Some pretty devastating information from NY Org has found its way to me.
These are stat graphs of NY Day and Fdn for this year.
This is the big kahuna model ideal org on the East Coast — right off Times Square, it is in the ideal location for a Class V org, its one of the oldest orgs on earth, and was the 5th ideal org to ever open, way back in 2004.
As Miscavige said numerous times, the “ideal org” strategy was the stepping stone that would make it possible for all orgs to make it to the size of Old St Hill. That is the “make-break” point of a scientology organization according to L. Ron Hubbard. Not up to the size of old St. Hill and an org is struggling, it’s staff are not being paid and it is not going to accomplish clearing its area. And Hubbard said in his LRH ED announcing this that it didn’t take long to accomplish this first step of getting to the make/break point, in fact, it should be done in just a few weeks.
How big was old St. Hill? It delivered 1,000 WDAH (Well Done Auditing Hours) per week and had 200 full time students in the Academy studying to be auditors. It made well in excess of $100,000 per week in income (figure adjusted for inflation in the 80’s, probably double that now).
Let’s take a look and see how NY Org is faring after more than 17 YEARS of trying to reach the make/break point:
They are averaging 40 WDAH a week. No wonder they never make any Clears. This equates to less than 2 full time auditors.
No Purif hours at all. Apparently, no Class V org is ALLOWED to the deliver the Purif until they can fulfill some crazy criteria concerning COVID. The only place the Purif can be delivered is Flag. So, Flag has stolen all the public from the Class V orgs.
Gross Income is averaging less than $10,000 per week. This sounds like a lot of money — but when you deduct all the things taken out of this (Commissions, booksales, payments to management etc etc) the org is left with VERY little available cash, and certainly not enough to pay their staff. See a little later in this post for some specifics.
And here are the same figures for NY D — the “big” org of the two:
Their hours are even less than Foundation. One auditor could turn this out.
Of course, no Purif as above.
Their GI is, as expected, even worse than Foundation. Averaging $5000 per week.
Here is last week’s “Financial Planning”.
They had $1136 available to spend to cover their expenses. after all the deductions from their Gross Income. Not all the pages of this are available — but this is enough to put a fork in this place.
This shows what they actually have to spend and what they HOPE (“Cutback FP”) they might have to spend to cover their bare bones basic expenses.
As you can see, they OWE CON EDISON $114,300 for their electric bill!
Remember, this was the org that got between $150,000 and $350,000 in PPP payouts (See Ortega story) — that money disappeared into the scientology vacuum and padded the stats of Sea Org Reserves.
This is the reality of how scientology is doing “Clearing the Planet”… NY Org is sinking fast. Can you imagine what it must be like in Atlanta or Orlando or heaven forbid Battle Creek or Long Island?
If you just read the hype they send out in a constant stream, some of which I include in the Thursday Funnies each week, you would think they were conquering the world. And many scientologists do believe that. If their local org is a bankrupt, failing shithole they write that off to a local anomaly.
NY Org is proof that the scientology empire is a rotten, decayed corpse that they keep trying to cover in layers of make-up and CGI videos.
What is likely to happen to the NY org staff as a result of this leak?
They won’t get paid.
I don’t understand the hate here. These stats look decent to me!
Sure, compared to the rampant financial irregs post GAT-II they aren’t that great, but today? 15K GI and 100 WDAHs (combined) means NY is probably doing better than many other orgs. I’m sure other orgs crashed much harder.
CLOEUS back in 1990 ca. CASH/BILLS was on the same graph, as I remember. That was an important set.
Wonder how that is these days.
I remember about 15 years ago the Indies clamoring for their chance to make booming orgs without DMs interference and squirrel tech/admin/ethics, et al.. Well, DM doesn’t interfere. He did nothing many years ago when some Ex-GO guy started the Independent Church of Scamology.
Das Tek doesn’t werk!
Sometimes people ask me when I think Scientology will collapse. My standard response is “It already has.” These stats are confirmation of that, and I am sure they are representative of all orgs’ stats worldwide. Probably many are worse. The only question now is “How long can they keep up the facade?” Probably for a long time. As long as they own the buildings and have slave-labor SO Members they can send to keep the lights on.
As a former NYer the ONLY GOOD THING I can say about this location is honestly the PIZZA PARLOR “next door” has really good pizza. It’s a small place….but the pizza is delicious.
“A rotten, decayed corpse they keep trying to cover in layers of make-up”?
My Goodness. That is exactly how I describe this blog.
