This is taken from a Source Mag sent out in late 1984.
It serves to highlight the fact that the carrot is always dangled out ahead, and if the carrot gets too old and moldy, it is replaced by a new one. The goalposts are forever shifting.
New OT VIII and IX being released on the “new ship” soon became just “OT VIII.”
Then it was OT IX and X packaged together as the new carrot and the requirement has changed over time. First it was “enough OT VIII completions”, then it was 10,000 on Solo NOTs, then it was “All orgs SH Size” and now it’s “All orgs Ideal.” None of the requirements has EVER been met, but they change before the natives get too restless about how it is something impossible.
They are about due for a new gimmick. First step will be taking everyone’s attention off the subject altogether by touting Super Power as the “end all” that will clear the planet and make supermen (though as you shall see in an upcoming post, this was NOT the intended purpose)… then maybe it will switch around to be used to push the latest “Miscavige program” and he will find some LRH quote out of an old LRH ED that talks about having 100,000 trained auditors, C/Ses and Sups (that was from 1979 I think) and THAT will be the new impossible to attain standard.
Of course, there is NO OT IX and X…. Thirty years of nothing should prove that to everyone, believe me, if they had it they would have released it and made a lot of money by now.
From what I understand much of the research for the levels above what was then OT VII was conducted in the late ’60’s early ’70’s and according to the HCOBs Scn & Dn State of the Materials and Tech Correction Roundup exist in note form.
The theory behind OT VIII itself was issued in a “Secret” HCOB in late ’68.
I really get tired of people saying these levels don’t exist.
The fact is that the data of what states exist at the upper end of the bridge and what potentially could be achieved with Scientology has existed since the early ’50’s with the introduction of Route 1.
In fact the original OT Levels which are now apparently “old” since they have been replaced by “new” OT levels utilized much of this information.
A Tech Degrade of magnitude!
Yet it seems only a few have noticed.
Many ask why the OT Levels haven’t been released since they exist in note form.
Well all one has to do is look at the fact that Superpower and what is called the Cause Resurgence Rundown which has existed in HCOB form since the late ’70’s haven’t been released either.
They are lying to their public about the requirements for both these RDs since in order to do Super Power a person not only needs full objectives but a DRD as well and have graduated KTL and LOC.
It is understandable why the Church is holding off on releasing Super Power since in a devious way the Super Power monument to wasted space has become such a cash cow for them even though it isn’t required.
Nor are these special R6 implant type chairs allegedly developed by NASA and neither the wide screens either or any of this fancy stuff that like as I wrote looks like something that came out of a whole track implant.
The irony is that much of the material for making an actual OT his been carefully obscured or suppressed by the Church since the early ’80’s when the coup took over. The coup that supposedly had saved us from the GO’s alleged efforts to seize control of the Church.
Historically this is the point when the Church began to factionalize or “splinter” in earnest.
I could write more on this but I’ll end off for now.
Oh so theres nothing to look forward to then. So what is the point. We should all just give up and go find something else to do. Why are you all hanging around here again? Is there really any reason that you are sitting here ever worrying about all this. Oh my! its all so pointless.
S.I.D., are your questions rhetorical? If not, then why are you hanging around?
I do believe that OT IX & OT X will be released . The problem here is that it will be some squirrel tech created by DM. People will spend fortunes buying it and then more money cleaning themselves up when DM realizes that “the blind” didn’t deliver it correctly and he has to clean it up. He could run with this for years. The problem for him is that every day more people are waking up to his lies.
A few years ago, Karen de la Carrierre met with a group of OTVIIIs and discovered that over the years there had been at least 4 or 5 versions of that level. I’ve spoken to an OTVIII who did the original version in the summer of 1988 – that one seems to be the only legitimate one that LRH talked about in RJ39, where he mentions that it handles “amnesia on the whole track”.
Oh ya – if OT IX and X actually existed it would have been used to make money loonnnggg ago. Heck, back in the 80’s the Freewinds sold OT IX and X and took in millions of dollars. They had no idea what OT IX and X would involve or what it would be, but that didn’t stop them. They pulled a nice big price out of their ass and started running the credit card machines. When I was the Treas Sec FSO we had to transfer the credit on the Freewinds accounts over to Flag accounts so the “OT VIIIs” could redo their “Bridge”, thus using up their credit and keeping them occupied. After all, if you don’t give them a game, the game becomes to get you. What better game then retraining, re-doing Clear, Purif, Objectives, etc.
