It is pretty remarkable that the “OT Ship” is now specializing as the place to go to do the Purif. The ONLY place in the world? What about the Narconons? They are advertising that they are open? But they don’t count?
Actually, I bet there are plenty of places you can in fact do the Purif — New Zealand and Australia come to mind. They are conducting sporting events with capacity crowds…. In fact, there are probably places in the US where they are delivering the Purif. Maybe not in California, but Texas is ignoring recommendations on Covid protocols…
Seems this is most likely a lie — though it makes sense. They have been desperate to get anyone to the Freewinds for anything for a long time. They just don’t have enough customers to squeeze money out of to keep afloat.
So, they go for the lowest hanging fruit. Requires no auditors, let alone OT auditors. And they can keep people there for weeks sitting in a sauna.
But talk about desperate.
And now they’re promoting objectives too?
The Freewinds needs a new designation.
This is no longer the “Top of the Bridge OT Ship off the crossroads of the world” it is Pirates of the Caribbean, trying to grab any money they can from raw meat.
LOL! Delivering Mission level intro services. The purif is probably the only safe “service” as temps 140 F or higher kills the Covid virus. But going to the Fleecewinds to sit in a sauna? Insane.
You know, I actually pity those poor fucks running the ship, by God I do. No-one ever when I was there, taught anyone else how to swim.
I never needed to know how; I knew from day one that, when the time came, I would be going down with the ship.
I had two posts, I.E. I was Port Watch Engineer on Site (there was never any Starboard Watch Engineer. The job was basically to go to the site of any emergency called and handle. If necessary calling to the E/R Control Room to coordinate the Engine Room’s response to the Emergency. For instance, if the ship was sinking it was my job to keep it afloat. OK, fine, I can do that.
Now, I was also the coxswain (i.e.,,Captain of lifeboat 9. I was responsible to see that the passengers made it off the ship alive.
However, for me at some point to leave my post of Engineer on Site to Abandon Ship meant for one thing, that the ship would sink or burn faster making it tougher to get the passengers off.
In the 16 years I was on the ship. No-one else worked this out with me.
I handled it myself. Basically by deciding to handle the leak, fire or whatever the problem was. If I could not handle the problem. then I would go down with the ship. It was much better than sitting in a lifeboat watching the ship go down when it was my job to keep it afloat
Anyway, with all of these blood products given me, they gave me clotting factor (as I am a hemophiliac) that was contaminated by HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
Although the Freewinds MLO was probably supervising my medical treatment in the hospital, I will assume that Church personally are not responsible for my getting HIV AIDS. (Though I was responsible for any mistakes made by drydock personnel in drydock.
Any mistakes made by drydock personnel were technically my responsibility. The fact that drydock workers did not speak English is of no concern
Yo Still Ins –
Very well done on your progress DOWN the Bridge to Total Freedom.
Much love,
Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up.
Now that’s a sign of true desperation. Giveusallyourmoneyology seems to be turning into We’reontheropessohandoverthefuckingcashnowology (pardon the naughty word).
The woman holding the empty bottle is about to find out that she won’t be shouting at it for several hours but will be told that she must insert it in a certain place and fill it with farts, cap it very quickly, and take it down to the engine room where it will emptied into a gas tank used for cooking the beans and rice.
Some people say eating beans makes them fart, so they’ve created a virtuous cycle.
The current situation of the pandemic but more particularly the almost zeroing of new staff and new public (thanks to the Aftermath and the web in general) is forcing the cult to pure canibbalism in order to survive.
The target is the field (Class 5 public and missions). To be exploited to fund Advanced Org and Flag (major source of revenue for management).
Freewinds is quite a steep cost to contain. If the ship were to leave the scene it would be an unthinkable damage to the image of scn.
So at this point they have to pump up from what exists to keep Flag and the Titanic afloat.
But it is only a matter of time. After this period of exploitation without new people it will be the end anyway.
When you are on the jogging machine they should strap an e-meter to it so you can self-audit while running!
If you really want to, you can self-audit anywhere, with or without a meter, not that I would recommend that to anyone. I wouldn’t even recommend “solo”-auditing, which is the OT levels with a meter. From what I’ve seen of them, they’re at best silly little exercises. OT III, of course, is a different story. The only people who should do that awful sci-fi story of a level are those who want to learn what happens when you mock up little alien space cooties long enough to “audit” them on two (or more) impossible incidents on a false track of places and times which can never have been real. The best result of that damaging exercise is massive headaches from the cognitive dissonance. Others have gone certifiably bonkers as a result. I’m sorry, not sorry, but self-induced schizophrenia never appealed to me.
