Here’s some news from Canada.
It’s a pretty good snapshot of scientology across the planet.
The hype about Extension Courses is going to come back to bite them in the butt once the lockdown is over. “Intensive gains” from reading books. Who needs auditing?
If this is so good, why would anyone ever need to go into an org again? It’s going to be interesting to watch how many people use this as an excuse to avoid coming into orgs in the future.
It is pretty funny that after two months they are still “accelerating towards 10X.” With the staff and Sea Org pretty much idle, they are pretty much only doing “extension course/’Routes to Knowledge” as they have nothing else to do. And in Canada with no AO (the “Canadian AOSH” building has been sitting idle for more than a decade though they are still talking about it and showing it off proudly for some reason?) they are delivering virtually nothing to the public, so they ONLY have Extension Courses to do. How can they NOT have already 10Xed the number of “Routes to Knowledge” (there is more than 1?) completions?
And of course, you can be “part of history” by doing the “sensible” thing and joining up for some communal dining and living during COVID-19. What could be a better idea than that?
And while pitching that, the Sea Org members in Canada are pushing “Why Prevention Is Important. ” Not only is this total hypocrisy, if they were really serious they would have all been sent home to “shelter in place” and maintain “social distancing,” it is NOT the job of a CLO to promote things directly to the public.
And here is one of their successes…
This guy gets as much out of listening to a lecture as an auditing session.
Unfortunately, his gains are very unstable. He finds that if he doesn’t listen to the ACC’s he regresses from being a “causative OT” — which doesn’t sound very causative or very OT. Maybe he is PTS? Maybe the “planetary bullbait” is suppressing him? Maybe he has MU’s?
Of the “almost” 10X people this was the best success they could come up with?
From your comment I wonder how many S.O. members would welcome getting the virus. Maybe that is why they are not concerned about it.
Hell, it kills you or you recover in a couple of weeks. All I could muster up was getting HIV AIDS which nowadays is not fatal at all unless you work for a cult.
“I stood above others, on higher ground, and when
they were washed away by flood and ruination,
I simply carried on.”
It is, I believe, as simple as that.
David Mayo.
Well first of all I am still a Canadian, born and raised. In fact I did my first HAS Course in 1971 at Toronto Org (it was OK) when I was 11 years old.
Having said that, what happened to C of S purchasing a huge property for dvanced Ord in Ontario? That was 15 years ago.
I find that they purchased the Hockley Highlands Inn in 2009. Typical for the still-unfinished idle morgue project properties, around 2011 they made rumblings about getting to work, and placed postulate-style media pieces with titles like “Church of Scientology builds new headquarters in Ontario.” In 2016 the electricity and lights were still on, but apparently there wasn’t enough security to keep out intrepid urban explorers:
The property didn’t seem to be in too bad shape then as far as I can make out from skimming that video, except for some water left in swimming pools. I can’t find any further reports from the intervening 4 years, but time and the harsh Canadian climate are probably not being kind to the buildings – particularly not unless they’re paying to keep it heated above freezing in winter.
And I wonder if it’s yet another of the properties they’re stuck paying taxes on, for over a decade now, besides whatever even minimal upkeep and security would set them back.
If the Extension Courses are better than the auditing it can only be that the auditing sucks. A guy like DM has to squirell the tech. He cannot allow people to get better.
You have to be one dumb muther…. to be stupid enough to not see what is going on
Since it is being allowed by the vast majority of Scntists their intelligence must be too low to see what is going on. He has basically PDHed the public. If people were permitted. to get better they would not be stupid enough to fall for this shit. Now most of you lost money from them; some of you ave lost families; I very nearly lost my life The odds of my survival were on the order of winning the lottery with one ticket.
(Continued: I guess maybe I was the dumbest muther…. Of all.)
Amazing building empty for so long . Realy don’t think anyone will be joining and doing auditing after this pandemic. Unbelievable
Haven’t extension courses long been the dodge of old org hangers-on and UTRs who couldn’t afford, or didn’t want to spend money on, expensive “services?’ Plus of course OT committee members pushed into doing whatever they can to keep stats up.
Now of course that’s what orgs’ (and missions’) whole “field” is doing – except for a few who may be snuck in for auditing, as we’ve seen signs of. Scientology is indeed facing some real problems – including that a lot of members are going to be able to claim that they can’t afford to do anything more than extension courses, even when the orgs open back up.