Are you still claiming “Something can be done about it”? How many more years will it take before you realize that you ain’t never gonna do shit about it?
And yet you keep coming back for more?
You are wrong. We stand for something that matters and will never, ever ‘back off’. Scientology ruins people and their loved ones. We are proud of our success in combatting criminal organizations that prey on people looking for purpose. We are stronger than these scammers. And unlike creepy Scientology…. We stand United. And WE are much bigger than you can imagine. We have resources to patiently complete our mission. We are patient, kind and care deeply about the truth. And especially freedom. And most importantly, we will break Scientology. As mentioned, we are patient. And very very smart
“We” ? You remind me of the man from whom Jesus cast out demons in the Bible. He said, “my name is Legion, for we are many.”
There is just yourself, buddy.
HAH! FlooferGoofer,
Scroll down to the entries by Natalie Webster to see that something IS being done about it by Mr Rinder, and you are not part of it. May you always get what you deserve.
Oh look, it’s the return of the scratched record made from a frozen turd…click…it’s the return of the scratched record made from frozen turd…click…it’s the return…
As a troll you fail badly, so a rating of .5 out of 10 for lack of originality and repeating, ad nauseam, yourself is all you will receive.
Is that you, Tiny Fists?
…says the $cientologist who steals other people’s usernames, alters them and thinks they’re being clever.
You’re embarrassing yourself. It’s painful to watch.
At least He is doing something by posting every day and making people aware of this authoritarian group”religion”.
Love your Blog Mike.
And merry Christmas from Argentina ❤️
Obviously OSA bot, Mike DID do SOMETHING about it. Look at the stats. The stats are NON-E level. Per Hubtard’s “admin tek”.
What a great scoop! Stats revealed! They owe over 100,000 dollars owed for electricity? How do they keep the lights on? These numbers are like 1972. I pity the staff that must be flattered from the amount of pressure that is out on them. Ugh
I suspect that everyone there is on beans and rice three times a day and the generator in the basement is run on fart power with funnels connected to collection tanks on each floor to collect the flatulence.
That’s what I was wondering. How DO they keep the lights on?
Some local law that prohibits the power company from turning off the power. That is the ONLY explanation.
You have to be right. Because its a church….OMG!
Oh… my… freakin’… God Almighty with exclam tech!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yo New York City and Con Edison!
Not for nuthin’ but CO$ ain’t no church.
We’re talking “Church In Name Only”, good buddies.
They’re doin’ NOTHIN’ for NOBODY.
Don’t take my word for it;
Ask Leah Remini!
She’s from Brooklyn, she’ll tell you!
They have BILLIONS socked away, bros.
They could pay their light bill 1000X over and have billions left over!
Don’t let them play you for fools any longer.
Turn off the juice already!!!!
Much love,
Or as a penguin.
I’ve been out of Scientology for about 11 years, out of the Sea Org for about 19 years.
For the last 5 years or so, I’ve not been following much of what has been happening with Scientology.
My husband and I have divorced, and are both doing well. Today we have a mutual respect for each other and truly wish the best for each other.
Prior to splitting we got our family out of Scientology. We rescued my daughter from the Flag Land Base, and we broke free from the controls of the cult.
Recovering from the Sea Org and growing up in Scientology happens in layers, or at least that has been my experience.
More layers have been coming off lately, and I’ve been catching up on the last few years of what has been happening with the cult.
Scientology is like a soap opera. You can pick up where you left off after not watching for awhile, and nothing has really changed beyond more drama. They are still trying to sell the same lies
Unlike a soap opera, it’s far from entertaining. It is damaging.
My daughter and I contributed to a story the Tampa Bay Times did about coerced abortions back in 2010. My name was Natalie Hagemo then. I went back to Webster after my divorce.
I recently re-read it for the first time since 2010. It’s taken me over a decade to read my daughters words, as well as my own. I read it when it came out, then not again. It was way too painful, so I put it aside.
Living it was bad enough, revisiting it was very difficult. I revisited it recently because my daughter Shelby had her first baby.
My granddaughter like my daughter, is beautiful. My granddaughter, like my daughter, wouldn’t be here had the Sea Org had their way in coercing me to have an abortion.
I’ve come very far in not just taking my life back, but in creating the life I want. The simple action of reading a book of my choice on. Tuesday afternoon, still makes me giddy.
Not having to be somewhere for roll call, but instead being able to be free to dictate my own schedule, is still incredible to me.
