Hey presto, it’s a rabbit out of a hat.
Suddenly, Orlando is the “next milestone done.”
It’s pretty clear that nobody raised the funds for Orlando — they are barely even an org and probably have less than 50 public and staff all told. “International management” paid for it (of course, there is no such thing as “international management” these days, it is David Miscavige and “helpers in favor at the moment.”)
Despite the chest pounding of the Flag OTC, they are ineffective in the ideal org fundraising game. They have been running the “Alliance” of Atlanta, Orlando, Miami and Puerto Rico for years and not a one of them is done.
Reading between the lines — these are the factors that resulted in this building being purchased:
- It is an embarrassment to Miscavige that the next closest org to Flag is STILL not ideal after more than a decade of him pitching this as the most important campaign on earth that will allow OT IX and X to be released thus allowing all beings to truly go free (obviously this cannot be allowed to happen until enough money has been collected for buildings….)
- Orlando is, like many other “orgs” NEVER going to raise enough funds to buy a 50,000 sq ft building, let alone fill it full of custom furniture, marble floors and dozens of Ready Bake meters for each empty auditing and course room
- Miscavige has NOTHING to show at March 13th event in the way of completed “ideal org” news. Harlem isnt done. Nor is Atlanta. Nor Silicon Valley. Nor Porn Valley. And because it requires actual physical work to complete those that already have buildings, and he has already shown the “CGI” versions of them, they are a bust for his event.
- He must have SOMETHING to show the sheeple to prove how the massive international expansion just keeps rolling, so the easy answer is to buy some buildings and show those as evidence of 60X expansion. So, there will be a CGI “fly-through” of Boston’s building and now the Orlando one too, and I think Puerto Rico might have had a building bought for them. It will all be shermanspeak word-saladed into an epic, watershed, monumental event that will satisfy the glazed-eyed sheeple that all is well on the good ship Titanic.
The real insanity of this is that if this is what determines the fate of every man, woman and child on earth being able to attain true spiritual salvation, and they were going to spend money from central reserves on the “ideal org” program, why not spend it on finishing the orgs where buildings have been bought in the past? Chicago. Detroit. Philly. Kansas City. Battle Creek. New Haven. They are all sitting derelict. And certainly Chicago and Philly have much larger populations to service (the scientology concept is that one organization in a city of millions is all that is needed, as long as it contains enough marble floor) so should be priority.
The answer to why that isn’t being done is a microcosm of the scientology world.
Miscavige issues an endless stream of unreal orders, many of them contradictory. But all of them have an underlying theme — you had better make money and do not ask for “handouts” from Sea Org Reserves. Taking money from Sea Org Reserves is a crime in scientology that is likely to get you sent to the Hole, the RPF or permanently assigned as dumpster cleaner. That is, it is a crime for anyone except Miscavige.
So, COB keeps ordering that all orgs are to be made ideal with funds to be raised locally. The pressure is intense. He will not accept “it cannot be done” and so people simply false report to delay the inevitable. They tell him what he wants to hear and that “it will be done” or “it’s on target.” He ignores all indicators that his plans are not doable and are completely and insanely unreal. Then it comes to “crunch” time when he has to stand on stage and keep the adoring masses adoring. Now he panics because the things he was told were going to be done are not. He then explodes and accuses everyone of lying and cheating and trying to destroy and undermine him and claims he has been “blackmailed” into now having to buy buildings. He cannot go on stage and appear incompetent because of the incompetence of everyone else. He proclaims to one and all that this is what these CI cocksuckers are trying to do and that he will not allow them to win. He orders buildings be bought from SO Reserves and explains that it is not HIM taking the money out of SO Reserves, but the “criminals” who “false reported” to him. They “left him no choice.” These people were “trying to destroy his reputation” and he thwarted them yet again.
He explains that he has “made it go right” and that others should do the same — though nobody else is allowed to follow his example of how he solves the problem, they need to simply work harder and longer to get his orders done. So they go back to pounding on Battle Creek to raise $20 million when they haven’t made $5,000 in a decade. If I recall correctly, they had at one time purchased the “Kellogg Hotel” — so long ago I don’t even recall it.
Eventually, when there is nothing else available, it will become Battle Creek’s time.
And so the circle of insanity goes round and round.
PS: Why is it important to be near Universal? Is it the Harry Potter connection and He Who Must Not Be Named? They are planning on recruiting Minions? Just don’t get it… Actually, they are closer to Sea World, perhaps they could get some tips on how to deal with whales.
