How is it that a “New OT VIII,” Super Power, 2 time Cause Resurgence Rundown and all 3 L’s completions needs an Asthma/Allergy Rundown? Wasn’t that cured on Dianetics? Or at least on New Era Dianetics for OT’s???
How about a “Havingness Rundown”? (If they keep soaking her for everything anyone can possibly pay for, her “havingness” is going to shot).
Or a “Dynamic Sort-Out Assessment”? Or “Vital Information Rundown?” WTF???
She even says “I thought things were pretty much handled” and so they should have been. She spent in excess of half a million dollars to get to the end of the scientology “Bridge to Total Freedom” and ALSO Super Power, L’s and Running Pgm (twice..) and STILL they managed to find things wrong with her that she needed to pay to “fix.” I guarantee if you lined up her success stories from those previous “achievements” they would each one expound on how her entire universe is now wonderful and she is all powerful and nothing can stop her and, and, and…
Yet, here she is, with another glowing accounting of how much these latest boondoggles were “incredible.”
This “rave success story” is a terrible indictment of the promised (and unrealized) gains sold by scientology.
Imagine graduating Harvard Law School and then saying “They persuaded me to do a remedial reading course after I graduated and it was amazing how much I got out of it. Then I did a 7th grade social studies class and boy did I need that. And the basic math/multiplication lessons really were eye-opening.”
Clearly, Tomoko Ryan has more money and time on her hands than she knows what to do with. The Flag regges must LOVE her!
I expect this poor girl is going to be told, eventually, that she didn’t REALLY achieve clear and she has to re-do her lower bridge to fill in the gaps missed because of faulty admin (Omitted GAT III) and then all the other GC steps or some such nonsense, and, of course she’ll go along with it because she wants to be totally “standard.”
Despite all of her superpowers, she still masked/gloved up like every other unquestioning establishment bootlicker. Scientologists stand for nothing but the status they think their framed receipts gives them.
No one undermines the state of OT quite like OTs themselves.
So, say I have an extra $500,000 stashed at an undisclosed location, could I just say I will give it to scientology if I can just skip all the other steps and go right to OTVIII? I’m all about expediting.
One of the beliefs in scientology is that people are helped by taking from them, going by that she has really been helped lots because the dwarfenfuhrer has taken over half a million dollars from her, its not about if it works or not, its about taking things from people, taking everything from someone down to the shirt off their back to ‘help’ them is what scientology is about.
Obsession is a key 🔑 factor in any cult as it throws you out of objectivity.
Any objectivism is heresy or taboo subjective to disciplinary actions.
It reminds me of Nicole Kidman’s movie Body Snather and Katie Holmes The Giver .
I am sorry; I misspoke. In 1979 there was no WDC anything. I recall that WDC was not formed until 1980 or 81.
And certainly there was no WDC Ship before the ship was purchased. I came aboard on 15 Sept 86 and I believe that the “Church”: took possession on that day. They just had to wait for the Curacao drydock (known as CDM) to inspect the hull to get the deal approved.
Of course, the hull was toast a few years later when I had to crawl into the lower tanks to measure the thickness of the steel with a DM meter (no relationship to the dwarfenfuehrer) which was an ultrasound thickness meter.
A query and notion I’ve always had about the ship is that it’s simply a scam to fleece $. I guess if the lie is big enough & told loudly enough it appears true to the masses. According to an LRHED I once read before the ship was even purchased I believe. If I recall it correctly & in context, Hubbard stated the AOs were to deliver OT8. What made it stick in my mind is I assumed Hubbard directed that tactically so if one continent went down due to political bs or coup or threw Scientology out there are others to carry on with delivering the full bridge.
Having all your eggs in one basket and advertising it is stupid if you have powerful enemies.
Not that it makes any difference anyway, OT8 is fairy-tale made serious for the gullible, just like everything else to do with the OT levels as they sit on the bridge to nowhere.
