This is totally wacky.
Susan Freilich is certainly entitled to express her “wins” any way she wishes. She can be cray-cray and as long as she doesn’t hurt anyone, who really cares other than those who have to deal with her directly in the real world. Something like this has got to make you wonder — hundreds of thousands of dollars and thousands and thousands of hours to become (or remain – she might have been this way all along) so out of touch with reality.
But the organization is another thing.
THIS is the “success story” they choose to promote? Wow. It says a lot about the state of Scientology that this is what they aspire to.
This woman claims she is Clear on all Dynamics (including, she notes specially, the 4th). Curious that. If HER 4th Dynamic is Clear, I wonder if she is part of the same species as the rest of us? My 4th dynamic (i.e. “Mankind”) certainly isn’t clear. And there is still a lot of talk inside the Scientology bubble about “clearing the planet” and how urgent it is to give money/join staff/sign up for a billion years in order to “ensure” this happens. Yet here we have the pinnacle of scientologists saying it’s already a done… delusory is a kind term for it.
And the “knowingness” that she will be OT X “this lifetime, in this body” is right up there with people who predict the end of the world next week and Hubbard proclaiming not smoking enough cigarettes causes cancer.
Really scientology, what wall?
More OT VIIIs left Scientology than OT VIIIs who have remained:
I think it’s not an omission, but it’s deliberatly ok not to ack COB. They want to look “source” LRH type, Miscavige’s type is bad PR.
After all, Miscavige remains happy as long as money is coming in!
FG, I agree. No way it wasn’t intentional. Probably as a result of DM reading this blog and seeing that criticism.
We’ve witnessed push button responses from DM before as a result of material posted here…
Money. The root and purpose of the CoS. It clothes Miscavige in hand-made shirts of finest Eyptian cotton, though how he ever knew anything about Egypt or cotton in his eight-minus years of education boggles the mind. A church where the head of the church firmly rejects participating in any of its own teachings and tech is something to be scorned.
The real Pope in the Vatican at least practices humility in public and goes through the traditional motions of the Catholic service. Little DM has reached a pinnacle where he has no time for training, auditing, sec checks, KRs, and certainly does not donate hundreds of thousands of his own money to the IAS…
I hope anyone still in gets to read some of these comments following this poor deluded OT 8 lady. To reach her exalted crystalline state she had to spend half a million dollars, an immense amount of money. She should be thanking whoever or whatever got her that level of income… but of course the church of money never mentions how much it costs to play, not in its PR puff pieces.
Scn is like buying an incredibly expensive fridge and expecting wonderful results. At first it keeps everything ice-cold, and you think it’s great. But before long you discover it has a bin in the back where the ice goes. You have to keep refilling it with more ice, more ice, more ice…it doesn’t care how much ice you gave it last week, it wants more today, and tomorrow, and the day after. Your whole life is in that fridge, and if you don’t keep adding more ice your life itself will melt away.
This description is so accurate, ? bravo
“It clothes Miscavige in hand-made shirts of finest Egyptian cotton…”
No, it’s actually the finest Italian nylon, imported from China. (Sorry, I just watched Boogie Nights for the third time. 🙂 )
She is truly embiggened.
Scientology has made these people hostages in their own minds. They are both the guards and the prisoners of their living nightmare called scientology.
I attested to New OT-D years ago. I have wins too!
How sad that this persons spiritual journey has ended with her firmly placed alone, merely a part of everything else and firmly defined as an object. Just about as diametrically opposed to what is sought by the spiritual seeker. This is truly outstanding Satanism.
Clear on the 4th dynamic? What a joke!
It is the same as when I met (last week) an extreme ultra-orthodox Jewish family in the park. The wife approached me – after hearing me talking to my dogs in Hebrew – and we started talking. She asked me if I light a candle on Friday evening for the Sabbath which for them is a holy day of rest. I told her that I don’t do it and she said that I should because the light of the candle would bring peace to the world. I said that so many people lighted so many candles for so many years that to me it didn’t seem to make the slightest difference to peace in the world. She said that this is why more people should light the Sabbath candles, because that would bring peace to the world.
“If HER 4th Dynamic is Clear, I wonder if she is part of the same species as the rest of us?” Thank you for that, I spat my drink up and am still cleaning it up.
Another success stories with no successes. Well, you get what you pay for, I guess (rolls eyes).
ahmmm, Susan, love, you better get right on that goal of reach OTX. Last I heard Miss Cabbage is going to make you start allllllllll over again, at level 0 so he can be sure your really able to accept it.
