A quick posting before a more important one this afternoon.
A couple of comments about this particular piece:
1. It is a further indicator of the increasingly prevalent pattern noticeable in the “successes” that are published by the church where they expound the “party line”. “Acceptable” success stories include statements that are known to be what the church wants. Either parroting the promo for the service (“I have a clear mind now” after the Purif or “my OT perceptions are amazing now I can sense the salinity of my blood” after Super Power) or it’s something like this “I went ‘to hell with it’ and just did my Patron/Humanitarian/Champion etc etc.”
2. The conflation of scientology and the IAS is almost fully complete. Today, the IAS promotes “case gain” achievable by giving them money and conversely, “case gain” results in giving them money. It’s a two-way street of a one way flow. Amazing.
After the confrontingness and the knowingness comes the brokenness (of wallet)
As a never in
And as a never in that it is the space that can empathise, criticise and corehend just how fucking off kilter Jim is … (And how much that dumb fuck WANTS to help make the world a better place but …..
Ah, fuck …. This is what makes me hate $cieloontogy all the more
They take the BEST intentions of people (on the whole) and twist them.
And yes LRH did get some stuff kinda right … And so much totally fucking the opposite of what that really means. Oh how he twisted it – just like any “religion”” – damn I hate that about all religion including Buddhism which most think of as the least violent – until you look into the history and not the stated aims! Not only the history but the actual current reality! Of violence and “political” scheming g and PR’ing
ALLReligions are cults! Whatever the flavour!
Just like those who say “it is Science …. QED (even though they have no better understanding, of the realities and ideology of science and its practioners than the “religious” of ANYflavour do of their religion’s ideaology and reality)!
Slappy McSavage just paid attention to the control side – he knows that ” spirituality” is in there somewhere but …..
But yeah, despite my open heart to him ( jim , Dorothy , whoever) …. What a fucking sap and simpleton!
I want to slap him (and his female counterparts) so fucking hard!
So fucking hard!
So fucking hard I want to use not only multiple exclamation marks but multiple emoticons too!
(And I hate my anon brethren just as much for making emoticons so infra dig!!, lol and seriously?)
What stops me is ….
For those who were in ….remember how you thought and felt THEN,and how you FELT when people called / call YOU names and stupid for believing (ever used the tm sheeple? How do you feel ? Superior or …. ? (
Personally it is knowing the parts of the things I DON’T like//believe play. For others it is because … ))
Leah remini is a great example- swapped the constraints of $ciloontolgy for another cult (Catholicism in her case …. tho I waiver on how much was merely swapping one cult for another, no matter how well rstablished (which is why co$ tries and is pretty successful in tagging onto the reputations (but not reality) of other flavours of “religion”., and how much was PR ,
After all, Catholicism has aprety powerful and influential following in not only her demographic and society at large, as well as in her family history
ALL of them, religions that is, promote the idea of a greater and separate being that controls their life. That greater being includes not only religions and Co$ but also those who think Science has/will hav e ALL the answets ….
lRH started the scam
Slappy MacSavage took it to a whole different level
Neither could have succeeded if people either never learnt how to distinguish between what they think and feel, or learnt to ignore their innate warning signals.
We have , mostly, ALL been there at some point -or will be
Do we recognise when it happens?
But fucking hell
Don’t ya just want to slap the motherfuckers?
I do
Mike, you are in top form today! “It’s a two way street of a one way flow.” is a brilliant statement of what is going on inside the CofS. Who knew scientology’s irreducible minimum would turn out to be an expanded money process?
Short Stuff’s relief, and what takes him to his mental “happy” place away from his intense psychotic disorders, is simply hoarding. He does not know or care on how to spend it, he just wants more. He does not use Scientology or respect anyone in it.
A true sociopath drifting, with no means to the end.
Well, that should make a few people want to stay away from the Survival Rundown! I mean, Jeez, if the EP is that I’ll want to cough up a quarter-million bucks to the IAS… NO WAY!
Remember this , all these success stories will become
Scientology week on the “American Greed” TV series.