These are little freedoms and might not seem like a big deal to some, but it’s the removal of smaller freedoms, that lead to the loss of larger ones.
As I’ve been getting caught up on recent cult news, I’ve been amazed by how many people never in Scientology are supporting those who were.
It’s incredibly beautiful and I’m thankful to everyone, whether they were victims of the cult or not, for speaking out.
When Leah started speaking out, the harassment I was experiencing from the cult stopped.
Leah, Mike and countless others have continued to expose the truth and continued the fight for those still in, especially the Sea Org where abuses are the worst.
Many of you who have never been in the cult, also put your shoulder to the wheel. This is such a beautiful thing.
It gave people like me the space to figure things out and start healing, recovering and building a better life.
My grandchildren are the first generation of my family in four generations to never be in Scientology.
The cycle stops with them.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, to everyone who has continued to expose the cult and pave a safe road, not just to recovery, but to thriving, for people who have left.
It’s literally life saving and life changing. What you say, what you do matters and I’m grateful.
Natalie — how nice to hear from you here. I am so happy for you and your family. Love to you all always. Mike
Thanks Mike.
I’m so thankful my family is out and well, but that isn’t enough. Many people still have family members who are trapped, or at least think they are.
I have to do more, and I’m ready for it now. I’m catching up on what I’ve missed the last few years. 😂
After we got Shelby back and free from the brainwashing and control, she went to college.
Today she is married, loves her job, has a baby, owns her own home, and is getting her Masters degree.
My other daughter and son are doing well too. We all continue to peel off the layers of BS.
Sending lots of love to you and the family as well. Truly love you all.
Facing what we did back when we left was tolerable because of the support we had from you and others.
I’m seeing how that support has grown, allowing more to break free. Let me know how I can help.
Natalie. Wonderful. You can go to the Aftermath Foundation website and click on “Volunteer”…
You can also email or call me and we can discuss further. I love the fact you are putting yourself out there.
@Natalie – My god, your story is so compelling, thank you for sharing. Inspiring and courageous. As an experienced Former-In, you offer a great analogy “Scientology…Like a soap opera…you can pick up where you left off… and nothing has really changed.” My, my. It’s a Greek tragedy played out now in view of the masses. As others have commented in this blog community, Scientology never properly forecasted the advent of the internet and they still are not fully appreciating its effects and the fishbowl they live in.
Natalie thank you for sharing your story. Congratulations on getting out and getting your kids out and flourishing and prospering once out. Please some day tell us the story of how you rescued your daughter and helped her escape the Flag land base.
Could not agree more, and I love your analogy. The internet gave the voiceless a voice and a platform. The crimes and secrets of Scientology can no longer remain hidden.
Natalie, thank you for sharing your story, I am SOOOOOO happy for you and your family. I have one son still in with no comm, going on 7 years now, he legally changed his name, he got married and who knows what he is doing. I miss him everyday and I just wish this will all come tumbling down so he can come back and get out of this awful “cult”. My 2 grandchildren are also the 4th generation who will NOT be involved, but who knows, I may have a grandchild I do not know about who will be IN, if things don’t collapse. All the voices are needed to make things happen. I wrote a series of pieces for Rinders Blog a few years back which explained my history and what happened, was also on The Aftermath……wishing you lots of happiness.
Thank you so much Lois. I’m actually finally watching The Aftermath. When it first came out I watched the first episode and stopped. I couldn’t stop crying, especially watching Bonnie who I worked with in Seattle. We reunited after I left and I was able to see her and reconcile some of what happened when I was in Seattle as a Sea Org member.
It was just too hard. It’s still hard, but there is one key piece that makes it easier to watch.
For me that key piece has been the shear number of people, many who were never in Scientology, who are supporting people who have been in. As you probably know, it can be a hard topic to explain to people. But today, so many people not just know about Scientology, but they know about the abuses, which is the only reason most of them know about Scientology.
When I first left, the friends I made outside of Scientology found my experience hard to believe. Evil is a tough thing to confront. Today, they understand so much more because of people like you, and the countless others who have shared their stories.
Today I’m living a life I never thought was possible when I was in the Sea Org. I’m also recognizing that I need to once again confront more of the past that I’ve tried to run away from in recent years.
For years, I justified a lot so that I didn’t have to admit or experience the pain that came with facing the truth of much of what happened. I’ve faced some of it, but not all. I think I’m ready for that now.
I guess it is true what they say; You can’t outrun your past.
