Take a look at the posting on the African blog here.
Clumsy would be a kind description of the buffoonery. These fools make the Three Stooges look like James Bond.
Here are my thoughts (because I am featured in their footbullet).
1. The South African blog has become a major headache for the church. They probably have more readers than the church has active members. They don’t know what to do about it.
2. So they try to position the blog with the thing the public hates the most. Asking for money. Oh, the irony….
3. If they really DID send out this idiocy to their public then it is the worst “handling” since forcing public to read the “no-name” Freedom magazine after the SPT Truth Rundown series which resulted in people going to the internet to try and find out who the “Kingpin”, “Factchecker”, “Conman” and whatever they called Amy Scobee. Now people are going to go to the South African blog (and here).
4. I can only assume that they mentioned me because they try and make it sound like I am somehow collecting money from blogs that link to mine, and probably because “everyone knows” what an SP I am, so connecting the S. African blog to me automatically tars them with the same SP brush.
Oh well.
But my congratulations to the South African bloggers for having such an impact.
Not often you get a footnuke with your name on it! 🙂
Funny. Money is ALL they know.
Yes, “their wonderful, wacky way”. How I would love to see Woody Allen do a comedy film baseed on OSA. See, once you can laugh at something – really laugh – it can as-is. Look at the way Mel Brooks took the unspeakable horror of the Holocaust and used it to create “The Producers” – in my opinion, one of the funniest films ever made.
It strikes me as desperate to think a variation of an email address will pass through without notice. That said, the blog itself is very good reading.
In their own wonderful wacky way, OSA has brought the SA blog to my attention (via you, of course) which is, indeed, about as slapstick as it gets. Well done to you, and the owners of the SA blog, for sharing the joke 🙂
Why would you or the saffas need to fundraise anyway? I thought you were all bankrolled by the bankers/psychs/big pharma?
“There is a condition worse than blindness, and that is, seeing something that isn’t there.”
L. Ron Hubbard
An Ironic quote to mock the Irony of it all
Love it.
Isn’t it illegal to send out an e-mail pretending to be someone else? Comment from over at WWP:
“Looks like a phishing scam set up by the Scientology corporation to get personal and banking info on the people who are willing to donate to those sites.”
Visitor. The specific e-mail shown in this blog post doesn’t violate any U.S. statutes. Don’t know about S.A. law…
OSA, will there also be a fund raising effort for Tony Ortega’s blog? http://tonyortega.org/
There could even be status levels…Platinum Sphincter Gluteus Maximus?
I can’t let “everyone knows Rinder is an SP” go without an observation – which is this: in fact that is yet another foot bullet since I have had the pleasure of bumping into many still in since 2009 (who haven’t got the memo yet), and one for one when it is mentioned Mike is out and free and doing just fine the cognitive dissonance sort of dissipates – you can almost see the short circuits happening in their befuddled minds. On one memorable occasion I bumped into a couple of OT VIIs on the way home from an IAS event and had a fascinating chat. When I mentioned Mike specifically you could see the confusion spreading – her response being that Mike must have been implanted (I’m not making this up – she actually said that). Even as she was saying this her embarrassed husband starting shepherding her away from dangerous me. The only people who “know” Mike is an SP is Mr David Miscavige and his OSA lapdogs. The rest of the world are capable of making their own minds up. Many still in didn’t know Marty as he wasn’t a “face”. Debbie Cook can be explained away as some kind of “extreme PTSness” or medical thing. But everyone who went to events mid 90s or earlier knows or knows of Mike.
So true. When I was on staff in the Sea org at the base and there was an event coming up, all of the public used to ask if Mike Rinder was going to be there. I didn’t even know who he was and I was on staff! I did not know who any of the Int staff were for the six years I was on staff except for David Miscavige! But everyone wanted to know if Mike Rinder would be co hosting the events.
In L.A. it was Karen and Ivan Obilisnsky. Not sure I spelled his name right. The public loved Karen and Ivan. I knew who Ivan was. All of the staff in L.A. did. I did not know who Karen was. She was giving a speech in the parking lot by L.A. Day once and it was the biggest deal that happened in L.A.. I was not able to even go for some reason! Karen was a legend in L.A..
Another weird thing happened with the public when I was at the base. One of the regges (Charmaine) got this big donation from Duggans I think, for the ship “Diana” that was found and named by L.R.H.. Anyway Charmaine got this big donation from the Duggans to renovate it. It was 500K.
The Sea Org fixed it up and there was this big event to christen it. Everyone thought Diana Hubbard would be there to christen it since it was named the Diana. David sent Bitty Miscavige to christen it. What a Flap. Public were running into my office for weeks wanting to know why Diana was being suppressed by DM!
I guess Sea org Members had fans? What ever happened to the Diana after David got a 500K donation to renovate it?
Diana is one of the Duggan’s daughters.
Congrats on your footnuke contributor status Mike. Do you want a tacky pin or cert or something? The comments on the South African blog were sharp and funny also. Absolutely no one was confused.
