What scientology is willing to promote gets crazier and crazier by the week. They are beginning to read like Weird Al Yankovic parodies.
With success stories like the one below, I don’t understand why anyone bothers spending the time and the money to go to the “top of the Bridge”?
This guy, who is an OT VII and “old” Class VI (well, not really, it doesn’t count now because he isn’t GAG II, of course, there ISN’T a GAG II Briefing Course) says his “personal Bridge was swaying in the wind like one of those rope bridges you see in jungle movies.”
That is the sort of stability and certainty he got from decades of study and auditing and hundreds of thousands of dollars?
His wins on objectives are “phenomenal” and NOW he is able to look at things analytically? Really? Isn’t a Clear supposed to have attained that ability? This guy is admitting that he was unable to think rationally all the way to the “top of the bridge”. Amazing.
I have been in Scientology just about 45 years and am OT VII, Class VI (Pre Golden Age). So here I sit at the top of the Bridge which is ultra-high tech and most wondrous. But the bottom of my personal Bridge was swaying in the wind like one of those rope bridges you see in jungle movies. I knew I wanted SRD but more than that I needed SRD. It is like driving 100 foot deep pylons into the bedrock to anchor my entire Bridge. So much thanks to COB and RTC for building this better Bridge.
The wins I have had have been nothing short of phenomenal. The wins I got from auditing my twin have been equally phenomenal. I am so glad that I was able to operate on both sides of the Grade Chart on this action. I would not have wanted to just be audited without auditing someone. I have a phenomenal twin and her wins are mine and mine are hers.
On Opening Procedure 8C my knee (chronic problems with this knee with torn ligaments, etc. from a sports injury in my youth) swelled up like a pumpkin. I could not walk on it for two weeks, it was so swollen and painful. I got assists and continued on with SRD. On SCS on a Body I was literally running and jumping. You should have seen my twin’s face and the Sup’s face. The knee only bothers me slightly once in a while. It was a miracle.
Another huge win was that for some reason I was not looking at things analytically. As an artist I tend to operate from the aesthetic mind. This is all well and good but when it comes to operating in the physical universe you often have to think things through. The analytical mind needs to be operational for this. Somehow this was not until SRD and suddenly I have become very logical and not just a crazy artist. smile emoticon
The biggest win for me was at the end on the Additionals where the C/S addressed some areas I had attention on. The last process literally blew my mind and I was able to fully function as myself.
I dare say that getting these objectives have been a life saver. I can think clearly, I am in present time and I see and perceive things in many new ways. I feel immensely creative and positive about outcomes.
I want to thank my Sups and C/S including Micole, Peter, Anita, Amberly and Alex and Alex. Again props to COB and RTC for putting KSW fully in. And most of all to LRH for somehow figuring out how to get out of this muck. These are OT processes. Thank you so much Sir.
It is interesting to note that scientology claims that it doesn’t offer things in the “afterlife” but in the “here and now.” No heaven or nirvana. Scientology offers a better unprovable objective for participation. You don’t have to wait until you die to see if it was really true, you have to be alive — the promise of heaven will be attained at the NEXT level. And the one after that. And on and on. And if they don’t have a next level, they tell you that you will get it at an earlier level “you didn’t do correctly.”
It is incredible they can keep people on the hook SOOOO long.
The scientology ‘win’ is a conviction that you and your life have changed permanently for the better. How many times can that happen in a single life? These positive events seem to continue unabated, perhaps more impressively than ever even after bankruptcy, divorce and sec checks. No matter how shitty a scientologist’s life becomes a ‘win’ can make him think he’s less fucked-up than he used to be. And of course: more AT CAUSE. (my personal favorite)
Amazing. In this Brave New Scientology World, one thinks more clearly, becomes physically healthier and more oneself by going DOWN the Bridge.
Hey, Larry – good luck with THAT 🙂
I knew Larry Jaffe when I was at Celebrity Centre. It’s amazing the propitiation ladled out to COB; it’s as if the sheeple are afraid to not praise the little guy and incur the wrath of some “senior terminal”. I look back on my days in the cult and am amazed how duped I was, so I can somewhat understand his rambling “success story”. It would be great if he wakes up one day.
The guy just needs to go out 2d with many women constantly……that might get him to the next level. lol!!
Hey thecloudytheclear, Larry Jaffe already went out 2D with many women many times. He dun been there done that! Don’t ask me how I know.
Really? I mean not to be “catty” in that manner but by the looks of the guy I don’t see many (or any) women being attracted to him.
I think there was not enough people to do upper OT levels as less and less public are going in for services so to keep up the money flow DM was forced to get people to redo levels and courses. I was a long time FSO staff – I supervised people through the revised and re-revised courses 5-6 times sometimes. I was sent to CCRD and then to SRD and then to other Rundown – I personally got tired of this shit. Not to mention nowadays they are trying to make Class VIs out of WOGs by trying to make them to read all LRH lectures and books in chronological order. SHSBC might be over soon. I am only going to support Free Zone stuffs…
That’s right, Atilla! BEFORE auditor training, the Basics lineup must be completed which means reading the Factors and the PDCs! This is – what’s the word I want? Orwellian? Or better yet, let’s just say totally fucked up.