Zenu is one of the real dangers of scientology, and not the danger that’s advertised to drum up *interest* in the “wall of Fire”.
Hello Pope, how ya doing, buddy? Since the self-Proclaimed only Right Arm Captain in the Sea Organization declared my imminent demise to my then wife 19 years ago as I had full-blown AIDS which had been undiagnosed and untreated for 13 years…. Now Pope; I hope that you are doing well and did not go through the shit that I did. Namely AIDS dementia where I did not even recognize my wife. I hope and trust that your wife or partner was not commanded to put you in a hospice to die with less Dev-T as my wife was. Fortunately for me she took me to an actual doctor in violation of the cult’s orders. Of course, after 14 years of HIV with no treatment. my heart pumps only a quarter of the amount of blood it is supposed to.
A thing that was not realized for a long time because people with AIDS did not live long enough to notice that their hearts were destroyed.
But I am doing far better than can be expected for a dead man.
My last auditor on the Freewinds, the OTVIII Review auditor, Joan Heller, came into the elevator at AOLA a few years after I left the ship.
She jumped when she saw me alive in the elevator a few years after no doubt she had been informed that I was on my death-bed. I said to her” I guess that you did not expect to see me again”.
To which she replied” No, I really did not.”.
She was a good auditor. one of the better ones I have had. In my last session with her she got a read on PTO and steered me with the read to the statement that I was dying.
Hi Bill! Loved working with you on Karen DLC videos! Fortunately I am fine and the govt pays for my meds and healthcare. If I was HIV- I would be in big trouble. What a stupid system! What meds do you take? I am one pill a day BIKTARVY. $4,000 a bottle!
Wow Pope!
Thank you for your reply. My meds have changed 3 or 4 times since 2003. They have all been effective for stopping the HIV but some had side effects which I never noticed. Like one of the 3 drugs in “Trizivir” is retrovir, more commonly known as AZT. This was likely prescribed because it passes the blood/brain barrier and I had AIDS Dementia complex at the time. There are four stages of ADC. My symptoms were common with symptoms from Stages 3 and 4. One of the symptoms listed for Stage 4 is called “Death”.
My heart has an ejection fraction of 14 percent currently. This is the percentage of blood pumped (ejected) with each beat. Normal EF is 55-70 percent. So my heart pumps less than a quarter of the normal amount of blood with each beat.
However, I have only a few symptoms of this because , as per my heart doctor I have a big heart. Having a big heart is not a good thing normally because the heart enlarges as the mustle stretches and it gets weaker. On the EchoCardiogram It looked like it was hardly moving at all; it just wiggles on the edges. But since the pump itself is bigger, it pumps more blood than if it was normal size with a low ejection fraction.
I also have a pacemaker because most of the electrical circuits were destroyed by the HIV. The survival statistics for Heart Failure is that half of them survive 5 years and a tenth survive 10 years.
But I knew I was on borrowed time in the SO before I was sent off to die.
So any time I have left is a bonus. To answer your question, I am taking Discovy and Tivicay.
It’s basically a floating hotel at this point, not having gone out of port in over a year. It’s probably no longer seaworthy according to discussion over on the Underground Bunker by people have contacts in the maritime industry, who say that as other cruise ships in port do, it would have to be taken out to sea periodically to keep its mechanical systems in working condition.
So it’s a really a huge symbol of failure, incompetence, and at least indirectly shrinkage, from the self-proclaimed masters of human ability who are supposed to be unprecedentedly “expanding” — putting the lie to their hyperbole, even if members can’t see the big picture. I wonder if part of the problem is that the ship lost some key old Sea Org crew members, which points to another dilemma they face, the sort of “demographic cliff” confronting them as a lot of those they recruited in the 1960s and 1970s age out, showing up most obviously so far in all the missions kept running by old-timers that are finally closing for good.
Peacemaker, excellent comment. Thanks for the info.
As for Purif, in LA area you can do the Purif at Celebrity Center and at LA Org. I’m not sure if the Pasadena Org has a Purif but my guess is it does. The Ship is making it sound like they are the only place to get a Purif done because they need money and now they aren’t ashamed to get it from lower level beginning Bridge activities. It used to be that the Ship was only for OT’s.
