Video with Claire now available.
The entire basis of this campaign is a quote they plucked from Hubbard:
It is an absurd idea, but even then, twisted to suit their purpose. Hubbard claims there are only 10,000 people on earth capable of “steering or leading.” But this was conflated into “10,000 people on Solo NOTs can steer/lead the world.” Somehow, these people who are “on or through” Solo NOTs are the people who can magically do this. I guess whoever came up with this has not met many of the miserable people “on the level” who are not by any wildest stretch of the imagination, capable of leading anything.
Since the late 1980’s scientology has been pushing this 10,000 target. And now they are apparently within a few hundred of accomplishing it (though they still count all the people who have left scientology or are now deceased in this figure).
Here is an issue explaining this is more detail from 2002. Interestingly, this issue is about 10,000 people auditing on Solo NOTs every day (not “on or through.”)
What happens when the magic number is reached? Scientology is now in control of planet earth? Just like when all orgs in a country are “ideal” they become an “ideal nation” and everything is hunky-dory? By this measure, Japan, Netherlands, Belgium, New Zealand, Hungary, Ireland and Taiwan are all now “ideal countries” but not a thing has changed from their previous status other than they have shrunk further in their influence.
So, what will happen when the 10,000 target is reached and nothing changes?
Absolutely nothing. Scientologists will carry on, never questioning the failure, even though they have been talking about it for 35 years now. They will move onto the next thing. Like so much in the history of scientology, the “solution” that turns out not to solve anything will be quickly replaced with the next “solution” that will be just as enthusiastically embraced. It’s been the pattern since the release of Dianetics. Grand promises unfulfilled that are superseded by the next grand promise. From Creative Processing to the Grades to the Clearing Course, to OT III, to Class VIII to OT 5, KTL, LOC, OEC, FEBC, Super Literacy, Standard Dianetics, SuperPower etc etc etc
And let’s not ignore the absolute insanity of thinking that “releasing BT’s” into the world is going to have any positive impact on the state of earth,
Spot on assessment of more game show Bulls—- from Scientology and Davey the fearless leader.
Thanks Mike for the detail and “source” material.
To: Alcoboy
From: Office of Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Centre.
Re: recent comm particles.
It has come to the attention of our beloved COB that you have sent us several comm particles that state an incorrect name for our department. COB has concluded that the cause of this is misunderstood words. You are hereby ordered to clear the following words using Method One Word Clearing:
Notify us when you have completed this so we can schedule you for a Star Rate Checkout as well as a Meter Check Word Clearing session.
Office of Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Centre.
To: Office of Religious Stupidass David Miscavige yada yada More Money whatever.
From: Alcoboy
Re: Word Clearing
The only MU on that entire list is Miscavige! Isn’t that supposed to be Miscziewicz or something like that? Oh, and you can shove your Star Rate checkout!
No love at all,
Mike, On the Oh No video you mentioned in passing that you were OT V in Scn and you got onto Solo Nots and did some of that after you got out of the church. So did you do the A to E steps to get back as a public and audit in the church? Or did you do some Solo Nots in the Indie field? Did Marty train you up to audit yourself on OT VII at the time you left the church?
Hey, Mike! I think this is for you!
“In the whole broad universe there is no greater dope than Scientology. You smoke it with me now.”
L. Con Hubbard
I don’t know about that, Mikey. The strength of Scino Dope notwithstanding, the word in a certain asteroid belt is that there’s a hybrid chronic known as Farsecian-Frolic-Arslykan-Angel-Intergalactic-Booty-Jiggle that will not only get you AND all of your BT’s high, but…will KEEP you high for several earth-moon lunar cycles…
Back in the day when elron pronounced his wisdom about the size of the world’s elite in 1952, the global population was 2,590,270,899. As of 2023, we’re at 8,045,311,447, almost 3.2x that figure. Are we to assume that his 10k figure still holds? Since elron’s elite would undoubtedly be found within the ranks of his cult, that stagnant 10k number would speak volumes to the lack of impact that scientology has had on our world. Despite claims of 47x expansion and unrelenting humanitarian efforts.
