The first blog post on was on 5 November 2009.
It’s been 10 years but it sure doesn’t seem that long!
It’s been a lot of fun along the way. I have met many wonderful people here (and quite a number subsequently IRL which has been especially gratifying). Hopefully I have opened a window to discovering the truth about scientology for many.
This blog would not have been possible without the support of many who have helped. While it is a labor of love (or perhaps passion) it IS labor and first my thanks to the many contributors who have provided content and given me a break for a day. None have been more reliable, thought-provoking and prolific than Regraded Being. Someone who has become a valued friend IRL that I would otherwise have never known.
And thanks also to Terra Cognita who has provided more articles that have generated more comments than any other guest writer here.
And also Brian Lambert and Lois and Gary Reisdorf who have contributed enormously.
There are many others, but these stand out for repeated contributions. If I forgot anyone, my sincerest apologies.
I also admit that I am not very computer savvy, and I have relied on various Tech/Admins who have helped along the way — most recently Shel Goldberg, but also Nathan Rich, Don McClintock and others who shall remain nameless.
We have a large and diverse community of commenters. A lot have come and gone over time but there is a core of stalwarts who keep coming back year after year. In a decade I have only asked 2 people to stop commenting — one for refusing to decry abuses against children at the hands of scientology and another for endlessly attempted to provoke others which ultimately became tiresome.
I also want to take a moment to thank the other warriors in the battle to end the abuses of scientology. Those who work tirelessly to make the truth known. My partner in crime, Leah Remini. The indefatigable Tony Ortega, who has no dog in this fight but has been exposing the abuses of scientology since before I escaped the organization and continues to do so every day. Others who devote time and effort on social media platforms: Aaron Smith-Levin, Jeffrey Augustine, Chris Shelton, Karen De La Carriere, Ron Miscavige Snr, Christi Gordon, Tory Christman (I’m sure I am forgetting some) and also to those who have taken a stand and spoken out in the media, have written books and also the journalists and filmmakers who have bravely told stories to the world. Thank you to you all — you make the battle winnable. There is strength in numbers, and being united with others in a common purpose is very powerful.
And finally I want to thank the people who have supported this blog with their hard earned dollars. I try to thank each person who has done so personally, and I shall not name them as they have not asked to be identified. You know who you are. It takes time AND money to keep a blog like this going — to cover hosting, defending against the attacks of scientology, sometimes getting materials and other sundry expenses. Your support in the form of real money sets you all on a pedestal and I appreciate you more than you will ever know.
Some Statistics:
In these 10 years there have been:
2,591 posts — this is more than the number of square feet of Italian marble laid in the lobby of all Ideal Orgs combined (if you don’t understand this reference it is an inside joke about the statistics provided at scientology events by David Miscavige).
255,976 comments — laid end to end these would stretch to the moon and back 27 times and is just slightly shy of the total number of ex-scientologists on earth.
There have been a total of 2,574,306 visitors to the site. (Note: Google analytics only tracks back to 2013 so some of these figures are not encompassing the full 10 years).
The single largest day of traffic was 15 August 2019 when Aftermath Announcement was posted with 81,117 page views and 61,394 visitors. (This is about 3 times the total number of visitors as there are active scientologists, or equal to the total words of meaningless Shermanspeak Miscavige has spouted at IAS events worldwide).
The most commented upon post was The Danger of Niacin of 19 Sept 2015 with 644 comments, followed by Marty Rathbun’s Meltdown posted on 25 June 2017 with 603.
Favorite Postings:
A lot of topics have been covered over the years. Some topics are of course recurring. I have selected some of the most significant in my view, though of course this list could be longer and I have probably missed some. Looking back over 10 years and more than 2,500 posts gives a wide field from which to select.
But these ones have stood the test of time and are a useful body of information on the subject. Sort of a mini-Wiki of the worst of scientology.
David Miscavige:
David Miscavige: The Chosen One?
Is David Miscavige a Religious Leader?
The End of the Road for David Miscavige
David Miscavige Cowed and Ill Associates
Scientology Fair Game tactics:
Dealing with Critics of Scientology — the L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
Framing Whistleblowers — the Scientology Playbook
More on Scientology Fair Game — Black Propaganda
Harvey Weinstein & Scientology – Separated at Birth?
What happened to Shelly Miscavige?
Shelly Miscavige Guarded by Armed PIs
Leah Remini, Shelly Miscavige and Tom Cruise
How big is scientology?
How Big is Scientology? Lies Exposed
Disconnection: the PR and the Truth
What is the deal with Ideal Orgs?
The Purification Program and Niacin:
Super Power:
Scientology Homophobia:
Scientology and Other Religions:
Can Scientologists be Christians or Jews Too?