Oh ya, re-buy and reread all the books while you are at it. Have you bought any new buildings for the church lately?
Go to a Sea Org base, wave some credit cards around and keep telling people that you want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge. I guarantee someone will sell it to you. If you are a real in ethics Scientologist you will
get your whole family dressed up and get a family photo out on the Brooklyn Bridge. You’ll frame and hang the photo in your house and feel proud knowing that you are responsible for helping millions of New Yorkers get to work each day.
“After all, if you don’t give them a game, the game becomes to get you. What better game then retraining, re-doing Clear, Purif, Objectives, etc.” Matt, that is so true. That is what DM has been doing for decades to keep the game from becoming “get DM.” The amazing part is how the guppies swallow each and every new invalidate “must re do such and so” command that comes down the pike. I think instead of creating their lives, these guppies want someone to create it for them and they bask in the innocent bliss of ignorance.
“I think instead of creating their lives, these guppies want someone to create it for them and they bask in the innocent bliss of ignorance”.
From my perspective this is so true. Its just so easy to not have to make major decisions about one’s own life, and instead have one’s choices policed by the RCS’s “greatest good”, to clear the planet.
How “easy” to neglect one’s formal education starting with dropping out of high school, so that one grows up in America as a de-facto ignorant semi-literate. How understandable that one neglect to hat oneself in some field so that one is unable to earn a living. Then, in adulthood, how inevitable that unless one is a trust fund baby or possessing of parents with a family business that one will be unable to pay one’s bills and will at some point declare bankruptcy.
And the irony is that such unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s first-dynamic is thoroughly lauded by the “Church”.
I have personally been the receipt point of communications regarding dropping out of school, about not training or becoming hatted in the Wog World, about not pursuing some trade or vocation for which their was interest and affinity and possibly talent, for not paying bills and taxes, violating financial conditions formulas and shunting and/or borrowing money which caused great difficulties, and for declaring bankruptcy. These irresponsibilites were points of PRIDE with the K/A drinkers. They were PROUD of these these not-doingnesses of theirs. NOT ONCE did an RCSer ever originate such a confidence to me with even a hint of embarrassment or apology and over the years I heard about 9 direct originations like this. By way of response, and in order to cover my own embarrassment for the lack of embarrassment of the originator, I would always lift the corners of my mouth as high as possible, and say, “Wow”. Very phony on my part, of course, but at the time, how could I respond in an honest way to such proud yet foolish and off-policy self sacrifice? …”Uh – you’re really f***ked up, aren’t you?” Conceptually, that’s how I would respond today, that’s for sure.
Today I look back on this and wonder how it was that I too did not fall wholly into the trap.
Aquamarine, Yes, what you say is so true. And also I have seen young SO members and young public scorn going to college or any kind of other training that will get them a good job, by quoting one line form LRH out of the millions of lines he wrote. He says somewhere, maybe in the Student Hat, that a person gets dumber with every year of college he has.So they use this as the justifier. But they fail to remember from TWTH, “Be Competent.” And being competent can mean getting the training, hatting, education you need to be able to make more than minimum wage at a job. God help them when they finally leave the cult. No skills, no education, semi literate, and no resume. I feel for them should that time come.
Okay, maybe I’m being naive, but when it comes to releasing these (presumably non-existent) OT levels, can’t Miscavige and his team just make something up? I mean, if they have become so cynical that they KNOW they’re selling empty promises in expensive wrapping, why don’t they sit down and create more OT levels?
Is David still too afraid of LRH’s ghost to contemplate something like this? Does he actually still perceive himself as the guardian of LRH’s legacy? (Even as he strip-mines that legacy for personal enrichment.)
Dumb question. Of course he can, and he already has. Why do you think they released OT VIII, then re-released OT VIII and made people do it all over again? Do you think that people were run on the same OT VIII twice? No dumb dumb, David Miscavige slaved his ass off to come up with those two versions of OT VIII. If had not been so busy writing Supwerpower he would have had OT IX and X finished ages ago.
