In the spirit of the Golden Age of OTC Security, here is some news.
First, from the “EUS” OT Committee — whatever that may be.
Atlanta is going to be their next Ideal Org. Amazing prediction. Wonder if New Haven is EVER going to be done. They have had their building for about 10 years, sitting empty. Or Harlem? Surely Harlem is going to be next? After all, Miscavige has shown Harlem about 3 different times, along with his efforts to sound “hip and cool.” Oh, Boston? They bought a huge new building, also sitting idle? That is one of the “big” EUS orgs. How about Miami? They have an empty ideal building too… So do Chicago. And Detroit. And Battle Creek, another building about as old as New Haven’s. What a mess of incomplete half-dones.
And think of these and the other “Ideal Orgs” in EUS — NY, Buffalo, DC, CC Nashville and the other unmentionable EUS “orgs” like Long Island, Columbus and Orlando and then think about them being excited that between all of them they got 55 service starts. (and 4 orgs accounted for 36 of the 55). In the era of GAG II. Limp and flaccid — nothing straight up and vertical here…
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2014
From: John Stout OT Ambassador <[email protected]>
Subject: EAST US OT COMMITTEE EXPANSION NEWS 2014: Week-ending 6 March 2014East US OT Committee Are in LRH Birthday Week!
Dear East US OT Ambassadors and OT Committee Members:
Smoking hot Atlanta had another mega week of Ideal Org Fundraising and is rapidly closing in on completing! With the world-leading OT production being done by this great team, you can take it to the bank: Atlanta will be our next Ideal Org!
East US Service Starts totaled 55 – second best week of the year! Boston and New York OTC each had 11 starts – Very Well Done! Chicago and Detroit each had 7!
CC Nashville OTC led East US in IAS support!
And it should be easy for you to get lots of Active OTC Members here in LRH Birthday Week! We had 256 this past week – no problem bumping that WAY up!
Yes, this is LRH Birthday week! You know what to do: activate everyone and get them producing at top levels and give LRH the gift of expansion! Then we celebrate together this coming weekend at the International OT Committee Convention at Flag!
ML John Stout
OT Ambassador East US I/C
Now some news from Tampa OT Committee which appears to be in serious decline. Despite their new building, Ideal Org status and SH Size status and having all the leftovers and rejects that FSO doesnt want, their OT Committee seems to be half a dozen active people? How can that be?
And now, for some reason they are raising money for Puerto Rico? You always have to have SOMETHING to raise money for I suppose. What would life in the OTC be without a fundraising “game”? But I gotta ask these guys — why are they raising money for Puerto Rico and not for their closest org, Orlando? Now there is a place that could do with some help? It’s one of those “forgotten” orgs that make the unreality of all orgs Sh Size/Ideal so apparent. Or even closer to home, how about your “Test Center” in St Pete? Or Plant City? Or the Mission that no longer exists in Old Tampa Bay?
But, not to worry, there is always the IAS target to meet. And a Psych Busting event to attend.
Now this is what an Ideal OT Committee is….
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2014
From: Tampa OT Committee
Subject: Tampa OT Committee Minutes – 4 March 2014Tampa OT Committee Meeting Minutes
In attendance were Wig, Savannah, Rick, Louise, Deborah, Lynette, and Denny.
Wig invites us all to the LRH Birthday event! And to the OTC Convention the following Sat and Sun. There are 450 OTC members confirmed to attend. We will be raising money for Puerto Rico org which is “The Most Green Building” in Puerto Rico. Volunteers are needed to greet the 100 out-of-town attendees at Tampa Airport. This involves holding up a sign and directing these visitors to the Flag buses waiting at the curb.
Louise encourages us to all contribute to IAS at the event. We want 100% all-inclusive campaign to raise $20,000 from OTC members!
Wig informed us of new Book 1 Auditing happening at the Clearwater Hubbard Dianetics Center, which will be run by Cathy Gao. It will be open every night!!
Potluck meeting, where GAT 2 completions will be acknowledged is MARCH 18, instead of March 11.
Meeting adjourned and all members attended the Psych Busting event.
