their own way in life. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.
I’ve got a suggestion. How ’bout you pay for yours, and I’ll pay for mine? I don’t want Big Brother stealing my money in or out of the church.
Ronnie, Any idea when those duped wards of the state might wake up? What is that concept that if you GIVE someone a fish, you feed him once; but if you teach him HOW to fish . . . ? Never even heard of any plans to eliminate all charity and welfare, nor signed up for a society of moochers.
What is that concept that if you GIVE someone a fish, you feed him once; but if you teach him HOW to fish . . . ?
Exactly. Taken to the extreme, imagine if everyone went on the dole. You’d wind up with the dwindling disaster that was the old Soviet Union. The old saying there was, “We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us.” Once the state controls the means of production and remuneration, individual initiative and the urge to create and work hard is destroyed because there’s no profit in it. The whole culture rapidly declines into a grey despair of hopelessness. The individual’s survival goals have been effectively squashed.
Excellent post. Thank you!
I have just received in the mail an invitation for the 29 anniversary of the IAS at Flag..
The date to be announced when it will be set, but they are inviting me to attend that event.
The logistics of travelling abroad for an unspecified date…. unimportant to them….
Just conffirm I will be there to IAS Administrations… at [email protected]
What a bait!
Typical DM CLUSTER F**K. The invitation states “The date will be announced as soon as finalized.”
Perhaps, “The Deadliest Place on Earth”? OK, I know there are some pretty bad places, like North Korea and others, but it seems like a fitting play on Flag’s motto.
Got a laugh out of me.
Harrah’s Casino at Lake Tahoe had the motto of “The Friendliest Place in the Whole World” long before the Flag Land Base existed. One would think that Broeker, DM and Dr. Denk would have gotten a taste of that business model since they apparently used Harrah’s as one of the hangouts when they had LRH parked in Carson City on his leave from Creston.
Thanks for your post! I too, have known S.O. staff that died at relatively young ages. I got out in ’82 when the misson holders were destroyed.
What you’ve posted is just the tip of the iceburg, I suspect. And until those still in wake up, it’s only going to get worse. The Idle Morgues will never have floods of people coming in. Ever. With the dwarf in charge, it will continue to dwindel. How the Idle Morgues are paying their bills and staff is beyond me. I grew up in Pasadena, CA., so I go up there several times a year and the org is empty. And, the staff keeps changing. I remember looking in and seeing the receptionist with a frown on her face. No traffic. No bodies in the shop. No nothing…
Again, thank you for your post, as heart breaking as it was, it needed to be told.
That’s a great summation of a situation that has been created in the 3rd dynamic of Scientology.
A church fighting staff members and publics who were not complying with illegal orders and off policy. Purging them. In my experience of the 2nd purge (I was part of it) Mgmt (obviously under the orders of DM) started issuing “new strategies” but in essence was changing everything, and issuing New Policy under the guise of compiling new materials in new ways so it can be more palatable. The 2D (no children in the Sea Org abortions coming down the line from Int down to FLO and all the rest of the SO orgs), 3D, New Era of Management now becoming new policy as well as GAT on the Tech and Standard Tech was never heard as a word since.
So many execs and staff went to the RPF or purged for Non Compliance with “Command” Intention. The rest knew that something was wrong with that Command Intention. Still, out of fear in the beginning they wouldn’t do anything. They kept going down the tone scale ending on various spots of the scale each time but certainly below fear.
It would be interesting to make a whole survey of how this worked with ALL sea org members. Each one and ALL. Some played the “New Game” wittingly or unwittingly, after they ended to the lower ebbs of the tone scale. Most never recovered but stayed on those bands, lying there today, having buried all their higher emotions (anger, antagonism, enthusiasm) much less their actions and postulates, in the past long forgotten.
So some who at times couldn’t take it anymore and stood up to fight would be isolated, labelled, vandalised and tortured and eventually, if nothing happened, thrown out or made to leave.
So, yes we are many and we will realise it more and more each day. I belong to the 2nd Purge (1996-2003). The stories to be told by each one who was persecuted for insisting on Standard Tech one day could be summed in a book… sorry some Volumes and then we would probably have something there to approximate what has happened. A lot is here on the Internet but it’s all scattered around.
There is a project for Indies: The Indie Volume: our Fight and our Declaration of Independence. It would sell like crazy because it would be real stories and each person who would want to publish his story in the Volume would be able to edit it and add stuff to it.