How do I break into this racket? If this new breed of “super loser” insist on giving their money away, they might as well give it to me. I know you read this blog Mr. Miscavige. Teach me!
Yeah “to hell with it” per the urbandictionary means “to reject ones own idea”. That fits. It’s the philosophy demanded in cob’s church!
Good one, TroubleShooter!
That photo looks like he’s auditioning to play the Joker in the next Batman movie. Not a natural smile. He may actually be suffering from intestinal parasites.
hgc10 — well at least in that scenario, something on the 5th dynamic is actually benefiting from its host being full of sh*t.
Are these rundowns now designed so that the E.P. is donating to the IAS and Ideal orgs?
Mike, you’ve really nailed it with this post. “The conflation of scientology and the IAS is almost fully complete.”
The “tech” doesn’t work 100% of the time, never has and never will so to keep the “church” going, it makes perfect sense to meld the COS and IAS. Sure, the Little Pecker Head is twisting the “tech” but it’s mostly nonsense anyway so he cannot help but see there are no OTs on this planet who can be cause over matter, energy, space, time etc. Those of us who are outside the box, and have come out of the trance, look inside and easily see the craziness of it all. But, It all makes perfect sense IF one has bought into Hubbard’s mind bending “tech” that is best expressed by this one sentence. “The whole agonized future of this planet, every Man, Woman and Child on it, and your own destiny for the next endless trillions of years depend on what you do here and now with and in Scientology.” Those who buy into that one line are doomed until they wake up from the trance and reach for readily, available information that is out here for everyone. Until then, “insiders” will believe whatever is put forth, by the church in hopes of achieving the end result of whatever stage of the bridge they are on.
I have been there – done that myself so I totally understand their situation and wish them the best.
Maybe, one day my daughter and her family will wake up but something very detrimental to her way if thinking occurred during the 5 or 6 years she was on OT7 and 8 that locked her into Hubbard’s mind bending world. I can only hope that she wakes up before she and her whole family are homeless.
Mr Lund’s success story communicated only one thing to me: That the product of processing in the CoS is to make you give more of your money to them. Without any doubts or reservations, or as Mr Lund puts it, “happy with certainty and knowingness”.
Stay away from this group if you’re looking to better yourself.
Responsibility = you owe the church
Confront and take responsibility = you go all in for the church
All of this results in case gain!
Now I know why I am not an OT. My bank manager is suppressing me!
WhiteStar really nailed it. With all this technology to make incredibly powerful beings, what does it need money for?
When I was still a believer, I thought my “universe” (aka my life and financial circumstances) would magically improve by reading books and doing bridge steps. That’s what the promo said, anyway.
“The conflation of scientology and the IAS is almost fully complete. Today, the IAS promotes “case gain” achievable by giving them money and conversely, “case gain” results in giving them money. It’s a two-way street of a one way flow. Amazing.”
Mike as usual your observations are spot on, that and your wit are two of many reasons why I visit this blog daily. Thanks!
Donations = Case Gain. You now must have an approved Success Story. Truly using the book Alice in Wonderland fits this cult to a ‘T.’
Those left have gone so far off the deep end, they is a chance they’ll never make it back to sanity.
NONE, nada, no way, impossible. Those left are toast except for the ones sending us all of the OTC minutes and reporting in general on the FUBAR condition of the cult.
Thank you to all those still in helping the cause!
I have a feeling that Jim Lund is going to continue to feel like he’s still missing something in life.
You mean like his retirement fund?
Definately …. and more. (See post above) But his False Purpose Rundown Redo should address this.
Yes, that and a multitude of other things – both physical and spiritual.
Not to mention missing the boat by not getting the hell out of there sooner.
Makes me sick
As far as approved Success Stories goes I know for a fact that a person writing the SS after completing OT VIII was told “is unacceptable” and, factually, the person had to change it three times more until the RTC Rep approved it. Talking about severe invalidation and full control.
