I have seen a lot of bs hype in my time, but this would make Jon Lovitz’s character on SNL blush.
I am certain nobody will ever top this, but I have been wrong before about the insanity inside the bubble. But there is no question it will take some doing to out-hype this baby.
And who IS this guy and what is this uniform he is wearing? He looks the part of a South American toy soldier… He is building his lapel pin collection.
His briefing is of course URGENT. Which is why they did it in Florence, Kentucky (“Greater Cincinnati”). And it is only urgent because the Freewinds is desperate for money. At this point they will say or do ANYTHING to get money.
HIS Way To Happiness Campaign has “resulted in” a 60 percent drop in crime in the country.
But even more outlandish, it has resulted in a 700% growth in the economy (apparently it works on land but not on the Freewinds as their economy sucks).
Not only that, he has made it the happiest country on earth. Maybe he could wave his magic WTH wand over the Freewinds crew as they are pretty unhappy about the state of affairs on board the bankruptcy barge.
This deserves a prominent spot in the international hype hall of fame.
And what a coincidence is this? Someone happened to send me this article, dated 19 January 2015 about the world’s most dangerous ports for cruise ships. Number 3 in their Top 10, is, you guessed it, Colombia….
1984 says
@ Eclipse – Thank you. Interesting reading.
BTW, I could not open:
Curious: page 11 shows 17 ribbons, but 14 medals………..
peggy oconnor says
Oops, meaning to say brain carts, carried by carts….guess I had one.
peggy oconnor says
I am sure the Cartel were surprised. Happy, happy, happy due to drug use! Even Narconnon joined the happy,happy,happy crew over, under around an on-board the Freewinds.
When I read these ads my poor brain melts from the overload of hot shite they promote. Really, you would have to be on drugs to believe any of these so called numbers.
Whoever makes up these ads suffer from massive brain carts!
Wait, Davey has a lot of money, he can fix up his own boat. He needs to regs himself! Quick Dave, call yourself and donate your person up the bridge as you are far behind. Become the Supersized ultra humanitarian, bronzed, delivered triple done an overdone giver of such multitude of funds that Mary a one can touch yea.
Chuck Beatty says
In 1993 or 1994 I was the computer operations officer of Author Services Inc.
I’d had some compilations history, I’d prior experience, short, at LRH Tech Comps under Senior C/S Int Office back in 1988-89 for a couple months, and I’d read then, for the first time, the “Prosperity Bulletin” that was one of the “Compilations Officer Full Hat Checksheet” items. (And before that I did a lot of the final computerized routing forms submissions, themselves sort of a compilations job, not the same as doing a full blown compilation of LRH’s despatches into a bulletin which was the normal job of the famous ex compilations people like Phoebe Mauer and Dan Koon and Russ Williams and many other earlier older timer Sea Org tech people, but I was a novice who never got off the ground on LRH issues, but I had done compilations of non LRH routing forms, 90 submissions I’d slaved through.)
But Author Services Inc has a filing cabinet drawer full of LRH despatch orders, and some were turned into “Prosperity Bulletins” and I think Maria Starkey and possibly Marion Dendiu Pouw were the authors of those early ASI Prosperity Bulletins.
The one bulletin, was important so generally, that it was included in the list of checksheet items to study, even at the Senior C/S Int Office LRH Tech Comps Compilations Officer Full Hat Checksheet.
That particular “Prosperity Bulletin” on the Compilations Officer Full Hat Checksheet covers a universal point, that relates back to Pat Broeker’s talk at the LRH Death Briefing event, which is LRH’s “timeless tech” writings (despatch traffic) needed to STILL be finally all turned into “timeless tech” bulletin form for all the various units.
After that 1986 time after LRH died, then in the next couple years, the Gold bulletins were finalized. The OSA Network Orders were finalized. The red volume tech bulletins got re-checked and re-issued in the 1991 red volumes (Dan Koon should tell that story). Tom Ford I think re-viewed and had the Flag Orders all cleaned up and finalized and loose ends fixed up.
The ASI “Prosperity Bulletins” needed to be fixed and finalized still, even though some of the ASI traffic had come out.
When I came to ASI in 1992, the ASI Prosperity Bulletins were not used, what the ASI staff studied was the paper copies of the raw despatches, and they used the computer data base of the same paper copies.
I went on the ASI project, all by myself, in 1993 or 1994 to finalize the “Prosperity Bulletins”, but that was a futile effort, the furthest I got was proofread the copies of the ASI LRH traffic on the ASI computers making sure they matched the despatches. I never reached the point of doing the Prosperity Bulletins, that was beyond my ability.