Ex-SO Members Afraid to Speak:
Aftermath Announcements:
A Message from Leah Remini to Scientology Operatives
I plan to continue this blog until the abuses of scientology are ended.
I continue making postings, even if they are repetitive, to keep the news current and keep the flame burning to stop the abuses and restore familial relationships that have been destroyed by scientology (including with my own children and siblings).
I hope it doesn’t require another 10 years.
I don’t believe it will.
NOTE: Apparently for some odd reason there is a problem being able to comment on this post. Trying to resolve it.
UPDATE: Now fixed. Fire away….
You have been a beacon of decency and stability to the rest of us who left the corrupt world of Scientology, and are still reeling from it.
During the last 10 years we saw Scientology shrinking, but we also so the dave (no he does not deserve capital letters) strengthening his political position in Clearwater and LA. That means that we still have plenty of work to do.
I wish you, myself, and everyone reading this blog a continued work until this evil is obliterated.
Daily blogs limit back and forth conversation. By the time you think over the topic and comments if you have a question or make a reply to someone it’s often lost on an “old” post. It’s mostly “weigh in” and move on.
I’m an avid daily reader, Mike, and occasional poster. Never doubt how much you are admired and supported for your tireless energy and devotion towards freedom of the oppressed and the total destruction of an evil cult and ideology. Congratulations on 10 years of service to humanity.
Congratulations, and Happy Tenth Anniversary, Mike! Your keeping this blog going has helped me and many others, I’m sure, a great deal. I’m in awe of how you work – your dedication, your ability to persist on this given course. As Geoff Levin said above, you’re a Rock of Gibraltar. I’ve been reading and posting since March of 2013. Every day I come here – sometimes twice or even 3 times. Its a great way to blow off steam about Scientology, to learn from what others share, to heal and, last but not least, to LAUGH. I’ll be here for as long as you are, Mike. Thank you.
I’m glad about this nice little last line.
Congratulations on the anniversary. And thanks for your work.
I have a question about this: “In a decade I have only asked 2 people to stop commenting — one for refusing to decry abuses against children at the hands of scientology and another for endlessly attempted to provoke others which ultimately became tiresome.”
Was one of those FP? Just curious. He certainly was focused on provoking others.
snoopy little thing, aren’t’cha?
come to my house, I’ll let you rifle through all my drawers. You’ll have a ball – I’ve got cool crap.
(it’s actually something I do with kids – I give them little things too)
It was Fool who justified and defended child sexual abuse because of his love of Hubbard’s nasty and cruel policies.
I’m so glad he’s gone. His incessant and absurd justifications for Hubbard’s cruel policies, among many other things, were simply disgusting and disturbing.
Thanks for the info, KatherineINCali. I wondered cuz I had thought to ask FP something to try to get a handle on where he was coming from regarding the change in CoS leadership. That question wasn’t put through, and I didn’t recall seeing FP since, though I asked the question just after FP had gone on one of his verbally abusive posting binges. So it occurred to me that Mike had blocked him and therefore didn’t put through my question. I just didn’t know for certain and was curious.
An understandable and justified block, yes. I don’t always read all the comments, so I didn’t see FP’s justification of sexual abuse of children. I certainly witnessed his endlessly attempting to provoke others, so I thought he might be that one. I don’t miss his verbal abuse, either, though I did wonder what motivated him to do it. To me FP seemed to have a strong personal animosity toward Mike along with all the signs of narcissistic personality disorder. I wondered whether that was cult-induced (Hubbard’s disorder spread through the organization, as the judge in Australia suggested) or whether it was a bona fide personality disorder since young childhood. Re: Rip Van Winkle’s comment, I don’t think wondering about things makes one snoopy.
I love your blog, I read it often, I comment occasionally, and I feel a tad guilty for never having contributed to its funding now that you explained a little about that. But how is it that this is a ten-year anniversary? I remember this blog starting and sort-of taking over the function that Marty’s blog had drifted from at least 2-3 years after I left the C of S, which was in 2010. And just now I just looked at the Welcome message that you put on this blog when it started, and it is dated in 2013. So it’s been about 7 years according to what I recall. Does the 10 years include the time period when you were sometimes writing for an monitoring Marty’s blog back in the day?
Hi Dave, you are right. This date is the date the first thing that is now on the blog was published, though it may not have originally been here. The “Open Letter to My Family” was early 2010. So, you are not going crazy, I am. In mid-2009 when when the Tampa Bay Times Truth Rundown broke and I came out front and center in the battle to expose the abuses. I was then posting regularly on Marty’s blog and shifted a number of the things I had written over here. Sorry for the confusion. Maybe I will have a second 10 year anniversary next year!!!
