I wrote this for Marty’s blog in January 2010.
I had occasion to pull it out for someone to read and I re-read it myself.
Probably many of you saw this when it was originally published, but there are new readers here and I think it worth putting out again. One thing I noted was how little I addressed the subject of identification with MEST — [they are] close to MEST and have a very solid agreement with MEST. I have subsequently come to realize just how pervasive Miscavige’s agreement with, in fact worship of, MEST is. You can also see more about David Miscavige obsessions here.
Mike Rinder
The Original Post
There has been some discussion concerning why people continue to listen to David Miscavige when his actions are so contrary to those of a real Scientologist.
Even those who have left wonder why it took them so long to come to their senses. And then when they have seen the light, they ponder how it is that so many others continue – in the face of overwhelming evidence – to act like lemmings.
There are many reasons why people don’t just walk away – Sea Org members make an eternal commitment to forwarding the Aims of Scientology and to leave the Sea Org appears to be a betrayal of LRH; many have family members who would disconnect if they left; others have no experience in the outside world and don’t know how they will make a living; and the biggest threat of all looms large to those on the inside – the apparent loss of their eternity.
But still, it is puzzling how people can witness the most brutal and demeaning actions carried out by DM and not come to their senses.
LRH gives an answer in PAB 13 ON HUMAN BEHAVIOR, written in 1953.
It is a briefing to auditors on the importance of knowing the most aberrated and most aberrative types of personality.
In this PAB, LRH says:
What we will call the aberrative personality does the following things:
1. Everything bad that happened to the preclear was (a) ridiculous, (b) unimportant, (c) deserved.
2. Everything the preclear and others did to the aberrative person was (a) very important, (b) very bad, (c) irremediable.
3. Those things which the preclear could do (a) were without real value, (b) were done better by the aberrative personality or by others.
4. Sexual restraint or perversion.
5. Inhibition of eating.
Anyone who has had the misfortune of dealing directly with David Miscavige will instantly recognize these characteristics. The constant negation of anyone around him, with vehement accusations that “everyone” is incompetent, and he is the “only one” that can do anything. His repeated refrain that people are “pretending” to be tired (after endless nights of little or no sleep trying to get his unreal orders done while he sleeps a full night every night – unless he chooses to stay up and then uses this to loudly proclaim how little sleep he is getting while “everyone else” is in bed asleep). He is often heard loudly proclaiming that the “incompetence” of all those around him is “literally killing him, by forcing him to work himself to death”. Should anyone protest or react to the indignities and suffering he doles out he accuses them of “dramatizing”. He repeatedly regales those around him with highly degraded and pornographic descriptions of their supposed sexual perversions, while claiming to be completely virtuous himself and sleeping in a separate bed from his wife to prove it (though others have noted his attraction to his Communicator Lou). He routinely orders others onto rice and beans for weeks or months on end, or even having them fed scraps in the Hole (which had to be paid for), while he eats a special diet and has a full time chef to cater to his desires.
This of course, is only a brief summation. One only need look at the many accounts in the media or on the internet for personal experiences of numerous individuals that cover each of the points 1 through 5 above in far more detail. And while the Church tries to claim that every one of them is a bald-faced liar and “nothing really happened to them” (though they never seem able to come up with a motivation for so many people lying – other than the bizarre allegation that Marty Rathbun and I are being paid by the pharmaceutical companies), there are numerous people who have observed the facts. And there is no doubt that there are dozens, if not hundreds, of others who would tell the same stories of their experiences if they weren’t being coerced into silence either by threat of disconnection from their families, loss of job or legal action being brought against them.
While there is much more in this PAB that describes David Miscavige to a “T”, there are a few select passages that seem especially appropriate:
They speak very sternly of honesty or ethics and put on a formidable front of complete legality. They are impartial, which is to say they are incapable of decision but ride continually a maybe. They close terminals easily with courts, for courts are, sad to say, more or less of this disposition themselves. They feel called upon at no pretext to become adjudicative on subjects where their opinion has not been invited.
Anyone who has ever done the work on a project and had to get it approved by Miscavige recounts a familiar tale. And don’t doubt that he insisted on approving everything – anyone who attempted to take any action of significance in Scientology without his approval was accused of trying to “take over” and declared a Treasonous SP. Submissions he demands instantly one day then sit with him for days or weeks or even months (while rather than reviewing them, he spends hours berating people that he is too busy to be able to get all the work done that everyone forces on him). And when he does finally review the submission it is returned with a scathing reject informing the person that they are stupid, incompetent, suppressive and trying to destroy him by sending him a suppressive proposal. This can go on for months. It is one (though perhaps not the most important) of the reasons why the Super Power building has never been completed. Over 20 years there have been literally thousands of hours of staff and professional time (let alone money) putting together submissions to go to David Miscavige that he didn’t approve.
Again, read the numerous accounts in the media and on the internet. It is a hallmark of Miscavige to demand that he approve everything, but refuse to accept any proposal that is made.
LRH goes on to say:
It will often be discovered by the auditor that the preclear has “swapped terminals” with these aberrative persons. The weight of aberration is such that the preclear has been swung into the valence of such people, for they have obviously won.
Virtually everyone around him eventually goes into his valence to one degree or another. And then having committed similar overts of their own, are far less likely to criticize what Miscavige does. This point doesn’t require much explication – just look at Tom Cruise.
It should be understood that anyone going down tone scale in moments of anger is apt to use the above-numbered steps one way or another. But this is a momentary thing; the above steps belong, of course, on the tone scale and are significant of a level on the tone scale. Thus, one going down tone scale into anger or into apathy, is inclined to use these operations momentarily. This is quite different from the aberrative personality. The aberrative personality is at work with this operation 24 hours a day.
