How is it possible that 4 MONTHS after the release of GAG II and its super, incredibly fast training line-up, the IDEAL ORG in Orange County the MOST ADVANCED auditor trainee on the GAG II line-up is on PRO TR’s?
Maybe GAG II isn’t all it’s cracked up to be? Surely D/Source for Lost Tech didn’t misrepresent his wondrous breakthroughs?
Or maybe Orange County only has ONE person on auditor training?
Or maybe Orange County only started their first person on GAG II auditor training a month ago?
Whatever the reason — this is more proof that GAG II is not solving anything and the massive international boom is happening only on the screens showing the CGI “orgs” and the phony graphs that have no dates and numbers shown at the international Miscavarallies.
Sounds like “dauntless and defiant.” Does the “new powerful tech” make you into that now too?
Anyone else ever noticed that all success stories say pretty much the same thing: “Huge wins – too many to mention (or variations thereof); so much space around me (or variations thereof); so much arc for everyone (or variations thereof) more in PT (or variations thereof); can now control my universe (or variations thereof) Thank COB for his marvelous stupendousness (that’s pretty standard brown nosing). Etc ad nauseum.
It doesn’t matter whether you just re-did the objectives or finished the student hat or OT8. They all say the same thing. With a lot of hot air added. Oh and let’s not forget “WOW!!!!!!”
Yes, Draco. My point exactly to Scn Africa many times as I email the wins I’m getting on email. It’s as though everyone is scratching for something to say. At one stage, it almost seemed as though there was a script being handed out.
Here’s the deal: Scientology is almost extinct. Yes, it had its heyday, like big finned Cadillacs, eight-tracks, and disco dancing. It will never, ever have the kind of stats it once had. Today’s Scientology is a shadow of its former glory, a relic of baby boomer demographics. Yes, Miscavige is insane and the few still inside are deluded. But even if DM weren’t nuts, he couldn’t change the cold, hard truth that Scientology’s shelf-life is nearly over.
One day soon, the lights will go out (literally) in Clearwater when the cult can no longer pay Flag’s electric bill.
Mike and all of you on this Blog: I love you all! Your humor has me having to use the seat belts in this office chair. Thank you.
rumor is, there is no GATIII… – straight to GATIV.
so GATIII will have 100% success….
big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
Hi back Koki! It’s nice to see you here. 🙂
Yeah, I hear you, Foolproof. And yes, you are preaching to the choir because most everybody on this blog have a lot of kindness and purpose and integrity.
Back in the day, if a conversation like that was overheard by anybody, they would probably have reported it to the Senior CS, the Keeper of Tech, or writen a letter to Ron about it. In any event the high placed offender would soon be taken aside and dealt with in one way or the other depending upon only whatever it took to get him on purpose and in-ethics. Behavior like that has no place in any org and violates so many parts of the Auditor’s Code, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Code of Honor that I don’t even know where to start.
A real Ideal Org is built by first training and hatting staff members and getting them on purpose to produce the true products of orgs. But unfortunately DM thinks it’s all about MEST. And it shows.
I guess that it is up to the Independent Scientologists to deliver real Scientology.
I’m game.
anybody need any wins just let me know, i got a bag full of ’em.
what is a win?
a win is whatever one considers it to be, yes?
hence a win is anything.
so when a person says they had a lot of wins, you can’t draw anything from that because it could mean anything. something that can be anything is nothing until it is defined.
so the statement “i had wins” means nothing until those wins are defined. after they are defined, evaluation then DOES comes into play. what is a win for you may not be one for me. that does not invalidate the person claiming the win though. but it does underline the fact that wins are anything and so have to be taken on a case by case basis.
so “i had wins” in itself says nothing to the person hearing it.
then when a win is defined as “i turned on depth perception” what does that mean?
to me it sounds ridiculous and thus not a win. it doesn’t matter if he thinks its a win. to me it’s not.
so how do scientologist take it when they hear “i had wins”?
when you hear someone say things like “i turned on depth perception” or “my universe expanded”…etc
what would you think?
when someone does a course that you yourself did and you got “wins” from it, you felt better, improved lets say. but then someone else gets up and says from that same course they can now see through matter.