“From Science-fiction to Fiction-science”
In the journal ETC: A Review of General Semantics, vol. VIII, No. 4 SUMMER 1951 BOOK REVIEWS…”
“…I have long felt that there are dangers to the writer as well as to the reader in pulp fiction. It did not occur to me until I read Dianetics to try to analyze the special dangers entailed in the profession of science-fiction writing. The art consists in concealing from the reader, for novelistic purposes, the distinctions between established scientific facts, almost-established scientific hypotheses, scientific conjectures, and imaginative extrapolations far beyond what has even been conjectured. The danger of this technique lies in the fact that, if the writer of science-fiction writes too much of it too fast and too glibly and is not endowed from the beginning with a high degree of semantic self-insight (consciousness of abstracting), he may eventually succeed in concealing the distinction between his facts and his imaginings from himself. In other words, the space-ships and the men of Mars and the atomic disintegrator pistols acquire so vivid a verbal existence that they may begin to have, in the writer’s evaluations, “actual” existence….”
– S. I, Hayakawa
Well if there’s eternity ahead, then redoing the whole Bridge a few times, isn’t a big deal, really.
Mobius Bridge diagram someone did once, that isn’t such a bad thing, really.
Times over equals certainty!
If Scientology is your religion, just keep doing it over and over.
The other religions seem to be happy to do it that way.
I’ve always thought that people are kept for so very many years on OTVII level because the next step, OTVIII is the last. So if they were allowed to reach the ‘top of the bridge’, they would be “done” at that point, and would no longer be paying money regularly for their “upkeep” or 6-month checks or whatever you call the ongoing OT7 stuff, so they’d rather keep people ‘one-step away from the top’ and paying regularly.
Plus that little thing where they find out that OT8 doesn’t actually give you what was promised. Some people can even be convinced to go back down the bridge and re-do earlier stuff, another good way to make more money off of them.
Why stay in? 1) humans are creatures of habit; we find comfort in the familiar, so once a routine is established, we tend to keep to it, especially as we age; 2) all the social connections, friends, family in the group they’d lose if they left; 3) not wanting to admit to themselves they’ve wasted years of their life on something that does not work; 4) embarrassment at having gotten others to join the group that they are now convinced is wrong; 5) pressure from leaders who exert influence on them to stay for their own various reasons, be it financial or meeting goals or pressure from those above them. So they remain in. Have I pretty well covered it, or left something out? Thoughts, ideas?
Thanks, T.J.
Hi T.J., You always cover everything perfectly, but my old brain still cannot wrap my head around Ron’s skill as a hypnotist. I kid you not, when Asho F was told to walk from Temple St to a paying publics house to watch Honeywell 1950 movies of Ron in a shopping center in Arizona doing the lectures there,that bit totally had me on board!I still say he had mastered that art or destructive art perfectly.Love you and yours T.J. Always, Ann.
Ann – Excellent observation about the hypnotic techniques. Process rather than procedure, command rather than statement and so on. The suggestion was placed that after Clear, if one didn’t immediately go onto the ohtee levels, addiction or perversion could follow. So that might be “scaring” people up the bridge. – laughter – The Son of a B was damn sure clever.
I’m an “Organic Clear” – I was “processed” without any additives or preservatives.
Preservatives are unnecessary since a natural pickling process occurs. Scientology processing plants are in decline and producing fewer processed products. Larry above is one of them.
Richard, that’s fascinating, they told you guys that, wow.
Ann B., great story as always. I love hearing about your adventures. good insights too. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 🙂 – T.J
yep, you said it correctly
thanks, glad i’m on track – there’s so much about Scientology to ponder…
TJ–the people I know that are still in truly believe in this shit. I don’t understand it as they are smart people.
These are really good points. I’m reminded of the term “confirmation bias.”
In cognitive science, confirmation bias is a tendency to look for or interpret information in a way that confirms your preconceptions. At the same time, you start ignoring alternative possibilities, leading to statistical errors and other errors in thought.
There are many ways to arrive at confirmation bias, and you point out some good ones. Another I might submit is the investment of resources – such as money and time. If you’ve given so much of yourself to something, you want it to be true, and will fight the notion that it isn’t.
The last time i went to flag it was for a cram on solo nots i had to write a success story at the end of the cram. i did so, but my cramming dude said my story wasn’t good enough and i had to rewrite it. that took about an hour as it was rejected a few times. the cramming guy was almost as upset as me as he thought the whole cycle was a waste of time. i gave up auditing solo nots shortly afterward. how ridiculous!
Sorry to say but he seems to have real wins. The only thing wrong is that he thanks COB!
Please define ‘real wins’
His knee feels better on occasion? How much do you want to bet his knee ‘wins’ coincides with his ingestion of Advil
I had real wins in Scientology.
Never judge a man ’til you’ve walked a mile in his shoes.
Hi Goop People, Nice to meet you. I am glad you had real wins from cos. However there are those of us who sacrificed all on Ron’s altar.Things are not always what they seem, but I understand your viewpoint.Love, Ann.