Minutes submitted by Deborah Otto
And finally, here is a list of OTC Members for Tampa with what they are going to be regged for to make the IAS quota (click to enlarge):
Hallie Jane says
The list at the end is so disgusting. This is the state of Scn., begging for money from people ad nauseum in a convoluted attempt to save the world via GORGEOUS buildings. Ughh!! I hate to see those people with targets on their foreheads like Bob and Nancy Forrest who’ve devoted their entire lives to Scn and have been through hell. It’s so hard for me to believe people still give money with the obvious misuse of funds that’s sooo evident.
MJ says
The blind are still leading the blind.
Pepper says
That list at the end makes me want to barf. Privacy is completely ignored when it comes to parishioner donations. Not everyone wants the amount of their donations known to everyone else, whether they’ve given a a lot or a little.
The only real activity going on in OTC is regging each other for money and keeping track of everyone else’s personal business.
Ashaman says
I do agree with you about donations. Why isn’t a training level mentioned? (There are so few people trained these days. It’s a shame.).
FOTF2012 says
One other thought on this pathetic state of donation-seeking affairs.
Scientology has 60 years of whole track exploration, clear-making, and OT production to have had many people “remember” any number of inventions, technology, faster-than-light travel, cures for cancer, atomic-powered race cars, you name — any of the things developed in the last trillions of years or more “recently” by the Marcabs.
So if Scientology recovered anything real from the whole track, Scientology would own patents beyond measurable value by now. They would not need to hit up their members for more money. They would be wealthy beyond imagination.
But that would have happened only if Scientology really tapped an actual whole track. And yet Kool-Aid drinkers will justify the lack of such evidence. They are exterior but cannot demonstrate it becaue their exterior perceptics are too weak. Or they are still peeling layers of charge off their whole tracks, so they do not have a good enough memory yet to remember how ancient, advanced technology worked.
Okay, good self-imposed blindness. But with all those OT VIIIs, including folks like the Moxon’s who can stop alien invasions from their backyard over drinks, with all those types — not even one can remember an actual piece of technology that could remake life on Earth and secure the fortunes of Scientology forever?
The other justification is that it would be “out-gradient” for others to be shown those awesome OT powers. So, for fear of shocking a few people to prove the truth, Scientology would let the whole human race decline into endless despair and destruction? That would be the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics?
I submit to the reader that the Church of Scientology is focused on donations for two reasons: (1) it knows the bridge in general does not deliver, so they’ll rewrite it and tone it down, putting “true” OT powers ever further into some unspecified future; and (2) in 60 years no one has achieved the abilities that Hubbard claimed people would get; and that includes not being able to remember a damn thing of concrete, applicable value from the whole track that could be developed now as proof of the “tech” and to be used to benefit humanity.
Ashaman says
It takes more than one meat body life of 60 years to create a new civilization. Faster than light travel (which most physicists deny is possible) and “atomic powered race cars” are from a “Type 1” or “Type 2 civilizations. Here’s good doctor Michio Kaku to explain the difference: (Cancer is racket and has been cured a long time, in my opinion).
How do you know someone hasn’t pulled something off the track and made money from it? I remember all the JPL boys on the BC with me back in the ’80s. Those guys where real scientists and rich. How about those ’70s OT7’s that freaked out the CIA (and others) at Stanford Research Institute. They could have made a lot of bucks with their tricks. I remember hearing a talk by those guys at Davis Mission in the ’70s
The OT levels have been messed with by Miscavage and others more than anything else in scientology. And the OT levels of the ’70s are much different than those of today.
But one thing I know for sure: you don’t have do any OT Levels. There just for us suckers (cool-aid drinker refers to someone still in.) And they are cheap in the Indie field.I will do every OT level I can.
FOTF2012 says
I looked at that donations list. I was deeply saddened. It represents the betrayal of a passionate dream that many of us had: a dream of spiritual growth and liberation with an honest organization holding the route open.
But there is not a single mention on that donations list of anyone’s meaningful status on the bridge — no mention of training or auditing. No mention of grade levels, clears, OT levels, training levels, etc.
In “wog” organizational development theory, we would say that the Church of Scientology is off mission. Once upon a time, its mission was training and well done auditing to ever higher and higher levels. Now it is donations and meaningless, made-up donor nomenclature to higher and higher levels that represent one thing: cannibalization of first and second dynamic resources by an insatiable third dynamic.
In the real world, organizations that don’t understand their mission fail. But with Church of Scientology, maybe it is that the earlier camouflage mission of advanced spiritual states is seen to no longer be defensible (no objectively verified results), and the real mission is thus revealed: acquisition of MEST universe power.