PPS: While on the subject of ideal orgs, things appear not to be going so well on the Harlem man up.
Poor Hannah Mets cannot find enough people in NY City/New Jersey, so has to get them from Texas? Is this because of the large population of Mexican immigrants in Texas who will sign up for staff with the promise of “guaranteed employment” in NYC? And if this IS so, why is Dallas ideal org not scooping them up? They have less than 50 staff in a 50,000+ sq ft building.
The FSO is getting all their recruits from Venezuela and rural Russia on the basis of offering them a ticket to the US, a religious worker immigrant visa, a job, a bed and 3 meals a day. For many this is like winning the lottery. 95% of all new recruits to the FSO are in this category. Maybe the “successful action” is filtering down?
What’s the significance of being near Universal & the malls? To spend time at them instead of on course or auditing clearing the planet? The ulterior motive of material shopping equals spiritual gain?
Proximity to Universal could be important to rent out parking space to have SOME level of income.
Just kidding, logic is the last thing the ideal org program is concerned with. Mike I think your analysis of that whole show is spot on.
I used Alexa to get current web traffic numbers for http://www.scientology-orlando.org/.
Global ranking: 23,252,079; Local (US) ranking: No Data.
The higher the number, the lower the traffic. (For example, Facebook is #2) No Data means that there isn’t enough traffic to create any reliable numbers. In other words, oblivion.
By comparison, the First Baptist Church of Orlando currently has these Alexa numbers: Global: 848,759; US: 159,006.
These sorts of web stats are pretty typical of just about every COS org site around the planet. I suspect that most orgs that own their own building are nothing but expensive warehouse spaces filled with mostly nothing. It’s a helluva way to spend the parishoners’ money.
I think Monique Yingling should send DM on an scio org world tour for endless months each year, so he can show his true ecclesiastical leadership qualities. He should have enough superpowerz now to personally save each org. No rabbits, no hats required just what every religious leader can and does when they need to reach out to the faithful when their membership numbers are slumping. Just saying it is w proven strategy used to great effect by the current pope. Oh yeah, and of course it would help speech up the demise of……
Should read:Just saying it is a proven strategy used to great effect by the current pope. Oh yeah, and of course it would help speed up the demise of……, please correct if you can Mike, thx
One of the best accountants I know’s name is Jenny. 🙂 So, to add to that, perhaps the church can keep their similar to Orlando programs afloat financially by doing what the now Ideal New York Org did on me. Steal the money I have for auditing and training on my account to buy cigarettes and pizza on a regular basis with so they look just super standing around ripping people off. Cigarettes and pizza are not even good for a person’s health to top it off. How can it be any wonder to anyone why this church has the difficulties it does? 🙂
I don’t believe there was ever a time when the C of S Ratville did well or wasn’t an utter desolate wasteland. Just the basis of Orlando’s very existence is sufficient explanation as to its bizarreness.
In the mid 90’s whilst touring, I became friends with one of the execs at a different East US org than Ratville, having frequently visited upon the other due to the number of public–her org was still doing fairly well. I happened to be on one of my many visits when she gets “the news” that she’s to pull stakes (in 48 hours’ time) and “move” to Orlando to be the ED. Her two young kids and hubby are to stay home which is about 1,200 miles away from Ratville. Well, shit like that happened to me–I was in the SO, after all –but to a regular staffer with a family, a part-time job somewhere (they all moonlighted just to eat and pay the rent), a home, maybe some aging parents nearby? Terrible. She put on the brave and even excited face but a dolt could have born witness to the grief and negation she was feeling.
It might have been at that very moment that I began to doubt what I was doing and what I was involved in, that my “church” could do such a thing to two kids’ mom without a single thought or care for her or her family.
I lost track of her after that. She went to Orlando, I left the SO not too many years later. I still wonder about her today.
I worked for a demanding, contradictory, unrealistic, and thoroughly unpleasant person years ago. We called him bipolar Bob. While we wanted to get behind and support his goals, the unrelenting chastisement for things beyond our control coupled with his completely unrealistic expectations about how to increase business, led everyone to walk away from the place one by one. Each of us went on to happier, saner work places. I have to say that before I left, I had mentally checked out months prior. There was no point in trying to be productive. I spent most of my time on the job trying to find another job. It has to be that way for so many of you that have left scientology. The saying is you can’t beat a dead horse. Well, one day you realize your the dead horse, and your tired of being beaten.
