Something I had not seen before was sent to me recently. It is a website called Orgable.
Apparently you can now get “Administrative Software for the 21st Century” if you subscribe for a monthly fee. Never mind it is actually provenly unworkable, bureaucratic administrative technology from the 1950’s.
According to their website, this administrative software includes “everything you need to expand” — including an org board.
What software provides an Org Board is a little unclear, but I hate to tell their potential subscribers that if they want this “21st Century technology” they can get it in one of the scientology handbook handouts, or buy the whole book at a second hand bookstore for 50 cents.
Based on the Basic pricing, you also get software for Statistics, Production Quotas and Battle Plans. Who knew?
And for an additional monthly charge, you can access the “Professional” level which also gets you Internal Communications System, Company Policies, Hat Write-Ups, Programs Tracking and Administrative Scale.
The Enterprise level seems to be a bit vague, perhaps they could use some of their super tech to figure this one out.
It’s all very curious. Perhaps someone knows a little more about this amazing new deal?
In the videos on Facebook, dated 2019, showing how the graph sections work, he specifically states “now I do want to remind you that we are based on the works of L Ron Hubbard”.
Hmm, scientology-tainted methodology to help you run an organization, and for only 25 bucks a month? What could possibly go wrong?
Judging by the present state of fail in every facet of scientology, how about a solid NOPE!
The statistics angle to running a business seems okay, in certain contexts.
But like the weather, if the weather is bad, and your business is farming, you can’t really fix the weather with Condition Formulas, unless you start additional businesses, or have saved up some piggy bank savings from prior years to tide you over when the weather is bad.
The Hubbard solutions administratively deflect off of the product of what really is Scientology selling.
Scientology is selling quackery.
The quackery of Scientology is Hubbard’s creation. He’s to blame for the quackery.
The Hubbard administrative stuff, best case scenario, presumes your business sales product(s) are legit.
What I think might have happened at sometimes in Scientology history is they have had upswings in sales and delivery of the quackery in times when people didn’t quit and ask for their money back (as Hubbard did try to pretend to allow refunds and repayments, which today’s Scientology has closed these options to get repayments and refunds it seems).
But Scientology’s quackery sales was bolstered and did have some spurts in viability during times when they didn’t have to pay back repayments and refunds and had plenty of customers buying and doing the Scientology quackery, so the Hubbard administrative rules possibly did play a part in those “success” times.
But the movement is selling quackery, and that catches up to any business doing that.
The admin always deflects blame to the staffs and followers of Scientology. And never did Hubbard allow the staffs or followers of official Scientology ever blame him.
You have to become a squirrel splinter Scientology quackery engaging person to escape Hubbard official blame.
Keeping Quackery Working always blames the followers and staffs, never does the quackery founder, Hubbard, ever allow anyone to blame him.
Important history note: Hubbard in the very end of his life did admit failure, his own OT 7 solo exorcism was failing even himself, he admitted. And he told one person he didn’t plan to return to earth. That’s Treason, per his own “lower condition” rules. The followers of Scientology ought to know of his final state of mind and what he said, as told in the final pages of the “Going Clear….” must read book.
Orgable appears to be the 4-year old side project of a Seattle-based Facebook software engineer and sometime scn auditor, Florian Laplantif. (Not to be confused with the phone app of the same name used for buying fresh fruits and vegetables across cities in India). Based on its fairly vague self-description, it seems to offer some fairly pedestrian software functionality tailored to camouflaging the same 1950s “tech” that has produced a slew of dead orgs as 21th century breakthrough administrative technology.
An odd requirement is that corporate customers purchase a minimum of 100 user licenses. What makes this strange is that the business “tech” generally preys on small businesses that feel overwhelmed by the operational aspects of running a dental office or a chiropractor’s clinic and may thus be soft targets for being tricked into hubbardism. It would appear to me that businesses of the size targeted by this software may be a bit more circumspect than convenient.
Tellingly, as in so many cult-based proselytizing efforts, the “credit” of “Based in part on the works of L. Ron Hubbard” is snuck in as the fine print. What should be this product’s central feature is found (or “accidentally” overlooked) in small font at the right bottom of the web page; the place where every web designer will tell you no one ever looks.
It would appear that the hubbard “tech” tie-in is actually NOT the primary selling point, the star of the show, but a liability that must be carefully circumnavigated. I wouldn’t expect any help screens covering crucial questions such as “where’s Shelly” or “who is Xenu.” But there may well be a feature for conveniently creating whoisxyz web sites for employees quitting in disgust.
In case they haven’t noticed, you can get real open source management software for free that might actually help a business stay solvent:
Let’s be honest. This “tech” has never generated anything substantial.
You see in the Sea Org where it is seriously applied down to commas – otherwise they are, always seriously, kicked in the butt – so what is the result? A definite nothing.
It is the usual jumble of things copied by hubbard around and then presented as his discoveries.
You see the orgs that have been struggling since earlier 50’s and it seems that they are only there to be able to pay for the electricity and to accumulate rent debts.
Scn is not a solution, nor is it for themselves no matter how hard they try to be convinced of it.
Does it come with a virtual Hole to send your employees to if they mess up?
What’s the bet that the software “assistant” is a tiny drunken Miscavige that screams and swears profusely and throws empty scotch bottles at you when you make a mistake.
2836 32nd Ave W
Seattle, WA 98199
(206) 718-0993
Principle Florian Laplantif,- long time scamologist
The last thing you need if you want to expand and succeed is a boxed, rigid, inflexible, robotic, failed, and unworkable system of running your operations.
You are more likely to succeed by doing the opposite of what they say to do.