Yup, had to get Success Story approval on ship after OT VIII. Make sure I mention how great the Basics were. Make sure I thank David Miscavige and LRH.
Anyone remember the gimp that was pulled out of the box in the movie Pulp Fiction?
When I did OT8 we had to have our written success story checked out by someone in Qual before we were announced. It’s been going on for over 20 years after some OT8 gave a loopy success story that caused problems.
Had always to write Success Stories .. none were approved .. had to write new ones .. or had to go back on a repair ..
OMG! I’m glad I never got to the OT levels. The fact that some other person literally checks and approves your Success Story is APPALLING! That takes away ALL of the wins you allegedly got. Aren’t OTs supposed to be self-determined, conscious Beings able to function autonomously and create new civilizations by their thoughts, yaddah-yaddah? So, the first thing that happens when they finish the whole Bridge is have some little small-minded SO (who probably has done very little Bridge themselves) tell them that their origination is not okay? It boggles the mind. It’s truly stupid. Don’t the big OTs see this outpoint?
“Aren’t OTs supposed to be self-determined, conscious Beings able to function autonomously and create new civilizations by their thoughts, yaddah-yaddah? ”
Well let’s not get carried away here Zana. We don’t need or want quite that type of product nor do we want them to see the outpoint. I think it is referred to as ‘dulling the tip’ …….kind of like the example Dave the Dildo sets for the group.
Just get through it all and outta there. That’s the EP.
The qualing of the Success Stories has been going on since late 90’s. When I completed OT V in LA, they wanted me to be one of the speakers at graduation but had to have me write out the whole speech and get prior approval. They told me to be sure to put certain things in the speech. I threw a monkey wrench in it as I got there just at the last minute with no speech written and winged it. They almost pulled me and didn’t let me talk cuz of no qual on the speech. I insisted however, and I prevailed.
That would be cause over life by the way.
Totally different to the Pysch bullshit written 10 posts above.
Well done!
Sassy wench!
Mike wrote:
“Today, the IAS promotes “case gain” achievable by giving them money and conversely, “case gain” results in giving them money. It’s a two-way street of a one way flow. Amazing.”
Can anyone spot the operant conditioning techniques used on people in Scientology?
I would press the red button anyway .. i Like mild electronic shocks ..
I guess I am a red button kind of guy. Now, where is that next shock coming from?
Yo Dave,
Can you turn up the juice a tad? Just check your weekly stats from yesterday, that will no doubt do the trick. Those Valley losers still haven’t gotten all the moola in! WTF is the matter with them……….You gave them a 50% reduction when you pressured Nancy into that match game…..what more will you have to do? Grab those rods big boy and flow some powerz ………….I’m sure you have done the sooper powerz rundowns and the Run for Fun resurgence thingy. Just do it Dave!
It was pounded into me very hard that I had to take responsibility. I eventually just blamed it all to myself.
After the next mind control process I finally broke up and gave them all my money.
I realized that I’m a hopeless wimp but I’m really happy that they finally left me alone!
the best thing you can do for humankind is to give all your money to scientology.
scientology needs money…..yes they have the tech……..but they still need money.
unlike yourself who doesn’t need money because you have something more valuable than money, you have the Tech.
it is logical that if you have something as powerful as the tech you don’t need to have considerations on money, right?
so why are you holding on to it? who wants money when something more important is at stake?
make more donations to the IAS, they need money. give as much money as you can to the ideal Org programs, they need money. that is what they keep telling everyone.
you have the tech and certainty and knowingness so stop keeping what you don’t need and donate it to those that don’t have these things.
with the Tech you can always make more money, be more able to make money when ever you need it.
the church on the other hand only has the Tech to count on, they can’t make money as they need it unless it comes from you, so you see how important you are to the whole scheme of things?
stop having considerations on money and give it to those that do.
it makes a lot of sense.
Giving a chunk of money to Miscavige’s slush fund is Mr Lund’s idea of one of the “gutsiest things” he’s ever done. Jim, you can arrive at a whole new level of “gutsy” mate – all it takes is Googling “IAS fraud” or “Scientology abuse”. Try it – it’s like a whole OT level all in itself.