how do you take that, like “he’s full of it” or do you say “damn, i must not have done it well enough”?
if just “wins” says nothing, and vague things like “my universe expanded” don’t mean anything and you can’t evaluate and you can’t invalidate and you can’t be reasonable, you can’t stop and think.
the modern term thought-stopping is just the flip side of the old fashioned “stop and think”.
with all it’s rules and actions, scientology does not allow one to “stop and think”. their rules by design, intentional or not, reduce one’s ability to “stop and think”.
it is self evident that one can’t have a meaningful “think” if one leaves out judgement, criticism and reason.
so if you can’t evaluate, invalidate and be reasonable, then you can’t stop and think.
some guys claimed they developed a cold fusion process. people evaluated their claim and through reason, invalidated it. that’s how thinking works.
it’s out ethics to evaluate someone eles’s wins when that is exactly what one should be doing.
because they are not allowed to use certain thought processes. it gets trained out of them.
it is clear to me that if one chooses to abide by scientology’s terms, they will stop and think less and less over time and therefore by default, merely react to direction more and more over time.
when some Exs say none of the evidence they brought to their comm ev was considered, it makes sense, that’s just scientology being unreasonable. welcome to what you are trained to be.
what about guy in hospital….. dr.s says we can help him with that but we are not sure… and “miracle” happens… sick person comes back to life.
is that a “win” or not?
me thinks you are reading to much , and trying to be clever.
and a big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
P.S. leave Mike and his crew alone. it is not their fault.first clean up your garden – then look at neighbors one….
i have no idea what you even talking about.
the big hello……… is getting old, BTW.
I understand what you’re trying to say WhiteStar but your logic is very faulty, or perhaps you’re missing data. What is supposed to happen in an auditing session is a cognitive experience, meaning, the person realizes something new to him/her, relating to whatever mental charge was removed in the session. This can also happen when studying true data. These are generically referred to as wins. Have you ever experienced this? Would you challenge say, a born again Christian, to prove to you that their win was valid? I don’t agree that a win, undefined is not a win, these are personal and often esoteric things that are hard to put into words. They are also, no one else’s business. I think it’s very arrogant to criticize others wins because I am not in their shoes, I don’t live their life or confront their challenges. It’s about respecting someone else’s unique life. Critical thinking is something everyone should do always, in everyday life, and has nothing to do with thought stopping. I feel that real Scn bolsters thinking skills because it removes barriers to thinking clearly, this is what it should do. Thought stopping, is where people have been abused or threatened, into actually stopping themselves from engaging in the critical thinking process. The unsafe and abusive environment that has developed and grown in the rcs is responsible for this hostile environment, but the individual is responsible for stopping his/her own thoughts. This is a slippery slope of lowering and lowering your perceptions, until you’re just part of the hive as the rcs has become. A famous LRH quote is that “What is true for you is what is true for you. When you’ve lost that you’ve lost everything”. This quote is true for me and I have refused to not apply it, to my Scn or other life, and that’s why I’m not longer supportive of the rcs. Critical thinking is in my dna, and I will never give it up for any reason, ever. When a Scngt says “don’t evaluate”, it has a specific meaning which is, don’t tell another person what to think or decide, about their own mind or their own experiences. It does NOT mean, don’t evaluate data. It’s out of respect for the concept that we are all unique, sentient, spiritual beings, with our own history, point of view and self determinism. You are correct in assuming that current rcs’ers are trained to not look or object, and that is precisely why the indie movement is here and thriving. Real Scn’gts, particularly trained when LRH was alive, don’t want to play that. The so called “hard scientists” have a hard time accepting that Scn is part science, because it is intertwined and deeply involved, with unique, naughty, unpredictable, self determined, immortal, spiritual beings who just do what they please when they please. Baby sit a passel of 2 year olds and embrace the theta and the challenge.