Marti Carlson says
“…LRH Birthday event! And to the OTC Convention the following Sat and Sun. There are 450 OTC members confirmed to attend… Volunteers are needed to greet the 100 out-of-town attendees at Tampa Airport.” This is a reveling stat by itself. This is supposed to be the biggest event weekend of the year – and only 100 out-of-town attendees – representing the whole rest of the world?
thegman77 says
Mike, your comm lines never cease to amaze me. While I can click on TonyO’s blog at 7 am and know he’s pretty much done for the day, I’ve seen you do two…and once in awhile three…in a single day. I now keep checking back several times a day to see what new bombshell you’ve explored and exploded for the Little Führer. His blood pressure must be something else!
Mike Rinder says
gman — just put up a new post… He won’t like this one either.
remoteviewed says
“The Most Green Building” in Puerto Rico.”
Oh wow what an accomplishment.
Is that because the power and the phones aren’t connected?
Personally I’d say that some of these “Ideal Orgs” are probably the most green buildings on the planet since they don’t leave a “foot print” at all because they are basically unoccupied.
Again OSA doesn’t seem to be on its toes (probably because its limping from so many foot bullets) these days. The OTC even after their “security” briefing on using hushmail and such is still leaking like a sieve.
Maybe they should get some advice from the IC…..
Maybe not.
Seems most of there stuff ends up on Wikileaks anyway or blown by some pissed off defector like Snowden.
Mike Rinder says
Is that because the power and the phones aren’t connected?
Zephyr says
LOL re “no foot print”!
Lovealways says
They didn’t get the memo.
WhiteStar says
how is that hush mail thing working out?
MJ says
About as effective as hunting a lion with a pea shooter.
oneone2014 says
Looks like the Hushmail Hat missed that pesky ‘Forward’ button, it’s not that hard to find sitting next to the ‘Reply All’.
Jose Chung says
Good Grief, David Miscavige in his starring role:
” Now I don’t like this anymore than you do.But what we have here is a failure
to communicate !!!!!!!”
MJ says
For GAT 3, Dave’s thinking of redoing Cool Hand Luke. Rumor has it that the dude himself will be playing George Kennedy’s role. Shhhh – let’s not leak this, okay guys?
Ed Kette says
No real expansion for his emptiness e-nano?
MJ says
Sadly, no. Sniff, Sniff.
OutandFree says
LOL, War Horse!!!
Cindy says
So if that is Wig Adams, he must have left Flag SO staff and is now a public person attending OTC meetings. Or did they appoint a Flag staff member to preside over or help the OTC? Anyone know anything?
War Horse says
Life Axiom #1: Any OT Committee run by somebody named Wig will probably have a hard time.
Cindy says
Is that Wig Adams? He is a Flag SO member at least he was when I was there. Is it the same Wig? If so did he route out of the SO? Or are they putting SO members on OTC meetings now?
scnethics says
99% sure that is Wig Adams.
FOTF2012 says
Geeze, how many Wigs are there?
If he went by the name Bozo, would we have to ask, do you mean Bozo the Clown?
oneone2014 says
Great to see all those new & highly secured email accounts are getting put to good use at the OTC. Way to get it handled!
Just Me says
Oh, snap! Surely, the use of hushmail would have prevented that leak. LOL!
izzysson says
Thank Lou for the info…er,
I’ve already said too much.
DollarMorgue says
I wonder what it feels like to be on that OTC and loyal to His Blingness. Or in OSA. They must be wracking their brains on how to find and remove moles. But the ship has so many holes it more closely resembles a sieve thrown out to sea. Some are holding on and the rest are laughing.
I wonder though – with so many holes, how much longer until the group collectively realises virtually nobody supports COB any more and they walk away? Or should I get my head examined?
MJ says
The former.
Starman8 says
Mike, these leaks are just awesome! Wish I was still on that email list.
John Stout always sends out these reports. Can’t remember if it was always weekly or monthly. Anyhow they’re sent to the OTA I/C of the OTC, who then (at least in my case) asked to forward to the whole OT Committee. So much for hushmail accounts! Do I hear SP trait, WRONG TARGET? after SP trait, regarding no one owns property (new e-meters).