Hi Good People, I swear my I Pad is bad to the bone today.Must be early St Paddy’s Day celebrations.xo,Ann.
Chee asked for the DEFINITION of that. NOT whether or not people state that.
Again, define a ‘win’.
Feeling better after talking to an auditor?
Ok, I buy that.
Blowing ‘three decades of ‘charge’?
Um, prove it. And explain what that means.
Curing a knee injury…..this is something that is easily verifiable by a medical professional.
Until there is scientific proof/ real peer reviewed analysis of these ‘wins’, it’s nothing more than faith.
Even ‘miracles’ at Lourdes are independently verified (by non RC Church officials) and of the thousands that have been claimed, less than 40 (IIRC) have been declared as miracles.
(The CC deems then miracles. I believe the medical community deems them as inexplicable cures (and not miracles)).
My point is, unless and until these wins are open and allowed to be independently verified, it’s just a matter of opinion (and faith).
Some people swear by touch assists. The mind is powerful. The power of suggestion is also stronger than most would be willing to admit.
It’s kind of like admitting one was brainwashed or acknowledging scientology was a scam….hard to swallow.
Hi Chee Chalker, Oh so good to see your post. I agree with you about hard to swallow that one has been duped. I tell you this as truth I was so conflicted the first months I blew Sea Org I stuck my right wrist in a candle flame for some minutes because I thought I had betrayed Ron.You know I am not nuts and I wear that scar today as proof of the power to harm of this non religion.Love U, Ann.
Hi Annie B!
Good to see you!
If you could go back in time I am sure you would tell the young Annie B. not to scar herself over LRH.
But, you know, it’s a scar you can wear PROUDLY because you are a survivor!
Love u 2!
Hi Chee Chalker, Your post had my heart,thank you! Yes there are many things I would tell the very young Annie B not to do including that billion year contract! Now I am more focused on helping spread the word about how cos glosses over the consequences of their actions from the pain of actual deaths to the pain of disconnection.
I have so many scars from all my surgeries,hey what is one more?Plus wide bangle bracelets are great when I would rather not discuss how I came by it.Laughter! Love U Always,Ann.
Rant Alert:
Its a waste of time for us to argue with one another about our subjective experiences.
Some people say they had wins and benefited from Scientology.
Some say they had losses and were harmed.
Some say they were both helped and harmed and had wins as well as losses.
What is the point of invalidating someone else’s experience?
I don’t get it, I really don’t.
I had a family member who converted to Born Again Christianity at the age of 53.
She swore by it, swore it helped, comforted, inspired her, etc. She said her conversion to Christ had been amazing experience. She read the bible several times a day.
Look, was this my thing? Decidedly not. Did I have questions, and was I not fully prepared to poke huge holes in what I saw as fundamentalist, unquestioning, unthinking and blind belief? You bet. I was salivating to do that. But I restrained myself (mostly)
because there she was telling me what comforted, guided and inspired her. Really, who was I to tell her she was deluded, who was I to invalidate HER experience?
We on this blog should be honest about our experiences and at the same timebe caring for each other a little, looking out for one another a little. We can do both at the same time.
End of rant.
Aqua, I don’t feel I invalidated his wins. I said it was a matter of faith.
If he believes scientology helped him, good for him.
If Christianity helps your cousin, good for him/her.
As John Lennon might have said, whatever gets you through the night…….
My problem comes when people are charged thousands of dollars to run a pole and then claim to have ‘blown charge’ from it.
IMO, that is brainwashing.
Now, if they say they are happier after speaking to an auditor, I get that.
It’s just sad that these undefinable (hence the inability of most scientologists to use words other than ‘zip’ ‘zoom’ ‘zam’ and ‘boom’) wins are given any credence.
But if someone is going to claim they have been cured if an ailment (the knee example) that can easily be proven/disproven.
That was my point with the Lourdes comparison. Of the tens of thousands of claims, less than 40 have been recognized by the CC. Whereas, if someone takes a large bowel movement in scientology, COB/LRH get all the credit.
It is a slippery slope into brainwashing/cognitive dissonance, IMO.
The story ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ sums it up nicely.
Aqua, it is impossible for a 3rd party to invalidate a subjective “win”. Only one person can validate it in the first place since it is subjective. Thus is it NOT subject to invalidation by anyone else. It simply is impossible. Now, an OBJECTIVE claim CAN be invalidated by a 3rd party.
Your rant has a lot of good points in it, Aqua. I agree that we should grant beingness to each other on the blog.
that’s a powerful story Ann. I am sorry you went through those mind control issues and glad you are not under the influence any more. happiness to you! Love, T.J.
I’m not allowed to walk a mile in his shoes. I’d be an Illegal PC. And I’ll judge anyone I like, thank you. Scientology “wins” are Provable Bullshit, placebo effect and nothing more. Prove to me, objectively, that they aren’t.
I had a big win when I left.
Yes Chee, it’s very subjective, like in fact any type of psychotherapy. Beyond the fact that the customer his happy of the service. There ins no proof of anything. Very good indicators in scientology are with an floating needle. The EP is quite objective. The tone level is up. If the guy is out valence any CS normally can spot that the PC is in a manic and pretend to be uptone.
