This is supposedly a rousing success story from a new OT VIII completion. They published this as something to be proud of. Explaining the massive wins available from the pinnacle of The Bridge.
And this is all “E.T.” could come up with — it was remarkable (apparently not as not much in the way of remarks) and gave “more attention for the present” (not even “I’m in PT” which is the supposed result of Objectives) and “felt” the ability to “know and understand” was increased and and enlarged. And a raise in Reality and Affinity can, according to LRH, be increased by talking to someone. Just talking. For free.
And apparently it is the best they could find.
Slim pickings in the OT VIII department.
“My attention was freed up from the past, giving me more attention for the present”
Got it, and that’s nice, but wouldn’t this be an Objectives completion ability? And a rather lukewarm one, at that?
Eddie Torres! The extra testicle!
In fact it is very sad to see how blindfolded or brainwashed Scientologists are. If we compare this “success story” and ability gains by completing OT VIII with all the promises and pledges written by Hubbard on the road to total freedom… it is quite a shame. I had the same gains by reading “the Power of now” by Eckhart Tolle and it cost me only 10 bucks.
My big win on OTVIII was when they handed back my passport.
They handed back your passport? Wow! That must have been one hellava Success Story.
It was. And very different to the one I had to write in order to get outta there.
Sounds like an illiterate fourteen year old ethics officer had to approve it before publication. If this is the top of the bridge, give me the bottom of the barrel.
That’s where I live…in the bottom of the barrel. It’s quit.
On July, 17th 2018, I marked thirty years since OT VIII completion. Looking back, most of what I recall is the extreme hype that was associated with the level. I was bombarded from all side with a movement not a spiritual level. The extreme damage to my mind by L Ron Hubbard was caused by his unchecked involvement into the occult which he did not understand. Hubbard is now a distant memory reduced to an image and a label as a toad. The only thing good about OT VIII was the joy in taking apart Hubbard’s Luciferian mind. It was entertainment of the highest order.
Georges what OTVIII did you do the “OTVIII series 1” from 1980, with the 78 million year ago incident with people off this universe, or the checksheet from 1985, starting with History of Man, the solo CS 53, and the check for true/false on incidents?
Whoever commented, I do not see a record of it on the blog. I did the earlier version of OTVIII with the 1980 Bulletin. I know people who did it much later and did the CS 53 versions.
What has leaked on internet, was only the OTVIII series 1.
Now, was there other bulletins, what was the processing all about?w
True to form for Scientology, we developed our own framework. The auditing was about History of Man, and the contents of the Bulletin. You know it was advertised as “unique for you”. I could write a volume about it but this is a blog and very little is covered.
The Bulletin, of course, contained the “off this universe people and the incidents”. There were many incidents.
But was there some bulletins like OTVIII series 2, 3 etc.?
You see, with OTIII, you have this first bulletin (handwritten) with the story, and then many other bulletins explaining the auditing. And a full check sheet with drills etc.
I couldn’t work out how to apply this OTVIII series 1 to auditing, and I used to be a trained auditor.
So there should have been a check sheet with more information, a process sheet, some drills otherwise it would have been impossible to use.
Oddly enough, no part of this OTVIII of 1980 has ever leaked, except this first bulletin.
Personnaly, I did in 1989, the OTVIII starting with the solo CS 53.
A rumor said that there was many versions of OTVIII (run on the ship, I don’t include the bulletin of 1969, “OTVIII why thetans mock up”).
Now I knew many OTVIII (I mean in the free zone, in the church they wouldn’t have said a word about the subject)
And none of them ever did the 1980 version, including those who did it in 1988 when OTVIII was issued.
Aside when I was on the church, the 1980 version would have been qualified as “Out of the world”, “LRH made it again !” “The biggest truth ever said” etc. This version was more science fiction than OTIII. People should have been amazed, thrilled. (and regges would have used it, to get money!)
But there was not such a buzz
What I heard in 1988 was “its very simple, but there is a lot of gains” (maybe gains where not so impressive but it certainly was simple).
Aside, I know some couple, where one did OTVIII in 1988, and the other after 1990, or later.
Those people left the church and since they had nothing to say on the subject.
