It is sometimes interesting to look back at promises made in earlier years. This is some empty hype from 2014 that reads the same as their bs pitches today.
They start with offering that “12 important opinion leaders” were “introduced” through the “L. Ron Hubbard Series” (NOT “LRH books”) and then one unnamed leader talked about The Way to Happiness (not supposed to be promoted as an “LRH book.”).
They claim to have gotten permission to distribute the “beginning books of Dianetics” and WTH to libraries. No scientology of course as they are pretending this is not religious material (the bait and switch used when convenient).
This is the extent of the accomplishment of “helping Iran.”
Like they do with their ideal org pitches – Albuquerque has a population of blah and is home to many diverse neighborhoods with a low cost of living blah blah blah – they then go on with a travelogue of population numbers and dubious facts about Iran.
The kicker comes at the end. Apparently no books are actually being distributed by New Era or anyone else unless you donate $300 (a wildly inflated number for 3 basic Dianetics books and WTH).
So, of course nothing happened. There are as many LRH books in Iranian libraries today as there were in 2013. Zero.
And if anyone did hand over $30o it was absorbed into the New Era slush fund of “donated funds to be spent as we choose” and was probably used to finance the delegation from New Era that flew in to bring LRH tech to Lower Slobovia (one of Hubbards favorite countries).
The cult once shipped a huge box of Blubbard’s books to the chief of a California county’s probation department. She showed it to me one day saying it would all be staying in her closet, forever. She couldn’t toss it out (because it was govt property now) but was surely not going to let it outta the closet and infect folks. Smart lady indeed. Bet the cult counted them as books sold or distributed to public. Dumb ass.
The cult took care not to name any of the Iranians they were trying to propagandize. By now it’s second nature to be “Fabian”. It didn’t matter anyway, as the contacts must have been extremely shallow.
Well DONE, Church of Scientology!
Everything has worked out SO well with Iran, thanks to you!
Um…wait…I misspoke…it actually hasn’t…HASN’T worked out…at ALL…so, er…, never mind!
But, of course, we ALL knowthat it WOULD have worked out if those Mullahs over there had just kept word-clearing their god-damned Misunderstood Words…but noooooo, they knew best and kept frying other fish, and, now, here we are, what a mess, having to deal with THEIR Vast Panorama of Mental Effects…What a bunch of Mrs. Pattycakes! Don’t they realize that they can’t waste this brief breath in eternity? Jeesh!
I am extremely in favor of this LRH book campaign to Iran.
In fact, I would like to see it extended so that these books are personally delivered to the Houthis and to Hesbollah. This is so important that the only person to spearhead this effort is good old COB himself.
I would love to see Miscavige right in the front line on a fool’s errand like this.
I can not stop with laughing!
Is this a collection of huts in the Carpathians?