Here they go again.
The LAPD has a long history of cozying up to scientology.
Wonder why they didn’t say this was IN THE PARKING LOT OF LA ORG? They just list it at the bottom as one of the sponsors. But you have to love the copyright notice “protecting” the Dianetics symbol and “scientology cross” that do not even appear on the piece…
Elizabeth Moss…
I understand the sympathy people have been expressing for a person who was born into the cult.
However, that won’t stop me from adding her to my boycott list.
I will avoid buying products of the sponsors of any project that involves a practicing scientologist. And I will certainly never pay to see a film of any practicing scientologist, no matter how talented.
Why? Because any money in a scientologist’s hand goes right back into supporting the human rights abuses of scientology. It is as simple as that. Mike’s blog is called “Something Can Be Done About It.” This boycotting tactic is just one other simple little thing we all can do.
“Something IS Being Done About IT”
Thank you Mike Rinder, Leah Remini, Alex Gibney and A&E!!
To have survived $cientology and be alive to see this evil cult get exposed is amazing!
The “Still In” Lament:
Maybe I will………………………….Maybe I won’t
What IF I do…………………………..What IF I don’t
To begin to consider leaving what one has known most of their life, or their entire life….to try to view both sides of the coin… in
“Maybe I SHOULD Leave….& …………..What IF I do, what will happen to me ………………..
Well, maybe I WON’T leave because I feel “comfortable” here, it’s ALL I know
But if I DON’T leave, I will never make a good income, I will have to pay for classes that go on forever
All it takes is ONE STEP …..DO IT……..GET OUT NOW
I googled my name…and scn didn’t come up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’M SO OVERJOYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I HATE giving my name out, and have been wondering how to fix this. My name is unique, and SCN service completions ALWAYS came up as google result number 2 or 3. (also other scn related things would come up) I swear I have lost out on opportunities due to this.
Today I gave someone my name, and worried about them googling it and then maybe not following up due to the google result.
So I googled it to see how high up the Shit would be.
It’s GONE!!!
Oh My God. I just may be able to have a life apart from scn someday.
This is just the BEST news.
I’m going to keep checking. I hope this stays.
fingers crossed.
oh, sorry, that was so off topic. Yes. LA cops are bad. Bad cops! Bad! But anyone who comes there or even comes near will just fly away. Nope, no free kool-aide today!
Congrats SFN, you have achieved orbital status!
She walked out, eh? Poor Ms. Moss. I’m surprised the cult allowed her to attend at all. I’m sure this is going to end up costing her plenty of money. They’ll figure out a way to sock it to her on her next auditing.
I hope she ran into the ladies room and they had Leah’s acceptance speech piped in.
She only approves of exposing fictitious abuse apparently.
Reference to the Handmaid’s fail that was.
Yes, I think that like the other cult celebs, the bubble she lives in is so pleasant, comforting, reassuring, safe and ego-bolstering that not only can she not confront the evil staring her in the face, she won’t even allow herself to get a glimpse of it.
Except in the most softball, superficial way, if she queried any of it she would risk giving up the love-bombing to which she is now in all likelihood extremely addicted. All these people, her support system, her lifeline, reassuring her continually about how beautiful, smart and talented she is, how she’s changing the world for the better in her zone of control, what a Big Being she is, and on and on.
She’s addicted, she’s a Love Bomb Addict, a Cult Junkie. She knows she’s nothing without the cult
She’s convinced that any success she has achieved this lifetime is due SOLELY to her involvement with Scientology.
Better not look; better take their word for things and do what they say.
The cult validates her ignorance and stupidity in believing, without evidence, that all the unflattering news the MSM puts out about Scientology is FAKE NEWS, while the only REAL NEWS about Scientology comes FROM Scientology.
We laugh, but this media concept is catching on.
Our current President is onto it.and implementing it. I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if some cult member gave him the idea of having his own news program devoted solely to getting out the “real news” about him! .
But, anyway, good luck, Elizabeth Moss and other Scientology celebs. Keep giving the cult LOTS of money. Keep believing you’re right, and that Scientology is telling you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and that the MSM and former high profile Scientologists are lying because “they don’t want man to go free” Keep believing that. Feel good. Enjoy living in the bubbles David Miscavige blows for you, until they burst. Which they will.
And when your bubbles burst, come on here and say hello. Tell us your stories. We’ll understand, and we’ll be kind. Last, but not least, if you’ve really been wanting to “go free”, the truth will help you do that, and so will we.
Hearty congrats, Mke and Leah! Fan-tastic!