So, my take is that this “level” never was delivered in the church. So, to me, it’s a contrary fact that you assert that you did it. Unless you can really explain how you audited it.
You see, I’m just curious. I just like to know.
Anyhow, I strongly believe that none of those OTVIII were ever written but Hubbard. I could explain why I believe so.
It doesn’t mean that if there was one written by Hubbard it would automatically do good.
I just mean to know the actual facts which happened.
Wy, the whole thing is a fraud. This nonsense was never written by LRH. There was indeed a separate “processes” bulletin which I have read and the processes were wacky to say the least. Either George is 1) making it all up, or 2) perpetuating the original fraud (he has written a book about it now!), or 3) Miscavige tried it out as an April Fool’s type joke to see what people would believe (and it seemingly worked if such was the case).
The 1969 OTVIII HCOB you mention has no relation at all to this 1980 Lucifer/Jesus/Pedophile thing. The 1969 HCOB was written by LRH. You cannot mistake the tone and content of the text.
If anyone believed or still believes that drivel about Lucifer etc. they need their heads examining!
No one can change facts except in their heads and this is what we are experiencing with Hubbard as Lucifer and OT VIII. There is no doubt that Hubbard wrote the 1980 Bulletin. It fits in perfectly with the entire religion. You see Scientology was copied out of texts that were available in the 1900-1940 time period published even in the newspapers. All Hubbard did was to copy the Theosophy occult model and degenerate it into the production of evil in the universe. The reason you cannot see the OT VIII Bulletin is because you cannot see the whole of Scientology. Scientology is in reality nothing more than a sixth grade religion. You cannot get hung up on the auditing or the processes. Hubbard was issuing a challenge because he was running out of time. You are assigning too much value to Scientology as a religion.
In July, 1988, I was given the Student Briefing of 1980 with Hubbard announcing his role as Lucifer on the Freewinds. I cannot change that. Besides, I have said this over and over, there is a general misunderstanding about Lucifer. He was not such a bad dude and Hubbard meant him as the “light bearer’ You are stuck in myth. Now the part of Jesus as a pedophile is your real problem in Scientology. This statement by Hubbard was traced back to South Africa because I believe that the primary FSM that drove expansion the country was gay. The second theory id that there was a clear gay person who gave his story on Ortega’s blog. He was showcased by Hubbbrad. Hubbard tried to make him more evil. Need more proof? Get a life. You can check this out. Anyway, Hubbard had a total misunderstanding of gays. The tone scale was just copied from Theosophists and changed. So sorry to tell you this but the curtain has finally been pulled back on Scientology.
This latest class of OTs… They are mailing it in now!
I address my complaint to our COB, Chairman of the Board, Mr. David Miscavige. I do not direct this complaint at any one particular poor sap who exclaims “wins”, because both LRH and I know bullshit when we see it… my complaint goes out to all scientologists, wherever they may be on the Bridge, who do not enthusiastically praise our religion.
We THREE (COB, LRH, OT – me the OT – Operating Tomato) – are the Holy Trinity of scientology. Only we THREE know how to KSW.
And as supreme beings, let’s not mince words.
David, you, as the standing ecclesiastical leader, are the only Supreme Being on Teegeack with working opposable thumbs, so it is your FUCKING DUTY to fix this mess. What is WRONG with you?
LRH and I comm endlessly about your failings, so you better get your act together.
I love this post! ?
Richard, do you have any idea how many times I’ve heard that same asinine, condescending comment from Indies: “I’m sorry you didn’t get anything from the Grade Chart.” You really want to know what I “got” from Scientology? Read my book. I’m sorry YOU are still drinking the Kool-aid and haven’t realized what a massive, evil con Hubbard put together.
“…enlarged by substantial increments.”
Shouldn’t that be “enlarged by correct orders of magnitude”?
And how did this person increase both the ability to “know” and “understand”? And why was this person’s abilities both “increased” and “enlarged”? Is this person being paid a penny a word, so they have to “pad” their success story? Are they trying to perfect their “Shermanspeak” for a new “official biographer” position that may open up in the future? Or do all Scientologists write like this?
