…left-over anti-drug booklets from the church of scientology.
Residual evidence that the grand plan of distributing ginormous numbers of Truth About Drugs for the Super Bowl was another Big Fail(tm).
I suspect the people who gave them money for the Super Bowl distribution might be just a bit peeved…
I suppose they are trying to clear some space in the SFO “ideal org” so they can fit in more copies of the “Basics,” “Congresses” and “ACCs.” Every org on earth has rooms full of these items when they were forced to buy them from Bridge/NEP in order to inflate the “sales figures” — any org that resisted were deemed “CI to Command Intention” and the money was simply taken by the FBO and sent to the Pubs Orgs and the Execs concerned were Comm Eved and removed. It’s the old game — someone above is stat pushing quotas. They are completely unreal. But to protest them is futile as it is seen to be “CI.” And when it comes to books, those “quotas” are turned into “sales” because the org finances are controlled by the Flag Banking Officer who does not answer to the local org or Board of Directors (in spite what it may say on their corporate papers) but is in fact responsible to funnel money “up lines” — in fact that is the FBO’s primary statistic.
TWTH when it came out, I thought it was Hubbard’s effort to temper how bad things got within the movement by the draconian stuff he’d already wrought.
But when I read the 1982 era private traffic, LRH was again raging and acting anti TWTH himself, so TWTH wasn’t ever going to become a method to make Scientology somehow tamer and milder internally like traditional religions.
LRH’s 1982 traffic of push production until you run into blocks and handle those blocks forcefully with ethics, overshadowed TWTH so TWTH is only front group lip service.
Hubbard through his final writings left the movement in this touch irreligious demeanor that lets a DM character use all the tougher options to keep things supposedly so dismal.
LRH either didn’t see what he’d done, or he was a roller coastering hopeful and then Captain Bligh who punished and canned all who failed get the stats up.
The more details of what LRH wrote you read, the story comes out poorly for LRH and Scientology. All the “Basic Books” with their tidbits of knowledge sound all inspiring and useful and helpful.
Then why is LRH in 1982 raging in his despatch traffic he answers to management saying things like “….and if you see WDC SMI, spit on him for me…..” (WDC SMI was John Aczel).
That particular very un TWTH writing by LRH, when I read, I read it again and again, I could NOT take it seriously, I thought for sure LRH was being figurative. I never would have executed that order, to go jump on John Aczel and Roger Barnes (CO SMI), both who were at the Int Base at the time of that writing, and DM and a few of DM’s entourage then spit and punch at John and Roger.
That as a major straw, that moment, reading LRH’s own words saying the “….spit on him for me….” sentence, it just meant Hubbard even as late as 1982 was swinging back into Captain Bligh.
That’s the written foundation for anyone getting physical and humiliating another Sea Orger in the top ranks, as DM does.
That “…spit on him for me….” straight from Ron’s 1982 pen, was for me about the final anti TWTH LRH writing that sticks with me today, even
And DM and others sure did spit and punch John Aczel. And same on Roger.
Hi chuckbeatty77, Thank you for your concise and informative post. Gosh,I knew way back in 78 things had to have been causing Ron much angst and anger,but reading your info on what he wrote in 82 starts to fill in the dark time memories I have.
I tried to read your piece on Tony O’s Blog, but for now something or someone decided to block me from getting to the site.I will try today. Really eventually I’ll find a way to get there-so whoever is doing it, knock yourself out! Laughter,Love,Ann.
Well I got through to the Bunker, Ann, and Chuck got the real rundown on the lowlife lrblubbard!!!
Good on you, Chuck! Great read and I’m so happy YOU KEPT BUGGING THEM!!!! What you got them to read and put up at their site really proves LRHUBBARD WAS A REAL SCUMBAG!!! (in plain English!!!)
Ann, as for your computer, download a few anti-virus programs and a couple of malware programs from CNET.COM and download.com. Get the free versions. You can use more than one. I have 3 or 4 that I run constantly. Make sure you also get one that protects your browser, as well. Get AVG anti-virus, Adaware, and pick out a few of the other maleware programs, too. They’re all good and will get rid of the scumbags. Just read the instruction when you go to the “setting” area to keep your puter as safe as possible.
