The pressure must really be cranked up at Flag for Sonya Jacques to be delivering $10/head “seminars” at the local Mission.
Sonya used to routinely make more than $200Gs a week. There is no way she would spend 2 hours on Wednesday evening at Bellaire Mission if things were even close to normal.
This is desperation….
From: belleair [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2013 10:32 AM
Subject: CW: How to Eliminate the Barriers to Prosperity Seminar!
How to Eliminate the Barriers to Prosperity Seminar!
Presented by The Mission of Belleair and Sonya Jacques.
• When it looks like you can’t make it, how do you make it?
• How to be at cause over your finances.
• Learn and apply the key LRH data on how to truly prosper!
This will be delivered by the TOP Bridge consultant on the planet, Sonya Jacques. She has gotten thousands of people on The Bridge and she’s going to share her secrets on how to close anyone for anything!
Date: Wednesday, July 31st, 2013
Time: 7:30pm
Location: Church of Scientology Belleair Mission
2907 West Bay Dr. Belleair Bluffs, Fl 33770
Cost: $10
Number: 727-501-9996
I have better seminar that I deliver to anyone for free. It is very short and to the point. In fact, it is only one sentence:
Stay away and flourish and prosper!
Mike, There is no question but that you’ve hit the nail on the head. Love your seminar. Having been FSO staff, I can confirm that registrars were lucky to even go to sleep on a Wednesday night, ANY Wednesday night. They couldn’t even leave for dinner. Food would be brought to them. There is no possible way that Sonya would be allowed to lose a minute of reg time unless the Bodies in the Shop was catastrophically low. Apparently Vampire Lescavige has sucked out all the blood of the last skeletal human in his camp.
Now he’s down to eating flies ($10 a pop).
Its not about the GI its about falling number of Scientologists and allies. How can be attracted back to the Corporate Scientology Cult.
NOW Scientologists in BULK getting split away from the “corporate cult” but learning about the celebrities splitting up from their colleagues, neighbours ,friend and relatives.
One can be wrong or two but not ALL. Some is wrong , up there and creating confusion and doubts.
Scientology RUIINS your finances and then has the gal to charge $10 to propose to give you the data to fix it? You had the data all along and have purchased this very important data several times over ~ and here it is in a nutshell…this amazing data:
Are you ready??? This is so exciting!! Here we go ~
How to pay your bills when you don’t have any money ~
If you learn this very critical data – you can be cause over MONEY and never have any again!
Best Reg I ever knew simply got new people through loads of basic courses, getting them wins and letting Scientology itself do the “closing”, and it worked wonderfully. No one was in debt, the new people were happy with Scientology, became auditors, never ridged when asked to pay for higher level courses, were happy that they were getting a good exchange from the Org for their money and signed on the dotted line without any compulsion or overnight make wrong sessions and threats. The GI was usually quite good, far better than what it is these days generally in Orgs and more importantly no one felt bad about the whole cycle – Reg nor public. But now people off the street who smell like they might have a bit of money are crush-regged almost immediately, without having any wins in the subject and of course what happens is what is now occurring in most Orgs across the planet – disaster! Also we should not forget that IAS and “donations” etc. as such is a spear to the heart of local Orgs as it strips their public of the money that would have normally gone to the Org to remain solvent (all other things being equal that is). I wonder if that is an “accident”?
How she and her tag-team of henchmen will get your wallet if you attend …
I agree with you on this Mike.. Sonya GI was actually more than 300,000 USD and the second high GI was Paul Miller, and then is the AO Reg Section.
But your point is right….on Wed Sonya go to a Mission for a seminar…something is wrong. I was a Tour Reg and Consultant and I worked with other reges like Eddy Lundeen, before we need to make around $ 50,000 USD to $ 70,000 USD a week. I guess Flag GI is crashing….plus MR MINI…for sure is putting presure on the reg lines like a MF!!!!!…..I am very sure right now at Flag have great miserables times…..thanks good I am out of the vulture cult!!!!!!!!!!! Now I am free to use the Tech to help me and help people for real….