The sheeple must be kept to the grindstones or chained to the oars or whatever fund raising campaign is going one at the moment. Can’t have anyone looking around and seeing things as they really are.
How many fund raising campaigns are going on at the moment?
All those mOrgs that have buildings but no renovations, like Philly, Toronto and all the other places Mike talks about.
The ‘Media Center’ in LA.
Ideal NarCONons everywhere, but now with only 20 beds to fly under radar even better.
With Ron Miscavage Sr. book coming out soon and Laura DeCrescenzo suit moving forward, what ‘good’ news can the dwarfenführer come up with?
Dan Sherman is not the magician that Bullwinkle J Moose is, there is no magic in the hat. The excrement has hit the air recirculating device and the smell is overpowering. That smell will get past the blinders that all current clams have on. It really sucks to be DM, for now and until the indictment is opened up.
I think you forgot LRH hall at Flag. Gotta have their own place for events so nobody knows how empty it is.
Hell, a two hole porta pottie ought to about cover it……… gold plated of course!
Ha! I’ve got me a 3 hole porta pottie! That cuz I’m impotent so I want to look impotent!
Well your hole OSD might be right between His Majesty and Jenny the wonderful. Be careful of what you wish for! You are very ohhhh teeeeee and it just may come to pass!
BTW, folks, I seem to sign in from one of several accounts, depending on which computer or mobile device I’m on at the given time. No matter which it is, I’m still River. That is my actual first name.
When I was on staff I was deluded enough to think
that super secret tech was being held in the Wings to swoop in
at the last minute and save the day !!!!
Alternatively thinking only only a lunatic
would make such crazy moves.
Then the lunatic’s prevailed and won big time
, the Church Leaders who hated me the most all went
to prison (of all things)
Mr. Rinder, what does the President have to do with this? The cartoon you chose isn’t Bullwinkle; it’s clearly President Obama. I’d be surprised if he and Short Wrong were good buddies.
Nothing. I didn’t notice it wasn’t Bullwinkle til I put it up. Didn’t even realize it was supposed to be Obama til you pointed it out. Just my random selection of an image that I liked. Always loved Rocky and Bulleinkle and the fact he never got the rabbit out of his hat.
I recall that , Bullwinkle pulls everything except a rabbit out of the hat.
“Must be the wrong hat!” For those of you who never saw this stuff….
That PS on Harry Potter was really funny Mike.
It’s amazing how his nuttyness fits hand in glove with the people around him. Like a well oiled machine going down hill, year after year with nothing to stop it.
I would guess the ratio of active Scientologists to staff was maybe 20 to 1 in the 1980’s? Today it is about 4 active public (sheeple) to 1 staff?
Whatever the actual ratio, the ratio has become more and more visible at events. I guess he can hire an endless number Russians, but not so with new sheeple. And, it’s been a lot easier for sheeple to just walk away.
Robert, after going through the posts on here about the Ideal Orgs, looking at posts about Flag, St. Hill, Pac, etc., I’d say that it is a safe bet that there are more staff than active public in all of ScnLand. If one tosses in all the “Int” level orgs, there would be MANY more staff than active (taking in org services) public.
Mike, that’s what I thought too… maybe it’s a bit of an exaggeration to say there are more staff than public, but if DM continues the hiring of Russians and others from these poor countries with a promise of 3 square meals a day, and beautiful a uniform and a shot at these 2nd gen Scn girl recruiters, well the staff to public ratio could pass 1 to 1 sooner than we think.
Maybe the last days of Scientology will be events with DM and his fawning staff and the sheeple gone.
OMG, these “orgs” have over an ACRE of usable floor space! Even during the best times in Scn history for Class IV major services (~1975-’77), an Org couldn’t fill that much space with PC’s & students.
I guess in the long run the $ have to be spent to comply with IRS regs and to shield from the massive monetary inflation going on. So, at least Miss Cabbage (& Cruella De Vil) are going to have a guaranteed comfy retirement.
Don’t know why so much attention on Puerto Rico. Isn’t it about the money? Last time I looked Puerto Rico is not in a good financial situation.
Don’t sell the Mexican immigrants short. It might take a couple weeks but they will figure it out and leave. From my past experiences with people up from Mexico for work they want a paycheck. They aren’t here to serve a master.
As far as Miscavige having to pony up money for buildings, I think there might be a very secret group of SO members who want to get rid of Miscavige. Lying about stats may cover their asses but it might go deeper. Forcing Miscavige to use money he doesn’t want to might drive him deeper into the mental abyss he already is in. When he is at his weakest moment they swoop in and throw a coup. Heck even some of Hitler’s Generals tried to kill him….more than once.
