I recently mentioned the Orange County “ideal” Org on one of the live Q$A’s. I erroneously said it was in downtown Anaheim, it is in fact in downtown Santa Ana.
A viewer reached out to provide some information about the current state of this org and what happened subsequent to the great ribbon yanking that occurred 10+ years ago (with all sorts of promises as to how this new building was going to usher in a “new era” for scientology in the area and the dawn of a new civilization in Orange County.
Here is the report:
As of 2 years ago, I heard that they were down to about 25 staff total for both Day and Fnd orgs. On the day in 2012 they opened “new” building there were 120 staff. Probably about 30 of the 120 were people “hired” were either children, or non-scientologists looking for real jobs so they lasted maybe a week or 2.
By around 4-5 years ago often the course rooms during day were not even opened and if opened had 1 or 2 public.
Of the current staff, almost half are probably over 65 years of age and mostly been staff for at least 20 years. Several of the others are children of OTs and some of those still live with parents. There may still be 1 or 2 who got into scientology on their own and who have been there for 7-9 years, but they may have left already. Hard to leave if you have been staff member for 40+ years as you have convinced yourself it is a valid subject and it would be too devastating to leave.
The location does not work because it is in a predominantly Hispanic area and only a few staff speak any Spanish and even those are not fluent.
Also no free parking unless you want to walk about 5 blocks so staff have to pay at least $25/month for parking. They would have done better remodeling the olf Tustin location and it would have cost a lot less.
Also when someone gets labeled SP their name tag for donations to the building gets removed (like Ned McCrink).
Nothing new or unusual here. But always good to hear from locals who have first hand knowledge of their particular organizations.
This Ideal Org program is probably the biggest failed program in the history of scientology. Ideal Orgs have ushered in an era of completely empty orgs. There were inactive orgs in the past, but at this point in the disintegration of scientology, there are almost no orgs that are not inactive or empty. No matter how big their building are.
In the words of L. Ron Hubbard, the lack of large buildings is a massive Wrong Why which has itself now become the Situation,
It is amusing to have followed this “Ideal Org” scam throughout the years. IIRC original policy from Hubbard concerning buildings was all about a) affordability b) location/foot traffic. Affordability was the key. There was also, again IIRC, the admonition that in terms of losses “two moves equals a fire”.
Back when the IAS was getting started (and I apologize to everyone who ever got regged by our tours at the outset of this boondoggle) we thought that the level of Patron that we proposed ($40,000) was insane and only about 10 people MAX would ever sign up for it – which shows how dumb we were. Not sure if you remember Mike that DM had Carol Titus join the NRA to get their promotional and fundraising material to understand how getting people to give the first “donation” is the hardest step – getting them to keep giving is much easier.
Then came the Freewinds boondoggle.
And then, I think – without any direct proof – came the problem of maintaining that income flow and someone in DMs “wog advisors”, and I assume that it was not Jacob Arrevad, pointed to Real Estate as a good place to store the monetary assets that were just sitting there to be plucked from the wallets and purses of the dwindling number of the faithful
Seriously Mike,
Two important LRH refs, I have repeatedly mentioned on your blog, and other chat sites, which are relevant, to the long range Hubbard motives:
a) In one of the “Tech Films” is the advertisement for the “Scientology Passport” which is a parallel long range idea. Hubbard in the “Scientology Passport” “advices” of which there are one or two, and I think it was Theresa Locke, Dan Locke’s ex, who was charged with implementing the “Scientology Passport” marketing campaign, etc. The bottom line, the “Tech Film” ad for the “Scientology Passport” while troublesome to logically implement, still gives LRH’s hopes that future lives young people will waltz into Scientology “Orgs” of the future, as depicted in this advertisement which is in this one “Tech Film”. The young wanna be Scientologists says “I’m back” meaning returned in his new young life, wishing to continue up the Bridge from the point he left off his last life!!! This is not a minor point, it’s what a true blue logical full blown Scientologist who does know that if they have NOT completed the Bridge this lifetime, and even if they did, they will come back, in their next lifetime, to continue on the Bridge. THUS, finally to the point, the Ideal Orgs, or ANY Org left standing, is where they will go. Per this LRH ad!
Thus: It is LRH’s intent, for there to be orgs, for future lives Scientologists to go to. This is NOT a point to to just ignore, it’s in Hubbard’s final content for the movement. The “Scientology Passport” fits in, as it is a document which the Scientologist can keep filling in, and update their progress, to the end of their lives, and either send their Scientology Passport to their nearest org where they might “return” to as a young next lifetime Scientology, or whatever they decide. I make this point year in year out, in relation to the hardcore future lives believing Scientologist, if they are totally on board with ALL that LRH wrote to help them go on with these ideas and their goal to get up the full LRH Bridge.
b) The even greater context, another Tech Film, is the “Why TRs” movie, which to this date, no one is really digging into the LRH motives and intent in that Tech Film either. But there is much to glean from the Class 6 Briefing Course “Tech Film” “Why TRs” which is LRH’s script. The core theme is Class 6s must diligently study the “basics” of the tech, so as to remember them in future lives, when the returned Scientologist finds themselves on a distant planet, returned to a young person’s body, and wishing to get Scientology going there, and they will need to do so from memory. A huge incentive, to those who hardcore believe in future lives, and who are dedicated to LRH’s tech to remember it, in future lives, and implement by their own memory.