The whole scene has become quite pathetic, Mike. Reminds me of the scene in James Cameron’s “Titanic” —when the “unsinkable,” finally sunk! Interesting too, that Cameron chose to depict the stern going under, in an eerie, ghost-like silence, amid a minimum of froth and turbulence… (probably more to just satisfy his artistic licence, rather than realism?) When you think about it, the movie also depicts an ironic similarity with the individual sagas that played out with Leonardo DeCaprio & Kate Winslett, and just so many Scientologists, that found / find themselves cast adrift from their “sinking ship.” In both iconic scenarios, these tragedies could have been avoided, had that someone responsible for seeing to the safety of passengers and vessel alike, acted decisively, to deal with the impending disaster by brave and timely, averting action! Sadly, it’s all just academic now! ….Though, not over! There[‘s that beautiful, haunting refrain in the theme song by Celine Dion, which reminds us…..”we go onnnnn-n–n—n!”
There was a guy named Raffi (short for Raphael? Isreali guy) at LA Org years ago – I went to one of his finance seminars, and then he tried to reg me put a course on a credit card. I pointed out all the stuff I just learned in the seminar. I think he was pissed. They probably don’t use those finance PLs anymore – their prey might just reference them and keep their credit cards in their pockets.
Yes Gus, Raffi was famous then and his seminars were well attended. He developed a brain tumor and I remember seeing him in his senior’s office, his head in his hands, moaning in pain (from the tumor) and the senior trying to force him to do something or other and be on post. The poor guy wasn’t even allowed time off post to handle the deadly cancer that caused him such pain. And I’m sure he took “no drugs” as Scn’s think that is the worst thing you can do. When you have terminal cancer, drugs can be a blessing to let you pass without horrible pain. Raffi is dead now but I wish him well and hope he never returns to corporate Scn. The Indie world is safe for you Raffi.
Amen Mike!
Short and powerful and above all IT WORKS!
“she’s going to share her secrets on how to close anyone for anything!” This stood out to me as pretty criminal.
The advice to stay away from the regges is the best advice to get your finances doing better. Thanks.
Further to my missive above: I suppose one writes such admonitions of people who have in one’s opinion brought about the decline of Scientology in some sort of (in) vain hope that they will change and bring back the “good old days” when Scientology was indeed fun, or at least it wasn’t such a dog’s breakfast of snarling, vicious and utterly horrible stories of mistreatment of staff and public, “donations” without exchange ruling the registrar roost, and without squirrel 3 swing F/Ns and hundreds of hours of overrun objectives and all that jazz. But we must first bite the bullet and realize that these people will never change – they have had 25 years+ to do so and it has only gotten worse. So no, in one way I hope they don’t change their actions and will continue to drive the Church into at least a near-oblivion so that it can be resurrected and hopefully put back on an even keel. So what does one do? Let them get on with it until it reaches a critical mass of extreme discontent (not too far off it seems)? Or speak one’s mind and let rip? And then they “change” and it all becomes sort of “OK” (but it won’t really be will it!) So we here are somewhat caught between a rock and a hard place if you follow what I am talking about? Well, Christ, all they would have to do is follow LRH policy with a bit of ARC but should we let these so-called (remaining) OEC/FEBS/DSEC grads in on the “secret”? Nah! Let them get on with it. We just have to make sure that the Orgs don’t go too far south (they’re in the Antartic now!) in the inevitable mis- and overrun process that is unwinding now. God speed!
Well I guess I am going to stir up a hornets nest here, but Sonya Jacques was one of the dearest sweetest people I knew from Flag. If I had a few dozen cycles with her, I never regretted one minute of being around her. Interesting enough, she has been the one person I PRAYED would leave, and would help her if she did.
Now as for the Superpower and IAS regges…different story. That Charlamane chick is the devil and I am proud to say she got $0.00 from me.
Even though Sonya was a reg, I can tell you she generally cared about me and my well being. I understand she has targets to hit, but I never felt that she ever pushed me…ever. Sorry if it wasn’t the same for you.
Only a few other people at Flag I generally cared for a great deal, but Sonya was at the top of my list.
Tom, isn’t that just a running refrain of sooooooo many who just came aboard, with the pure intention to help and for themselves to be helped in the process? … Without exception, NONE of them had the faintest notion that they were being set up for the most evil and treacherous betrayal imaginable! The mind-control & implanting of fear completed the process to become robotic slaves, in an incremental subjugation of
their trust and goodwill. the good news is that they CAN be helped out of this mess, once they step away from the “fear” cunningly created by probably the most cunning slave masters ever paraded under the cloak of “organized religion”— organized by one self appointed “emperor” of scientology. self titled, COB– one David Miscavige. OSA operatives, reading this, (as you are ordered to!) step away from the insanity, you are basically good people too, and will have help to recover & decompress from the night mare. Once out, you will discover your true self again, and can begin to rebuild your life, no matter how hopeless and unlikely that may seem to you right now. So take that big, bold step, away from the slavery. Don’t YOU deserve a REAL life too?