But, reading the despatches to ASI, there are a dozen or so despatches that struck me, and sort of made time stand still.
One of those despatches, includes LRH comment in one of his mild comment rejects he gave to ASI on one of their advertising efforts.
LRH said: “….not enough hype…..”
ASI in history, was LRH’s capping final group of those between him and the church. And ASI was made up of all Sea Org members, with a few exceptions (like Rachel and others).
Hype though, is source.
Just for the history record.
connie says
When I was on the ship in Categena it was moored in the container dock miles from any tourist activities. Unless you had a day spare, the best you could do was walk around containers in the stinking humid heat.
As for the guy in the promo piece, he arranged for my young cabin mate to spend a night in a suite with her boyfriend to make up for the lousy convention she was complaining about. Not that I agree with this but is it not off policy for unwed couples to share a cabin?
Todd says
Interesting. According to the article snippet, the Colombia cash cow is (surprise!) coca! I wonder what that says about the 700% growth in the economy? At least, now we know why this guy is talking so much and is so “high” on Colombia!
Cat Daddy says
Mike Rinder says
Neither of the videos you tried to post are available in the US….
Joe Pendleton says
In my last 10 years or so in the CoS, I was pretty much BELOW believing/not believing when it came to these claims at events or in promo. I would say that I never rose above boredom when it came to all these claims, but really I now think it was some sort of harmonic of apathy or maybe REALLY apathy. Who cared about these things being true or not true? It was all “white noise” to me. Had nothing to do with me or what I was doing in Scientology. Until of course the very last few months when ANY promo of CoS success meant I was to be asked for money to support said promo – then I became more attuned to where “success stories” were leading. But obviously the sheeple never evaluate or inspect any claim made. I mean … folks … don’t you think it all finally hit Miscavige about 20 plus years ago? … when he realized “these are the people who ALL believe that the agonized future of every man, woman and child on the planet depends on what THEY do here and now in Scientology; that NEVER in the entire history of the universe has the secrets of the spirit and existence EVER been revealed to anyone but THEM. These people BELIEVE, baby, THEY BELIEVE.”
Aquamarine says
Jose Chung,
Miscavige knows very well that his audience for this crap does not fact check.
The Co$ does not operate on maxims like, “Trust, but verify”.
To fact check, and then admit to having done so would equate to having doubted COB. and if you doubt COB, why, you’ve got to be in a low condition with overts and withholds on your dynamics, or have MUs – you’ve got be out-ethics in some way, messed up case wise – something is wrong – with you. If you find it necessary to check up on anything the cult spouts as fact, then there is always, always something wrong – with YOU.
Further, if, as a public, you are ever so fatuous and naive as to point out the discrepancies between LRH policy and what is actually being done, well, you’re PTS or an SP, that’s all. That’s obvious, because there is no way you would know ever LRH policy unless you were reading it on the SP Internet blogs. Its inconceivable to this cult that anyone would actually read the Green Vols and know policy. Yes, of course, you bought them, everyone bought them, but no way you read them. That’s obviously another lie. Chalk up some more overts and witholds on COB. No wonder you doubt him.
Aquamarine says
This is how this cult “thinks”, and this is in a nutshell how the cult has doomed itself. And David Miscavige knows this but its too late and he’s too far gone, so as long as there are sheep to be sheared, so long as enough people support him, giving him money either via a turn off their powers of observation or by simply not looking; until there are no more sheep in the shed to be sheared, until something stops him, well, he’s out of control, he can’t stop, and all he can do is run his racket, until one day he can’t anymore.
Gus Cox says
Yep, if you doubt His Excellency David Miscavige, you will get the Truth Rundown, where you’re forced to cough up whatever overt you committed that made you lie and hear the wrong thing. Or some such fucking sideways LRH bullshit. What a shitty cult to live in.
Cat Daddy says
LRH Personal Personal Public Relations Officer ?
Cat Daddy says
Jose Chung says
The hype can be easily fact checked with computer and internet.
I don’t know why D.M.persists on this unless he is completely stoned on his own brand of scotch 24/7.
Didn’t LRH say never use lies in PR ????????
spirit says
Dave sets a good example of “Shitfulness”. Dave doesn’t do “Mindfulness”.
Joe Pendleton says
Jose, he doesn’t persist on this because he is stoned. See my post below. He persists because he has a public which will accept (I don’t think any actually even are up to thinking it is true, they just accept, like a body accepts air when it breathes) and a certain portion of this public will open their wallets. Very simple business transaction, and it is always profitable. PR out (lies or not) … moolah in.