Congratulations on your grandchildren. I’m so sorry to hear your son is still disconnected. Whether Scientology fully falls apart, or continues to limp along, I feel very hopeful about your son reconnecting.
The more people who speak out and share their experiences, the more even the most dedicated Scientologist will find it difficult to ignore. It was individuals sharing their truth, that helped me have the courage to leave. If they didn’t speak out, I wouldn’t have been able to validate what I knew was the truth. Thank God for the internet.
Wishing you happiness and peace as well. Sending you love from one grandmother to another.
Thank you so much for your great reply, so appreciated!
Dear Lowie,
Wow. I feel your pain. I was declared for no more than stating the obvious, easily proven facts about my cycle which they well know.
I remember when you came to the FSO on mission in 1979. I had just joined the S.O.
I was sent off of the Freewinds to die of AIDS which I got from blood products either on the ship or from the hospital in Curacao where I was sent in March 89 when I was bleeding out from an ulcer.
My wife was held prisoner for 6 months after being informed by the Captain that I was going to die while at the same time making sure that I never saw a real doctor
Here’s a thought: Now is a good time to leak information. While – normally – a single leak would cause a major witch-hunt, in these troubled times, there’s surely not enough bandwidth to put any care and effort into finding the actual source? And if all the bOrgs do it, the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology wouldn’t know what to do. Again.
Anyway, thanks a heap to the source of the information, and best of luck with the phase of your life where it’s no longer the Co$ which has to dictate how you spend every waking moment and every dime…
I should have remembered this policy!
“When you move off a point of power, pay all your obligations on the nail, empower all your friends completely and move off with your pockets full of artillery, potential blackmail on every erstwhile rival, unlimited funds in your private account and the addresses of experienced assassins and go live in Bulgravia and bribe the police.“ — L. Ron Hubbard “The Responsibilities of Leaders” (12 February 1967) ( Bulgravia is an acronym of BULgaria, GReece, Albania and YugoslaVIA].
David Miscavige, enjoy your vacation in Bulgravia!
Bribing the police is a well established Scientology tradition! A sacrament and ecclesiastical duty!
Based on those statistics NY Org is basically “a dead man walking”. I don’t see any hope for them. The Mission network was destroyed in the early 80’s. International stats started a steep decline by 1990. The Class V orgs have sunk below the point of no return after decades of living off of begging and pressuring the Scientology public to give them money for no exchange (direct donations for “going Ideal”). By 2002 all the Sea Org orgs, with the exception of Flag, AOLA and CC INT, were completely and hopelessly insolvent. I know because I was calling their Treasury Secretaries and talking openly with them. What is left of Scientology is living off of hand outs from a couple hundred rich people. Scientology International still has 2 or 3 billion in assets and reserves but it doesn’t have the leadership to be able to turn it into real growth for the movement itself. Miscavige lives like a king while the peasants suffer and starve.
This is really excellent getting raw stats like this.
I hope you get more, I’d love to see some Cont Sea Org total stats.
And then some Flag Service Org stats.
Really excellent these stats are leaking out.
So, let’s do the people math for both orgs together. They have MAX 2-3 public in the HGCs. They probably have 8-9 taking courses (both Div 4 & Div 6). For a total of no more than ~15 people on lines in any given week. This is the best placed org on the planet for foot traffic.
I will downgrade my estimate of ACTIVE scamologists in the USA (not incl. staff) to ~1,000 people.
Very few public that where in when I completely disconnected last century are still in. Fred R. being one of the few. His wife Kelly bailed years ago. D. Glossop is still in only because of his wife. He’d rather be playing Magic but she doesn’t know yet. Suzette is no longer active and hasn’t been for over a decade now.
You can get more people at a local small high school basketball game! Not exactly the vanguard of a new civilization in a world of seven plus billion people!
MB, you can get more people at a medium-size megachurch on a Sunday than if you gathered every active scientologist on the planet together. That to me puts in perspective how small the CoS actually is.
Should it be called a mini cult? Maybe a one neighborhood cult?
Real, I think you can figure on 20-40 active members at each of the local orgs, as reflected in the event pictures we see, which comes to well over a thousand to start with. Then I’d guess there are at least 500 more in LA doing services at advanced orgs, and the figure I’ve seen for the Tampa Bay area is something like 2,000. So it could be under 5,000 total in the US who are really currently active, and even a fair bit less than that if they’ve really lost a lot of people in the last couple of years.
