This is some curious promo.
Ignore the batshit headline which has been commented on before as this has become some sort of catchphrase it seems — “guaranteeing your infinity of future” makes about as much sense as “ensuring that every moment is present time” or even better “extinguishing your life force” (which is implied if you DON’T follow our instructions).
Clearly it is an event promoting the Survival Rundown.
So why have “New OT VIII, L Rundowns, Super Power and Cause Resurgence completions” promote it? What does that have to do with Survival Rundown?
No doubt their pitch is going to be that in order to make all these magnificent levels, you have to re-do your Objectives first. They were no doubt made to redo Objective before starting Super Power and will proclaim how this “made their wins possible” — but they are NOT going to explain how they DIDNT really get wins on OT VIII or Ls’ — even though they hadn’t done “real” Objectives before “completing” those levels.
What is the point? STATUS. Somehow these people who went all the way up the Bridge and did their L’s with “incomplete/unflat Objectives” are going to tell the sheeple THEY must redo their Objectives.
Down the rabbit hole.
Curioser and curioser.
Friend says
Thank you Mike for letting my comment through moderation .. hope somebody else will share my idea about what Objectives are for .. and that there is nothing for re-doing it if you got it for what they are .. you yourself decide what time span is present time for you .. if it is a millisecond, you are like a virus .. which means no responsibility for whatever you doing or having done .. all other determinisms .. with each second you add you will get more self determinism .. take more responsibilty ..
Friend says
If somebody asks why I write that? My only attest in Scientology is Objectives. After that I got 1000 hours repair about my refusing of further auditing. Nobody came ever up to the point that I had realized the way to go for being an OT .. Dave Miscavige runs this reverse, because he orders it .. something which is never said from LRH .. Objectives do not work when ordered ..
You may have done once a handling of a drunken guy. You say: look at your feet. Look at these empty glasses. Look out of the window .. or whatever .. the guy finds back to his own order .. surely he do .. but it is basically TR 10 .. push out disorder with order ..
Chuck Beatty says
The pitch asking “Are you in present time..” makes sense because the Objectives end phenomenon is about retreating causatively, supposedly, learning the ability to gain control and key out of one’s bank.
Learning by the experience of receiving the controlling objective processes being run on one by an auditor, one like in the “Doll” movie, learns one can control one’s body, one gets the ability to causatively, supposedly, be totally in present time, moving one’s body around at will, like Captain Jak’s cognition moment during the ever funny interesting “Doll” (objectives) movie.
Now, I’m being only totally devil’s advocate, since I don’t believe in LRH or Scientology at all anymore, but my training was so extensive that I took it all very seriously, enough to know the references or spots where LRH makes his claims for his tech’s efficacy.
If a person failed to ever obtain the lower levels results, never got the ability fully to be like Captain Jak, and be in free keyed out and rather permanently assured to oneself that one can forever more put one’s attention outward into the world and fully causatively control of one’s body, then they never attained that full certainty of the end phenomenon. It implies that also there might be other points in the thousands of other processes one does through the lower levels, all the way of their climb through the thousands of processes, they similarly likely didn’t obtain the total end phenomenon, here and there, slowly becoming by accumulation of lack of gains, the dreaded “bypassed case!”.
And like has been told in even Marty’s 3rd book, and the final pages of Lawrence Wright’s must read book, “Going Clear…” both books tell of LRH returning to Solo NOTs, to deal with what LRH was convinced was a troublesome body thetan that had not been fully exorcised off of LRH.
The way the church promo makes sense, is based on the untold vast huge number of existing Scientologists who are “bypassed cases”.
The Cause Resurgence Rundown itself is a sort of OT objective process, it consists of the simple process of the person running their unit (pure soul or body) in large enough ovals that eventually one gets a key out of whatever one is stuck in. It is about the simplest objective process there is, all theoretically.
People in Scientology when the “fail” and go out into the world and mentally recover from LRH’s canopy of ideas, get charged almost inevitable with the “bypassed base” condemnation.
My conclusion even when in the movement, was that almost all people still in the movement were “bypassed cases” and thus validly, per LRH’s rules, needed to be case supervised to redo all those levels they had not obtained.