Cindy says
Speaking of SP traits, (no one owns property such as new e-meters), another is “can’t complete a cycle of action.” Mike chronicles many unfinished cycles of action in the dozens of EUS orgs unfinished and sitting there empty for 10 years or so. Maybe the money has dried up and thus no rennos can be done? Or maybe it is just more unfinished cycles of action per the SP traits.
Grasshopper says
I love the statuses. From “Lifetime” to “FF Lifetime”. From “Sponsor” to “FF Sponsor.” Even Patrons are mot spared! What’s the FF?
So, you are a lifetime member… but not really.
Also note that these people are at the old, not new, levels. Meaning, they are not donating recently.
And note that there is no mention of training level or processing level. All focus is on building statuses and IAS statuses. I mean, Mike, you pointed all this out, but here it is in black and white again.
Ashaman says
I was a “lifetime” IAS member from about 1988. That didn’t count for much, however. Some “Wonder Girls” from A.O. gang regged me for new and improve “Lifetime” membership.
thegman77 says
Were you required to produce a new and improved Lifetime? LOL
GTBO says
Fully Funded ?
MJ says
Financially finished.
Aquamarine says
Yes, I’m also very curious as to what “FF” means. For now I’m taking comfort in my own humorous and very profane dub-in.
Zana says
FF = Fuckin’ Foolish.
Aquamarine says
For sure! Mine was “Fully Fucked”.
Tony DePhillips says
FF= fucked financially.
scnethics says
When you see someone with the status of “Patron” and they want to get more money to make them “FF Patron”, it means “Fully Funded Patron”. This person achieved the status of Patron at the old donation rate of $40,000. The new rate is $50,000, so they are regged for the difference so that their status will become “Fully Funded”. Didn’t LRH prohibit status degrades, and wouldn’t the implication that one’s status is not fully funded count as such?
Aquamarine says
Thanks for the MU clear-up on FF, scnethics. Now, as to your own question on status degrades, you mention an “LRH” who prohibited this – is this guy anyone important in Scientology? 🙂
MJ says
He was until people got these global briefings by COB. Dave is merely taking the subject above and beyond all expectations. Beyond mine anyway, or I should say below.
hiatus57 says
I would think LRH is spinning in his grave. People just accept that “donations” is what Scientology is in this century. I remember laughing so much the first time I heard the phrase “clubbed Seals” describing the Scientology public but actually its no funny.
This disgusting little b*****d reigns over an example of corporate greed never before seen.
At least you get something for your money at Walmart.
I have to be honest now as an Ex-Staff member If anyone approached me regarding Scientology I would tell them to run and explain it does.nt exist anymore except in the books, tapes and policy letters. Fortunately I have all of those.
Scn R.I.P
MJ says
I’d love to see reprints of all the books before corn on the cob’s “improvements.” Any Ben Franklin types out there?
Ashaman says
It’s out there. There are a ton of really pissed off dedicated “Hubbard” scentologists who document everything they can. PDC cd edits,book changes, questionable HCOB and PLs. Quite amazing really what people do in their spare time.
MJ says
Thanks Ashaman. If you have any good contacts as referenced, please email me at: [email protected]
hiatus57 says
In my spare time I run “standard NOTS” C/S’d By a Trained Class IX rather than the “oh this is my version its really good stuff” rubbish that only ends up with people giving up their auditing as they get NCG.
I can also Spell Scientology correctly
Zephyr says
LRH’s body got cremated so he would NOT be able to turn around in his grave…..
Joe says
“I would think LRH is spinning in his grave.”
Isn’t he exterior at Target 2?
Robert Almblad says
“I would think LRH is spinning in his grave.”
He probably avoided the many possible reincarnated wanabe’s by saying he was not coming back.
Ashaman says
“Scn R.I.P”
It’s very much alive, in the Indie field and alive with anyone keeps applying the stuff.
MJ says
And Dave, there ain’t a thing you can do about it. We don’t follow your orders.
MJ says
All I can say is that the spirit has gone out of Scientology.
DollarMorgue says
Oh, a long time ago.
MJ says
“For each age is a dream that is dying,
Or one that is coming to birth.”
Live Zombie says
But the ML (Much Love) at the end of most of these OTC and RCS e-mails, which is starting to drive me nuts, is in full swing or maybe 3 swings.
One Point Won says
Thanks bunches for my reg target list, Mike!