Thanks Calvin…I’ll borrow a phrase from another poster, but can’t give them credit because I don’t recall who said it. But went something like this….the two best things that ever happened to me were getting into Scn and getting out of Scn.
I have a big house, and I’d be happy to lend some space, food, clothes, whatever to anyone who needed to get out of the Church and figure out what to do next. Need help, contact Mike and they can contact me.
Sonya was a registrar and she signed people up for service and sold services. That is what a REGISTRAR does. REGISTER people for SERVICE.
The ones begging for donations are NOT registrars. They are BEGGARS UNITS. They do NOT sell SERVICE and they do not REGISTER anyone for anything. I have NO idea why they are called REGGES when they should be called BEGGARS. David’s begging units.
Super Power came after my time but I can’t even imagine Charmaine doing that. She DID sell service before that, for years.
The only beggars at the base when I was at the base were the I.A.S. begging units and the REAL registrars viewed them as charlatans. Beggars. They were slimy and they used to get money by KEYING PEOPLE IN and restimulating them. Professional registrars NEVER dabbled in that kind of social intercourse. There are NO references or hat write ups on begging. None! Anywhere! It is TOTALLY off source and off policy.
David Light could get real funky sometimes.
One thing I’ve never fully understood about these seminars is:
If I could spend just ten bucks and two hours to (among other things) “learn and apply the key LRH data on how to truly prosper”, why the heck would I need to spend years and hundreds of thousands of dollars in Scientology?
And I might add, that the promises of this seminar are relatively mild compared to some. I recall an event promo I saw on this blog a few weeks back promising something like the 5 key points which you will learn to use to succeed on all of the dynamics. Heck, I’d pay ten bucks for a video of that. But of course, it is never about the ten bucks, is it? (who are the idiots who keep falling for this stuff?)
Joe says –
“If I could spend just ten bucks and two hours to (among other things) “learn and apply the key LRH data on how to truly prosper”, why the heck would I need to spend years and hundreds of thousands of dollars in Scientology?”
Joe, you answered your own question. Therein is the trap, spend years and thousands of dollars.
Good points both, Joe and sing!
If Sonya would hand out Way to Happiness flyers at Morton Plant Hospital
while going back and forth to the Bellaire Mission, stats are bound to improve !
Take Dave Foster along, now there is a guy who can Beg the Skivvies off the Pope !
Jacques, the male version that is, is a perfect example of the type of DM Bot that has destroyed Scientology. I assume his wife goes along with and approves of all his shenanigans. It is no wonder that DM made him Captain FSO, as he follows thuggish orders completely and seems to revel in it all. He treats staff like swine and was I believe declared SP in the UK in the late 1970s (I believe he blew the SO) according to a post on ESMB and again barely escaped being declared again (when RTC weren’t quite so blind or blinkered) in the early 1980s when he was Comm Eved for crashing the UK stats as CO FOLO UK. When I heard that he had been made Captain FSO – supposedly the Ambassador of Standard Tech and representative of LRH for supposedly the best tech Org on the planet my first reaction was to spit. And then to realize that of course this was bound to happen in DM’s Scientology. I spit again! He is one of DM’s most trusted fawning “enforcers” and should never have been allowed anywhere near any Orgs. Well, it seems like he is busy destroying Flag’s stats with his off-policy thuggish behavior but then we knew that was going to happen anyway. I feel very sorry for all those (remaining? decent?) Flag staff that have to go off-post to follow DM’s and Jacques Dev-T orders to sell sell sell amongst all the other totally unnecessary pressure that he undoubtedly imposes. Hang on, let me spit again! “Captain Bligh” of the book “Mutiny on the Bounty” doesn’t even begin to describe his actions. God help Flag staff!
Wow, i always wanted to be able to sell ice to eskimos and now i can! amazing! HIP HIP HURRAHHHH!!!!