Anyone else remember that LRHED? Maybe I was day dreaming – did a lot of that while in Scientology…
Mike Napier told me the Boheme ship deal started on a Greek island. I can only imagine how the sellers felt when they realized the naivete of Miscavage and company. With the blue asbestos and worn hull, a knowledgeable customer would have realized she was only fit to be scuttled. The story behind the marketing of the Freewinds and OT8 is truly amazing.
Captain Right Arm John Michael ( Mike) Napier ( The only one in the S.O.) is a liar.
The Freewinds (originally called the Boheme which was still it’s name when I came aboard) was built in 1967-68 at the Wartsila shipyard n Turku, Finland for a company in Bremen, Germany. It sailed for a year and a half before it had to go for a complete refit in 1970. The single A/C chiller unit was totally insufficient to cool the ship for it’s new sailing area in the Caribbean sea. In 1983 there was a fire ( probably a fuel fire) which burned the entire generator room in which two of the generators were removed and replaced by 6 cylinder model 6R22 generators. ( The ” 6; means 6 cylinders; the “R” means Radial; or in line and the “22” means that the cylinders had a diameter of 220 millmeters. They turned at 1000 RPM and had an output of 1100 horsepower each. (Continued).
( Continued) So, we had 4 generators, the newer 6R22 generators and of the older 8R14TK generators ( The “8” stands for 8 cylinders, the “R” stands again for ” in line” and the “14” stands for 140 mm diameter cylinders. These generated 7 or 800 horsepower.
Three of the four generators had to be running and ” on line” in order for the bow thruster to operate. The bow thruster was only used to enter or leave port. So if a Generator was to fail going into or out of port and there was a lot of wind; the ship could have been blown onto the rocks.
This happened once while I was on Condition 1 ( all hands on duty). Generator #2 died out and the bow thruster kicked off. I ran down the stairs to the engine room but there was nothing that I could do.
The governor n generator #2 had locked up as it had been replaced the day before by the generator mechanic but was not aligned properly as the engine block had been replaced by the previous company after connecting rod went though the block. One of the parts where the governor mounts had a piece broken out which locates the governor in line with it’s drive shaft.
So it was pushing sideways on the governor shaft when tightened down and a bushing the governor got hot and welded to the shaft. This caused the bronze gear on the camshaft o strip is teeth and the governor to stop rotating.
( Continued) So, we had 4 generators, the newer 6R22 generators and of the older 8R14TK generators ( The “8” stands for 8 cylinders, the “R” stands again for ” in line” and the “14” stands for 140 mm diameter cylinders. These generated 7 or 800 horsepower.
Three of the four generators had to be running and ” on line” in order for the bow thruster to operate. The bow thruster was only used to enter or leave port. So if a Generator was to fail going into or out of port and there was a lot of wind; the ship could have been blown onto the rocks.
This happened once while I was on Condition 1 ( all hands on duty). Generator #2 died out and the bow thruster kicked off. I ran down the stairs to the engine room but there was nothing that I could do.
The governor on generator #2 had locked up as it had been replaced the day before by the generator mechanic but was not aligned properly as the engine block had been replaced by the previous company after a connecting rod went though the block. One of the parts where the governor mounts had a piece broken out which locates the governor in line with it’s drive shaft.
So it was pushing sideways on the governor shaft when tightened down and a bushing the governor got hot and welded to the shaft. This caused the bronze gear on the camshaft to strip is teeth and the governor to stop rotating. Either way, I do not believe that the ship was ever in the Mediterranean Sea, let alone Greece.
I figured it all ut by the next day.
OT 8, and she didn’t realize how much more she needed to handle?
You’d think after finishing OT 8 you would at least know if there is or is not something left to handle.
At least!
Well I’m fucked up, but at least I know it, and I know what it is I need to handle.
They should have stuck with the “Antichrist” version of OT VIII. At least then Miscavige would have been able to reveal himself as the Savior of the damned.
