No wonder the “ideal org” in Orlando never gets mentioned even though it is BY FAR the closest org to Flag and Tampa — both of whom are busily trying to raise funds for Miami and Atlanta.
This is Orlando’s “ideal org” website, last updated sometime in 2011, though they seem to have an automatic counter that adds a day from “Ideal Orgs Seminar 2011.”
They got a “building approved” — hooray for us! An instant “ideal org” — plucked right out of a hat. Amazing. It truly represents Miscavige’s ideal org tag-line “just add water and mix.”
It looks quite impressive. Nice building in what appears to be a light industrial area of Orlando (so it certainly fits with the other clunker buildings they have found to put ideal orgs in, Malmo and Mountain View spring immediately to mind).
But I guess Quinn The Eskimo was busy with Valley and the voice of Mickey Mouse isn’t interested (Spongebob, Donald Duck and Bullwinkle also declined) so they never purchased the building. In fact, according to this site, it was auctioned again on 19 June 2014. And it was NOT bought by the church.
Meanwhile, in this era of massive international expansion unlike anything seen before in the history of the universe, the straight up and vertical boom and the floods of people pouring up the Bridge with GAT II and the unprecedented success of the IAS sponsored worldwide dissemination campaigns and the salvage of mankind with the 4th dynamic campaigns and vanquishing the psychs, and, and, and…
Here is what the booming Orlando Org looks like today:
There is an LRH datum that a management body is known by the state of its nearest org.
Now you’ve seen their website and their org and you didn’t need to leave the comfort of your own home. What is the state of the management body of scientology? (Of course, Miscavige is scientology according to the sworn testimony of his RTC subordinates).
But I have a better datum: Miscavige’s lies are known by the state of Google searches.
It sucks to be Miscavige in what really IS a golden age of readily accessible information.
The actual character of Scientology shows through their choice of buildings.
Their buildings are mainly business buildings, trying to spruce up business buildings.
An analysis of the character of Scientology, could be done, by the images of all the buildings they’ve chosen to inhabit and deliver their religious services:
a) motels, hotels,
b) small business buildings, small mini mall shops
c) offices in office buildings
d) large homes of richer people
c) larger business buildings
The Scientology religious movement choice of delivery location is business buildings!
Not a religious looking building choice (exception is for instance the Cinncy/Florence KY org which is in a church building compound)
It reflects back and most Scientologists have not a clue of this major irreligious architectural choice, especially their choice of going for the business building look!
This post pleases me.
I drive past here on a weekly basis. Very rarely have I seen more than one poor soul inside. In fact, it was this very spot that got me hooked on Scientology watching. I drove by on the fateful day of the mass, Anon protests in 2008. I saw someone with a sign that said “Xenu is my homeboy” and immediately drove home to Google hearsay WTF that was all about. Boy, did I fall down the proverbial rabbit hole!
I hear you! It was Beyond Belief that drew me in and then Bare Faced Messiah that got me hooked
This church isn’t in as bad a neighborhood as you’d think. It’s on Colonial Drive, which is one of the main roads through Orlando. Lots of traffic, both on wheel and on foot, but I’ve never seen any Scientologists take advantage of it. Once or twice, I saw a man standing outside the building with a sign that said “Free Stress Test,” but that was it.
Scientology’s presence in Orlando is nil. The church got more attention a few years ago during the Anonymous protests than in perhaps its entire time in Orlando.
The trend is down grading Ideal Orgs,
David Miscavige must know this or is he lied to creatively.
I cannot imagine, the Ideal Org program really is a total bust, surely
the COB has had wind of this for years.
I think the Ideal Orgs look fine. And I don’t think a consistent look to the buildings is necessary, if you could get people to fill the building. That is the real problem.
The ideal orgs look wonderful. So they should for an average outlay of $15 million for 60,000 sq ft buildings.
Nobody that I know of has ever said otherwise.
See post coming soon that explains WHY IDEAL ORGS….
Could David Miscavige be a CIA plant? A master plan by the globalists to thwart the progress of actual scientology to the world? Or is it just one big sick cruel joke?
There is no globalist plot, in the overall scheme of things, nobody cares about scientology. It is insignificant to the vast majority of the world. It is only those who have come in direct contact with it — a tiny, tiny percentage of the population — that have any interest at all.