The Captain Jak movie at least shows the supposed end phenomenon that one was supposed to obtain in the objectives, and funnily, the incident when the reporter is lending their compassionate ear to draw the story out of Captain Jak, is also just so relevant to Scientology in this world.
In that media, do compassionately listen to the Captain Jak’s, and also, the movie is funnily source reference and Captain Jak isn’t even further condemned, Jak has his SP order lifted by LRH petition.
It’s a funny bigger story, this repeating redoing pattern that they are doing.
Miscavige is just running this on them.
LRH’s life shows that redoing lower auditing levels is something the boss did himself.
Some people who took all his stuff seriously, and are researcher methodical minded I wish had access to everything LRH wrote, knew the tech all the way in detail, and had access to all the case folders, LRH’s case folders, MSH’s case folders, all the principle long dead people who ran bits of the tech as the whole research that LRH did was being done, to get the full authoritative picture of it all.
I don’t know, at this stage of Scientology history, of anyone alive with that interest in LRH’s total thoughts/writings/spoken words, to do that level of putting LRH’s mind fully together and summarizing it all.
Anyways the repeating auditing and repeating or redoing OT levels, it’s been being done all along, and “bypassed case” handling has been turned into the official church’s strategy for going on 2 decades intensively.
Again LRH himself, his own “OT Case” (body thetans still hitchhiking on oneself) and the Cause Resurgence Rundown being a repeatable objectives process, a process C/Sed for himself, stating that is his future after he leaves his body, that’s supposedly LRH redoing the Cause Resurgence Rundown, right now, and might explain why LRH still isn’t base yet (I don’t believe he’s coming back, since I don’t believe in the soul). But per Marty’s and Wright’s books, LRH is out there redoing the OT running program.
It should not upset Scientologists, if they know LRH is even into redoing the simplest objective procress, that they also should all get used to redoing things!
Chuck Beatty says
Sorry for the typos, I switched “base” “case” and left out “back”.
Kemist says
You know this thing about “being in complete control of your body”, as described by scientologists, has always puzzled me. Especially when combined with a desire to “be exterior”.
To me, these things are completely opposite goals, especially when someone gleefully describes how their body fell down stairs because were “exterior”. I have a genetic disorder which frequently makes me feel what those people describe as “exterior”, and it does result in clumsiness. I have to concentrate and look at my feet when I walk on uneven surfaces to avoid falling, on my hands not to drop objects. I have to “be in present time” constantly if I do these things. I can’t trust my body on autopilot. It’s not a pleasant feeling and I wonder why some people would pay to try and feel like this.
Chuck Beatty says
Dear Kemist,
Good assessment!
Hubbard presumed all humans were drenched with mental pictures, and the beginning level Hubbard Objective processes supposedly if done thoroughly will give one the ability to hold one’s case off en masse mentally, and also gets one trained as a recipient ready for the upcoming thousands of crank therapy processes still to come where you supposedly REALLY do some slicing and dicing of your mental accumulation of bad karma memories.
I did the Objectives 3 times through. So redoing them, even in the late 1970s, was common.
There’s a funny in house movie, nicknamed the “Doll movie” which I wish were public for all to see what the end phenomenon of the Objectives is.
One bigger unseen unappreciated and important aspect of Scientology still hidden, is their in house movies, which have not leaked publicly. Events of Scientology have leaked, but not yet their in house training movies which have some really interesting depictions of their honest views of the whole cosmos.
The “Doll Movie”
The “Chaplain Movie”
The “Why TRs” (the late Isaac Hayes narrates it) is my all time favorite
Potpie says
My conclusion even when in the movement, was that almost all people still in the movement were “bypassed cases” and thus validly, per LRH’s rules, needed to be case supervised to redo all those levels they had not obtained.
Hi Chuck,
I see what you are saying and the comment above appears
to me you are referring to an Advanced Program….is this correct?
If so, I would not totally agree that on such a program the pc has to redo
ALL levels not obtained, nor do I agree all cases doing an Advanced
Program are bypassed cases.