The Lucifer Antichrist Hubbard writing and all other private writings simply have to someday be laid out in sequence with all of Hubbard’s public writings.
Hubbard’s quackery lineup is just not a good thing, when it’s all laid out.
Keeping Quackery Working is doomed, and it all comes back to the lackluster quackery, and that is Hubbard’s fault. Admin and OSA can’t fix the quackery.
Scientology’s quackery dooms it.
Lucifer is the least of DM’s worries. Hub’s far more shocking reveal is the admission his tech only produces “temporary key-outs.” Oops.
Well, yeah, auditing is basically hypnosis. The key-out will eventually go away, which is why the success story must be written immediately. It also explains why auditing is so expensive. This puts pressure on the PC to have wins. I personally do not plan to get more auditing.
What an excellent point!
Scientology can not dispute this in anyway. It is obvious evidence that going OT is pointless and doesn’t work.
We see this all the time actually in the success stories and the auditing actions people take.
Yet, there they are! Jumping and smiling and holding up their certificates!
I’d say Jesse falls into the Tomoko Ryan camp. And that he wants attention, that was so true, Mike.
When at Flag on 7, as with all those on “the level,” we would end up in the OT waiting area either for reviews or sec checks. I started to see the “lie” as it seemed just about everyone sitting there waiting had body problems, especially headaches.
I remember thinking, “I thought the Int R/D, or Int by Dynamics, was suppose to handle all this?” Nope. We heard a repeat of what we had heard for years: “The next level will handle it.” That was said all the time, even though it was actually out-tech to say or imply such.
This was another major moment of realization that it was time to get out.
Wasn’t it P.T. Barnum who was credited with the phrase, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”? Must have been good buddies with LRH.
And I believe he also advised never to give a sucker an even break. Tomoko jumping around there looks like she’s addicted to the auditing highs and I’d go with Mike’s guess that she has time on her hands and money to squander. If not on Scientology she’d probably be at the mall every day.
Yes, the enthusiasm is charming, actually inspiring for people to keep going “despite all”.
Although most endeavors are difficult and one often struggles “despite all” to achieve worthwhile aims, the prison of belief forbids inspection of rotten foundations.
One illustration of a very corrosive false datum for me goes way back to 1973, when I first read ChaoSW.
“The common denominator of a group is the reactive bank. Thetans without banks have different responses. They only have their banks in common. They agree then only on bank principles.”
I recall at the time, as a brand new wide-eyed young Scientologist, being startled and going WTF?
Why did he not say, for example, “The common denominator of a group is thetans”? That could have been for sure as much a truth, if not perhaps a more important one. Or he could have said the common denominator of a group is the desire to survive better as a group through reciprocal help and teamwork.
But no! This was his state of mind.
You were left with an unqualified miserable idea of people, groups, and the world.
Some will pride themselves as being tough, facing head-on the “realities of life”, supporting that stark position. This is often more the result of an unfortunate personal path or disposition, than a comprehensive and full experience of Life.
As you can see, the first statement “The common denominator of a group is the reactive bank” is “supported” by a series of actually non-supportable other generalities in a sort of circular logic ending with a conclusion “They agree then only on bank principles”.
Note that the catch was that you could find instances of where this could be applicable, i.e. criminal groups, or dysfunctional families. As usual, pretty much anything can have some validity when you consider the extremes of life. But tribes love to paint exceptions over everybody.
I realized not that long ago that, back then on my first read of ChaoSW, here was something I disagreed with, yet deferred to his Ron-ship’s altitude I had learned to hold in awe, to then let this go as what would turn out to be a long-standing pattern of dealing with the odd things he would say:
“Maybe I’ll understand this later. When I am more sane . . . When I go clear and OT . . . blablabla . . .” The proper amount of self-inval any self-respecting humanoid should flagellate himself with.
Bottom line, here was another bolt and nut building my prison of belief.
