What is so sad about this is that they take themselves seriously.
What is the correct estimation of effort to get the job done? The “job” they are referring to is attaining a “Cleared Planet.” It’s what every scientologist has in their mind as the ultimate objective of their efforts.
“Correct estimation of effort” and “Orders of Magnitude” are Hubbard catchphrases that scientologists use routinely.
In simple terms, this briefing is purportedly going to explain what they really need to have and do to Clear the Planet.
Of course, it would be a momentous thing if anyone in scientology really announced this. Certainly it would not come from the nebulous “Office of Special Affairs” and it would not be delivered to a handful of people at a mission… This is a Captain Miscavige briefing if ever there was one.
What any suckers who show up to this briefing will be told is that in order to “make planetary clearing a reality” they need to get active as scientologists, get on course and in session, and hand over more money. There won’t be any talk of anything other than what each person needs to do. It’s all on them.
Of, how they miss the vast forest for the leaves on one sapling.
What such a briefing would actually require would be some simple math.
They need to clear 8 billion people. If they want to do it in 10 years (without taking into account the new people being added during that time) they need to clear 800 million people per year.
For the sake of simple math and giving them every possible advantage, let’s take as a basis for the calculations of the biggest org in the history of scientology, a “Super Org” — TEN times the size of “Old St Hill.” Such a Super Org may be able to clear 100 people per week (remember, most scientology orgs have not cleared 100 people in a DECADE) if they could find enough people willing to come in and try it out. That would be 5,000 Clears a year for each Super Org. That means they would need 160,000 Super Orgs. Not the 160 small and failing orgs they currently have.
So, they need to open 159,840 new Super Orgs this week. Every month that goes by that they don’t open the needed 160,000 Super Orgs they have to add a bit less than 2,000, so next month they will 162,000 Super Orgs, the month after that 164,000. Yet, they haven’t ever accomplished a single Super Org. They have the same number of orgs today as they had 20 years ago. There are no orgs at all in China, India or anywhere in Asia other than Japan and Taiwan. There are no orgs in Africa other than in S. Africa. No orgs in Brazil.
The correct estimation of effort is actually a very simple equation: give up, it’s hopeless.
For the process of World Clearing to begin, the cult would have to start something new. They haven’t done ANYTHING new in ages. Just idiotic videos of masked cult members marching purposefully in random places and claiming they’re saving the world while doing that. All Miscavige wants is to live the next thirty years in grand luxury, on the backs of generations of religious slaves imported from the Third World. And the bribed politicians and police will let him get away with it.
“And the bribed politicians and police will let him get away with it.”
Yes. They will let him get away with it. But for how long?
I get the feeling things may be nearing a climax for this cult and I hope we will soon see some fundamental shift in the status of the Glorious Little Leader.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see him sharing a cell with Danny Masterson? If not wonderful, at least it would represent some Justice – Finally!
They cannot even apply the correct estimation of effort to clearing a tiny area. Mission of Sunland-Tujunga? There’s at most 50,000 people in those two cities (towns?). Missions tend to be more in the 1-10 range of staff members. Missions cannot offer much more than Dianetic co-audits/auditing and basic courses, so no one can be “Cleared” without be routed to an org and from there to an Advanced Org. (And, of course, it would take that one individual spending tens of thousands of dollars and many hours on course or being audited, while hoping they don’t get recruited somewhere along the line.)
If Clear really was such an amazing state, and rippled outward, the correct focus would be on getting every staff member Clear first. Every time they imagine an estimation of effort, they dub in this expanding bubble of their version of sanity, clear, theta. Something that has never proven to be the case.
If clear was a thing, people would be knocking down the doors, period.
If anything in scientology reliably worked as advertised, scientology would BE that “millions strong” they keep trotting out, instead of that pitiful few huddling in their big, empty, idle orgs dreaming their fantasies of doing the impossible in the face of the facts showing how impossible those fantasies are. There has never been a “Book one clear”; the human mind just doesn’t work that way, despite Hubbard’s oft-repeated assertion. His “science” had nothing resembling the scientific method having even a nodding acquaintance to his working style and techniques.