We are many. We may not be legion but we are many and we are good. Our bad? We can’t organise. It’s obvious. Some don’t even see the need for it. OK. Let’s wait a couple more years and see what happens. But my point is that united we could do much more. An organisation IS NOT a Miscavige prison camp, it’s the only vehicle for free people to accomplish their goals.
It is very sad, but true, all that was expressed by this special correspondent.
So, what do we do about it? Keep promulgating the truth, those who can deliver Scientology applied philosophy services should carry on. Those who are surviving and leading better existences should continue. Blogs like this, and other ones similar, should be supported and eventually the lies and abuses perpetrated by the main SP will crumble and, as far as many of us are concerned, he can go to the world of oblivion for the rest of his eternity.
What is even more heartbreaking is that NONE of these people who lived and died in Scientology ever actually achieved the TOTAL FREEDOM they were looking for. The highest level in the church is OT 8, and this is “the first real OT level”, right? Even if Davey is sitting on OT 9, 10 and above (likely not), then NO ONE has yet attained Total Freedom! How’s that for an outpoint! Please, someone, prove me wrong . . . . . .
I doubt DM would ever release a real OT level. He gutted the original OT levels years ago and called NOTS, an OT booster, an OT level.
You can still find the original OT levels out here if you’re interested.
There are no OT levels beyond OT 8, Do you know what an OT looks like ? Nelson Mandela, Marten Luther King and so on and so forth, I hope you have learned of them. History is NOT an Implant god damned
Exactly. It is no wonder that Miscavige is so adept at “finding” lost Tech. It’s really simple. First he hides it or squirrels it for a while and then he “finds” it.
To my understanding, Miscavige simply deep-sixed the original LRH OT LevelS IV – VII and then called the various NOTS levels and rundowns “OT IV-VII. I have read several accounts of people, including Pierre Ethier who have seen the original LRH write-ups for OT VIII which were different from what Miscavige eventually released. Then he miraculously “finds” missing stuff.
There are also witnesses who testify that they have seen the LRH write-ups for levels above OT VIII.
Miscavige is a true SP. This is his M.O.
I would not be the least bit surprised at some point to see this guy “discover” that the “3 swing” F/N as an gross error caused by the misapplications of “others”.
I am no fan of David Miscavige. But I don’t think he had anything to do with the replacement of the original OT levels with NOTs. Lay that at the feet of David Mayo who was being directed by LRH. Mayo was sent on Mission to implement NOTs and Solo NOTs. Mike Eldredge may know more about this….
So sad and so true.
The Grade chart has been published for decades with the PROMISE of “OT XV” and “Total Freedom” on the top. Yet 63 years after the founding of this movement (with most of its original members and pioneers long gone) the levels comprising the actual GOAL of the movement are said to be “Confidential” and not available to any of its members. Little they know that those stated “levels” most likely don’t even exist as advertised. There is no date in sight for even a promised release, with the earlier stated condition to their availability (all orgs Saint Hill size) not even being worked on, never mind being achieved. And, as the ultimate sign of admitting total failure to achieve the original goals, Saint Hill size orgs are no longer even being talked about, but, together with the “reward” (OT 9 & 10) being taken out of sight and replaced by “fundraising games” to build an empty facade for the church as the new “goal” of the movement… while the promised “real” OT levels are replaced with a package of rundowns designed 40 years ago and kept “confidential” since then – aimed at increasing the effectiveness of church staff in doing their jobs.
What is that if not a complete and ultimate betrayal of every single Scientologist who ever believed their church was there to help them achieve their goals, including Total Freedom and helping others?
If you are getting auditing on the lower bridge then you erase pictures or release unwanted conditions. It can happen that after some of that auditing it appears that your environment did change. You now can have a better job or an old enemy of yours gets out of your life or whatever.
Later on the so called pre OT levels you audit other stuff. Then your „case“ is not your stomach or some minor disabilities but your case is your environment. You can see your „dramatizations“ around you. In case you do a good job you can destimulate your environment. So now we all are facing a rather difficult situation. But this is our OT case. Nothing else. We have to handle it. No one else will do that for us. You do not need to sit on the cans and do endless assessments or whatever to audit this level. (and objectives and running around a pole would also not be very helpful).
What is total freedom? Death?
Special Correspondent, thank you so much for your very special commentary. Thanks Mike for posting it.