This comes from an old program Hubbard pushed in the 50’s called “Operation Clear.”
These guys have resurrected it from the trashcan of history and repeat it verbatim.
The claims are obviously absurd — IQ of 135. Radiant health. Deep relaxation (whatever that means). Magnetic personality….
None of these things are necessarily true. If you were creative or vital or had a IQ before being Clear, it won’t eradicate those traits. But if you didn’t have them beforehand, it is highly unlikely they will be attained by going Clear. I have known a LOT of Clears in my time. Some of them are dumb as rocks. Some are about as vital as a day old banana peel. Some are impulsive.
At least they didn’t claim it would bestow you with perfect eyesight. Or an eidetic memory. Or cure you of your arthritis. Even though these, and many other claims, are still made in the book they sell. Even Hubbard knew he had to vague-up the claims for Clears after the first couple of years…
But still, if anyone else was offering to guarantee you these things, as long as you paid in advance, they would be charged with fraud.
Hilariously, 452 George St Brisbane is directly opposite the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners 😀
It’s also near Queensland Police HQ and the Supreme and District courts
I’m a past-life Clear. I was primed to believe it because I’m a third-Gen Scientologist. Such bullshit. I have few of those attributes.
The Brisbane Org is getting desperate, they had an open house last week, I’m surprised if anyone dropped in. Surely they aren’t getting any new members, everyone knows what a destructive cult it is.
They are still fund raising for their Ideal Org, I doubt that will ever get up. The current org is tiny and is probably enough for what they need but COB says they need Ideal Orgs to Clear the planet.
Ah, the old George Street, Brisbane $camology brings back the fond memory of being “escorted” down the stairs and out onto the street and being told in no uncertain terms to NEVER return. All I wanted was a copy of Mission Into Time. Maybe when they asked where I had heard of the tiny tome (they only wanted $18.00 for it and tried to get me to sign up for the free 6 month membership so I could purchase the book for half price) I should not have mentioned that I had seen the title mentioned in Bare-Faced Messiah which I was reading at the time.
What a joke, what an absolute joke! I have visited the tiny little upstairs dump that they call an “org”. I went ‘ingognito’ and gave them a false name ,etc,etc. All the furniture appeared as it had been bought at a 1950’s second-hand shop , and it was arranged in a fashion that a five year old would. Although Brisbane is the capital of Queensland, and the largest city, it would be an impossible dream to even contemplate that the culties could ever raise enough money to build an ideal org there. The whole population here in Australia, already are aware of the ‘evilness’ of $cientology, and it is very much considered, “on the nose”.
Perhaps the only thing everybody can agree on is “A Cleared Bank account!
Yup. The only thing scientology™ clears is your bank account.
“Hey Rocky! What me pull a rabbit out of my hat?”
As good a trick as anything a Scientology Clear can do, (fits right into the same time period too) and just as successful as Bullwinkle could do it. btw, is it a Dianetic or Scientology Clear of which they speak? Two vastly different ‘waskely wabbits’ placed in the same hat apparently. Isn’t Scientology such fun with so many contradictions to keep you guessing? Take your pick, roll the dice with the regges, there’s got to be pony in there somewhere?
Didn’t Hubbard finish Dianetics by saying something like, “for God’s sake get busy and build a better bridge?” Seems like the original had some problems. Obviously they were never resolved. I don’t see no stinking evidence of a cleared planet on the horizon. Just lots of empty promises, disillusioned & financially crippled people with shattered dreams though… Then there’s those that shout its virtues from the rooftops with no statistical evidence that any of it works. Crazy is what crazy does.
That’s “watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat,” geezers…
I think it should read, “Hey Ron, watch me pull a Miscavige out of your arse.”
That sound you here is Scientology scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to find something – anything – that will bring in paying customers. But it is a useless attempt, because the cherch no longer cares about selling services, and no longer has the staff to support Hubbard’s original 1950’s era scam. Their big money today comes from the IAS donation-for-statuses scam, along with its corollary, the donation-for-Ideals scam. Both are simply ways for Miscavige to accumulate loads of assets that come under his personal control, with cutouts to protect against losing the US tax exemption.
Right. “scientology” is nothing but a donations-for-status operation these days, NOTHING but a meaningless status in “exchange”. AND that’s now supposed to give the followers “case gain”!
Clear? Watch out folks.
A friend attained the state back in 1979. The senior c/s at Flag bestowed it on her.
10 years later while at a class 5 org the c/s there told her “an error had been made, and you aren’t clear yet”. So Flag, the mecca of technical perfection had made a gross mistake? Or was this truly just another ruse to purge more money from a person. I vote the latter.
At some point, Hubbard came up with some wacky definition in the ‘tech dictionary’ along the lines of a cleared cannibal still being a cleared cannibal. I think it would be a no-brainer to extrapolate this as a cleared asshole is still a cleared asshole.
I have seen ‘clears’ who were great folks and others who continued to be the asshole that they always were. Auditing didn’t produce or correct either one of these states of being. All auditing did was empty their pockets of cash. There have never been any ‘clears’ as defined by any of Hubbard’s many definitions of that state of being. Lots of clear bracelets and certificates though but I don’t think those things would produce anything like amazing vitality.
I’ve seen OT VII assholes who were still assholes after completing OT VII.
IF scientology ever delivered on its promises, we wouldn’t be out here taking pot shots at the failures they’re (still) experiencing. Continuing to do the same things, expecting a different outcome: a good definition of insanity.
One has to have a pretty low IQ to believe this promo. But maybe someone with a higher IQ might be thinking they’ll give it a shot anyway; what could be the harm. That’s the first trap.
That’s it , first step is to isolate above average Joe from rest of the world by mental conditioning:
*There are evil groups against us
* you are special, thats why they won’t let you succeed
* we have answer to all problems and cure of all illness
* you have to be careful ” Big Brothers” watching us.
* don’t get educated nor seek legal help , we provide you one window solution to all problems.
This is a common pattern of all Cults to control followers.
This is Mental Slavery ,which leads to Stockholm Sydrome ( followers justify abuses towards them and remains faithful mental slave )
In the film Conan The Barbarian the character of Thulsa Doom offered his followers infinity. But infinity is an undefined value. The value of infinity could be none.
None – that’s a Scientology static. There’s an infinity of them.
You can find Infinity on the front porch.