Get out your checkbook and clear your calendar, honey.
Auditing the 4th Dynamic engram with our 4D campaigns? Such bogosity. The 4D engram is the Xenu incident. According to the Hubs the only ‘handling’ is to do OT III, so please scamming scamologist Susan F STFU with your stupid blathering. TWTH, and Applied Scholastics, etc aren’t doing squat about squat, much less the volcanic implantation of this sector of the United Stars Suns Moon and Planets – this part of the universe is ours! LOL
Next step for her is Purif/SRD, pole running. Then a nice whack upside the head by her MAA to see how clear the ringing of her fine crystal theta-body. Nothing another 100K donation can’t handle…
Happy 2018 to you all
If she “wishes this for all” of us. She should be open and thrilled to be interviewed by Mike or Tony Ortega. I think she’d get a huge audience.
Fluffy wins. She would fold in two seconds if any of us SPs questioned her clearness on all her dynamics. Before you can tackle an issue you have to see it.
OT Fluff balls can’t see past their nose. They live in virtual-Miscavige reality.
Good luck with that.
I sensed a lot of fear in her statement..namely how hard she tries to convince herself and others. She lies stupendously…poor thing.
Happy New Years, Freedom Fighters!!!
A lot of grand and flowery words from Ms Freilich, to be sure. But to break it down, all she’s saying is that she attained the state of a total true believer that buys into all of the propaganda the church feeds her. It would appear that this has become Scientology’s ultimate end phenomenon.
Propaganda is right. The Cof$’s technology has run its course. The hype and PR propaganda is all that is left, or more corrected stated, it’s all there ever was! When Hubbard said in 1965, “we have for some time past the point of uniformly workable technology,” I still wonder, WTF?! As I see it the technology never really culminated or even came close to culminating in the cause over life, AKA OT state Hubbard claimed. The Bridge has had many, many travel on it, yours truly included, still waiting… Notwithstanding there are some “fun things & feel good aspects of auditing,” in time it’s become disappointing and falls well short of anything inspiring enough to getting sanity applied to mankind or give true hope of ceasing wars etc. It’s all just hype!
In the mental game of I’ve got the answer to why this is this or that is that, time has been Scientology’s worst enemy. Propaganda is truly the ultimate end phenomenon of pursuing the Cof$’s route to…. I don’t have an answer to that really, except maybe, the money changing hands technology.
If there is any good to it at all, greed and lies drowned them all out long ago, beginning with the outrageous claims made in Dianetics back in 1950. Maybe there’s some sort of merit mixed up in amongst all the countless amounts of rundowns and procedures but to get past the outright greed and criminality associated with money for nothing Scientology truly represents to the world, it has run its course. The only thing Miscavige can do is keep up the lie and count the money until something stops him. Moronic and sadly indoctrinated people like Susan exist & will always exist in one form or another but the masses expected to respond to Scientology & Clear the planet??? Get outa here! It would be incredibly amusing if it wasn’t so heart breaking. (I’ve got a couple of OT8’s in the family – I know a little of what I say regarding that level and what it takes to get there. I get to consul and deal with the grief of their craziness at this time of the year and on birthdays, Thanksgiving etc – they are heartless assholes and reject their own families values and refuse to let other members of the family get anywhere close to them unless it’s on their terms. They live a life of charades and make people that love them play the same sort of charades, apart from the one’s they disconnected from of course. It’s a bubble of insanity alright!).
“It would appear that this has become Scientology’s ultimate end phenomenon.”
That and the nifty framed certificate.
I am a “never in” but I don’t see how all of these people believe they can clear the planet. I mean, members of the SO for many many years aren’t even going up the bridge. The people that have made OTVIII had to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars. The general population could never afford that even if they wanted to. Why can’t they see the impossibility of their mission?
Because they are brainwashed and taught to deny reality.
And unfortunately, as an ex-SO Member who was in for 25 yrs at Big Blue, I have to agree with you.
This poor woman is out of her F#@*ing mind, on all 8 dynamics! Good luck with that.
Surely auditing can help you with that.
LOL, Matt!