Jose Chung says
I got what you say. Only thing I can add is D.M. appeals to a very special tone level that accepts every word he says is gospel truth no matter how big a lie.
Big day at Sundance tomorrow.
Natas Em says
I Would like my different view to be heard amongst the radical fringes of the internet. I like the guys fake, middle eastern, third world, brown water, navy uniform. I think he looks quite nice.
As a matter of fact, When Xenu gets back with LRH, I will recommend all navys wear this uniform. I hope you do the same 🙂
Sabine Waterkamp says
So this Smythe guy looks like he is max in his early ’40s, say we let him pass for 45 and his tile is LRH Personal Public Relations Officer from the Freewinds. mmmh.
LRH has been dead for 39 years tomorrow, so this guy might be the most dedicated SO member of all times. He might have crawled in diapers to LRH’s desk to take his notes. Just saying…such BS.
Daniel Doonan says
LRH died in 1986 so it’s been 29 years, not 39.
But I agree it still sounds unlikely Smythe was LRHPPRO at that time, unless he’s really in his mid-fifties now (in which case I want to know who his cosmetologist is).
Delilah says
To hell with his cosmetologist! Who’s his plastic surgeon?
Hallie Jane says
Boy they are trying to squeeze every drop out of the little WTH booklet. They use it because they can obfuscate the data, “legitimizing” ias funds because they dropped 50 million booklets, and then, any upstats they can find are attributed to it. Just ridiculous. My daughter did 2 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and I’d love to see her make him eat those pins. These rcs execs are the worst posers ever. grrrrrrrrr..
Errol says
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances….Buddha
Michael Mallen says
He was a famous little tyrant from Philadelphi-ay
He droned in Shermanspeak to make the sheep all pay
He was the top man slingin’ crap
but then his number came up and he was out on his ass
He’s in the big house now SCOHB
The former boogie woogie chairman of the RTC
Aquamarine says
OMG, the Andrews Sisters are turning in their graves but I love this, MM!
Michael Mallen says
I telepathically channelled them telling me to tell it like it is. 😉
Gus Cox says
LOL, I’d bet the Sisters might actually be having a good laugh! Nicely Done, Michael Mallen 😀
Michael Mallen says
Thanks Gus. Once again l’il Davey brings out the tunesmith in me.
Jenni S says
I can’t help but think that if Columbia had experienced a 700% growth in the economy, we would have become aware of such a startling fact other than through this briefing. All these wins, they are always in other countries than the country where the briefing is. If they gave a briefing in Columbia, it would be all about how WTH reduced crime in America. Crime actually has gone down here, but I don’t think it has too much to do with a WTH campaign.
Delilah says
But fortunately scientologists don’t watch the news or any other entheta (Internet, “wog” magazines, NPR, etc.) so they have no sources with which to compare these ridiculous claims and can thus bask in whatever idiocy they’re told in these SUPER IMPORTANT EXCLUSIVE (!!!!!!!!!!!) briefings.
minorron says
After reading your blog Mike, I was curious as to who was the source of this info. So I looked up WIN/Gallup International and their web site. It was interesting that WIN (Worldwide Independent Network ) is a very scientologisee type name and one of their primary focus is on doing “HAPPINESS” surveys, which happens to be used in Scientology promo.
Even their about us photo’s (http://www.wingia.com/en/who_we_are/about_us/ ) reminds me the interior of the Fort Harrison. I would be willing to bet this is just another Wise company posing as an independent surveyor.
Hey my bags are packed for Colombia. Their murder rate has been dropping since 2002 and now they are only #10 on the list of highest homicide rate in the world, per the UN.
cathy from encino says
Lok what’s on the bottom of that Fort Harrisonesque photo!
No longer a member? That’s like Ron losing the Dianetics franchise.
Valerie says
For a quick look beneath the hype:
Colombia’s economy slowed further in Q3, moderating from Q2’s 4.3% annual expansion to a slightly-weaker, but still solid, 4.2%. While slower private consumption and public spending were behind the deceleration, the external sector did improve. More recent indicators paint a mixed picture: consumer confidence remained solid in December. However, in November, industrial production shrank and falling oil exports prompted the steepest decline in exports in over five years. The drop in global oil prices, which will likely weaken the energy sector and drive down public revenues, prompted the government to revise down its growth and fiscal targets for 2015. In an effort to contain the deficit, the government enacted a tax reform recently that extends and modifies existing wealth and profits taxes and also extends a charge on banking transactions. Meanwhile, the Colombian peso plunged to a five-year low in January on the falling oil price. Oil exports are the country’s key export and its most important source of foreign exchange
Silly me I must have a MU on 700 percent increase.