I was just wondering if by now there are more Seaorg members than there are public Scientologist? Has it come to the point that Seaorg is mostly catering to itself yet?
The mega donors (whales) should be totally aware that should they decide to leave the cult
or be jettisoned out for connecting to Cult declared “SPs”
There are NO refunds. NONE.
The money is gone with the argument that charitable donations are non refundable.
Caveat emptor
Striving to reach a goal that does not exist.
Not so smart. Like I tell my folks here at work:
“Don’t do stupid stuff!”
Many of us were devoted Scientologists for decades. If they had just not been abusive, we probably would still be part of group even if we did not have the monumental wins some people claim. Way before I gave up on group I realized clearing the planet was an impossibility. BtW MIke I never would have protected a rapist or child molester. I don’t think or at least I hope that many Scientologists would not protect them but I could be wrong. Someone told me about Aftermath program with Sergio (teen who had to audit a pedophile) and that moved me from doubters to certain I did not want to part of group. How insane is it to have a child audit and adult criminal? The whole idea of children being counselors is insane. I always found teen ethics officers to be incompetent and stupid. After hearing about the Aftermath show I jumped onto the internet and found out Scientology abuses were way worse than I imagined. It is sad that I viontributed to that group for so long and was not aware they protected criminals (aren’t criminals PTS per their own fake scriptures?) And also broke laws and tried to frame people for crimes (Paulette Cooper and others). They probably would be doing so much better as a group if they hadn’t followed Hubbard’s insane ideas of abuse.
Teen ethics officers at flag.
That’s not a fan, it’s my eyes rolling.
Of COURSE the teen ‘ethics’ officers are incompetent. Hubbard’s ‘ethics was nothing more than a control structure to ensure everyone did exactly what he ordered, even when it had been proven not to work as he guaranteed it would. Getting ‘ethics in’ was code for punishing everyone who couldn’t get out of the firing line fast enough. Often the punishments were arbitrary, capricious, and often spiteful for anyone who looked the wrong way at the wrong time.
Never mind orders of magnitude. I submit:
The absolute maximum make-it-go-right effort possible that could be achieved by Scn:
1) Every scio would have to empty their bank account, max their credit cards and sell all of their assets.
2) Then every scio would have to join staff somewhere and work 24/7 until planetary clearing was achieved.
And even then, it wouldn’t be enough.
Here’s a prediction: Somewhere down the line, DM will redefine “planetary clearing” making it sound more realistic and doable. Unlikely? Well, it would just be the sort of moving-the-goalposts tactic that DM has been using since day one.
IMO, the right order of magnitude for them is to switch to another game. Dwarfenführer’s® game is — by definition — unwinnable by anyone but Miscavige, and his “prize” is likely liver disease and some of the problems smoking like a chimney brings on. He STARTED with asthma, so more asthma or other COPD is likely, as are stroke —which ain’t no joke, I attest — and heart disease which can be as serious as a heart attack.
Chris, I think it would take “all hands” like that just to try to halt Scientology’s decline – and I’m not sure they have any chance at even succeeding at that, much less keeping up with population growth or even exceeding it to make the sort of gains they imagine (or fantasize). Even if they had some idea that it would only take a few percent to somehow catalyze clearing, that’s still way beyond their reach now; even 1% would be 80 million clears, and they’re only around .1% of that.
I imagine that it must be like the sort of attempts at fantastic pep talks giving to other failing, aging groups like Christian Scientists, or the Shakers around the turn of the last century when their remaining communities were almost all in the midst of collapse.
I noticed a few of the whales that were mentioned in the Impact mag report you did a couple days ago were folks that I had known in years past. Steve and Wendy Hectman are now in the 17+ million dono range so must be doing really well.
It’s curious how smart people seem to be so math challenged. Makes me think it’s obviously not about ‘the math’ but still incredible given they have to run a business in the ‘wog world’ where basic math somehow has to work to stay in business.