He is not that intelligent nor is his vocabulary up to the challenge. And the training line up would be terribly long having to word clear all of the foul mouthed adjectives, semi colons and so on used in the processes!
Richard “Does he actually still perceive himself as the guardian of LRH’s legacy? (Even as he strip-mines that legacy for personal enrichment.) ”
Well said Richard G! My question is what about OT VIII? I have heard that what is now being delivered in the church as OT VIII is actually only the last step of it and the first two steps are missing. (perhaps being saved to trot out as OT IX and X)? So has anyone in the Indie field done OT VIII as an Indie? Or is OT VIII bogus too?
“Thirty years of nothing should prove that to everyone,
believe me, if they had it they would have released
it and made a lot of money by now.”
Mike, I’m asking you with all due respect . . . when you were in and near the top, how is it that you didn’t know about the no OT 9 & 10. Am I to believe that all this is basically a conspiracy of one, DM, and he keeps his most inner secrets so close to his vest? Are the secrets so compartmentalized that even people at the top are kept totally in the dark?
I know you mentioned once before that you didn’t find out about a lot of things until you had managed to leave. I believe you, but could you talk about that some? For instance, does Ray Mitoff know about the fraud and lies just says nothing to anyone? Many people like me reorganized and lived our whole lives around the expectation that various “shore stories” we were fed were true. Just keep the faith, brother. It’s a real hit to the gut to learn otherwise, trust me on that.
From where I sit, it just seems so impossible that a conspiracy or cover-up of this magnitude could go on for so long. Just mind boggling. Might be worthy of a separate posting by you.
Inquisitive minds want to know.
PS: I survived my “hit to the gut” years ago and am doing well after a bit of reflection and time passing.
FL — This takes quite a lot to put into context, and Marty has done so in his books. If you are an “inquiring mind” please take the short amount of time it takes to read them. He lays it all out very clearly and puts it in context.
To try an abbreviated response to your question that will likely result in a lot more questions:
As far as I know, the ONLY people that discussed OT IX and X are Miscavige and Ray Mithoff. It is possible Norman Starkey was included. You have not seen Mithoff or Starkey in public for MANY years. They were in the Hole. It was easily justified that no discussions about this topic would occur in front of anyone else as the only person in Int Management that I am aware of that had done OT VIII was Ray.
So all the rest of us heard about this at the events, just like the public. And the charade was maintained that they DID exist — if it became general knowledge at Int it would leak out from there, so this was on a “need to know” basis (as were a lot of things). If you read Marty’s books you will understand the extent of compartmentalizing of information. It’s the “divide and rule” system perfected by the Romans.
I read Marty’s book “Warrior” and it really answered many of the lingering questions in my “bullpen.” It helped me to more thoroughly uncouple from the charades and lies. I recommend the book to close friends who I think can handle it.
Your reply above added more detail from your perspective while in, simply the truth as it was and is, and no, didn’t result in more questions. Rather, it put a punctuation mark on the whole subject for me. Thank you, Mike, for your candor.
OK, glad it helped.
And happy you read Marty’s books as there is much more context to understand how things work contained within those pages.
I try to answer people’s questions when I can, though sometimes it is difficult without spending a lot of time that I don’t have available to give complete answers.
I am not OT. But as far as I know the OT 1 to 7 had been called pre OT levels and starting from OT 8 they are considered OT levels. Starting with OT 8 the kind of auditing should change from lets say my mind, my universe to whatever else. Some whatever else could be the world outside of me.
The world outside of me could be considered also „Case“. OT 9 is not a level to run on an e-meter but to run things in reality. Have a look around youself. Marty and Mike are with their blogs auditing their environment regarding Corporate Scientology. Call it OT 9 or whatever you want to name it. They let one see more truth and reality and one could cognite about past stuff. Truth and cognitions can happen mid process and finally lead to the end phenomena of that process. Commands are given not person to person by words spoken but by electronic device person to lets say 10.000 on earth and the harddrive of the blog is the folder.