Stupid to say the least, but when you really see it the group of Scn Inc. is destroying itself through these errors and through their crimes. Won’t last long.
Mike, this caper is stupid on so many levels. When you and Marty and your friends left or were removed from Int “Management”, their average IQ must have dropped by 50%.
I agree with the post by richardgrant…..maybe we should just get out of the way and let OSA do themselves in. If the FBI, the CIA, the APA, and the IRS had all put together a team bent on destroying the reputation of the COS 25 years ago, they would never have been half as effective as these morons lead by the mad dwarf, David Miscavige.
I want to point out one other mind fuck David Miscavige has run on Scientologists. A CLEAR is AWARE OF CONDITIONS.
The people still stuck in that group engram called “the Church of Scientology” are there because they are NOT AWARE OF CONDITIONS. I don’t care what their certs say.
The people that ARE AWARE OF CONDITIONS have distanced themselves from David Miscavige’s madness. And he has indicated that WE, the people that ARE AWARE OF CONDITIONS, are suppressive!
The fucking CLEARS are suppressive! The people that ARE NOT AWARE OF CONDITIONS are the accepted “members in good standing”.
How is that for a group mind fuck? If you can SEE how bad it all is, and how wrong it all is, and you are aware of CONDITIONS, such as his TREASON, you are an S.P.!
He has alter ised awareness in that group! Rewarded non awareness and penalized awareness! And has programmed the UNAWARE to ATTACK the AWARE!
Look at your grade chart and the awareness characteristics. What can you know about the people that are NOT AWARE of the CONDITIONS there?
What can you KNOW about the people that ARE AWARE of CONDITIONS there?
Awareness Characteristics
21 Source
20 Existence
18 Realization
17 Clearing
16 Purposes
15 Ability
14 Correction
13 Result
12 Production
11 Activity
10 Prediction
9 Body
8 Adjustment
7 Energy
6 Enlightenment
5 Understanding
4 Orientation
3 Perception
2 Communication
1 Recognition
-1 Help
-2 Hope
-3 Demand for Improvement
-4 Need of Change
Levels below “Need of Change”
from human to materiality:
-5 Fear of Worsening
-6 Effect
-7 Ruin
-8 Despair
-9 Suffering
-10 Numbness
-11 Introversion
-12 Disaster
-13 Inactuality
-14 Delusion
-15 Hysteria
-16 Shock
-17 Catatonia
-18 Oblivion
-19 Detachment
-20 Duality
-21 Secrecy
-22 Hallucination
-23 Sadism
-24 Masochism
-25 Elation
-26 Glee
-27 Fixidity
-28 Erosion
-29 Dispersal
-30 Disassociation
-31 Criminality
-32 Uncausing
-33 Disconnection
-34 Unexistence
Why aren’t the awareness characteristics on the grade chart anymore?
Good one Oracle re DM having programmed the NON-AWARE to attack the AWARE ones.
Otherwise the Bridge to Total Freedom hanging in my office still has ALLof the lower awareness characteristics down to -34 as stated here. It is just that they are printed very small and below ‘Demand of Change’ you can’t really get them going on the Bridge.
“That man is as clear as a sewer creek running through a coal mining town in West Virginia. Someone had to say it.”
That has probably been said to him, unsaid, and said again,ad nauseum by his “Tech Terminals” at the Mecca of Technical Destruction. The poor sap. What goes around does come around.
If fundraising is “the greatest good” then it appears the church is trying to help you guys! Go team work!
This OSA email clearly was written by someone who just got yelled at because Miscavige still has not been told who is leaking emails and because the numbers of Scientologists outside of the church are booming. All those wallets walking out the door!
All the bright people are fleeing, which means the few OSA staff members left are not capable of “fixing” Miscavige’s problem. So, what do they do? They send an email asking for people who support the two blogs to write to them at a traceable email address. No one will ever guess it’s a subterfuge……..
These clowns may even be strategizing to start fundraising for real from the ex-members. Why not raise a few million to “pay” for Mike Rinder’s blog? Who would ever figure out it’s a scam? After all how many people have figured out that GAT I, GAT II, the new e-meter, and the ideal orgs are all scams? Nyuck, Nyuck, Nyuck
This site currently gets more visitors than Scientology dot org, so I guess that’s why they mention it.
We as a group are hitting an OSA raw nerve. Mike they one thing they have as a group no reality of….. The truth! Even though they are exposed to it.
Keep up the awesome work.
(I love to think of them going frantic running in circles trying to comply with Comedy Intention till they disappear up their own assholes.)
Mike, not sure if this is true, but, is there an ethics condition call “Not Being Generous Enough?” And can you get in trouble if you are assigned this condition?
Just wondering…
It’s in GAG3…lol
Aka Treason
God you are good, Mike. I thought I could parallel the mind of OSA but I freaking missed their attempt to link you to the South African blog to get those who go onto that blog to “realize” that they are linking up with the REAL SP. You have their number and you are the bomb!