Cyndi, I think every org has to offer the purif, and one with an ‘ideal’ building like Pasadena almost certainly does . I’m pretty sure I recall running across accounts indicating that some if not many missions have a way to offer it too, from very ad hoc facilities on the premises or at a members’ home, to arrangements to do it at some place like an athletic club that has a sauna.
I’m guessing that they are doing some of what they do at Flag in Clearwater, offering courses to foreigners who can’t do them in their own countries, or trying to attract people doing OTVIII to bring along family who can then do lower level courses.
I can’t imagine why anyone would travel from the US to do the purif on the ship while it’s stuck in port and can’t actually offer its principal amenity of cruising at sea, except that maybe the CofS is using typical scientology bait-and-switch (or bait-and-browbeat) tactics and allowing people to come under the mistaken impression that the ship still sails. Perhaps the regges imagine it may by the time people come, even if that’s unrealistic; and if not then they’ll “handle” that “consideration” when people arrive at what turns out to just be a dock-bound floating hotel – and make sure that at the end they write a “success story” without any hint of disappointment in it.
YEs come to think of it, there are missions offering the Purif and you’re right that every Ideal org and maybe even others, offer a Purif. So doing it on the Ship as you say, may be something for lower on Bridge family do while you do OT VIII. And the Ship needs money just to buy fuel to travel when it finally decides to travel. So sad that someone saves up to go to the Ship and they get there and find out they’ll just be on a bucket that is docked the whole time. It is a kind of bait and switch. But as you say, no one will know because they force you to write Success Stories and don’t want you letting it slip that it was on done in the dock. I went to the Ship once and it was enforced regging in an enclosed place where you couldn’t escape because you’re at sea. At least in an org you can walk out and drive home. Not so o the Ship. Even OT VIII field auditor Michael Lewis complained to me that he had to hide from the registrars and recruiters on the Ship.
Dear Cindy.
No disrespect, but there IS a way off the ship.
I got off the ship after 23 years in the S.O.
No freeloader bill…..
All I had to do is die.
I do not really recommend it; there must be easier ways. But for me; I did it and it seems to have worked.
Davey-boy really doesn’t want to hear anything resembling “shrinkage”, for obvious reasons.
Best laugh I have had in a very long time.
Thank you ever so much, Jere!
P.S. This is Skyler23. I am having problems with my VPN and cannot post under the name “Skyler23” at this time. So I am making a temporary switch to Sklar23. Sorry for any confusion.
SeeWow, Peacemaker, first Mike makes a post which indicates to me and then in your comment you get an LFBD.
I was the Mechanics Chief and then the Repair Chief of the Freewinds for it’s first 13 years from 1986 to 2002. I personally, with help from my juniors, which I hope are still alive, repaired, or overhauled every single engine, pump, compressor, boiler, watertight door, air conditioning unit, bilge pump and system, fin stabilizer and many more systems too numerous to mention. My stat was the GDS of the Engine Room. i.e. percentage of operational equipment. T
I was told that my former senior, Wak Allcock (RIP) who had been the 1st Engineer on the Apollo told Greg Wilhere, a senior exec at the time who came with DM and others to inspect the vessel before the first Maiden Voyage in June 89 that I had been a major factor in keeping the vessel afloat.
I prefer to tell you what others have said about me than any opinions that I may have.
I had a bleeding ulcer in March 1989 and lost a lot of blood. The ship’s MLO, a person named Julie Powiesnik had me taken to the hospital in Curacao.
I received a
number of transfusions to replace the lost blood as well as clotting factor since I am a hemophiliac.
Anyway, with all of these blood products given me, the
y gave me clotting factor (as I am a hemophiliac) that was contaminated by HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
Although the Freewinds MLO was probably supervising my medical treatment in the hospital, I will assume that Church personally are not responsible for my getting HIV AIDS. (Though I was responsible for any mistakes made by drydock personnel in drydock). (Continued)
Bill, I’d guess you’d have as much insight as anyone as to what might be going on with the ship.
From what I can tell, in its heyday Scientology recruited a lot of more competent people than they do know, because of its tapping into the idealism of more thoughtful and better educated demographics at the time. They are clearly having problems at the orgs, replacing old-timers with new people who are as capable, and I assume that the ship must be suffering from the same dilemmma – photos of the crew show a lot of old timers, and I’m guessing they continue to rely on them in part because they can’t find young blood capable of doing the same sort of work. At an org they can fudge stats and muddle along, but the complex mechanics of a ship are pretty unforgiving.
In my maybe not so humble opinion of why the ship is not sailing I would say that there is a high probability that it is because it is in no shape to leave the dock. I did thousands of all-nighters to keep that vessel afloat and running. I am sure that they have found some die-hard recruits since I left there or it would have sunk already.
