Another in what will be an ongoing, if sporadic, series of reposting earlier important posts.
I originally wrote this for Marty’s blog way back in January 2010 and then republished on my blog on April 6, 2013. My perspective on things has changed a lot since then, and I would add that today, I consider David Miscavige to be even more accurately described in Martha Stout’s book The Sociopath Next Door.
However, this was originally written against the criteria described by L. Ron Hubbard in 1953. I still find the analysis useful, and for those who like to use the words of L. Ron Hubbard to gauge the world, it is a useful framework through which to observe the leader of scientology.
The Original Post
There has been some discussion concerning why people continue to listen to David Miscavige when his actions are so contrary to those of a real Scientologist.
Even those who have left wonder why it took them so long to come to their senses. And then when they have seen the light, they ponder how it is that so many others continue – in the face of overwhelming evidence – to act like lemmings.
There are many reasons why people don’t just walk away – Sea Org members make an eternal commitment to forwarding the Aims of Scientology and to leave the Sea Org appears to be a betrayal of LRH; many have family members who would disconnect if they left; others have no experience in the outside world and don’t know how they will make a living; and the biggest threat of all looms large to those on the inside – the apparent loss of their eternity.
But still, it is puzzling how people can witness the most brutal and demeaning actions carried out by DM and not come to their senses.
LRH gives an answer in PAB 13 ON HUMAN BEHAVIOR, written in 1953.
It is a briefing to auditors on the importance of knowing the most aberrated and most aberrative types of personality.
In this PAB, LRH says:
What we will call the aberrative personality does the following things:
1. Everything bad that happened to the preclear was (a) ridiculous, (b) unimportant, (c) deserved.
2. Everything the preclear and others did to the aberrative person was (a) very important, (b) very bad, (c) irremediable.
3. Those things which the preclear could do (a) were without real value, (b) were done better by the aberrative personality or by others.
4. Sexual restraint or perversion.
5. Inhibition of eating.
Anyone who has had the misfortune of dealing directly with David Miscavige will instantly recognize these characteristics. The constant negation of anyone around him, with vehement accusations that “everyone” is incompetent, and he is the “only one” that can do anything. His repeated refrain that people are “pretending” to be tired (after endless nights of little or no sleep trying to get his unreal orders done while he sleeps a full night every night – unless he chooses to stay up and then uses this to loudly proclaim how little sleep he is getting while “everyone else” is in bed asleep). He is often heard loudly proclaiming that the “incompetence” of all those around him is “literally killing him, by forcing him to work himself to death”. Should anyone protest or react to the indignities and suffering he doles out he accuses them of “dramatizing”. He repeatedly regales those around him with highly degraded and pornographic descriptions of their supposed sexual perversions, while claiming to be completely virtuous himself and sleeping in a separate bed from his wife to prove it (though others have noted his attraction to his Communicator Lou). He routinely orders others onto rice and beans for weeks or months on end, or even having them fed scraps in the Hole (which had to be paid for), while he eats a special diet and has a full time chef to cater to his desires.
This of course, is only a brief summation. One only need look at the many accounts in the media or on the internet for personal experiences of numerous individuals that cover each of the points 1 through 5 above in far more detail. And while the Church tries to claim that every one of them is a bald-faced liar and “nothing really happened to them” (though they never seem able to come up with a motivation for so many people lying – other than the bizarre allegation that Marty Rathbun and I are being paid by the pharmaceutical companies), there are numerous people who have observed the facts. And there is no doubt that there are dozens, if not hundreds, of others who would tell the same stories of their experiences if they weren’t being coerced into silence either by threat of disconnection from their families, loss of job or legal action being brought against them.
While there is much more in this PAB that describes David Miscavige to a “T”, there are a few select passages that seem especially appropriate:
They speak very sternly of honesty or ethics and put on a formidable front of complete legality. They are impartial, which is to say they are incapable of decision but ride continually a maybe. They close terminals easily with courts, for courts are, sad to say, more or less of this disposition themselves. They feel called upon at no pretext to become adjudicative on subjects where their opinion has not been invited.
Anyone who has ever done the work on a project and had to get it approved by Miscavige recounts a familiar tale. And don’t doubt that he insisted on approving everything – anyone who attempted to take any action of significance in Scientology without his approval was accused of trying to “take over” and declared a Treasonous SP. Submissions he demands instantly one day then sit with him for days or weeks or even months (while rather than reviewing them, he spends hours berating people that he is too busy to be able to get all the work done that everyone forces on him). And when he does finally review the submission it is returned with a scathing reject informing the person that they are stupid, incompetent, suppressive and trying to destroy him by sending him a suppressive proposal. This can go on for months. It is one (though perhaps not the most important) of the reasons why the Super Power building has never been completed. Over 20 years there have been literally thousands of hours of staff and professional time (let alone money) putting together submissions to go to David Miscavige that he didn’t approve.
Again, read the numerous accounts in the media and on the internet. It is a hallmark of Miscavige to demand that he approve everything, but refuse to accept any proposal that is made.
LRH goes on to say:
It will often be discovered by the auditor that the preclear has “swapped terminals” with these aberrative persons. The weight of aberration is such that the preclear has been swung into the valence of such people, for they have obviously won.
Virtually everyone around him eventually goes into his valence to one degree or another. And then having committed similar overts of their own, are far less likely to criticize what Miscavige does. This point doesn’t require much explication – just look at Tom Cruise.
It should be understood that anyone going down tone scale in moments of anger is apt to use the above-numbered steps one way or another. But this is a momentary thing; the above steps belong, of course, on the tone scale and are significant of a level on the tone scale. Thus, one going down tone scale into anger or into apathy, is inclined to use these operations momentarily. This is quite different from the aberrative personality. The aberrative personality is at work with this operation 24 hours a day.
Ceaselessly, relentlessly, calculatingly, with full knowingness, the aberrative personality continues this onslaught against those around him.
This is exactly what life around the Machiavellian Midget is like. It is all day long, ceaseless and relentless. And it doesn’t even stop after he goes to bed. Nobody secures until he retires to his private quarters, but many have experienced the nightmare of finally getting into bed, only to be woken up again for more harassment if Dear Leader was unable to sleep. Or he remembered something you had failed to comply with that he hadn’t berated you enough for during the day.
But, there is more. Ever wondered about his fixation on Idle Org buildings? Or his insistence that audio/visual replace real Scientologists in every Div 6 in the world? Or his need for dozens of expensive suits, luxury cars, exotic motorcycles, lavish living quarters?
…These people, being well downscale, are very close to MEST and have a very solid agreement with MEST.
Or, how about his bizarre fascination and compulsion to be with Tom Cruise? It goes beyond the MEST – his private jet and home in Telluride for skiing getaways etc etc. There is something more to it than that, as LRH describes:
Men in the field of the arts are very often victimized by these aberrative personalities. The “merchant of fear” closes terminals rapidly with any area which contains a great deal of admiration. … There is hardly a man of art or letters who does not bear on him the scar of having associated with a “merchant of fear,” for these are vampire personalities. They are themselves so starved of admiration and of sensation that they drink out of others around them any possible drop of admiration in any form. Where a woman becomes a “merchant of fear,” sexual starvation is continually attempting satiation and all the while the “merchant of fear” will protest and, to all visible signs, follow a life of complete celibacy.
But, in spite of all that, can you REALLY be sure that he is in fact an aberrative personality? LRH gives one sure fire way of telling:
Now in case you err and try to apply this classification too widely, there is one definite characteristic you must not overlook. This characteristic makes the difference between the aberrative personality and run-of-the-mill human beings. The secrecy computation is the clue. The best index to a secrecy computation is a refusal to be audited. Because of this factor of the secrecy computation, and for no other factor, it chances to follow that the aberrative personality can be known by his refusal to have any auditing of any kind, or, if he has any auditing, accepts it very covertly and will not permit it to have any effect upon him. He will not have a second session. He has all manner of excuses for this such as “altitude,” but in any way, shape or form he escapes auditing. If your preclear’s unwilling to be audited, he himself may fall into this classification.
One definite characteristic? Those who have been around DM know he refuses to be audited by ANYONE. He claims that everyone is out tech. Ray Mithoff, who LRH trusted as his auditor and senior technical terminal on the planet is unqualified and “criminally out tech” according to DM. What about all those people in RTC who decide who is or who isn’t an in-tech auditor and sit in judgment on the TRs and metering of every auditor on the planet. Surely they are qualified to audit Dear Leader? When Marty Rathbun was the highest official in RTC and was entrusted by DM to exclusively audit the top celebrities and VIPs, Marty had the temerity to suggest to Shelly Miscavige that maybe Dave might need a session since he was sick as a dog and that he would be happy to provide it. Shelly looked like a doe stuck in the headlights. From that point forward Marty, who up to that point could do no wrong in DM’s eyes – after bailing him out of a heap of trouble on numerous occasions – was a marked man. And, of course, there never was a session!