Ceaselessly, relentlessly, calculatingly, with full knowingness, the aberrative personality continues this onslaught against those around him.
This is exactly what life around the Machiavellian Midget is like. It is all day long, ceaseless and relentless. And it doesn’t even stop after he goes to bed. Nobody secures until he retires to his private quarters, but many have experienced the nightmare of finally getting into bed, only to be woken up again for more harassment if Dear Leader was unable to sleep. Or he remembered something you had failed to comply with that he hadn’t berated you enough for during the day.
But, there is more. Ever wondered about his fixation on Idle Org buildings? Or his insistence that audio/visual replace real Scientologists in every Div 6 in the world? Or his need for dozens of expensive suits, luxury cars, exotic motorcycles, lavish living quarters?
…These people, being well downscale, are very close to MEST and have a very solid agreement with MEST.
Or, how about his bizarre fascination and compulsion to be with Tom Cruise? It goes beyond the MEST – his private jet and home in Telluride for skiing getaways etc etc. There is something more to it than that, as LRH describes:
Men in the field of the arts are very often victimized by these aberrative personalities. The “merchant of fear” closes terminals rapidly with any area which contains a great deal of admiration. … There is hardly a man of art or letters who does not bear on him the scar of having associated with a “merchant of fear,” for these are vampire personalities. They are themselves so starved of admiration and of sensation that they drink out of others around them any possible drop of admiration in any form. Where a woman becomes a “merchant of fear,” sexual starvation is continually attempting satiation and all the while the “merchant of fear” will protest and, to all visible signs, follow a life of complete celibacy.
But, in spite of all that, can you REALLY be sure that he is in fact an aberrative personality? LRH gives one sure fire way of telling:
Now in case you err and try to apply this classification too widely, there is one definite characteristic you must not overlook. This characteristic makes the difference between the aberrative personality and run-of-the-mill human beings. The secrecy computation is the clue. The best index to a secrecy computation is a refusal to be audited. Because of this factor of the secrecy computation, and for no other factor, it chances to follow that the aberrative personality can be known by his refusal to have any auditing of any kind, or, if he has any auditing, accepts it very covertly and will not permit it to have any effect upon him. He will not have a second session. He has all manner of excuses for this such as “altitude,” but in any way, shape or form he escapes auditing. If your preclear’s unwilling to be audited, he himself may fall into this classification.
One definite characteristic? Those who have been around DM know he refuses to be audited by ANYONE. He claims that everyone is out tech. Ray Mithoff, who LRH trusted as his auditor and senior technical terminal on the planet is unqualified and “criminally out tech” according to DM. What about all those people in RTC who decide who is or who isn’t an in-tech auditor and sit in judgment on the TRs and metering of every auditor on the planet. Surely they are qualified to audit Dear Leader? When Marty Rathbun was the highest official in RTC and was entrusted by DM to exclusively audit the top celebrities and VIPs, Marty had the temerity to suggest to Shelly Miscavige that maybe Dave might need a session since he was sick as a dog and that he would be happy to provide it. Shelly looked like a doe stuck in the headlights. From that point forward Marty, who up to that point could do no wrong in DM’s eyes – after bailing him out of a heap of trouble on numerous occasions – was a marked man. And, of course, there never was a session!
But, the point of this essay was to explain why people listen to this little monster. And LRH describes why this happens.
The society at large is so accustomed to association with MEST and the “merchant of fear” so closely approximates some of the characteristics of MEST—the maybe, for instance—that the public quite commonly misassigns strength to such aberrative personalities and thinks of them as strong people or as wise people. They are neither strong nor wise, and before an even indifferently forceful attack quickly capitulate. They live their whole lives in terror of attack.
And with all that said, there is one last, vitally important sentence that explains the phenomenon of DM:
Because justice in this society prides itself upon impartiality, these impartial people—the aberrative personalities—are quite often listened to by those around them.
Look at all the fawning lemmings who worship the private jet he flies in and the ground he drives his BMW on. They believe what he tells them, though it may be demonstrably untrue. They believe his stories of “massive”, “straight up and vertical” expansion. They believe he is “saving the tech” (from what it is always unclear – some “SPs” somewhere) and “carrying on LRH’s legacy.”
But, this too will come to pass. Every person who sees the truth and steps out of the shadow of this aberrative personality tips the scales a little more towards the end of the insanity and a return to a true Golden Age of Scientology where freedom of thought, action and belief once again reigns.
Mike, I think a good reference point is other Authoritarian cults of personality. Dr. Bob Altemeyer has published his work online (The Authoritarians). If one scores highly on the personality characteristics of authoritarian follower, intelligence doesn’t matter. You’ve probably already read Dr. Altemeyer’s work, but I think you’re describing one of the most dangerous personality types he mentions, the “double high.” High on both the authoritarian scale & social dominance scale. The core characteristics of authoritarian followers 1) Overly submissive to their chosen authority, regardless of intelligence 2) Overly willing to commit violence in the name of their chosen authority 3) High degree of conformity- conformity being the belief that everyone’s beliefs or moral code should conform to my own. If you haven’t read his work, it’s fascinating and informative about this and our current political course in the US.
Why don’t you train someone to be “LRH”, who has come back in another body, to fix what the “Angry Little Man” has done to his teachings? Lots of PR and have him confront him?