You must remember, L. Ron was paid a penny per word. Hence he, and all his followers, have a severe case of what dear old mum called ‘diarrhea of the mouth’. They just keep vomiting words, over and over, and again, and repeatedly, and so on, and so forth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Uhm … I got those wins from Life Repair back in 1972 … I thought for sure, freedom from attention on the cycle of death and re-birth AT LEAST from becoming an OT … Oh, well … going for some good Indian food later, should be tasty …
This is the prime example of someone who reached the Pinnacle of towing the line. I had more wins the moment I called AOLA and told them that I was leaving Scientology. All the sudden, I started getting real wins instead of the made up ones like this. Really cool stuff started happening and I started making real spiritual progress for the first time in my life, but only after I made that couragous phone call and confronted thee realityof the sham. Literally, I told a EO that the emeter did nothing and LRH pretty much amounted to a charlatan as far as I could gather. The best the EO could respond with is that we reached a consensus to disagree on those facts (!!).
In my case, which I constantly evaluate now, my eternity started paying dividends as soon as I started handling reality.
Golden-Era Parachute,
I got many gains while training and auditing…… and then there was a point that I had gotten all that scientology had to offer. Walking out was a next-logical step in my rehabilitation as a spirit. “I” was responsible for “me”. Feels damn good even 35 years going on. As you wrote: ‘My eternity started paying dividends!’
It’s cool, right?! I mean, the dividends. As for your experience, it’s all subjective so there’s no wrong answer in that regard. The best part is having control over D7, for me at least. If I could give credit to the org or LRH, I would fairly do so; however, I was a D7 noob prior during that. What I got was outside of Ron’s teachings. Better than telling a still-in to leave is to tell a still-in that SoS pg. 100-101 is wrong about being $cn the only solution, as the framework of auditing is still interrelated to the improvements other religions make towards D7. In a religion-less phrase, they are all different means to the same end as all are interconnected through God. All roads lead to the same oneness.
Longwinded response, but I agree. You were right to go your own route if it was your choice to do so, as you realized a barrier and overcame that limitation. Later Jim!
What is this? Some sort of perverted joke? ET’s success story??? Did they fly home from the Fleecewinds on a bicycle?
When you really look at Scientology after busting your balls on the subject, the micromanagement of MIscavige shines through on every public announcement, or better stated, on every aspect of the con. It’s such a boring monotone of bullshit, played over and over again. Scientologists are the most unimaginative stick in the mud assholes you’ll ever see or hear. Their reason for living is always so far up the butt of Hubbard that MIscavige is just an usher in a pseudo naval uniform. A flashlight and smile at the ready to shake you down and show you the way to oblivion.
One could wonder why they don’t get a life – Elmer Fudd summed it eloquently, “a do do do do… that’s all they have folks!”
Actually that was Porky Pig stuttering “That’s all folks!”. “Looney Tunes” describes $cientologists perfectly though.
Scientology: “…such a boring monotone of bullshit..”
Yep, nailed it!
I achieved this same wonderful win from reading Carl Sagan’s “The Demon Haunted Word” thanks to Chris Shelton.
Typo.. it is The Demon Haunted World.
LRH, like the disappointing second son, or poor man’s version, of a truly great man like Carl Sagan.
Is that E.T. or ET? Because for a ideallistic level, anything will be epic, out of this world, as on the infinitum!
I feel such sympathy for those still-in folks. Spending all their money (not to mention money they don’t have) on this OTVIII stuff. I mean, what have these people given up their futures for!!! What are they going to do when they can no longer work. Let’s face it, scientology doesn’t have a retirement plan or a pension. This is so sad and scary!!!
To their credit, a lot of VIII Completions have left Scientology once they realized that this pinnacle of the Grade Chart was just as much empty bullshit as the rest of the Chart.
The ideas and concepts presented in scn are a basis for comparison and many of them remain useful to me. I left in 1982 and wouldn’t recommend the Cherch of Miscavage to anyone. I’m sorry you didn’t get anything from the Grade Chart.
I got a lot as a kid from the character of Mr. Spock in taming my youthful emotions and looking at life more logically too but I wouldn’t suggest starting a Vulcanology cult over it.
Anything useful in $cientology is more of an accident or a calculated foundation for continuing plausibility to entice hapless victims further down the road to bankruptcy and up the bridge to nowhere.