With global climate change, they might be a growth market for ice. 🙂
This is VERY important. When you are working for a 4′ 5″ midget who has a 3′ 7″ chip on his shoulder, then the information on how to close “anyone for anything” becomes incredibly important. Sonja is the master at this. Take a Scientologist who has spent every waking moment for the last 40 years either training, getting auditing or earning money to do so. She can close this person to throw their personal integrity out the window, poop on every LRH datum they ever learned and start the Bridge all over again from Purif. That kind of skill is rare, ten bucks to learn that is a real opportunity. Imagine for a moment. For $10 you can learn how to drive people into bankruptcy, destroy their lives and dis-inherit their children and SMILE and FEEL GOOD about it while they do it! OMG! This is probably one of the most important seminars in the history of the known universe! And yes, Flag GI is in trouble. Sonja does these seminars to “open her flows” when GI is in trouble.. She has been doing this kind of seminar whenever the GI is down for over 20 years. Hmmm…. Funny that none of the attendees have taken over the world. Well, I am confirming that I WILL be there and hanging on every word! The other surprising thing is that Sonja is allowed to leave the security perimeter of the Flag Land Base. Probably they send a security guard with her to make sure she doesn’t blow!
I recall some years ago going to a pro seminar and the line that was being pushed was “Cash is trash – to a thetan.” The idea being that “theta” was the only thing valuable to a thetan, and that silly old wog pieces of paper were insignificant. That is why you need to give them all that “insignificant” little pieces of paper and buy back some of that theta stuff.
Funny how times change, we’ve gone from “Cash is Trash” to “Money is King” in a couple of decades.
Dear Mike,
Your call is spot on . .
Shame but if Sonja does not meet her targets set by Voldemort, off to the “Hole” she goes.
Count the number of working installations that have been unmocked.
Voldemort’s lavish lifestyle, 24/7 Leah Remini news banner headlines.
“It Sucks to Be Miscavige”
Presented by The Mission of Belleair and Sonya Jacques.
1) When it looks like you can’t make it, how do you make it?
2) How to be at cause over your finances.
3) Learn and apply the key LRH data on how to truly prosper!
Answer Cheat Sheet……. (always ready to hand at your local org)
1) Lie, cheat, steal, make promises that you cannot deliver, do not care about the underling in front of you.
2) If you are an Org or Mission …………… close your doors. The end is upon you!!!
3) Blow the joint and get a real job that is not part of the welfare state.
And don’t forget the effervescent Paul Miller who will reg for the IAS as soon as your credit cards are fully maximized. To coin a term…… credit card maximization rundown only at the FLB, friendliest place in the world!
scientology creates it’s own problems for it’s own solutions.
It’s an axiom.
And the solution is to constantly be pushed to make more money to do the next step on the bridge (hard sell – caring about the person).
Or the next “status” level in the IAS (4th dynamic), Super power, etc.
welcome to the hamster wheel.
It’s an endless infomercial, hamster wheel. LOL
just found that on ESMB:
” Originally Posted by Donna Fiore
To all of you who have sent such terrific advice, warm wishes and love to our family,
I sent Leah this thread. She thought I created the tribute page and thanked me. When I told her you people created it on your own, she was deeply, deeply touched.
Leah has a lot more to say and it will be said in the coming days.
Her main concern now is for the people who have been disconnected from their families and those who can’t speak for themselves out of fear.
She has been deluged with e-mails from many many former members and from non-members trying desperately to re-connect with their loved ones. It is breaking her heart but only giving her more motivation and strength to go on. Your kind comments have affected her more than you can know.
We don’t back down, we stick together and are not going to allow one instance of intimidation or slander to go by without confronting it loudly and in public. They would do well to consider this before embarking on any of their ridiculous attempts to shut us up. That’s not going to happen.
We all thank you from the bottom of our hearts. It means so much to us to have your support and I want you to know Leah will not give up the fight.
Very sincerely,
Wow Roger! Thanks for sharing! I believe her.
Wow!! This is great news! Leah Remini – you have a lot more to say about Disconnection? I am all ears! And thank you very, very much for caring and doing something this horrendous policy.
Flyer campaign at the Belleair mission.
DM declare and 866 xSea Org number in bold letters.
Not as much security there.
The more SO get that number in their hands (or in their memories) the more will leave staff.
+1 on what you said, Richard Lloyd and you too, Oracle.