PeaceMaker, pics ≠ active. Active = the number on service. Events are padded by bringing others from different orgs usually remote staff as well.
It is simple to see. Just go to your local morgue at the begging of service hours and count the public arriving for course/auditing. Do this a few times during the week to get a feel for the number. You won’t find 20-40 public at any US org except for the SO Orgs.
Real, I figure ‘active’ as those who are still involved enough to do some courses including extension courses, and maybe even go to an advanced org, even if they’re not in the course room at their local org at any given moment. I’ve seen information suggesting that more or less correlates with the number of people we see in those pictures, and that there are also about an equal number who consider themselves members and will show up for occasional events but who aren’t really active. Those in the pictures are also likely current financial contributors, even if only for small amounts in some cases.
Those stats are in the same range as they were 40 years ago.
The Tech doesn’t work.
Isn’t it obvious?
One of the questions I’ve always missed the answer to is “Did old Saint Hill pay its bills on time or pay its crew more than a couple of pounds a week, EVER?
AFAIK, NO scn org has ever paid its staff enough to live on. Staffs have ALWAYS had to “moonlight” or depend on a (relatively) rich relative to get get by; to let them sleep inside and eat actual food.
Obviously the ‘tech’ works as designed, though that’s not what is advertized. The exceptions to the rule were the “missions”, and Dwarfenführer® had them done away with as his first major public act.
No Jere, Hubtard had the Missions taken out. Hubbard didn’t like anyone in scamology making a penny in profit other than himself. Hubturd apologists started the story that Miss Cabbage had the idea to do in the Missions. and it was his authority that did it. He was just the willing tool at hand.
Is John Carmichael still boss of NY ? Story was he had cancer. Imagine he is in his 70’s now. Another wasted life.
Saw him in 1998 spying at an ICSA conference. He looked like hell—big dark circles under his eyes.
John passed away. He was barely alive at the ‘02 ICSA.
Wow! This is so revealing! Thank you so much to the person who leaked these graphs!
$1136 for a disbursement sum to the org…$40 for admin supplies. Again, wow! Can you imagine any company operating on $40 a week for admin supplies??? What a joke. I totally feel for these staff who are absolutely getting blasted from above for not making enough money and how it’s all their fault and they are obviously counter intentioned.
These are the kind of graphs and stats that tell the true story…not the bloviated words of COB.
Once again, thank you to Insider for sharing.
When I worked in the FSO AOs, the conditions for auditors were set as follows:
Power : 50 WDAH
Affluence: 40 WDAH
Normal: 25 WDAH
If you did not make 25 hours you did not get paid.
And what did they charge to PCs/clients for 25 hours?? Something like $7,500? And NONE of the money they collected for “uplines” was ever used for the benefit of those who generated it. Only the “homeless” lived on less than upper-org-level slaves. These days, that extends all the way down to the mini-orgs called missions. ALL scns seem to be being driven into penury, either by draining all of their bank accounts and signing them up for disastrous levels of credit debt, or paying their staff nothing. AND inside their bubble, that all is taken to be normal and expected. A person who paid for all his training is no longer allowed to charge PCs directly for services he delivers. He MUST be part of an official scn org and all but a pittance of what he generates in income must go to accounts Dave controls.
I recently splurged and bought a pack of pastel highlighters (I know, I know) for $19.99. That’s half their budget!
Great reading at Tony’s site and here the last couple days. I wonder what disguise Miscavige would wear trying to escape. My pick would be a Burka or as a nun.
Peggy I think he’s going to dress up as a kid with Lou playing mom.
In my opinion, there are two escape destinations:
on the Freakwinds and hide in international waters or straight to Colombia where they gave him an honor medal for humanitarian achievements (wow!) and he has ‘friends’ (but I think I heard that the police general who gave him the medal was perhaps investigated for corruption, who knows).
That might work , maybe one of those beanie hats with a propeller. He already has tossing temper tantrum down to an art.
Wherever he would end up Loosing my Religion the happy ending would be him dressed up in prison orange.
“…maybe one of those beanie hats with a propeller.”
I had nearly as much fun envisioning Miscavige’s escape from scientology (disguised as a nun) as I did reading today’s blog. Thank you, Mr. Rinder, for a job well done.
Or as a penguin.
That might work Cindt 🙂
He’s about the right height and stature to pull off either the burka or nun’s habit — as long as he’s somewhat sober and un-hungover. AND of course, he can’t go via any transport which TSA monitors, as they MUST match the picture on the ID with the face, which gets right past the costumes “he” might wear. No, he has to be driven to a coastal city, board a private yacht, then be taken to a larger yacht — “FleeceWinds”? which can take him to his final destination in “Bulgravia” with a boatload of cash.
