One of the things scientology is very good at it is peer pressure/reinforcement.
A key tool of this technique is the “Success Story” which is required from every person who completes a service in scientology.
Here is a classic example that ticks all the boxes of over the top gushing hype — following a couple of weeks of running around a pole all day. And this is the SECOND TIME she has done this “rundown.”
I have been exterior since my last day of my Cause Resurgence Rundown last Friday and day by day I see how it’s not going to change!
I have the sense that so much mass has been lifted off me that while the MEST universe is still the same it is all of me that is truly shifted and changed.
We go around trying to change MEST, to change MEST, to change MEST in order to change perspective and then we have this incredible tech which changes perspective and one’s own universe so as to not need to have to compulsively change MEST, unless we really want to.
It feels like I have spiritually woken up as a Thetan from a slumber that I didn’t even know I was in.
Prior to this CRRD, I had an epic SRD program wherein I garnered 44 FTA’s.
Then this second CRRD opened up this complete shift which has been at the Top of the Chart of Attitudes (unbeknownst to me as I was originating it until after some time and I thought hmmm it’s really high on the scale! Then I told my IC, this is from that chart that’s in handbook for pre-Clears and I think it’s at the top of that chart! (Chart of Attitudes he chimed in!)
I keep kind of assuming I might go back to the same perspective where I was before and I realize it’s just not possible now.
When LRH talks about may you never be the same he ensures you will never be the same!
Backed by the completion of my beautiful FPRD (another epic life-changing step on the bridge) as well as the lean mean confronting shattering Being I’ve become from the PTSSP Course and a majority of the basics, the Special Course on Human Evaluation, this experience on Cause Resurgence was truly completely different from my first time.
The correct data gives you the anchors with which you can you can secure yourself, and your own knowingness is what steers you towards the truth. All you have to do is this beautiful tech that LRH has laid out with so much care, precision, and thought with regard to every possible permutation and combination of case manifestations which could occur.
Not to mention the case unravels itself with just the correct tech in quite a perfect and magical way and the wins and gains I wished and postulated to have are truly there for me to have.
If I try to count the endless numbers of ridges and masses blown on a daily basis—WOW!
On a very personal level I blew eons of confusion which most definitely had everything to do with OT phenomenon of past present and future abilities.
I always knew myself to be a very granting of beingness in communication and aesthetic artist and with life’s losses, and truly my own occlusions and failures to boot, I had ended up in a very painful and in my opinion ridiculous scenario just a year and a half ago.
Now after FPRD I originated to do CRRD a second time to handle this mental well of chaos I was experiencing and also because I knew I wanted to do it at some point again.
When I was CS for SRD I was not told it would be of epic proportions! I made all of my universes go right to ensure I stay here at FLAG and finished this program I was given because if my SRD was out I was not going to let the MEST universe take a hold of me and thrash me around again so I stayed and stayed and stayed until I finally got through this 560 hour program ending off with the most incredible twinship I’ve ever had!
So while holding on for dear life through this SRD I clearly gained more and more stability and power and just plain old healing and ARC and lo and behold in new waves and new levels that I never realized before, I started to see how so I am the thetan and how so this is simply a MEST game I am playing.
And then there was the incredibly powerful shift of awareness of location of the being from the body to the exterior thetan location (rather than awareness of exteriorization from the body from within the body) which has occurred over the past two rundowns more and more than ever before.
I can feel where I am and it is not inside of my body and it is much more comfortable that way! And it doesn’t hurt and I don’t feel stuck and I feel more expanded than I ever have before.
So many circuits blown so many machines pushed aside and so many extraordinary OT energy flows rediscovered and able to be used to handle life.
This rundown rehabilitated the being’s native power—my power and purpose after shedding numerous valances wherein I realized how right I have always been! I would not be here if I was not right and how many beautiful joyful prosurvival moments of life I have instantaneously made a decision on and it was right, it was unadulterated not misguided not altered, but me. Anything else was something else and I once again hold the line on my decisions not to be waivered by allowing myself to be asleep—enough of that game! The knowingness of the correctness of my decisions is high.
By demonstration I see time and time again how my postulates are absolutely senior to all mechanics and considerations and I operate in postulates instead of having considerations and being fearful from past errs and feeling the very occluded MEST enveloped dauntingness as effect.