Laughter – Mr. Spock would be proud of any human star travelers who had attained all the abilities on the Grade Chart. Who even thought of such things when they entered scn as a young man or woman? Here’s the 1970 Grade Chart.–Classification-Gradation-and-
My grandmother was a devout Christian. She told me that angels helped her and they would help me too if I asked them. She also sold natural food supplements and gave astrology readings. Her viewpoint was that God created the Heavens so we could admire and contemplate them. She was a New Age person back in the 1950’s.
If genetics has anything to do with anything I was a natural for scientology.
Does DM have a 2018 Grade Chart he posts on the walls or do you have to pay to see it? I’d like to see it as a basis for comparison.
In the 1970’s scn was affordable and someone could buy their way up the processing side of the chart and complete it in maybe a year or two. That’s a guess on my part since I didn’t do the OT levels.
Richard, I didn’t do the OT levels either. I’m not even Clear. I only made it half-way up the Grade chart as a pre-clear. My auditing did help me, though.
I have a theory, my own theory, that the OT levels were a huge let-down for many Scientologists.
It seems – and I’m NOT saying I’m right – but it appears to me that the angriest, the most furious and contemptuous about Scientology of the Exes – the now-out former Scientologists are those who completed the OT levels thru 8, and who experience NOT getting what they were promised, or, NOT getting what they were hoping to get, counting on getting.
Because it appears (to me at least, based on what these Exes write, and how upset they are) that the OT levels were not worth what they had to go thru to attain them, (at best) or a complete rip off and, effectively, at worst, an unspeakable, unconscionable rip-off and severe betrayal of trust.
With no condescension, I have nothing but compassion for anyone whose trust in CO$ was betrayed in this way. There isn’t anything worse. We all, I believe, hunger to be better; we all know on some level that there IS more to us as human beings than meets the eye. We just know this.
For any person or organization to promise enlightenment of this type and then not deliver it is, well, I don’t have the words for how evil it is.
A thousand times worse than just conning someone with an investment scheme, let’s say. Because this type of betrayal strikes at the core of a person, that beautiful, pure, innocent core, that’s always there, that may get obfuscated by painful experiences but that’s still always there, always beautiful, always pure and innocent, no matter what that person has done to others and no matter what others have done to him or her. That core that probably IS the person. That desire to be better, to be powerful so as to HELP – wow, you strike at that, you go for defrauding and selfishly using THAT, and there’s NOTHING worse that you could do to that person.
Although, the good news is that it probably won’t succeed! Because that beautiful core which IS the person, really can’t be killed. Bruised maybe, for a while, but never killed. Its like a self cleaning oven; it can get dirty but then – presto 🙂 Its back 🙂
WOW! You write the truth.
Aqua! Thanx for this beautiful post. You nailed it. This is exactly the reason I’m here on this blog. When I started thinking about the reality of that kind of deception it affected me to my core. I needed to talk to people that had been through this. And I need to heal somewhat as well. Because it shattered my mindset about the basic goodness of people. I feel so much empathy for people betrayed by this truly evil cult! So I will keep nattering about scientology till I am 6 feet under. I love everyone here and I appreciate being included in the conversation.
Jefferson I agree. How much real money do you figure “ET’ spent on these life changing gains? It is so very sad that Miscarriages Scamology followers continue to believe in this bullshit. As a never in I find myself wanting to destroy what Scamology is trying to build on. Not only to save the poor souls that currently follow him but to prevent any that might blindly fall into the webs of deceitful evil that he procreates. The most positive thing we as a united front could do would be to obliterate David Miscarriages evil plans to continue taking money from those who believe they are cared for by this obvious false prophet. Leah and Mike are true warriors and all that can see evil have an obligation as human beings with souls to support them in any way possible. Shame on you Sc$entology, shame on you David Miscarriage and shame on you Tom Cru$se. May you all rot in purgatory.