Maybe to “beat them, you have to join them” in their deceptive practices. Your were trained by “the best”, were you not? “Fair Game”
a question… i probably know the answer to this as i’ve watched all of “aftermath” on netflix and am listening to your and Leah’s podcasts. i do understand the mystifying psychology at work in a cult but….is there any chance all the men whom David Miscavige has abused (one such incident happened in a room full of men where one of the guys was punched by David) just gang up and beat the tar out of him?! makes me angry! btw: you and Leah are wonderful hosts. your energies are so different but very complementary. thank you for this information. it’s stunning. i was never seriously involved in a cult, though i had an opportunity once but somehow got out. it seems money is integral to keeping you attached – that’s where i cut bait. i also wandered into one of those Dianetics screening booths in the 70’s. i submitted to the personality test – i was told i was really f**ked up and needed their help. i could have told them that. it all seemed like too much work and i never took them up on their recommendation.
People who respond to authority figures with violence are not going to join a cult, bro. Scientologists are self selected to be mentally fucked up, and then trained into doubt and reliance.
I can tell you that if Dave ever got me he world have a fight on his hands. He might even win, because he is a fit bastard, but I would not put up with it like they do. Of course, I would also never join SeaOrg and would never be accepted by them. Authoritarian organizations are not staffed by independent minded anarchists.
thanks from your response. i agree. anyway, i’m not a bro i’m a female. thanks!
I hope you get to read this…there are a hell of a lot of comments!! I’m curious, with all of the real estate that The Church of Scientology own…where exactly does David Miscarriage live?
He has apartments at each major Sea Org location. These day he spends most time at the El Cadiz apartments that are attached to Author Services, but he also has living quarters in Clearwater at the Hacienda Gardens, in the Manor at St Hill, at Gold Base, Big Blue, CLO EU, Freewinds and probably others by now.
Anita, if you Google [term] + Scientology, you’ll almost always get a good “hit” in the first page. That said, much of the time, the definition is suggested by the context well enough.
Could you offer a glossary of scientolgy terms so I can fully understand the articles?
Chris Sheldon’s book “From A to Xenu” contains an extensive glossary (and is an all in all valuable read with a hefty amount of meat on its bones that’s well worthy its place in any reputable bookshelf).
And then of course there’s Hubbard himself (though I personally urge anyone who’s interested in Hubbards works to NOT buy them new from any bookstore online or otherwise as this only contributes – regardless the amount – to the wealth of Scientology … or, let’s face it: the wealth of Miscavige. There are already more printed copies and editions of Hubbards literary debacles and spectacles than there will ever be people interested in opening any single one of them; without reading a word past the title. Which also means that a fairly readily available alternative can be found in local (or online) Second Hand shops).
Adding roughly 500 words to the English language made Shakespeare the uncrowned King of the Logos from the late 16:th century onwards.
For 400 years.
Then came Lafayette Ron Hubbard.
One thousand two hundred seventy six.1276. Pages – Not words: Pages – divided into two volumes – of Hubbard-specific words and redefinitions of words.
Because, if you control the language of some one, you control their means of communication. But much more than that: you control their thoughts; You control their conceptualization of reality.
Has anyone every brought charges of assault (at the very least) against DM? If not – why not?
Mike – excellent post. This was one of the posts I saw just about a year ago when I first got an inkling that something was amiss (to put it mildly). It really indicated to me. And that secrecy computation has spawned the DON’T LOOK instruction, NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENTS and DISCONNNECTION from anyone who has something to say. Don’t look, don’t tell, keep the secret. And oh yes, I nearly forgot,…..throw in some FALSE STATS, and divert attention with all the SP talk.
Mary Rathernotsay said:
“I gotta ask you….Don’t Guilluame LeSevre and Heber know that DM is an SP?
Doesn’t Tommy know the truth also?
Or do they seriously buy into all this poison that DM is putting out?
I know about the Stockholm Syndrome in theory, but it would seem that sooner or later there would be a coup attempt or revolt at least against the DM monarchy.
Any theories?”
Yes, please, I have that same burning question. Any thoughts?
That “pretended PTS” policy is has a glaring outpoint: how does one define a person of “good intentions”? Statistics, maybe? Per much of his other policy, “good intentions” really could only be defined by a review of stat trends. As it stands it is seriously flawed policy. All I can think of to counter it would be the reference of policy where LRH states that if too many people are being declared SP then it is the declarER who is the SP. Maybe someone here can cite this as I’m paraphrasing but I know I ‘ve read it somewhere.
Mike, thank you for what you are doing here. It really helps. And thanks as well to all who post.
I gotta ask you….Don’t Guilluame LeSevre and Heber know that DM is an SP?
Doesn’t Tommy know the truth also?
Or do they seriously buy into all this poison that DM is putting out?
I know about the Stockholm Syndrome in theory, but it would seem that sooner or later there would be a coup attempt or revolt at least against the DM monarchy.
Any theories?
I see no one answered you on this. Yes all those people know he is An SP which is why they disappeared… Hidden in the Hole or on some rehabilitation program… even his wife has disappeared.
Excellent post Mike.
And great comments regarding how the tech is used to perpetuate the situation as with “Pretended PTS”.
Great article on the King SP!
My twin originated DM as an SP over 15 years ago on our Grade Zero co-audit. He originated DM as an SP as a cognition on a random Grade Zero process question, and the TA blew down and there was a nice big persistent F/N.
I jotted it on my worksheet and indicated the F/N. We ended the session and went to the Examiner with an F/N there as well. Unfortunately my twin was consequently sent to Ethics to do Conditions and write up O/Ws on DM. His cognition was heavily invalidated. I think I got a Cram, I’m not sure… it was so long ago.
Months later I spotted DM as an SP myself (I was 90% sure, but with 10% doubt because of the Red on White from LRH). I never told anyone my thoughts about DM being an SP. I wondered who else was thinking what I was thinking but was afraid to speak out.