IF every news article and every protest target DM as the who (and why) I believe that we will win sooner. Scientologists aren’t the target, they are the blind being led by the wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Sorry. A little off topic but that might help the staff to see too.
Regges routinely violate the Finance PLs by telling people to go into debt, use credit cards and donate to buildings or the IAS that does not get a return on their investment in the form or training or auditing. I have never ever seen one single person use the Solvency PL on source. The key to success is exchange. Not something the church is familiar with unless its parishioners giving with no return. Thats the skinny there.
Truly. They are so far disconnected from anything LRH re finance it is a joke. But then regges were never that into finance policy. That goes back a while. Terrible actually. Like, bridging that guy for that other guy who will be getting some cash really soon and when he does you get you cash back, or let me use your card and he will pay you back next week, or if you buy these book sets you sell them to others but you get wholesale and I will line the prospects up for you.
I am sure a veritable book can be written about all the shenanigans on reg lines since the early seventies.
“She has gotten thousands of people on The Bridge and she’s going to share her secrets on how to close anyone for anything!”
Um… Did I read that right?
So the reason I should listen to her as an authority on selling snow to Eskimos is because she’s gotten thousands of people onto the bridge?
Amazing that someone doing doing volunteer work for decades, who has never been at cause over their own finances out in this world, is coming in as an expert. Amazing that someone who had spent decades earning 25.00 a week as a steady source of income (take out book commissions) , is advising others on how to HAVE. Amazing that they even permitted Sonya to leave the building or veer off the route she has traveled for decades. From berthing to work, and home again. Does she even know how to drive on the Freeway? That’s a reckless gamble to put a money maker like that out on the Freeway into traffic without a driver and two aids. I am sure she did not or will not go alone. She might defect like one of the athletes or artists from Russia who gets sent to an event and simply given a small unit of freedom, becomes unglued in it. Sonya and Charmaine are actually very dedicated staff with good intentions. They must be living in a hell right now “following DM”. Charmaine came out of an orphanage right into Scientology. It is the only life she has known since childhood. Laurie Webster is a habitual liar and sociopath. Just a scam artist. If you shake her hand, count your fingers afterwards. Can’t believe all of these people didn’t just stand up and walk out after the “OT8” debacle. Taking BILLIONS of dollars from public for “OT8, 9, and 10” packages, sending THOUSANDS of people for “OT8” at over 40K a pop, then being told it was all a big mistake. To call them, tell them, reg them, to GO BACK DOWN THE BRIDGE!!!!!!!!! If that wasn’t a wake up call, it isn’t ever going to happen.
Where you been Oracle?! Nice comments.
“Charmaine came out of an orphanage right into Scientology.”
Uh, let me disabuse you of that remark. If she or someone else told you that, it was a HUGE lie!
I can tell you with 100% certainty I met both her mother and brother at FLAG back in 2008/2009. Her brother is David Lurie and her mother is Sadie Lurie, and both are alive and well. They’re from South Africa and that is how I got to meet them.
I know David and Sadie. That does not make anything I have said untrue. Charmaine and David grew up in orphanages. Charmaine bought Sadie to Clearwater to look after and help raise her kids (Sadie’s grandchildren) and Charmaine provides for Sadie.
I did not not say Charmain did not have a mother or father. Or brother. I did not say they were all dead. (although her father died while I was at the base).
Two things, Charmaine’s boy Jonathan is a boy who epitomizes the damaged life of a child brought up in the SO environ or the second generation kids in the CW area. Charmaine’s hat has been to run interference and use her “power” like a ninja knife to “protect” her son when what he needed was a real mother who was on duty as one and not on post. I personally saw her use her threats to protect her son against some very gross out-tech he subjected a pc to who turned around and got his ass nearly killed in a car accident. Very sad stuff because what the kid needed was discipline and responsibility taught and what he got was a woman who just kept his ass out of trouble and out of the news…Sonya Jacques, there’s another piece of work. These regges are some of the least defendable when they have had it in their power to cut of the head of the snake. If they refused to sqirrel from LRH policy that very clearly states what their job is we wouldn’t be having this conversation. These “successful” regges are some of the most unseemly and criminal staff I’ve met. Harvey Jacques, his space oozes slimy. It was one of the huge signs of where cob’s priorities were that Harvey was considered a suitable replacement for Debbie. How absolutely disgusting to put a reg with no tech training on the CO post. These people came in with pure hearts but that isn’t in any way shape or form how to describe them today. Using bullying, fear, manipulation, lies, coercion, pc folder data and black scientology to get your stats up is a harmonic of cob himself. No, nothing there today but a shell.