Also go “incognito” when using Chrome. NO ONE can follow you with cookies left on your machine. They’re not permitted to leave cookies.
Hi Pat Wog Winner, I thank you for all the malware info.Actually we have all the anti-virus stuff provided through Apple. Walter pays for the most up to date and the company that handles all our electronic stuff / cameras etc helps out too..What I deal with is a mystery to all.We have had many strange electrical incidents since we built this house 15 years ago and the joke around all our service companies is that we built on a Native American burial space. I hope not.
But we only came into the computer age kicking & screaming around 2010 and even though I can handle the IPad much better than when I started Walter only uses his big IMac to Amazon order or pay online.Plus hubby is more comfortable without a lot of computer tech.He has had a cell phone for years and has used it once.He says he can hear more clearly on the land line.So he is no help to me if I get stuck with blockings.He laughs at me and I laugh at him.
The best part of it all is the ability to post here and have the chance to communicate with so many amazing loving connected people who are,as I am, trying to show the world the real face of the church of Scientology! OK I am off to the Bunker to see what I can do to unlock that door! Love Always,Ann.
Hi Pat Wog Winner, Will wonders never cease! This am I could get on Tony’s! Thank you again for your help.xo Ann.
Chuck – The good guy/bad guy debate about LRH still sits in some people’s minds. That’s valuable information.
I believe this obsession with gathering money under ANY guise, (WTH, IAS, etc..) is a signal of the death of the organized cherch of Scientology. They no longer promote the delivery of Scientology. Instead, Miscavige just blindly lashes out at any perceived enemy… and then pumps whales and mini whales for more money in exchange for for nothing.
If you have not seen SurvivingScientology from 2 days ago, take a look at it. It is the true face of a fake religion that should not be tax exempt…
I see the book sales push or TWTH push is all about forcing folks to buy stuff they don’t really want. The end result is people avoiding Scientology.
This is doubly weird since you’d think the COS would be pushing the purchasing of courses or auditing. This should be obvious.
IMHO, the book sales/TWTH sales/IAS donations takes money away from missions (do those still exist?) or CLV orgs or SO orgs while funneling the money to an account completely controlled by Miscavage and providing nothing of value to the contributor.
When I was in, people really wanted to pay for auditing or training. It wasn’t a hard sell. The problem was where to get the money. I knew very few Scieno’s who actually read Scieno books outside of a class. he massive basic books program at its essence simply gave folks stuff they didn’t want while depriving them of stuff that they did want. I think that’s the definition of suppression.
Very true. They have completely forgotten the purpose of orgs …….
Wow! Another expose on the church of oppression. Never ceases to amaze me the sheer magnitude of intimidation that flows through the corridors of scientology. FSO must be like a prison with guards and security systems and such. It dawned on me that it is a dual purpose system where the undesirables are kept out and the desirables are held in ‘for treatment’. And once they wise up or run out of $ they too are thrown out with the undesirables.
The explanation of the FBO funnelling money uplines regardless of solvency and then getting rid of any executive counter intention just cements the domination and intimidation that spreads throughout the scientology network. No wonder the 2 OT8s in my family are as quiet as church mice on the subject of scientology. I’ve seen a lot of crap in my life but those 8s are the most suppressed people I’ve ever known. I’ve met Heber, Mithoff, Yager and a whole stack of big wig exec’s at the Sandcastle and FSO over time and all that polished save the world mannerisms, uniforms and discipline was all bs , Go figure hey? miscavige determinism – the end all of scientology’s thinking and acting. He’s got all the money!
Hi I Yawnalot, I am dipping your post in gold-leaf for all those magnificent uniforms smile and framing it.Love U,Ann.
Yesterday a friend of mine and an ex Sea Org member posted a touching tribute on Facebook to his 5 month old daughter. He is experiencing fatherhood for the first time after having a large portion of his life taken away from him by his years of dedication to the “church” of scientology.
It got me thinking.
Every day we come to this blog where Mike posts fake crises manufactured by the “church” trying to convince people to donate more. The one thing we don’t see the “church” doing?
Praising the human condition. Allowing people the freedom to live their own lives. Allowing people to feel joy.
Each. And. Every. Step. of your journey is carefully mapped out for you by the “church” of scientology and you MUST NOT step outside of the lines for fear of destroying utterly and totally not only your life but the lives of everyone around you *gasp*.