Scientology is a sick, cruel joke. No Miscaviges needed.
I was once a faithful parishioner at the Orlando org. It was the Orlando ideal org project that would become my wake up call. I would think to myself that there was hardly anyone in this org on course, or in session. what would it possibly serve to buy that building? And with what money? There is only like two whales that I know of since that org opened up in the eighties that could donate any significant amount of cash to this endeavor.The EOs office had great big holes in the wall with insulation sticking out. I didn’t think I could get Scientology elsewhere. Boy, was I wrong. long live independent Scientology. Long live SPs.
Thanks James! Best wishes!
I see the starting bid was $800,000 and it was to be auctioned in June. Anyone know how much it went for? What the parishioners paid for it? And where would the money go from the sale?
Thanks for posting this Mike!
They never bought it. They had an “approved” building 3 years ago but did not buy it and it has been sold twice since then.
Excellent post Mike. Let me get this straight….they show a building on their website that they’ve never owned. They did manage a big donate button I see. The corporate church has some very strange priorities. These building purchases are SO important to the salvation of mankind, yet they are so disorganized and out of it, that they can’t take care of their main communication portal, their website. It reminds me of the 20 people on my doorstep who demanded I get to flag, but when I got there, no one knew I was coming or had any of the data that I communicated or gave a shit. They had absolutely no shame in lying and absolutely no shame in the upsets and waste that resulted. The corporate church has completely abandoned the senior concept of ARC=Understanding for lying, fakery and duplicity.
If they can’t raise money for a new building can they at least raise $3.00 to buy some Windex and clean that filthy sign?
Interesting… While Windex is not allowed on windows (because LRH wrote a policy on how to clean windows), maybe it’ll be allowed on a sign?
(ref: Peter Bonyai’s very good book 🙂 )
Wow Mike, it was actually a bit shocking when I scrolled down and saw the final picture. Just wow…
Use the magic words ‘abracadabra” and the magic hat will provide more money, money and more money.
But a better magician, Mike Rinder, has found a better magic trick where facts are being relayed in the fringes of the internet and ( to be redundant) magically people keeps disappearing from the Church.
OSA starts searches trying to find where all these people disappeared, they look under the magic hat and can’t find no one. By now they have run out of Golden Rod paper so, is better to keep it quiet while trying to discover new tricks on how to apply disconnection without this falling on all media news about Magic.
The competition is tight but, based on ‘statistics alone’ this blog is going straight up and vertical while the Church’s PR is collapsing form all sides.
Abracadabra Miscavige, you are next on line to magically disappear.
when I was a course sup at Flag, I trained a bunch of Sea Org execs, in the staff course room, and also when I was Asst Sup then Lead Sup in the OEC/FEBC course room.
I had to pick up student/staff member’s materials, review a few pages, then ask “How are you going to apply……..(fill in the blank)…… to your future post.”
I recall when Larry Frazier had to come study the advices on Estates, and OEC Volume 7, for his “CS-E” positions, Commodore’s Staff Aide for Estates, which was for all the church buildings, all hierarchies of the bureaucracy.
Over the years, I had to do the same, in various other people’s training, and while people were on OEC Volume 7, or doing other hats in the Sea Org.
I’d skimmed over the Int Landlord advices.
So, there really needs to be some discussion, somewhere, of where the movement is going with their buildings, by people who read all LRH wrote, and then figure it out.
Historically, religions have some buildings that somehow symbolically have some sort of relation to their religious practice.
Scientology’s got no religious building architecture style that matches it’s religious spiritual aims.
That makes this whole Ideal Org era, a massive “half done” in Scientology history, even if LRH is to fault for this being a big half done.
LRH’s own half dones and LRH’s own omitted planning ideas, have to be also thought past!
I’ve seen that the Cinncy org, in Florence, KY, at least settled in the normal urban complex of church buildings vacated by another Christian church! I visited the Cinncy/florence Ideal Org, just drove around it, and thought, hmmm, Jeannie’s making this building setup “work.”
I think we all have seen in the US big cities, how other denominations take over the leftover churches of those churches that left their buildings behind!
Cinncy’s building is such a setup, and Jeannie seems to be making somewhat of a go of that re-use of another church’s buildings tradition that is “normal” for other denominations.