Although I blew a few months afterwards, sadly my twin continues to support the Orgs to this day I believe, and donates a lot to the IAS. I keep hoping that he will wake-up!
Thank you, Mike!
Well written and spot on analysis Mike. I re-read it today and like many many others, can confirm your observations of DM’s personality, actions and lifestyle. The LRH reference fits him to a T.
This quote you mention lays out the successful strategy to getting rid of DM and his control for those that are interested:
“They are neither strong nor wise, and before an even indifferently forceful attack quickly capitulate. They live their whole lives in terror of attack.” LRH.
Witness how fast he folds like a cheap suit when Debbie Cook hits the witness stand and starts putting the real truth on the record. Or when the PI’s who tailed Pat Broeker for years took him to court. DM rushes to settle faster than a speeding bullet.
While the media reporting also does damage to him and Scientology, he can continue to lie his way through those attacks since there is no real threat to him since they are all “lying” and a group of “bitter apostates”.
I realized years ago, that despite his bravado and attempts at scaring people who are in Scientology with his “power”, that he was in fact a coward. There is no way he would ever, ever, ever meet in a room with you, Marty or anyone who was close to LRH back in the day and knows what LRH’s true intentions were and who could really call him on his shit without any retribution against them, now that they are free and out in the real world. DM could not confront it without a team of Lawyers and Thugs at his side trying to protect him and even then, he would do everything he could to avoid it.
Mike, Thank you thank you thank you for this amazingly charge-blowing, false data stripping, truth spotting, de-PTSing article! Wonderful. I think you should re post it once a month for all newbies to read. It is that far-reaching.
I have read “The Aberrative Personality” many times, but today, reading it, was seeing the perfect demo in each point of it and that demo was DM. He is the poster boy for the Aberrative Personality.
And the LRH article someone posted where it goes into Domination and Nullification as means to control and suppress others… Wow! Again, I have read it before, but it is good to re-read it often in a new unit of time. My former “best friend” fit every point of the nullification things and she would protest and say “I’m just trying to help you” if ever confronted on all this. Yeah, right.. help you to be cut down to her size or smaller.
Yes, DM has dwindled into more and more mest and worshipping of mest, and tries to drink the stardom and glory off TC as the classic vampire that attaches itself to an artist.
Mike great article! Repeat if loudly and often!
Mike thank you thank you thank yo for this amazing article. And I thank the commentors who have provided LRH referenes and more truth. This gave me goosebumps and blew charge for me and keep in mind, I had already read ‘The Aberrative Personality” several times in my time track with COS> But reading it with DM i mind and seeing that he is the perfect demo and poster boy for all the aberrative personality traits, was mind blowing. And when he yells at people at Int saying that anyone who tries to wear their hat is trying to take over and overthrow him…. he has the similar overt of taking over from LRH by nefarious means. He did exactly what he accuses others of doing And while I’m on the subject, why DM’s obsession with sexual,l with masturbation etc? Given that LRH says the criminal accuses others of what he is doing, what does little Davey do on his sexual realm? Hmmmm?
Spot on Mike. David Miscavige MUST get in session — make that multiple sessions. The lad is sick. Mike, I was in the S.O. for a decade but not at your level. I had NO IDEA what this little toad was doing to my church. I joined because I wanted to make a difference, do something worthwhile and help others. You could not see what was happening high up from my level. You could see the reduction in freedoms, the insane fundraising, the reduction in CMO influence along with the elevation of RTC, etc. But not until I got out, was I in a position to look but even then it took some kind soul to mention the St Pete Times and it’s expose led mainly by a guy I’d only heard of as Inspector General RTC Marty Rathbun. What a mind blower that reference turned out to be. And now I see some good friends who are trapped partly due to blindness and an unwillingness to look, combined with having children on staff — very sad.
David Miscavige does not believe in Scientology. If he did, he would have gotten a suppressed person rundown and had us all reach out to him. Anyone else who wanders around complaining about suppression they get put on suppression rundowns. When David does it people throw money at him for the I.A.S.!
When David does it people donate to his legal bills!
I spotted DM as the person I was PTS to months ago. This was after I was heavily roller-coastering. The person indicated to me as the source of my PTSness was not correct as the roller-coaster only got worse. I thought – “Who am I PTS to?” And, in a flash DM popped in my mind, the mass blew and I had stability and certainty again. It was as good, if not better, than any PTS handling I’ve ever had. It was an OMG moment! Then yesterday, after reading your article here I started to wonder more. What is this mad man really trying to do? Obviously he was trying to take over control of the Church and the Scientologists and he achieved that long ago. Again, a thought popped in my head; this man has his sites set on conquering the world! By getting billions and more millions and billions he will buy the power. Those of us who have been around since the Ron days would not have imagined this ever happening to the Church of Scientology. I realize more and more that this megalomaniac with a God complex is not to be underestimated. Thank you Mike for your courage and integrity in speaking up and your persistence against all manner and means to stop you and shut you up.
Thank-you once again Michael for shining the light of reason into the cesspool of desperate insanity.
You are like a class VII c/s. You provided the exact reference that indicates the truth and blows down the ta.
It is amazing that you could get so exterior to this bs after having it in your face for so many years.
Very Well Done.
True that! Guess we have another big being here. Better not tell DM.
I have so many reports to RTC but no no one ever reponded…
Mike ~~
I think it was highly adventurous of you to name David Miscavige as your PTS Item. WOW.
Here’s an excerpt on an essay I wrote on Steve Hall’s site ~
But what has happened in David Miscavige’s RTC? Is the pc protected? No. In fact, in direct violation of LRH, here is what a pc may or may not say in session:
It is strictly forbidden for a pc to name David Miscavige as an SP or an antisocial personality. Such an origination is not accepted by the auditor.