With the PC of the church they are often obliged to write “standard success story”. This one, aside the thanks to RTC and COB look more free. I assume this guy has good indicators which is quite someting with GAG 2 as on the SRD they overrun objectives like mad. COB cancelled the idea of overrun… But this guy seems happy. And I feel it’s unkind to inval him.
What makes people unhappy is suppressive scientology, by passing FN, sec checking for political reason, taking falsly reading questions. It is enough to kill somebody and it did, mostly slowly. But tech correctly applied by well intentionned people makes happier customers.
“What makes people unhappy is suppressive scientology, by passing FN, sec checking for political reason, taking falsly reading questions. ”
Actually, the people I’ve met who were upset were that way because of the lies El Ron told about what new abilities auditing would give them, and of course didn’t.
Commonly known as fraud, lies, and general scumbaggery.
The operative word here is “seems.”
I have a very good friend who just recently left the church – highly trained auditor and CS, worked with LRH, in since the 70’s, yada, yada, yada. She was describing to me the other day how bitchen her life was on every single dynamic since she left . I told her it was a great success story, but invalid as she couldn’t thank Tiny Fists for that – which is now mandatory, I hear.
She laughed, declaring she most certainly could thank the little apple box boy, as, if not for him, she wouldn’t be out in the first place.
Ah, the little pompadour-head certainly works in mysterious ways…
Hi WhatWhenAllWho, Very good to meet you. I really could relate to your post.Yes dm works in mysterious ways that is what makes him like a shape shifter.But if I ever tangled with him,he would be not a happy camper.Love,Ann.
“It is incredible How they can keep people on the hook for so long” well naughty ole Ronny had 100% standard tech for that. And once you wake up and go away there is the tech to preventing those who are still in from listening to what you have to say. So the Truman show goes on.
I want to say something significant but all I can think of is: The bottom of the bridge is really wet.
I’ll drink to that. Bottoms up!
Congratulations on the bridge. Your lack of a moral compass makes it a certainty that a coming ‘black swan event’ will result in the likes of you being sentenced to an eternity of hard labor in North Korea.
“Ultra high-tech and most wondrous”? If this cretin thinks he’s referring to Clarke’s third law (‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic’) he’s ignoring Grey’s law at his peril: ‘Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.’
I love that (Grey’s Law)! Thanks!
It almost sounds like one of Murphy’s Laws except Murphy was an optimist.
Just a sad case of propitiation as I read it. He’ll say anything to justify his inabilities and to try to impress his masters. That guy is no more capable of creating an effect in the real world than I would of convincing Miscavige to have lunch with Tony Ortega. Scientologists are an introverted lot and it appears even they would even have a hard time coming to grips with their own personal responses to a SS like that. That success story is as ridiculous as it is embarrassing. Miscavige would not respond to drivel like that except with a false smile if on camera, he knows exactly what he spoon fed fools like that to get their money.
Even Hubbard said to get on the comm lines of the world and make your presence felt. If this SS is an example of the modern Scientologist, well… I rest my case and will accept nothing less than a guilty verdict on the grounds of insanity. Those people are certifiably nuts and worst of all, incredibly boring.
Nothing good comes from being a member of the Cof$.
@Yawn I would PAY to watch Miscavige and Ortega have lunch. As a matter of fact, that may be how you can convince him to do it: It’s a fundraiser and 90% of the money raised goes directly in David Miscavige’s pocket. Too bad there’s scientology policy against fundraising ;-0
When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide
Where I stop and I turn and I go for a ride
Till I get to the bottom and I see you again
Yeah yeah yeah hey
Hi Mike, As I read the ” success story ” I felt sad that the writer has now given up the artistic emotional side and marched lock-step with dm and his sleep walking cult.This person will now morph into the Cold Hard as Titanium Tough On-Source cos member.OK go up the Bridge again, but one day he will wake up with no heart,soul,brain or money! All will be belong to dm.xo Ann.
It’s possible this is the same Larry who lived in a “Scientology house” I lived in back in 1982. There are enough similarities in how he describes himself, then and now. If it IS the same guy, he was a ditzy then as this “win” suggests he is today.
Yes it is the same Larry Jaffe that lived in a group house. I could tell by his first, “…most wondrous” and his big metaphors so as to make it sound like he is a great writer. He’s been on OT VII for 16 years and yet he is at the end of his SRD, “more himself.” Isn’t OT VII supposed to take away valences so that you are “more yourself”? And wouldn’t 17 years on OT VII make him very very much more “himself”? So why the need to do lower Bridge to get that win? Amazing that they buy all this stuff for so long. It is as Mike described it: the heaven or “good stuff” is always on the next level up from you and if it isn’t there, you go back down the Bridge to do the earlier steps that were messed up.
I think he is in a race with Penny Atwell Jones for the ‘longest on the level’ award. Last I heard (and that was a good long while ago) she was still grinding away trying to complete.
Yo Dave,
Who is the longest on the level? Will they complete before something, anything, finally becomes Saint Hill Size. How big does a dog turd have to be to qualify as Saint Hill Size good buddy?