Protect Human Rights! They trumpet.
Free our children from drugs! They scream.
This is not new. I remember this from when I was in. There was a paranoia about the world coming to an end and the need to protect people from themselves that was palpable in the group. We needed to save people from themselves. We Could. Not. Allow. People. to be themselves.
Yesterday, on a rare weekday off, I spent the day coloring and playing games with my grandchildren. On one picture, we deliberately made every item in the picture the wrong color and WENT OUTSIDE THE LINES. Guess what? The universe didn’t cave in. As a matter of fact, the only thing I noticed happening was a lot of laughter. Maybe my fridge will collapse from the weight of all the “artwork”.
I can guarantee you that none of the grandchildren in my house did drugs yesterday nor were there any human rights violations there. The biggest problem we solved was what was for lunch (mac & cheese).
Beautiful. 🙂
Valerie, to protect the world from the Church of Scientology became one of my goals in life at age 19 whether I wanted it or not. I have no grandchildren to share that with, but the world right now is a better game to tackle, but not fair game! 🙂
Hi Valerie, You are the most powerful grandlady I know. xo,Ann.
Great analogy Valerie. I too have been drawing outside the lines for a while now. Still surrounded by still-ins, under the radars, freezoners, declares, left the gamers, the lot. My contact list is something to behold.
I am on the phone one minute with a KA drinker, and 30 minutes later a UTR walks into my office. Amazing. Quite fun I might add.
Hi Subreption, Good to meet you.Bless you and borrowing a well worn phrase Keep Calm and Shine On. Love, Ann.
I too have that game going on Subreption. One minute I am consoling an UTR helping them decompress…. the next minute I am getting “regged” for my next Status by a KAG (Koolaid Guzzler) staff member. I love that I am AT CAUSE and have total conceptual understanding of what Scientology is and what it is not!!
I am more OT now than I have ever been.
I guess I could thank LRH
but I won’t. 😛
Valerie, what a fun grandmother you are! Those lucky kiddos 🙂
Doesn’t this shit get old; even to you?
You have driven off about 80% of the participants in your cult (100,000 down to 20,000) since Ron decided to move on, and left you holding the bag. What’s next as you follow the footsteps? Off to Creston with the Bluebird?
Good point threefeet…but I think we should all acknowledge Mr. David Miscavige for his contribution to society…..because of him, 80,000 got their lives back.
What is the address for Gold Base? I want to send Dave a muffin basket.
I seem to remember the address for Gold Base is:
80-80-08 Davesaprick Drive
Shelleyless, CA
Hi clearlypissedoff, Encore! Loved your post.Always,Ann.
Brilliant and very funny line! Bravo!
‘Shellyless, CA’
LOVE this!
A muffin basket, how nice, Chee. I’ll send Him a fruit cake and – hey, Mike and Chrissie, could you send COB a corned beef on rye? Rumor has it he’s only one sandwich short of a picnic.
And Mike Rinder should send Him a pie!
I’ll send DAVID MICAVIAGE, the little dick, a dozen BLACK ROSES, for Lisa McPherson, Quentin, and all the other suicides who have died under the sci-fi freaks’ care; and for all those presently locked in asylums; or those suffering and have to visit therapists five days a week!
MAY YOU GO INSANE NEXT, DAVID, you little twirp! (And we know you’re not far from it. RIGHT??? LOL) ROT IN HELL, YOU LITTLE BASTARD!
(Mike, please let this through!) 😉
Another Truth Revealed. Thank you Mike
Mike, do you think the people who donated for the Superbowl commercial or TWTH booklets know that the Orgs have not been inundated with new public?
I think Miscavige will just make crap up about statistics and present them at the next event and everyone will jump up and down and admire the emperor’s new clothes.
Same old same old
I doubt it. And if they were to be made aware of that they would thoughtstop it at once “there must be an SP in SFO org who made it go wrong” or “the staff there are probably PTS due to the heavy psych influence permeated through the gay community” or some insane “logic” that would explain it. But just wait, COB will solve it with the “Golden Age of Handout Distribution Tech” — he will find the why for this failure and the new era of massive expansion will be happening all documented by CGI videos…
“thoughtstop it” I like that – very descriptive
Jeff Hawkins covered the idea of thought stopping extremely well on his blog.