Hope life is well for you and Sindy.
Thank you Mike, and we are doing well, and hope you Christie and the boys are doing well too. Hope there is a way we can see you again sometime.
Congratulations! What an eventful 10 years! What a wonderful legacy and example for your children both in and out of COS. Some day I hope your older children and extended family that are still in COS will know the truth of the fight you have made for them. Thank you for persevering, you are changing lives. I wish you and your wife and children the very best of everything.
Congratulations Mike on the 10th anniversary of your great blog that provides consistently worthwhile and revealing information about CoS. And tons of laughs too. From your many interviews with different hosts you are quite clearly an engaging, intelligent and caring human being, in addition being a genuinely nice guy with a great sense of humor.
It is so great that you escaped CoS and developed so well in your post-CoS endeavors. (It is also a tremendous loss to CoS, in keeping with DM’s policy of crushing anyone intelligent, dedicated and productive.)
Best wishes for all the adventures yet to come!
On your tenth anniversary, I cannot resist posting
this from Milton’s “Paradise Lost”. Hubbard claimed that
he was Lucifer, the light bearer. In Paradise Lost, Lucifer
becomes Satan and Hubbard says this to his fellow demons:
“To be weak is miserable
Doing or Suffering: but of this be sure,
To do ought good never will be our task,
But ever to do ill our sole delight,
Out of our evil seek to bring forth good,
Our labour must be to pervert that end.”
So true George. Hubbard was against goodness. I believe Hubbard hated goodness. He saw it as repressive to getting what he wanted. That’s why he was anti morality, anti sympathy, anti humility, anti compassion, anti grief, anti accountability. Anti anything that would remind his conscience that he is doing the wrong thing.
His hatred for Christ and Christians was such a revelation of that hatred of goodness.
Hubbard hated God. A human being cannot love God truly and harm human beings. Because that dynamic is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. It’s all of life. And if it is all of life, when we hurt others, we hurt ourselves. His end of life misery was his karmic debt to his life of deception and abuse.
Hubbard was an enemy of the cosmic order: Dharma. Hubbard was an enemy of the Buddha. Hubbard was the enemy of families. Hubbard was the enemy of children.
His pact with the dark side amassed riches, fame and power over men.
His psycho madness at the end of life will be mirrored in DM’s end.
Karma doesn’t give a shit if you believe in it or not.
War against gravity and say it does not exist and then walk out a 10 story window: see how effective your non belief is.
Hi Bro!
Great to hear from you. You express it so well. Hubbard was evil to the core.
There has been a shift in my thinking recently. When I had Hubbard as Lucifer,
there was still a little light in the scenario. But after reading this blog for ten years, I see
that Hubbard did make the shift to Satan. I cannot get enough of Milton’s Paradise Lost and Samuel Johnson. My wife and I read Samuel Johnson almost every night. I read Paradise Lost as much as possible. Milton is really describing Hubbard as Satan. It is not important to even be Christian to read Milton. He was steeped in Classical definitions of God and demons. You can see Hubbard’s life in the evolution of Satan in hell. Milton describes OT powers throughout the poem. Hubbard is constantly defeated by the real OT’s because his mind is filled with pride. When Hubbard meets Michael the arch angel, he is cut in half by a special sword. Hubbard feels pain for the first time sort of like in his real life at the end. Hubbard tried to get rid of BT’s at the end in his real life. According to Milton, these would have been his demon friends turning on him because of his defeat and failure. So all of these demons were self-placed. Hubbard was totally screwed up. You do not even need to believe in God to understand Milton. He is describing the deranged mind.
George… what I just wrote to Brian, reiterated in response to this add’l so profound post.
Reminds me of Screwtape Letters and makes perfect sense of lrh’s end of life!
Thanks, jennyfurr. This is a search into Hubbard’s mind, the last piece of the puzzle.
Brian and I have been Bro’s for a long time and we see the truth but from different angles. Hubbard wanted so much to be the anti-Christ. Satan is the same as the anti-Christ. Miscavige got rid of 1988 Original OT VIII because Hubbard was admitting that Scientology was Satanic. Can you imagine the impact if society was convinced that Scientology was Satanic? But it is the truth. If one accepts standard definitions of Satan, Hubbard was indeed Satan. The mystery of why Hubbard used the electronic e-meter charge to blow his BT’s has never really been explained. But Milton gives us a clue. The demons that Satan led in hell are in Classical interpretation, self-placed entities which result from excess pride. Hubbard, in his Science Fiction, placed BT’s as adhering by nuclear blast. But Hubbard never really believed this and only created it to trap people. So in the end, his self placed demons adhered to him because he could not shake his pride from his deranged mind. Thus he needed the electronic charge which was ineffective to say the least.