As for crime, this Colombia Travel Warning issued in November 2014
http://travel.state.gov/content/passports/english/alertswarnings/colombia-travel-warning.html included this specific statement “People’s Army (FARC) and National Liberation Army (ELN) terrorist groups continue to condemn any U.S. influence in Colombia. The Department of State strongly encourages U.S. citizens to exercise caution and remain vigilant as terrorist and criminal activities remain a threat throughout the country. Explosions occur throughout Colombia on a regular basis, including in Bogota.”
Hmm, I wonder what it was like before the crime dropped by what did he say 70%.
The Win/Gallup Poll to which he refers was for the years 2012 and 2013, so either he was responsible for prior years making it happy or the economy started to rise after he stopped his campaign? Not sure how the two coincide because the poll dates don’t coincide with the increase in economic growth.
False statistics are false. It’s a good thing Scientologists aren’t allowed to read the internet.
PS his last published Scientology completion was
Guillermo Smythe THE NEW STUDENT HAT COURSE Freewinds 42 2001-03-01
Laurel Seybold says
The Fragile States Index for 2014 has Colombia’s status as “High Warning.” I would think if TWTH had been so successful, it would be under “Stable” or “Sustainable,” but no.
Laurel Seybold says
Oops, meant to write “Very High Warning.”
Here are the Colombian real statistics re crime: 48.5% per 100,000 habitants.
Se han reportado “4.680 ciudadanos asesinados en el país durante los primeros cuatro meses del año, es decir, 39 muertes violentas cada día” – 4,680 CITIZENS HAD BEEN MURDERED IN THE COUNTRY DURING THE FIRST FOUR MONTHS OF 2014, THIS MEANS, 39 DEATHS PER DAY.
Another newspaper states that ONG- Statistical Agency – reports 79% of crime, whereas the Government reports only 39% and adds that the discrepancy is due to the government’s attempt to hide the real scene.
(sound like miscavige)
Anyway, it seems like the WTH wad didn’t work in Colombia either
Potpie says
I’m from the midwest….a couple hours drive from Cincy. Whoever decided to target that area for money
was woefully misinformed. It isn’t easy to extract money from a down home good ole boy blue collar worker
to go to a boat run by a guy who looks like that.
He would have been better off wearing some bib overalls with a wad of chew in his cheek and a long neck bottle of beer on the podium.
WhiteStar says
does anyone know what’s up with the bunker? tony usually puts up a new story by 6am est.
i’m guessing he’s either on the road or is preparing a really nice story.
I Yawnalot says
Well, at least one thing is for sure. Anyone that responds to that promo and books a spot on the Fleecewinds to listen to that Idi Armin wanna be has already made their intelligence level know to the reges. ‘Come in spinner’ comes to mind, and they would most certainly send a limo for them.
Goodness me… this is better than the Sunday funnies. You just can’t make this shit up… lol 🙂
Cooper Kessel says
” But even more outlandish, it has resulted in a 700% growth in the economy.”
Perhaps Dave used some IAS funds to purchase one of the cartels properies for His get away digs which bumped up the countries GDP?
Zephyr says
Yeah, when the whales get too scarce, time to get into the drug business directly for little Davie.right in Columbia. There is always more money that can be made that way.
Roger From Switzerland Thought says
Just LIES, LIES and again Lies….
My daughter traveled through Columbia for 3 months by bike while the campaigns were running. She never heard in this time and never saw anything about TWTH or Scientology.
The same with my son who is living and traveling all over Columbia since 2 years. He never heard of it.
Neither Google in Columbia:
Michael Mallen says
TWTH = The Way To Hype.
Old Surfer Dude says
The Way To Hyperness…
Michael Mallen says
The Way To Happimess.
Gus Cox says
the way to horse shit!
Delilah says
T(uesday), W(ednesday), Th(Thursday)…I always thought that you had to unload the billions of crummy COSTLY pamphlets cluttering up your house by 2 PM, on Thursday…until my ex made me read it. Then I knew a great deal more…
Could I have a MU?
Aquamarine says
Its amazing. All they can do now is lie, lie, lie, no matter how blatantly, just lie lie lie until the last koolaid drinker has left the building.
Idle Morgue says
These days you can count on anytime a Scientologist’s lips are moving or hand is writing – they are lying.
Columbia reduced their crime because they hired more police. If you research how they reduced the crime rate – that is what it reports. Nothing about a booklet called The Way to Happiness.
Any cities that reduce crime do it the old fashioned way – hard work and diligent pursuit to take out the criminals. They do it with more cops and an “ethics presence” as ole Tubbs would say.