I know, I know but it’s fun to think about.
Nice thought but Miscavige has
built in RADAR for hostile take overs.
He has numerous secret “HOLES” for the Secret
takeover groups and not so secret armed security force.
Hi Potpie, I don’t think there’s any plotting going on against Miscavige. He has relentlessly driven the organization to the state that HE is the only being with any ideation or determinism. They’re not screwing up on purpose to drive him into a corner. They’re screwing up because there is no other way things can go.
Porn Valley, lol … my cousin!
If I was to just stumble across this blog not being aware of what it was, I would laugh out loud at some of the unrealities in it.
Everything put out by scientology is so cringeworthy these days.
The stilted language in the flyers, using 6 words where one will do, “Just last week Orlando put the finishing touches on the purchase of their new Ideal Org!!!” As opposed “We closed on the new building February 12.”
The rest of the blather could be reduced to one sentence and seriously should already be well known by anyone familiar with the Orlando building but may be used to hide from anyone who is still semi sane the fact that the people have spent ten years purchasing a building and now they move on to the stage where they plan what to do with it.
As for the Texas one. “Hannah Mets is doing a game” and “needs donations”. So now they have to “donate” to export people from one State and to another so they can join staff there and make all those mega bucks as a staff member? What am I missing?
“We closed on the new building February 12.”
I’d add a few more words Valerie…..
How about:
Valerie, what you’re missing is that the 20 million population of Greater New York is not a large enough group from which to find “qualified” staff Harlem Org staff. From my experience, New Yorkers are weird. They tend to ask a lot of pointed questions. For example, if recruited for some sort of job, many New Yorkers – even undocumented aliens – will ask what the salary is! This is a pain in the ass and and an automatic disqualifier for the privilege of working full time in a Class V Scientology Org! Best to go to Texas where some terrified people who just made it across the Mexican border will agree to anything to be transported out of there to the safety and anonymity of a big city. That’s my 2 cents.
You’re right, Aqua! It’s needs to be, at least, 50 million people they can sort through. And even then, they’ll be hard pressed to find enough people to man the Harlem Org. Come to think of it, Aqua, it may actually be 75 million that they’ll need to to man the org.
Oh – the Scientology tech of obtaining slaves for free labor.
How to make Slaves for Religious Organizations by L Ron Hubbard
1. Use the “tech” from ‘Big League Sales” – a book by Les Dane to manipulate people into buying from you. LRH recommended it after he wrote “Don’t mix money with religion”
2. Do your NON – E and Market to people from oppressed Countries using the carrot on a stick tech. It is okay to lie to them about their new lives in America and how they will get the Bridge to Total Spiritual Freedom. Let them hear from others their amazing wins like they have a Tu Dee (cuz w/o Scientology – no one has a Tu Dee)
3. Make sure you use the propaganda so David Miscavige can wax enthusiasm for his powerful printing presses. Now – this is where the glossy promo comes into use. Videos are great too – show them the MEST!! Lots of big shiny MEST – works like a charm!!
3. Then get them here…by any means even if you have to pay for their airline ticket. Whats a thousand dollars for air fare when you got a hunk of raw meat to work for you for 20-30 years as slave labor. We have a planet to clear!!
4. Once they are here – take away their passport/
5. Have them Sign the billion year contract without any legal representation. You don’t even have to give them a contract in their native language. In fact – use an English Version (especially if they don’t speak English) Tell them the Psychs send people in who are crazy and then they sue Scientology and that is why you have to have them sign contracts.
6. Then put them on the meter and get their O/W’s on video. Punch those anchor points in – in – in.
7. Have them read “production is the basis of moral” and put them to work.
8. Congrats – you just created a slave for Scientology. Please continue.
Well, you gotta do what you gotta do. The game plan is always mostly to squeeze every freakin’ cent you can from what is left of the Scientology public in any area. Multiple squeezings over many years until FINALLY Davey decides that there really IS no blood left in this stone, there simply ain’t any more churches to squeeze. At THAT point, he has to fund it BECAUSE these milestones are necessary in the squeezing of the other groups of elderly Scientologists who are still breathing and on lines. He has to show them that IT CAN BE DONE IF THEY WILL JUST MOVE UP TO THEIR NEXT STATUS! And so the cycle goes on and on this way. As long as the still breathing elderly folks who like to be in the “church” agree to be squeezed … then the squeezings will continue! (as they should. I don’t want this game to end. It’s fun to read about. What turns it on will turn it off. More bankruptcies! More repossessions! More despair about finances! It’s good to be free of MEST)
Joe, have you noticed that in their promo pieces, it’s mostly older people? I guess these are the ones re-doing the lower bridge. I’m in my mid 60s and these people look older than me. But, of course, this means no one new is coming through the doors. What a shame…….NOT!