The only other explanation is they are also caught up in the ‘Exceptional American Capitalism’ approach to life which seems to favor spending more than you earn by borrowing from your (or someone else’s) future.
So lets say you have managed to purchase a home valued at $1,000,000 ten years ago. You got a fixed rate, put $100,000 down and are making payments on a 30 yr. mortgage and are say 50 yrs old. Fast forward to last year when real estate took a bounce to all time highs.
IAS reg comes in and you decide to refi your home now valued at $2 mil and give 3/4 of a mil to Dave. No problem. Now you are 60 yrs old, still have the 30 yr mortgage at a somewhat higher rate and owe 2 mil. No worries, real estate always goes up and besides, your business is doing well and the stock market always goes up ……..!
It’s kinda like Scamology, things are always good when you make a dono; your STATUS always goes up.
Yo Dave,
Thought you might like to know how shitty things have been goin since you gave me the ESS PEE DECLARE. Yep, stats are way down. No mortgage, no debt, no regges, no phone calls, no requests from friends (or family) to borrow for a dono or credit card payment, none of that fun stuff at all. I gotta tell ya just how crappy it is to not have all that excitin stuff hapinin this fine holiday season. I do have a couple nickels left to rub together fer a present or two though. No, not fer you.
Hey, speakin of TWO, howz yer stats looking this week good buddy?
It’s not LIKE scamlogy, it IS scamology.
This, from what friends told me in past, is very small misdion which is open maybe a few evenings or a few hours several days a week. Local, long term Scientologists use it to take small courses so they don’t have to make the trip into LA and can be on a very abbreviated schedule (orgs would try to get them in for at least 12 hours a week but misdion would be happy with a few hours. That way they can convince themselves they are still active. The Montrose mission which is close by is open from 3-10 pm M -Th and 9-6 on weekends. Last I heard they had no course supervisors so they could not deliver any courses, but that might have changed. There was a handful of staff. Both these missions are in an area with high number (relatively) of old Scientologists – most been in 30-50 years. Did you see TWTH promo – they only need 4.8 million more booklets sent out to make their target for L.A.!
And most of those old timers have no money left to donate, have high debt levels and are approaching a time of life where fixed income is a reality. Maybe they have time to help with course supervision …… or maybe they need a sec check!
Yo Dave,
Time to bring out the Ole Fart Rundown and git some of these low producers back in the game good buddy. BTW, say hi to Marion Pouw and Mike Sutter for me this holiday season.
Sadly, for most scns, that “fixed income” could be $0, since scns are “encouraged” to convert all their assets and any retirement funds into statuses in Davey’s shrinking fiefdom.
Yep, all stats in the Cult are going to zero.
Zero new bodies in the shop.
Zero new shops.
Zero in plebes savings accnts.
Zero in Orgs bank accounts.
Zero events
Zero fun
Zero everything except for one.
All time highs: Dislike of He who likes to mail dildos to people He doesn’t know!
Yo Dave,
You, good buddy are a ZERO. Next stat graph will use the minus designation (-) which is yer new target. You’ve herd of Target Two ……. welcome to the minus target. Check yer shorts, it’s there somewhere.
I wonder if current cult members ever look around and notice that there are few, if any, new members. It seems like it would be a wake up call for current members that they are being lied to regarding growing membership. Did you ever notice that the cult crowds were shrinking and there were no new faces?
I think there’s a trick of seeing the trickle of new people and thinking all of them stick around. Anyone who blows tends to be erased, don’t ask about them, don’t ask where they went, and those who don’t want to see it as member shrinkage are more likely to dub in that they moved, they got recruited by the S.O., and other reasons that help maintain the illusion/delusion.
Everyone in the orgs is convinced that the “no new members” problem is local to their org, that all OTHER orgs are expanding by leaps and bounds. That’s what COB is asserting, so you better believe it.