But, the point of this essay was to explain why people listen to this little monster. And LRH describes why this happens.
The society at large is so accustomed to association with MEST and the “merchant of fear” so closely approximates some of the characteristics of MEST—the maybe, for instance—that the public quite commonly misassigns strength to such aberrative personalities and thinks of them as strong people or as wise people. They are neither strong nor wise, and before an even indifferently forceful attack quickly capitulate. They live their whole lives in terror of attack.
And with all that said, there is one last, vitally important sentence that explains the phenomenon of DM:
Because justice in this society prides itself upon impartiality, these impartial people—the aberrative personalities—are quite often listened to by those around them.
Look at all the fawning lemmings who worship the private jet he flies in and the ground he drives his BMW on. They believe what he tells them, though it may be demonstrably untrue. They believe his stories of “massive”, “straight up and vertical” expansion. They believe he is “saving the tech” (from what it is always unclear – some “SPs” somewhere) and “carrying on LRH’s legacy.”
But, this too will come to pass. Every person who sees the truth and steps out of the shadow of this aberrative personality tips the scales a little more towards the end of the insanity.
If he keeps hitting people. why doesn’t someone just hit him back and beat him within an inch of his life?
Rape cover-ups by Jehovah’s Witnesses as exposed on NBC Dateline:
“Those who have been around DM know he refuses to be audited by ANYONE.” (c)
Not surprise. He doesn’t believe in it, I think. He knows it doesn’t work, but there is nowhere to go.
DM would never get past the rock slams.
“On Human Behavior” is one of my favorite references because it does lay out the personality traits of a sociopath/SP pretty well. It did take society 50 to 60 years to catch up.
Mike, just watching you defend Scientology and their methods on a 90’s TV show. What was going through your mind?
And also this from the same author I previously referenced: “The restriction of others freedom is ultimately self-enslavement and suicide. The dictator is the most abject of all slaves.”
“The unenlightened man will assign arbitrary values to all things in order to protect and justify his own position. His morals are based on things he wishes were true or which someone else wishes were true. His philosophy pays no attention to relative facts or realities and yet in his life he must deal with them. He is consequently involved in a constant round of pretenses and evasions.” – Jack Parsons
Quinn Taufer liked the audio/visual solution. He’d say “just press play,” (and the equipment would do the rest disseminating for you). Maybe he felt it was a benefit not to have to actually talk to a new person.
Mike, this is an excellent post that I actually missed when it first came out. My apologies in advance if what I share here presses some bad buttons, butIt is so clear to me that an LRH reference about building a road applies to the purpose of this blog.
We may agree or disagree about the efficacy of LRH’s tech and other Scientology related issues about the tech, policy, and personal life of the its founder, but one thing we all agree on is that we want the scamming and abuses of Miscaviges cult stopped.
Now, whether these abuses began with Miscavige’s regime or were built into the DNA of Scientology by LRH’s tech and policy is an interesting, adjunct subject which can be debated between us but as such outside of the goal of this blog, the way I see it.
What we’re doing here, if I may opine, is banding together to stop the disconnection policy, to reunite families who have been senselessly torn apart, to stop others from being heartlessly, ruthlessly scammed.
We are “building a road”.
So if some of us hate LRH and some of us love him and some of us are in-between, etc, etc., so freaking what?
Do a gang of men building a road ALL have to have the same individual purposes for doing the work together that will achieve the goal of getting that road built?
To end the cult’s abuses, we need all the help that’s around!
Well said, Aqua. I agree. Let’s band together to end the cult and put differing opinions aside.
Exactly, and my instincts are that when the abuses stop the cult will just fold, because this is an organization which is held together by the fear and ignorance of its staff and public. People are either ignorant, and stay, or they’re afraid, and they stay. No more fear, no more ignorance, goodbye cult, and in the interim, tick tock…
Stout’s book helped me way more than I ever thought it would. She also goes into the emotional (invisible to the untrained eye) damage inflicted by being around such people in a way the above PAB cannot hope to cover.
Incidentally, the entity or group known collectively as the Church of Scientology (even if there is no such legal entity per se, at least a large number of the people who call themselves scientologists consider there is such a group) apparently does not display the EP’s of the Grades.
Or have you noticed the “church” being able or willing to talk to anyone about anything through its representatives, or able to move out of fixed conditions? Ability to spot or resolve problems? Need for change? Anyone? Anyone…?
INteresting observation about the grades.
And I agree on Martha Stout’s book — very eye opening, especially for a “psych.”
It is all lost at the time when Dianetic Clear was released .. and you could get, or not get, or get any failure to handle SerFacs .. and if you miss that as a part of understanding for clearing .. you are lost .. but it is also true that you miss ARCX with that unused tech .. better to say you run into creating some ..
I have not read Martha Stout’s book .. but I am sure she describes a person who has an ARCX before he got a SerFac .. it is complicated sure and true .. but if you will handle a sociopath you should know some parts of this behaviour .. per LRH is an ARCX below SerFac in realisation .. but this not true .. it is only true that you have to grasp ARCX before you can handle a SerFac .. But after it, you will still have ARCX .. and in my view a sociopath is one who pushes you to agree with him .. he will have you in an ARCX or in a SerFac or in a withhold or a problem .. doesn’t matter .. he will benefit from your reaction .. and this is what a sociopath will do .. and if you believe in LRH tech .. you will miss the point completely .. a sociopat goes with convincing you abbout his ARC .. nothing else .. nothing else .. never and forever anything else ..
I think you would be smarter to read the book instead of offering your misguided opinions about it without having read it….
I’m just reading a novel written by Adam Johnson “The Orphan Master’s Son” about the crazy situation of North Korea under the absolute, psychotic control of Kim family members. And when reading this book I’m getting in mind DM AND his behavior: same characteristics.
Viewing Miscavige’s crimes against Clears (telling people they aren’t really) and OTs (doing his damnedest to keep anyone from ACTUALLY achieving those states), it gives new meaning to this well known HCO B, OT LEVELS.
Substitute the name “Miscavige” for psychs and you’ve pretty much got it figured out:
And who is the “anti-religious campaigner” here? Could it be the one who ridiculed his own father for talking about wins from the PDCs? As Bugs Bunny would say, “Mmmmmmm – could beeeeee.
Let’s play pin the tail on the psycho.
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Psychotics deal with doing people in. Their whole mission in life is destruction.
They inveigh against lower level gains and seek to discredit them since these run contrary to their aberrated purpose.
But when it gets to Clears and OT levels, psychos go berserk!
They are, it happens, terrified of punishment for their own crimes.
The thought of someone being sensible or powerful enough to punish them (the way they would do) is more than they can stand.
You can, with the utmost certainty, identify a criminal psychotic by the way he vilifies or degrades or seeks to stop Clears and OTs from coming into existence.
It is lost on him that immorality and crime in others stem from the very things he is doing to them.
So look well at psychs and anti-religious campaigners. They are speaking from their own blackened souls. And they speak from terror.
That people when they grow saner are less inclined to vengeance is an argument they cannot assimilate. They know if they had the power to torture and kill everyone they would do so.
Thus the psychs with their rantings and electric shocks wear their own brand clearly marked on them by their own conduct in life.
Recognize them for what they are—psychotic criminals—and handle them accordingly.
Don’t let them stop man from going free.
L. Ron Hubbard
Wow! Great point, Indie8.
This HCOB above also applies to commenters on here who are constantly yip-yapping about “there are no OTs” and “it is all bullshit” or the “prove it to me” gang etc. No one is interested in “proving it” to these people. Fact is no New OT Levels have been released (New OTVIII is a farce.) But I did “old” OTVII and yes, OT abilities are real. If you don’t believe me and continue yap-yapping I will send forth from my eyes huge swathes of laser beams which will fry you to a crisp! But then that is what these people are frightened of.
This sort of comment really does not reflect well on you. The superior, fundamentalist attitude is unbecoming of those who claim to have attained OT.
But the comments by certain dudes who state that the state of OT is bullshit and it is all a pipe dream are ok then? Basically people can come on here and with THEIR “superior fundamentalist” attitudes that my religion and or its end goal is a load of hogwash – is ok for them to mention? Well, let me hear of what they believe in – then I will say that what they believe in is a load of hogwash – and you won’t disallow my comments about their beliefs, whatever they are? Deal? If I was a Christian and someone mentioned that my belief in God is poppycock would you edit/criticize that? I think you should examine who has the “superior fundamentalist” attitudes here.