OT 9 = orders of magnitude
Definition of order: „a condition in which each thing is properly disposed with reference to other things and to its purpose; methodical or harmonious arrangement“
Definitions of magnitude: „size; extent; dimensions // great importance or consequence // greatness of size or amount“
So, everyone that wants OT 9 can do something in his environment until the official OT 9 is released.
“New OTVIII and IX will be released when there are one to two New OTVII Solo NOTs Auditing completions per day for an extended period of time.”
Fascinating sentence in so many ways. Firstly, one to two? Is that one or two, because the one is a 100% increase on the other. If they just said, one, that would be fine. If they just said two, that would be fine. But, one to two? Suggests that one and a half completions might do the trick. And next we have the “extended period of time,” garbage. We know now that this meant decades, say 20 to be conservative (more like 30). So that’s 365 (or 730) New OTVIIs made each year for 20 years gives us, oops, 7,300 or 14,600. the first figure would be closer to the truth and yet no OT IX? We got VIII already. The lying liar gets caught by their lies.
According to surveys, the Planetary demand for OT IX and Super Power is so great that 50,000 new Sea Org members are needed before COB can even think about releasing these powerful levels.
$2,000,000,000 in new donations are needed to pay for the delivery organizations and the new fleet of ships required to launch OT IX.
The R factor COB has given is that Church members must get off their asses to make this happen. Stop being PTS to the middle class! Quit your wog job and join the Sea Org. Sell your goods and donate all you have to the IAS.
The Ideal Orgs must become 3000% more Ideal than they are at present. The Super Power Building must be retrofitted with non-ferrous screws, hinges, and lock sets.
All OT’s need to do more and do it quicker and better.
All of you are to blame. It is your fault that OT IX and Super Power are not happening — so stop nattering and dramatizing your Ev Purps!
“$2,000,000,000 in new donations are needed to pay for the delivery organizations and the new fleet of ships required to l aunch OT IX.”
I think the fleet is going to be called the Cruise Lines after TC gets done with his next round of donos. Captain Dwarf will be on the flagship and all remaining SO seals and cash accounts will be moved to his armada so they can deliver OT IX through XXXXXXIIII without further ado or interference from the lowly earthling wogs.
Roughly 13 years ago I was asked on the Freewinds to join the Sea Org. They told me I would be trained to audit these levels. The temptation was huge. Luckily I never joined. I heard that they would not allow me to keep my savings, but that would have made me a slave. I would have given away the option to leave anytime.
I was staff on the ship at that time. There was no requirement to give up your savings. Mine was very minimal, but nobody ever asked about it. While i was there, a number of wealthy OT VIIs and VIIIs had joined up, and then routed out not long after, and i know from being on the decks with them, they still had their wealth and left no problem (as far as their finances were concerned).
What i did notice over the years though, was that SO staff on the ship that did have some independent wealth always seemed to land themselves in some big ethics hot water, and their “amends” cycles always seemed to invovlve buying something for the ship that the ship was having a hard time paying for itself. Often these types would also pay for material needed on their post.
So, while there was no specific vow of poverty or requirment that they hand everything over when they joined up, their did seem to be pressure on them on a regular basis to help out when finances where bad.
Lucky you
You’re right Bare Faced. What the SO Recruiters and others tell you when you join SO is to give all your money to the church as a donation, and that you’ll expand on you dynamics for having done so, and plus they tell you that if you don’t have any money, it takes away the back door so that you can’t leave cuz no money on which to leave and live, and so you might as well stay and make it go right in the SO. I’m not kidding. This was told to my best friend who joined the SO as an OT.
How is your best friend doing now?
Got wise when they wanted all the money so that there was no back door, and decided to leave, so never made it in the SO, and that was the smartest thing he could ever have done. A crisis averted, and the church shooting itself in the foot.
Mike, you published this once before, but it might bear repeating since it hits the topic head on. (And it’s from the rumor guy you like.) Just too good not to post again. Up to you.
The excerpt below is from an email written around three years ago by career FSM Mike Smith. He flew to the Freewinds and pressed them about when these upper OT levels were going to be released. He’s in his mid-70’s and probably pretty desperate to get going on the upper levels. Years are clicking by now. This is part of the “rumor” email he distributed immediately when he came back.