“This guy gets as much out of listening to a lecture as an auditing session.” STOP. I CAN’T. This is too much. Holy shiite. This is just so wrong. I was laughing at “Who needs auditing?” but wow, they’re actually serious. Talk about a fall from grace, auditing is and has always been where the most benefits lie. But with no point of reference, no road map, these people are in Antarctica and calling it Siberia.
And, without any internal documents having been leaked (yet), how fast do you reckon covid19 is spreading among the Sea Org? Things are looking pretty existential for CoS, at least from the outside lookin in.
I suspect Flag and LA will be f***ed because they’ll be slack with preventative measures, and COVID-19 will race through them. Will Miscavige pay their medical bills?
Imaberrated asked:
“Will Miscavige pay their medical bills?”
WHAT medical bills!? Staff/crew/public are responsible for settling their own bills out of whatever money they happen to have. The Twit™ isn’t responsible for those CICS who go PTS to him and succumb to the current wave of planetary hysteria.
Imaberrated. Hope you are doing fine my friend. I haven’t read from you recently A great virtual hung.
You already have the answer to the medical bills.
If they die, they die.
The two videos done by Karen deLa Carriere regarding my story covers this very well. I was SO on the Freewinds for 13 years with HIVAIDS from a blood transfusion in Curacao, the ships home port with no treatment. Then later I was prevented from getting treatment
In the Ignw bulletin 88 DM said what we all know about planetary bullbait and hysteria. And he babbled something about a huge expansion behind the corner.
Meanwhile they are working hard to get everyone (as well in Italy) having these informations on prevention.
Maybe it’s a little too late to wake up.
But among the Facebook groups they clearly say that Covid is an invention of the psych / SP.
Apparently they deal as well with topics such as the right to arms and make clearly homophobic speeches.
This was said to me yesterday by a friend from the time of the sea org. She remained in communication via FB with some of these Scientologists or exSO around Europe.
As she expressed her opinion against homophobia, she got criticized and even banned.
Today’s new breed of Scientologist has become a fascist and fanatic movement.
“Granting beingness” to a comment no longer exists.
Don’t you agree with us? Banned!
Dear, I am not so informed in details. Do they really accuse the psychs for this virus? Or is this a opinion, based on their habit, to accuse always others (like Trump does)?
Simple question. Yes is surely part of their habits. But this is what they share among them.
This of course isn’t their official view but it express the latent thinking of the members. Also based on the Ignwb 88.
I am not on Facebook but what she reports me is sure. Some like Trump ideas, but sure they are homofobes in their comments as per human evaluation chart gays are bad people (1.1).
Honestly I have a long time friend who is gay and is a wonderful person. A real friend.
Also that the current Covid is used by psyches and is a lie created by sps.
I am helping her because her family is in the cult and she is concerned to be put under disconnection if she say what she know and think. But we are gonna solve it.
Thanks for you question
If DM says that the SPs came up with the virus and Jared Kushner says it was a hoax by the Democrats to keep Trump from winning, does this mean that the Democrats are SPs?
Wynski: You are absolutely correct, Sir.
The statue of limitations has run out.
Now I would be interested in your opinion on weather DM is capaple of getting his Ethics in and ceasing to do illegal activities. )
If he cannot stop comitting these crimes eventually someine will come up with something he can be chargef with.
My opinion is that scociopaths don’t change by themselves. HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean they don’t learn from their mistakes and improve their methods of committing crimes so as to not be caught. And Tiny Fists is very intelligent and wealthy.
Your conclusion is not based on logic. And, CONTRARY to Hubtard’s teachings criminals are not trying to get caught. Most rich and powerful sociopaths never get successfully prosecuted unless they are thrown under the bus by even more powerful friends seeking to save their own skin.
‘Join the Sea Org and be a part of history’.
Yeah, and get the stats up at the same time!
What stats? Number of bodies routed to Central Incinerators.
Bill. Lol. The bodies that end up at the incinerator are those of who joined the SO and were unable to get the stats up. Or they ended up in DM’s range. Basically the most of them.
They have become history.
No bad for a ‘religion’ that can handle bank and evilness.