IMO Solo NOTs does little else than convince you, you can never really be you. There can be no you when you persist with that process and expect it to handle all of life, tomorrow is a part of life and will always throw new things at your body let alone your mind. Dependency on the meter becomes the norm on SNOTs for Scios and it will always read on something. During the normal course of living many moods and circumstances come and go, but with a head full of NOTs crap it has a tendency for you to try to handle it all, everything! Because that what they tell you to do with it! Repetitively and consistently assigning cause is an endless circular trap in itself. Just thinking about that process produces enough protest or charges up any other button, left or right that will make the meter read and there you go again, on the merry-go-round to hell. Apparently OT8 doesn’t terminate the effect life has on life – thank God! Just what is the objective of doing the OT levels one could ask? If you can’t come up with a sane reason for doing them, oh my, ain’t you in the pooh! Going free is bit of a generality, especially if you’re waiting for someone else to show you how after you’ve achieved and attested to the alleged (bs) NOTs capabilities.
My advice is to learn when to give the body and mind a break. You wouldn’t treat your pet as poorly as a Scientologist treats their bodies and the mind that runs them. Cause doesn’t mean domination and the eradication of everything, that’s what Miscavige personally thinks it means. What’s that definition of responsibility?? The non-recognition and denial of the right of intervention between terminals and the assumption of full determinism over them… or something to that effect. If you’re going to live in this universe, live in it as sanely as you can! Don’t blame it for everything nor seek to run everything back to as-isness, geezers, what a head trip that scenario is! Talk about a fucked up definition of infinity!
Even Hubbard before he hit the 80’s preached the virtues of not overruning and getting on with things. Scientology is NOT a substitute for life. You gotta live that, hopefully more or less on your own terms. Bodies have a right to exist too and do their thing, they live, they breed and then they die (end of rant).
Nothing good comes from being a member of the Cof$.
Hi I Yawnalot, You are so sparkly and cool and you do not yawn alot at all. Love U ,Ann.
I Yawn – I never did solo nots (snots – lol) or the oohtee levels so thanks for the description and pointing out the obvious false purposes. I suppose for myself and maybe others there is always a little tiny bit of “what did I miss”.
It is my seriously gleaned opinion from doing that NOTs stuff that it’s a trap, a bad one and worst of all, an intended one. Sure it has uses if you’re experienced enough with life and the mind, as an assist or a method of communication when other methods don’t work, it is workable is some manner and procedures. BUT NOTs is NOT imo an OT level. Hubbard was into it but that doesn’t mean much really, it’s what he did. I still stand behind my opinion he never intended NOTs to replace anything on the Bridge employed during the 60s and 70s. I’m still waiting for someone to give me a taped lecture when he introduces that change and explains the significance of such a massive alteration.
There is a lot of misunderstanding regarding interpreting some of Hubbard’s technical writings that I see. It appears contradictory and opposed to itself. If you’ve CS’d and audited enough a workable method develops within it, that skill was killed off in the late 70s early 80s. Personally, I found I had to come to accept the duality nature of life and how it responds to being “tampered with”. An example is list correction years after when some lists were run, got gain and the PC was happy. Yet later on it can recognized as a wrong item and needing correction. Yet later again when the person is more capable that whole area has lost its significance and “who cares”. Yet early on it was heavily charged and caused much upset to the case, its dynamics and to the person who lived with the right, then wrong item. The R6 bank is a wonder in its diabolical accuracy and yet is so confusing at the same time. It can be understood but not with the common logic employed to live life.
There are rules… one of them is the remarkably subtle effect of gradients – aberration has all the time in the world, yet humans don’t.
I’m not a believer in the Cof$ and nothing good comes from being a member of it. But I do like what I understand and what I see as workable on the gradient position I’m presently occupying.
I Yawnalot – Thanks for sharing. This increases my limited knowledge of nots, the duality nature of life, lists, wrong items and R6bank. I get much of what you’re saying. I’m not a Buddhist, but I might (over)generalize this as similar to the Buddhist idea of venturing into the “inner regions”. (smiling)
Yawn, why are you waiting for a taped lecture (to public I guess?) when there is written instructions from El Ron to Snr C/S Int office (or RTRC) about putting NOTS on the Bridge as an OT level?
This is cold thread I suppose. But I believe ZERO text from the Cof$ when it alters anything not backed up by Hubbard in a lecture. The conspiracies within the Cof$ were designed to fool some mighty smart people and those that could not be fooled were declared and thrown out. Why people insist of following the party line with some asshole like Miscavige in charger pulling the strings is a wonder in itself. I’ve seen people do silly things all my life, I wonder why I see them more easily now – perhaps I’m just as crackers as they are?
Yawn, the text isn’t typed from the CoS it was WRITTEN by El Ron. So, waiting for info from El Ron when he already did it will prove fruitless. But, this has already been thoroughly documented on THIS blog by eyewitnesses IF you care to know the truth. Otherwise, keep “waiting”.
good rant! i read it all, didn’t yawn once.
seriously, really good post. food for thought. – T.J.