But it left me thinking that still no building that Scientology uses, really fits the cosmic crusade that Scientology is supposed to be engaged in, and that even this massive misdirection of money towards these business looking buildings, in this half done planning style that LRH left them, is still NOT long range correct for them, if they are really long range serious about future lives, and of LRH’s big ideas, like on the tech film on the Briefing Course that has the young 14 year or Scientologist running a TR course on another planet way up in the future!
If Scientologists really grasped what the supposed big future holds, they’ll have to someday replace all these buildings they’re today focusing on anyways!
In the big “sectors” view of Scientology, their tech sector, is not producing results enough to convince the world of the big future ahead views that LRH’s “case” crank therapy movement is supposed to really instill and make “real.”
The estates buildings category is a sub sector of another less priority sector the movement, at best.
For a non Scientologist, ex member, I think this is all massive waste and delusion, anyways, but what I’m saying here is something that Scientology top managers OUGHT to be thinking about, but then again the bigger issue is all this waste and focus on buildings, at this time, is off purpose of delivering more auditing and through the auditing results see if Scientology really is any new valid religion, or not.
Yes, not only is it a fund raising scam but it also serves the purpose of stroking Miscavage’s interior-decorator ego, who has to “approve” everything. I agree that the buildings are hideously mismatched to any supposed valid purpose but perfectly aligned with Miscavage’s megalomaniacal ego and horrible sense of taste.
Mike, this is an all time GREAT post.
One question,what happened to the top three floors of the ORG ?
Stolen by Marty Rathbun,Aliens,Zombies?
Where’s all the people?.
Definetly D.M. is not eating them, way too pale and gaunt for that.
The only potentially more stupid real estate evolution I have ever heard of is in China, where in recent years whole new cities have been built that are essentially standing empty. A book could be written of what not to do, going org by org and what has happened to date, or not happened to date, with the execution of the Ideal org “strategy” for that org.
This has to be probably the worst part of town in Orlando! Don’t go down there after dark. 🙁
Is there an HCOPL that requires an org look like a ghetto liquor store? If there is, Orlando really does have the “ideal org”.
According to what I know, Dave is aware of this datum regarding the state of the nearest org. Walter Kotric, CO CLO EU told me a story about that. Back in 2001, they were alerted by the RTC Rep EU that Dave was planning an inspection of CLO EU. The usual preparatory steps were taken (frantic cleaning to white glove standards, replacing the worst looking crew uniform pieces, sending the SO members on missions whom Dave hated for some reason etc.). Dave arrived at the CLO gates, then turned around and went into the Copenhagen Org (a very small, almost nonexistent org which was then located in the same building as the CLO), quoting the aforementioned LRH datum stating that now he knew all about the state of the CLO and then left.
I think Dave also likes how Walter fears him, and Walter is super “Yes sir” to Miscavige, and Walter is a roaring demanding good continental “Captain”.
Do you have a sense for the EU orgs today?
Everyone who is interested in Sea Org OTL history and really how thoroughly the Sea Org current lifestyle is lived and played out in EU, should read your book! It’s very well written as you EU people can write! You fellow staff characters help carry the story!
Chuck, as far as I know, the situation is mostly stayed the same in the last 10-15 years. There are a few orgs which are doing relatively well (Milano in Italy, Budapest in Hungary, St. Petersburg in Russia and probably Munich in Germany), the rest is pretty meh. The Ideal Orgs (Berlin, Madrid, Malmo) usually follow the same cycle: they get a big boost before they are opened, and then slowly decline, gradually losing most of the hastily added personnel.
“Miscavige’s lies are known by the state of Google searches.”
I guess it made perfect sense to “approve” such a huge building given that almost no one was then or is coming or going from the current location. 4 stories, 12,000 sq ft ea = 48,000 sq ft. Huh? I suppose they could turn the penthouse into 60 200sf bedrooms with bunk beds to house 120 homeless staff.
A one time true believer, I used to dream of when I’d win the lottery and ride in as the knight in shining armour to buy my local org a shiny new building to show the world that scientology was successful, after all. Gee, what does that say about me? 😉
That you’re generous and that you want to help make the world a better place. Sometimes, confront of evil has to come up by an experience with evil itself. You’re wiser now. 🙂
It says that you are a caring human being that wants the best for those you care about. It just makes that that much happier to know that you’re out now and can make the real world a better place. Thank you for surviving the Scilons.
