An old thing I recently came across that is a window into the crazy world of scientology “Operating Thetan” (OT) — the promise that is the carrot to keep people moving up the Bridge. Becoming “OT” is what all scientologists aspire to achieve: by definition it is full cause over matter, energy, space and time. Clearly it does NOT include being fully at cause over truth, as these people are the most delusory of all scientologists. They make ridiculous claims about their abilities and accomplishments, knowing that nobody will ever challenge them and thereby “invalidate the state of OT.”
Here is an example — written by Dana Danhoff (wonder if she is still a practicing scientologist?)
I wonder what effects these magnificent thetans are supposed to be having? What can you point to Dana?
You cannot claim the 50% reduction in crime in Colombia — that was already attributed to the Way to Happiness — which is not only NOT OT, it is not even scientology or religious.
You can’t take the amazing advances of the education system in Nigeria — that is Applied Scholastics. Again, not even scientology. And faded into a dim memory that isnt talked about any more as it was just a photo op to begin with.
WISE grabbed the astonishing successes with the Government in Malaysia — more NOT scientology. More forgotten by everyone as it wasn’t anything real in the first place.
Criminon took credit for the reduction in recidivism in Indonesia.
More psychs being prosecuted? Sorry, snapped up by CCHR.
Lives saved after hurricanes? VM’’s take credit for that.
How about you deal with something nobody has a claim on? Global warming would be a good one. Ending the war in Ukraine or Gaza…
Actually, at some point both these areas have been claimed as “wins” — peace in Israel and massive scientology expansion in Ukraine with the government using LRH tech….
But there is an even bigger question:
If there is truly NOTHING more important for you than to make it to full OT, then WHY haven’t you made it available? How many times are you going to have these OT VIII’s redo their Purif and Objectives? Why not just make OT IX and X available? After all, NOTHING is more important. This is like someone sitting with a truck full of water at the edge of a desert telling the people dying of dehydration as they crawl across the sand “there’s nothing more important for you than drinking water to prevent you from dying” and then saying “well, you can’t have this water because we have decided you all have to go back to where you came from and start over because we told you to do it the wrong way last time — here is the new on Source way to crawl.” But they already paid their life savings to traverse the desert to reach the promised land, and will now have to pay again with money they no longer have.
And just to make it totally real — the truck is empty. The side of the truck is painted to make it appear there is water, but it’s a trick. Even that doesn’t matter, because nobody ever actually gets to the truck anyway.
Scientology in a nutshell.
I know what Little Ms Cabbage is going to do for OT 9 & 10. Anyone familiar with the Carousel from Logan’s Run?
Logan ended up destroying paradise. He was the main villain in the film.
Becoming an OT – you should not have a lack of money… Otherwise you get a GPM if you will it anyway… because you have your goal and your problemes about.. Bloddy sentence..
They must be desperate to keep OT-8s busy and out of trouble. A very difficult spiritual illusion must be maintained.
Most of the Oat T Ate’s have left Scamology or have died (at a much higher rate than non-Scamologists their age) so not hard to keep the few left busy with meaningless OT Committee work.
I both love and despise those open ended questions that are clearly designed to LEAD you to the “proper” conclusion.
Do you sometimes unexpectedly sneeze?
Does your butt sometimes itch?
If someone is mean to you, does that sometimes put you in a mood?
Try New and Improved OT VIII now with extra strength Bovine Excrement.
The first, the very first, thing I would do as an OT8 is to use my super-dooper super powers to refill my bled dry bank accounts, get back the many mortgages on properties and magic a spare room full to almost bursting with cash.
There is one downside, if I was so brainwashed by that stage I would probably not be able to resist blabbing about it to someone in $camatology. Can you guess what the inevitable result would be?
Article critical of the OT levels, below. What a distant memory believing in all of this make believe.
When objective truth and imagination collapse into each other, there goes the ability to think clearly and see life as it really is. When imagination becomes objective reality, independent thought and true freedom become bound up and smothered.
Hubbard convinced us of his dream nightmares and then they became ours through the process of trust, faith and ignorance of the subjects he professed to know.
I’m so glad Scientology is a distant forgotten bump in the road that taught me the lesson of true independent thinking.
The OT levels were the poisoned honey that reeled us in.
I really like what you said: “I’m so glad Scientology is a distant forgotten bump in the road that taught me the lesson of true independent thinking.”
I had to go through membership in high-control institutions to learn the same lesson.
What a waste having Dana in the SO. She is an awesome dentist!
Wow had no idea!
Wow. One could rightfully offer the much-used metaphor “The emperor has no clothes” but in this case, there isn’t even an emperor.
Chin up old boy … keep enjoying your life. We’re all with you on this journey.
But what about all the OT phenomena I read about in the back pages of Advance? All over Los Angeles (and maybe even the world!) OT8s are making red traffic lights turn green so they aren’t late for course! And they are using OT abilities to find missing jewelry in places where it would otherwise be lost forever!