You are mighty angry and rather rude. I suggest you stop reading comments that clearly upset you and just get on with doing what makes you happy. You are not converting anyone to your views here. Wrong audience. And if you think you are being mistreated and singled out, I am sorry. You have made 458 comments on this blog. Hardly someone who is being “disallowed.” Your ranting is making the case for those you so badly want to prove wrong.
Actually Mike I am not ranting – I am just stating my case. I am not actually angry and if my remarks appeared rude then that was not my intention and it certainly wasn’t directed at you. My point is that these remarks that “where are the OT abilities” are being constantly stated here on the blog in an effort to invalidate them and one can fairly then assume that the people who make these remarks are trying to convert others to THEIR views. They are a fairly regular occurrence. All I have done is provide what I think is true data on these remarks. Surely I have a right to defend against what I take from my viewpoint to be rude, invalidating and blunt remarks.
“OT powers”….Initially one can only “lol” at the idea that paying huge amounts of money for courses will grant special abilities. But in reality, I think it is very sad that people searching for some spiritual, greater purpose, believe in the nonsense made up by Hubbard simply to make himself rich. The shame he should feel for his creation would be beyond the weight of the world.
Interesting regarding the part about David Miscavige not sleeping with his wife in order to appear “virtuous”.
If there was no medical problem, snoring, marital discord or if DM isn’t gay, then what’s the deal? Men don’t marry women to live celibate, not by my my life experience anyway.
Cult leaders have a tendency to display wierd traits on their second dynamic ie: David Koresh, Warren Jeffs.
Hitler did a similar thing. He had a long term relationship with Eva Braun but kept it quiet because he wanted to be attractive to women, while appearing strong and dedicated to his cause without the distraction of a girlfriend. He married her shortly before committing suicide, when all hope was lost and no one (public) would know about Eva while he still lived.
Another way to put it is to say that he can’t tolerate people who are different from him, or understand that they are different or differently situated. Yes, they are tired even when he isn’t (especially if they are in the Sea Org); they disagree with him (has he been tested for his perfect intelligence? How does he know he is always right?); has he done a good job of encouraging him? (well, we know what it’s like to be his wife). Is anything ever his fault?
Regarding Martha Stout’s book “The Sociopath Next Door”, the most helpful explanation of the characteristics of a sociopath for me was that a sociopath has a complete lack of conscience and does not feel remorse.
Excerpt of an interview with Martha Stout:
“STOUT: Okay, the central trait of sociopathy is a complete lack of conscience, which is very difficult for most people to get their heads around, because those of us who do have a conscience can’t really imagine what it would be like if we didn’t. Most people think that deep down everybody has a conscience, and it turns out that’s just not true. So if you don’t have a conscience, what is your behavior like? Apparently, if you don’t have a conscience, if you don’t really . . . love, then the only thing that’s left for you is the game—it’s about controlling things.”
That helped me a lot in grasping the nature of a socio path too, ka. Unfortunately the conscience is not tangible thing, so it’s hard to detect the lack of one. Miscavige’s worst behavior is reserved for those he thinks are under his total control. Parishioners don’t see his physical violence. However, more and more of them are seeing the results of his policies & programs: broken families and fleeced parishioners.
From the same interview w/ M. Stout: (
“And sociopaths are just like everybody else in that some of them are really brilliant, some of them are really stupid, and most of them are somewhere in between. Another thing I should point out is that sociopaths are not usually physically violent. A typical sociopath never kills anybody and doesn’t look like Charles Manson—they look like you and me and everybody else. You’re not looking for someone who’s recognizably evil or scary-looking, but rather someone who looks normal. Another lynchpin is dishonesty. Lying for the sake of lying. Lying just to see whether you can trick people. And sometimes telling larger lies to get larger effects. The other thing that needs to be stressed is that sociopaths are often extremely charming. They are people who are better than you and me at charming people, at being charismatic. I’ve heard this more often than I can count: “He was the most charming man I ever met,” or, “She was the sexiest woman I ever met,” or, “The most interesting person I ever met . . .” That’s because to learn to be charming is fairly easy—you can teach somebody to be charming and to learn human emotions—or to learn the behaviors that go with human emotions. A sociopath, a smart one, will study the way we emote, and will learn how to do that quite effectively.”
‘Because justice in this society prides itself upon impartiality, these impartial people—the aberrative personalities—are quite often listened to by those around them.’
As a never-in, I have been studying and reading here and at Marty’s and Tony’s sites for the past year and more; trying to understand such a dark and troubling event in the evolution of humanity — LRH and all his works. The above quote caught my attention and though I have re-read it and pondered it whilst catching up will all the comments here today, I just don’t understand it.
I would be grateful if someone could ‘diagram’ the logic; there is a sense that if I could understand this sentence I might understand something important about LRH and his view of the world.
Thank you.
Later in the day, I read The Dish and found this lengthy quote from Isaiah Berlin:
It is much too long to quote in full, but I have appended the link at the bottom of these short excerpts:
Justice has always been a human ideal, but it is not fully compatible with mercy. Creative imagination and spontaneity, splendid in themselves, cannot be fully reconciled with the need for planning, organization, careful and responsible calculation…
So what is to be done to restrain the champions, sometimes very fanatical, of one or other of these values, each of whom tends to trample upon the rest, as the great tyrants of the twentieth century have trampled on the life, liberty, and human rights of millions because their eyes were fixed upon some ultimate golden future?
Thanks to all of you, and our host, Mike, for your on-going participation in these conversations. Many who were never-in benefit from your words.
My guess is with all the natural backlash rightfully due to Miscavige will continue to fill people’s thoughts historically for as long as Miscavige remains dictator leader of Scientology, and this will deflect for years and for future generations of Scientologists criticism they haven’t yet learned about L. Ron Hubbard.
It’s a side story to the main story, L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the subject, or packager of the subject!
I sure wish the Hubbard subject made OTs, real ESP abilities for all these tens of thousands of people paying (donating) money for getting the OT soul astronaut abilities they are promised when they someday reach full Operating Thetan.
The bottom line is Miscavige is also heading a subject that doesn’t provide the final OT abilities, and if the freezone Scientolgists were making real OT supersouled people, we’d see some of the evidence of these superior souled people I’d think, by now.
The whole detailed discussion in all of the various avenues of what is wrong with Scientology I think people have to remember this subject isn’t producing world accepted evidence of Scientology producing some OT people (and the world would love some real OT heros being produced if that were really possible, but it’s not). It takes a lot of time for Scientologists to get down off their hope kick for OTness being producted from their Hubbard auditing and OT levels (exorcism levels OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7).
Miscavige is just the stand in leader at the top of this Scientology subject Clear and OT powers selling charade. Late on the chain soul powers selling operation which in some countries if you label all the things you do per the existing laws, you can get away with this kind of game, and even your members will go along with it all for a long time.
Chuck – just a small comment. Some of these people who have improved their ESP and other perceptive abilities might possibly be smart enough to not make mention of it, considering the hostile environment. Remember the witch burnings.
There is also a really good movie that makes that point. It was from the early 80s and I think it won one or two Oscars. “The Resurrection.”
I heard of someone who went to Flag for services. She told them that she was a psychic. Flag hammered and hammered her and told her that she couldn’t be psychic because she hadn’t yet done the OT levels (!).Talk about suppression.
So it’s not really safe to expose oneself to that evil Just quietly do what you can and share with others who understand.
Here’s a link to “The Resurrection” – Resurrection is a story of a woman who survives a car accident which kills her husband, but she discovers that she has the power to heal other people. She becomes an unwitting celebrity, the hope of those in desperate need of healing, and a lightning rod for religious beliefs and skeptics. The film stars Ellen Burstyn
Image the chaos if someone walked on water for real.
Image if it was proven someone could read minds – do you think the FBI, CIA or KGB would calmly pat ’em on the back and say “well done” and send them on their way?
Image if someone could move mest around at will. How you would feel about them sitting opposite you and realised they had the power to stop your heart beating just by thinking about it.
If someone could do any of that kind of thing would you think they would go and see the editor of Time magazine and say “here I am” so you could be informed.
This planet is pretty nutty and an OT if there is such a thing as you image it is would not be welcome.
Re making real OTs… I’ve seen this theme in man of your writings, and I can understand what you are saying for all the hyperbole around “OT.” I’m not going to try to convince you, and it doesn’t matter a whole lot to me what others think, but I’ve got to say that while I can’t claim to be able to do magical acts or stunts on call, I do find – 30+ years after lots and lots of dianetics and grades and through OT III, I do have moments of being able to bring about some cool or necessary effects in arenas of my life that are important to me through postulates and some mentally applied tech – changing bad circumstances, accomplishing things, “reading” minds, intuiting, predicting, imagining something cool and good and having it come true, serendipitous stuff. These are to me OT abilities. It’s not 100%, and I’m not always focused on trying to use these abilities, but it happens enough that even my husband calls me (jokingly) an alien. I think a lot of this stuff is native to all of us, but I would still say that I think processing and training has helped me recognize and manage and amplify certain abilities. Interestingly, things I want often happen through the hands of others, and ARC plays a big role in the process! (Now I get to read all the posts of people who want to convince me I’m deluded… oh well.)
many of your writings… not error free yet :-).