Hay, processed through the bowels of a male bovine.
They’re selling PROVEN techniques on how to bankrupt your enterprise and alienate your prospective clients and suppliers.
Orgable sounds fantastic!!! I’m sure that there is also a feature that allows users to write up standard Knowledge Reports and has a large Ethics file for every user or potential user. It probably directs users to the correct Ethics Condition formula based on their current statistics. How fun is that? The Enterprise Level surely has high tech features that allow for connections to Telex Machines so users can stay in touch with Command Intention programs that aren’t meant for less dedicated users.
When your organization really takes off (as it surely will) using this modern tech extracted from the whole track, that information can also be passed on to IAS regges so that you are able to “keep your exchange in” with those who need your cash for planetary expansion.
The package is ordinary Scientology: You send us money in exchange for promises. We deny any promises were ever made, and force you into a contract including cherch-ly faux-arbitration, which is then used to prove you were wrong in the first place to think there were ever any promises made. They continue with the assertion that itza fakt, Jackt, that it’s all yer fawlt, allaways haz bean, allawayz will bee, forever and ever, a men. Hip hip hooray, ya dig?
So thank you for the money, and don’t forget to send more. We will continue with our fantaxtic successes in the spit-on-you-all realm, never mind the fineer print, OK?
Another great way for the clampire to know exactly what’s going on in the WISE enterprises
Nice privacy policy, too.
Your data will be shared with cult regges.
You can sell excrement if you can package it correctly. This appears to be another example of that marketing principle. I bet Author Services gets a cut too. Expect $cieno owned marketing companies to tout that useless bit of crap for the next 20 years.
You can’t really function well as an organization until you fully implement HCO PL Order Board and Time Machine … (hope I got the title right) …
*ok, this is kind of inside baseball, apologies to Never-Ins … couldn’t stop myself …
**Now let’s all memorize the 50 or so types of Dev-T …
If Hubbard’s administrative technology actually worked it would be used independently.
Keeping in view the revelations from defected members, its proven that it is as fake as as LRH himself.
A organizational and working style borrowed from US malitery is of no use when the serving officers and veterans joining Universities for Graduate and the Post Graduate studies to learn and implement new working style , as per the needs of mordern era.
In the end, if work is done by ” force” ,physical and mental torture, then it can only be labelled as Cult practices.
Torture never works. I once suggested online that Waterboarding be replaced by Snowboarding.
Marine: Welcome to the fine State of Colorado, n*mbn*ts! This is a snowboard! You will ride this snowboard down the side of this (very steep) mountain! You will have fun!
Jihadi: But fun is forbidden in Islam!
Marine: Well that’s too f*ck*ng bad, n*mbn*ts! [SHOVE!]
One thing which left in my last post was the litmus test ( quick test) to see if it’s mind game or education.
If we look at all mainstream religion the students / trainees do face real world in daily life and act as normal person.
For example you may visit Christian theology colkege/Unvesrity / seminaries and chat with students about different aspects of Christianity or politics , current affairs etc.
Many famous personalities graduated from these institutions.
Contrary to that if you recall Cults like James Johnstone , David Quresh, Heavens Gate etc , their teachings and life bound to the ranch or mansion where they lived.
They were totally cutoff from real world as it would distract them .
That’s why there were too much protective about their members.
It was Truman show .The teachings and its applications were confined to that geographical boundary.
When you go though the stories the Sea org members defected , you will notice their admission that they were unaware of every day living our side their geographical boundary. Infact they were got scared of lack skills and financial resources to survive by their own.
Now you ask yourself, does knowledge set you free or make you you get caved in ?
Over 70 years of history none of the business or public entity get benefitted by it, nor any research journal or Unvesrity acknowledged its existence.
There is fine line between Education and Mind manipulation.
Oh My God! Where’s my barf emoticon. On second thought, where’s my pile of shit emoticon.
Apple doesn’t provide the emoticon I’d actually like to use.
Yeah, it sure smelled like Blubbard’s bullshit and low and behold Orgable’s website confirms it is all based on it.
It says “We created Orgable so you can achieve success.
Our mission: empower entrepreneurs and executives to unleash the full power of Hubbard® Administrative Technology to grow their organizations like never before.”
Hope any potential customers/victims read all the fine print and even Google Hubbard Administrative Technology so as to avoid falling down this rabbit hole.
Scientologist Florian Laplantif is Orgable’s Chief Executive Office. Further Internet searches show that he appears to operate out of a residential home in Seattle, WA, purchased in 2007. From that year to at least 2017, he has been fully indoctrinated in the absurdities of that cult. In 2017, he did most of the OT levels. Merry Christmas Implant, Florianl!
1950’s is being generous. It’s more early 20th century industrial management, crossed with wartime Navy practices Hubbard experienced in the 1940s which were inefficiently top-down and wasteful, in temporary response to an existential threat which made material and lives expendable, and extravagant costs inconsequential. It’s also the approach which then almost resulted in economic defeat by the Germans and Japanese in the second half of the 20th century, until US businesses and organizations adopted more agile and quality-oriented practices – while scientology has stuck with the nearly century-old management style that is failing it.
I’ve ordered two…………..
LaFacePlant kept one for his archives, you ordered two*, does that mean 300% growth overnight? Or, is it 300% x 31 days = 9,300% monthly growth for December? How about 300% x 365 1/4 days = 109,575% annual growth, straight up and vertical?
*…the world wonders,
no J&D allowed, this isn’t dilettante stuff, ya know.
Mike they also have a facebook page. Of course it’s wise stuff.
It looks like they started something there in 2018 and the last update or comment I found is from 2019. It doesn’t seem like it’s gone very far.