I joined the SO in 1979. I got the stats up through almost all of my SO career. I was virtually sent to the incinerator when the Captain Freewinds told my the wife that I was going to die and that nothing could be done for me by anyone. I would have had no real problem had the ship followed Doctor Denk’s recommendations. Instead I was sent to a Scientology chiropractor. I never really thought of this, but maybe the reason that I was sent to the Scientology chiro; a person by his own statement, had never treated a person with HIVAIDS, was that they could control what he said about it so that no-one would find out that there was a S.O. member on the Freewinds who was HIV positive for 13 years.. Believe me, any poor dumb bastard who had HIV for 13 years without treatment would be ready to crawl into the incinerator when Command Intention dictated he do so.
Bill. What counts is that you are out didn’t went to the incinerator (lol) and you are here. Your comments help a lot to have a picture of this scam.
“Join history”…. Yeah, as part of a sad statistic, no matter how you paint it.
There are thousands of Scientologists who sold their financial soul after being pressured and sold the promise that paying for an “ideal org building” would suddenly cause HUGE expansion. It didn’t take long for it to be clear that they were lied to and conned. The fancy buildings remained as empty as ever. Now the Scientology public have even more personal financial problems due to the shut down. They pass the empty local org and see the FSM getting into his/her new fancy car that they bought with the commissions they were paid for getting others to donate for the new building. To make things worse the org is calling to sell them a $25 extension course. They are being told it is vital and a new game being pushed by management. They are being told it is producing wins even bigger than auditing in many cases! So exciting! Oh, if only their children weren’t being held on some Sea Org base and they weren’t financially dependent on other Scientologists……
Mat. Damn. You have just given a sad and gray but unfortunately exact image of how things are.
It’s a perfect description of the current situation.
Correctly stated
That f***ing word, “game”, pisses me off now.
Imaberrated said:
“That f***ing word, “game”, pisses me off now.”
That’s a “Games condition”, in $cino-speak, and disgusting, no matter the label.
I am so happy to be done with this stupid (yet evil/vile) “religion.”
I’m so glad to see you are doing well. I’d love to hear from you. I have a granddaughter now I’d LOVE to show you.
If I had to listen to Lron during this pandemic, give me the virus and end my suffering. Thankfully, I can binge watch pretty much everything Mankind has published or produced in the last 500 years.
Loyal clams will keep up the facade, but how many will escape? The tiny terror is scared of that.
Doug says; “There is nothing I like better than listening to LRH.”
I couldn’t agree more. So many times in my life I’ve had trouble getting to sleep. Well listening to LRH each time totally solved that. Usually takes only 2 or 3 minutes and I’m off to slumberland.
Thank you LRH.
I laughed so loud that my dog got scared.
Thank you Glenn.
Loosing My Religion,
My pleasure. Always great to make someone laugh.
Absolutely true Glenn.
Glenn, there is an obvious problem with listening to Hubbard to induce sleep. Sleep indeed comes quickly but slumberland would equal nightmares. Who needs that? I still get the occasional cult flashback nightmare and they are terrifying. And I wasn’t even traumatized nearly as much as most of the folks posting here.
His voice might act as an implant!
Ms. B Haven,
I am so sorry to hear you have nightmares about the cult occasionally. Wish I knew of something that’d help. Since I escaped I’ve had only pleasant and entertaining dreams.
I learned how Blubbard’s lectures could induce sleep in my first year. My auditor made me listen to one of his lectures in the course room. Within the first 10 minutes my arms were crossed on the desk with my head nestled thereon. Happily I don’t snore so was able to actually get something of value out of the experience. A one hour nap, hee, hee, hee.
I can only think of two good things about listening to the con man.
1) It’s better than seeing him.
2) It’s better than smelling him. I mean during the time when he was allowing all of his teeth to go rotten and during the time he smoked all the time. He really did smell awful.
Glenn confided:
“Usually takes only 2 or 3 minutes and I’m off to slumberland.
Thank you LRH.”
Doesn’t that cause you nightmares?
I REALLY do wonder what Tiny Fists is going to do when there are no more public sheeple. He’ll have PILES of cash and just he and S.O. members left.
Winsky I really hope he will be in jail before that time. There are enough evidences that he is running the whole show. He has responsibilities.
As I said yesterday: in jail with “wogs” criminal trying to use Pro Trs to keep them cool.