Dollarmorgue: I think you would have to define what you (and others) originally meant by the word “Scientology” and what you were trying to support. The original concept was worth supporting – I had the same ideas as you as did most on here and I don’t think you should feel aggrieved that you thought that way. It was a decent thing – once. Then something “happened”, around 1981 that changed the definition of the word. I remember it as a “wave of evil”. So there are two versions (at least) – the original and the hijacked and usurped version.
in my altruistic view, I had the same thoughts.
unfortunately the group betrayed those thoughts.
Now, it’s just another TV Evangelist group. Money is king.
You ever see of those guys on TV late at night? LOL
I grew up without TV and missed the televangelists, although I believe they are still in business. Until a few years ago I thought ‘Jesus He Know’s Me’ by Genesis was a fantasy, some kind of exercise in sarcasm. Didn’t realise I was living in the midst of it all.
In the context of the old Commodore’s Staff Aides that used to exist, there used to be a “CS-E” I remember when Larry Frazier held it briefly, he was CS-E, Commodore’s Staff Aide for Estates, for all the buildings in all the whole Scientology hierarchies.
Miscavige is historically focusing on the “Flag Relative Importances” which is the LRH management sort of key bible list of priorities of management, and it places Class 4/5 orgs at the top of the list.
Miscavige’s stress on Ideal Orgs is of course a gradient undercut of Saint Hill size strategy.
Ideal Orgs is old CS-E strategy and later “Int Landlord” advices strategy, and “Flag Relative Importances” strategy.
All at best.
At worst, this Class 5 org building buying and renovation era focus, distracts from the actual religion (crank pseudo therapy activity focus and exorcism focus).
But it makes kind of more logical sense to the “wogs” MEST fantasies about what in life equals success!
Church buildings that Scientology’s chosen, to me lack really any long range symbolic image.
The choice of architecture is a mish-mash of older style business buildings, rather than any type of external architecture that exemplifies anything related to Scientology itself! Even Hubbard didn’t think this Scientology architectural style opportunity all the way through, since Scientology has no building architectural style that fits what Scientology is!
That to me ought to have been a bigger long range commitment to the actual subject, had “we” (Scientology) ventured to make a unique human architectural style of “franchise” Scientology buildings that showed Scientology’s really LONG range commitment to be here in earth’s LONG future!
It’s all fantasy to me now, so I don’t recomend this type of waste or delusion, but the movement ought to have evolved to the point of having made a unique type of org building, that somehow fits the style of the new Emeter’s look and also fits some of the designs of the sci fi flying saucer ships of the Tech Films, LOL, but I’m serious, since Scientology is serious about delving deep into one’s past lives on other space civilizations and about the billions of years ahead, and all the “case” that needs dealing with.
Miscavige while being someone who’s dictatorially ruined top management, and he’s hobby horsed this org building renovation and buying era, he’s not really imbued into this building strategy all that this subject ought to have imbued in their buildings!
So their buildings are always this sort of religious real estate sub subject rather than their buildings (Flag “Mecca” building–SuperPower building is the exception) be something that immediately displays something of their whole religion’s aims. Auditing and OT levels exorcism aim to wipe away a soul’s “case” and free themselves spiritually to their regained soul powers. This should have been somehow put into their building architectures!
There’s time, they have eternity, still, to do an upgrade, from this Miscavige era, even if they only do a few consolidated buildings.
This is mainly LRH’s Sea Org writings omission. One would have to really check out Hubbard’s sci fi fiction writings to figure out the suitable space civilization religious building style that they should someday build here on earth for themselves!
Oops, disregard all the above, it would be a massive waste of time and money.
Davie has turned the Church of Scientology into a money laundering scam; here is how Davie might go down if he doesn’t backpedal fast enough.
That looks like it’s in Stabmeville, not Orlando. Doesn’t look safe after dark.
Hey Davey! After the imminent worldwide collapse of your scam and seizure of all the assets, maybe you can use a cot in the back room of this place, and sell dry cleaning out of the front for your meals.