This sort of thing doesn’t bode well for auditors. I can see the IAS becoming very unhappy with auditors and C/S’s that can only produce well and happy PC’s who easily FN with great results.
That is not going to cut it. The real but unstated EP for tech services is that the PC digs deep and give ten times the auditing donation rate.
That is why the IAS was and is always hawking for PC’s fresh out of session and feeling great –They are easy pickings and are made to feel guilty and out exchange for not giving more for their great results.
You are 100% right on here, KFrancis.
I remember when the reg would scrape every penny out of someone, including putting them into debt, in order to get the person onto auditing. Then, 2 weeks later when the person completed the auditing and was sent to the reg on the completion routing form, the reg would route them as a failed product of tech if they didn’t resign for more right then and there. It didn’t matter how happy they were with their service. They didn’t pay more money, regardless of whether they had any or not. Paying money was the yardstick to measure if tech produced a product. Period. Now, they have to also contend with the IAS reg.
I agree Bela….the routing form always included the reg.
I think LRH said somewhere if the person didn’t sign up
for more service that it was an outpoint.
I never agreed with that as a PC and as an auditor.
A PC goes to reg after finishing a major level….very
happy with their service. Then they leave the reg in
an ARCX. Except those that could hold their position.
I guess the only people who are supposed to let the PC
have their wins were C/S’s and Auditors. After that they
are fair game to a bunch of untrained idiots only following
LRH’s policy letters.
A giant mistake by LRH was not requiring all staff to be trained
and have at least a few hours of auditing others under their belt.
As I recall, when LRH was at St. Hill this was the case. Most
staff on the org board were trained auditors. That org was doing
very well.
Wait until the sheeple get up to redoing their False Purpose Rundowns. Jims ep will likely go something like;
“I had no idea just how out ethics I have been my whole life. Now that I have given every dime and scrap of mest to the church including some funds I borrowed from friends to pay off my debts from overcommitting to the cult, and I have signed my billion year contract and I have finally, with total certainty, achieved Ron’s dream of everlasting, eternal immortality and total freedom from everything in the universe including myself with the exception of my fearless leader, Dave the Dildo Miscaviage. And I feel so wonderful that I just shit my pants and don’t even care about it because I am free of all that stuff!”
Oh re-dos of the FPRD were already done once, back in the late 90’s, because it was supposedly being done wrong (like usual – if you believe the history of re-releases, everything has always been wrong and been misunderstood and/or sabotaged by SPs until the latest re-release which itself will eventually turn out to have been wrong/misunderstood/sabotaged). In any event I had the torture of having to re-do my FPRD by first having “FES errors” on all my forms (and I did a LOT of forms) “corrected”, then having to redo the same forms in their entirety from scratch. This was one of turning points that led to my eventual exfiltration from the Church.
It is IRRESPONSIBLE to just give money and think you are taking responsibility, without having the KNOWLEDGE of who you are giving money to and what they are doing with the money.
My sentiments exactly, davefagen. Why don’t they take responsibility and know WHO and WHAT they are taking responsibility for. They are “taking more responsibility” for denying others their own truth. They are “taking responsibility” of stripping families apart. They are “taking responsibility” for human rights abuses and felony assaults. They are “taking responsibility” for allowing a sociopath to run the show of THEIR group. They are contributing to all of this.
Hey Dave, Come Sea Org Day, you are hereby promoted to Vice Commodore In-Charge.
You guys are making WAY too much sense here! There is no way the sheeple will cognite with this sort of thing…..you have got to back off the gradient!
Well said! +1.
Dave Fagen, You speak sooth! Yes!
Here here!
You’re spot on, Mike. As usual. I can only shake my head sadly.
Imagine the case gain you will have when you are living in a cardboard box underneath a bridge somewhere. The sky is the limit. It’s only mest! Donate it all. As Janice Joplin put it. “Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose,”
30 years of shamelessly fleecing the flock