Page 7 in the Truth About Drugs leaflet contains information that is patently false. It states that small amounts of a drug act as a stimulant whereas larger amounts act as a sedative. This is absurd. Drugs cannot be both stimulants and sedatives. Another huge CoS fail.
Currently in China rampant fear of American GMO produce
is striking fear to the core of Chinese people I cannot begin to imagine
what they think about Scientology.Clue is it has to be horrifying beyond
your wildest genocide death plots.
They’re like a virus. Can’t leave well enough alone.
I didn’t know that, very interesting.
Dammit I didn’t win the lottery today…..I guess I’ll have to go sell some Scn books.
I know the odds of me making money on the lottery are better than selling Scn. books…
but hey what’s a fellow to do? Hmmm I wonder if COB has a way of taking a percentage off the top of my lottery winnings? It’s hard to get much by that little bugger.
Potpie, if you need them, I’ll give you my old scn books. I think they’re stored somewhere in my garage. But, be careful, Potpie, you know you’re not supposed to have banned books (Fahrenheit 451).
Wow, this is pretty transparent, handing out Super Bowl pamphlets at a Chinese New Years Parade. It shows they can’t even give this shit away.
In other news, the great Atlanta flap has just failed even more miserably. They will not be opening before March 13th; this leaves no orgs to be showcased in the LRH’s Birthday event. So much for expansion.
You would think 50 (FIFTY!?!) Sea Org members would have been able to counter the suppressive forces at work here, particularly SO members such as Don Dreder (VP Wise Int) and the OTC Int I/C. (or is it C/O OTC Int? I don’t care)
I think March 13th may feature another “one time only, exclusive” showing of the Grand Ribbon Yanking of the largest Class 5 org on earth to transport people to the world of high fashion and style blah blah blah Atlanta not done. Both Valleys (Silicon and porn) are still not done. Harlem appears to still be incomplete and unable to be opened in time. It’s looking barren on the Class V org front. He used up the CLO’s worth talking about. None of the AO’s purchased in the last century are going anywhere. Narconons are pretty much tapped out. What’s a guy to do to keep the faithful faithful? I would guess that the mulleted-one’s presentation will be longer than ever this year. And there will be a lot of CGI’s of “upcoming” ideal orgs that will demonstrate “massive expansion” and the announcement of a “plan” to get all orgs done because “OT IX and X are imminent.” And then Guillaume LEsevre will be trotted out for his annual public display, announced as being “from International Management” (never identified as “ED Int” any more as he was removed from that position by Miscavige in 2005 when he was put in the Hole) and he will hand out “racing silks” and that will be it for the event.
And the sheeple will stand and cheer and wolf whistle and not a thing will change in the real world except the inevitable attrition as more and more wonder whether there is really any hope in the hope that is promised.
Tone 40 is fast approaching Tone -40.
+1! Outstanding post, Mike.
Wasn’t Guillaume removed from his position as official rah-rah bitch for the atrocious, repulsive Birthday Game last year by one of DM’s new favorites? I forget who it was. I know it was some young woman, a second-generation lifer. Maybe someone else can come up with the name.
Oh yes, you are right Espi. He has been officially retired now like Heber and Ray Mithoff and Yager and others. Never to be seen again and nobody is supposed to ask.
They have been put out to pasture (perhaps a better analogy would be “sent to the glue factory”).
One day I would love a reporter to ask “Who is the President of CSI? ED Int? Snr CS Int” CO CMO Int?” – but this is the sort of question they cannot answer which is why no spokesperson ever speaks to the press any more.
The basic problem is there is no one to ask!
How right you are…
Silicon and Porn. Lol.
Hi Mike, Thank you, a very insightful post on dm and his world. I have had a feeling that dm has been working on a titanium carrot dangling off a light saber rod, holding the secrets of the precious illusion of OT9 & OT10. Except for a furtive escape under cover of night with the codes to all the millions stashed in the Cayman’s and Leichtenstein,what other magic can dm generate? None to my mind as far as Scientology is concerned.The whales and celebs will act loyal for sometime to come, but sooner or later the cracks will widen.Thank you for your Blog.Always,Ann
did you meant they were to be pissed off by senior investigator universal Superior DM?