Probably not a chance in hell of that happening Loosing. The US Justice system doesn’t work that way. He’s insulated too well. The most that would happen to him is civil penalties unless something huge and new in the criminal area happened. The statute of limitations has run out on all the big stuff we know about.
Wynski thank you. Yes I know what you mean. Plus with all that money he has surely got the best lawyers to build a bunker on him.
However as we say in Italy ‘the hope is the last that dies’ .
He isn’t above Life rules and doesn’t master them eighter. Do well.
I had a nightmare on the Freewinds which could be amusing to someone. I was married to Sharron (Kimball now Webber) who is now COFSSO.
She used to grind her teeth when she sleeps.
One night I had a nightmare. I was in the jungle and I heard this grinding sound. Then this head of a T- Rex came down an chomped me up with one snap. I woke up in terror and I laid there in bed.I heard the same noise again and for a second thought the T-Rex was in my cabin. Then I realized the sound was Sharron grinding her teeth; it had restimulated an incident of a T-Rex.
Bill you know this story made me really laugh!
This remembers me when in SO I got married very young. My first wife occasionally snored. But it didn’t particularly bother me. However, she did have one thing that I call ‘sleep apnea’. For several seconds she stopped breathing, then suddenly resumed but it was a strong suck.
You have no idea of all the sudden fears I took.
I also have sleep apnea. It is not bad now but when I was on the ship it was so bad that nobody; and I mean nobody could sleep in the same room with me.
Once toward the end I was sleeping in my bunk when I was shaken awake by the brother of the guy that slept below me. ( The person who slept below me was Jorge Arroyo, who hanged himself years after I was removed from the vessel.
Anyway his brother Jesus was shaking me as it had been several minutes since I had taken a breath that he thought I was dying.
I wondered what he was doing in the room since it was his brother that lived there. With the engineers having been made to serve in the dining rooms (and Jesus was a junior of mine)
He had gone to sleep in his brother’s bunk so that he would not be found for galley duty. (Continued)
I had been ordered by the HAS FSSO to move to another room (the HAS was my wife’s senior) and my wife was a real terror when she did not get enough sleep and even when she did.
They put me on D Deck in the furthest aft starboard room directly over the Starboard Propellor. I lived there for some months. When the ship leaves the dock the Captain has one propellor going ahead and the other going astern. When this happens that whole cabin shakes like it was in a cement mixer. The cupboard doors open and slam by themselves and the vibration is so severe that anything not already on the floor will soon be there.
It is bad enough for a sane guy to be put in there but they had a Type III PTS in there a few years earlier by the name of Bob Gill.
It makes me wonder if they were trying to help him or drive him further insane.
In Feb 1996 an RTC Mission ame to the ship to check the staff’s Quals.
They had me in their sights because of my sleep apnea.
Then a messenger came to me and said that since I was no longer married to Sharron (current COFSSO) (our divorce had just come through)
the sleep apnea did not matter and was no longer a out-qual. So their main cuncern is that my snoring was driving Sharron insane
( though I do not think we were living together
then) so I understand
The greatest good for the greatest number required that they offload their most Senior Repair person in order to give a reprieve to those poor dub bastards who had their faces ripped daily by Sharron. It is just that they could have sent me to a doctor and handled my sleep apnea. Certainly my heart would be in better shape now if they did. However, I could also easily been dead so I am happy with what I have.
One last thing about the sleep apnea. After using a CPAP. machine there is no snoring nor the fatigue from waking up every 10 seconds.
On day in an older motel I could not use the machine because the plug had 3 prongs and the motel only had 2.
When I woke up I could not move anything and was barely conscious. I realized that my brain was starved for oxygen. I willed myself to breathe more deeply and eventually came out of it. I had been told by a public doctor on the ship that ” One of these days you are going to wake up dead”. I asked him how I was going to wake up if I was dead. He could not explain that one.
O/T. Today, 5/17/20: Scientology Youth For Human Rights Award Winner Nation of Islam Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam invites you to a Nation of Islam webcast:
“The Curtailing of America.”
ESMB Redux post:
Gee Britaine,
How many weeks do I have to stay in the Sea Org to get one of those bright shiny sword thingies?
Good luck. I was in the SO over 1200 weeks and I never got one. I did get, however, a nice pine box to send my corpse into the oven with. So, don’t say they never give ya nuthin.