Considering how they are scrambling to catch up to a static 70+ year old benchmark, one would have to conclude that scientology has been one big flop. That suspicion would be further supported by the fact that scientology has failed to produce an appreciable, let alone disproportionate, number of thought leaders in science, politics, academia, culture, philosophy/religion, philanthropy or any other human pursuit. Or by any other measure save explosively growing public ridicule and a precipitously shrinking ability to corral new recruits. What other organization is trying to peddle its wares while studiously avoiding mentioning its brand name and hiding behind front groups?
It’s also a great proxy for the miniscule size of scientology!
Lulling us into oblivion and conformity had to be his real goal. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know how many of the OT VIIs or VIIIs are now ex-Scientologists who are included in that count of 9736. And There are probably more people now in the SPTV community than all the VIIs and VIIIs ever made. ❤️
I think you’re right about there may be more people now in the SPTV community than all the VII’s and VIII’s ever made. I was on OT VII when I left. I can say that when I first started going to Flag for the OT VII Checks, later changed to the word “Refresher,” at first the pc waiting areas were full of pcs waiting for session. Lots of VII’s there. By the time I left, I remember being the ONLY pc waiting for session in the same waiting area that used to be teaming with people. And I was my auditor’s ONLY pc on his lineup. That speaks volumes as to the number of people on (or off) the level.
Super excellent quoting of Hubbard’s body-thetans (the surplus bodiless souls which Xenu mass murdered and then mass implanted with the famous Scientology R6 impants, and those R6 implant ideas thus leak from these surplus souls in our human bodies, and the “case” from these surplus souls/body-thetans leaks and influences us humans detrimentally, THUS doing the Hubbard OT3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 full layout of exorcism today, supposedly Scientologists rid themselves of all of the detrimental soul memories leaking over onto us from our “body-thetans”) material.
The bigger simpler picture is, exorcism of souls infesting our human bodies, these souls, aka body-thetans, were mass murdered and mass implanted by Xenu supposedly 75 million years ago, these messed up souls clustered into clusters that today infest all humans.
So once we are “Clear” of all our past lives trauma memories using the “lower half” of the Hubbard pseudo-therapy chart, then comes the “upper levels” of which today are the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 steps of exorcism to get the “case” leaking onto us from our supposed “body-thetans” we are infested with.
Scientology is a “case” soul memories alleviation subject. First half of the Scientology pseudo-therapy stepladder we rid ourselves of our “own case” soul memories debilitating to us. Then second half we eliminate the surplus souls who are leaking their R6 implant “case” onto us, by doing the Hubbard five exorcism procedures.
It’s all ‘case’, it’s what simplifies the practices of Scientology, if you think of it all as a “case” alleviation subject.
It’s quackery pseudo-therapy and quackery exorcism.
I wish it would be laid out this simply to educate people on what Scientology practices are.
They are soul memories alleviation practices, fundamentally.
There are many excellent writings on the placebo effect, which in a nutshell is that ANY technique or sugar pill can cause positive effects on someone.
So even this Hubbard pseudo-therapy and exorcism can have placebo benefit.
Psycho-somatic benefit is real and related to the placebo effect.
That’s as good as Scientology gets, really, it’s placebo and psycho-somatic beneficial at best.
At worst, it’s Hubbard’s megalomania which he’s shared with the followers who today are left holding Hubbard’s bag.
SUPER excellent posting, and quoting of Hubbard’s “secrets” (no longer, the world is being schooled, way more widely today thanks to SPTV and the great ex’s).
Chuck Beatty
ex cult training department staffer 75 to 03
Hail Xenu theory explaining by all who do it!
Let’s be honest Scientology actually progresses cancer
I don’t know where and when I began to think that Hubbard was a genuine 20th century megalomaniac, since that term/label hasn’t been a popular one used in media/print or TV on Scientology/Hubbard.
But megalomaniac does apply, since a megalomaniac is grandiose in their fantasies.
Hubbard’s Scientology cult bureaucracy writings (the Hubbard policies which Scientology staff study and must abide to) lay out delusional levels of grandiosity.
Hubbard’s megalomania embedded in his writings which are forced education on the captive audience staffs of the Hubbard Scientology cult bureaucratic organizations perpetuate the delusional logic in every modern Scientology self praising pronouncements. They mirror Hubbard’s megalomania.
Ron the Megalomaniac.
“You share it with me now” that haunting voice of Hubbard’s in the Ron’s Journal 67 tape lecture briefing to all Scientologists, is the bottom line.
