After my recent post pointing out that account in my daughter’s name has 432K “followers” but averages jus a few likes and comments, so clearly they have been buying bot followers, suddenly I have begun to have new “bots” following me. I have never seen so many “ghost” accounts show up each time I am alerted to “new followers.”
I assume scientology is arranging these “followers” so they can accuse me of what they do…
The levels of insanity inside the bubble are pretty astounding!
Tomorrow, finally, the book and audiobook will be available.
The first media spot will be on CBS Mornings Tuesday Wednesday morning sometime between 7 and 9 am. If I get some info about exactly when it will be I will post it here. I am flying to New York today, unfortunately having to leave Christie and the boys to face whatever comes of Hurricane Ian without me. Keep them in your thoughts.
I will update with a heads up onb more media coverage tomorrow.
It’s the final countdown.
Mike, as a long time lurker, but avid supporter of anything anti-COS, eagerly waiting for my copy to arrive in the morning. Wishing you much well deserved success, and keeping your family (and anyone!) in the path of the storm in my thoughts. Thank you for your dedication, resolute determination and courage. FWIW, I believe you are a wonderful example of humanity at it’s best.
(BTW, Dave, where’s Shelly? When I met your Dad, he said emphatically you knew…I’ll wait…)
Can I buy the audio book without signing up for Audible?
Thank you so much for your new book Mike. I’ve just had my pre-ordered Kindle version delivered. I’m only a couple of pages in and I’m so touched by your sincere words. I love your podcast with Leah Remini and look forward to its return. All the best and back to your book..
Best wishes on your book release. My copy was ordered a month ago.
I really enjoyed the book!
Mike, I have my Tivo all set for tomorrow’s CBS show. I am truly excited. SCN is most definitely shtting a brick. Hell, a whole pyramid. ouch.
I just read your hometown is Adelaide not Sydney. Oops my mistake. Sadly we are not going there. If it is ok with you I will tell the cruise tour group that Sydney is Australian for Adelaide.
Adelaide is no great tourist destination. In fact, what you say is true: say “Australia” to a lot of foreigners, and they’ll think “Sydney”.
If anyone goes to Adelaide, drop in on the org for what is most likely still a shocking indictment of the state of Scientology in South Australia. It was always a laughing stock in ANZO, one of the lowest-producing orgs, consistently. We were obsessed with money, not to line coffers, but because we were always under threat of eviction for not paying rent. I was happy to wash my hands of the place.
Out of curiosity. Since we are literally watching in live slow motion Scientology atacking you and your book
Would that be enough to bring a liable suite from you on Scientology?
I know a lawyer would be needed etc…
You have dealt with legal issues, therefore. I would defer to your knowledge.
Certainly. The question is whether I want to get into litigation where they have endless tax free slush funds to spend on endless delays/appeals/bs which is how they play the game.
I understand
Take care – looking forward to seeing you tomorrow
Best of luck to you and your family and for your trip to New York! I can’t wait to see you on CBS morning and also to read the book!
In other news, do you have a more solid date of when the podcast is starting up again? I heard that the promo said the end of August and I’ve been checking weekly but I haven’t seen a new episode yet. Can’t wait until it comes back!
Your interview tomorrow will do a lot towards your success with the book and getting the truth out there. Congratulations 🙏♥️
Picking up my copy at Barnes and noble tomorrow and I can’t wait!
Hey Mike
Being a ex local close to the South Melbourne area i was sorry to see your beloved swans get killed by the cats (I’m pretty sure that was one of your favourite 6 sides in the AFL) 😀
Anyway- is their any Australian media promotional spots planned for the book ?
Yes, sad to see Sydney lose like that. I follow 3 AFL teams — all birds. Magpies, Crows and Swans (one from each city I lived in).
Not sure about any media in Australia. WIll know soon…
Tony Ortega recently posted a podcast with Jesse Prince, Scientology’s ‘Expert Witness’ and David Miscavige’s former auditor. In it Jesse describes what he thinks would have stopped the tyranny of Miscavige in its tracks: someone standing up to Miscavige and punching right back.