A much more realistic question is “What is the correct estimation of effort needed to shut down Scientology so as to free those under its control?” At the rate of its contraction over the last 3 decades and worsening PR, it is not a question of “if”, its only a question of “when”. Fact. Tick, tock…..
I’d say ‘no effort needed’. Seems like Dave is doing a splendid job all by Himself …….. which seems to be the way he likes it.
Keep up the good work, Dave.
November 2013, he disappears the VI and VIII course..and everything not GAT II
The Eastern European chick I was Solo drilling with had just finished X years at Flag learning English training to VI, and had just that week passed her last test and was ready to intern.
Certs are good for a year un-interned.
I often think of her.
He just adiosed EVERY issue not reissued with the GAT II date.
And it blows my mind, the size of that unspoken elephant in the room.
Miscavige is the most successful SP scientology has ever encountered. He’s dismantling it quite effectively while building up quite the nested for himself. As “tired” as his more recent pictures have shown him, I wonder if he’ll ever get to enjoy the spoils of his scheme in this lifetime. He seems not to be enjoying ANYthing much as I read the reports. He’s self-imprisoned in his tower office so he can’t be served summons to stand trial for his misdeeds, his wife is 3,000 miles away, imprisoned in her own tower, and his best bud seems to be out of the picture, off doing his own thing.
But Mike;
You have not yet explained where these SDIOs (Super Dooper Ideal Orgs) are going to staff up with HSBC trained auditors, OEC trained staff, and FEBC trained executives. Miscavige has some explaining to do.
Insurmountable, is a word that comes to my mind.
Let’s just speculate for a moment that with the snap of fingers that the long sought goal of planetary clearing actually happened. Can you imagine the utter chaos? That would mean that all of a sudden everyone’s OT III case has kicked in because all these clears are suddenly smack dab in the middle of the no-interference zone. The whole population would go psychotic and with the recent news of the latest Mauna Loa eruption they would be absolutely barking. Fortunately for humanity there is no such thing as clear let alone OT. Planetary clearing has never really been the goal no matter how many times that phrase has been repeated from the ol’ grifter down to the lowliest body router. The only goal in scientology is to have the long con continue. In scientology it’s always about the money and only about the money.
A Jehovahs Witness member might say that the Apocalypse is coming with the latest Mauna Loa eruption.
Yes sure “Clearing the Planet” was an intention for me to become a scientologist… later in experience it was not really visible… one of my problems was – there were always SP’s who tried to stop this… but this guys had to know much more than everybody else… … and I found also the reactive mind must be much more able than me… and all SP’s must have absolute power – the power to direct and stop any theta… and I found with such ideas in mind… there will never be a cleared planet… it goes with the idea that scientologists were obviously Suppressors for themselves… Not so hot as a games condition… And when I read this OT III story later… oh boy – oh boy… oh boy… Why have all this strong guys so much control over us weak guys? Manipulate or change Intentions… oh boy, oh boy… that is Scientology, too… and Clearing the Planet is finally per LRH… free the BTs… so that nobody is any longer influenced by really strong, but absolutely weak, guys… so what is that all – and what means Clearing?
This event is to be held at the scientology mission of Sunland. That seems to be quite a step down from an event held at PAC Base. In the photo posted at the top of the mission’s Facebook page, 98% of the people shown in it are old, and some are quite elderly. There is quite a lot of gray hair there.
One reason why Hubbard catchphrases are repeated day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year and decade after decade is that the event presenters and sponsors keep regurgitating the same old message. They also depend on surveyed buttons from the mission or org’s promotion department.
Scientology needs to throw in the towel. Listen to what Mike Rinder is saying. His figures do not lie.
Of course the Regges will be there,
That is the only thing in Scamology that still registers a pulse for the ordained!
“The correct estimation of effort is actually a very simple equation: give up, it’s hopeless.” So true.
It’s better to see the Emperor’s New Clothes than to admit the naked truth and have to live in this scary wog world and figure out how to live on your own without someone telling you what to do or what step to take on that bridge to no where.