In order to sail, by law it must pass a “Passenger Safety Inspection” each year. In addition to that every piece of equipment in the Engine Room; i.e. Engines Pumps Electrical Equipment Boilers Propellors and shafts etc. ad infinitum must be inspected and certified.
For instance, if they ran a main engine without oil pressure, they could destroy the crankshaft. It would probably cost in excess of 10 million dollars to replace it. The top of the ship would have to be cut off to lower a new one into place.
I was told 5 years after I left there that I still had not been replaced on my post. I was told that ” Nobody could possibly replace you, Bill.”
I was the terminal personally responsible to keep the entire vessel operational. Unless they found someone to competently replace me I cannot imagine how the ship could still be operating.
I have generally tried not to inflate my own importance as it is bad manners; as LRH said “a dead cat at a wedding”.
I have not received a single comment from the Church or any hate website like some of you have earned. Maybe now I have earned a rebuttal or at least a Gold Stamp for my SP declare, which I have not even seen.
I can only hope.
Bill, thanks for your experienced, expert opinion – no need for humility when you actually have the right stuff.
I suspect they never really did find new ‘die-hard recruits’ of sufficient ability to replace you, and muddled along with hacks and cross-trained old-timers until they finally ran out of luck. That would seem to be about how the orgs run these days.
You paint an interesting picture of just how laborious and demanding it is to keep such a ship seaworthy. Though isn’t the Freewinds currently based where it is, in part to avoid inspections as much as possible?
They might have screwed up something like oil pressure, or could just have had something old finally wear out beyond use. I would guess that having a new major part made would take a long time, requiring a special order based on old drawings if they even existed, or else pulling the part and sending it out to be duplicated or refurbished.
I poked around and found a video of a crankshaft being replaced on a ship built in 2000, which indeed looks like quite the process:
Crankshaft exchange on the MS Zaandam cruise ship -
And a professional cruise line had an engine become irreparably damaged on a ship also built just in 2000, which required all sorts of special preparation including cutting away pipes, before it could be swapped out through a hole cut in the hull of the ship:
How to replace a cruise ship engine – without using the front door –
I could also imagine that repairs, maybe even less major, are simply just stalled as they wait to figure out what to do, and actually move forward. They have a history of slow and inefficient decisionmaking and management including, if I recall, when they tried for several years to sell off the old Apollo.
An interesting comment you make, sir. I have a few relevant points to make regarding it.
As far as the area the ship is operating affecting inspections I believe that the vessel does not operate in the US so as to avoid inspections but I think the inspections they would avoid are more like Public Health inspections. Mechanical inspections are required by the Classification Societies. Without certification from the Classification Society, one cannot purchase insurance nor can a ship enter ports. If, for instance, they had no current Passenger Safety Certification, it would be illegal for them to sail.
As far as trained personnel, I had no ship training when I came aboard.
In the 16 years I was aboard, I received no real engineering training other than what I read in the manuals that were aboard, which did not cover everything by any means.
LRH said that “You know it now, trained or not, hatted or not.
I would guess that they find devious ways to avoid all the ship inspections they can. They used to claim the Apollo was a research vessel or floating school, not a passenger ship. Though from what I could find in a quick attempt at fact-checking, the overhaul of just over a decade ago was partly to address structural deficiencies found in some sort of inspection at a wharf in Curaçao.
In looking at the history, I’ve observed that Scientology and its Sea Org once attracted people with higher levels of education, including some real professionals, or at least greater ability to figure things out for themselves. Our own Mike Rinder is a stellar example of the sort of highly capable individual they used to get, but can no longer come close to replacing. I doubt they’re doing much better at staffing the ship’s technical departments, than they are with their now-gutted PR operations.
The Freewinds is like watching a business go bankrupt. Millions upon millions of venture capital poured into that ship in the 1980’s. The investment has been a total failure along with Scientology in general.
George, it’s not LIKE watching a business going bankrupt, it IS a business going, or gone, bankrupt.
My how the mighty have fallen. What’s next for the Fleecewinds? Bingo night where your postulates control the numbers? Maybe some Elvis impersonator contests?? Shuffleboard?
How about a Tom Cruise Cruse? TC can host and be Cruise Director. Yeah that will bring out the fake sailors for Lron.
Maybe “History of the Ouija Board, Precursor to the Standard Hubbard Emeter” lecture by Professor Stumblebum.