Yes OSD, I have certainly noticed that. And let me go on record as not intending to make less of people just because of advancing years. After all, like you, I am now in my mid 60s. But some of those older churches have nowhere else to go and no one else to talk to except in their relationship to the org (and if their children and grandchildren are still involved …) so in return for what is left of their life, they have to agree to get squeezed out of their moolah. Well, you make your bed … hey, you gotta do SOMETHING during your 24 hours each day. And now that you get an occasional free meal (with an AU JUS sandwich too!) ….
Over 6 million people in the Greater Toronto Area and just a boarded up, run-down shell, do they all commute the hour and a half to Cambridge Idle Morgue? Nope, that’s empty too. How the sheeple believe this rot is beyond my ken!
It’s even worse, JMT. It’s no secret that a good portion of Toronto’s income came from US clams taking advantage of favorable exchange rates (Thetaclear can tell you of the same thing going on with Puerto Rico public being told to go to Mexico City for services on the same basis). With the loonie now in freefall, they’re losing bunches of money from public in Buffalo and Detroit not being able to head over the border to do their Bridge on the cheap. If they had a pair of brain cells to rub together, they’d get Toronto back up and running tout suite.
I’m trying to find information to see if they have made allowances for the exchange rate at Cambridge, it’s down to 70 cents on the dollar and if that savings isn’t sending Buffalo folks over in droves, nothing will. I keep eyes on Cambridge and its tumbleweed city, even at a discount nobody WANTS to ride the bridge rocket.
Guess they all found the rocking chairs on the porch to infinity so comfy they are all just settin’ a spell.
There are no droves in Buffalo to send.
justmeteehee, they would need, at the very least, 15 million people to draw from. Six million ain’t going to do the job. You can go through 6 million prospects and maybe find one who’ll work on staff. Toronto needs to kick it into high gear……
I’m hoping you meant Toronto needs to kick ’em in the rear! I kinda think they have 🙂
Sounds like Toronto is in arrears and will soon be thrown out on their ears.
” The FSO is getting all their recruits from Venezuela and rural Russia on the basis of offering them a ticket to the US, a religious worker immigrant visa, a job, a bed and 3 meals a day.”
I suspect the ‘possibility’ of a hook up is also in the cards and although marriage is risky business these days for He whose Too Dee has gone missing, it is likely the only option for getting more bodies in the shop.
My daughter is in CMO – IXU (or was last I heard before they delivered the truth rundown to her ) and last year (actually I think it was late Fall of 2014) she married a Russian fellow named Dimitry. I don’t know his last name and I hope he is a decent fellow. For Haley, I hope she did it for reasons other than what I have come to expect from typical SO members. Who knows, maybe she will get pregnant and exit the cult and have a life.
I can’t imagine that things are too rosy for her since both of her parents have been declared to be VSPs!
Oh Coop, you’re funny and yet so sad of a story. I actually didn’t know that your ex was also declared. What an effing mess the church leaves in its wake. Nice to see you so happy though.
You made me laugh with the VSP designation. I think you were joking but I wouldn’t be surprised if the church of david miscavige hasn’t developed a delineation of SP statuses. Congrats on achieving VSP! I think I’m still in the lowly SP category but I’m working on upping my status.
Mary, you deserve any superlative that can be issued. Take the VSP designation and run with it, like you always have.
I’m a bit jealous, actually. I was never in, so I can’t even be an SP. As an Anon protester, I have the Merchant of Chaos designation, and I’m also a Tool Of The Psychs (thanks to my psych drugs) and a DB (1.1 and proud of it), but I can never take that last leap. I can only stand from below and admire all of you.
Espiando, you have been heard. This gross injustice is being corrected. You are being designated Honorary SP, our very first. You’ll receive your trophy, plaque and pin when we all meet at OSD’s beach place. Rumor has it you’re up for Lifetime Achievement Award also.
Aqua, I can confirm the “Lifetime Achievement Award” for Espi. It was unanimous.