I understand how to use my energies to lean forward and approach the future with my original fervor.
The level of present time I am experiencing is accompanied and lead by an exteriorization like never before.
I am no time no space no place just me – Cause.
You have to love that last line… Obviously, she has no further need for scientology if this is true. But you can bet she was regged for her “next service” right after she finished writing this.
My other favorite phrase in here is her statement she has become a “lean mean confronting shattering Being”… I assume she is trying to say she can confront and shatter suppression? I’d love to have a chat with her on the street and see how long this lasts!!:)
This silliness pretty much sums up the delusion of scientologists.
While laughable, it is also sad.
OK, I’ll give a different take on this.
I CS’d at an org for 11 years , so I have read a LOT of success stories, not just from actions I CS’d, but in getting familiar with new cases I’d read their previous success stories. And I can tell you that this is no run of the mill SS. Hey, SHE considers she had all these great wins and realizations. I personally believe in a person’s ability to shape their universe and life to a great degree. So more power to her . Will it last? How would I know? Is she REALLY exterior to her body? Not sure from her wording of it , but how the hell would I know. I had wins in Scientology until I didn’t any more. I never went exterior. If I had actually floated out of my body COMPLETELY then maybe I’d still be in.
One thing is for certain, she must have TONS of money/credit available to spend 560 hours in SRD (actually that seems unreal to me that it could take that long, but she ain’t complaining . In my day, someone with her wins would join staff and become an auditor . Maybe she will, maybe she won’t . I don’t know the lady .
*and yes, Mike’s comment about her not needing any more scientology makes sense when you get an SS that seems so over the top that the person is claiming to be what LRH might consider to be an “OT” after bottom of the chart actions. Almost the opposite of the people who are OT8’s and then say their case was REALLY handled doing CCH5 again. You wonder what kind of an OT8 they were.
A person’s ability to shape his/her life is NOT what scientology is about.
Of course, one can ignore all of the contradictions in the books and policies and lectures.. and the lies and bait-and-switch shenanigans, as well as the thetanic pseudoscience of the e-meter and the “tech”/dreck attached to it…and perhaps fashion a “win” from the Crowleyian pile of shit that it actually is, but it’s neither a real therapy nor a valid spiritual path(and wasn’t intended to be; see the Hubfart’s affirmations); even a cursory critical analysis of scientology materials, practices, organizations, and legal history yields such a definitive conclusion, in my opinion.
Yes, humans can transform abusive, predatory, degrading relationships and experiences into lessons and wisdom that can proof them against further suffering, but they don’t-thankfully- regard those situations and relationships as being innately beneficial or healthy or desirable.
Brilliant reply.
My favourite phrase was.
after FPRD I originated to do CRRD a second time
Did you? Did you really originate that? Or was there some not so subtle CSing and regging going on there. Tho well done them for making you think it was your idea.
Anyway, I just ‘originated’ to go make a cup of tea, so I’m off to do that now..
Now regardless of the fact that she will always have a more crackling success story than the previous one for each service she does,
and regardless that these mental states that she describes are obtainable at no cost with meditation (and there is a whole explanation for that),
what one really needs to understand and don’t forget is that these mandatory success stories are PURPOSELY part of the mechanism of control and indoctrination of the individual to which everyone is subjected.
It’s actually a pretty insidious trick. If you don’t have a good success story, then back to training, or qual, or ethics. So you shore up your creative writing skills, and try to be as pertinent as you can to the expected gains, and then embellish the hell out of it. I did that. I actually tried real hard to believe what I wrote too. And who knows, maybe things will work out like what I wrote….. I hope. But in doing that, others read it, and feel they too must have these types of wins. It’s an obligation. So it’s either living the delusion, or feeling depressed because you’re not experiencing these wins that “so many others are having”. There were some things in the basic courses that, for me, were pretty cool. But that ends pretty quickly. And it gets to the ridiculous point where so many O.T.’s are having such incredible “O.T. phenomena” But none of it can be demonstrated.