Did anyone believe that a “booklet” can reduce crime when you were in? I had thousands of them cluttering my basement and garage and they did not boost my economy nor “clear” me. Maybe cuz I wasn’t a crim?
Cooper Kessel says
” These days you can count on anytime a Scientologist’s lips are moving or hand is writing – they are lying.”
Now that gets my vote for quote of the day!
If they banned the Fleecewinds from Cartegena the crime rate would really drop. Get Sharron and Dick head Napier out of the country for gawds sake.
cre8tivewmn says
What motion are the ots supposed to back up and how? Is that code for bring your money, or are the ots supposed to start rowing?
Old Surfer Dude says
I think it’s like, “contribute to the motion” thing. You know, where someone has their hands up and you put your hands and follow the other person’s hands? But, before doing this drill, you’re required to hand over your first born male child…
Cooper Kessel says
Thats the old fashioned way OSD. GAG II changed all that.
” where someone has their hands up and you put your” ………..finger in there back and demand their cash and credit cards. No more of this goody goody hands touching thing! Gheech!!!!!!!!!!!
shelgold says
Truly an amazing about of BS to digest. 700% growth in the economy due to passing out some TWTH booklets. People should be arrested for lying so outlandishly. I’ve met this guy. Believe me when I tell you – his ribbons and pins notwithstanding, he is no big deal.
Another pleasant fact about Colombia from just 1.5 years ago.
When I was on the ship 3 years ago for some serious behavior modification, I inquired into seeing my old friend Russ McKevitt. His wife told me that he was not expected back on the ship any time soon. Turns out he was on (and probably still is) a 3 man mission touring the world “handling” disaffected OT8s.
Cooper Kessel says
Yep, He and his sidekicks made a strafing run by my place in 2011 or so. I’ve mentioned it before where they presented the DA pack and Mark Kimurra wanted to ‘put me on the cans to help’ alleviate the stress connected with the ‘obviously poor handlings done by the cult’. (Poor fucking handlings is how they described it!) It would be a kind of ARC break session which could transition into a sec check ……………… whatever.
I asked them exactly what they thought they could ask me that would make me F/N on the subject of the IAS talking my wife into lying to me and giving our funds to a cult. They totally did not get the fact that my primary concern was the damage they did to my wife by coercing her into doing something that was completely against her moral (and every other) code that was true for her. To them, it was only about the money……..I was upset about the money…………………………………fuck you Russ!!!!!!!!!
I gotta say, I really enjoyed being beyond pissed off at those spineless pieces of hammered Daveshit.
Yo Russ,
Why don’t you drag your cohorts back here to Sonora for a follow up visit. I’ll even arrange an event so you can present your Cults humanitarian efforts to the local Rotary Clubs. Never mind that the local DA (District Attorney) and Sheriff are members of the club and never mind that they have been told the truth on your slimy activities and that you have a CST cult awareness compound only about five miles from the County seat ………….
BTW Russ, you can stay at Rod and Lori Daniells house (your old friends from Sac) across the street and keep an eye on me while you and your criminals salvage this sector. Why not schedule a trip now while oil prices are down …………….call me …………Dave has my number. Leave a message.
Old Surfer Dude says
Northern Shewolf says
All these acronymns: WTH (way to happiness) or Way to Hell…Any person foolish enough to step onto that ‘Fartwinds’ on top of loosing is wallet, which is the main goal of $ciloonery’s, will risk their lives should it take to sea.
Columbia has produced top quality gansters, should be prime recruiting ground for $ciloon musclemen.
Pity the walking dead kool-aid drinkers…2 days to Sundance!
Michael Mallen says
I think Tony Montana increased that economy more.
Good Old Boy says
Michael I can see Davey now playing Tony Montana and when he say’s “talk to my little friend” he pauses and say’s to the Director I don’t have a little friend you cs I only have big friends. Stop this film right now!!! You all SCOHB!!
Hand me another line of coke not a line of crap.
Espiando says
And Tony Montana’s “little friend” was less harmful than our “little friend”.
chrismann9 says
What does a “700% growth in economy” mean? Is this based on GDP or any other actual stats? I’m curious how they came up with this figure. I thought the asterisks meant there was more info, but I guess they are supposed to be bullet points.
This is good news for Columbia. I know life is hard there. I’m sure a “700% growth in economy” has made things much better.
chrismann9 says
chrismann9 says
Look at all the stats on that link
Old Surfer Dude says
What does a “700% growth in economy” mean? Well, in my humble opinion, it means I’TS ALL MAKE BELIEVE! All of scientology is make believe. You can say you were such and such person in a previous lifetime and the clams will believe it. Make believe can be fun. Except when you have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for it. Then it becomes a cult.