The auditor will become adversarial if a pc names David Miscavige as an SP.
The pc cannot name DM as an item in a Search and Discovery (searching for the SP)
The pc cannot name DM in a PTS Rundown
The pc cannot speak his or her thoughts, opinions, considerations on DM
If a pc named DM as an SP, he or she can expect to be put onto lengthy security checks
Here’s the rest of the article ~~http://www.scientology-cult.com/david-miscaviges-rtc.html
Hey Mike, thanks for reposting as I never saw this. You make excellent points in this post:
1. Why people stay involved.
2. The aberrative personality
If there’s one thing I have learned after 20 years in Scientology, it’s the traits of the SP, and even more important, the aberrative personality. This should be crucial training for every human being alive.
I never met DM personally, but one comment made by Christy (I think it was on the today show) is where she said how the “his abuses had even trickled down to Class 5 orgs.” (That’s from memory, not verbatim).
She was dead on.
So it’s not just the “aberrative personality” we have to watch for. It’s all the dumbasses who blindly follow orders. IMHO, it is this latter scenario that needs serious help. And I believe that’s what LRH was trying to point out in the PAB you mentioned…to expose their traits for the world to see…which I might add you’re doing a fine job of.
Whenever I see Miscavige on the podium at an event or I see images of the Ideal Morgues, I am struck by the number of crosses, triangles, wreaths, double-S’s, infinity symbols, etc. One of the pictures of a lobby shows no less than 19 crosses from the angle the picture was taken.
Remembering the Tone Scale in Full and the Know-to-Mystery scale, “Symbols” jumps out at way below ‘Body Death’. – Very apropos.
Owning Bodies -3.0 Think
Approval from Bodies -3.5
Needing Bodies -4.0 Symbols
Worshipping Bodies -5.0 Eat
Sacrifice -6.0 Sex
Hiding -8.0 Mystery
This is so illuminating Mike. Thanks for this great article; You continue to help de-PTS those who have come under the malign influence of DM directly or indirectly.
The question is WHY WHY WHY does this madness persist in the church??? The PTS/SP tech is accessible to all – in fact anybody that is getting rung through the CoS wringer will probably have done the PTS/SP course at least once. If there is ONE PLACE ONE EARTH this madness should end, it’s the Church of Scientology!
The reason it persists is baked right into the STP/SP materials – It’s enforced with Red On White!
It some ways it is the beginning and the end of what is wrong with Scientology.
C/S Series 121
On pretended PTSness as mentioned in (1) above, your very reliable clue is that the person says he is PTS to a well-intentioned person, such as a staff member or a Scientology VIP. This is almost totally conclusive evidence that you are dealing with a person with an evil purpose. Thus he would be switched to Sec Checking geared to locating and handling evil purposes.
OK! As long as strong team of non-SPs is controlling the Church from the top down and handling actual SPs by Ethics & Tech, this policy with not destroy Scientology — Sigh, that didn’t last long…. Welcome to hell.
What happens if a PTS person names a “known good” person that is actually a well-camouflaged sociopathic SP? BAD things!! The PTS person will have the item refused, will be made to INTROVERT and will ultimately be made WORSE. Instead cogniting and beginning to handle, they are (quickly or slowly) caved-in. Perhaps culminating with swapping terminals with the SP.
DM and the other SPs and PTSes that run the church are aided and abetted by EVERY SINGLE C/S, Auditor, Ethics officer and MA that is EVERY Org on the planet.
Please, if you are an auditor or a C/S in the Church or at Flag, YOU are PTS – even if you are in denial you know it down deep. If you remain as a tech terminal in the Church (perhaps you can’t leave without unconfrontable consequences), you can help LRH, or you can help destroy everything he tried to do. If enough people connect the dots something can be done about it.
The fragment of the HCOB above was supposed to be marked off as an excerpt, but the blog software didn’t do what I expected. Please refer to your own copy of the HCOB for the full text.
IRQ32 – I couldn’t agree more.
… “On pretended PTSness as mentioned in (1) above, your very reliable clue is that the person says he is PTS to a well-intentioned person, such as a staff member or a Scientology VIP. This is almost totally conclusive evidence that you are dealing with a person with an evil purpose. Thus he would be switched to Sec Checking geared to locating and handling evil purposes.”…
This reference is also inhibiting to name as a PTS item someone who is close to DM/influenced by him and dramatizing his valence. I saw executives flip valences when DM or his entourage was around (the valance flip went down the org board till the whole area was enturbulated). Knowing the reference above, I would never have mentioned such a “well-intentioned” person; it would have been like blacklisting or shooting myself.
I assume this part of reference is also a reason why DM has always to be “upstat”, (no matter how ridicules the show). The mantra “COB is so hard working, is so upstat” – which led to his untouchable status – is hammered into the staffs mind like a hypnotic implant, inhibiting clear reasoning.
And as one is not allowed to share thoughts which deviate from “command intention”, the single staff member keeps it to himself, assuming he is the only one who has these “bad thoughts” or … ”evil purposes”.
This is an excellent observation. I can verify this from personal experience.
I named Miscavige as my PTS item. I was WDC Chairman (albeit with no power) at the time…. That landed like the proverbial turd in the punchbowl. S P L A S H!!! And the blowback on me was more than simply being declared “False PTS”, I was declared a “Suppressive Person” (that was I think the second time Miscavige had declared me — though I was still “on post” and in the Sea Org, and I was joined in the ranks of “Declared SPs” by Guillaume, Marc Yager, Ray Mithoff and a number of other “senior execs”).