Hey now that Flag is the new ITO, there is no space for public! Those that have survived financially until now. In Joburg they are now regging for Joburg North’s Idle Morgueness. So I told the call-in lady I am not coming to the “event”. So she says why? So I say ‘because I am not interested. At all!’ And it was so flabber-gasted it did not know what to say. I wonder what is going to happen when more than 50% of the public starts telling them to piss off?! After Joburg North there is still PE, Durban and Cape Town. Then probably Nigeria’s 14 largest cities, Northern Kazhakstan, Southern Belarus and Eastern Zululand. From about 800 active Scientologists in South Africa! Maybe we are just 500? But R200m / 500 is only R400k each and that is only $40k and so it is doable! Except that 480 of the 500 active public are no more than paupers.
Nice data Andy.
Hey Andy Capp – I did the same calculation after a discussion with Elmien – R200 million will do Joburg North, Cape Town, PE and Durban (at a squeeze because that building in Cape Town is going to be very expensive to renovate – very very expensive). Then there is that massive castle in Kyalami, and two IAS sponsored (read that as more public donations) in Zimbabwe. Then consider that they advertised the biggest fundraiser this year for this past weekend and were hoping to get 300 people to go (from two ideal orgs (Joburg and Pretoria) and one blossoming ideal org (Joburg North). I doubt that the rest of the country has 300 true members left, so your figure of 500 in Africa, is as near as dammit is to correct. Before I left I did a write up on it (and the fact that there was not enough to sustain 3 ideal orgs and an AO in a 100 km radius) and was made wrong for it and an attempt was made to handle me. Since I left, Joburg North have given up on the building they had their eye on In Ferndale and have advertised that they have an OK to purchase a building at 75% of the original size requirement. The penny is dropping – but slowly. Too little too late.
I don’t know how staff can survive on the pay they get – which is shrinking because their stats and org income is shrinking – all going to donations and shrinking public.
It really makes me happy to see more and more are not buying into this (&^(*^^ anymore. There are so many people still in who suffer through it – but its a matter of time…..
Love your handle by the way – my favourite Andy Capp cartoon was him saying “You gotta work yerself to death, jis to keep yerself alive”. Haha so true for many……
Ho Wendy M
The fist time my eyes opened was when I went to Flag in 2009 to realise with a shock that there were less public in the HGC than 10 years prior when I first went there. The Wall of Ethics had been replaced by the Wall of HCO reges and even the Flag HCO receptionist was commenting on it as an outpoint. We stayed at the Oak Cove and had to fight off the string of 5 or 6 reges that had installed at reception on a daily basis. That is proabbly why Peens and Corbett and Co bought their own flats in Clearwater. Imagine the queue of vultures behind them on a daily basis! I am a few mill down on Idle Morgues but they will not see another zack from me!
Love your Andy Capp quote!
Hi not ho! (-:
Hey Andy
A few mill down on Idle Morgues … I feel your pain!
Crikey – I can’t imagine anything worse than a reg at the hotel as you go in and go out.
You say they will never see another zack from you…………….. LOUD CHEERING!!!
I don’t know who you are but I am very, very glad for you! Its a good day!
Mike, is this the Sonya I knew years ago, maiden name Ferguson, from the Westwood, CA mission of the 70’s?
Ha Ha! This is excellent stuff, Mike, thanks. Very sage advice, indeed (chuckle). . And then, “How to close anyone for anything”. Sonya, for starters lets see how many people you can close to actually show up for this dog and pony show, OK?
But giving credit where its due, in their desperation, the RCSers seem to be getting more crafty, suckering them in cheap, thereby eliminating the sheeples’ “I don’t have the money” excuse. The poor guys will have to get a lot more inventive now in order to avoid the tentacles of this latest giant squid.
“come to this course so we can reg your ass. you wont have any objections when i close your ass because i just showed you how to remove the barriers and close anyone for anything. so if you begin to create any excuses i will cave you in.”
Key LRH data to prosper? How about Make the money first before you spend it. Or, Always make more money than you spend. Or put 10% to reserves and then don’t spend it. Taking finance tips from a reg like Sonya, who enforces on public to squirrel LRH financial policy into the Stone Age, is like taking tips on getting off drugs from a heroin addict. Out of all the squirreling going on in the Church, their money motivation/financial enforcements on the people they proclaim they are helping is “Squirreliest” of all.