Thank you very much Espiando. I’ll take my bow now.
I guess all you need to do to get the award is to become a scientologist for a day. Then you can be awarded the highest honors of SPness, but that might be asking to much of your soul. No, on second thought, just stay the way you are in all of your grandeur.
Standing O for you, McCarran. Another bow, please!
Bow wow wow yipee yo yipee yea, bow wow yipee yo yipee yea…..
You’re the atomic now, dog…
I don’t think it is written anywhere that you have to have been an ‘Innie’ to be declared an SP and thus turned into an ‘outie’. 🙂
We are going to bestow that designation on you as an Honorary VSP. But Mary has got to be bumped up to a VVSP! Now that is pronounced Vee Vee Ess Pee and not Doubleyew Ess Pee.
DoubleYew ( as in double Yewwwwww) is reserved for his Royal Gelatness ( gel -at -ness) of Hemetville and is definitive of the stench rising from the area around Building 50.
I’m done for now!!!!
Surely you can be an SP as a never-in; many never-in critics of Scientology have been labeled so. As a regular commenter on the blog of Very-Special-Super-SP Mike Rinder you should be qualified.
We ALL need to work up on upgrading our status. Just being a regular SP is not going to save this planet in a realistic time frame. So GET BUSY everyone! Here are the statuses:
Regular SP
Happy SP
Proud SP
Very SP
Super SP
Super Duper SP
Super Stupor SP
Spendiferous SP
Spendiferous SP with Special Merit
Spendiferous SP with Oat Tea leaves and BT clusters
Biggest SP on the Planet
RSP: Just live a normal happy life, warn friends about Co$
HSP: As above, plus internet activism
HSP: As above, plus get media exposure
PSP: As above, plus contribute to a book or article about Co$
VSP: As above, plus contribute to documentary about Co$
SSP: Get services from Freezoners
SDSP: As above, plus help Freezoners open a Mission
SSSP: Help Freezoners open an Org
SpdSP: Get a Co$ Org condemned for vacancy, building code, or other violations
SpdSPwSM: Get any org shut down for human trafficking
SpdSPwOTaBTc: Get the Fleecewinds condemned for asbestos violations (no place for DM to hide)
BSPoP: Supply evidence to FBI that convinces them to put away DM for 25-to-life
ALL RIGHT EVERYBODY, you know what to do.
Oh, CRAP! I forgot “SpdSPwDS”, Spendiferous SP with Dollar signs”. Comes after SPdwSM. Attained by giving money to Tony Ortega and/or Mike Rinder. Give ’till it hurts!
Gosh, James, its been a long time since I’ve been so inspired 🙂 I just clicked Mike’s Donate button. Have you considered a career as an SP Reg? Eat your hearts out Michael Roberts and Jeff Pomerantz.
It is a very interesting story Mary and it is also very sad in the typical way that Scientology seems to destroy everything it touches.
I was jettisoned in 2012 by my immediate and extended family as I have discussed before. My ex decided to follow the process recommended by Julian since her eternity depended upon it. So she eventually went through a Comm Ev process and was supposed to have received a set of ‘recommendations’. The problem is, the stuff presented in the comm ev was not true data, a lot was half truths, some quarter truths, some lies, and the rest culled from PC folders so that created a really bad effect on her.
Then our daughter (in true Jenny Lindstrom style) jumped in her face and said despicable things to her Mom and that truly knocked her socks off. ( She very likely was fed the Comm Ev Data and believed it – DUH – and it happened to occur at my sons wedding which made it all the worse) Our daughter also was working on her younger brother (my son) who was staff at Sac Morgue. He married one of the daughters of a Whale family so he had to tow the mark and she wanted to be sure he also kicked her Mom under the Bus to ‘ruthlessly get ethics in on the planet. So he did and does not speak to her.
My ex would not comply with the com ev recommendations because of the lies and because of what her kids had turned into. So Julian threatened her with the ‘ Do as we tell you (they say as the tech says) or you will never see your kids again routine because we will declare you’. I think because our daughter had disconnected from her before she was declared that she knew it did not matter ……… our daughter was lost to the Cult. She had hopes to stay connected to our son but he cannot because he would lose his wife if he stayed in contact with his mom.
I think what my ex has done deserves kudos because she finally stood up to that despicable cult despite the losses. Her sister ( a two time ex SO and UTR non contributing member in good standing) of course says “well, all you have to do is your A to E and you can see your kids again! Hog fucking wash. Her sister Lori Daniells is IMHO as close to a true SP as you can get. And she revels in making sure that my ex knows that she is now my daughters surrogate ‘mother’ …………… since her real mom is such SP trash!