My auditor, trying to get to the bottom of my bottomless pit of “CI” made the fatal mistake of having me read the Intro to the Invalidation list in Self Analysis and then asked me on the meter the question in the last paragraph:
Aberrated individuals use two distinct and very aberrated methods of controlling others.
The first consists of forcing the other person to do exactly what is desired with the mechanism of recrimination and denial of friendship or support unless instant compliance takes place. In other words, “You do exact what I say or I am no ally of yours”. This is outright domination.
Additionally, it seeks by anger and outright criticism, accusations, and other mechanisms to pound another individual into submission by making him less. The second method might be called domination by nullification. This is covert and quit often the person upon whom it is exerted remains unsuspecting beyond the fact that he knows he is very unhappy. This is the coward’s method of domination. The person using it feels that he is less than the individual upon whom he is using it and has no the honesty or fortitude to admit the fact to himself. He the begins, much as termites gnaw away a foundation, as in California, to pull the other individual “down to size”, using small carping criticisms. The one who is seeking to dominate strike heavily at the point of pride and capability of his target and yell if at any moment the target challenges the nullifier, the person using the mechanism claims he is doing so solely out of assistance and friendship, or disavows completely that it has been done.
Of the two methods, the latter is far more damaging. A person using this method seeks to reduce another individual down to a point where he can be completely controlled and will not stop until he has
reduced the target into a confused apathy. The lowest common denominator of nullification could be called “invalidation”. The nullifier seeks to invalidate not only the person but the skills and knowledge of his target. The possessions of the target are said to be not quite as important as they might be. The experiences of the person being nullified a minimized. The target’s looks, strength, physical capabilities and potentialities are also invalidated. All this may be done so covertly that it appears to be “in the best interest of” the target. The nullifier seeks to “improve” the person being invalidated.
The first question of this list should be, of course, how many people have you known who have sought consistently under the mask of seeking to aid you to tear you apart as a person, and reduce your future, your hopes, your goals, and the very energy of your life.
Mike, I’m sure I’m not the first to say it and I wish I could say it in person properly:
I’d like to indicate that “David Miscavige” is your item.
Mike, this part alone is so powerful that it gave me goosebumps reading it. And mind you, I have read this reference several times before. Seeing “friends” in the Nullification actions against me, spotting all their covert “I only want to help you” while tearing down your beingness, invalidating all about you, your talent, your looks, your everything under the guise of “I’m helping you.” Yes, helping you to be their size or smaller! lol. And DM is so blatantly in the Domination side of things that he is like an unreal characature.
I once was in a metered PTS-Interview and openly named the suppressive Sea Org Missionaire as my PTS-Item, well aware of the fact that this would be taken as proof that I was having evil purposes. My auditor, to whom I spoke openly in this interview and who was also aware of the situation this Sea Org Missionaire created for the Org, kept going with the interview, asking me for more possible items. I then told my auditor that, of course, I once in a while also had an argument with my mother or so, but that the real item was that S.O. guy.
The worksheets of that interview and me were then taken to HCO and I was expecting the worst, when his “body” (~ twin) of this very Sea Org missionaire looked at me and said: “All right, so here we have the answer! Then do your ethics handling on “mother” – I bursted out in laughter.
This auditor had “protected” me – he just didn´t take any notes on what I told him about the real thing. ;).
OMG Mike, you had balls!!!
And what happened to the poor auditor?
Indeed, I think you’re really onto something here!!
The only reference I can think of to counter this “pretended PTS” one would be the reference where LRH says that if too many people are being declared SP then you would look to that exec as the SP. I can’t think of it right now. Maybe someone else here can?
Mike, sorry to gush but I really love this blog. It helps to keep knowing the truth amidst what I perceive as the obstinate blindness of people I know who still eagerly gulp the KA, who are in complete agreement that they should always do as they are told by this crazy cult, and who, wonder of wonders, believe that this is all very self-determined on their parts!!! It drives me wild inside sometimes but then my stable datum is that I can come to Marty and to you and re-center myself with truth and common sense and the actual data of the scene, and restore my own ability to grant beingness to these seemingly clueless people. I’m someone who gets very unhappy when I’m unable to grant beingness. Its not a good state for me to be in, ever. So, thank you, very much, Mike,and thanks as well to all of you who post. I learn, and I heal.
Auditing him would be audiitng a rock and who wants to audit that? I don’t. He needs to find the nearest rock and climb back under it and leave us all alone!
I’ll audit him, but I will not sit and wait for the 3 swings!
LOL-I wouldn’t have the patience for one swing, but even that would really never happen.
Ingrid, yes, it would behove the pc to just look for
those crazy agitated slashes and dig in from there
Check out the apropos video of DM at : http://www.scientology-cult.com/videos/humor.html
It made me giggle, then chortle, then guffaw, before all hell broke loose and I couldn’t stop …..
Humor…it is the best medicine for this disease called “the aberrative personality.”
Tick… Tock… prepare the bunker RTC, he’s is getting ready to explode.
It couldn’t be too soon. GO AWAY Shorty… now!
Mirari – I too have laughed like heck every time I see this vid. First saw it about 15 months ago. It was hilarious then and still is. There is another one out there about the event being cancelled and the lil hitler goes berserk. Just as funny.
I fully concur that it couldn’t be too soon for him to go away. I only see continued destructive with his remaining. Tis those supporting him in power that have to come up to confronting the fact that they have inherited the function of handling the nut.
Mike, this is a fascinating posting. It perfectly outlines point by point with such accuracy that truth is able to
be seen. It also, and a very important point, does answer the question of why some poeple has not left or it took longer thatn should have. The references and data given above anwswer the question.
The addedd video put some humour into the scene… at least we all can smile while the psychotic shakes in terror for eternity.