These fools are addicted to auditing. I know people like this who are not scientologists who are addicted to therapy. Everyone needs a little assistance with life’s difficulties now and then, but not on a continuous basis. The trouble with the cult’s brand of therapy (auditing) is that it is a total and complete fraud and has been since Hubbard started pulling the ‘tech’ out of his ass back in the 40s. At least with ethical practitioners of psychotherapy or counseling, they will reach a point where they will say it’s time to end, come back later if you feel you need further help. That would NEVER happen in scientology. Once you step on their hamster wheel called ‘the bridge to total freedom’ you keep going until you are completely ruined financially or you die. You never get the results that are promised because it is all a con.
Maybe some of you ‘tech’ minded indie types out there could explain to me how a person gets to ‘OT VIII’ and still has a ‘case’. It seems to me that if there is no ‘case’ then nothing would read on an e-meter. If something is reading on an e-meter then maybe that is a verification that the whole shebang is shit. Not holding my breath for an answer on this one.
Dear Ms B Haven:
I am sorry that I canno’t answer your question.
I did not give much cash to the cult as I did not have any.
I only donated 23 years of hard labor and my life.
I was sent off of the Freewinds to die of AIDS after getting a bad blood transfusion in 1989 in the Freewinds home port Curacao.
Even though I had HIV AIDS I worked a full S.O. schedule for another 13 years before I was sent off to die. By then I had full-blown AIDS.
But they sent me to a chiropractor (One who had worked on LRH) who had never seen an AIDS patient.
That is no better than taking your computer to a car wash for repairs.
They were upset; (and probably still are) that I was and still alive over 20 years later.
I feel a little bad about not delivering what war needed and wanted i.e my death .
I was in the OTViII course room at the moment the he supervisor Mrs Weber ( I will probably remember her first name in a minute) when OTVIII was released on June 6 1988.
I was ordered there by Capt Ray Mithoff, then Inspector General for Tech RTC to handle a ventilation problem.
I was there when the sup called roll for the very first time.
Of course, none of this means dick.
Yes sir, her name was Alice Weber. I knew her in 1979 as Alice Hablutzel when she came to the A O before to get her Ned for OTs before they called N/OTs OT V. She married Gary Weber. Gary was earlier married to another lady who was WDCShip at the time.
Of course he later married my 1st wife. Now COFSSO Sharron Peterson Corbell Straass Weber. Though Sharron told me that her doctors had given her only 6 months to live when we were married in 1992 I have no ill-will toward her. I imagine that there are others who cannot say the same.
Thank you for reminding me.
I am sorry; I misspoke. In 1979 there was no WDC anything. I recall that WDC was not formed until 1980 or 81.
And certainly there was no WDC Ship before the ship was purchased. I came aboard on 15 Sept 86 and I believe that the “Church”: took possession on that day. They just had to wait for the Curacao drydock (known as CDM) to inspect the hull to get the deal approved.
Of course, the hull was toast a few years later when I had to crawl into the lower tanks to measure the thickness of the steel with a DM meter (no relationship to the dwarfenfuehrer) which was an ultrasound thickness meter.
I had a CAT scan of my head in 2003 and I saw the image and the nerologist had written on it ” Marked brain volume loss for patients stated age of 45. Also “Deep white matter disease from immune deficiency”. So. By actual measurement. I have shrunken brain.
So. If memory is stored in the brain that explains why my memory is not perfect. But I have no complaints.
My memory seems just as good as the next guy’s.
WOW! I can only imagine the amount she must have handed over to the IAS and the plethora of other parasite leeching scams to clear the planet, disseminate books, missions, disaster relief and Ideal Orgs etc that would have been thrust at her in her Scientology travels. Goodness me what an incredible example of Scientology’s never ending greed!
At least she shouldn’t sneeze anymore, one would only hope.