Vicki says
Fortunately for $cn – their sheeple don’t fact check.
Colombia isn’t even on the top 20 of Forbes “Happiest Countries” list.
No where near the top of the list from CNN or USA Today.
Columbia was #35 in the World Happiness Report.
I did find Colombia to be #7 on a list where they polled 1000 people and asked them if they had experienced various positive emotions in the previous day. 82% said yes – LOL.
There must be a beached whale or two in the Greater Cinncinati area.
Cooper Kessel says
Just check the sky for the circling vultures and you will find the whale. If you arrive early enough there may be a scrap or two left for picking ………………. I think Planetary Dissem and CCHR have to go last in the pecking order.
Yo Dave, What is policy on that? I know the IAS is always in on fresh carcasses and then I think the Morgues are next …………….. anything written or do you micromanage each carcass as it is found?
Michael Mallen says
The demand for donations is proportional to the Scotch consumed.
statpush says
It was probably a church-sponsored survey using “Survey Tech”
Michael Mallen says
Let’s see, he’s got a bit of the DM hands on podium tech and the politically correct smile. Now, what exactly does an LRH Personal Public Relations Officer do?
Cooper Kessel says
Drill, drill, drill, drill on podium tech, smile tech, standing on box tech, lying tech, fucking over your friends and associates tech, family destruction tech and fleecing tech. It’s all part of GAG II. I think that about covers it.
Yo Dave’
Whaddya doin Sunday afternoon about 2:30? It is time good buddy, to pack your ditty bag…….
Old Surfer Dude says
Hey Coop! Don’t forget “Curtain Tech!” When they have a huge events (now that’s an oxymoron) they put up curtains on the sidewalks to block us SP from seeing the clams that show up! You know, for the longest time I thought “Oxymoron” was a stupid steer…
Michael Mallen says
Looks you were steered in the wrong direction.
Old Surfer Dude says
True that, master! I sit at your feet and learn.
Old Surfer Dude says
Ummmmmmm…kisses LITTLE Davy’s ass over and over and over again?
Mat Pesch says
The cults promo is so EXTREMELY over the top that it is embarrassing and can only work in reverse.
I spent a week in Colombia not too long ago and it was like visiting a high security prison. Before going, I was warned by the U.S. government that Colombia was a very dangerous destination for Americans to visit. That was an under statement.
Telling people to brush their teeth, get enough sleep and respect their parents increased the economy of Columbia by 700%? Really?? Someone has MBD (Miscavige Brain Disorder).
Michael Mallen says
Also known as Dave’s Syndrome.
Old Surfer Dude says
On steroids…
spirit says
It’s a condition called “Shitfulness”. Not related to “Mindfulness”.
WhiteStar says
yes we have no bananas for sale.
Hallie Jane says
hgc10 says
“All OT’s need to be in attendance!!! This is your ship!”
Here’s the thing about that. If it was my ship, I would know it by the quarterly checks I had received with my cut of the profits. But, alas, it seems to become “your ship” only when the ink runs red.
Michael Mallen says
It’s a typo. The correct wording is “It’s your shit.”
Old Surfer Dude says
Are you referring to Grade ‘A,’ unadulterated, prime DAVESHIT?
Michael Mallen says
None other. Accept no substitutes.
Robert Almblad says
If it were not for the Scientology Trademark notices at the bottom, I would have been absolutely certain this did NOT come from the Church….It reminds me of Honest John (Phil Silvers) who is selling the Brooklyn Bridge and other NY properties to Jed Clampett (Buddy Epsen) on a Beverly Hillbilly’s episode:
“The Clampetts and Honest John arrive in New York, where the police are waiting for him to arrive. The police tell him he has to leave in twenty-four hours, which he tells Jed means that he has arranged that New York City stay open for twenty-four hours since the city normally closes at nine o’clock. He spends his time showing the Clampetts Central Park and other sites and sells Jed more property.”
Even hyper gullible Jed Clampett would understand this idiot’s WTH story is utter delusional insanity… it’s not just hype, it’s the kind of delusional “cause” only found in insane asylums.
I Yawnalot says
Ahhh… Phil Silvers, now there’s a loved name from the past – aka Sergeant Bilko. Great actor that had a consistent character role as a con man – yep, he’d make a great $cn registrar, PR man.
Pericles says
I can see it now, Columbia is fast becoming the first “happiest”, drug free, Clear country! The faster you chip in to this effort, the faster Columbia will be CLEAR! Whales unite!