If there are some questionable parts of a grade, objectives or
Dianetics or other level, those need checked and redone as needed,
I have not seen an Advanced Program state to redo a whole level
as opposed to checking certain processes in a level that could be questionable
per an interview and FES. An Advanced Program (Return Program) is designed
to return a pc to a point on the grade chart but not with the point of view that
almost all pc’s need to do this.
If in an Advanced Program there was a
step to redo a whole level, then I would certainly call that a bypassed
case. Then everything done from that point forward could be considered
bypassed and would have to be rechecked for EP’s and handled accordingly
to get the pc back to the level on the grade chart he supposedly attained.
I’m not trying to make you wrong here by any means….because what you
are saying is quite true….unfortunately there are many bypassed cases that
in my opinion are not handled properly. As far as LRH saying to redo all
levels, I can only go by what programs each individual pc has in their folders.
They are all not exactly the same.
remoteviewed says
True I agree Chuck,
Theoretically you could run the phenomenon covered in III and NOTs forever. Just as you could run engrams forever as well.
Probably again theoretically you could run objectives forever because as you remember according to C/S Series 37R there is really no such thing as overrun but then who would make any progress on the Grade Chart?
Especially in a universe where absolutes are unobtainable.
This is why you only run processes to an F/N Cognition and VGIs and then only if it reads and/or if the PC is interested (since you can’t check objectives for a read) which is what we were taught.
But of course under the new regime this is totally ignored. Just like any F/N that doesn’t swing back and forth the proscribed three times perfectly like a frickin’ metronome.
I guess you could blame the Ol’man for that but there where no additional HCOBs that changed anything in the penultimate paragraph above this one.
Just a bunch of stupid drills written by RTRC and approved by RTC and some verbal data about what an “F/N” is which has pretty much spread like a wild fire and burning the subject up in the Org and is now turning into smoke.
Subreption says
What is the objective of all of this? The purif? That should be clear by now, said the OT.
Friend says
The Objectives on ACCs where never used standardly .. only valid for one aspect of beingness .. later LRH came up with CCHs .. which ist then standard tech .. I asked often the question: How long is present time? Is it a millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, lifetime, eternity .. how long? See, it is the only real question about Objectives .. if you have the answer, you can not re-do it .. it’s finished .. following it is not necessary to do all possible Objectives .. because the EP of all is always the same ..
There is a lecture from LRH (I’ve forgotten whether it was on an ACC or on the SHSBC) where he has discussed this fact as the basic .. how long is present time for the individual person .. how long it may be for God or Gods? See, if present time expands from millisecond to a minute, you are quite more aware of all the things around you .. how much present time you will or can confront .. you should decide it finally yourself in every moment .. being able to do it ..
If you can do that, you can not re-do Objectives, doesn’t matter which one you have missed or not got in the past. The EP is “oriented in present time” .. and realise it doesn’t say how long this time span is ..
Someone may realise that you becomes instandly Clear at the point when you take this lifetime as present time .. it would erase all possible banks .. but you could also create all possible banks .. you have opened the door to being an OT for yourself ..
I know a lot of people who got never the idea of “how long is present time” .. do not grasp that really, but surely LRH has dicussed that too .. because it is the basic of all Objectives .. obviously has Dave Miscavige missed this point .. or hadn’t grasped it .. but finally, you can not become or understand OT as long as you do not grasp that ..
Friend says
The question “how long is present time” is maybe stupid .. but by reality the EP “oriented in present time” do show itself that it can’t be a millisecond .. for most people is present time a day or so .. for knowing may be a virus who falls down to your body .. his present time is on milliseconds .. duplicate themself in such a time span .. and will ruin your life for some time too .. in fact, as larger you present time becomes, as more Clear or OT you are .. if not so, the whole work of LRH makes no sense et all ..
Friend says
A virus makes past time to present time and has no awareness about for himself ..
remoteviewed says
Actually Ron covers this point in a Briefing Course called Levels of Release where he talks about running an objective past this point is a waste of time which seems to be what the Church is really good at doing these days.
Kevin Bloody Mackey says
I think I know why he does this, and it amounts to extreme dishonesty and maximum extraction of money whichever way I look at it. Does that surprise anyone?