PS: You’re right to copyright “Big Fail” as an expression of one of the some expressions describing best poor dwarf.
Last nite on the Grammy broadcast in Washington DC there was a Scientology ad. I thought they only ran them during the Superbowl.
I tweeted and posted to FB yesterday the email alerts sent around to scientologists to be sure they watched the ads. They are intended to keep the internal public happy and give them reasons to take more money from the whales. The general public reaction was typically outraged. Twitter lit up last night as soon as the first ads appeared. My favorite tweet: @conorbiller Who told the Scientologists about television
“who told the Scientologist about television”, seriously did have me laughing out loud! Brilliant!
Didn’t LRH do a television interview in his Sea Org hat?
He did, Leslie. And you can see his lower teeth rotting out of his mouth. I guess fatso didn’t believe in Dental Tech….
He was terrified of it, according to Hana Eltringham.
Hi thegman77, Bright sun here today and your post. After I read it,I was reminded of an incident years ago in Sea Org.In 75 I got a horrible toothache.The chain of Sterling dental offices were not in place for SO until almost 78 I think & I never got sent there anyway.So off I went to Qual and originated about my tooth.Basically it was suck it up and make it go right.The next day my whole face was swollen.One executive took me aside and said to soak some type of poultice in clove oil and stick it in my mouth throughout the day and night.It was disgusting and foul but Ron did not like dentists so as a good SOer I used that clove oil for one week.And all cleared up.Then I thought Ron was so right about dentists and I would never go to one as a SOer. Now I think my immune system came to the rescue!Of course after I blew I had all my teeth crowned they were so rotten.Crazy! Thank you for reminding me of this.Love to you 2 Ann.
You bet!
“World in Action: The Shrinking World of L. Ron Hubbard (1968)”
and it’s brilliant. Available on all good video sites on the Internet 🙂
… next line …. “Someone should tell them about the internet.”
Now, Mary…you and I both know that the cult don’t need no stinkin’ internet! That would invalidate all of the OTs! I mean, with their Super Pooper Powerz, why would they need the internet which is populated with Wogs? No, Telexes are fine. And they don’t need to be told otherwise.
When I was in high school we used to access mainframe computers with telex terminals through audio modems.
Hi OSD, I am telling you if you want a telex from me it has to go to ten different continents and end up at the end of the rainbow and even then you would wait days to find out where it got to.Laughter, XO Ann.
Wow Mike…..
Your latest articles are great and are taking apart the whole con in some very simple sentences by just evaluating the given data,
This is so funny. I bet you don’t use the data evaluator course manual to dissect the nonsense.
After years of having been out the nonsense becomes so obvious and simple…..
LOL you made my day !
Here’s an interesting thing about this type of stuff … Scientologists don’t even really give a shit about it, not this, or CCHR, or events or much of anything that comes down the line “to do.” They’re numb to this stuff, They’re like automatons. A button is pushed to make phone calls or pass out pamphlets and their bodies go into some lower harmonic of action. There’s NOTHING behind it. The only thing that gets Scientologists’ juices flowing and emotion being expressed occasionally is when they are gossiping about how fucked up and out ethics former productive staff and former friends have become. Yeah, of course even this is a more animated collection of circuits, but they come “uptone” out of their chronic numbness because while they are only temporarily in “righteous viciousness” you might say, they get a fleeting feeling of thinking that even though lesser mortals have fallen, THEY are still the true saviors of the universe. Feeling doesn’t last long, soon they are back on automatic again.
Not totally true Joe, depends on what or who you mean by “Scientologist”? I certainly cared but didn’t realize the background reason for it all until a bit later – commissions! And DM’s probable commission on the world wide stat as well. This (really) criminal stat pushing on books started date coincident with Miscavige’s take over around 1982 and then we also find out that Regges and BSOs were making big bucks out of it all as well. There was even a push to debit T&P accounts for books so that the criminal regges involved could claim commission that week. No, it was a pure DM-pushed (or rather he made it “ok”) as he was undoubtedly raking it in as well as head of Author Services at that time, if my memory holds true. On a more general matter than books, as I recall docile FBOs were even sending more money than they should have to Flag/FOLOs above what the policy states as a way of “getting their stats up” – on other words robbing the Class V Org staff of their (little) weekly pay. All this probably still carries on today as of course, some are making big bucks out of it.