Bravo, SSOA. Well said.
So true.
I did a seminar on finance for the local scene, but being who I am, the local powers were very, very concerned that I would give an LRH finance seminar that flies in the face of the current insane fundraising and IAS type carpet-bombing strategy. They were super-worried that I might highlight things like spending less than you make, don’t buy buildings for others, don’t take part in barbecue gigs to raise money, set aside reserves, do not buy on credit if you can avoid it, and such like.
Before I started the seminar I had 3 calls and 2 SMSes asking me, am I on the same page, what are you covering exactly, and one message quoting an obscure reference where a reg asked for the credit card of the public person, part of a blue-on-white program from the 70’s, (not policy, in other words).
It was quite amazing to experience. I went ahead and covered all the good stuff.
I knew then, they had lost the plot, and were on their way down.
So true. LRH actually published many very wise policies in the finance series and elsewhere which contain very good financial advice. But few registrars or “fund raisers” have even read the, and if they have, will desperately try to divert your attention from them. These charlatans are just squirrels. Those policies actually assist one to survive and expand financially! What short-sighted fools. If people were encouraged to actually apply these policies to their lives exactly as written with no obscure additives, the ”Church” would have lots of parishioners who were stably doing well financially, instead of drowning in debt …..AND they would also have more money to do services! But they prefer the “quick fix” and are suffering the consequences.
Espiritu, you’ve just stated what I was telling regges for years, and I would get the same blank-stare, “lets get off this subject fast” type responses from them. For me, these were amber alerts well before Ideal Morgue fundraising went on speed.
It’s the same promo here in south Africa, just different presenters and in all cities and towns.
If Lrh tech on making money actually worked then all scientologusts would be wealthy and THIS tech would be the first bridge action.
Somethings are just so easy to see, yet when you’re in, you can’t see them.
I guess I will take your advice Mike and stay away.
Hey there,
You are Seff Efriken poster #3! 🙂
I was first, Wendy Munro was second and now here you are.
I use the nic “splog” – old internet habit – and my real name is Alan McKinnon, mostly from Pretoria. Do we know each other? If you want to stay under the radar that’s OK by me, it would just be cool to hook up with folks I haven’t spoken to in years.
Hey there Jips and Splog, there are more of us Seff Efrikens present then you may realize. Check
my “announcement ” on Mothers Day 12 May 2012 (Marty’s blog.) “Durban by the Sea.” — Where
the winters are unbelievably mild and sunny.
So then, from another —- welcome to the free fraternity, Jips! And of course —Hi Alan & Wendy!
Wow – hello all – lots of us around. Good!
er, Alan – I believe i was here 2nd . So that silver is mine ! But i am ok on bronze.
Craig! Good lord, it’s been like 20 years!
Good to see you’re still knocking about 🙂
Howzit splog. Ja nee! I are a souf efriken!
I am like a moffie, still in the closet. I have not met you before. Although Wendy Monroe sounds familiar!
Now you have piqued my curiosity 🙂 .
Hi Splog! We are practically a crowd by now! Looks like Andy Capp might be another – see below.
I saw 🙂
Oh and of course Christie Rinder is another one of “us Gautengers/Joburgers” – I believe Christie spent some time as CO CMO at Joburg, back when it was thriving.
Good plan Ideal Joburger.
So you pay $10 for the honor of being regged by the master vampire. Is that it.
It may cost $10 to enter the seminar, but I bet that it’s very hard to exit without having spent a lot more.
Good advice Mike.
If you are still “on lines” reading this.
Your money should be going to either training or processing and that’s it.
This is the product your org should be selling.
If its selling you nothing but seminars then realize that although the sign on the door may say “Scientology” you have joined EST instead.
My suggestion is that you leave out the back door ASAP and find a real Scientologist.
“she’s going to share her secrets on how to close anyone for anything! ”
She’ll teach you criminality !
Doesn’t make any sense at all !
How horrible !
“anything”? — years ago it was called The Bridge.
“anyone”? — years ago it was called a scientologist.
And that from someone who pulls in a whopping $50 a week and bunks with 10 to 50 other women. Yes! I want THAT. Not!