A little off thread, so sorry, Jesse Prince is all over FB denigrating Mike Rinder. His latest is that he says Mike hasn’t done much training or auditing on the Bridge and so that makes him not able to be an expert witness on Scn. My answer to that is look at the cult leader, David Miscavige. He doesn’t have much training at all. He was kicked off the Class IV Internship for slapping his pc in session. And he refuses to let anyone audit him. I don’t think he even made it through any OT Levels, and certainly no Sec Checks. So how come an untrained and unaudited person in Scn is allowed to run the whole show as Miscavige does? If he can do that, then Mike can be an expert witness.
Don’t worry, Jesse is trying to get some attention. Who knows why…
Anyone who still thinks scientology “certs” make you an “expert” is not much different than Tomoko Ryan who thinks they make her all-powerful…
Jesse of course wants attention because he’s a scientologist, and attention is everything in that group. He’s not a factor in anything; hardly ever was, except in his tiny little corner of the minuscule fiefdom Dwarfenführer has carved out of what used to be scientology.
As far as not having done much of scientology, that makes a person more sane and capable than those who have drunk as deeply of the Kool-Aid as the clams who persisted to the “top” of the “bridge to nowhere useful”™.
And you get one of those humongous certs for EVERY action you complete, no matter how small???? Geez!!!! What the fuck do people do with all those things?
Yeah, a good question , why would an OT8 need to deal with havingness? If you’ve read LRH’s theory on havingness, a person of that awareness level should have handled being effect of that pedestrian phenomenon ages ago.
I had a *Clear” cert once. Of course, having not received any Dianetics this lifetime I supposedly went clear on 5 June 1952 as per my CCRD. Well. It seemed right at the time I got it.
Of course, if I were to go back ( my Fitness Board said to report for duty ” As soon as possible next lifetime” they probably would not believe it.
But I would have to do my A-E first and since I have never seen my SP declare (for telling the truth) it could be hard getting my A-E approved.
Since I would have to make up the damage done I would have to kill myself as it appears that my major offence is failing to die as predicted by the Only Right Arm Captain in the S.O. Capt Napier. I now think that I have a 50/50 chance of being still alive when he goes. Of course, I could be dead by next week but he is 10 years older in this life so he is in his 70’s.
As I called and told reception Freewinds after I left
“I’ll be back,”
I think he may go before you because he is under suck stress on that rust bucket.
It is truly amazing that anyone can stick with Scientology after OT8. That’s the level where you finally learn you have been suckered all along, and now you can lay aside all that dross once and for all, and live without the fear of those tiny ancient and tireless critters constantly whispering in your ears day and night, night and day, scratching where you don’t itch and itching where you can’t scratch. Your freedom is now, because, because… because Hubbard finally confesses that he made it all up, and you’ve been played like the big fish you are.
If there ever was a doubt that Scientology is and has been a giant money-making scam foisted upon a guillable public then the final words of OT8 put paid to that forever.
But you have to pay up to discover those words. A half million US Dollars is the current going rate, though Miscavige’s greed knows no bounds, and he could easily double the cost should he need to hire more lawyers. No OT8 who is still involved with the cherch would ever think of devaluing their own OT-ness by letting others in on the secret for free. You have to first pay at least as much as they paid.
However, one might not have much trouble finding this invaluable secret with Google as your friend.
Oh, well, pay no attention to me. This is just my sour grapes, meaningless words spilled because I have not had the luxury of tossing away a half million bucks like it was old newspaper used to wrap spoilt fish. If I were in your OT-8 shoes… yes, if I were only in your shoes, I would run away from Scientology, as far and as fast as I could – and take my money with me.
I am going to continue my education by starting A Billion Years, which I just d/l on my Kindle.
Well one certain win Tomoko will be able to post about in the future is cutting up all her certificates for use in the loo once she is bankrupt and cannot afford to buy toilet paper. Then she’ll have the win of realizing exactly what it was all truly worth.
Tomoko Ryan, where is your personal integrity?
A villain in the film Conan The Barbarian used to offer an undefined value to his followers.
What? No fries and Yak burgers?