Stefan Verstappen, author of Defense Against the Psychopath also has this to say about why people don’t believe so and so is a psychopath:
One of the greatest advantages that a psychopath has is that average decent people cannot believe that such monsters truly exist. This inability to comprehend the predator mentality is partly due to popular morality. All societies promote simplistic and idealistic morality thru schools and churches that teach such platitudes as everyone has some good in them, everyone is special and so forth. Such ideals more often serve as a cover behind which the true machinations of society can operate without evoking the suspicion of the mob.
Another reason that people cannot face evil is fear, the true nature of psychopaths is the stuff of childhood nightmares, many people simply cannot deal with the fear this realization causes and so to sooth their nerves they revert to an infantile strategy of denial and magical thinking. If they do not acknowledge the existence of monsters then the monsters cannot hurt them. The first line of defense against psychopaths is acknowledging their existence, by doing so one develops a psychological advantage – forewarned is forearmed and having braced oneself with knowledge of predatory individuals one is better able to think clearly thus spot the predator before he can spot you. Once you accept the reality that human predators populate our society the next line of defense is in identifying them. Because of their abilities at camouflage and deception, psychopaths are difficult to spot, they can fool even mental health professionals. It is important to understand that everyone can be conned. If you feel that you are the exception you only make yourself more susceptible.”
Wow Mike, you summed it up so well I,…I…I , holy blow down! I just can’t think of anything add!
Wow Oracle, come on. I always love your input.
No person is just himself.
He also becomes the factors he has to deal with in his environment every day.
Getting stuck in the ideology of Scientology causes any person to become less of an individual, and more of a Scientologist.
David Miscavige is a victim of the Scientology environment, just like everyone else who got too much involved and let the Scientology ideology do his thinking for him.
Miscavige a “victim of Scientology”!?
Oh please!
Are saying that we are all “victims” Alanzo?
Thanks for the posting and so true. Also thanks for starting this site to continue the line of truth in the face of “CofS” PR bullshit.
Groups usually get leaders who match the group’s overall tone level and ethic. Scientologists as a group generally become emotionally numb (no sympathy times 100), extremely judgmental about others’ ethics & tone, totally responsive to authority and orders (without inspecting or questioning), very disloyal to longtime friends and family, locked into only one way of thinking and acting, etc etc etc (and I could go on and on here). So what is the big suprise that Miscavige has been their leader for 30 years and counting? He’s the perfect guy for a group that is so low spiritually and in such terrible case shape as to not only accept him but celebrate him.
You’ve got the Cause and Effect ass backwards, Joe. Miscavige came on the scene and assumed command and control over the group, which at the time, was highly theta. He then proceeded to enforce his brand of Nazi-like domination and cruelty down the command channels, which ran off the best and brightest people in the movement, slowly changing the group dynamic to fit his psychopathic personality. After thirty years of crushing theta wherever he could find it, most of what’s left, are the ‘clubbed seals’ who clap on demand. That’s what you’re seeing.
Absolutely agree Ronnie! Compare – night & day ( One can SEE during the DAY!)
Miscavige really take over until the late 80’s after a successful power push against Pat Broeker.
Funny thing is that all the crimes that the palace coup accused him of committing Miscavige has commited in spades.
This Criminal Mind would be another good reference too.
Ronnie, I do not doubt the truth of what you are saying as having a lot to do with this scene. At the same time, it is also somewhat “reasonable” as to what is expected of beings who allege to be “aware of being aware” and “homo novis.” Sorry, but if a person has done the PTS/SP course at least twice (which almost every veteran Scientologist has) then that person is supposed to be able to spot suppression and handle it. If a person has read Science of Survival, then that person is supposed to recognize lower tone level activities and call them for what they are. If one has read Data Series 1, (usually over and over) then one should be able to NOT accept “command eval” or condemnation of others at face value. Otherwise how is Scientology an APPLIED philosophy? If one has reached a state of self determinism, then one does NOT allow oneself to be told what is OK to read or whom it is OK to communicate to. If Scientologists who have been trained and audited react the SAME way to suppresive assholes and situations as NON Scientologists do, then where are the lasting gains????? You can be as reasonable as you want to as to how Scientologists have acted under a suppressive leader. I am simply fucking APPALLED by it!!!! I expected powerful, aware, courageous beings as a result of doing the upper levels and the BC. What I see is Heber and the rest of them and the complete mass of sheeple I know personally (and a number of highly trained OT7s among them). Absolutely shameful and you can put any spin you want on their lack of balls and ability. I am not going to.
Joe, I don’t disagree with your reaction to the state of Scientologists, as regards their failure to use their own tech to dislodge Miscavige. In fact, I agree wholeheartedly, and have often wondered why no one in his inner circle ever risked everything they had, including their personal freedom, to stop this guy in his tracks when he was still too weak to harm us.
As I’ve read stories of what’s gone on behind the black curtain of silence in the Sea Org, I’ve found that he was indeed resisted by many, but not nearly to the degree necessary. Anyone who correctly figured this guy, was taken out with ruthless finality, all along the way. With every fallen body, his power and control grew stronger. By the time it became clear to all but the most dim witted, that he’d become the All Powerful Master Of The Universe, it was too late for anything but a general mutiny to accomplish his removal. The fact that he rapidly built something akin to the Stasi didn’t help matters. Even so much as a bad indicator could draw the attention of the Schutzstaffel. People withdrew into themselves and kept quiet, hoping that somehow it would all change.
Bottom line is, for thirty years, Miscavige has destroyed, bought off, or excommunicated every single person who even looked like a threat to him, let alone those who really did.
Mike has written many times about this, in answer to people’s incessant question, “Why did you stay and take the abuse?” Perhaps you’ve read his post on this at Marty’s blog. It goes a long way toward explaining how we got here.