I think people stay in Scientology for the same reasons someone will stay in a bad marriage. The biggest being the hope that something will change, that the promises made will come to fruition. Others reasons are security, ripping yourself out of Scientology and trying to work as a single person, and if you are Sea Org that’s even more scary to leave, ….., all the friends and family they love that are connected and will be disconnected, when they leave a marriage or CoS…and the slow admission to one’s self that they wasted many years trying to keep a commitment that was doomed to fail. Probably with people telling them they should get out….having to admit that people were right. It’s all so so sad.
You’ve hit the nail on the head here Lynda. A diabolical combination of carrots and sticks added to which I’d say the stigma with which you’re going to have to acclimatize yourself to once you decide to stick your head above the trench, and which can take a while to shed yourself of, if only in your own mind. It’s truly an insidious operation put together by a very cunning and manipulative mind and further exploited by an equally deceitful but more ruthless megalomaniac.
They want to stay so they make themselves right for staying. After making themselves right for staying, year after year, how can they then make themselves wrong? They create their own trap. Staying becomes not about what they observe, not about truth, not about workability or viability or anything that’s pro survival. Staying is all about them being right, and staying right. Last ditch right! They’ll go down with the ship, still being right. There are a lot of people out there like this, in various ways! Take a look; they’re all around you! People who decided to be right about something and they will NEVER change their mind about it no matter the evidence. Evidence be damned. It’s funny in a way if it weren’t so sad, as well as destructive to them.
This reminds of your average 4th grader’s first book report.
I read this book. I liked the book. It was good. It is a book that has chapters. The chapters are interesting. I learned a lot from this book. I would recommend this book to a friend because it is good.
—M. Q.
How very dull and sad. This is one of the many reasons I left after seeing the mediocre OTs in action.
And those mediocre OTs will find out that they get sick just like the rest of us. The dwarf said, when he was interviewed by Ted Kopple, “Scientology don’t get sick.” Yeah…they still die.
“Scientology don’t get sick.” (I know that was a typo, OSD, no worries.)
Yes, right! Like hell Scientologists don’t get sick! In fact, the higher up the Bridge they were, the more body problems they had, from what I observed when I was in.
And, now that I know the Xenu story, why haven’t I gotten pneumonia?
Forget pneumonia, I don’t even get colds. The last cold I got was 7 years ago when I was super stressed and super tired. Nor do I get headaches, no matter how stressed or tired I am.
And I’m WAY down the Bridge.
So much for going up the Bridge to ensure physical health.
Of course, I grant you, I’ve always been MENTALLY ill 🙂
But we’re talking about physical health right now, OK? 🙂
Positioning on a bridge, ladder, level of attainment and so on is common in religion, practices and cults. Even after blowing scn over thirty years ago the pain in the ass thought still occasionally, now rarely, arises. “I wonder if I missed anything.” laughter
I think the thought process would be similar wherever someone fell off or got kicked off “The Bridge”. haha
I never “got to, advanced to” solo auditing. I was a pretty good auditor and auditing myself might have been trippy. I don’t know if I would have bought into auditing my “passengers”. Maybe there were some other trippy processes on the OT levels.
Speaking of trippy, a few years ago some members of Ken Wilber’s Integral Life group went off to a jungle somewhere and got blasted on psychedelic jungle juice on a trip led by a benevolent guru. A couple of them were interviewed later and were rather starry eyed with a different perspective on things. I don’t know if the new perspective lasted.
These poor suckers need to search so hard to find something positive (real or imagined) to tell themselves and others when they reach the end and there is nothing. Now on OT 8 Hubbard tells them “they are now ready to find out who they really are”. Isn’t that where they started when they came into Scientology? Okay, they are ready but there are no other OT levels. Ops, the bus to freedom circled right back to where it started. That’s it folks. State how happy you are or there will be serious consequences. Thanks for giving up your money, family members, friends, etc. Now step away from the bus. You can wait for the next bus but you should know it hasn’t arrived during the last 35 years. Many have died waiting for it while others have just quietly walked away.
I heard from a very reliable source (ha) that OT IX & X will consist of recalling all the BTs and clusters you earlier handled and get them on the training route up to Class VIII. This is all part of Dave’s strategy for the upcoming release of GAT 3.
My biggest win on the ship was knowing I was done and that I would never be back.
My biggest win was never going to the ship.
Think of what you’re missing though. Angst, anxiety, stuff that is hard to come by….