Above is truly hardcore LRH thinking. It’s how I was thinking when I was in, and I was just left right and center disappointed fellow Scientologists, mostly were not of the same mindset.
I don’t think like that now, but what I just wrote, are two truly hardcore LRH final intentions for ALL Scientologists.
And tie these two LRH references above into the other final long range writings, you see how possibly the most hardcore theoretical believers would be “on source” to think about.
The “Ideal Orgs” one can minimally do all the Hubbard study, using the 1990s and later edition new “Drills Binders” for all the hardest core Hubbard theory and practical courses, like the Levels (lower levels) and NED course. And internships. And the “basics” books and congresses, and all the other peripheral courses are all to be the base, to then get all through all this, before getting up to the regional “Advanced Orgs” or “Saint Hill” orgs at the regional level, and do the Class 6 course, and then the Scientologists learn of the “Tech Film” “Why TRs” and LRH’s intention t have the “Dukes of Technology” (Class 6 Briefing Course) graduates, take on this huge responsibility to have the tech so well in their heads, they can implement it in future lives on other planets. (And this ties into the Hubbard even grander writing about how by implementing the LRH “tech” that a org/orgs/Flag does, is part of a huge long into the future undwindling of the whole physical universe, this is one huge long range Hubbard intent writing, among the many other final years writings by Hubbard that get no shrift anywhere, no one is giving Scientology the LRH viewpoint most hopeful wishful thinking, as Miscavige’s blather is just sickeningly superficial and egotistical crap of him going me me me, I’m the boss now, when Scientology is LRH, and Miscavige ought to just NOT be me me me spoiler dominating figure hotshot stealing LRH’s intentions off the menu.)
I don’t believe in any of this, but LRH’s fuller writings and the Tech Films, and some choice advices from the ASI advices and the INCOMM advices, give LRH’s grander views, which Miscavige to date has squeezed of of the scene, so Scientologists can’t “get up” to LRH’s mindset, frankly.
Scientology is a soul karma repair therapy, and soul karma exorcism repair practice, really. It’s supposed to be this huge long fixup of our soul “cases” (or own “case” and the “cases” of the body-thetans leaking onto us once we have even “Cleared” our own “case”).
If the human soul really is real, I don’t believe it is, but if it were real, then the Hubbard “case” soul karma therapy and the Hubbard exorcism, could make sense.
it doesn’t, but this does fit into the Ideal Orgs’ existence, and why they will continue, if any of the Scientology now or future leaders are tracking with Hubbard’s intentions, especially the context I laid out above.
It all sounds like fantasy, but the concept of a soul, and we being each a soul, and we possibly transmigrating to another humanoid body in a future life, is not something new and not something out of the question. (It is to me today, but people do still believe in future lives, past lives, and also into spirits who don’t have bodies who interact with us humans, spiritualism, which to me is hallucination or extreme imagination on our parts and not real, but some people can believe it.). Trained Scientologists can grasp all I’ve said above.
I grasped it when I was in, and that’s why when I was a Scientologist, and I read everything Hubbard wrote, it did at least make sense.
To me today, a few of the older timer Scientologists of the 1960s and 1950s, their views to me are the wisest. In a nutshell, Alan Walter said the Sea Org was a mistake, and Missions ought to have been the end all of Scientology’s echelon framework. Skip Orgs, skip the Sea Org, and only be a mission.
Sort of like the Dror Center today, that’s about it. Have a “Mission” that is self sustaining, does the whole stepladder, and has no oversight management, but only has competing and colleagues of similar framework, and only have Field Auditors mostly, who are like Trey Lotz, if they can rise to that level of competency. And just squirrels left right and center, all competing. Completing “squirrels” doing whatever degree of the quack pseudo-therapy and exorcism they want and can sell, on their own mainly.
Official Scientology is a nasty ruinous operation, something that probably cannot sustain. Thus Ideal Orgs will long range go by the wayside. Even though as I said above, they do have LRH theoretical backing, as Ideal Orgs with “managements” dissemination help and the Sea Org’s maintenance renoing them, and all the upkeeping done, “makes sense.” It for sure is as has been pointed out, by everyone, not gaining newbies.
And the splinter Scientologists aren’t particularly advertising, other than word of mouth.