Oh, I almost forgot: Heil Miscaviage!
Jim Rowles asked:
“Gee Britaine,
How many weeks do I have to stay in the Sea Org to get one of those bright shiny sword thingies?”
About 52 BILLION of them, Jim, AFAICT.
IF you’re “lucky” and haven’t been declared and beaten to a pulp by the Tiny Fists of Fury
The lucky ones are the ones who HAVE. been declared.
It is the other, poor dumb bastards that went along with the B.S. that are still in good standing. I would. have died for certain if I had continued to do what I was told by the Church. (Actually, I did exactly what I was told by the ship and that sealed my doom. I only survived because my then wife refused to follow Command Intention and actually had the nerve to take me to a doctor instead of to a hospice as ordered by Ship Execs. To get into a hospice, doctors have to certify that the patient has less than 6 months to live.)
The odds of getting out of a hospice alive are low; probably not much different than a Jew’s odds of suvival after his train pulls up to the gates at Auschwitz.
(Continued: 6 doctors and the Captain Freewinds told my wife that I was going to die ) So I would have gotten into the hospice without any trouble. As I confirmed with a doctor later, once in a hospice, one does not get treated necessarily for his illness. The main purpose of a hospice is make the imminent death as painless ( and imminent) as possible.
If any of you question the fact of my demise, just ask the Captain Freewinds. At the very least, he will jump when he hears my name.
Continued: No offense, but the Jews chance of survival at Auschwitz were better than mine.
Dr Mengele allowed some to work; and a number I believe are still alive today.
Hello Bill….
If you aren’t interested or ready to write your OWN book….I hope some day, some way, some how someone who writes a book put YOU in one of the chapters….you have so much to say.
Better yet…another Aftermath Series, although that doesn’t seem likely anymore.
I am interested in writing a book. I just to get organized enough to do so. I have been busy finding a place to stay. I am currently in a motel until I find a more long range solution.
When I was in the final stages of HIV/AIDS I lost over 60 pounds in 3 months. I was starting to even look like an immate at Auschwitz. Fortunately I started out a bit overweight so after loosing 60 pounds I was actually complemented for my “good health” by a former junior named Johnathan Hattenbach. He wanted to know what I was doing in LA and I told him that I was there to see a doctor. He asked me what the prognosis was and I said: DEATH.
Bill Straass, was the SO wife who saved you Sharon Webber?
Sharron was my 1st wife.
My second wife I married in 1999 was one of 4 licenced, black, women Chief Engineers in the U.S.
She is the one that saved me..After the ship told her to put me in a hospice to die in December 2002, she called her sister who was a doctor at San Francisco General Hospital.They also happened to have the longest operating HIV/AIDS clinic in the world. She advised my wife to take me to UCSD hospital.By then I had dementia and sometimes did not recognize her. Had my wife taken me to the hospice, I was in no condition to stop her.
Had I still been married to Sharron, I believe that she would have taken me to the hospice to die.
The wife that saved me is named Alison Lorraine Williams. Her father, Edward R. Williams is famous as the 1st black Captain in the United States Coast Guard.
Wow, seems they are both famous, him in the Coast Guard and her for being only one of four licensed, black women engineers for ships. I think you are right about Sharon, that she would have let you die. I’ve had brief encounters with her and have read what others have written about her. So glad you did come out of all this OK.
Speaking of pushing the “Stay Well” button, check out this story from down under. Oz has $cientology’s number…
Nice shout out to Mike, Leah and “Aftermath” in the last paragraph too.
This is more a sign of utter desperation to make themselves relevant and less like being a tiny pimple on the arse of the world.
I was interested that the supermarket was in Chatswood. Did some lazy-ass SO member from the AO down the street dump them, instead of broadly distributing? Did some poor public get roped into distributing, and dump them on their way to or from the AO? It’s interesting that it wasn’t in the Town Hall Woolworths, which is only two blocks from the Sydney Class V org.
I lived in Canada for almost four years in Toronto. Fabulous country. Scientology was in the media and it was all bad news. My Canadian girlfriend, who I met at the Mission in Toronto, filed bankruptcy after they got through with her. Having originated in the United States, Hubbard’s Scientology did not do much for cordial international relations. In fact, my girlfriend made it a point to condemn the United States for sending Hubbard up to Canada.