I know, but I’m willing to make the sacrifice.
That’s so big of you.
I’m a big bean.
My biggest win was getting my wife off of the ship while I was still alive. That was by far the toughest thing I did in Scn. The Captain knew that if he stalled long enough I would be dead and the problem solved. He came very close to pulling it off.
BTW, (sorry for the off topic) I must have missed it but :The “Exact Person” Behind the “Entire Drug Epidemic”
Was that ever revealed?(I just know it’s not me, at least I don’t think it is and if they said it was then it’s a bold faced lie! ) I bet it’s only revealed to OT VIIIs. Anyone have CI on the inside you can ask?
I think it was the owner of Lily. Not totally sure tho.
I’m not a Republican (anymore) but just for shits and giggles how about what Nancy Reagan advanced as THE cause of the Drug Epidemic, i.e., far too many people who could not “Just Say No”..?
Or does that maxim apply solely to NON-Caucasians who give themselves over to drugs?
I’d wager it’s George Soros. Offshore billionaire and notorious tax dodger. Uses a handful of tax havens in Panama, Bermuda and the British Virgin Islands that no doubt scientologists would claim (and they may well be correct) hide various murky flows of laundered drug money. Forbes called him “the biggest drug reformer in the country” and he has pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into global efforts to legalise recreational drug use.
Your theory is great mwesten, but I would think the cult would be afraid to actually take on someone like Soros. Even Lilly doesn’t have the incredible mega bucks and sources he does that could ultimately take them down.
Hah! As if they’d bother taking anyone on. They will hand out a few leaflets, take a selfie with a little village mayor, claim eleventy million people have been “salvaged”, hold another “vitally important briefing” then reg the crap out of eachother. Rinse and repeat.
Great question!
So, scientology, who is the ONE person to blame for the drug fueled epidemic plaguing our world?
And I am sure that ONE person wouldn’t mind getting a heads up to protect themselves from some crazed scientologist out there.
Alright, alright! Its me. I started the whole thing. Look, I thought it would work to throw the blame on George S. – after all, he gets successfully blamed for just about everything that’s wrong nowadays, so why not the World Drug Epidemic too, you know? But…well, its me. Sorry, Mike. Sorry, everyone. And I’m going to need you all to sign my Liability Formula. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.
Starbucks: $4, cheap. Alert and certainly present.
You don’t need Scientology if you have Starbucks. Actually, nobody needs Scientology.
The only dipshit that needs scientology is Miscavige.
His entire life depends on it, otherwise… he must have incredibly horrible nightmares.
Oh, I bet he does have nightmares WhatAreYourCrimes, and lives in a daymare looking over his shoulder constantly, checking under his bed and having someone check his closet to make sure there’s no monster (just like him) hiding in there.
ET, COME HOME! Pleeease!
Nah. I’m going to stay on Target 2. You guys have to many problems down there.
“E.T.” should have GONE HOME, rather than just “PHONING HOME” . . . !
BTW – I heard a rumor that, once you complete OT X, you will know where Shelly Miscavige is . . .
Dave F.
SNAP! that was good Dave
If I was “ET” I would ask for a refund in full.
I can only imagine what the phone call must be like to ask for a refund.
“You have reached the financial office. If you are calling about a refund on pre-paid services, or are unsatisfied with a service you paid for, please hold. Your call is very important to us, please hold and the next available operator will be right with you….please hold, the next available operator will be right with you…your call is very important to us. Please enjoy the LRH speeches for your listening pleasure as you wait – your call is very important to us.”……………
LOL, Peggy!
MCT oil,coconut oil will do the same at a far lower cost!
Sounds EXACTLY like the sort of suckess stories I had to cobble together many times just to “finish” a level and stop the waste of time and money. Same format; generalized, non specific and totally subjective “wins” (which can’t be challenged) and of course a big thanks to Blubbard at the end. Shallow but worked every timem.
But do you notice that for a long time now, thanks for LRH comes at the end almost as an afterthought and that thanking RTC and COB come first. The change into making COB the messiah has been very subtle over a long period of time until it is now complete.