Ha Ha! That “lean, mean, confronting, shattering being” that she has become – I zeroed right in on that delusional boast also, Mike, wondering how long it would take for this powerful thetan to scurry away with hands over her ears after a few choice questions were posed to her, questions which wouldn’t take an exalted state of beingness to answer, only the normal powers of observation well within the capabilities of any raw meat wog with normal eyesight and decent hearing paying even casual attention.
Success stories also reinforce false attribution, in which people imagine that positive things in their lives — or even things they imagine as positive, such as some sort of change in perspective or feeling — are due to a particular external source, when in reality they’re likely illusory, coincidental, or the the sort of things that just happen in the course of maturing. But it’s devious in the way that it leverages that human weakness or cognitive bias that can lead people to confuse causation with correlation, against participants
When LRH talks about may you never be the same he ensures you will never be the same!
How true, it leaves you as a zombie trained to open your wallet and bank account when prodded.
That’s sure a long winded way of saying she got a “runner’s high” that released a ton of feel good endorphins into her blood stream. She could have done the same thing by taking a free jog for a few miles, while being able to look at interesting scenary, instead of paying to run around a pole.
OMG, that’s true! A runner’s high. I was never much of a jogger. Mostly I used to kill myself at the gym to stay in shape and liked it. Rarely did I jog but a friend nagged me once and we ran 3 miles and it damn near killed me but afterwards I felt high and it was nice. I remember he said, “Wouldn’t you like to feel like this every day? We could jog and you could feel like this every day!” I had friends totally addicted to jogging because of this high they got afterwards.
Okay, here’s a success story!
The Flatulence Rundown has increased my ability to be at cause over my colon. The examiner in Qual was quite impressed my my new ability to build up enough gas in my large intestine to blow ‘Get On The Road To Freedom’ out of my anus with enough left over to finish with the LRH birthday song. I wish to extend most grateful thanks to our beloved COB who has given us this amazing and useful technology! Many apologies to my now asphyxiated examiner in Qual as well as to the org who now reaps the benefits of this super awesome tech by replacing all the wallpaper in the Qual area.
Wikipedia lists a lady looking very like the above picture. ‘ Amrapali Ambegaokar is a famous Dancer. She was born on April 18, 1978 and her birthplace is Chicago, IL. Amrapali is also well known as, Dancer and actress’. This lady worked as a dancer in Circ du Solei. And an actress.
IF this is the same lady who ran the pole then she came prepared as a professional actress to deliver a success story as to befit her talent. She best watch out for the love bombing to draw her utterly into their inferno paradise.
Is this all because she ran around a pole? She goes on for pages about RUNNING AROUND A POLE?
If, after spending a lot of money at Flag, just to run around a post, entitles you to receive a bullshit, jumbled salad of romantic words written by Dan Sherman, then this girl has got too much money at her disposal or, Dan has got nothing else to do with his time.
Have none of them heard of “Runner’s High”?
It passes.
“‘Runner’s High’…It passes…Rapidly”. Long before she even receives the credit card bills?
They could have just been morphine addicts since endorphins are said drug. Uh oh, here comes Narconon! Either way you are manipulated.
560 hour program?
I’d be babbling incomprehensibly too after spending that much at Flag.
THAT is an unbelievable amount of time (and money) on an auditing program and, back when I was C/Sing, would be more than enough to take you from fresh meat to Clear TWICE.
I’m presuming that’s time spent running around a pole and also doing Objectives but that’s an awful lot of damage to a person’s mental and emotional health to be being forced into robotically following irrelevant activities.
Interesting to see that this woman has fallen back in the old concept of the human mind. Hubbard saw space, colors and all types of ideas. The pure thetan was driving thought. If Hubbard could drive pure thought, we would all be clear. Hubbard never noticed that all systems are impefect. sorry ronnie.
And the MOST imperfect is ronnie’s techniques.
Well, let the girl (Amrapali Ambegaokar) ENJOY her regained Beauty and Joy of Being Alive – that she worked so long and determined for, and paid so much for, to regain some of – even though it is, and remains now WITHIN the ‘Golden Cage’ that Hubbard spun for her and others.
At one time or another, she will want to free herself from Hubbard’s domination that she can not see currently – as she also admits to not having been aware of similar things that hindered her life and her being herself.
She has no hard compulsion to pull others into Hubbard’s Energy Cage – which we so well know from others who must so justify ‘having been pulled into it.’