Congratulations! Mike, Leah and all involved with the “Aftermath” series!
I am re-watching season 1 to be ready to dive into season 2 and while watching the episode about the Headley’s, a though occurred to me that made my blood run cold. Claire was talking about the pressure to have abortions in the “SO” and was it possible that the reason a woman was given hard labor jobs for refusing to have one, was to create a situation where she might have a miscarriage … “accidently”? Awful thought!
Please keep the pressure on that scumbag “SOB” or “cob” whatever and you will suceed!
Yes. Congratulations again Mike. You, Leah, Alex et al did such a great job on that first series. I am so proud to have been a part of it but am well aware that it would not have been good if you and Leah hadn’t been able to edit and create a show where never-ins would have a better understanding of the workings of the church of scientology and then to have millions of people coming away from watching it and, for the first time, giving a damn.
Something Can Be Done About It, Mike, and you are proving it. You deserve all the kudos you are getting. I look forward to Season 2; I know it’s going to be awful, but maybe one day somebody that has something to do with justice in this country will finally DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Congratulations to everyone that made Season 1 the success it is. The slang, lingo, and abbreviations are tough to follow. Mary, I am in awe of everyone that stepped forward to tell their stories, bare their souls, and show their pain in such a public way. Each and every one of you deserve an award! Thank you.
Mary, you deserve kudos as well for the extreme confront of going on camera and telling your story – that goes for all who did the same. I marvel at your strength and tenacity. Knowing you, I’m not surprised by it, but I still marvel at it…
Thank you. ?to you?
Mary, you and your fellow participants deserve so much respect and admiration for sharing your experiences. That couldn’t have been easy — thank you!
The ruby slippers glow and sparkle for you and Leah and all who have given Aftermath life. To Christie and those boys who have stood behind you & Leah’s family behind her and all who want to see the cult of Scientology stopping once and for all the lies and evil policies, this award is so sweet. But Aftermath2 is fast approaching and to all the still ins who cannot confront the rising tide against dm and his ilk, I say pull up a seat because it will be some ride for those who continue to shore up a dying Scam. Love, Light, Laughter and Hope to everyone who reads, posts, lurks or just wants to know more about the Truth concerning this “religion “.????
Congratulations to the Aftermath team. Now it is only upwards, toward infinity!! Season 2 is going to so much fun and so heartbreaking.
The Clampire needs shills to do their dirty work. Safe pointing is a sacrament in $cienoville. The LA PD needs good pr too. Why they think they can get it from the LA mOrg is beyond me {scratches head until hair falls out}. I bet one or 2 LA PD officers show up in uniform and do the Officer Friendly routine. Oh well, its a pay check and many of them are on the clam payroll.
I knew Aftermath was a winning show, congratulations to Mike and Leah and to all the brave people who told their stories!
Mike, I stand with you on every one of your points but this one. Don’t confuse what the LAPD leadership does with the hard working cops on the street think. We see the org reality and I had a childhood friend die at Narconon.
Thanks for clarifying. I agree with you 100%
Thank you for giving us this important viewpoint to consider when evaluating the LAPD’s relationship with Scientology, jburtis2013. Its great that you’re here reading and sharing I’m sorry that you lost a friend to the scam Narconon. .
Probably an unpopular opinion here but I’m going to say this loud and clear: F*ck the police. All of them. It’s no longer “a few bad apples”. They are just as evil and corrupt as the cherch. Protect and serve is now extort and escalate.
I worked as a civilian employee for the VT State Police for nine years before I retired. When my wife got lung cancer, they came to our aid big time. Your opinion is an ignorant one. Yes, it IS a few bad apples and I saw them dealt with promptly during my time there. You don’t know what you’r talking about or most likely you’re stuck on some juvenile trip about “offing the pigs.” Don’t like the police? Try getting by without them. Hope you don’t get mugged or worse.
Badafuco, I get it where you’re coming from and how you abhor betrayal after trust, but I think it would be a mistake to paint all police as evil and corrupt.
Congratulations , Mike and Leah.
A ‘swimming pool’ in the parking lot of an org? Can anyone say ‘cryptosporidium outbreak’?
(P.S. Congrats to Mike, Leah, Alex, and the rest of the Aftermath team!)
“Cryptosporidium” outbreak. I have no idea what that word means, disco.
Just a nasty little parasite, kind of like DM.
Will there be …..Donuts?
There’s always room for donuts! I may need to go through a 12 step program…
Congratulations Mike and Leah. Another one hit out of the park!
I wonder what the dwarf is thinking right now.
Likely it’s the same old Daveshit. Followed by massive quantities of scotch.