This is a far more effective approach than Foolproof who I chided for acting superior….
Leonore and I yawnalot – Exactly.
In History of Man, Ron even says, “Let’s not take off hats at 50 yards until a few of us get up there.”
It’s an ancient urge to want to retain/rehabilitate one’s OT abilities…people were OT way before someone called it OT.
I’ve been researching different modalities of spirituality for a long time. I don’t think Ron was totally off the beam. You can find references to other spiritual viewpoints which are very similar to his throughout history.
Just like “The Secret”. That “technology” has been talked about for a long time. Rhonda Byrne just repackaged it and sold it as her own, with her own twists and stories.
If you look closely at the beginning of the “Secret” film, the man is copying some green tablets. I got to thinking one day, “What is it he’s copying? Green tablets…hmmm…that has some significance.. green.. emerald? Emerald tablets?
Lo and behold, there are “The Emerald Tablets.” The teachings of Thoth. Want some space opera? Check that out. I wouldn’t doubt that Ron got a lot of the ideas about OT and what had happened on the track from those teachings.
You can see what I mean about the Emerald Tablets from the beginning to about 1:20 in this link to the film:
What’s hilarious to me is that Flag actually “declared” the book, “The Secret” so that if a Scientologist read it, they could be declared for associating with “an SP”. hahaha.
Here is the link to the Emerald Tablets/Teachings of Thoth.
Mike –
Absolutely Aquamarine.
I personally happen to think that a lot of tech works when applied standardly. A 44 magnum will blow your head clean off when used standardly. But with the dwarfenfueher in change; that is never going to be allowed to happen
Why? Because if anyone was actually Ed to get smarter the jig would be up. People would know with total certainty that he is a cockaroach. And they would act accordingly.
If we could only find the bastard I would consider it an honor to be allowed to take him out. I had opportunities on the Freewinds, but like many of you I was stupid. Of course Mike will not likely even post this comment, as he wants to handle it legally. That is fine with me, but how may more good people must die or be destroyed before something is done. If I were to be killed doing it, fine; according to the Church I am already dead. I just need to find out where he is.
And if OSA has me arrested and they fry me up like a piece of bacon, fine.
Chuck – FYI on the point that Scientology doesn’t make OTs. Do you remember Ingo Swann? There has been so much documentation that claims him as the “originator” of remote viewing and other “psychic phonomenon”. My understanding is that he did the OT levels in the 60’s/70’s. Whether the OT levels did it or it was his “Natural OT” state, I don’t know. But there ya go.
I agree that DM has made the OT levels ineffective, I don’t believe that they always were.
Here’s a bit on Ingo:
Having come late to your party, Mike, I’d not seen this post the first time around. Many thanks for the repeat. It rings very nicely regarding (my new favourite name for him) the Machiavellian Midget. That one got a big guffaw.
It is amazing beyond belief that such a person as dm and those like him (as their behaviour is as mechanical as a 56 Chevy Bel Air) can be worshiped like they are. It reflects somewhat negatively upon the human condition and the ability to observe and reason correctly. Such personalities can and do get into positions of power and it doesn’t take much study and research to find them, history is littered with them along with misery and corpses.
What I find refreshing about this article is that with so much anti-Hubbard and opposition to his writings plastered over the net, especially on the Ortega & Marty website that a accurate and undeniable explanation for dm is presented here in Hubbard’s words. It’s just as foolish to blindly negate everything Hubbard as it is to ignore this description of dm.
Analysis paralysis does set in though and I prefer a practical approach as well. Miscavige is a dangerous criminal asshole and needs to thought of and treated as such.
To strive for freedom is easier said than done. Those that would follow someone like dm have a real problem with the concept of freedom.
Thanks for posting my very favorite picture of the leader.
Achtung! Shiten isten schpittin’ un pissin’ und pukink und punchink, und throttlink se ‘hole’ furkink, blitzenkrieg , lot uf yoo, yhoossliss, piecess uf Counterrrr Intenshunnn!
—– ‘ BLAM ! ‘ ………………..(crickets…….)
Great article. Right target. Correct data. Correct and pertinent reference.
Well done to that man (Mike)!
Mankind, unable to recognize the sociopath, is at their mercy in all aspects of life: politics, religion, government, education, family, economics, etc. Perhaps we should be thankful that David Miscavige’s influence is relatively small compared to others of his ilk who have ascended to positions of greater influence and authority.
Miscavige is one that I recognize, so he is the target of my ire. A review of his means & methods is especially enlightening after reading The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout. If you haven’t already, please read this book!
Getting someone to recognize a sociopath is not easy, as evidenced during Martha Stout’s career of assisting the victims of sociopaths. Unlike those coming to M. Stout for help, those still under the spell of Miscavige are not even capable of realizing they are hurting others and being hurt themselves.
I remember one story in M. Stout’s book in which a prominent member of the community was exposed as a sociopath. As a school adminstrator (IIRC a school principle) this sociopath was engaged in all sorts of illegal activities, including the distribution of drugs. Even after he was convicted and imprisoned, there were still members of the community trying to free him.
Thank you Mike for your efforts to expose Miscavige as a sociopath. He will eventually be recognized as one and then rendered ineffective, even as some of his most ardent followers cling to his illusion.
I read that book after a convicted embezzler convinced me she walked on water. She embezzled $21.4M from a local bank and served 14 months with $200,000 restitution. Good work if you can get it. It took 12 more years and 3 more embezzlements before she was run out of town.
Association with a violent sociopath changes you. It breaks you into little pieces. You can put all the pieces back together again, but it’s sort of like a car that has been in a violent collision, all the pieces are there but it just doesn’t run the same. That is the legacy of David Miscavige.
Yes Val, that is all part of the mind-control “package”, encapsulated in just ONE word: — DESTROY!
Fortunately, there is one amazing little under-recognized device, that CAN effectively undo the damage you just described so well.
Simply referred to as “truth”
it is the solvent, that can dislodge cemented (self -generated) postulates and, decisions, unconsciously held in place, where they act to suspend one’s recovery from them.
Neatly termed; “letting go”. it may be ‘exorcised’ via auditing of course, or otherwise by simply recognizing one’s own immense power to ‘change one’s mind’ about “it.”
The ole Man once put it this way: “What you can DO, depends on how FEW considerations you have, appended to what you THINK you can DO”
Nike, went even more direct, with; “JUST DO IT!”
John Sweeney’s book was a rollicking good read for me until he got to the part where he was describing his encounter with Tommy Davis in the Holocaust Museum. I awoke for several days after that with screaming night sweat nightmares from my Sea Org and even worse my Guardian’s Office days.
THAT is the damage to which I refer. There are little pieces of emotional shrapnel that get buried in the healed wound.
I have accomplished more in this lifetime than most people, and more than I ever dreamed I could. I am not feeling sorry for myself, or saying I have a problem or am damaged.
HowEVER, even though I long ago realized the truth of what I lived through and what I did while I was a part of the group and I now live an incredible and joyful life full of loving family and amazing friends, and am not an emotional cripple by any stretch of the imagination, sometimes out of the blue, reminders of the past I threw away a long time ago have a way of sneaking up on me and biting me in the ass.
It is always a shock to me when it happens.
Thanks for sharing that, Val. It really hits home, the way it should!!!
Of course, in writing this, you have also shared just how MUCH recovery, you have already made, and also that there is still a little ways to go.
Fortunately, you are also in the company of an overwhelming number of exe’s who have been through their own private hell, too, and are now BACK on the road to regaining their own self-determinism and restoration of ‘sanity.’
A “work in progress” to me, also includes “negative gain” (getting rid of the negative experiences), to boost the positive.
Perhaps my utterings, were a little too direct, and insensitive, for which I unreservedly offer my apologies. It is certainly true that one needs to approach such prior trauma, via the increased confidence, resulting from of a proper gradient.
Having become used to confronting and forced to deal with actual violence and death on too regular a basis, has hardened me considerably, on the one hand, but on the other, permitted me to re-evaluate life as to what’s really important. This includes the realization that spending one’s life in any regrets, of the past, is just a wasted opportunity to live, love, and laugh, as though today may be one’s last. Hence the “just do it” mentality. LOL!!
Present Time (Now), definitely heightens one’s awareness, and sharpens one’s appreciation of one’s quota of blessings and strengths (whatever they may be.) We ALL have them, as I’m sure you do too!
ML, Calvin.