I went in to my local Org recently and overheard a conversation between presumably the “auditor” and probably a Qual Sec or maybe an MAA as to the fate of a pc they had on their lines. The Qual Sec-type dude was saying vehemently to the auditor that there was something suspicious about the PC and he was trying earnestly to get the PC thrown off HGC lines. Now what struck me was the absolutely horrible tone of the conversation regarding this HGC PCs as a potential “enemy”, in his mind anyway. It seemed that the Qual Sec dude didn’t like the PC for some reason. Now in my times in the Org we would never have spoken about a PC in this tone.They were there to be helped, not excluded.It seemed from the overheard conversation that there was a lot of personal hatred being injected into the scene. Perhaps the PC was giving them a hard time by “not donating the expected amount”? This attitude has been carefully inculcated over the years.It seems staff have adopted a completely wrong heavy-handed attitude because they think that is what LRH was saying in the KSW PL – it wasn’t – it’s just they have Mis-Us on it and of course “management” have caused and perpetuated this view. Bit of ARC and and compassion and kindness now and then would not go amiss. But then we know all this.
I truly think he has replaced Tommy D as the new leader of Anonymous
When I first did TR’s they were great. Best part of Scientology. Red on white bulletins, the real thing. Had a great time, confront went way up. Then, when they changed it over to the “Success through communications course”, things went way downhill. It just wasn’t the same. Watered down, lack of clarity and focus. The COS really has learned to take a good thing and f**k it up badly. Invent a wheel and then make it square.
Me too Overrunincalif. I had fabulous wins on TRs, mid 70’s, and as a new auditors we were required to do an hour a day before our first session. Being there was square one.
Such an immature and ignorant statement. The whole concept of coming out of any training perfec,t is so naive and a wrong importance. LRH said auditors learn to audit by auditing. It’s those damn non standard thetans again. Every single one is different and presents a new and unique point of view, it takes some getting used to to apply tech against a changing landscape. Arrogant people don’t grant much beingness, I see some trouble in her perfect world from those naughty, unruly immortal spiritual beings!
ONE TR’s comp in 4 months? For those not familiar…there used to be hundreds in a month! Man has “Dave” killed any and all usage of ‘tech’. Thanks, Dave! You are our best example of why NOT to join the phony, fraudulent business pretending to be a “church”: $cientology.
What a great stat! And I mean that sincerely because apparently there is only one statistic. Singular. The testimonial seems to be OK.
But, can this be correct, Mike? Only one graduate in their division 2 academy?
If so, I know a couple of Indie groups who would probably be ahead of them in the “birthday game”. Not that we would want compare ourselves with the practitioners of GAG Tech. We tend to prefer straight LRH. We like our TRs as natural as a sunny day.
I guess I’m sort of a grammar pedant, but I’m pretty excited about this new development in Exclamation Tech:
We need more auditors!~!~!
It’s like, I don’t know, waves of pure theta, and the 3 straight-up-and-vertical punctuation marks represent a Miscavige-approved F/N. Maybe this is part of the tech that was lost because old-fashioned typewriters couldn’t handle the tilde (~) characters.
In computer programming languags, the ~ is often used to mean “not” (as in ~=). Same with ! (as in !=). So her little comment “We need more auditors !~!~!~” initially read to me as “We need more auditors…not…not…not…not…not…not…not…not…”
Ok. Stiil though. four months, one TR’s comp. I thinnk this has got to be an affluence.
I’m not opposed to someone having wins after a course with hopes that all will be positive, but I have to admit, the win seems a bit contrived and based on what she feels she should be saying. Not much originality, or sincerity to that win. And as regards to “I don’t worry if case or people’s case gets in the way”. I hate to disillusion you honey, but that’s what you’ll be doing as an auditor; handling cases. If they get in your way, please, find another vocation. And even if she turns out to be a good auditor, chances are, and statistics show, that because of the exorbitant fees she’ll have to charge as a field auditor, or the grueling hours, lack of exchange and punishments you’ll have to endure as a staff auditor, that you’ll end up doing something else.
AGAT (Anti Golden Age of Tech) Phone Drill.
Situation 1: A reg has called you to get you to “donate” for the latest and greatest.
Reg: Hi there, just wanted to get in comm and find out if you heard about (the new release, building, campaign, etc.)
You: How did you get this number?