This will only get you more free advertisement and popularity and will attract a lot more curiosity on you from inside, especially when OSA is saying their over-2-decade boss is an SP and asks for donations.
I have to thank you for missing as a church spokesperson then I could start looking outside and found the truth.
Oh I know who’s handwork this is. Trademark deception and his highest bright idea is always some kind of Identity theft, or synthetic identity. Identity theft is criminal. Fraud is criminal. But here he goes!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone recently using identity theft, posing as someone they are not, is under investigation right now.
These people are at “criminality” on the awareness scale. And working under the banner of “Love for L. Ron Hubbard and mankind.”- This is a long shot from Clear. So what is the surprise?
I strongly suspect the OSA “minds” have evolved to a point of culling P.C. folders to see who has the rock slams and propensity towards suppression, and directly recruits these individuals.
John Allender OT 8 and his tribe rock slamming on Marty:
John Allender also stalked and threatened to beat a handicapped woman in a parking lot. He is right on the wavelength of the woman abuser David Miscavige.
They know we are above doing such things as showing up at John ‘s Home, showing up at his work, leaving negative reviews for his company and a host of other malicious prosecution. But John is above nothing while he stalks his prey in the name of Love for L. Ron Hubbard and mankind.
That man is as clear as a sewer creek running through a coal mining town in West Virginia. Someone had to say it.
“That man is as clear as a sewer creek running through a coal mining town in West Virginia.”
Or as clear as the sewer discharge coming out of Saint Hills dilapidated sewage treatment plant discharging into local streams.
You need to patent that one, Oracle.
Ah, once again the ugly rearing of the head of an intelligence arm of a freaking “RELIGION”!!! LRH – you had a shot at it, buddy, you got your chance at bat …… and you ultimately blew it, by thinking you needed to ape the worst aspects of the “wog” world in order to change it. You correctly identified what “dramatization” was, but you couldn’t stop yourself from dramatizing. Aware of being aware? Yes, I think I am much more so as a result of Scientology training and processing. Suggest on your next go around, you actually DO word clear the following famous advice – “practice what you preach.”
Hey Tech Lion Scar. The Hyenas are outside and they’re ready to explain the last step in the Circle of Life to you.
(Apologies to the Lion King)
This is the Ideal Email. It comprises exactly two sentences plus a subject line. The subject line — four words long — contains a misspelling. The following sentence, though basically incoherent, manages to direct readers to two (2, count ’em!) sites critical of RCS in case the recipients have not already found them on their own. And the last sentence is a demand for money.
I just don’t see how they can top this. I mean, sure, they’ll manage somehow, but this definitely sets the bar pretty high. Before this is over they’ll be mailing out shoops of Miscavige in drag and asking for emergency contributions to pay for gender transformative surgery. (This will surely smoke out the Who that’s suppressing CCI.)
Seriously I think we should just all take tomorrow off and let OSA carry on with with whatever it is they think they’re doing. Clearly they have a gift for self-immolation that we do not.
+1 LOL
Richard, that is just about the funniest damn thing I have ever read! Thank god I wasn’t eating or I would have choked to death.
LOL! Hilarious!
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk
Dear OSA-bots or whichever other idiot/s dreamed up this scheme:
Any funds you gain from this request would be fraudulently obtained unless the money is immediately handed over to either the Back-in-Comm blog and/or Mike Rinder.
Therefore, please immediately get the banking details of these two entities so that the funds can be transferred into their account/s.
Also, please provide a full accounting of who donated the money, how much they donated and the donor’s email address so that we can send them a thank-you note.
Thanks for all your support of Mike Rinder and the Back-in Comm blogs – much appreciated 🙂
Black Panther, you’re fantastic!
Do I read this right, that OSA has run out of money attacking you ?
the same OSA that declares people enmass for not giving enough money so they need more money
from the same group?
The Adultress.
^ Class act, Thanks for kicking me out the door Freedom Magazine. I just needed that one final push.
Ah yes, how could I forget….
Indeed 🙂
Yes, Aimee Scobee, “the adultress”, and a bit later the then Christie Colbran, now Mrs Rinder, was Mike’s “paramour”. So absurd, hypocritical and contemptable. I wanted to ask, “Hey, OSA, by the way, what was your name for Katie Holmes, who lived with Tom Cruise for a year and bore his child before they had the official ceremony? Gotta nice name for her, hmm?” God, these people make me sick.
God! How pathetically stupid. These OSA guys are NOT as smart as a common garden snail.
How about a squirrel?
Squirrels a far smarter than OSA, just look at these guys get their claws on the ‘funds’.
Just plain SAD! What a dreary bunch.
Is there any intelligence on Planet OSA?
Negative Lucy, Intelligence of such is reserved for OT X and above. I am some-what disturbed that you are not up to speed on the precept Lucy, Please contact your FLAG Terminal asap to begin the appropriate rundown.
Thank You Lucy and Verry Well Done.