The word on OT IX is “no word,” not just a nothing, but the positive statement that there is NO data, and any earlier “data” or rumors or such were all invalid, just guesses or rumors.
There is NO data, no estimate of date, no official conditional targets, no length of time to do them, solo or HGC or combination, etc.
Nothing that was rumored before is valid.
The message to OTs and anyone else wanting to have OT IX released is “make your Orgs into Ideal Orgs”.
That is what is needed in order to get OT IX released. That is what we all should work on if we want to help get these upper OT levels released.”
This the “official” current statement given out now apparently to people who get too curious or press too hard.
translation: give us all of your money or we will let you suffer!! Join staff and be a slave so David Miscavige can buy another jet, car, more tanning booths, have more chefs to prepare his 10 meals each day, 25 more pairs of John Lobb shoes, Italian suits, motorcycles etc…come on Tom Cruise said – you are either 100% in or 100% out…which is it. Don those boots in the sky!
By the way is Tom Cruise 100% in? Have not seen much of his promoting Scientology lately.
Your translation perhaps did not come through in quite the same language:
“give us all of your money AND ALL OF YOUR TIME AND we will GUARANTEE THAT you WILL suffer!!”
As for El Capitan, don’t forget how hard he works…………oh so much harder than the rest of us and therefore he definitely deserves a few extra kudos.
As for TC ………….. I think he is still recovering from those busted chops he received last summer from Katie. Takes a while for the lips to return to normal you know. But if he can get a couple more good box office returns perhaps he will be able to sponsor this years IAS event and he and El Cap can do some more hugging and handshaking in public!!!
great picture!
Hugging, handshaking… and don’t forget saluting! Oh, what a moving moment that was, when Cruise and HWMNBN held that salute…
It never ceases to amaze the expose’ on the Midget’s PR. I couldn’t wipe my ass with his role of embossed linen paper. Sorry – to give him another idea.
I remember well when Miscavige said OT IX and X would be released only when ALL Orgs were the size of Old Saint Hill. Circa 89′ or 90′. It was a big ARCX in the OT field. Wrongly or rightly that statement in itself became an impetus for OT’s everywhere to follow this man. They had no choice. We thought at the time this must have come from LRH.
I believe LRH did research the upper OT levels above VIII, but I also believe DM/CO$ doesn’t have them.
A missing story perhaps.
I have friends still in, intelligent, open, caring…and not a clue as to what is going on. I can never understand how blind they remain.
I have a new name for you site Mr. Rinder. BUSTED! And we all know who that statement is directed to! You continue to fascinate and expose the lies!
Total violation of “We always deliver what we promise“.
Those who have donated to the Freewinds ship project have been defrauded.
How about “those who have donated to the Corporate Church of Scientology or the IAS have been defrauded”.
Because there is no legal requirement to show us the IAS books, they can pretty much tell us any fairy tale they want and just bank the funds. Fortunately I never gave them much beyond a lifetime membership.
I have about $25,000 in various APs for services on account at Class Vs, AOLAs, FLAG, etc. but it’s been so long now (about 25 years give or take) and probably not worth my time to run after it anymore. But then I also have a far larger digital SCN library than any CO$ bot could possibly ever dream of having (plus he’d be declared 10x over if caught with it … lol), so we’re all even as far as I’m concerned … lol. Happy camper here all things considered.
I only donated 20 years of service for nothing but a plane ticket in return. I don’t think I could have made a bigger mistake if I tried.
Actually, you could still be there, and stay there till you die. Some did.
Yes, defrauded. How about someone step up and sue the Freewinds and DM for fraud just like the Luglis are doing? Seems a good court case.
That’s the Garcia’s not Lugli’s
This is just unbelievable! How much crap can this organization sling and people still buy it. There is definitely some non-thinking going on. It is so funny how I had bought into some of it for a while before I bailed, but how plain as day the BS looks from the outside.
I wish someone would slap those Kool-Aid drinkers and wake them up. Can they not see what is going on? I really don’t get it.
Axiom, before you woke up, would it have worked if someone had slapped you to wake you up? I don’t think so. Nothing against you, but I am amazed at how so many who are now awake seem so unable to assume the viewpoint of those still in, and see that slapping (metaphorical, I assume), yelling, invalidation, and pissing on their religion is not ever going to work.