Mike, Say something sometime about “Flag Relative Importances” Central Bureaux Order (CBO I forget which number) . What is relevant is LRH put “Orgs” as number one, as Flag’s top relative important focus. Orgs are tops. (That LRH placing Orgs tops, might be wrong.).
Thus Miscavige focusing on the more doable “Ideal Orgs” vs “Saint Hill Sized Orgs” as the number one focus goal, is lessening the steep gradient per that big Hubbard principle.
I say all this only as Hubbard’s devil advocate. It’s all quackery bunkum to me, but LRH’s goals to put a continuing emphasis on orgs (Saint Hill sized, or Ideal, or “small and failing orgs” LOL).
Very off topic to this post – feel free to delete if you wish Mike.
Anyway – do we have a rationale explanation as to how the Scientology ad has got 27 million views in 3 weeks ? When I think of great songs from some top bands who have had clips uploaded years ago and they don’t have anywhere near this viewing quantity then something doesn’t seem right. For example knocking on heavens door has only got a mere 11 million views in over 5 years. At this rate the ad will have half a billion views by the end of the year.
I’m also amazed at the great feedback, the majority of the 752 comments are extremely positive. My suspicious mind says something doesn’t ad up however if I’m mistaken and the figures and comments are genuine then this is one of the greatest success stories of the organization in recent years.
As long as Dinky Manhood regularly hands over the cash the more the click farms will keep right on clicking on the ad.
where is the Ad? If you are referring to the Scn Ad that popped up in my feed the other day the answer it fairly simple. Scn is buying ads and counting them as viewed when someone is exposed to them. Different from the amount of views of bands.
Not sure if that addresses your question for you.
Hi Mick – the advertisement is uploaded as a clip on YouTube. YouTube counter has increased since I.posted the message on the 6th to now be reading 32 million views therefore over a million per day in the past few days.
If pop up views are linked to the YouTube counter then that may explain the rapid counter increase.
“This Ideal Org program is probably the biggest failed program in the history of scientology.”
I have to respectfully disagree.
What is the history of ANYTHING $ci? “Give us MONEY, do these things we tell you and you will reap these (fill in the blank) benefits, we promise.”
Have any of these promises been fulfilled? Better memory, better eyesight, no sickness, better mental health, better marriages, on and on. So the promise that new buildings will bring in multitudes of people is right in line with all of the other empty promises (lies).
BUT, as a $$$ generator, it is probably in the top two or three moneymakers they’ve ever had.
And isn’t that the purpose of the whole scam anyway?
If even a fraction of the abilities that the OT levels claimed were possible, then these buildings would be full. But finding parking spaces and lost keys just ain’t gonna do it.
C’mon,…anyone… create an illusion that I and others can see. Ok, well then just tell me what I’m holding in my hand behind my back?…No? Alright, then make sure you hold that parking space for me. Oh that’s right, the Org’s parking lots are empty…….Wait a minute… that’s so many parking spaces! Must be an OT org!
I just found out, that to my amazement there is actually an Org (Bethpage, LI) 15 minutes away from my present location… I’ve been fighting the fight since the days of OCB and I always thought the closest was the NY Ideal Org and out here on the Island was just the mission in Hicksville… just goes to show how the presence and influence of CoS is just absolutely disintegrating.
As far as the “Why” for the decline, a cogent analysis applying a bit of logic would lend one to come to the conclusion that the LRH policies and practices inherent to CoS have a recipe for failure baked in. A more generous/favorable analysis (being kind) would be taking the position that it’s the twisted and off-tech/off-source meddling of CoB and failed policies and implementations of the DM era, with the “Who” being DM himself…
In any case, #HailXenu
-Chris (Chrz OC on YT)
Chris, I think Long Island was one of the missions made into orgs under strange circumstances, that never should have been and have never really been anything other than mission-sized.
I think Scientology is both inherently dysfunctional, like many totalitarian regimes, and hopelessly dated, like other artifacts of the same era such a beanies with propellers on top or tie-dyed clothes. So I take a sort of middle position regarding DM: I think he was dealt a bad hand.
“This Ideal Org program is probably the biggest failed program in the history of scientology.”
I wouldn’t dispute that in the least. It is their man-eating tiger that they must ride forever, lest they get mauled and devoured.
They could liquidate their properties and redirect their financial resources elsewhere—maybe buy a third world country and live off the grid. Or re-purpose those orgs into something less churchy that would attract the general public. Turn them into arcades, night clubs, or whatever attracts the general public these days.
Of course they’ll never do that. Any change in their grand plan would be admitting that the Ideal Org program was a failure. And we know that the COS is always right, never wrong. If COB has his way, he’ll sacrifice his empire right down to the the last man and last dollar. And somewhere amongst the rubble will be a headstone that reads, “David Miscavige — I’m still right.”