Modern official Scientologists are ordered by Hubbard to share his megalomania views of saving earth.
Chuck Beatty
ex Scientology cult bureaucrats training department staffer 75 to 03
A Cerebual Narcissist
Weren’t people who’d just committed to doing OTVII being counted as “on solo NOTS”, as figured out from details of their methodology for trying to finally get to 10,000 that were revealed a while back? A couple of years ago it was determined that probably not more than 5,000 had actually completed it, and in 2020 their own number was only at 7,500 after decades – I doubt they have gotten thousands more in the last 3 years except for some sort of dubious ‘stat push’.
The CofS seems prone to trying to count its chicks before they’ve hatched, from the old “postulate checks” to claiming as “arrived” (and redefining the word) anyone who has just signed up or at least promised to go to the Freewinds in the future.
I love the YouTube and podcasts shows with you, Leah, Mitch Brisker, Clarie & Marc Headly, A-Aron Smith Levin (Growing up Scientology) and the every expanding gang of SP’s who are clearing the planet of Scientology’s lies
Scientology, Inc. ( a for profit non-profit ) is spiraling down to nothing after total failure of clearing anything but their own buildings. They are empty and dead much like Scientology.
SPTV is the best station on the planet and I highly recommend it to everyone.
Thanks Mike and Claire. Good job – keep them coming.
I guess whoever came up with this has not met many of the miserable people “on the level” who are not by any wildest stretch of the imagination, capable of leading anything.
You are hilarious Mike.
Changed to “No more BT’s left” … at the moment. Tomorrow there will be more.
After completing OT III, I got the shock of my life when I started OT IV and in the first session the auditor said to locate a BT that… What? I thought I got rid of them all on OT III? Well Scn is good at never killing the cash cow. So BT’s seem to never be gone on OT IV, V, VII, and even VIII.
How can you read any of Hubbard’s garbage and not cry?
Hubbard’s garbage is the best sedative I’ve ever experienced. Read a page or two and go to sleep immediately.
And I can say that that “gain” is the ONLY “benefit” I ever got in my 4 decades in the cult.
😂 sweet dreams
When I was stationed at Fort Benning I purchased a copy of On War by Clausewitz. Every time time I read I would always go to sleep.
That just means that On War(Vom Kriege) was actually written by L Ron Hubbard and not Colonel Von Klausewitz.
General Karl Maria Von Clausewitz.
Hehehehe You really makes me laugh. 😂
You are just making someone to tell you about MU. hehehe.
I like Claire’s comment of “BT Be Gone!” That would go great on a merchandise T Shirt or Sweat Shirt: BT Be Gone. And then walk around the org wearing the shirt and watch the Scns run in terror when they read it, while inside the org they hurriedly draw the curtains closed to shelter the ones who haven’t done the OT Levels. They don’t want them getting pneumonia after reading your T Shirt.
… it’s more like rage for me – Over the capacity to brainwash people like me and so many others into reading it and NOT crying. — into reading it and turning over one’s heart and soul to it.
Okay now I’m crying.
He truly was a monster. It’s okay, you’re free now. *hug*
Hubbard’s low level saturation bombing of intelligence never ceases to amaze. He spewed out 25 million words and flushed so many good philosophers and well intentioned observers of life down the toilet along with him. He gave truth such a dirty reputation.
I find it rather telling that when he introduced KSW1 in 1965 1/3 of the students at Saint Hill walked out the door. Of the first 10 Clears ever made in that period only one remained in Scientology. He declared the rest along with anyone who didn’t bend a knee to him. Mary Sue had his ear and this new empire of lies to protect with the Guardian’s Office antics put on steroids.
It’s a fools errand Hubbard’s Scientology. Solo NOTs is the worst kind of bullshit and sits at the top of the pile.
The unpublished magazine still to be issued by COS:
Ron the Megalomaniac (“….you share it with me now….” Ron’s Journal 67)
PS: “…..if you see WDC SMI spit on him for me….” LRH, 1982, Miscavige executed this insane Hubbard utterance.
Awful lot of figures fudged in that AOED.