Robin says
Note to those who are still in: Columbia is now the friendliest and happiest place in the world … a position formerly owned by Flag. Get yourselves to Bogota!
Steph says
A 700 percent growth in the economy is the same as a 7X growth, am I correct?
700 percent sounds SO much bigger than 7X. This guy will be one of the last ones in the building after the lights go out.
NOLAGirl says
Hey Dave & Guillermo,
On behalf of the US, British, Australian, Canadian and all other countries with proud military forces, I’d just like to say:
Fuck you and your fake uniforms, medals, titles etc. You are a stain on any country you’re in and a disgrace to anyone who has ever served in a uniform.
Old Surfer Dude says
Don’t hold back, NOLAGirl, tell us how you really feel!
Nice post!
NOLAGirl says
Yeah OSD I get a little temperamental about this. 🙂
Their fake navy crap makes me crazy. As the only child of a deceased, decorated veteran, it’s one of many the things that bugs me about Co$. Their pretend, play-world military is an insult to anyone who served.
Espiando says
Imagine being the following:
1) A gay
2) veteran
3) on psychiatric medication
4) who has a degree in physics
Wait, you don’t have to. You know me. And now you know why the cult that I protest against is the cult of personality surrounding L. Ron Hubbard. Destroy that and you destroy the other cult along with it.
I think that’s the reason I didn’t drive over to Clamwater Wednesday night when I was in Tampa. I didn’t want to hurt the rental car by plowing it into a bunch of Sea Borg.
Old Surfer Dude says
Sort of like that fact that Hubbard, “the war hero,” never saw combat. He was never blinded or crippled. He never left the west coast and was relived of duty. He NEVER served in all 5 theaters of war. He made up everything relating to his so-called war experience. So, I feel you, NOLAGirl!
Mike Rinder says
Well, one thing to correct here, he DID leave the West Coast. He was in Australia at least for a while. Otherwise, carry on OSD.
Old Surfer Dude says
I stand corrected, Mike! But, since you brought it up, I believe he said he was in a raft for quite awhile in the Pacific. I’m not sure if he said it was off the coast of Australia at the time. Either way, he was NEVER in a raft. And he certainly wasn’t the first injured soldier in the Pacific theater and he was never flown back to the states in the Secretary of the Navy’s private plane. Also, he was NEVER “raked across the back with machine gun fire.
Mike Rinder says
Well, I dont really want to turn this into a debate about these things OSD. There IS some evidence he flew back from Australia on the “Secretary of Navy’s plane” though of course it’s kind of like saying I rode on the Pope’s plane because I flew Alitalia. Dont know about the raft story, hadn’t heard that one.
Michael Mallen says
OSD, aren’t you hip to creative processing?
overrunincalifornia says
Yea, when I joined the SO I did so because I wanted to help. I didn’t realize at first that I had joined the fuckin Navy. Then when I tried to route out I was thrown in the brig.
I sir!!!!!! Fuckin shit.
1984dejavue says
This link can shed more light on the subject of Ron’s naval history:
Eclipse-girl says
^ x 47
Eclipse-girl says
Margaret Lake bases her hypothesis on an absence of evidence, and perhaps mistyped medical memos.
Her so called evidence has not been found by others .
I regard Chris Owen’s research as more accurate.
Yes, there are gaps in the history.
I also did my own study on the medals that appear in three photos that I have seen that date to the mid 1940s. Ron was wearing a great number of ribbons on his chest that did not belong there. I do not know if Ron was lying the, or if they were altered long after the photos were taken.
Either way, it is proof that Ron lied about her service record. For many of us, one lie is enough to make a person question the any account that came out of Ron.
1984 says
@Eclipse – “Her so called evidence has not been found by others .” That is indeed curious. Why would that be? Is the same logic being used on all evaluators, and evaluations? Are we looking at all the evidence, or is some being discarded? (And does that not constitute a lie in itself?)
As for the ribbons, is there anything more specific that you can add to this?
And, although trivial, would it be ok to correct the grammar of the gender of the subject here? (I don’t believe that we are talking about Mary Sue.)
BTW, I don’t mind questioning reality, and I don’t have a problem with targeting specifics of the church (which they deserve), but, just because we accuse the church of using flawed logic is no reason to use it ourselves. I don’t like being seen as part of a feeding frenzy of a gaggle of sharks circling a bloody patch of water.
Eclipse-girl says
@ 1984
I did my own research of the ribbons on Ron wore when he was in a dress uniform.
I do not know if Mike will allow this to be published as it is long.