The biog concentration on booksales and forcing orgs to buy books they didnt need began with the inauguration of Author Services. They existed to make money for L. Ron Hubbard. They were set up to accomplish this in two ways: royalties from non-fiction and direct income and royalties from fiction. Massive stocking of orgs with “minimum” bookstocks, even forcing the Dianetics campaign to sell Dianetics and get it onto the NY Times bestseller list was all driven by ASI. And of course, the fiction books (including Battlefield Earth and Mission Earth) and the Frizetta prints and the “signed leatherbounds” were all part of raising the level of income to Hubbard. This was ASI’s stat and purpose. Miscavige was the head of Author Services. But Hubbard was directing every move they made.
Remember that well. I knew many who bought those prints. Hated them myself (Who cares about big boobs;).) One “single female” (a man) I know bought hundreds of thousands of those stupid prints. Then when the IRS confiscated them to possibly retrieve some of his back taxes, they didn’t sell. The IRS put them up for auction and zip – big goose egg – they gave them back to the scientologist. LOL
It looks like the jig is up, though. In my final days I was aware of so many parishioners that hated handing out anything or buying anything or even doing anything. I firmly believe that most still in are aware of the bullshit. Fear is powerful. So they just quietly do their thing and maintain “appearances.”
How very sad, Mary. Of course, I hope they all wake up one day and file out of the cult with a raised middle finger. But, until then, I would hate to be staff, or, even worse, Cee Org. Imagine you actually realize what’s happening as a staff member, but, point out the obvious to an ED and your fucked. Now sure how they sleep at night…..
I remember asking questions about ASI as a public. I was told by a very sincere sea org officer that it was a way to finally get some money to Ron and his family, after all these years of doing without and throwing millions into research for the tech.
I was so all in, I started selling books along my silly “lazy art” route, lol.
I think I remember one of the “quals” to go into ASI was something like the ability to reg $1,000,000 a year. Makes sense since it was all about making El Ron rich beyond his insatiable desire for money, gold and jewels.
It is almost impossible to believe that there are a few people around who have left the “church”, have all the data on Hubbard available and yet they still cannot confront what he was. Sad indeed.
Hi Mike Wynski, Thank you, your post made me think.What is the magnate that sticks and holds those still in to the love of all things Ron and dm.Being part of a team that is charged with saving all mankind from the baddies of the world outside the cos takes lots of energy.The problem is with all the pain hurt lies and desruction of families and relationships suicides etc this cult has caused to happen while smiling out one side of the mouth on how humanitarian they are,created massive stuck flows which keep them anchored to the repetition that is the bridge today.And to dm.Just my feeling.Love, Ann.
Back in late 68 (I think) or thereabouts, the first huge DMSMH was leveled at all the orgs. In NYC, then in what seemed like perpetual Power trend (no falsified stats, either), ALL staff was ordered off post and told to go out into each and every books store IN ALL FIVE BOROUGHS (about 60-80 staff mind you) and NY stats promptly crashed But we did get lots of orders for the book. We finally found out that the books had never been printed by Pubs DK and we never heard anything more about it. I personally lost all interest in selling books from then on. My bet is that most of my fellow staff did likewise. Total insanity!
Books make booms
Is hard to prove
But Davey’s orgs
Are ideal tombs
Hi Gadfly, Just found your post and loved it.Second laugh this morning,thank you! Love,Ann.
Yes Foolproof … the folks who make money care for sure … the Scientologists who I characterize as “in bidness” … whether it’s a former bit actor like Michael Roberts or an emarassing old hack like Arte Maren (his admin videos are cringe worthy) … they’ve found their cash cow, no denyin’ it.
Cow is soon to run out of milk and that’s the udder truth.
Yes, you’re right about they are numb. I think they are so PTS to DM and his minions that they have turned into Robots and like a robot, they robotically do whatever they are ordered to do and they respond immediately without thinking and do it as a circuit with no real intention or purpose. Robots. That is the product of DM.
Dave and The Robots – good name for a new age punk band.