With Sooper Power overhyped then released there is an issue that the initial ‘rush’ of public, who have waited for more than 20 years could overwhelm the cos’s meagre delivery lines, this additional hurdle is a profitable way to both milk a captive audience for even more money and stagger the initial influx of punters. Essentially, it’s an additional sale. Who cares if it’s not really needed or wanted? The demand is artificially created by transferring the Sooper Power demand.
indie8million says
On the objectives pitch, only a few people know I’m out so people talk to me about why it’s so cool to do the objectives now, even though they are OT. See, Miscavige isn’t stupid (well, he’s dumb but clever). He knew that he’d better put something new on that old SRD course from 1979 so he went through the ACCs and found “new” objective processes that could be included.
“See, people! These are NEW processes that you haven’t DONE before! See? Isn’t it great! As an OT, you get to put yourself into present time MORE than before! Praise Jesus, we’ve done it again! Oh, and this makes it so you can’t get THESE objectives out in the Indie field so :p !”
And they believe it.
Is someone on the course now? How about bringing one of those course packs to Mike or someone who will post it on the Internet. That will handle the, “The Indies don’t have it” sneer.
FOTF2012 says
That Alice in Wonderland drawing at the head of the post gave me a cognition — or possibly a “bognition” as we sometimes called a bad realization.
Why Alice in Wonderland for the Training Routines? Why such simplistic statements in general (e.g., “Do fish swim?” and “Do birds fly?”).
Suddenly it struck me (this is my bognition) as a rather subtle but calculated means of regressing us (Scientologists) to an earlier and more innocent stage of development, a stage of life when magic seemed possible and skepticism was typically suspended — when our analytical skills were underdeveloped and we were more suggestible.
Could Hubbard have been so calculating? Well, he certainly set up plenty of mechanisms to stop thought and critical reasoning. So it would not seem far-fetched to me.
Mike Rinder says
That is a far out theory. I think the reason for Alice in Wonderland is explained somewhere and I recall it had to do with the nonsense (non-restimulative) dialog that would focus on delivery of a message rather than the content.
remoteviewed says
I agree Mike,
Even that theory is wilder than any that I’ve come up with.
So much so that it deserves Tin Foil Hat award with full honors.
Actually Ron explains why he picked Alice in Wonderland in a PAB called Dummy Auditing Step 2.
Through the Looking Glass is used as well.
Both of them contain nonsensical none restimulative dialogue that you can randomly pick at any point in the books and not attach too much significance to unlike say Naked Lunch or Howl for example.
Paul Cocovinis says
This fascinating account of the very early days in London, St Hill and Australia by Dennis Stephens shortly before he passed away was linked on this blog not too long ago. Not sure how far in it is (there’s over 4 1/2 hours in total) but he lays claim to having come up with Dear Alice as being a better option to the newspapers that were being used.on the drills at the time, which he says was suggested to LRH who immediately endorsed it.
FOTF2012 says
Well, thanks for the invalidating comments, I guess. What I wrote is not really that far out, though. The phenomenon of adults regressing to earlier development stages in various circumstances is well-documented and observed — outside of Scientology. Inside Scientology it would be called something else.
And there is evidence that such regression can be tied in some sort of relation to children’s stories, and its not a recent suggestion. The Economist was writing about one angle on it over a decade ago. See for example.
So I guess any number of thinkers trying to tease out the mechanisms of how Scientologists got so mind-controlled, and how children’s stories can tie in with some sort of regression can all wear a tinfoil hat. Better that than a closed mind.
indie8million says
Is it just me or can you, if you fog up your eyes and squint a little, see a whale on either side of the tree trunk? You know, like those optical illusion pics? Talk about a subliminal message. “Ok, all of you whales come to the trunk of the tree. Give us all your money and then you’ll see. Running around that tree trunk you will be. All for only 2,500 bucks you’re gonna give to me.”
Michael Leonard Tilse says
Hi Mike,
It occurs to me that the emphasis on re-doing the bridge creates one valuable (to David Miscavige) aparency: That the orgs are booming.