Figures. One fascist group loves another.
You got that right, Mike!
Mike, the cross appears in the huge LA org symbol that totally dominates the promo piece. Wow how did you miss that. Scientology is so out front now about their name.
Specially since a certain TV series on A & E came out.
And whose idea is NNO(National Night Out). Scientology or the LAPD?
Sounds like a cult bright idea.
I think the LAPD like the fact that there is less crime in that little tiny section of Hollywood. Big Blue has its own police force. How many Cherchs do you know who have that!
I wish I had seen that before August 1st. I would have sent the flyer in an email to a couple of reporters in LA, asking why the hell the PD was involved with a cult that had so many accusations of abuse leveled against it.
Obviously, the local Police need to “word clear” their motto……”To Protect and Serve”
No need for SUPERPOWERS for that!
+1! Nice post, Python! And very true.
The question is still valid . . .
The answer to that is:: MONEY..
It would still have a good effect. And it would set the stage for the next faux community event. They may begin to think twice before falling into bed with the Cult.
Congrats on winning the TV Critics award! The internet was buzzin’ Mike! WTG! KAW!
Ultimately this is of no import at all really. You can have all the face painting, water slides, cotton candy, magicians and cops in the whole city … and people STILL will check the internet and CERTAINLY do full research before they commit their money, family and lives to the CoS. Scientology is now a real estate holding company (and essentially a pseudo religious emotionally extorting money laundering operation). And the public becomes more aware of that as each day passes.
The LAPD has an extremely long history of “play for pay” and scn has just the total lack of ethics to take advantage of that. Corruption to the max!
Mike i need to change the ubject here. I read a post on the FANS OF LEAH REMINI THE AFTERMATH. I am concerned about the elderly that are being held in the HOLE and probably other places. How can our group find out where they are and phone #’s we can call? I feel such a sense of urgency for theses folks.
Pamela, the really sad part is many of the elderly don’t yet know they need help. As their offspring leave, which is often why they are still there for fear of disconnection, they will leave. All the persons pitching in a caring is what will eventually help them. I know of many instances of this happening. There are some suggested letters we can all write to our Representatives and the IRS on The Money Project blog. Hopefully each one of our elderly know they are loved.
The where is not too tough. It’s Hemet, Big Blue or the Freakwinds most likely. As far as phone calls, letters or any other communication ……… fogetaboutit. You will never get through.
For those people of convern, aged 65 or older, you could try contacting Riverside County Adult Protective Services (APS) and file a report alleging psychological abuse and, possibly, neglect. Two big problems though: 1) Refusal of access. APS has far less authority than does any law enforcement (LE) agency. And LE would need more evidence than is availble to establish probable cause for entry. 2) Even if entry is established, the alleged victim can simply deny that there is any problem. That would pretty much kill the APS case.
Is there such a place for those older people in Clearwater/SC housing and bused to work? I did write my local politicians and expressed concern about elder abuse. They told me to contact the IRS…no help otherwise.
The LAPD is probably just happy that someone likes them.
Even if it is a vicious, evil, toxic, militant cult that throws its members into slave labor / reeducation camps and forces women who get pregnant to abort their baby. They’ll just tell you it’s a piece of meat.
“East Hollywood Police & Cummunity Partnerships”
I think it’s high time the East Hollywood Police find some new community partnerships. Preferably ones that don’t need police on their payroll to cover up all the shady stuff that goes on? Ī
R.E. Television Critics Awards:
Congratulations to Leah, Mike, all the crew who make Aftermath, and all the brave people who have stood up to scientology by appearing on Aftermath.
And shame on Elisabeth Moss for walking out while the award was presented. She is yet another celebrity scientologist to boycott, as I am sure many will after that disgusting display of immaturity. I never criticized her in the past – I thought she might be a fringe scientologist, or even quietly blowing the cult – but now it’s “fair game”.
I can understand why Elisabeth Moss walked out. Unless she “did something” to be “at cause” over the situation she would be in trouble with the Scientology Department of Thought Police. (Ethics, MAA) Just like Jenna or Kirstie or anyone else they have to put on an act of being incensed, victimized and unfairly targeted by “bigots”. Any rational person would want to know why they’re criticized and would take up an argument. Not so with a Scientologist. They have to act in a way that would be approved by the churches thought police and one of the primary methods of doing that is finding an exit. Disconnection is a concept in Scientology that has become it’s own disease, it’s own worst enemy. There is no other socio-political “solution” for a Scientologist other than withdraw from any and all dialogue with a contrary point of view. It’s not “confront and shatter” suppression, it’s more like “run and cover your ears” while building a wall around yourself. Modern Scientology creates cowards who lie to themselves to protect their membership privileges which include the honor of applying for membership to the higher levels. David Miscavige is well aware of the cost to the individual cult member to remain in good standing under his reign of tyranny. He doesn’t care that a mother would never see her son or daughter again. It is not in his best interest to be a fair humane and compassionate person, it is his agenda to simply destroy anyone who would expose his highjacking of the Scientology movement. Scientologists would be well advised to inform themselves of what their former group members have been through. After all, every single former Scientologist was once “onboard” until they saw something that made them leave. A Scientologist by definition has a duty to look.