True Jere Lull, and even if he did get past the TSA monitors if they did a body scan he would have to be securely tucked and taped to pass as a woman. Of course then there would be the chance that they might think he/she was trying to hide drugs. I assume the body scan might look suspicious.
My shithole org could not make money to pay the rent, and kept being bailed out by CLO. Like staff in every other org on the planet, I assumed that we were the only failures. Until I got out, I never found out that every org is failing.
Imaberrated. As far as I could see when I was in the SO up to 15 years ago, almost all the orgs were only open to pay rent and bills and they struggle to do so. Then they got these ideal orgs to manage. They were hardly trying to stay afloat or had learned to hold their breath, then DM The Savior aware of this to help them also put a beautiful stone around their necks.
There was a time in the early 90’s when the Freewinds could not afford to buy water, let alone fuel. The water hoses would be all set up and the Engineer would tell the Port Authority person to “Hold on a minute, the P. O. Has not been approved yet”. Pretty lousy PRO Area Control. Would be better for the teens who were snorting Cocaine during Teen Week to offer some to the Port Guy. Certainly better PR.
Or the Captain of the Diana, Thomas Schonherr, who was smoking dope aboard.
In 2012 I got my last auditing at Flag and even at that time I was the only pc on my auditor’s lineup, and the pc waiting area was empty. They didn’t have enough people to audit even back then.
That’s how a criminal organization must operate. Only the very few at the very top know more than a tiny sliver of what is happening. That way, the ones on the lowest ranking can’t accidentally tell the truth.
Both orgs totalling $15K/week average gross income? In Manhattan?? They’d make more money razing the building, paving the lot, and opening a car park!
I bet Miscavige has plane tickets to Bulgravia already where he will live with his BFF Tom and the hoards of cash from ‘commissions’ and ‘production bonuses’ and forced donations from staff and crew.
He will make an announcement that he is turning over Management to ED Int (pulled out of the catacombs and more like a total zombie at this point) after overseeing the greatest expansion of Scientology ever. He will be doing research and managing archival projects from ‘over the rainbow’.
The poor Management schmucks will be left holding the bag when the organization collapses (which it will sooner or later).
Big item missing on the Financial Planning. Any kind of benefits for the staff. Worker’s Compensation is listed though not paid. Probably they can only get medical insurance from their moonlighting job, which means they have to work full-time on a real job then come in for evenings/weekends at the organization.
Of course, they are probably required to study Hubbard for “free”. An employee benefit like no other. Free brain mushing! But only as long as they never leave. Once they leave a Freeloader debt will take care of that. They don’t list Freeloader payments as income on the Financial Planning but if this was the spreadsheet for Golden Era Productions it would be a prominently displayed major item.
Makes a very effective mockery of the common expression “come to work at an Ideal Org! You CAN have it all!” As long as they mean “all” as in all work, no play, no life and no kids.
That’s how they did in back in the ’70s: 40 hours a week at a paying job so they could afford to work another 40 or 60 hors a week in NY’s “Foundation” org. Even making minimum wage of $100, gross, was sufficient for most of them to “make it go right”. Their living conditions were marginally better than the Sea Orgers’,though. At least they could walk under an open sky for a few minutes as the commuted to both work places.
Wow, thanks for this post.
I sincerely hope that ANY staff members who purposely-or “accidentally”(😉)- read this blog, leave their “org” and scientology immediately, for good.
No “freeloader debt”, no “routing out”, just slip out the back, Jack, or pull a stunt and walk out the front…and reach out to the Aftermath Foundation.
If so inclined, do leave with one of those small, external solid state computer drives full of documents and photos.
Thanks Mike and Leah and everybody else for spreading the word about this evil, abusive cult and its sociopathic leader, the Malignant Macallan Maggot.
Triple M is a dual-purpose dream come true for Bubba: drink holder(top of his hair-plugged head) and tone 40 knob polisher. Merry R6mas from cellblock 47, COB(Cellblock Official Beeotch)!
Oooooooohhh! This explains my question as to why someone who lives near a Class 5 Org came to Flag to do the Purif! What a rip! Flag is ripping off as many public as possible from outer orgs and FLAG IS DEAD. Couple this with Underground Bunker yesterday and it tells you how dire things are for The Church of Scientology.