Plus, tell me where at Flag do they hide the 10,000 auditing rooms??? (From the statement saying Flag is ready to handle 10K right then – 2002)
Just want to share that I’ve been out of the cult for 12 years now. Towards the end I read the basic OTIII story online. Not only have I to date not gotten pneumonia but I’ve only had one 1 small bout of flu (not Covid) which I contacted last year which lasted a few days and whichwas the only flu I’d experienced since getting the flu back in August of 2004. This is true. In brief, so much for the “power to destroy” of this fantastical creation story, I am living proof that one does not get sick from reading this BS which, per Hubbard, has material “so vicious” that it is “carefully designed to kill anyone” who is not prepared to read it. What BS!!!! Totally not true! No doubt there are many like me who can claim the same win. No doubt there are many of us who’ve read the OTIII story and not had their health in the least impacted by doing so. Now, IMHO this constitutes a bonafide win and accordingly I think it’d be great for each of us to write a Success Story and send a copy of it to every Scientology Org with the Evil Dwarf CC’d. so he can gnash his snow-capped teeth and increase the profits of the McCallan Scotch Company.
This idea of dying from reading OT3 materials has been bouncing around the net for decades. I’m not in any way standing up for Hubbard here (that guy was as evil as a human being can become) but he didn’t say that.
What he actually wrote (in the handwritten materials on the OT3 course itself) was – “The implant is calculated to kill (by pneumonia etc) anyone who attempts to solve it.”
There’s an incredibly huge difference between reading about something (some problem etc) but to then go about trying to solve it?! That’s a whole other scenario completely. eg ISIS & Hamas commit atrocities as terrorist organisations causing much outrage to humanity. We read about it and see the evidence on TV etc in the safety of our own homes. But ask a veteran who’s been to Afghanistan and Iraqi what it’s actually like trying to solve that problem.
As I said I’m not covering for Hubbard, there’s plenty his is guilty of anyway, but 2 (opposing) lies don’t make a truth. Solutions to problems are hard to come by…
Yawn, wow – you illustrated an important point. Thank you. There is indeed a huge distinction between reading about a problem and actually attempting to solve it. I definitely misunderstood that with regard to OTIII. Frankly, because I’m low on the Bridge (ARC SW completion) I didn’t even perceive that there WAS a problem, I mean, according to what I read, Xenu SOLVED the problem (of over-population of his Confederation of planets (or HIS planet, whatever) by doing what he did. Frankly, it all sounds so phantasmagorical that other than finding it kind of interesting it made no more of an impression on me than the Judeo-Christian creation theory (Adam & Eve, Tree of Life, talking snake, etc.). So whatever problem supposedly needs to be solved as regards OTIII etc. I have quite thankfully not perceived! And I’m not saying it doesn’t exist as a problem to be solved. It very well could be and it very well might kill me if I tried to solve it, unprepared. All I’m saying is that I don’t even know that there is a problem, I don’t perceive it, and I’m OK with that, because I have enough problems right now, problems that I actually know how to solve. But again thank you for pointing out that distinction between reading about something and actually trying to deal with it. Very smart.
If you had any actual experience of auditing that level in a very poor manner you’d understand it much better. I’ve seen a close relative get restimulated and believe me she did not feel good, was not very pleasant to watch and it’d not get resolved until a Review Auditor repaired whatever neaaded to be fixed. Similarly if you were capable to deal with OT3 charge and you did a poor job as a solo auditor you’d feel really shitty in no time.
Yes, unfortunately that is true. It’s like a reverse engineering of sorts. Get in there on the pretext of handling something but being half cocked and do a bad or incomplete job, or in simple layman terms, ‘stuff it up,’ and it can bite back and flatten you. Review auditors are like gold in such circumstances. Anyone with out-int left unhandled knows how valuable the repair action of it is. This mismash of so called “OT data” foolishly played with can and has indiscriminately splattered some who partook of it. You won’t find them very vocal about it though – they just fade off somewhere very resistant to discussing anything about Scientology again (ha, that is the actual bridge for most people who tried it). It’s almost comical if it wasn’t so tragic. Just take a close look of those who managed to get through to OT8 – there’s the true end product of Scientology. The battlefield to get there is littered with human misery and the authoritarian assholes who maintain it from the shadows just waiting for their next victim silly enough to get caught up in it all.