These were his thoughts as he wrote the success story: “I got some more Scientology auditing and if I don’t write a great bullshit success story I won’t be allowed to continue to next level. But wait, this was OT VIII, the highest level, so I will just write a stupid success story and thank god I am done so I can get out of this money trap called the Freewinds.”
Yes, Mike, your title “Damned With Faint Praise” tells the whole tale.
So apropos that the initials are E. T. You can’t make this stuff up! …oh…never mind.
You want that level of win? Here you go:
Put more attention on the present. Go ahead. Just do it.
There. Just saved you 2 million bucks.
My Success Story: I got into PT and I feel great! And…IT WAS FREE!
Thanks, gorillavee!
This is probably totally off subject, but I am relatively new to the blog… Knowing that OT VIII (or any other level for that matter) is bullshit; the thing I find most interesting is the name of the tag it is filed under, “golden age of tech II”. Anyone here a part of LRH’s Golden Era Studio operations? So DM has no creativity of his own. I suppose he loves to use “Golden” in everything, seeing as how his position with Golden Era Studios (camera operator) is what he used to manipulate his way to the top and destroy LRH and his Messengers. Not that LRH was much better… but in comparison, YES he was! DM takes the cake in pure evil.
Just listen to LRH’s personal doctor’s account of the failing heath and need for medications in his last years of life.
So much for being at “TOTAL CAUSE!”
Exactly, SAS. “TOTAL CAUSE”…what bullshit!
No big mention of the Basics that was required of me in my OT VIII Success Story? What happened? Basics were shoved down our throats on the ship (thank gawd I had done them already – which didn’t stop them from finding ONE MORE THING I had to read before being allowed onto VIII). Gosh and I heard “no more heavy regging” on the ship. Such a kinder gentler religion than when I was on there.
What’s the matter, dave? Too hard to get people to want to go to the ship? Good luck with that one.
Mary Kahn you are a true warrior and an inspiration for me! So I have to say….Dave is a total dik! All of his crap is total BS and I ask you to continue speaking the truth and be a shining STAR for those that are on the fence. You are an inspiration girl! Thank you!
Clearly her ability to know and understand didn’t happen if she’s still in.
All this just makes me give a big sigh, shake my head, and, as a never in, wonder how in the world someone can spend years and years of their life, thousands and thousands of dollars, to have nothing to show except years and years down the drain along with thousands and thousands of dollars. All in pursuit of unanswered questions, promises that the answers would come to them, all of it nothing but a very cruel scam. It’s a big black hole. Still no answers.
I can only make a very tiny comparison with one big exception. For some reason, (because the previews mentioned a cat, which is what got my attention) there was a show about quantum physics and Schrodinger’s cat. I did watch it, had no clue, so I asked my then boyfriend (who has a degree in physics) what the heck it was about. He gave me this sweet look, then said “want to go for ice cream?”. Well duh! I figured he didn’t understand it either and wanted to change the subject. At least I got ice cream and it only cost me an hour of my time, and the end win is didn’t cost me a cent.
The real problem with this is that “E.T” believes it.
I just hope he or she does not get sick and dies as many other OT VIIIs had perished after completing this Level.
This also reminds me of an old dear friend that after 15 years on OT VII and then OT VIII was addressing on, and on, and on a somatic she had on her throat. The EP was she ended mute…and I’m not kidding.
Silvia, so typical that the sheeple try to handle a medical problem with spiritual handling, i.e., auditing, and the result of this mishandling was she can’t talk anymore. I think it was DM who started this as another way to reg money from people. Find out what they’re bothered with and tell them auditing will handle it even if it is purely physical. LRH wrote a reference saying that first you look into and get medical handlings before anything else and that medicos are good for setting bones and such. So even he knew the importance of medical help when it was needed. SO this other emphasis is DM’s as a reg tool.
I recall when I heard that staff member, Robin Hanses, from St Louis, had cancer after “training “ (getting treated like dirt) at Flag for years ….
she got some auditing and her cancer went in remission
The staff, Robin and family bragged how “ Scientology worked”
A few years later …. she is dead
Scientology did not work
Scientology kills!
Wooooaaaahhh!!!!!! If these are the wins of a fresh OT VIII completion, you can just imagine what their ‘success story’ was like when they were a low level ‘pre-OT’ who just attested to the ‘state of clear’. Maybe something like, “I am here and I can feel. Thank you RTC, COB and of course LRH”.