NB: Do not leave this question unanswered even if it takes hours. Repeat as necessary.
The EP is the reg getting really pissed and hanging up the phone.
Situation 2: Same as above but this time the reg answers your question.
Reg: Hi there, just wanted to get in comm and find out if you heard about the new release…
You: How did you get this number?
Reg: (Actually answers the question)
You: Fuck off and die.
Hang up the phone and send all subsequent calls to voice mail.
The drill is passed when the recipient can do both scenarios effortlessly and have fun while doing it.
Her PC’s will have to grant her beingness as she sure as hell will not grant them any.
She’s dressed kinda SO. Is she SO, Staff, or Public? I have to assume she’s public, b/c what would staff or SO be doing with a Facebook page? It’s just kinda odd.
GAT II is not so fast ? The reason is………..the improvement of GAT II has to come………i’m waiting for GAT III. I hope it comes quickly, than we can finally clear the planet. 🙂
I don’t speak or read Bubblese.
In Bubblese math is 1000 percent close to 100 percent ?
Does the D.M. Bubblese grammar book say exclamation marks
are interchangable with zero’s.
They have to say stuff like “1000 percent” because they have been ridiculed for their ridiculous use of exclamation points and dave crammed them all on how to properly make everything seem totally over the top and off the charts and exciting and exhilarating without the stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’s that we were making fun of.
Jose, I’m 10,000 percent sure you are on to something there.
I think you just make up whatever number you want and so long as it’s more than 100% it’s good. 100% is dilettante uncertainty. After seeing the new Emeter Reads film I am 15,000% more certain in spotting FNs.
As a matter of fact, I asked my Boss for a 1,000 percent pay raise.
Now I’m on a 10,000 percent longer vacation.
You are off by several orders of magnitude… Look at the Warehouse Mark VIII E-meter… it is 50,000 times better than the old one. Straight up and vertical requires some awesome math.
By the way, I have not heard much about that superfragilisticexpialidocious emeter. What happened besides nothing???
– nothing. Battery’s flat.
I was 100% certain about a few things, but now I’m not sure anymore. 100 is the new 10.
It’s very simple. Percentages are factored by IAS status – the higher the donation, the higher percentage. So when someone has 100,000% certainty, you know he’s a whale.
Now we have Miscavanomics. It’s where Miscavamatics is used in various areas to create straight up and vertical horizontalness.
An oxymoron for idiots.
When did their sups get back from Flag? Thats the missing data. Their GATII trained sups had to finish up at Flag and fire back to the Org. When did that happen?
I’m not defending GATII or the OC Org. Everything Miscavige does is an absolute failure (GATI, GAK, Ideal Orgs, and all the lesser programs over the years- all absolute failures at producing their stated purposes).
But still, maybe their sups just returned to the org two weeks ago and they have 5000 people started on their training and this is the first comp.
The pictures are not very good. Seems like there would be more people on stage or some people in the seats. And that uniform does nothing for me.
Well, their sups WENT to Flag LAST JUNE and trained on the “special Training Program” ready for the release that was to be done for “Auditor’s Day” but didnt make it until November… The hold up for the release if you will recall, was “geytting all the Sups through their training” and they were all on stage in November with their certs on display. So, no, that isnt the reason.
Have they tried seeing if the definitions are in the glossary? I know that shaved weeks off my last course.
“Without a second thought.” Hmmm. I’d say it was without any thought at all. About anything.
Seems like their back to “endless training” again.
Four months on Pro TRs and they’re calling this “lightening fast”?
We used to be able to make a fully trained Class V in the same amount of time.
I’m betting she’ll finish her TIP around the time she’s eligible for Social Security or probably die of old age on the internship.
Anyone care to bet against me?
They must have take the post down, as it doesn’t appear to be there now,
This does not make sense: “don’t worry if ‘case’ or people’s case gets in the way”.
This has nothing to do with training an auditor; someone’s case can’t get in the auditor’s way-to the contrary, the proper question, metering and a natural comm cycle will assist the other person to handle his case/mind./worries etc.