Imagine Miscavige flat on his tiny back, tiny drops of blood dripping from his tiny broken nose, incredulous that anyone would possibly strike back even though he hit them first. He would be screaming to his bully-boy security squad that they all are fired, and sent to whatever Scientology hell is worse than working for Miscavige himself… Oh, it’s so unfair… back in junior high wrestling there were rules, and weight classes, and the big (read: normal size) kids were not allowed to wrestle with little guys like him, only with other big (normal) guys. Didn’t this guy know the rules? NO hitting back at little guys? No matter what? Bwah ha ha ha boo hoo hoo. No fair!
If Miscavige reeling from someone’s self-defense poke at his nose got recorded and sent to all Scientologists, who knows the result? His cowed sycophants might think that Miscavige’s days of bullying and assaulting people with no push back were over. Finally.
Sigh. Something like Jesse’s imagined counter-punch almost happened. But even as the man that Miscavige had just assaulted was stepping forward to reply, three of Miscavige’s bully-boys grabbed him and restrained him. Their physical intervention was all that prevented Miscavige from getting his well-deserved beat-down. Read about it in Chapter 26 of Marc Headley’s book “Blown for Good – Behind the Iron Curtain of Scientology.”
I doubt if anyone in Scientology today has enough remaining self-respect to hit back at this schoolyard bully. It just won’t happen; the opportunity passed long ago. But it still is amusing to ponder if such a small (pun intended) bit of beach-slappery would have a far-reaching effect among the well-indoctrinated few who still play at Hubbard’s clever scam.
In Mark Headley’s wonderful book “Blown for Good” he describes an incident where he almost got a punch into Mr. Tiny Fists, but was pulled out of the room by the henchmen.
Final countdown reminds me of a classic!-)
Best wishes for your family’s safety, Mike.
“The levels of insanity inside the bubble are pretty astounding!”
To some people. Not to me.
I was just on Amazon UK checking the status of my pre-order and noticed there are now 5 alternative/summary books written by the cult available to buy. They are positively bricking it
Summary of A Billion Years By Mike Rinder: My Escape From a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology
by Wesley Deane | 17 Jul 2022
A Billion Lies: The Highest Ranks of the Church of Scientology Couldn’t Throw Him Out Fast Enough
by Ryan Prescott | 26 Sep 2022
Synopsis of A Billion Years
by Gregory E. Newbill | 22 Sep 2022
Analysis and Study guide of A Billion Years: Summary and Study guide of My Escape From a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology by Mike Rinder
by Alexander Jane | 18 Jul 2022
Summary of A Billion Years: My Escape From a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology by Mike Rinder
by Judith J. Walker | 14 Jul 2022
who do they think is buying this crap lol
Nobody intentionally…
I wonder are they creating these to also sell to members? Is it a forced buy like everything else with the added perk of further indoctrination and bashing of the bad SP mike rinder
oh great theres more……..
Quick Review of A Billion Years: My Escape From a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology
by Ethon Noah | 15 Jul 2022
Possibly the whales.
Possibly, or just another waste of “church” money, time and resources all made possible by the lovely folks at the IRS
I’m amused by the “A Billion Lies” title because if there were an actual book trying to detail reasons Scn wanted Mike Rinder out, it and every other word out of any high-ranking Scn’s mouth could add up to A Billion Lies.
As a title, the book doesn’t even seem to be about Mike weirdly enough. I see it, see the supposed author, and the pictures, and if I didn’t know about Mike’s book I wouldn’t make the connection at all.
How typical of them to use another Oxymoron.
I scheduled “CBS Mornings” to record tomorrow Sept.27 on my DVR. It’s channel 803 on my Comcast service.
Best wishes to you and protection and safety thoughts headed to your sweet wife and boys Mike.
I am really enjoying reading about the melt down going on inside the crypt called scientology right now. Not a happy place to be one of the minions. I guess I should also hope they can avoid the wrath of the captain too. Maybe even that they begin to see the light and plan their escape.
Mike, you shouldn’t worry about the hurricane. The OT’s at flag land base will postulate the hurricane out into the Gulf of Mexico.
On second thought…
Thanks for everything that you and your family do and go through. I hope you all flourish and prosper!! I cannot wait to read the book!!!