I could do better than this by having a date with Mary Jane after a visit to a local herb shop. And the wins and gains would be more interesting and stable. And, my purse would still have some heft as a result of a fair exchange.
I can help you with that, Ms. B.
I’m sure you could OSD, Mary Jane enjoys a little two-timing…
It somehow brought to mind a nervous 11 year-old, getting up in front of the class for a little show-and-tell. The poor writing was certainly at that level. I won’t even bother to point out the needed corrects.
She/ he would have been far better off taking a remedial English class than shelling out all that money for OT8. What a waste!
Strunk and White? What’s that? Obviously wog entheta.
If VIII was so great, wait until ET does his objectives again, for the 4th or 5th time; that’s a win from book & bottle.
Shakespeare and a good glass of Merlot is my book and bottle.
You’re talking my language! You got another bottle?
I like your style, MJ!
“My reality was raised higher…” I hope this means E.T. came to the reality that Scientology is all a lie.
Talk about a limp-wristed win!
I have better wins than that taking an ice-cold shower every morning! That raises my reality quite high! Dreadful shock to the old system though so don’t do it if you have a weak heart.
On the OT 8 list there is one person with such initals: Evgenia Teryukova
Of course the person could also be an OT 8 that is not on thet list.
My Parks and Recreation Family Yearly Membership was $510.
I started attending Power Yoga, Pilates and a few weight lifting classes 3-4 times a week (along with my husband and daughter) at the beginning.
Yoga has BY FAR been one of the greatest methods of finding peace and happiness in myself and seeing it in other people around me (even those I can barely tolerate). I feel less weight on my shoulders, more interest in the success of my family and my friends, more responsible for making the world a better place without earning a trophy. I deeply appreciate the NOW when it is actually happening!
I have learned from my past but work hard to not let it wreck my now. I also practice not worrying about the future too much. These two things are not easy or simple (personally I have found)! But it is free to practice and get your own gains. 🙂
It is absolutely insane (full hindsight) that anyone would think scientology could improve their lives when you can just get your ass to a good yoga class with a teacher you click with and learn what the meaning of namaste is then apply it.
Namaste: “It is a gesture to send a message of peaceful spirituality to the universe in the hopes of receiving a positive message back.”
Namaste Sarita! ☺
ET go home.
Interesting use of the past tense by E.T. He/she “felt” … If if were a lasting win, the wording would have been present tense. This reads to me like one of those success stories people write when they’re biggest win is that the level’s finally over.
IKR? the sort of “win” you get from the SRD, endless objectives done until you drop, then endless sec checks to discover WHY you stopped doing the darned thing.
I got lucky on the SRD in 83 or so. It bogged mildly and I got a correction list. It read on “Has anyone told you these processes are not necessary? I hemmed and hawed and finally the auditor pulled it out of me: LRH.
They sent me to attest. That was probably the last time the believed in their own tech.
“…biggest win is the level’s finally over”.
ROTFLMFAO!!! Now that’s some funny shit!
Completely agree. Reads like someone on the way out who might have finally had their “aha” moment . Here’s hoping!
That’s it?
I think I got that from the Communication Course. $30 bucks
You better have written a Success Story that they approve of.
No “vim vam wham bam v’room bing bang boom”? ET isn’t even trying.
I vim vam’d once. I’ve never been the same since.
I vim vam’d once and pulled a ham string 🙂
Hazards of the trade.
I still want to have an “Ice Cream” party with the young ‘org girls” ….. let me check my credit cards !
Let me check them out. I’ll let you know if the girls are up to par.
That Ice Cream Party Girls fiasco was so poorly planned. Why did the those Sea Whores allow a camera to take any photos that might wind up in the hands of any wogs in general, or SPs in particular.
LRH and I agree, when you fleece the elderly, do it quietly, do it slowly, and do it without fucking photographic proof!
Miscavige, get to the the fucking bottom of this ASAP. LRH is getting mighty sick of your piss-poor implementation of Tech.
Whatareyourcrimes, ?
PS! That’s too funny!! ☺