Spot on and 100% accurate! Thank you for posting it.
Great post. I too found PAB 13 more useful and more relevant than a lot of Hubbard writings on the subject, probably because it approximates the clinical research done on sociopaths.
As far as all the reasons you provided for why people cannot break free of Scientology, I think having most of your family and relations being part of this cult seals your fate, as it has been historically the case with most religions and ethnic groups. We really are our environment. That is how we are.
Which is why it so important to legally declaw Scientology’s power to harm others.
The other key point that Scientologists usually miss, is that Hubbard inserted so many mind control tricks into Scientology, that unless people wake up to the fact that Scientology is through and through designed to be white AND black they are always going to end up mind fucked.
Scientologists really need to learn to detect all of the reversals, black tech, bait and switch, lies and betrayals that are mixed within its tech and admin.
Since Scientology is fundamentally a Religion, it shares a key control point with all other activities that have as their referent point the spirit, god and death.
Scientologist’s ubiquitous concern that you pointed at “and the biggest threat of all looms large to those on the inside – the apparent loss of their eternity.” It is the old and tried meme of all religions.
Religion asserts its control by manipulating the vast associative and automatic response system that makes up our instinctual mind (System 1):
Here is an excerpt from the book “Thinking, Fast and Slow”:,_Fast_and_Slow
“Some cultures provide frequent reminders of respect, others constantly remind their members of God, and some societies prime obedience by large images of the Dear Leader.
Can there be any doubt that the ubiquitous portraits of the national leader in dictatorial societies not only convey the feeling that “big brother is watching”, but also lead to an actual reduction in spontaneous thought and independent action?
The evidence of priming suggest that reminding people of their mortality increases the appeal of authoritarian ideas, which may become reassuring in the context of the terror of death.”
You will still have a living body when you go from confusion down to power of another .. I have seen lot of scientologist who did that .. all of them will not loose their eternity .. and as I have always said since years, you go only a step deeper on your KUCDEINR scale .. your ARC is lower than before ..
It is for all ex scientologists .. what was your know before .. did you know that you will become the other day a person against it .. did you know that? No, you did not .. so you went the way down to refuse .. but as I said your were basically false .. and that it is what you refuse .. and it is still in the game .. better you look for your No .. when you have first time said NO to the scientology or tech .. what have you tried to Inhibit before your NO .. what have you tried to Enforce before trying to Inhibit .. what was the Desire which you brought in .. for what was your Couriosity ..
I think all scientologist go on Help about this one .. okay, some scientologist went on the way to help themselves .. but most of all went on the way to help others .. it seems the Desire and Couriosity ..
So what is about Know and Unknow?
Friend this is an interesting post! Correct me if I am wrong, what I get from it is that the people around dm move from one “Know to Mystery scale” to another lower one. They go down the levels to not know or confusion as you say, then jump to the next scale, basically dms, scale, or what they conceive it to be, thereby dramatizing dms valence. But start the scale in power or in the “know” of the next scale, from which they will inevitably work down the levels. (thats my add on). Fascinating I can see how that can work, thanks for the post!
Wow, a very useful cluster of comments showing up here, especially those of Conan and Friend.
If I could just for a moment, reflect on the fact that probably NONE of us would ever have gotten to know one another, without the common thread of LRH, and his products, Dn & Scn.
#Firstly, however, this was eventually made absolutely necessary, by the actions of an ‘unstoppable’ sociopath, who was apparently obsessed with the acquisition of massive wealth and power, through insidious mind-control techniques. These, of course, disguised under the over-the-top, dis-arming, grandiose ‘subtefuge-tech’ of Master Ponzi Operator Supremo, Divine Miscarriage.
#Secondly, the speed and convenience of ‘the information age’ via the internet, effectively dismantled mostly all barriers, that prevented the spread of info.
#Thirdly, the most persistent and formidable barrier, to have hindered the access to truth, has been the application of ‘black,’ or ‘reverse’ scientology, aka mind-control, mentioned in para. 3 above.
#Fourthly, and most importanly, it has been the ‘relentless’ “CI” (Counter-Intention ) :), of equally ‘dauntless’ whistle-blowers, warriors, and ‘counter-enforcers’, of every description, including our non-plus-ed host, Mike, that have collectively all served to bring the long-festering ‘BOIL’ to its head,
and paving the way to a thorough lancing, draining of ‘infection’ (pus, poison,) and now a timeous cleansing of the entire ‘system’
It’s going to be a while before, the ‘field’,and its symbiotic structures, are back to a healthy state, but all signs (and measures) are now in place for a brighter future.
Anyhow, just to close by saying a very special thanks to you Mike, for your energy and “counter-intention”, It continue to squeeze the large-headed “Carbuncle” to bursting point!
Racing in the blood – LOL!!
I agree with all of your points. Maybe we should lance that boil to help it along – figuratively, of course.
Maybe some spiritual Clearasil is called for also? haha
Oh yeah, indie8million baby. The fresh scented s/Clearasil can also bring a much needed displacement of the putrid stench, that such a ‘lancing’ will release into the ‘scionosphere’. (for stench there will be — without any known words to describe it)
Racing – Haz mat suits anyone? Spiritual Ebola, I’d say. Maybe it will look something like this:
Virtually everyone around him eventually goes into his valence to one degree or another. And then having committed similar overts of their own, are far less likely to criticize what Miscavige does ..
I have often spoken about in your and Marty Rathbun blog .. you will take up this valence when you go down confusion .. means, if you can hold and confront a confusion you will look for the end of it, you are not liable to go lower .. but if you loose your sight (because of lies or confused data) .. you will pick up the valence of the merchant of fear .. and you are below confusion .. but respect the point which I have found out about .. you feel yourself after it in power ..
What I am saying is that you go up tp power if you do not handle a confusion .. but it is not your power, it is the power of another .. you go to believe that he brings you out .. something which he never will or can do in any eternity .. but you do not see that because of your own confusion ..
I myself went down into confusion with scientology, and all this and that indications about my help and my needed contribution .. and I did allegedly always fail to do it right .. it was quite normal to come down into confusion .. but it was my own confusion (caused, but still my own) ..
I found later an interesting point from LRH .. when he described me the CDEI Scale.. the last part of it is in modern scientology Refused .. but originally it was False .. and I found that False is the right descritiption when you go from one KUCDEINR Scale to another .. today it is decribed that you go from Refused to a new Know .. but LRH said that you go from a False to a new Know .. which is quite different in meaning ..
I know that David Miscavige refuses auditing .. he is a natural OT .. no natural OT would ever ask for any auditing .. no one would ever grasp his responses .. unless he is absolutely totally perfect in his business ..
Note: It means that David has fear to become mishandled in his intentions ..
Thanks for your clarification, Friend. I see what you’re saying now.
I also believe that there are natural OTs. I believe that all of us are natural OTs and that by our own lack of education about how to maintain that, those abilities have worn away over time.
But I do think that an OT would be attracted to Scientology, the way it has been presented – that we could learn more about ourselves and understand our native state better.
Whether it does or not is the question of the hour and will be debated on and on. Each person has to decide what Scientology has given them and each person has to respect that in another, good or bad.
If we could get the fox out of the hen house (DM) maybe we could all take the time to explore it, and other methods, better.
Friend – Natural OT??? Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft! I’m really hoping that you’re being facetious.
It looks like English is your second language, from your writing. But please tell me that you were joking about him being “a natural OT.”
What I suspect is that he’s a “Natural SP.”
I believe Lawrence Wright’s book mentioned that he was taken off auditing after being deemed a natural OT.
No, that’s incorrect. He was taken off auditing by himself because he didnt want anyone being in a position of authority over him (or put another way — pulling his withholds)….
…or continually missing them, Mike. He’d go psychotic before admitting he had one.
Thank you for the clarification. I was kind of tasting throw up in my mouth at the thought if him and “OT” in the same sentence.
indie8million: Facetious? No, not really .. but what I meant, and it is in consens with my comment before .. David Miscavige thinks to himself that he is a natural OT .. others may think the same about him .. and I think this may be true .. but certainly it is not my truth .. it is the same with LRH lot of people saw him as a natural OT .. anyway .. it is also not my truth ..
There may be natural OTs somewhere around .. I do not think that they would be scientologist, it would have no benefit for them .. it would be a degrading game for them, because they would figure him down to withholds which nobody would ever understand .. see what I mean?
Lets say you have created planet Earth .. means you took your finger at a point around the sun and created a magnetic field .. so on Earth came up with collecting more and more energy, but you would be blamed for uch a creation in scientology ..
I do not think that there is a natural SP .. creating SPs is a special game .. it has always as a part in it that others gave him the right to be this way .. yes there were always people around who did force on agreement .. it is part of the game .. but always remind, you can stop it in a second when the agreement is lost .. so on, there can not be a natural SP .. but there can be a natural OT .. Why? Oh, he do not depend on your agreement ..