Also, when she meets you, she will simply look at you, and not ask “Hubbard’s permission” to be with you:
That’s the consequence of her being aware of her Beauty, which she wishes to maintain also in front of you.
With best possible wishes, Koos
“I have been exterior since my last day of my Cause Resurgence Rundown last Friday and day by day I see how it’s not going to change!”
Why is she bragging about being homeless?
Zee Moo, ha ha fun joke. She doesn’t need to spend money to go exterior. I was a long distance runner in my younger days and went ext on runs. Also once I did a fast and after three days of fasting went exterior. All for not one dime spent.
About two weeks ago, I went up to my local pub to watch a game of footy. I had four pots of beer, total cost, $20, I thoroughly enjoyed the stay and, when I arrived home I went exterior. Money well spent.
Corny Joke Alert:
They should be doing the Cause ReCindy Rundown.
Keep them running, let them sleep in your yard, don’t let them eat.
OMG, the wins they’re going to have!
The Time Is Now!
If she was really in this state which she tries to describe – she would know something… which she obviously not know – because she describes a lot of aberated mechanism of her past. Baically she should say: I lost my whole ARC – and have forgotten how I created it before. That happens when you go in your native state… and she would surely not need any further Scientology. She would also know that something is really really wrong with Scientology. Obviously is this not happened – so what?
After reading her success story I really have no idea what she said. I noticed she didn’t thank COB in addition to LRH. I thought that was a requirement now.
It was weird that after her win on the rundown and how big a win it was, she then goes on to say because of a well of chaos she asked for the CCRD again, the Clear Certainty Rundown to sort out whether she is Clear or not. That’s weird to have that bad indicator of chaos and uncertainty on Clear after the big win of the other rundown.
Right, Doug.
In the current scientology pantheon, Davey is superior to LRH.
Didn’t thank COB!
Uh oh.
Bad indicator.
I’ll have to write her up.
She may need a redo.
The church of scientology’s Attestation Line which includes going to Examiner, F/Ning and then writing a Success Story is also another form of abuse. If you don’t want to write a success story for ANY reason, you will get sent to Qualifications Division to see, “What’s wrong.” And if something comes up like, “I just didn’t get that much out of it.” or even if you just wanted to go home, you will have to go back and “Get Corrected” and do more of whatever it was you were attesting to or worst case scenario, you will be sent to HCO! Yikes! Ethics Division! Stay as far away from that one as possible; that could mean doing Lowers and going around and having to get signatures from the majority to get accepted back into scientology. Horrible.
So just freaking F/N at exam and write a Success Story, even if it is too long, or an obviously-impossible state of existence.
Yes that’s so true Mary. When I was newly in, I finished some auditing and was asked if I’d like to write a Success Story. I said no. And I got sent to somewhere to check why etc, just as you wrote. I admitted I’d said No because I had to go to work and was now late for work that day. So they let me off easy as I was new and didn’t know any better. But I learned that the ONLY answer to that question, “would you like to write a success story” is always yes. Always.
Right! Being sent to ‘ethics is identical to being sent to the principal’s office in school. Ohhh, YOU’RE gonna get it!
Except when you get sent to the principals office, you don’t have to make a $5000.00 “donation” to the IAS to get out of there.
I wonder, how much did that meaningless piece of paper cost her?
Will she still be so in control say in 6 months when another problem in her life crops up and she should, as she said, be all ready to take care of said problem but no, she can’t. Will she then need to fork out the cost to go through this again? Will that introduce another problem into her life by taking all of her money? Probably.
There seems to be no end to this. It just repeats itself. (By design to pull in the dollahs)
I just think it would be fun, if you had no family or really close friends in, to sit in front of your auditor holding the almighty cans, and say you have made a discovery. You have a withhold that you didn’t know you had but were ready to make known. You had a cognition that you realized you really were not who you thought you were but you were really Xenu and had escaped the dungeon you were kept in and wanted to speak to whom ever was in control of scientology.
I wonder how that would go?
Wow, Interesting win!
But I got the exact same results 4 decades ago and didn’t have to pay a cent. And no it wasn’t drugs or anything but myself.
Poor Amrapali, Hope she wakes up and walks out soon.