In an org where all the Favor Aide drinkers are dutifully re-doing their most basic courses and auditing actions even though having done the bridge, the org will seem full and active.
DM’s biggest claim to legitimacy is the expansion of scientology. Without all the re-dos the true state of the empty orgs would be much more apparent.
Just more stat push.
Joe Pendleton says
Now let me get this straight – the SENIOR CASE SUPERVISOR ASHO – is that still Marge? – if so, she’s been on post, what, 20 plus years? – but no matter whom really. How MANY times has the Senior CS ASHO been checked out and word cleared on Keeping Scientology Working? Cause I remember Marge in freaking 1972! – 200 times? 500 times? Word Cleared M4, M9, M3, how many times? Done Class VIII? Same on Safeguarding Technology – HOW many times star rated and freaking word cleared??? And she STILL doesn’t ask for the HCO B that mentions mass CSing of all cases to go back and re-do Objectives and Purifs? Has she missed the WHOLE fucking CS Series????? ALL of it???? Remember the issue about not taking executive opinion? That it’s all HE&R (LRH’s words). THIS folks is your essential problem in Scientology. NOT one Dave Miscavige. Because all it would probably take is a few folks actually duplicating their OWN materials that they have attested to understanding fully and world cleared over and over and over again. How absolutely pathetic these people are. I knew a number of years ago when Lundeen told me OVER THE PHONE that I’d been CS’d for two intensives of sec checking (no DofP interview done of course) how TOTALLY out to lunch and how COMPLETELY incompetent the ASHO Senior CS was at THAT time. But …… you know, maybe these folks all DO need more Purifs and Objectives …. because they are fucking NOWHERE near present time and haven’t been for eons. Uhm ….. yeah ….. homo novis …… pass the Jack Daniel’s bud …..
Morris Adams says
Hallie Jane says
I hear you loud and clear Joe. I like “the WHOLE fucking C/S series????!!!” The suspended disbelief is very difficult to fathom. Since it’s impossible for tech terminals to make a living wage, there’s a constant turnover so the experience and mentoring, that could have gone on all these years has never occurred. I know there’s some older tech staff but no quantity necessary, so that anyone entering an org could have a real, great auditor. It takes a long time. Add the squirrel tech and there’s no hope for a product. A friend of mine got told she had to redo OT VII and VIII over the phone. No r-factor, no interview, no conversation, nothing. It was some stupid kid on the phone. When I was an auditor, any potentially upsetting r-factor would only be done in session with corrections lists at the ready. This can only be called cruel abuse.
Good Old Boy says
These guys don’t have a clue on granting beingness so they will never ever be in
present time.
dankoon says
Anyone who read LRH’s comments about the original Survival Rundown, compiled and released while he was off the lines in 1980-81, would be flabbergasted by DM’s chutzpah to call an Objectives rundown the Survival Rundown. This was originally compiled by Melanie Murray, daughter of famous Illinois mission holder George Seidler, and when LRH reviewed it he cancelled it pronto, also noting that the positioning of it in the promo (an Indian taking aim at a buffalo) was positioning it with death (killing a buffalo) by peoples who also did not survive well (thanks to the U.S. Army). DM knows all this yet here comes with another Survival Rundown. Unbelievable on so many levels.
Forever Lurker says
There’s one thing that most of the current crop of kool-aid drinkers fail to recognize.
All this GAT I and GAT II stuff is based on the single supposition that “back in the day” LRH produced all these results on people, consistently and in volume, when he was wielding the tech in his own hands.
Where are all these products? I’ve never seen them. Never talked to them.
Most of the old timers quit the bridge in disgust, crashed and burned, or simply got declared.
I audited a few of the real “old-old-timers” from back in the golden era and can say it was more shocking than fun. Some were really in rough shape. Never met one who was walking six inches above the ground.
GAT I and GAT II are based on a mythical product that was never attained and never existed, even when LRH was personally wielding the tech in his own hands.
It is a DM fantasy, created to sell his product . . . again and again.
We’d all have been better served if the people who own the tech today were just a bit more honest about it.
I think there is SOME value in some of it, but even that will be buried in the avalanche of hyperbole and lies.