People have emulated what they think is the appropriate “leader” role for Scientology in various ways so far in Scientology subject’s history.
Ken Urquhart for instance, didn’t act like LRH, when Ken held lots of power being LRH’s Personal Communicator, I noticed, in the late 1975-1977 or so era.
Capt Bill, on the other hand, did act sort of boisterous larger than life, in public speaking moments and around the Galactic Patrol people, when Bill Robertson (Capt Bill) started up his splinter following.
Miscavige, reminds me of the snarling weasel intensity look on his face in that famous picture of Miscavige on the camera in that shot that LRH is present in that brown leather jacket with the rest of the film crew, LRH has a pretty harsh look on his face.
I remember hearing the rumor from one of Miscavige’s senior CMO Messenger superiors that Miscavige’s mom used to nickname him “Little Napoleon”.
In 1982 the policy Knowledge Reports came out, and in that policy is some very damning harsh mindset material straight from LRH..
Knowledge Reports policy contains the lines to strike and cause a black eye to a fellow staff member who is harming other staff.
In 1982 I also read the Int Management advice from LRH, I think addressed to CO CMOI info all other top management, including the one line highly and what I thought was figuratively condemnatory of WDC SMI where LRH comments, “….and if you see WDC SMI, spit on him for me…..” and WDC SMI at that time was John Aczel and CO SMI was Roger Barnes. Both got spat on and fisticuffed! By Miscavige and his then entourage.
Similarly, when Miscavige was also at that time, spat on and had almost all of ASI spit on Homer Schomer, Homer was then Treas Sec ASI and messed up for some good reason but it resulted in a gang bang sec check and spitting episode on Homer that Homer detailed in a court document when Homer sued and won against Scientology. I remember Homer when he was Treas Sec FSO, he like John Aczel never should have been spat on, no matter even if Hubbard ordered it directly!
Chuck – You’re obviously so right that no one should be spat on – or have water dumped over their heads, etc.
Ron was no “good boy” to say the least.
Do I think that there are benefits to the writings and “tech” of Scientology? Sure. Was the comm course helpful, Yeah. Do people, in and out, feel they’ve been helped by what he researched and wrote? To varying degrees, yes.
Do we all disagree with the mistreatment? Absolutely.
You have a bunch of grown men (and some women) who are out of valence and dramatizing this hateful, pack-like, insane winning evil valence with the idea/justification that It’s for the greatest good. Pure track dramatization. Feeding frenzy, reptilian brain BS.
Like Dennis Clarke (former ED of CCHR) so wisely said, “We’re not anti-psychiatry. We’re anti maiming and killing.”
Same here, IMO.
Friend, I do appreciate your comments and see how much your English has improved since you started posting here. Thanks for working so hard on it. There are still some times when I don’t quite understand all you are saying and can imagine it must be frustrating to try to get your point across in what to you is a foreign language.
Valerie: I have tried some time to use Google Translater or others .. I did not agree with this stuff, because it was bullshit for me .. so I went back to my own sense of english language .. it may be not as good as wanted, but better than writing something which I can not understand myself .. you understand? The point is basically that I got an idea, and then I write it down, some ideas are complex .. not easily to explain with few words .. whether in German nor in English .. but nevertheless I try it .. better to say something than nothing .. the basic idea may come to some part across .. I write also on Marty Blog some comments .. anyway, thank you for telling me that some parts are not well duplicatable ..
This is a terrific post and thanks for adding the reference to Martha Stout’s book.
Last night I attended the IAS event at PAC base and observed a few things about David Miscavige. One that impressed me, was that whenever people would applaud someone else highlighted in a segment, such as The Dali Lama, he would accept the applause and say “Thank you” as though the applause was for him, not the person just referenced. David Miscavige has a very distorted sense of reality. It’s all about Him.
That’s interesting.
Did you see his hands shake, Pepper? The last few events that I attended, I noticed that his hands were shaking, especially his left hand (where his wedding ring goes, interestingly enough). I believe that’s why he pushes his hands down on the podium so hard – to hide and control the shaking.
I’m not sure why that happens…MWH phenomena when standing up in front of the people he’s screwing, all of the adrenaline that’s still pumping from yelling at his staff to get the event right – or maybe it’s just too much Red Bull and Scotch. (Red Bull has been outlawed in many bars because it causes such aggressive behavior)
Or maybe he has Parkinson’s. How embarrassing for Parkinson’s.
Could it be that he’s using meth? That would explain a lot of things, wouldn’t it? He cheats on everything else (extra-marital sex, drinking, stealing). Why shouldn’t drug use be considered as part of the reason for his aberrant behavior?
There’s my list. Too bad he’ll never let anyone assess it.
An alcoholic shakes when they need a drink. I lived with one for a couple of months and he didn’t stop shaking until his first drink of the morning.
Hi indie8million,
I didn’t notice his hands shaking last night but I do know what you’re speaking of and I have observed that previously too, along with holding on to the sides of the podium for dear life.
Regarding Parkinson’s disease, you would likely see tremors of the head as well and I’ve never seen that.
It seemed to me that David Miscavige was filmed a little further back; at least foot or a little less than he normally is. The camera never got too close. His hair looked fake and the first thing my husband said when he saw him was that he looked like he was wearing a wig. His hairline was abnormally dense and thick. Either it was a little weave or he’s had a hair transplant, which I think could be the newer and more expensive follicle transplant than the old cut and sew one. The result looks like that. His hair is dyed honey blonde too. I read that some say he looks healthier and less gaunt but I noticed the way his tux jacket hung on his torso, and can say that he is very thin. I don’t think he eats very much food or maybe he just maintains a very regimented diet to keep his weight so low.
Good point on the MWH phenomenon. I saw a big one last night when he said something about family being the most important, something in reference to that. He literally stopped speaking for seconds and had a mixed look of fear/borderline anger and also looked like he went blank. He recovered himself and continued on. That was interesting to see.
I don’t want to go too much off topic, but I noticed that particularly the last two freedom medal winners made it a big point to talk about family. They thanked their parents and family members for everything and said they couldn’t have done anything they did without their parents, etc. This stood out to me, I can’t recall previous medal winners making this their first and most important point of reference. I could be wrong though. Although it felt genuine, it also seemed to me that they were guided to do this. All of their speeches followed the exact same pattern and order of thanking their families first, then COB with a gush, where camera would pan to him happily applauding himself and then he would gesture back to the medal winner. LRH would be thanked last, with photo and standing O.
Interesting that these Freedom Medal winners thanked their families. Yes, all of these speeches are approved and recommendations are made. So, this reference to family might be David Miscavige’s attempt to look like he gives a shit about the family unit. But, David can’t fool all of the people all of the time and in fact, he is fooling fewer and fewer people some of the time.
Adapt or die.
McCarrran, can’t reply directly to you, and yes this is obviously a sarcastic comment. It was obvious how much David Miscavige cared about his family since his wife, niece, father and twin sister were all there by his side.
Valerie – Thanks for your comment about alcoholism. We all know about his Scotch habit, I would be very interested to hear from ex-staff on this point. Did he ever smell like booze? Did anyone ever take note of his drinking habits? His sister seems to have some drug problems. Maybe it runs in the family.
Or maybe he just wants to be just like Frank (Sinatra) with a full life continuum in place? Just a thought. He always reminded me of a Frank mini me. The bad mini me and not quite so cool.
Pepper – Very interesting: “Good point on the MWH phenomenon. I saw a big one last night when he said something about family being the most important, something in reference to that. He literally stopped speaking for seconds and had a mixed look of fear/borderline anger and also looked like he went blank. He recovered himself and continued on. That was interesting to see.”
I’d love to see that clip.
I think he’s reading/studying these blogs (or having certain trusted staff study them) and making notes about everything we are calling him out on.
Tony Ortega puts up a big fuss about the Super Power cross being paid for by multiple people ( a la “The Producers”) and the building not even being open. Voila! It’s magically ready.
The news makes a big issue about families and he starts telling the congregation how important families are to him. I’ve been in Div VI and PR and marketing too long not to recognize a plan to cut their losses on the PR front.
Yeah, Pepper. Maybe, for once in his robotic life, he recognized the irony of what he was saying – like Valerie said. “It was obvious how much David Miscavige cared about his family since his wife, niece, father and twin sister were all there by his side.”
And he hoped that we all wouldn’t notice.
Indie – I believe you are right that Dave Miscavige and Co are reading and studying the blogs to dead agent or ‘out create’ what is being said in their usual lying, covert, trickster way.
Fascinating and I consider the ingredient of ‘swapping terminals’ an important one. As you noted those around him, who originally used to be honest, caring individuals; have turned into sociopaths after the overwhelming onslaught of this individual.