So if the collapsing Church of Scientology implodes into Flag, and downtown Clearwater is a creepy feeling ghost town, how long does this church have before its remaining staff in Clearwater throw in the towel. It’s got to be Hell for them with demands for them to turn “His” shit into a silk purse.
So true Mary! It’s such a house of cards. The facade has been cracking and crumbling in parts for decades now.
I look forward to the day when staff, public and especially Sea Org members are free from this tyranny.
I want them to have the freedoms I have today, which I falsely thought Scientology would give me. Such irony.
So many of them are there because they believe they are saving the planet.
Manipulating and redirecting that purpose into a destructive machine that benefits one man, is beyond criminal.
Exactly, Mary. And how long will it be for the lower orgs, the Class 5 orgs such as LA Org and the Valley Org in LA, before they gave no public to deliver anything to as Flag has taken their people. Flag has sunk low to take the Purif pcs away from them. If the Valley org and Pas org finally fail, there is a chance I might get my kids back if they were to leave.
Getting my son back is really all I care about as well as regards this church. So every time there is “bad news” for it, my mind always goes to “maybe Sam will leave now.”
I am so there with you Mary. I have the same thought when I heard about how badly the church is doing.
If I can, I’ll be down to help convince the Flag servants to abandon the mostly-sunken ship calling itself scientology these days. Unfortunately, all that’s working of this old bod is the brain and one hand. Getting around is more difficult for me than it was 41 years ago, due to too much smoking, the doctors said. Well, At least I staved off lung cancer…. 😉 Gee, Thanks, Tubby.
Add to the above when Aaron Smith Levine gets elected to Clearwater City Council. Tiny Fists’ head will explode!! Almost makes me feel bad for Lou. She will be the direct line of fire for Triple M (thanks Mark).
Beware confirmation bias. But celebrate the financial crash of $cientology anyway. Mike, buy your ‘insider’ a beer for me. And take one yourself.
these are legit numbers Zee Moo, where do you see confirmation bias????????
Hubbard’s entire religion suffered the same fate as the Jains the in 6th century BCE. Scientology and Hubbard followed the ancient errors. The Jains ended up walking on fire and hot coals just like Scientology tries to get “clears”. If you try to clear the human mind, one ends in confusion. It is a fundamental law of Karma.
Hubbard made the same mistake they made 26 centuries ago. It proves his fundamental ignorance.
And yet Miscavige continues trying to crack the whip over Clearwater. The disconnect between the two situations is mind boggling.
“Back in the Day”, the early ’70s, NYO was a popping place, filling the Hotel Martinique’s main ballroom to overflowing and dragging in people off the street, and Penn Station, left and right. Yet Hubbard’s repressive “FP” policies didn’t allow them to pay staff even the $100/week which was minimum wage those days. MANY, perhaps most of “Foundation’s” staff worked ANY full-time job they could get to pay for a mattress on the floor of some staff-member’s apartment. 40 hrs a week at a “real”, money-paying job, at least 40 hours as staff at nights & weekends, and they were the walking dead or sleepwalkers. Poor people. At that, they were living marginally better than the Sea Org staff in Florida in the late ’70s: The roaches weren’t NEARLY as big and didn’t fly.
And, of course, that “PPP loan” will NEVER be paid back, was never intended to be repaid, not even 1%, as it was money DUE to them for … scientology. In truth, that $150,000 went directly to Dave’s Macallan slush (literally) fund.
It looks like, if the report here and that Tony Ortega presented yesterday on the immense shrinkage of Scientology as Covid hit are true, then Scientology may be shifting to a different stage of its existence.
I remember when I first left Scientology after twenty five years back in 2014 that some of the people had a perspective on this developed after many years outside of the cult.
One of the long term Scientology watchers felt that Scientology might at some point reach a stage like Christian Science which has plenty of empty reading rooms spread across America.
Wikipedia has a brief article that describes the growth and decline of Christian Science.
There are some notable parallels with Scientology. Both are considered cults based on pseudoscience. Both have traditionally attracted a lot of women into their organizations as they offer more opportunities than many other groups do for women.
Both underwent periods of expansion and the gathering of money followed by steep declines in membership nut retain some of the financial power they had, so they can buy or use real estate in a way to continue their existence in society that is disproportionate to their active membership.
Both have memberships that rely on aging members with few young people joining from outside the group.