A big violation of KSW. I’m surprised they let this get by. “So much thanks to COB and RTC for building this better Bridge.”
So Hubbards bridge was not good enough. I’m sure Miscavige loved this success story.
As I still have ability to observe clams close up, I marvel at how hypnotized they are, living in their own delusional world. Sad
To get the Iron collar off that David Miscavige
put on this smuckinhiemer he has is to cut off his own head and run away.
That is the only OT Bridge trick I will give any credit for.
Message to Daphna Hernandez Rehashed OT 8.
to be a serial killer you have to kill 3 people,
to be a mass murderer it takes 4 or more people.
How many have died in Narconon since GAT ?
think about it.
Larry set himself up for some heavy regging by saying he hasn’t done any GAG training yet. That is if anyone still regs people for training. He should have left his non GAG training level comment out. Besides, per Miscavige, his VI cert isn’t good anymore unless he GAG’s. Saying he is a CL VI when, per Miscavige, he isn’t anymore could give him a free ticket to the maa’s office…or these days with such young people on that post….the maa playground. I can’t imagine you enjoying your wins much longer Larry, because you put your foot deeply down your throat….a problem being “keyed out” sometimes causes.
This guy has been doing this BS for 45 years, probably has spent over $200,000, is OT VII and he gets what seems like his best wins from doing objectives and they were a life saver. I guess giving away his life savings, just didn’t work for him. One could find objective processes in a $20 SCN book.
“…I dare say that getting these objectives have been a life saver. I can think clearly, I am in present time and I see and perceive things in many new ways. I feel immensely creative and positive about outcomes….”
I also have some unbelievable wins I wanted to share. When I was a youngster, in my teens, I thought that Dianetics and SCN would correct my poor vision. I went thru 30 years of my life in SCN with this goal. I finally had that win – after leaving the cult I went to an optometrist and got a laser operation resulting in 20/20 vision. Then later on in life, my left knee became very painful to where I couldn’t play tennis any longer. I then went to a orthopedic surgeon, got an MRI and they fixed my torn meniscus. I didn’t even have to make up bullshit success stories or go to an examiner or read KSW for the 100th time.
Well, CPO, he clearly pulled in the bad knee. However, being OT7, he’s still not cause over his meat suit? But, today I find that you are using Wog Tech! YOU went to an optometrist & an orthopedic surgeon!!!! You of little faith! How can you look at your self in the mirror with those brand new 20/20 vision eyes you have. Truly, Grasshopper, you have strayed from the TRUE PATH.
Torn meniscus and LASIK, huh, CPO? I’m either going to say, “Join the club” or “I’mma sue you for copyright infringement”. Probably the first one, since I’m ass-deep in training classes this week (and next week, for that matter).
Or maybe I’ll just outdo you. I’ve had the meniscus in my right knee repaired twice for tears, and I’m going to have to get a second round of LASIK soon because the first one’s been done in by the aging process. One thing’s for certain: I’m not going to try to repair my sight by auditing. I know for a fact that doesn’t work.
Bad eyesight and messed up knees. Apparently, they go hand and hand. Maybe from bumping your knee into shit because of your bad eyesight.
I have to be thankful though that those are the only issues I have had. When someone is 12 years old and fed SCN since birth, you tend to believe the “fixed eyesight” bullshit. Eventually you wake up though.
bumping your knee into shit because of your bad eyesight. – LOL!
That was phenomenal to read ;-). Forty five years is a long long time.
Larry got in when I was 16. During the time he has been chasing the carrot, I graduated from high school, did my stint in SO and GO, got married, graduated from college, got divorced, raised my children, beat cancer and now have 17 grandchildren with #18 due in June and a great grandson.
Along the way I have had some losses and some wins.
I am so grateful I have been able to do what I have done, travel where I’ve wanted to and even more wonderful than that, I haven’t spent all those years aiming for a star that doesn’t exist. My SRD? I get it when I play marbles with the grandkids or watch a caterpillar crawl.
And best of all, I get to thank people for the wonderful life I live. These people are my friends and don’t want my money.
Now that’s what I call phenomenal.
Beautifully said Valerie. I would much rather spend my time enjoying the small, simple pleasures that life offers than aiming for a nonexistent target like Oh Tee X.
Send the OSA dumpster divers to Valerie’s house! She is experiencing squirrel happiness based on the GE!
She needs the Meat Body GE Family Runndown. She is so deluded by a loving family we must save her from this diabolical implant that masquerades as love and happiness.
Oh the horror! Someone please help this women. The universe depends on it!
@Brian, LOL, but they can’t “save” me, I don’t have enough money I’m wiling to throw at them.
Valerie, you’ve got to feel bad for Larry. I know I do. He’s an addict like any other addict. Only his poison is Kool-Aid. I’m telling ya, that sugar will mess him up!
Hi Valerie, You are Phenominal! I salute you and am overjoyed you beat cancer.Gives me hope I can too.Love all your posts,thank you for being you.Love,Ann.
Hi Valerie, This spell kill will kill me! Phenomenal! Ann.