Forever Lurker
thegman77 says
Well, I’m an “old timer” and what I got was, to my standards, quite sensational. I could only hope that others got the same kind of gains. And, when “the next step” made absolutely no sense to me, I simply and quietly quit. No emotional fails, no loss of friends, no sense of losing anything. Just pleasure in the wins and gains I got, the others I’d been able to help, and the feeling of “Next?” And moved on. I would hope that for any/everyone.
Hallie Jane says
+1 I wasn’t so quiet though. 🙂
edge says
This whole GAT and GAT II business is ridiculous. It would be like telling everyone who had any formal educational background that they had to start all over again from kindergarten because Pluto was re-classified from a planet to dwarf planet. That’s ridiculous in itself, but where Scientology makes it even more ridiculous is that you’re supposed to be HAPPY to do it all over again. You’re supposed to be thrilled to buy your books all over again, do the same courses again, go to Clearwater again, spend all that money again. Because if you’re not happy, oh wait, not being happy in Scientology apparently costs money too.
Friend says
since 1997 I said always I do not study the Basics .. never for no reason .. now I am death filed .. became blamed for having contact with squirrels from internet ..
Mike: you are a squirrel? Am I a squirrel? It seems not doing the Basic and going without that stuff is the end of SCN ..
I have never heard: If you do not study the Bible you are not longer a member of the church ..
hei88008 says
Dear Friend,
thank you for your thoughts and communication.
I fully duplicate and understand you!
Let me ask you two questions:
1) What is true for YOU?
2) Was there nothing wrong in the first place?
Morris Adams says
“Are you fully in present time?” Yes, but I can’t say the same for you.
“On what does your level of survival really depend?” Staying far away from you crazies.
Jose Chung says
The Bridge is BROKEN ( smashed to bits) the purif is possibly a least broken step.
But re doing the purif in a snazzy D.M. approved gym outfit ? does that make a better EP ? or Ideal EP ? Vitamins dispensed from a D.M. approved Vitamin dispenser are more potent? or Ideal ? The Bridge is BROKEN.
Simply they have to promote it to the few remaining OTs still following the carrot as, if they don’t do these services, there is literally now new public coming in to do them.
Robert Almblad says
I so agree Silvia. Almost no new public means the OT’s still “in” have to carry the load…. and smile and make a good show of it too.
I read a story 20 years ago about “who” would buy the “last Burger King” before it fell apart. From Mike’s last Australian expose, I get the feeling that the last Burger King of Scientology is upon us.
Live Zombie says
This is from The Communication Course Pack. Copyright 1978, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, Revised per 1 August 1977 checksheet
“The home of L. Ron Hubbard and his family since 1959, Saint Hill Manor is where Ron continued his relentless search into the rehabilitation of the spirit of Man. Late in 1965 the final and most important stage of his research was completed.
The long sought bridge to total freedom for Mankind was complete.”
So its taken 49 years to implement the result of Hubbards’ research?
Something is amiss here.
clergyman says
The painful truth is that while you have the datum “If it isn’t written, it isn’t true.” you’re just going to have to get used to a new datum “Even if it WAS written, the truth is not guaranteed.”
Robert Almblad says
When the Purif 1st came out in the 70’s, everyone had to do it before moving on, except if you were auditing on OT III I believe. Anyway, it made sense at the time because the purif was a new discovery and it would help you to be better prepared for the “upper levels”
Having OT VIII’s and others re-do the bottom of the Bridge is not a discovery of new technology, instead it is a discovery that there is something inherently wrong with YOU. You failed in life and you’re going back to 1st grade. Someone is commanding all Scientology public, “All you sonsofabitches failed, so start over”.
Like the 100 mouse traps set up in a glass cabinet and loaded with ping pong balls to demonstrate a nuclear reaction, so too is this command dropping the 1st ping pong ball in the cabinet. The majority of Scientologists are resisting the blanket invalidation of their case and are talking to each other about it. The ping pong balls are flying between Scientology public members. It’s a wake up call for the public…. DM’s GAT II is emptying all the public into the street. Soon there will only be staff and public that make money from Scientology public.