I love getting updates on the state of the orgs.
It boggles me that they can still flog the Ideal Org program to the remaining local orgs yet to achieve the status.
It’s just so evident they’re an empty promise.
Great report!
One of Hubbard’s standing orders to all Author Services Inc staff members, is for each ASI staff member from their position at ASI, come up with ideas to implement and sell LRH’s “properties” such that ASI recoups a million dollars in the fiscal year, by the actions of each ASI staff member. The “million dollars a year” exercise, ASI staffers do or are supposed to do, sort of as a group meeting, and then present to the group their yearly million dollar for LRH plan.
An idea that pops into my head, for these failing Ideal Orgs, is to utilize them as future lives storage facilities.
Have the dupe OT 8s put their most valuable wog world acquired “MEST” stored in these voluminous Ideal Orgs, for retrieval in their next lives.
Use the same legal rules, which if the OT 8 fails to show up within a specified number of years, let’s give them 45 years, from the time of their last death, then the Ideal Org (or Int Landlord Office) recoups the stored valuables of that ex Scientologist OT 8 who stored their riches in the storage parts of these “Ideal Orgs.:
Make the big boxy cavernous Ideal Orgs store the riches of the OT 8s, and reclaim them, when the OT 8s fail to prove those riches are theirs from their previous lives.
(Or maybe better, just utilize one of the bomb proof “vaults” for storing liquid assets of the dying OT 8s, and have the same rules, if not claimed, then Sea Org Reserves collects unclaimed assets.)
That’d be my ex ASI staff member brainchild idea to make for ASI/COS/SeaOrgReserves/IntLandlord a million bucks, minimum, which would be one way to bilk the hardest core dupes “standardly” to keep the movement going longrange.
Chuck Beatty
ex ASI staffer, 1992-1995 before I was RPFed from ASI for lackluster performance, to say the least.
Wow! A very good idea Chuck.
I’ll bet if the Diminutive Midget gets wind of this he’ll implement it fully!
Hip, hip hurray! x3.
Glenn XAG Flaque
The way Chris Shelton explains it the Ideal Orgs program is a real estate scam. David Miscavige owns the buildings and when the org fails he just sells the property and pockets the proceeds.
Well, they don’t ever sell them, other than when they buy the wrong one and then have to buy a new one like in Boston and St. Louis.
I know people in both Org’s
Thanks to L Ron Hubbard’s OT Debug, they were graced with the knowledge from Source, a decade later after purchasing the Ideal money making “Schill’s”, that the buildings were in the wrong location, and were not so “Ideal”after all….meanwhile continuing to cause Total Financial Ruin and bankrupting their staff and field, while the millions of blood dollars flowed up lines into David Miscaviges wee little hands.
My source tells me
St Louis has the Lafayette Square Ideal Org building up for sale but won’t disclose the price
That might piss off the few victims of Scientology in St Louis still wearing the turds (LRH) Boots In The Sky who will believe anything even if it makes no sense
This is know by Scientologists worldwide as
The Golden Age of Scam
They think it’s kewl
I’m just saying what Chris Shelton was saying. The way I see it, Little Davey is just biding his time.
MEST is almighty.
Theta is gone.
Boarded up windows hide how empty the org is. (Do I have to say how wrong Hubbard was on washing windows?)
Ah, the many faces of ‘standard tech’. I kind of got a kick out of the standard tech for watering indoor plants. My life is so much more enriched that I’m all bubbly about it!
As an after thought, Hubbard really pissed a lot of people off, most often at first secretly, (saw it a lot in the course room as a sup) me included, the gaslighting SOB, by assuming everyone else is a moron except him. Only he “knew,” how anything is done. I came across this and thought, yeah, that pretty much sums Hubbard up, (also Miscavige, Cruise et al).
“The narcissistic abuse cycle is a pattern of behavior that starts and ends in the same way. The abuser will start with charm, then move to devaluation and discard. It might sound like this: “You’re so wonderful! I love you so much!” But when things don’t go their way, they say: “I never loved you. You’re such an idiot.” Narcissists offer gifts and promises (lies) but these are just tools to get what they want from others. They enjoy making people feel small and unimportant because it makes them feel powerful.”
Your statement about narcissist’s “They enjoy making people feel small and unimportant because it makes them feel powerful.” made my jaw drop completely.
It actually and truly describes ALL I experienced THROUGHOUT my 5 decades years in the cult. Wow oh wow!! Talk about truth setting one free. What you said was the “item” that floated my needle and got my tone arm waving broadly. Thanks very much.
Good on you Glenn. 5 decades is a long haul mate!
Yeah, it’s hard to fathom people do that, but some do. It’s the ‘enjoyment’ they get out of it which is just so foreign to the good conduct displayed; it escapes detection, like a snake in the grass.