Gee Val, you sound a hell of lot more able that any “OT” flopping around on their swaying rope bridge!
“It is incredible they can keep people on the hook SOOOO long”
Samuel Clemens had an “axiom” that goes along with your observation Mike.
When you’re a massive Kool-Aid drinker, hope ALWAYS springs eternal. I know it’s hard to admit that we were had, but, it’s always better to admit it rather than stay in denial (which continues NOT to be a river in Egypt….
I liked reading your win Valerie. Much more substantial and down to earth. Larry is now 65, so he must have gotten into Scn at age 20.
Valerie, yours is the success story that anyone should wish to have… have you considered starting your own religion? ??
@sashie, yes I have but first I have to get some more important things done like perfecting my marble aim and inventing the perfect margarita – we call it the Valerita actually and I’m pretty close to getting that down now, so maybe just the marble aim and then I can start a religion . . . unless I see a caterpillar first.
As for me, I think I’d rather have my knee swollen like a pumpkin and my sanity intact than to be like Larry.
What’s he got against vegetables anyway?
Mr Potato head was a cool guy and he ain’t no stinking Scientologist – he should leave the veges out of it! They have more use and already live and grow in PT.
OT veges, haven’t thought of that before… Super Carrot and how red is a red tomato? Food for thought hey… organic is best.
hgc 10, you have no idea how right you are with that statement about Larry. Then again, perhaps you do 🙂
Interesting that Larry thanks COB for building a ‘better’ bridge.
Seems kind of blasphemous to me.
What goes on at Target 1, stays on Target 1.
That’s not right. Scientology is exportable, he specifically said “lets” go off and handle target two. Meet you at the other end…
I believe that that was Pat Broker (who has been awful quiet since).
Target 1? What is Target 1? Some ridiculous planet where you go after you drop your meat body?
Now, Target 2…..THAT makes sense!
Target 2 is home to the Great Wise Sebaceous Cyst….
True, is somehow non-sequitur.
The main out point is that an OT VII – Class VI was shaky at the bottom of his bridge. If you follow strictly the scriptures, with no variation and alteration, with 100% KSW this case should have been classified as ‘By Passed Case” (one that went to OT levels with un flat lower levels).
But the scriptures do not matter, the idea is to get as much money as you can and, so far, RTC Miscavige has done well at that.
I like his thanking. “most of all to LRH for somehow figuring out how to get out of this muck”. “Thanks to COB and RTC for building this better Bridge”.
The muck was created by LRH and now a more complex, contorted, dirtier mucky bridge and to nowhere, thanks to DM. This guy can’t see it, yet? For shame!
deE that was exacty my thought when I read that mucky comment. What an admission that after several decades in Elron and (increasingly) WeeDavy’s church of enlightenment you find yourself in deep in wondrous muck. And ready to invest more of your dying days and money in trying to get out of it guided by the same ones that got you in there. You probably don’t have to be a masochist to get into scientology but it sure must help.
I’m thankful I received the results of my Poisonality Test and thought “this is crap” way back when I was exploring self growth.
“The knee only bothers me slightly once in a while. It was a miracle.” You gotta love this crap. All through my solo nots I had physical problems. Nothing serious – but they were there and I’ll be honest became a ‘hidden standard’ as to whether I was really wining from this auditing. How many times I claimed “Hey the pain’s all gone” – because I wanted to believe it was gone. No sooner had I fled the F/N exam than there it was again, creaking and twinging away. I have NEVER had a physical ailment disappear from auditing – I’ve had better wins from touch assists but I always thought also that they were dubious at best. But I’ve handled plenty minor physical issues for a fraction of the cost in the physical universe. Never had a serious one, and that is also from looking after myself in the physical universe.
“It is incredible they can keep people on the hook SOOOO long.”
It’s mind numbing. There are no words one can say about this.
Well, when they get hooked on the Kool-Aid, it’s very tough to get off.
This is all very interesting to me Mike. SRD came out after I had left, but I was still in comm with some church people. They told me my Objectives were incomplete. I never understood how the Objectives could have ever been delivered incorrectly. Considering how short Scientology’s history is and the fact that Hubbard was once (not long ago) on the tech. delivery lines. Add to that the extensive record keeping. All one would have to do is check his delivery records. There is no excuse for them ever misunderstanding or deviating from the intended process. Therefore it’s no achievement correcting them, if in fact they did.
P.S. Can’t wait to read Ron Miscavige’s book that’s coming out in May. I think it might have a real effect on still-ins.
I’m chomping at the bit for the book also. I thought the first title was catchy but this one is actually better as it will be understandable to everyone and not just those of us who know the Let Him Die story. Oooh, this is gonna be good!
….shakes head in disbelief…I believe a quote from Sir Terry Pratchett is in order here: “Several miles over the madness horizon and accelerating”.
Now, Sir Pratchett is someone I’d like to see be immortal. No more of his books
I think that Larry (the person above that wrote this success story) is lying just to avoid an SP declare. I suppose Larry’s objectives really helped him and he really understood life for the first time after already being OT VIII, Class VI and in Scientology for 45 years?