Most recent scientology completion of Danhoff is 2009
As of 2021 she was featured as ‘Leading disseminator’ in a COS publication
When googling her I just get between 20 and 30 results, which usually means they’re still in
I chatted with an OTVII the other day (a very nice person by the way; I like him/her and we never talk about my disaffection and disagreements with Scientology). This person is very worried and upset that after nearly a year on the market, one of her homes is not selling. Now, I wanted to suggest that it might be a good idea at this point for her to change realtors. That perhaps she is being ill-advised in some way by her realtor with whom, I believe, she has an open ended exclusive right to sell agreement, some real estate type selling agreement like that. Anyway I was REALLY tempted to suggest this and that she AT LEAST have a serious talk with her broker. There IS after all a housing shortage; single family homes are being snapped up like hotcakes with people outbidding one another. Plain common sense based on common knowledge. BUT… I stifled. Her broker is another Scientologist, an OTVIII…need I say more? Dropping this Scientology OTVIII realtor would create a complicated situation – certainly it would become an ethics matter requiring handling for the two of them at Flog
Possibly, I thought, the situation this would create would impede her auditing on the level. Possibly, knowing what it would cost her to get it all “handled” in Ethics at Flog is making it not worth her while to confront the problem with the realtor. So I said nothing, just listened and acknowledged, etc., So unlike me but thank Xenu it was the right way to react 
I just re-read this post of mine and noticed that I failed to hide the gender of my OTVII “friend” Darn, I goofed and gave the correct pronoun. Oh, well, there you go, OSA! Feel free to follow up on this clue about my OTVII aquaintance. She is a woman. Strictly speaking, we are not friends but acquaintences who when we occasionally encounter one another are friendy. She knows of my disaffection. Not that I told her but its obvious that someone has. So In these infrequent encounters she and I are insanely careful not to talk about anything even broaching the subject of Scientology, I’m careful because I know that anything I say to her that could be construed as the faintest criticism of Scientology pr Hubbard or Miscavige would create the necessity for her to confess it at her next sec check thing at Flag, costing her possibly thousands of dollars. She doesn’t know that I know this. Nonetheless I easily observe how careful she is to be friendly yet keep her distance with me. She is extremely careful, and out of respect for her so am I careful with her. So we are not friends as there is SO much we cannot say to one another. We are cordial. I like her, respect her. She’s a good person. I could easily do it but I would not screw up her auditing, her auditing that means so muchl to her. I just wouldn’t. It would be cruel, and it wouldn’t work anyway. People don’t have realizations and cognitions etc via force. Forcing realizations on people never works. End of rant, OSA.
Both of them are OT 8’s? With their superpowers combined they still can’t get the house sold?
LOL! Apparently not
I’ve told the story before but around 1988 or 1989 my auditor told me that I didn’t have to worry about nuclear war anymore because there were too many OT 8’s out there. He didn’t express that as an opinion but as an absolute fact. He was a complete true believer.
I’ve never heard it before. Hilarious!
Here’s a thought: let’s find this guy and ask him if in present time there are sufficient OT 8s to handle global warming!
And while we’re on the subject of OT powerz, Doug, let’s ask him where the hell all the 8’s were during the Covid years – shuttered orgs, crashed stats, etc. Where were these guys, who in their glory days managed to bring down the Berlin Wall? Basking in their former glory? Frying other fish? In any event, not wearing their OT 8 hats.
Unfortunately I cannot ask my former auditor those questions as I found out he passed away a couple of years ago, God rest his soul
He told me another OT 8 story. But he was talking to a lady OT 8 from Greensboro North Carolina, I think her name was Lynn Peterson. He expressed his concern about not getting all the way out of the bridge in this lifetime. And she said there was some type of passport where they would ensure that in the next lifetime he gets involved in Scientology again. So if all that is true maybe he’ll make it to ot8 this lifetime. I think I read somewhere where he did make it to clear. I highly doubt if there was a more fervent truer believer out there than him.
Here’s the thing, Doug – no one knows, really, what happens when we die. Beliefs abound, conjecture is everywhere, religious dogma can always be used, but no one knows for sure. People believe what makes them feel good, or what makes sense to them, or what makes them feel safe and secure so that they don’t burn in eternal fire, etc., etc., etc., I mean, its endless, what people believe, and who knows anyway? One thing is for sure; we’re all going to find out
I know what I believe but I don’t know if I’m correct and you know what? I can live in the question. At some point I’ll die and find out what actually happens. 
You can bet your 4th mortgage that scientology will make you redo all the levels even if you had a passport in your previous life and could prove it was you returned.
grisianfarce says
July 29, 2024 at 7:23 am
You can bet your 4th mortgage that scientology will make you redo all the levels even if you had a passport in your previous life and could prove it was you returned.
That was awesome. The best one I’ve heard in a long time.