In many ways the ignorance of auditing and not having an understanding of it shields the potential dangers in it. IMO it is no accident things like Power Processing, R6EW and the CC were dumped as “alternate” and a “Scientology for dummies” system was developed which did not impinge greatly, actually went nowhere except in circles, especially with endless reviews eating up whatever hours you had on account (most insidious accounting/delivery system I’ve ever witnessed). However, it didn’t take much know how to technically deliver or administer. Anyone that could think with the materials was long ago declared. Yet, for awhile didn’t the money just flow! (by deceit). It ended up the only way it could go – the donation route with no exchange.
Hubbard was a mad man and viciously attacked anyone who could make something workable out of the large amount of philosophical & religious information gifted to him or he stole off others.
Hubbard himself ended up as the prefect example of what not to do. Those influential in the shadows of Scientology’s history never had to rely on the income from the church. Their amusement and control was its own reward.
I will suggest this though as my opinion, the first of the two biggest lies in Scientology is that word, ‘standard’ ie works on 100% of cases. Even the barest of understanding of GPM technology should show you that simply cannot be true. It’s also backed up by the back door in Scientology is through Qual. Why is a backdoor needed if the tech works 100% of the time?
Next, a really big lie, the breath on the mirror and you can audit routine. It’s a mask for the trickery that the auditor can audit over their own case and it doesn’t affect the PC. Bullshit! That violates what duplication actually is and makes a mockery of PC + auditor is greater than the PCs bank. TRs aren’t & have and never been that effective. Telepathic auditing is possible but that was throw out of Scientology in the late 50s and anyone that could do it was declared from then on. If solo auditing was effective on a broad scale you’d be tripping over over OTs just walking down the street.
@Sea Org Tech Discussion,
Thank you, I have no doubt whatsoever that what you’re telling me is true. I also have reality on what bad auditing can do. Now, I’m low on the Bridge, and except for one instance, all of the auditing I had was good. BUT! This one instance of bad auditing (by a well meaning I’m sure intern on course) messed me up for months. I repressed it but eventually got a repair session that helped, but I can still recall the feeling…I was so angry at her! Angry and believe or not, grief stricken! I was furious and at the same time so sad! Talk about an over-reaction! I knew that I was restimulated but had no clue about why I wanted to rip this auditor’s throat out and at the same time also felt like I could cry endlessly and never have it be ok. VERY strange. But I kept it inside. Long story short, months later I originated it and was given a repair session which helped. Yet I can still recall those emotions – whew! And this was me on the LOWER bridge getting some misapplied tech. Frankly, I believe that, barring none, there is nothing worse than bad tech. I get shudders thinking of all the people who have been subjected to the “3 swing F N” and other horrors.
Hubbard was so unbelievably hypocritical with his claims of problem solving. He never solved the problem of his own case, of his own family troubles or of his church, except for it to make money! Nor did he ever collate a workable or ‘correct technology’ into a bridge as he called it for others to solve their problems either (the evidence has been in on that for a long, long time). But boy, didn’t he come up with a whole slather of research technologies, auditing procedures etc. dozens & dozens of them. He wouldn’t know a workable problem solving technique if it bit him on the ass. He did have some good stuff though (mostly written by others) mixed up in his gigantic sea of words but he was never humane enough to observe what did or did not benefit people, only himself or those that he feared. He always knew and was paranoid he was being watched.
It is ironic that he stated that if you solve a problem, solve it forever. That aligns with what Mary Baker Eddie of Christian Science proposed, where she said something similar along the lines of, ‘never enter an impure situation unless you intend to purify it.’
This stuff about the OT3 materials having the ability to kill people came from somewhere other than Hubbard. However, it went viral, probably on the wishful thinking aspect of the ultimate personal weapon, to kill by thought or words.
Very accurate statement I can confirm as 100% true.
May I congratulate you on twelve years of freedom and sanity?
You may, thank you, Alcoboy! And I’ll add that I haven’t been broke for 12 years either, whereas when I was in, as a Scn public, despite earning decent money on a consistent basis, I was ALWAYS broke. I mean ALWAYS.
If over the 25 year period I was in, for short times I was financially stable or now and then flush with money, it sure as hell didn’t last long.
Being broke , ongoingly is SUCH a stress, and in my opinion its own kind of insanity, and for these past 12 years there isn’t a day that has gone by that I don’t feel some relief and gratitude to be free of it.