Incisive and well written comment.
“After all, every single former Scientologist was once “onboard” until they saw something that made them leave. A Scientologist by definition has a duty to look”.
And there is yet another example of why being a Scientologist “in good standing” is an enormous catch 22 mind fuck.
Simply put, in order to be a Scientologist in good standing one avoid being a Scientologist!
Edit: “…one MUST avoid…”
Amen Crimes…..we can hardly wait for the day when the shit hits the fan & many of these well known celebs walk around with egg of their faces. I can’t begin to imagine when they begin to think about all the money they donated to “the cause”, only to find it out what it’s really worth……….
Elizabeth Moss walked away because she didn’t want to be there when they announced the winner. She probably knew it would be Leah & Mike. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
I couldn’t believe when I read that she walked out during Aftermath’s section of the awards! I shared the story on Twitter, and like you expresssed, I wrote Grow Up! Smh
Moss had little choice. If she had sat tight and watched, the cult would fry her with sec checks, threats of disaffection and disconnection ad nauseum until she coughed something up that could be used against her. Then she could make a sizeable donation to ‘make up the damage’ and carry on. This way it is less costly in the long run and who the fuck wants to improve their odds at eternity by having a kid ask you how you like to masturbate?
She does not publicly support the Cult that I have noticed. Good for her.
Yo Julian,
Time to call Elizabeth on down for a friendly chat isn’t it. She needs a reminder that the critics only sound the sirens when your Cult is really winning or some tripe to that effect. You guys ought to be driving in totally massive numbers into LA Org these days, speaking of which, how did Your stats look last week big boy? How many new declares and disconnections did you manage to rack up for Your Good Buddy? Slam in the ethics Julian, who else is left to do it?
Thanks for my laugh of the day, NC:)
I understand how you feel, however, I can’t hang her for this. She’s doing what she was taught. I believe she was a born in. She’s doing what she believes to be survival for herself and all of mankind. The fate of the planet rests upon her doing this.
She’s doing what I would have done, what Rinder and Leah and so many others would have done.
When you believe (think you “know”) with every fiber of your being:
“We’re not playing some minor game in Scientology. It isn’t cute or something to do
for lack of something better.
The whole agonized future of this planet, every man, woman and child on it, and
your own destiny for the next endless trillions of years depend on what you do here
and now with and in Scientology.”
….when you have lived and breathed this for decades…..
walking out while an SP is getting an award for attacking Man’s Only Hope… is easy and proper. I’m surprised she even went to it.
I only say this, because I’m stunned beyond belief the actual truth of the matter – the fact that I believed such garbage for so long, it’s so black and white – I have been struggling and struggling with this massive about face and it’s just about crippled me. I was so very very in, and now I’m so very very out, UTR, I can barely deal some days.
I like Moss. I pity her, and know there is no way out without some magic, awful, almost life destroying “cognition” to get her out. I was so dismayed to realize she was in. I hadn’t known during the years I watched, “Mad Men”. Back then, I would have been proud. Now….I just feel so sorrowful for her and I hope she someday goes to the Hell that is the Out Realization…and survives THAT aftermath.
For Hubbard and the Asshat Cabbage, I have zero pity. Those who know the truth and use it for their own gain are not worth my consideration.
Go ahead and boycott. But for me, I understand just too terribly deeply how entrapped they are and the hopelessness of it. Scn is so fucking vicious, it’s the worst quicksand ever conceived.
Speaking of Mad Men … the great Robert Morse’s daughter is in as well, married to Michael Doven (Morse’s daughter used to work for Cruise)
Oh, please say it ain’t so. You mean the Bobby Morse from “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying”? Shit!
Perhaps a misguided attempt on her part to apply the maxim, “a rolling stone gathers no moss.”
So, MJ, a Moss walked out on the ceremony, but gathered no moss?
Ha ha ha! Because this rolling Moss has no stones.
Welcome back, MJ. Missed you!