Observing it a bit further, the organization or group as a whole has taken the characteristics mentioned in the PAB, meaning: people outside of the group are useless, nobody does better than a scientology group or its members; if disconnection occurs, well is their fault, scientology members had nothing to do with it; they have become solid as MEST with an obsessive concentration on fundraising, money; scientologists can’t do wrong as they have the only answer and means to ‘save’ the dying population, and the list goes on.
It is also what we used to call ‘mutual out ruds’, but in fact it is worse than that, those who choose to stay inside have become as sociopathic as their leader, they see things and people with the ‘same eyes’ and may never change because they ‘are very important’. They have chosen their path, let it be.
Terrific article, Mike. And Silvia, I do agree, excellent observation. The other point too, when people “swap terminals” they become that terminal, they can no longer see what’s going on. That, too, goes to explain why people listen to such a monster.
What a great observation, Sylvia: “Observing it a bit further, the organization or group as a whole has taken the characteristics mentioned in the PAB, meaning: people outside of the group are useless, nobody does better than a scientology group or its members…”
.And, because people want to be right, on so many levels, they allow DM to continue to tell them “how great we are” and run on about “how much good we’re doing for those poor underlings who haven’t had the benefit of becoming ‘elevated’ like we are”. It makes them right for being so smug in their ‘higher wisdom’ of the world and to justify all the money they have spent. There has to be a justification of continuing to apply the wrong condition on their finances to support this effort of “saving the world.”
What would they have to confront re: their own mismanagement and strangulation of their own lives, if none of the money was going to help anybody but Miscavige and to harrass people who once were our friends?
Honestly. That’s a very hard confront. What if all of this time and effort and denying the other dynamics was actually misused by the very person you had 100% faith in? At what point in time do you have to admit to yourself that you’ve not only been investing in the wrong horse but that none of the money that you sweated and bled for even went to help the horse you thought you were feeding and caring for? And, as a matter of fact, that the horse has been dead for the last XX years and no one even told you – yet kept taking your money and your time and love and care?
That is pretty much the current state of things, IMHO.
A person just has to draw a line and cut their losses and do what they have to do to stop the group (and themselves, by their own agreement with it) from bleeding themselves to death. Now is as good a time as any.
Speaking to my friends who are still in or who are on the fence: How will tomorrow be any different if you don’t do something to change what you are doing and how you’re agreeing with what is being done to you and your friends? XO
The Superpower Building got completed I think when the outside authorities started fining Scientology and the media picked up the insider info being leaked of how delayed and behind the project was.
But titling the building “SuperPower” Building, and even the choice for confiding the biggest new use of that building, Cause Resurgence Rundown (the runnning room where people do the OT Objective process of running around a central pole endlessly to some sort of mental/spiritual mind shift off their case, some kind of reset mental mode), should really just have been left unpromoted and unlinked to this new building.
It should have included a proper auditorium in the building rather than make a new one.
Scientology needs to realize the culture of the world is NOT buying info Scientology, and downsize appropriately.
Miscavige on top of being a two bit sociopath next door, or because of this personality flaw, is also not letting Scientology reform itself, which is a herculean mental task for some dedicated in house Scientologist Sea Org staffers if Scientology ever attracts some smart enough people to drop the problamatic controversial parts of Scientology (drop their SP rules, drop OSA, pull way back to just their meat and potatoes spiritual therapy and exorcism for their self determined allowed members).
Hopefully all this focus on Miscavige’s horrible side will cause him to eject himself, and let the Scientologists somehow stumble along and reform themselves of the big Hubbard problematic policy rules.
Get rid of disconnection, get rid of the OSA offices, downsize, make orgs much more participatory my suggestion would be to make staff contributing totally volunteer with the exception of a tiny smaller crew of paid staff (paid livable wages), with the volunteering staff getting donation free courses/training/auditing.
Lower prices, just become sensible and spend their surplus on the poor! (And give up trying to keep harassing people, especially stop legally screwing with Gerry Armstrong.)
Even if they did all the things you suggest, you’d still be left with scientology. Even the most cursory research would scare someone away because scientology is a victim of its own poison. It wouldn’t matter if management had an epiphany or not. The product they are selling is defective and it cannot/will not be fixed. Nobody is buying it, pure and simple.
It is the product of a lying con man. He even said so.
Agreed and I could say way more agreeable comments, but gets too extensively off topic.
Chuck, I think you overlook the core doctrine of Scientology. LRH is source and only source and nothing he has said can ever be changed in Scientology. Therfore Scientology has blocked its own way to any reform. The changes you propose would go straight up and vertical against its core doctrines.
Who said life is change and death is a state where no change is happening?
Guess what, that makes Scientology a death born brain child.
As Eleanore Roosevelt said: Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
Whoever wants to hold on giving DM all the blame should really think hard whom he is empowering in doing so.
Dear Gerhard,
Too many weeds. But quickly, the Exec Strata one advice from LRH to ED Int (Lesevre) gave ED Int the option to undo “arbitraries”, a tiny leeway loophole for ED Int and all Exec Strata (think tank, and LRH says “think tank” for Exec Strata which itself is a huge level of reform were they to utilize their name and the arbitraries handling option LRH gave ED Int). So already too much unpublished and undiscussed loopholes, I was “Routing Forms” research and writer, read thousands of pages of LRH’s final years admin writings, and skim read both as OEC /FEBC Course Sup (1977-1983) and on the RF Pjt, all of LRH’s admin writings, and believe you me, I gave intense years of thought to all that he wrote, and what loopholes to use, how to actually reform Scientology, and have discussed ways. I did a stint in Senior HCO Int 1983-1986, saw with a little tweaking how justice might be majorly in house reformed. But the illegalities and brutal nature of living in the cult top ranks at the Int Base was going downhill due to other factors.
Biggest, is factors that whoever is in power has to face, which is the subject, auditing and OT case handling (exorcism of OT 3, 4, 5 6 and 7) do no produce Operating Thetans. No soul astronauts, no real ESP supersoul powers for anyone, no matter how one restructures the viability of the whole operation, no matter how one compassionately trains auditors and runs the AOs or Flag or Freewinds.
Scientology is mainly window dressing charade with lots of willing staff and followers, all hoping for OT abilities that no one gets, and never have. Ask Karen delaCarriere. I never saw any also, otherwise some neutral powerful OT would have removed Miscavige already.
So, reform is only to make the longer range life of the Scientology fantasist believers not as painful for them, and as people don’t wise up quickly who’ve been Scientology/Hubbard hoodwinked, I’m gullible still believing “reform” of some types are what will “work” to stop Scientology’s abusiveness.
But long range, the Scientology game is selling OT and that’s a losing sales job since OTs don’t exist, the world just allows this sales job to go on and lots of people hope in the fantasy.
Spot on Chuck. Underlying all the drama, the HE & R, the abuse, the lies…under all this sits the false promise – THE BIG LIE – of NO OT. No matter if reform occurs or the church cleans up their act, this one fact remains – NO OT.
I can be kind and say that LRH tried his best to deliver on this promise. Afterall, if it all were one big con (as many claim), there are much, much easier ways to get someone to part with their money.
I will give LRH credit for the workable processes he did oversee, the ones that bring about a lasting, tangible result for the preclear (essentially parts of the Lower Bridge). However, when it comes to Clear and OT, as he described – nope. Nice try, but no cigar.
As far as the current church is concerned, I believe those in upper management who have done these levels know they do not deliver what was promised. And THAT is the big lie they try so desperately to hide.
Chuck, you are confirming the point in so many words, although you make the appearance to argue otherwise.
The first step of reform would be to become honest which would of course include truthful statements about what the levels deliver and what not.
That would be a CHANGE.
Anybody trying to change that would be crucified with KSW no matter what hidden data-line loopholes there are or not. Even DM could not do that without risking a schism.
Reform would include removing all lies and deception from the subject and that exactly is straight up and vertical against its doctrines. Because it would involde the kind of change you are describing.
It is not people, it is Scientology itself. That is what I tried to say. DM is as committed to Scientology as Milestone 2, – just that he brings his sociopathice behavior and personal greed for money and power as added bonus to the table.
But let us not confuse the added bonus for the cause.
Yup, adapt or die.
Chuck, as so many others have said, and I think you agree, Scientology ties you in knots by telling you to think for yourself as long as you think exactly per LRH a policy which tends to contradict itself also. I think strict adherence to ANYTHING makes a person less a person and more a robot. Just my .02.
An excellent piece Mike, and although it sticks in your craw for some reason LRH nailed it down perfectly in PAB mentioned.
So the bit” those who like to use the words of L. Ron Hubbard to gauge the world”, statement is a bit snide and you should be well above that by now.