I trust that all outed and/or undercover apostates pay close attention to the new [re-re-released] law that all OTC lists may only be sent via hush-mail and that this posting must immediately be shredded and flushed. Note: please don’t flush this in the SandCastle, as our toilets still tend to be very clogged!
Cooper Kessel says
The elephant in the room here Mike is that you continue to expose the TOP SECRET secrets of the Cult of Total Freedum and Bankruptcy. I can hear the screaming from His Exhaultedness now. There must literally be pandemonium each day as another TOP SECRET secret is leaking from the OTC groups.
“I want every OTC member on the planet brought in and sec checked within an inch of their lives. You worthless pieces of shit could not find a mole if it were on top of your heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want a product here and I want it now!” said Captain David Miscavige to his adoring throngs.
Hey OSA …………can you pathetic drones help the little guy out for christs sake. He is going to develop gasket problems soon if you don’t get your product. Wait, maybe you guys are the leak ………..I’d get ready for some serious sec checking if I were you ……………and make NO MISTAKE, I am really, really, really glad I am not (you)! (go ahead and add some more exclamation points as necessary)
1984 says
Might actually make some Mark VIII sales from this also, with all these sec-checks.
John P. Capitalist says
This document is worth its weight in gold. The spreadsheet data of IAS donors can help us figure out what the “tailed” distribution of donors is in a regular org (i.e., not involving the top 10-20 high level “whales” like Jensen, Feshback, Duggan, Cartwright, etc.) would be. And from there we might be able to get a realistic estimate of total IAS donations over time. One of the numbers I was trying to get a handle on was the total contribution that smaller donors make to the IAS mix… this gives me some really interesting information to go on.
Figuring this out is extremely useful for two reasons: it gives some insight into the size of Int Reserves, and it gives us a sense for IAS donation activity on an annual basis.
Thanks, Mike!
Scamofscientology says
Hi John, it’s good to see you speaking of the tail of the donations. I have been sitting on another pretty reliable data set for a while, the Dutch Ideal Org. I have the complete list of donations when 68% or 3.4M€ out of 5€ was extorted from their members.
Total donations: 250 indivuals from 170 households.
40 housholds contributed 90% of the 3.4M
7 households contributed 50% of the 3.4M.
Incidentally, the donation level of the 40 household / 90% mark is around $50.000, the same as the lowest amount reported in the IAS impact magazines, which gives a pretty reliable correction factor of 10% for the amount of IAS donations not reported in Impact because they are below $50K.
Speaking of which, wouldn’t it be time a recent IAS impact magazine was leaked so we can do some analysis on it?
Aquamarine says
Can’t wait for your eval on this, John P.
Robert Almblad says
Look forward to your analysis John P. It’s always good to see your comments/analysis here.
As a trend, Co$ income is down and expenses are up. To reverse this trend they have to cut off these information leaks. This is impossible, of course… ha.
Indies are growing, Co$ is shrinking.
I think at some point critical mass will be reached by both entities, but not necessarily at the same time because they are not tightly or closely related. Point being, Co$ is, (PR wise and legally) shooting itself in the foot all the time and Indies have not coalesced into an entity, if they ever will.
In the big picture of things, you can’t run a Ponzi scheme in the internet age.
Alanzo says
Holding out DM’s anchor points, and not letting the little Poodle Boy pull them back in.
Oh my god this is so funny!
scnethics says
Wow, only 7 OTC Members active at that meeting. This is shockingly low for Tampa.
Yes, there may be lots of confirms, an plans, and envisioned planetary clearing, and more millions to collect but the only real ‘done’ is money collected. Still, no auditors, no Clears.
But, lets face it, they have had the highest evers of ‘blah…blah…blah…’ week after week; on that they are stellar., sorry, monumental.
MJ says
From the song with slight edit:
But they’ve got high hopes
They’ve got high hopes
They’ve got high apple pie
In the sky hopes
GTBO says
I prefer “Don’t fear the reaper”
‘Cause he’s a comin for you RC$ & OSA
MJ says
So many choices. Dave needs a good mix tape.
thegman77 says
Chicago and Detroit with SEVEN starts each? And an exclamation point afterwards? Now *that* is an example of truly low expectations! Back in New York days, we’d do 20-30 starts every week, sometimes that many from ONE PE lecture. LOL