The Church of Scientology boils down to “Do it wrong and use LRH’s tech to do it wrong or don’t do it at all.”
Church members are afraid to look beyond the references they are being shown for answers. If LRH wrote it, it is, and if he didn’t write it, then it isn’t. Which is why I say Larry is a liar, manipulated into being one or not.
Because, when the church’s efforts were not working out for me I spoke up, declare or not, and when they asked me for a bullshit story like the one above to tell them I walked out. Short, sweet and to the point. Why joke around like this? 🙂
“It is incredible they can keep people on the hook SOOOO long”
I look at it this way, By repeating something over and over one can get an andorphin rush which one can get addicted too. Then the person has to have it,. IE. The whirling Dervishes. Its like the COB is a hoe down caller.
We know that the point of view of the guy at the end of “Foil” isn’t a view held by Weird Al. Perhaps Scientology is having the same sort of problem that people who watch lots of porn do: It takes more extreme material to get the reaction that was once obtained with tamer stuff.
They are also a high-overhead organization. Getting staff paid at a decent level would require not only “Saint Hill size” for all of the Orgs but growth beyond that., or at least churning through enough people to keep income at a level that would pay people decently. The thought of having less money sent uplines is not tolerable to Miscavige. Even the Vatican demands only ONE collection per year from its churches for its benefit, not a weekly one.
It takes more extreme material to get the reaction that was once obtained with tamer stuff. Perfect summation.
That is called addiction (needing more to achieve the same ‘high’….building a tolerance)
That’s exactly what Scientology is: ADDICTION. And a bad one to boot. Constantly searching for that one RD that will finally take care of everything…..And no one has ever found it.
That’s right like the U2 song lyric ” I still haven’t found what I’m lookin for.”
“I dare say that getting these objectives have been a life saver!”
Walk over to that table. Thank you. Pick up that book. Thank you. How heavy is? Thank you. What is its temperature? Thank you. Walk back to the wall. Thank you. Touch the wall. Thank you. Turnaround.
Thank you.
Yep! You’ll no doubt get Super Powers from walking back and forth.
The best objective process:
1. Look at that picture of COB
2. Walk over to it
3. With your fist, punch it as hard as you can
4. Look at that door
5. Walk over to it
6. Open it
7. Walk away and never come back
I had wonderful wins with Objective Processing and I reached the EP, which is why I don’t need to do it again… hello?
Mike, maybe you can shed some light on this. I always thought the electricity passing through one’s body during auditing , would give that person a ‘lift.’ Torpedo fish, back in the time of Christ, were used for healing as they had an electrical current. So, it it too far fetched to think that the electrical current actually was making PCs feel better? Your thought…….
Hi OSD, OK now you have me in Tesla mode. I had the worst trouble with the OJ cans and electricity through my body.Blew out the hgc lights everytime.That is why for awhile I was audited off of Asho in private homes.Blew the lights there too.Sigh is there some message I missed about the e-meter?! Laughter,Love U,Ann.
Or not…..
Unfortunatley Mike – I think these crazy suck-sess stories have been floating around the universe since the devil, L Ron Hubbard, spawned his cult – but we were under a hypnotic trance and are now finally getting out of it. Welcome to PT (saying this to myself as well)…and it is okay to cringe at the fact “we believed”….
When I got in a few years ago – I did not understand why the “suck-sess” stories were so vague and really said NOTHING of any meaning to me…yet, I stayed and poured money and time into my Bridge progress only to find out “I am mocking up my own reactive mind but can stop it and control it” when I was lead to believe – “I will GET RID of my reactive mind”.
That ^^^ is FRAUD right there! That alone is part of the scam of Scientology and what it $ells.
Crazy though – that anyone would not have a wognition about the fact this guy was up the Bridge for 45 years and was in rough shape…
Also – remember – he is connected to pure evil and he will “key in” shortly and be back to confusion soon!
That is a Scientological Guarantee and how KSW Works when standard confusion is applied.
Thanks for posting that crazy SRD Success Story. However, TL;DR.
I don’t believe a word of that rubbish. It’s just more prepared Scamology propaganda that some robot put his name to.
I think judge Breckinridge summed up LRH and the whole con game with these words:
“In addition to violating and abusing its own members civil-rights, the organization over the years with its “Fair Game” doctrine has harassed and abused those persons not in the Church whom it perceives as enemies. The organization clearly is schizophrenic and paranoid, and the bizarre combination seems to be a reflection of its founder, L. Ron Hubbard. The evidence portrays a man who has been virtually a pathological liar when it comes to his history, background, and achievements. The writings and documents in evidence additionally reflect his egoism, greed, avarice, lust for power, and vindictiveness and aggressiveness against persons perceived by him to be disloyal or hostile. At the same time it appears that he is charismatic and highly capable of motivating, organizing, controlling, manipulating, and inspiring his adherents. He has been referred to during this trial as a “genius,” a “revered person,” a man who was “viewed by his followers with awe.” Obviously, he is and has been a very complex person, and that complexity is further reflected in his alter ego, the Church of Scientology.”
Darn…got to do this:
No h on the end.
I will read on.
Early morning typo. My apologies. Fixed.