I expect that from the lower IQ’s who have MU’s.
One reason I like LRH’s writings so much was that they were actually very easy to understand and dispensed with all the utter bollocks that is passed off by Psych type writings and ramblings.
Simple solutions are usually the best.
Now to the Dwarf with the escalating Napoleon complex.
I actually noticed in the Org in 1982 this phenomena of people being screamed at and doing nothing about it. Staff putting up with SO Staff runing amok and some of the more craven Staff simply going along with it out of sheer fear.
The most important thing I noticed and large reason for departing after a couple of weeks of this shit was that certain Staff were rather happy for this to happen.
I have no idea of how the SO operated but as Class IV Staff member of many years I had people around who I knew were excellent hard working people and I had the idle and shiftless after free auditing and courses were R/s’s etc.
This is part of life in an Org and in any organization, and I often ended up on Comm Ev’s and Ethics hearings on other Staff.
No one ever really got “done in” to the degree you did and being put in a “hole” of course.
In fact they got well treated and helped.
I did of course keep my eye out as you get to know who is basically good and who is not after a few years aboard.
The point I am trying to make but waffling on is that as I was leaving, the SO mission at the time seemed most happy to appoint and put in charge of their version of “ethics were these very types.
It was a takeover of the Org and the installation of the Staff who
a)Would follow any and all verbal orders
b)Try to do in Staff they deemed a threat to their new position
c)Carry out threats and forced out Tech Sec-checks on any rebels such as myself who always asked for the order in writing LOL. How they hated that.
We all know the rest of the tale.
The Dwarf got rid of all the good Staff and installed the robots who cannot leave and the suppressives who (like him) now have a field day bullying Staff and public alike.
Of course he invented the IDeal Org rubbish to fleece the punters and GAT garbage to convince people he knows best, which of course he does not.
In fact Technically he is an unqualified bungling incompetent unfit to run a touch assist.
LRH says the SP will do himself in by his overt acts.
You may argue this.
My problem with this is LRH didn’t put a time frame in this bulletin.
So we have no idea how long this stinking evil short arsed maggot has got left wrecking scientology.
As I suspect he has installed similar type personalities to himself in key positions, if he does contract some horrible ailment (hear me Lord) and snuff it surely the next bastard will step up and it will be the same story all over again.
The only change is the new leader will be taller as no one is shorter than David Miscaviage in the Scientology world!
I don’t consider this statement to be snide.
You give the perfect example of this later in your comment:
LRH says the SP will do himself in by his overt acts.
You may argue this.
My problem with this is LRH didn’t put a time frame in this bulletin.
So we have no idea how long this stinking evil short arsed maggot has got left wrecking scientology.\
Why do you need to have an LRH quote or statement for everything? If LRH said smoking cures lung cancer, does this make it true? Or if he said “SP’s will do themselves in within 2 years” would that make it true? Unfortunately, you seem to think it would. “If only he had told us what would happen, we would know.” It cuts off observation and thinking for yourself. You seem to believe that this cannot be known because LRH didn’t say it.
There are plenty of people who believe that everything must be gauged against LRH quotes. When I wrote this in 2010, that sort of “thinking” predominated in my world too. I no longer believe that to be healthy. But I know it is the case for plenty of people which is why I reposted it.
Hi Mike.
I agree with you about people who have to be told how it is to be able to “see” how it is.
Ron, like many philosophers, got a lot of things right. He gives credit for his discoveries to “thousands of years of thinking men” in SOS (pre-DM) and a lot of those observers could also see clearly.
When I was just getting my feet wet in the Indie field (having had one foot out the door for a lot of years) Steve Hall said something very interesting to me. Paraphrased, he said, “Everyone has an equal chance of doing something significant about this situation. There is no hierarchy out here in the Indie field. You may come up with an idea that changes everything.”
Talk about granting of beingness… Thanks, Steve.
So my point here is that, yes, Ron made a lot of very valid observations and I still refer to them to add to my study of any given problem or situation in life I’m working on. But as Ron himself, in essence, said, “Keep your own council. Accumulate information from various sources, if you want to, but you, yourself have to view the situation and make up your own mind.”
I do believe that, especially in the earliest years, Ron really wanted to help people and did publish what he felt was true to accomplish that. But maybe we should listen to Ron like we do a friend we feel is pretty wise. Take what he says and see if it’s actually true and useful for you.
Didn’t he say that in the first place?
Because I am a Scientologist mate that’s why.
I am getting gains from the Tech, aren’t you?
I think you are taking my comments too seriously as well, because you always get upset when people quote LRH and and you talk about thinking for oneself as one should of course.
I agree with that
I quote LRH when is comes to the Tech and the policy and the Philosophy of Scientology.
Is this incorrect in some way?
I do not quote LRH when it comes to laying paving stones as he was not a builder, but I do use his Study tech in order to make my life easier when studying building theory.
Hiatus, I need to take a bit issue with your judgmental and arrogant attitude here. If somebody makes a statement you disagree with you resort to ad hominem attack and call on their IQ? Come on that is the hallmark of hardcore Scientology fundamentalists you should be able to do better than that.
I admire Mike for his patient, analytical and loving response to it.
If you feel DM is the reason and he wrecked Scientology single handed, I recommend reading more from independent sources about Scientology and its founder and refrain from calling others “low IQ’ or similar in the meantime. Because, once you are done with your own complete research there is a great big chance you will find yourself embarrassed by your own statements.
For beginners: David Miscavige has all the characteristics of a sociopathic person and is acting it out. You may ask yourself the interesting question: Why a sociopath was able to take over and single handedly ruin the most ethical group that has the only technology to bring sanity to this planet? Shouldn’t this group have not made DM easily into a sane person?
Hiatus, Mike isn’t the correct target. You are mess’n with the wroooooooong people.
I have bit my tongue on this response, and I apologize if I offend some. That is not my intent.
It is my intent to inform readers who may not know not Ron had sociopathic tendencies.
Ron had no problem imprisoning young children in the chain locker of the Apollo.
One of those children deaf and non verbal.
Ron had no problem sending pregnant women to the RPF.
Ron had no problem kidnapping his own child as an infant / toddler and having others care for her.
Ron had no problem lying about his life.
I would posit that Ron understood sociopaths because he had similar tendencies.
The “badness” of scientology did NOT start with the Demented Midget. It is inherent in the writings of Ron.
For those of you have had “wins,” THIS IS NOT about belief it is about behavior. The anti-social, illegal behavior was evident when Ron was in charge.
From all my years of studying the man and his writings, I say all the quotes of Hubbard’s apply to Hubbard himself. This isn’t a surprise. I lived with a family member with a severe personality disorder. That Hubbard and Miscavige both suffer from this is really obvious to anyone who ever had any dealings with a borderline or narcissist. Does that negate all the tech? No. But it makes it all suspect, especially within the context of Scientology, Inc.
I remember reading that PAB on the BC. Very nice re-post!
Of course he would become the biggest SP on the planet. It was written in the stars.
Great post, Mike! You laid it all out. DAVID MISCAVAGE HAS to be one of THE most vile sociopaths this world has known.
I don’t know if David Miscavige has been one of the most vile sociopaths this world has known but he is definitely the most vile sociopath I have known. He hasn’t been responsible for the death of millions, but I believe, given the opportunity, he has it in him to do this or in getting others to hurt or destroy the lives of millions.
“The Sociopath Next Door” is a very good book on this subject, way better than the PTS/PS Course. I liked what the author said about “the pity play” and the application of that to what others say in regard to David Miscavige’s habit of saying that he has to do everything himself, etc.
In retrospect, I find my first impression of David Miscavige interesting. He seemed lifeless, without soul, without a sense of humor, without any effervescence. Heed your own senses is the lesson for me.
I agree, Mare. If DM had been one of the Gestapo or members of Hitler’s (yes I said that) staff, he would have loved his job and been a “trusted terminal”.
I have to agree – I learned far more from “The Sociopath Next Door” than I did from the PTS/PS Course.
Mike – this post was hugely influential in my waking up. This is when I fully understood what was going on. Thank you!
Biggest SP on the planet? Me thinks not. No influence at all except in a VERY small circle, becoming even smaller thanks to the theta being pumped out to out-create his teensy weensy miniscule effect on planet earth. In fact, I’d say he’s done us a favor. We have the tech and can use it without his bullshit now. TY DM. TY for setting us free!
All of the above data about David Miscavige is only the tip of the iceberg.
Type 3 ,computing psychotic,paranoid schizoprenic,sociopathic lunatic, these definitions of the COB
only scratch the surface.
When I realized the “Church” had become an endless loop of craziness and became amplified with each replay,I was out for good despite the fake facade and pompous claims of doing so much good which is
upon close inspection a huge lie.