I was intrigued by the following photos.
There is another photo that I am aware of Ron in uniform with Thomas Moulton. I have only seen it in a newspaper. If anyone has a (good) print of that, I would love to see it.
I have been very curious about the ribbons, and the possible date of the photos
I believe the photos were all taken at the same time. Now I think they may have been doctored in the 1970s. Or Ron was a lying asshole about his war record during or shortly after the war.
I used this source for the ribbons
According to unbiased researchers (Miller, Atack, Owen, Wright) Ron earned 4 medals and no battle stars.
The American Defense Service Medal
The American Campaign Medal
The Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal
The WWII Victory Medal
The ribbons associated with these medals are in the 7th and 8th row from the top from the link I posted.
According to Thomas Moulton who went to sub chaser training school with Ron, and then served as is second in command off the shores of Oregon, he and Ron always wore two battle stars on that ribbon (The American Campaign). Moulton testified to this during one of the Gerry Armstrong cases, in 1984.
I think Ron is wearing 8 ribbons, a top row of 2 ribbons, a middle row of three ribbons and a bottom row of three ribbons.
If the date is accurate there would be no WW II victory medal.
Here is an image of medals and the ribbons that Ron and Scientology claimed
go to page 11.
There is a photo of the medals and ribbons without text on them
I needed to have the plain image to do my checking.
I also suspect that the image of the ribbons is actually upside down.
The row of two ribbons should be displayed on top.
Left and right are when looking at the photographs.
Top row, left
This appears to have a battle star. The ribbon itself is covered by the lapel and hard to see. I cannot see a vertical stripe on the ribbon, at all. Perhaps it is the American Defense Service ribbon, but there should be a noticeable white vertical stripe, in my opinion. My decision was highly influenced by the single battle star.
Top row, right
This ribbon also appears to have one battle star.
Because of the white vertical stripes and the light color of the ribbon, I think that may be the Asiatic Pacific Campaign ribbon, and the battle star is obscuring the center (middle) vertical stripes.
Ron later claimed two battle stars for this ribbon.
Middle row, left
This is a guess on my part. There are visible vertical white stripes.
The only ribbon that comes close to matching it, in my opinion, is the Eastern African Middle Eastern Campaign Ribbon. I am not happy with that choice, but it is my best guess.
If I am correct, this is clearly a fraudulent ribbon.
In the photo, Ron has no battle stars, but later he or scientology claimed two battle stars for this fraudulent ribbon
Middle row, middle
This ribbon is obscured by two battle stars. The ribbon is light in color, and I can not distinguish the vertical stripes.
Perhaps it is the American Campaign ribbon, but I would like to see some evidence of dark vertical stripes in the center.
That is what I think the ribbon is because of Moulton’s testimony.
Middle row, right
I have no idea what this ribbon was. It is not in the Naval ribbon link, in my opinion.
I think this ribbon corresponds with the ribbon 5th row from the top, and in the middle in the scientology display
Others have identified this as the Organized Marine Corps Reserve Medal.
Bottom, left
I am not sure. I can’t seem to find it the image in the claims of scientology.
It appears to be dark blue with four green stripes.
This is for Naval expert at both pistol and rifle.
Bottom, middle
A dark blue ribbon with 3 green stripes displayed on the top, middle of the image.
This is for Naval Expert Rifle
Bottom, right
A dark blue ribbon, with two thin green stripes
displayed on the top, left on the image.
This is for Naval Expert Pistol
The ribbons for these three marksmanship awards are in dispute. Chris Owen found evidence of such awards. But medals / ribbons were not awarded until 1969, according to those on OCMB.
Bystander says
Hubbard was a self-decorating piece of crap. Yes, the ribbon picture is upside down. The Navy uses stars to denote multiple awards.
DollarMorgue says
I don’t recall TWTH providing advice on how to run a country or build an economy… I’ll have to see what my MU is.
That notwithstanding and more to the point, I am sure Midsavige will beat this claim hands down at the next event.
EnthralledObserver says
Not sure if this is very funny… or very sad. Wow.
statpush says
When I first read this and saw the asterisks beside each item I thought they were footnote symbols, and looked at the bottom of the page. Expecting something like:
* All facts and figures are for PR purposes and have no bearing on reality.
jgg2012 says
Whatever makes Davey look good = reality.
Michael Mallen says
Soon to be given a major reality adjustment.
TommyJ says
*These statements have no been evaluated by anyone with a brain. This promo is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any economy. Please consult anyone before beginning this program.
jgg2012 says
Go to the internet. Go directly to the internet. Do not listen to Davey. Do not invest