With demonstrations using the original Hubbard “OT Beep Meter” that pings a noise when you sent it a mental beam.
O/T. Matt Willis is the bassist in the band Busted and an I’m A Celebrity winner in England. He joined Scientology. It didn’t go well. Hence, the headlines today:
The Sun: Matt Willis reveals Church of Scientology tried to break up his marriage to Emma after joining post-rehab
Mirror: Matt Willis says Church of Scientology tried to split up his marriage to Emma
Mirror: Matt Willis exposes super secret world of Scientology – no friends and bizarre rituals
Memorialized with some screenshots on ESMBR at:”
The Sun and The Mirror? Wow! I wonder if one of the other publishers will pick up the story for their weekend editions. The Daily Mail / Mail on Sunday have the 2nd highest circulation figures (just behind The Sun).
Matt from Busted! Wtaf?!?
Sooo glad he got out of there!
Still can’t get over the fact he was body routed off TCR like a regular joe…
Anyone attempting to get a message out in the bottle will sent straight to RPF.
Or attempting to escape in the bottle.
OR dumped into whatever DM replaced the RPF with; the HOLE, perhaps? Anyone recognizing their true condition in what Dave’s carved out of scientology MUST be harshly dealt with, IMMEDIATELY. Can’t have any open-eyed slaves in the organization, can he?
A quick update on one of Mike’s stories.
Michael Snellings is the Scientologist who was running for Congress in 2022 and who tweeted: “I’m a Christian and I’m also a Scientologist.”
It appears that Snellings has ended his run for Congress.
Snellings has changed his prior Twitter account of @msnellingsMNCD4 (he was running in Minnesota’s 4th Congressional District) to simply @msnellingsMN .
His prior Twitter account of @msnellingsMNCD4 no longer exists.
His new @msnellingsMN profile has deleted any mention of him running for Congress.
His Facebook page has also deleted any mention of him running for Congress.
Memorialized with screenshots on ESMBR at:
That’s very good news. All we needed was another cult congressman. Congress already has its full share of cult whackos.
The Freewinds is officially a “bubble”…
Made me chuckle, finally some truth in Scientology advertising!
Zola, they know not what they say. Freewinds is thus setting itself up to be a real plague ship, isn’t it? That brush with measles wasn’t enough of a wake-up call?
As my senior D/Chf Engineer Rod McNocher who got a wild hare up his ass one day and went around the ship chanting “Coming slow, coming fast DEATH will surely come at last”. I asked him where he got that line and he said a movie.
I went to dinner and ran into Laura Wolfe who I had not seen in over a year. She explained that she had just gotten back from Mexico being treated for cancer. I had no idea that she had cancer.
At that moment Rod McNocher came up to Laura and raved directly to her the above line.
Unfortunately, Rod was right, in her case. After I left the ship I ran into Milt Wolfe in LA and he told me that she had passed.
Their VFP is DEATH.
Every time I see some promotion for this Freewinds ship or think about it, I get the image of the ghastly slave ships that packed hundreds of human slaves lying a few inches apart while they were all tied up and taken by a slave ship from Africa to America.
I’ve read that on almost every trip, many people died in agony from the deprivations of that trip. They must have been tied up and lying in their own filth with no such thing as bathroom breaks.
There must be many similarities between the slaves on those old sailing ships and the slaves on the Freewinds. I wonder how many slaves on the Freewinds would prefer to have someone torpedo that ship and let them die quickly instead of suffering the subjegation of a prisoner in this cult.
Skyler, they’d possibly settle for the tub sinking right at the dock and rolling over. Then they’d have a chance of breaking free of the Registrars and returning to the real world. The more I think about it, the better that sounds for them.
If it sinks – no matter when it sinks or how it sinks – I just hope YKW is on board and he gets sunk for good!
Hey Jere! My VPN is working again and so I can use the Skyler23 ID once more.
As far as the sinking of their slave ship goes, I would be happy if it sank anywhere at any time – just so long as THE TWERP sank and stayed sunk for evermore. It would be like a fairy tale ending.
And everyone lived happily ever after. Yippee!
By the way, if anyone reading this has any doubts this ship is truly a slave ship, just watch Mary Kahn’s episode of Leah and Mike’s TV Show – Scamatology and the Aftermath. It is one of the very best episodes. Just be sure you have an open box of Kleenex beside you while you watch. Her episode will bring even the most hardened viewers to tears.
You will weep! You will wail! You will want to get a hammer and smash this evil cult to pieces!