You are a wife beater Mike.
Comment from the peanut gallery.
The evidence you have for your wild claim is????
Certainly not the police and EMT report from the infamous doctor’s parking lot assault on ME….
Congratulations Mr. Rinder. When trolls attack like they have here lately that means you are hitting the target and it hurts them. If you were doing nothing they wouldn’t attack.
Good Job!
AND in the scientology style, everything gets reversed and scientology always becomes the victim of its own actions. Mike’s wife attacks HIM, so he’s the wife-beater.
This cult is so disgusting, the way it lies.
Helfreid/Cus the Gog, and whatever other names he hides behind changing his name yet again to have a cheap shot because he’s royally pissed off at not having any effect? All this does is well and truly cement his standing as a nasty and petty little troll.
Mike Rinder ambushed by barking mad ex-wife & underlings of David Miscavige:
David Miscavige’s violence: – Scientology Exposed – The Violence of Leader David Miscavige – Tampabay : Mark Fisher beaten by David Miscavige
David Miscavige’s violence:
Testimonial of Jeff Hawkins:
Testimonial of Steve Hall:
( > 4:39 how David Miscavige is hitting Marc Yeager 5 or 6 times in the head… )
With Thursday upon us, I assume you’re simply stat chasing (and if my reply to you gives you a few extra points, I’m genuinely happy for you).
But I’m curious…how is your comment setting a good example for the “effectiveness and wisdom of Scientology”?
Is this really what you got into scientology for?
@ “Mike”,
Captain, is that you?
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: false assumptions.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
You enturbulate yourself every time you look in the mirror!
No love at all,
You know, Alco, he may be more enturbulated than we know. I mean, he was “isolating” for many years even BEFORE Covid. Pure speculation on my part, but the pandemic might have been the Dwarf’s mental tipping point. Its possible. Look what 2 years of Covid did to Putin! Its possible that Covid and the devastation it wreaked on the orgs sent Miscavige officially off the rocker. Its possible that as such he is now being carefully guarded and humored and outright lied to by his inner circle, in order to contain his rage, of course, but also to ensure that knowledge of COB’s his true mental state does not leak out. Certainly this would not be information that the cult would not want “furthered”. Again, pure speculation on my part but its not impossible. And in the immortal words of Sherlock Holmes “When one has eliminated the impossible, what remains, however improbable, is the truth.”
Or it could go back further than that.
Yes, certainly.
Luckily it wasn’t like that when I was in. That was four or five years after Ron had died and I had never heard of David Miscavige.
Who is this clown?
I’m pretty sure he’s a talking arse alien from Uranus.
He is one of those weird guys who play a joke without being seen and then hidden in a corner they laugh alone for hours just like poor idiots.
This fool could be useful, instead of being a pathetic troll, and take a trip here in Italy.
Soon we would have a village festival and we desperately need a comedian. But given the type of local countryside audience (the last comedians were shot with salt and then released the dogs against) it is better for him to bring good running shoes. Food is free.
44 Floating TA’s on SRD? what a rush! I don’t think I had that many in my whole Scientology auditing – come on people. Is that meter working ok? Did you check for rings? lol
That Runner’s High is pretty powerful stuff. Of course you’ll feel light-headed and woozy /(re-interpreted as “exterior”)
Yes, the success story is entirely jargon. Nothing in there says anything about any effects of doing all this Scientology in the real world. She talks about feeling like she has improved connection with the MEST universe, but doesn’t actually say what she changed in the observable MEST universe using all her super-clarity and newly discovered power.
And you’d think that’s particularly important for her, because Amrapali Ambegaokar is a dancer and actress, who’s gotten some recognition for her dance skills and some parts on TV shows you’ve heard of. How many additional gigs has she gotten as a result of doing the running program twice and spending $60,000-plus? How much more flexible are her limbs now that she surely has the ability to command the cells of her body to stretch her tendons and ligaments?
It seems likely that they’re publishing this lengthy, detail free diatribe because they’re going to feature her more as part of their celebrity outreach program.
YEs, you are probably right about the ulterior motive here. She wants to be featured in their promotion somehow (any publicity is good publicity, just spell my name right), maybe even sit in the same room as Tom Cruise one day….