Pepper says
Robert – amen brother. The running theme has been “you didn’t really make it, so do it again and do it right this time”. This underlying current was something I spotted long ago when one day I found myself analyzing why I felt that whatever I did was never good enough and realized that nothing will ever be good enough for this organization and unfortunately, some of its hard-core members.
I like what you said about Scientologists talking to each other and resisting the blanket invalidation of their case. I know some who are not doing that at all but know others who are thinking it over and are keeping their distance. Good for them!
I agree that soon there will only be staff and public that make money from Scn public, if that’s not already the case now which it seems to be by all appearances.
Robert Almblad says
Pepper, that was my thought too: maybe everyone already left except for staff and the public that are making money from other Scientology public. True or not, GAT II will clean out all the pockets of sanity that are left in that organization.
I was fully in from 1971 until the 2005 three swing F/N on OT V and mostly out after the 2009 St Pete Time’s Truth Rundown, more out with Debbie Cook and fully out in the last year. It takes time to really get out.
GAT II is a wake up call for anyone who understands Scientology and does not have a vested financial interest in Scientology public or is on staff. The rest, including those with children and family on staff, will back off from the organization, but not without talking to other parents with children and family on staff. Their question is: can you save the koolaide kids and family? That is the conversation among Scientologists around the world. GAT II is the last straw…but the last straw weighed in at 50,000 lbs.
Hallie Jane says
So true Robert and Pepper. Gag one was a huge blow for the auditor community which has never recovered. Then the clears were invalidated en masse an so on. I’m so happy to live in a world now, where my best is good enough and my work is appreciated.
hgc10 says
The public making money from public are professional scammers, so they’ll just move on to something else. The staffers will drift away when command and control breaks down. I just hope that the boss doesn’t turn Hemet into another Jonestown. At least there are no children there (right?).
thegman77 says
I don’t find any real difference between children and adults. Overts are overts no matter to whom they’ve been committed. And although the Jonestown thing has been spoken of many times here and on Tony’s blog, my bet is that it will never occur. The comm lines are more open than ever and such a “command” would be questioned by far too many. And Hemet is not *that* far from civilization.
remoteviewed says
I doubt if the Magic Kingdom as I call it will be another Jonestown.
Different circumstances time and location. Also no State Department and CIA worried about the group defecting in mass and requesting asylum in Soviet Russia.
Also no crusading Congressman around who wants to do an investigation of the cult.
Besides even on his best days Miscavige’s charisma or his intellect for that matter doesn’t even come close to the late Jim Jones.
No in my opinion the Church of Scientology will just collapse and Miscavige will be forced to get a real job.
Mark says
That picture’s as mad as the claims made in the poster – what sort of oak tree could grow in the middle of a waterfall without drowning?
Just Me says
Good grief! Liz Baybak is 61 years old. Nobody expected when they got involved with Scientology in their youth that they’d still be hanging around the orgs doing Scientology, much less re-looping the bridge. A babillion years ago, I thought the point of Scientology was to deal with my shit, learn some stuff, and get on with life. But it turns out that Scientology’s goal was to have Scientologists merge into the allness that is Scientology. That’s ironic, because Scientologists spend their Scientology careers trying to get rid of things that have merged with them. Protip: Merging with “the oneness” is never a good idea. It’s hard to unglue glue.
Martin Padfield says
That is indeed exactly the irony. There is no graduating from Scientology in the cult.
Aquamarine says
The Why for not letting anyone go is “No new people to replace them”. Actually, that is the Situation. Simple Why would be outpoint of not promoting/inneffective promoting to raw public, but then that becomes a situation also. Would be interesting to hear if anyone on this blog ever did a Multiple Sit Eval on the Why for the shrinkage of Scientology. Because, much as we love to hate him, David Miscavige, SP that He most certainly is, is not a Why. He’s a Who.
cre8tivewmn says
Ah! This is familiar territory. Wholesome image with awkwardly worded questions that make sense only within Scientilogy. Top it off with an insane title and you have a classic Scientilogy poster.
The real topic is bait and switch as usual. Don’t bring any ID or money!