Ronnie — thanks for remembering this. I need to transfer this posting over to my blog from Marty’s. But the article can be found here — It’s entitled Why We Stay.
This is spot on. The references, the analysis, all go to show the condition and state of Miscavige and eve, the reason why so many go into his valence as ‘the winning valence’ in their eyes. A constant mystery for many people. This is a very insightful article and I am glad I got to read it.
An additional factor I believe is the gradient upon which this is perpetrated. If Miscavige had suddenly appears and started doing what he did he would have been booted out on his ear,. But I gather, he was close to Ron initially and people would listen to him, and nod their heads in agreement thinking they were getting pearls of wisdom passed along from LRH. The gradient approach is simply a tool and can be used by an SP just as well as an educator or a method of increasing expertise in a subject. I wrote a humorous Miscavige Dictionary a while ago, more for my own amusement, but thought you might like to see it.
An ideal org: Any empty building
ARC: No definition available. What’s ARC?
Auditing: The system of getting people to confess to heinous crimes over and over again non stop.
Stable Datum. As everyone else is an SP (see SP below) they all MUST have crimes.
Ethics: The use of punishment to get something done.
God: Miscavige
IAS: A source of money.
Justice: No definition in the Miscavige Dictionary for Justice. Justice does not exist.
L. Ron Hubbard: Replaced by Miscavige.
Miscavige: God
OIC Stats: There is only one stat. Money IN the coffers
The earth’s population: A collection of DBs (decayed beings) except for Miscavige and Tom Cruise, and even he is suspect
The Hole: Where to put people that disagree with Miscavige.
The 8 Dynamics: There is only one Dynamic. The Miscavige FIRST dynamic.
Motivation scale: At the bottom of the scale is Money. At the top of the scale the motivation is …Money. There is no other motivation.
Scientology: A method of controlling people and getting as much production, work, money out of them as possible.
COB: Chairman of the Board. The supreme commander of life on planet earth as we know it.
SP: A Suppressive person. Everyone else. I just know that everyone is out to get me. It stands to reason doesn’t it. Counter intention is everywhere. When people look at me I know they have counter intention to me. I have to suppress them all just to stay afloat and keep from being suppressed by everybody myself.
Great observations, Michael. And the mind control of the clubbed seals ensures they agree
with these definitions as well. They had better!
This is such a good write-up.
I hope many people from within the church come to your blog and read the posts you publish.
(I also like the handy design of your blog.)
I have noticed that dm’s face is no longer symmetric, and that he speaks with one side of his mouth. That is a symptom of a developing neurological disorder. Perhaps he is contracting Parkinson’s.
One disagreement with you Mike; you call TC “an artist” he is no longer one. His movies are just a repeat of the same formula. When Adam Shakman put him in his movie, it became an instant failure.
I noticed this “one side of his mouth” years ago (probably 25 years ago) … I believe he was in a rather serious motorcycle crash. This would need to be confirmed by those at Int. I was public at the time.
As he continues to age – this injury will of course become more pronounced and plastic surgery isn’t going to fix it …
What is happening though, as Mike has mentioned, he is becoming more fixed, more MEST. Whatever attractive looks he may have had as a younger man are going fast.
Thank Christine. I am not bothered by his looks; I just want him; gone;;;
No motorcycle accident.
He just dramatizes talking out of both sides of his mouth….
Laughter too.
More laughter!
Also, if you happen to get a glimps of his tongue as he
speaks, you will see a division at the tip of it. Looks like
a fork.
“…the public quite commonly misassigns strength to such aberrative personalities and thinks of them as strong people or as wise people. They are neither strong nor wise, and before an even indifferently forceful attack quickly capitulate. They live their whole lives in terror of attack.
Thank you, LRH, for validating my gut instincts about this side of DM. I have always felt that he would have backed down long ago, if a number of S.O. members had stood up to him.
Just look at those eyes. Nobody home.
Sociopathic. It’s such a good illustration (mass) for the very PAB.
This psychopath was at one time our fearless leader… and remains for so many, how fucked up is that!
What? You talking about MEEEE ? C$(*#^%^&&*%$$(*%$&**%^$# ( cough, sputter!!!)
&&$#*((^$$%^&&**(&%$#%%$#^^%^&&&&^&%$*&^&^&*****&*^ ( hack! hack! gasp )
HEY YOU! Bring me that case of %@$%^&&%% Scotch —- NOWWWWW! F*^%&*
***** Skritctchhh (unscrew, unscrew, glug-glug-glug-glug-glug-glug-glug-glug-glug-
wheeeez—wheeeezzzz—gasp–gasp! glug-glug-glug-glug– gasp–gasp- glug-glug
gasp–gasp—–gasssp——ga!—-g! —-THUD! ……………………( wishful thinking!)
Calvin, please….
When a Whistleblower like Mike Rinder, intimately involved within Scientology Inc for 35 years can reveal what goes on within, it inspires a lot of us to share more.
There is a side of Radical Official Scientology and David Miscavige beyond the the Ribbon Cutting Photo Ops.
There is a reason why MAAs and Ethics Officers are so tough about the public reading the Internet.
There is a reason why departing Sea Org members must sign under video camera 1/2″ thick documents promising never to reveal anything that went on inside.
“Knowledge” is touted in Miscavology TV Ads.
“Knowledge” includes determining all sides of any story and getting a 360 degree view.
Well said Karen. This vampire bleeds down and out and into the streets, endlessly.
BUT, in spite of his minions and his Ga$illions, we remain the Demon Slayers he has to deal with —- whether he likes it or not.
We should poke a needle into his demonic head, why not.