Chris Shelton’s video today tells me there may be some small hope the kids may wake up. We shall see. Meanwhile ………….. we will carry on.
Yo Dave,
Why not send someone by to help me get my ethics in good buddy?
What a story, Coop. So sad that the cult destroyed your family completely and even extended family. That is a low blow that Lori let your ex know that she is not the “surrogate mom.” Your ex wife does deserve kudos for standing up to the cult despite the heavy losses. Her integrity went in big time. I’m happy she is out. I read some statistics on number of members, new ones coming in and also the fact that old ones are dying out, and the consensus was that in 6 to 10 years the church would be toast and most would be out of it if not all out. So that means you will see your kids again, and I’ll see mine. That is my hope and I’m keeping the faith on it.
Typo: I mean to say “she is now the surrogate mom…” and not use the word “not”
Holy Shit Coop. Awful. I hope your ex can find some peace and happiness.
I’m with your ex (and you) Newcomer. This is horrible. The sister in law taking over as “surrogate mom” makes me angry. It reminds me of how Nicole Kidman’s kids with Tom Cruise called her ‘Nicole’ and Katie Holmes ‘Mom’ after they got together. Nicole had said publicly that her kids were calling her Nicole, and that she hated it. Any mother would hate to see this happen; their own kids affinity transferred over to somebody else. And for no good reason other than for Scientology. What a waste.
The hamster wheel of scientology insanity… at every turn they hope and dream it’s in a new direction but round and round they go.
The hiring of desperate people luring them with the hope of job security and a new life is very sad as nothing good will come of it. What a train wreck of an organisation! Surely it must come off its rails completely in the foreseeable future. This year by Christmas would be nice.
“the hamster wheel of Scientology”….
The wheel is spinning, but the hamster’s dead….
Miscavige isn’t dead is he? WOW, wouldn’t that be something?
No offence to hamsters intended but miscavige does resemble a diminutive rodent.
It’s a lot more that a resemblance I Yawn!
His visage is rat-like, actually.
Basically, what I’m gleaning is that all the not yet ideal Class V orgs need to do is put on their dog and pony shows of trying to get money from the sheeple and eventually, each org will have its turn and Miscavige will be left holding the bag and having to pony up the dough to get the new building bought or built!
Now, I wonder how many, if any, koolaid guzzlers have figured this out, and are just going thru the rah-rah motions, hanging back, understanding that its only a matter of time before Miscavige will be forced to come across?
To expand on this speculation a bit further, I wonder how many of those gungho, pirate-outfitted Scientologists on the flyers that get leaked to Mike are really, actually just pretending to be thrilled, just going thru the motions of conveying, “Oh YES, we are getting it DONE – WE are just so powerful, etc etc “, while behind their pumped fists and beneath their pasted on grins they’re thinking, “Well, He paid for **** org, so sooner or later it will be our turn, just hang in there, He’ll have to pay for this eventually”.
It totally amuses me to contemplate this.
But returned as a zombie hamster……
You mean… a veins in the teeth, burnt bodies, I wana kill kill KILL , father r…. 10×8 glossy photo with circles and arrows zombie hamster?
Now that’s a RODENT!
(“you can get anything you want at… excepting Alice!”)
Oh my, my age is showing.
When will the sheeple wake up to this BS? 48,000 square feet? That is 20 times the size of my 4 bedroom home. It’s huge and based off of the information you provide Mike, they won’t have enough staff or public to occupy the ground floor of the building.
Maybe they want to be near Universal and Sea World so they can rent out the 120 parking spots and start a “park and ride” Scientology bus service to these places. While on the bus ride, they can pipe in one of DM event sound tracks, or LRH lectures, to all of the wogs. The cult can’t sell the tech anymore, selling parking spots is a far easier gig.
I went past the Orange County (Santa Ana, CA) org a month back, in the evening. The ground floor of the building had lights on but not a sole at any of the desks. The 2nd floor is where the courses were being held so had some lights on. The top 2 stories were back.
correction to my post. The top 2 stories were BLACK.
Not a sole at any desk? How about a trout, bass or salmon?
For the love of Xenu, can we get a commenting system where we can edit our mistakes. I make at least one goof every time I comment, except this tiem.
No fish HGC, only Whales in search of a harpoon from Int.