The OT VIII said:
“It is as if I am a piece of the finest crystal glassware”
This particular statement fits in with the OT 7 patterns that I heard from many completions in my years in Scientology from 1972-1989. It is the result of hundreds or thousands of hours of solo auditing. The mind gets to feel that it has some sort of clarity based on the false assumption of centralized ego. In my own particular situation, I felt as if cotton balls floated around me and lightly rose to the surface. Many years later I saw through Hubbard’s delusion. His grasp of the nature of the mind was perverted with the occult. OT VIII is now nothing more than a Miscavige manufactured reality. Following Hubbard should really mean entrance into an occult reality based on the mythological role of Lucifer. Hubbard never saw or predicted that earth would be clear. In fact, his doctrine suggests that there are fewer that 10,000 on earth who could rise to his illusory magical powers. These OT VIII’s are just double fools. First, they are fools following Miscavige. Second, they are fools to follow Hubbard.
The OT VIII talks about the 4th dynamic.
Hubbard liked to make himself appear as if he was “clearing” planet earth. In reality, Hubbard was in the role of Lucifer and the following passage – Matthew 4:1-11 applies to Hubbard.
“Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.”All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written, ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’”
Agreed. I would click agree, but the stars never stop loading, so I can’t
You’re probably seeing two of each. In a few months you’ll be fine.
Don’t know if that’s all true but it’s nicely written, George.
Thanks, marildi. I have been working on a writing style. As for the truth, we are now dealing with scripture. I feel that scripture gives us freedom. There is so much conventional wisdom and so much marginal fiction. I think it makes for great excitement.
“By their fruits ye shall know them. Do men gather figs from thistles, or grapes of thorns?”
George: “I have been working on a writing style.”
It’s good!
I like this too: “There is so much conventional wisdom and so much marginal fiction. I think it makes for great excitement”
There is wisdom in every tradition even though they contradict each other in some ways. This became real to me after reading *The World’s Religions*. The author Austin Smith says the wisdom of mankind is the accumulation of all of them.
I’m now reading an excellent book about Buddhism titled *A New Way of Life and Thought*. I thought of you and wondered if you’re familiar with it.
The astounding thing about that piece of writing is that it seems sincere. She believes all that, even the bit about the “great expansion of making Clears,” which is manifestly false. (I do want a graph over time. I do, I do. The total Clears made so far as the first line, then a second line below that, subtracting all those whose Clear status was undone by DM’s revision of the tech or by an SP declare.)
The human mind is such a malleable thing sometimes. Stunned.
Cat W,
If you wish to have a ‘rule of thumb’ guesstimate here’s one. Of the original 100 clears (All Class 6 auditors) over 2/3 were declared before Hubbard croaked.
Lol…wow…that’s an eye opener..
A few days ago I read about what happened to the first 10 Clears and I thought that was tragic/awful. This is even more eye opening.
Thanks for that estimate, Jim. Unbelievable. So in terms of “clearing” the planet, even if none of the clears were afterward declared, we’re still talking *hundreds*, not even thousands? Never mind billions. Maybe they should give up on this planet and hitch a ride with the Marcabians to a less populated planet.
And how can anyone think the tech works? Either it works best at *creating* SPs, rather than clears (an hypothesis that seems reasonable given the actual data), or it’s at the very least not even capable of recognizing SPs, never mind all the claims made in Dianetics.
[Btw, does anyone know if the Marcab civilization that’s wiped out in Babylon 5 owes anything to Hubbard for its name? They died of a plague that could have been cured, but their pride and religious beliefs prevented them from admitting that they had the plague before they all died. The plague is cured just as it’s crossing over to other intelligent species.]
My take was that most of those old timers got into better/higher states of awareness and had an unshakable stability. Hubbard and/or the organization could not control them— hence the declare. The ones I met had few of the SP characterstics per the screwed-up-ology definitions.
If you had become enlightened would you continue to play a lesser, much lesser, game? I am confident some of us attained some of the aspects that were used to define a clear. We walked out with no fear that we would lose any of our gains or ever seek their help again
Thanks for clarifying.
Naw jim. I knew some old timers. None obtained any “state” higher than a bog standard wog.
I have wondered if when someon attests to Clear, if the Clear Number they assign to that person is just made up and is not in any chronological order. By putting some great big number on it, it implies that there are that many Scn Clears before them and also that there are at least that many Scns. Of course, the number of Scns is dwindling, so no big number is going to be real.
Her success story is more coherent than most. OT 10 in this lifetime? Never going to happen. Not while Miscavige can still play the ‘moving target’ scam.
You didn’t hear? Really? OT 9 & 10 will be released! They’re shoting for 2099. I mean, that’s just right around corner, right? How exciting!
My favorite bit is “It’s like I am a piece of the finest crystal glassware.”