Maybe she has been trained to believe that when someone disagrees with her or seems to push her buttons, that is “case”. However, if she gets total agreement with her beliefs, I guess she will call that ‘being in comm with a theta/person’ with a 1000% comm cycle in.
She has been duped and doesn’t know it.
Absolutely right, Sylvia, there’s no sense of ARC.
I noticed that, too, Sylvia. I thought it was an odd comment for an auditor to make. She does make it sound like “case” is something you have to battle, or oppose – not resolve. Of course op-terming would only intensify a pc’s case. Then again, in Miscavige’s world auditing appears to me to have become interrogation.
I’m afraid no one duped her. She did it all by herself. Buying in, without looking for oneself, means one is ultimately responsible. Hubbard did say that “you are totally responsible for the condition you are in.” Unfortunately, he had a silent caveat that “it doesn’t apply to me, MS, the children, the GO or, or, or….” so someone *else* is to blame for whatever WE go through.
Gawd…I wonder what is REALLY taught in this thing called a TR Course. Obviously not real true TRs. Granting beingness went out of style in the RC$ many years ago, stupid stuff like ARC and answering a pc’s genuine question….now treasonous to do as an auditor.
Now it’s “You listen to me, do what I tell you to do, and if you don’t or can’t you go to ethics. Thank you.”
Thanks again, Mike, for your ongoing exposé of Bubble Babble!
ml, One Point Won (1.1)
Ironic there’s no crowd in the picture. Probably only staff member(s?) present.
Will someone tell them there may be 1000% in Miscavamatics, but in the real world 100% is all there is.
Hey look on the bright side, at least somebody finished something!
1000% is pretty good. It means you could show her she’s 100% wrong 9 times, and she would still remain 100% certain.
scnethics, this is the Comment of the Week, for my money. Mike ought to lock this thread and throw away the key, only I’m pretty sure there is more genius yet to come.
That’s a good one…
Very funny!
She hasn’t’ finished yet. She’ll probably have to re-do TRs another 6 times, or 10, then she’ll be so broke she’ll give up trying to become a super powerfull auditor who can blow all cases out of the water in a matter of few hours!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah I figure a TR retread or several are in her future. Also she hasn’t gotten to the “Hubbard” Pro Metering Course yet which could take several lifetimes to do.
By far the best auditors I’ve ever had were trained from 1972-1978. Smooth, natural, accurate and fully granted beingness.
These ignorant comments from newbies are nothing short of delusional, self-indulgent bragging about non-existent superiority. Every one of the truly superb auditors I know are quite humble regarding their skills and abilities.
Are these people earnestly learning valuable tools to help their fellow man? Or are they more interested in rabidly spouting the glorious pretended accomplishments of their cult and its leader?
Hmm, rhetorical questions Les?
Totally the case, Les. Bragging, bombast and self-indulgent, with a dose of brown-nose. Heard the same stuff from GAG I. Instead of 1000%, “perfect” was the hyperbole de jour. Like you say, the best auditors I’ve had were generally quite humble.
Oh yeah I read and heard all the braggadocio about how much better these new GAT auditors were over all us “blind leading the blind” (some of us trained by the Ol’man himself but never mind) types until they got their sorry asses in front of a PC and didn’t know what to do because the PC’s response wasn’t on the script they drilled 😉
Excellent observation, Les. I have observed that most truly competent people in any art or science, while they are confident, most of these people do tend to be relatively humble about their skills and abilities. They tend to understate rather than overstate. It is my opinion that this attitude is a prime factor in why they are able to keep improving and refining those abilities.
Yes Les! You said it!
Give her about 2 weeks to 1 month after she returns as a GAT II auditor with all the “certainty”.
She will come back to reality soon!
Um … she sounds like she’d blow right through the PC and just leave a big hole where the TRs came out the other side.
Exactly! Her story sounds like “Now I know I can overwhelm anybody!”
LOL! Carcha – very graphic and exactly what I was thinking!!
At the next Miscavarally, someone needs to hack those screens with a loop of “The Truth Rundown” interviews.
Please pass out the #2 GAG II bag, I think I am going to vomit! Better let me have an extra, just in case!