I think exposing the criminality, Miscavige’s inurement, and the great harm being done to so many good people does work.
Mike, how about a survey to try to find out what in fact does help people to wake up and get out? Maybe that’s already been done?
For me RJ35 is a forgery. It promised something which doesn’t exist. LRH wouldn’t do that. And it is kind of threatening : Go OT NOW, when it’s stil possible! Not LRH style as well.
Many followed the advice, did this weird and squirrel level they called “Truth reveal” (what truth?) which was supposed to handle amnesia. Are they kidding?
And now they grow old, blow, even died and no OT9 in view!
The will be a big bunch of “past life OTVIII” !!!
you should read Marty Rathbun’s books. They may give you a bit broader view of things.
Yes and read some more LRH. Enough said.
Right on.
Sometime around 1993-1995, I was on Solo Nots and COB came out with an order that anyone that wanted to do OT IX and OT X had to complete the BC FIRST! I started the BC! All around PAC Base people were starting the BC. A few weeks after starting, the hammer came down, all students must have a full time day schedule or a full time foundation schedule as the BC needed to be completed ASAP! OT IX and OT X were going to be released. Well, it has been 20 years and there is still NO OT IX and OT X. I would think that the Public still participating in the C of S would start to question this. It is not even been mentioned as a Pre Requisite for years now. This was just one of the carrot dangling cycles that I actually bit on!
Cindy — I had totally forgotten that one! Astonishing how many new ones there have been — but then again, thirty years is a long time to be promising to deliver something and never coughing up with it!!!
I was on the BC when the word came down that you have to have a full time schedule or be kicked off. So many students couldn’t do a full time schedule cuz of work commitments and so they were kicked off. The Day BC emptied out overnight and was like a ghost town. Where once it was once teeming with 200 students, now there were a handful left in the large and mostly empty rooms. What an arbitrary that was! And what a way to suppress the tech lines, the first place an SP will attack, according to LRH’s writings about SP’s.
They do…but if falls on deaf ears…then they are targeted and ousted without sorrow. I know some OT’s that were on the level 7 – got certs cancelled as auditors, told they have to do everything all over again – they said FU – and stopped coming around. Isn’t that the goal? Get rid of the ones “that know” so no one can detect the changes slowly over time. New people have no clue – they just blindly drink up the koolaid!
How else could David Miscavige rule? He needs the 20 year olds that “don’t know” so he can direct them into Miscaivage knowness-es!
Blown SP, “Get rid of the ones “that know” so no one can detect the changes slowly over time. New people have no clue – they just blindly drink up the koolaid!” This is so true! And that is how he has done it. Imprison the old timers who see and who know and are trained so they can see even better. And as for public, just blow the old timers who can see off the lines by any means possible, and use SP Declares liberally, percentages be damned! This is how he took over right under our noses. Reminds me of a poem that aesthetically covers the situation, next post.
The Hangman
by Maurice Ogden
1. Into our town the Hangman came.
Smelling of gold and blood and flame
and he paced our bricks with a diffident air
and built his frame on the courthouse square
The scaffold stood by the courthouse side,
Only as wide as the door was wide;
A frame as tall, or little more,
Than the capping sill of the courthouse door
And we wondered, whenever we had the time.
Who the criminal, what the crime
That the Hangman judged with the yellow twist
of knotted hemp in his busy fist.
And innocent though we were, with dread,
We passed those eyes of buckshot lead:
Till one cried: “Hangman, who is he
For whom you raise the gallows-tree?”
Then a twinkle grew in the buckshot eye,
And he gave us a riddle instead of reply:
“He who serves me best,” said he,
“Shall earn the rope on the gallows-tree.”
And he stepped down. and laid his hand
On a man who came from another land.
And we breathed again, for another’s grief
At the Hangman’s hand was our relief
And the gallows-frame on the courthouse lawn
By tomorrow’s sun would be struck and gone.
So we gave him way, and no one spoke.
Out of respect for his Hangman’s cloak.
2. The next day’s sun looked mildly down
On roof and street in our quiet town
And stark and black in the morning air,
The gallows-tree on the courthouse square.