Now, if the stories of the decline are entirely accurate and true then David Miscavige may now be entirely focused on hiding the crimes of Scientology, always a full time job, retaining the whales and minimizing negative publicity from celebrities, again, always a full time job, and cooling the few remaining members and to whatever degree he can outsiders, into believing Scientology is doing far better than it actually is.
We may have to greatly lower our estimates of the remaining members in Scientology worldwide and start to consider a number below ten thousand!
That’s a number so low that it’s a minor miracle if Miscavige can make any people believe that Scientology is remotely viable!
This guy is doing the work of a lot of people by himself pulling off all these cons!
I for one think he is carrying on so many scams, fooling so many people, that it’s almost impossible to keep ALL these balls in the air without dropping one!
I think he should take a few million dollars, have the best attorney possible help him find a country that doesn’t cooperate with foreign law enforcement and buy himself citizenship and a mansion and relocate! He can then take a vacation!
Pretty much a perfect summation of what most Scientology observers are seeing when we put all the pieces together. A slowly deflating, soufflé, still golden brown on the outside, but mostly hollow and putrid on the inside.
Yea, I too was struck by the empty Christian Science reading rooms, and the forever “small and failing orgs” of Scientology, all the years I was in Sea Org, 1975 to 2003.
So empty Ideal Orgs, par for the course.
The public eventually finds out what a group is selling, and labels it for what it is and the group selling quackery just dries up.
Scientology quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism is a hard sell only getting harder and harder to sell, the more the public know of it.
Miscavige is doing ALL of the work of making the enterprise calling itself scientology seem to be viable, even vibrant. It’s the CICS DBs BeLow him who are screwing things up whenever they’re given a chance.
Good point!
Remember when David Miscavige described several people as CICS WSCOHB! My personal favorite! Imagine that image!
Imagine the pope calling Cardinals CICS WSCITV! ITV of course is “in the Vatican!”
Unless he’s hiding members in some closed Asian country, world wide membership is already below 10,000 and has been for while.
I am starting to think that is more probable than improbable.
Great data Mike, thank you.
A friend who has been in contact with one of the top auditors at Flag told me the auditor said she was doing only about 40 WDAH a week. Also said she’s been too busy to go get vaccinated. Looks like the mecca of tech perfection is floundering just like NYD&F.
ByWhen I worked in the FSO AOs, the conditions for auditors were set as follows:
Power : 50 WDAH
Affluence: 40 WDAH
Normal: 25 WDAH
If you did not make 25 hours you did not get paid. Only a very few auditors made 50 hours, like Jeannie Franks Bogvad or Pierre Ether though I found out that he had false hours. He once threatened to kill me but he left that to the cult. They did a fair job.
Div 4 FSO auditors frequently made the 50 hour mark. 4A guys not so much because of short sessions. Mike Jacobi was doing 40-50/week NOTS on that German public, Axel until it was found he was not even running OT 5 processes. He was declared but per Hubturd policy FSO refused to credit the hours back even though 100% “squirrel”. What a f#$king racket.
Ho! First the insider revelations of how the pandemic has been disastrous for Scientology over at the Underground Bunker yesterday — and now this hugely compromising leak from the NY morgue! Miscavige must now be feeling like the bottom’s dropped out of his world — or possibly that the world’s dropped out of his bottom 😈. Congratulations on the scoop, Mike.
McSavage isn’t paying attention to the REAL stats; only the fake ones which are consistently falsified to make it sound like everything’s copestetic, straight up and vertical. If he SHOULD see the real stats, it might make him spill that thimble-full of Macallans nestled lovingly in his tiny hands.
Interesting post . They are not even managing to cover basic expenses let alone pay the staff. Basically they are there to pay the electricity company. Crazy stuff.
Any other sane group would ditch that building quickly to find one that fits their income. These ideal orgs do not produce money but expenses.
It is a hubbard financial policy set in stone that every org must have Financial Planning Number 1.
In practice, taking into account the average income of a previous period, a financial plan is made where all the needs of the org must find a place. If they do not fit, all that is possible must be smoothed out till it fits and then used as a guide to manage org expences until average income rises..
In this case, the first item to cut down would be an unnecessarily large and hyper expensive building that doesnt give money.
But they can’t. For DM ‘Sum Optimus’ things have to go the other way. Yes, straight towards the precipice.
You’re right. The “Ideal orgs” produce nothing but bills for their upkeep, which Davey MUST cover so they still are near their “book” value carried in his accounts’ ledgers. To let their values drop more than they already have would jeopardize his upcoming retirement to Bulgravia.