By Mike Rinder
A recent discussion with Jim Logan and Christie reminded me of a section in Self Analysis that I then pulled out and read in a new unit of time.
It offers insight into the oft posed question: How is it possible that competent and able individuals in “international management” are apparently so incapable of doing anything about David Miscavige’s insanity.
I suspect anyone who has ever been in close proximity to POB will read this and wonder how LRH could, in 1951, describe someone in 2011 SO precisely.
This is “Part 2” to an earlier posting concerning PAB 13 titled On DM’s Behavior:
In the interest of improving conditions, I also include the list that accompanies this chapter in the book, so if you read this and feel the need, LRH’s solution is right here for you to avail yourself of.
I laughed when I read the first question. Oh, how prescient LRH is.
Aberrated individuals use two distinct and very aberrated methods of controlling others.
The first consists of forcing the other person to do exactly what is desired with the mechanism of recrimination and denial of friendship or support unless instant compliance takes place. In other words, “You do exactly what I say or I am no ally of yours”. This is outright domination. Additionally, it seeks by anger and outright criticism, accusations, and other mechanisms to pound another individual into submission by making him less.
The second method might be called domination by nullification. This is covert and quite often the person upon whom it is exerted remains unsuspecting beyond the fact that he knows he is very unhappy. This is the coward’s method of domination. The person using it feels that he is less than the individual upon whom he is using it and has not the honesty or fortitude to admit the fact to himself. He then begins, much as termites gnaw away a foundation (as in California) to pull the other individual “down to size”, using small carping criticisms. The one who is seeking to dominate strikes heavily at the point of pride and capability of his target. And yet, if at any moment the target challenges the nullifier, the person using the mechanism claims he is doing so solely out of assistance and friendship, or disavows completely that it has been done.
Of the two methods, the latter is far more damaging. A person using this method seeks to reduce another individual down to a point where he can be completely controlled and will not stop until he has reduced the target into a confused apathy. The lowest common denominator of nullification could be called “invalidation”. The nullifier seeks to invalidate not only the person but the skills and knowledge of his target. The possessions of the target are said to be not quite as important as they might be. The experiences of the person being nullified are minimized. The target’s looks, strength, physical capabilities and potentialities are also invalidated. All this may be done so covertly that it appears to be “in the best interest of” the target. The nullifier seeks to “improve” the person being invalidated.
The first question of this list should be, of course, how many people have you known who have sought consistently, under the mask of seeking to aid you, to tear you apart as a person and reduce your future, your hopes, your goals, and the very energy of your life?
Can you recall a time when:
1. A person much smaller than you resented your size.
2. A person bigger than you made you feel inferior.
3. A person would not let you finish something.
4. An object was too much for you.
5. You found a space too big.
6. You were pushed back because you were too small.
7. You didn’t make the team.
8. You found you were adequate.
9. You found somebody had lied about how bad you were.
10. You discovered you had been right, after all.
11. You found your decision would have been best.
12. You solved a problem nobody else could do.
13. You discovered there were homelier people in the world than you.
14. You found you could ignore somebody’s opinion.
15. You found somebody else thought you really had done something good.
16. You were admired for your looks.
17. You overcame a machine.
18. You accomplished arduous journey.
19. You discovered somebody who slurred you was dishonest in other ways.
20. You found yourself bigger and more powerful than an animal.
21. You discovered your competence.
22. You bested somebody thoroughly.
23. An enemy cried for quarter.
24. You drew blood on somebody else.
25. You took the lion’s share and kept it.
26. You made your weight felt.
27. You were too heavy for somebody.
28. You killed something.
29. You won.
30. You were able to get away from somebody who invalidated you.
31. You discovered you were right and the old man was wrong.
32. You found you could get better.
33. You got well when they had no hope for you.
34. You surprised yourself with your own endurance.
35. You discovered you did understand.
36. You did a job nobody believed possible.
37. You were proud of yourself today.
I’m trying to find Miscavige has a meltdown you mentioned on you tube. Where is it? Hahaha I need a blog search function. If anyone reads this hey! Love your work