From what I know, that stuff is extremely fragile and delicate. Like if you look at it hard it shatters, rather like what I expect will happen here, if she bumps into someone with a different opinion of her “skills”.
“…will clear our planet.
In a matter of years!!!!”
Um huh. Yep. Sure. How many years? Even a ballpark. Two gazillion billion quadrillion? Well, maybe the planet will be clear of people by then so you can say see, we did it!!!! (Mandatory exclamation tech included.)
Here’s my wish for her for 2018:
*A safe and joyous New Year and the additional hope that the true OT VIII cognition that this is all a scam is stuck in your brain and causes you to ease slowly towards the door with your family.*
When that is the best success story they have, there is hope the walls are crumbling.
Have a great 2018 all!
I notice she didn’t thank COB – isn’t that some kind of party foul?
They activated the Hole for her.
What is this… Westworld?
Notice, she didn’t thank COB. Hmmmmmmm. How did this ever get approved? Do you think she was or will be sec-checked for this glaring omission?
They activated the Hole for her too. At least they’ll have each other. Both should be out by 2026.
Life is so wonnerful at the top of the compost heap!
I’ve often thought as the church of scientology these days and the followers in it as being in an alternate universe. This lady is in a bubble in an alternate universe. So delusional.
I at the top of the compost heap once. But I just couldn’t take the smell.
The Great Mysteries of the Upper Levels were well hidden in my day and I had the attitude, “Well . . . maybe . . . Let’s see what happens.” A current scn-ist keeping himself or herself in self imposed mystery might think likewise and aspire toward Susan’s “State of Beingness”. She sounds quite positive about the whole thing.
Many years ago when cable television first came out I came across Billy Graham preaching. He was announcing that he was absolutely certain and knew without any doubt that when he passed away he would be sitting at the right hand of God. Funny how that works.
Bullshit! I was promised that I would sit at the right hand of God!!! Who the Hell is running things here?
Dude! You were meant to sit at the right hand of God. Not on it! You gave him the hibbie gibbies…
OSD – You wouldn’t sit around anyhow. Assuming the big guy awards them to you, your angel wings would be a great asset to getting to the offshore breakers.
An Old Surfer Dude with angel wings and a surfboard would be quite a sight!
Oh goodie… A New Year’s front porch funny! When do we get the punch line?
She is the punch line, Yawn… Sad but true…
Damn! I wanted to be the punchline.
Punch Line? Is that where all the execs line up and get a complimentary Happy New Year’s punch from Slappy?
New OT8:
The latest greatest imaginary construct make believe!
Yay! The church of make believe is the best church in the world!
Mike, Happy New Year. Thank you so much for your service.
Love and prosperity for you and your lovely Family. ❤️
Hey, that’s what I’ve been saying! I’m a member of the Church of Make Believe! And proud of it! I’m also a Jedi Knight. You might want to see my latest film, The Last Jedi…
This lady’s ‘win’ has all of he signs of someone inside a bubble. A bubble with mirror surface on the inside. Every thing seen is within the bubble. Since she has attention on the 4D that would seem to be her introversion case.
Too bad the old OT 4-7 were dropped. They extroverted the individual at least.
Maybe the strangest “win” you’ve ever posted. OT8 … And yet no real win as a case or being … strongest “win” is essentially that COB is making the right moves and that the planet will be cleared in a number of years (uhm, yeah, that’s really perceiving the physical universe, back to SRD I guess). I myself usually have a respect for anyone’s subjective wins, as weird as they might be, but wth all DUE respect, it really does sound as if she is attesting to being delusional.
It has become pretty clear that OT8 is a bogus level devoid of any “truth revealed” … but I guess after all that time and money, one has to mock up that SOMETHING worthwhile occurred …
For some, it’s hard to admit being a fool… Should have learned that at OT3 but some are late bloomers, it appears…
At least you got out, teen! That alone means you really do have Super Powers! Way to go!
These type of “wins” in scamology are like an inverted emperor’s new clothes situation. Where you pay the Org hundreds of thousands of dollars for the finest clothing in the multiverse and you are to write a description of them so others will want to come into the org and pay for theirs. Only, there are no real clothes.
The King, or in this case, the Pope, NEVER had real clothes. But, once again, Scientology is all make believe.
The Miscarriage level she has achieved is “Full brainwashed level”.
Full brainwashed indeed. No thinking needed. It will be done for you.
Considering that she probably endured non-stop regging during her time on the ship, she must have paid out a lot while she was there. Her success was in making herself feel better about all the money she flushed down the toilet, by inventing delusions.