Yo Dave,
About the building you bought in Orlando, I assume it has a lot of tenants with long term leases, you know, like the one in Sacramento. That only ended up costing the parishioners about a million extra as I recall.
I think you have a great plan good buddy. Buy out the tenants leases because you are in such a mad rush to git-er-done and then let the pile of shit sit there while you fundraise for years for the renos.
If I may be so bold as to suggest that you really enjoy watching your bankrupt parishioners continue to borrow money they can never repay and give it to you for your stupid lies. I think it’s time to reveal the truth,
The Ideal Pile (of shit) has replaced Your make believe Ideal Org strategy.
Yes indeed. This commenting package with WordPress is akin to brazing aluminium with oxy. You get ONE shot at it only!
CPO, I asked if they (OC org) had tours of the building. Well, they were very happy to oblige! And it really is an incredible, historic building. Maybe we can both go over there for a tour. While we were going up the first of 4 flights of stairs, a young and pretty SO girl, who was coming down, said, “I haven’t seen you around here before. Are you taking a course?” I replied, “No, I’m taking a tour.” She simply said, “Oh,” and walked away.
You did mention earlier to me that you were going to take a tour. It definitely is a pretty building. I’m amazed they were so accommodating without trying to reg you for something.
Was the org fairly dead or bursting with public and activity?
I’ll have to take you up on that visit one of these days. They may though know me and tell me to take a hike.
That’s a chance we’ll take, CPO! The tour is pretty cool, though. This was years ago when I did the tour, and they were very accommodating. I’m sure we’ll be able to do it. And even if they do recognize you and kick you out, there are some really good Mexican restaurants in that area so it won’t be a total loss.
It’s one thing to be near Universal, but to be near FOUR MAJOR MALLS!!! That’s is just amazing! What a magical location! You’re going to rocket up the Bridge because can’t swing a dead cat without hitting an Abercrombie & Fitch.
YEs, and two of those “malls” are “Outlet Malls.” One assumes they think this is important because they are going to set up some sort of bookselling activity inside the malls. There is no “inside” in the Outlet “Malls”…
It’s inevitable that eventually there will be in effect “Scientology Outlet Orgs.” Not kidding … of course they won’t be CALLED that. An old idea from the late 70s will be revived … “Scholarship Orgs” (remember how scholarships were available at an org for “very important people”?, that is to say anyone who wanted training) So, these outlet orgs will give scholarships worth 75% or more of the total cost on all services, just to get any still alive oldsters back in the door who have social security money left each month (Waddaya need DirecTV for? Haven’t you seen all those old movies on TCM yet? Use that cable/satellite TV money to get on course!!!).
Outlet Malls is God’s way of saying he exists and he loves us……
Actually that is how Miscavige thinks when picking out a building….location, location, location when it comes time to sell it and pocket the money.
This is why Dave is wasting less money on actually renovating interiors to make Idle Morgues. His current operating basis is to buy buildings to satisfy the IRS requirement not to hoard all of his slush fund money (he can placate the dupes with fly-through videos). His is just investing some of his slush fund money into his real estate portfolio.
That makes a lot of sense, threefeetback. I think you really nailed it.
Why waste money on renos when there are no people coming in anyway?
When the Stupid Sheeple consider a virtual fly thru a “done”? (I used to) who needs to renovate and furnish the building?
Instead, use IAS money for ANOTHER building.
With a few exceptions – like maybe Craig Jensen’s org or some other prominent whales – let whatever few Sheeple there are twist in the wind with a useless, unrenovated, unfurnished buidling.
God, what a scam. It still blows my mind.
Yep, Dave is a high functioning sociopath. As those who have been through the ringer and graduated scn well know, there is not a whole lot of correlation between intelligence, sanity and a moral compass.
as “Alice” =(was in wonderland of this cult) I approve this message
Well, this is what CC Nashville did. Not enough Nashville public routed onto staff so the PPO got a bunch of Los Angelenos to relocate. Or somebody did.
I have spies in Nashville Idle Morgue – it is dead dead dead!! Most of the staff left or blew. SOP in Scientology.
…dead dead dead…Now that’s a lot of dead! Are they hiding corpses in the basement? And is there a chance that the ‘dead dead dead’ will turn into zombies and become the Walking Dead? I have some zombie friends of mind that really want to see that org.
anyway, march 13 or 16 could be the hallali, whether for Orlando or for Brussels, since the results of the suits against the cult to close it in Belgium is coming soon!!