And the Hangman stood at his usual stand
With the yellow hemp in his busy hand;
With his buckshot eye and his jaw like a pike
And his air so knowing and business like.
And we cried, “Hangman, have you not done
Yesterday. with the alien one?”
Then we fell silent, and stood amazed,
“Oh, not for him was the gallows raised.”
He laughed a laugh as he looked at us: ”
… Did you think I’d gone to all this fuss
To hang one man? That’s a thing I do
To stretch a rope when the rope is new.”
Then one cried “Murder!” One cried “Shame!”
And into our midst the Hangman came
To that man’s place. “Do you hold,” said he,
“with him that was meant for the gallows-tree?”
And he laid his hand on that one’s arm.
And we shrank back in quick alarm,
And we gave him way, and no one spoke
Out of fear of his Hangman’s cloak.
That night we saw with dread surprise
The Hangman’s scaffold had grown in size.
Fed by the blood beneath the chute
The gallows-tree had taken root;
Now as wide, or a little more,
Than the steps that led to the courthouse door,
As tall as the writing, or nearly as tall,
Halfway up the courthouse wall,
3. The third he took-we had all heard tell
Was a user and infidel, and
“What,” said the Hangman “have you to do
With the gallows-bound, and he a Jew?”
And we cried out, “Is this one he
Who has served you well and faithfully?”
The Hangman smiled: “It’s a clever scheme
to try the strength of the gallows-beam.”
The fourth man’s dark, accusing song
Had scratched out comfort hard and long;
And what concern, he gave us back.
“Have you for the doomed–the doomed and black?”
The fifth. The sixth. And we cried again,
“Hangman, Hangman, is this the last?”
“It’s a trick,” he said. “that we hangmen know
For easing the trap when the trap springs slow.”
And so we ceased, and asked no more,
As the Hangman tallied his bloody score:
And sun by sun, and night by night,
The gallows grew to monstrous height.
The wings of the scaffold opened wide
Till they covered the square from side to side:
And the monster cross-beam, looking down.
Cast its shadow across the town.
4. Then through the town the Hangman came
And called in the empty streets my name-
And I looked at the gallows soaring tall
And thought, “There is no one left at all
For hanging.” And so he calls to me
To help pull down the gallows-tree.
And I went out with right good hope
To the Hangman’s tree and the Hangman’s rope.
He smiled at me as I came down
To the courthouse square through the silent town.
And supple and stretched in his busy hand
Was the yellow twist of the strand.
And he whistled his tune as he tried the trap
And it sprang down with a ready snap
And then with a smile of awful command
He laid his hand upon my hand.
“You tricked me. Hangman!,” I shouted then.
“That your scaffold was built for other men …
And I no henchman of yours,” I cried,
“You lied to me. Hangman. foully lied!”
Then a twinkle grew in the buckshot eye,
“Lied to you? Tricked you?” he said. “Not I.
For I answered straight and I told you true”
The scaffold was raised for none but you.
For who has served me more faithfully
Then you with your coward’s hope?” said he,
“And where are the others that might have stood
Side by your side in the common good?,”
“Dead,” I whispered, and sadly
“Murdered,” the Hangman corrected me:
“First the alien, then the Jew …
I did no more than you let me do.”
Beneath the beam that blocked the sky.
None had stood so alone as I
And the Hangman strapped me, and no voice there
Cried “Stay!” for me in the empty square
The staff won’t question it for sure as they don’t even make it to Grade I much less care about the unobtainable OT VIII and beyond. As Mike said if it were there it would have been released a long time ago to make more money as OT VIII s realise that they had been left hanging
That poem is in my hat pack! I had to read it, word clear it and learn it verbatim. It’s excellent stuff, really tells an ethics officer everything he needs to know about keeping the riff raff in line. If every lurker and under the radar in the world all stood up at once RTC would fold up like a pretzel. I think it’s so appropriate that the person who posted it here is “Jane Doe”. That in itself is testiment to the effectiveness of this ages old technology of ruling riff raff through fear and intimidation. You would think that after thousands of years of evil SPs driving groups and populations into the dust and draining them for every last ounce of riches that can squeezed from their miserable bodies, that people would learn that you have to stand up fast and fight back hard. Hah! Fat chance.