Wow Brian, everything you wrote rings so true and like it should be obvious once you’ve finished reading all you said… it’s intriguing how reading Mike, RB, You, George… there’s this sense of “that’s truth” when you guys communicate many things, so it’s because of all that truth communicated that so much light has been cast on this subject, leaving the darkness/evil so obvious and evident.
Thank you
Thank you very much for this blog and all your work, Mike! So much appreciated!
Your clear and succinct analyzations with your insights are unique and so very valuable.
The categorized links above are great.
Mike thank you for your very hard work over these last 10 years! What an accomplishment. You have no idea how much I and my family appreciate what you have done & achieved. When I was in doubt about everything, this is the 1st place I came to and have continued every single morning, alongwith Tony’s. I also appreciate you giving me the platform to give my story. It was a very healing experience.
I just found out that my disconnected son got married & it is heartbreaking to not be part of that celebration BUT I believe for him it is worse – he has lost his whole family – Mom & Dad, 2 brothers, a sister-in-law & 2 great niece/nephew, & even a lot of aunts and uncles and cousins who all love him, not to mention friends he grew up with, who are not even connected to Scn, all gone from his life by his own decision. All of whom would have been so happy to celebrate the special day with him……all that loss for what??? He came from a very loving family, he was involved in the day to day of our lives and his for 25 years & for him to not have us in his life, he MUST have thought about this loss. Regardless, he is a lovely guy & I love him more than he will ever know. All I can do is wish him a happy life. The whole disconnection thing is one of the most horrific experiences to go through, it has to end and I will not stop speaking out until it has ended, but maybe the damage with my son will be too insurmountable on his side, but for it to not happen to anyone else in the future is what I pray for. His mind has been so brainwashed against us, it is hard to fathom.
Thank you again and sending you and your family lots of love.
Thanks so much Lois.
YEs, losing a child is a pain that never goes away.
Thanks for your work exposing the abuses.
I’m so sorry and can only imagine what I’d feel to hear that news from “outside” my own son. Your wisdom and perspective on it is really incredible and so graceful and please accept a big Internet-hug from one mom to another!
Your patience and WILL pay off and I, for one, can’t wait to celebrate, cry, laugh with and congratulate you, Mike, Mary, Lori and so many more as your kids each come to recognize the lies and make their respective ways out. The difference in the state of the cult and what happens to those who leave and speak out even just 10yrs ago vs now is SO much different thanks to you all… no way this continues as-is another 10yrs!
Mike, The first time I ever saw you, was in 1998 (?), standing at the podium on stage at the FH, giving a briefing about a lawsuit the church had just won. I thought to myself, “This guy is a badass”. Some years later when I saw on the news that you had left the church, I still thought of you as a credible guy, therefore planting the seed of doubt in my mind about DM and Scn in general. Thank you for writing this blog.
Heartfelt congratulations on 10 years of laboring in the Co$ escapee trenches, with Leah and Tony, as one of the Three Musketeers for truth & justice, and with thousands of fellow Heroes of the Heart walking alongside you. Each post or comment by all of you has given this never-in greater understanding of the tragedy experienced, appreciation of the courage exhibited, and even a few chuckles from the absurdity noted, as you so eloquently expose the panoply of deliberate evil perpetrated by Co$, day by day, post by post, comment by comment.
I give my deepest gratitude for all you do.
Congratulations from the home of Dutch opthalmology! 😉
Mike, I’ve said it a hundred times …. THANK YOU for being you. You’re a wonderful, compassionate, upstanding man and I just want to HIGH 5 you !!! RIGHT ON !! YOU ROCK !!!
Glad to see the comments got fixed! There are not enough words to thank you for all you do, Mike. I came here when I needed answers. I found your blog after reading the Tampa Bay Times and was starting to see the scam for what it was. It’s been your blog (and Tony’s) that has led me through the labyrinth and unraveled the truth behind the lies. I’ve been reading every post for 5 years now and appreciate the list you gave of the important posts so I can go back and make sure I’ve read each of them. I admire your bravery and persistence. Thank you for being there for us all.
All my thanks forever, Mike, and congrats on the milestone.
This blog, you, and the wonderful people on this site have helped me tremendously over these past few years of wiping the cult from my eyes.
But beyond my own immediate personal benefit, thank you for your extraordinary contribution in exposing and taking down this destructive cult. What you have done and continue to do has long reaching consequences.
When the tale is all told your name will among the heroes. It’ll be in books and stuff, your story, history, and works will be known as an important factor. 🙂
Having this place…to come and speak freely was key to the beginnings of my recovery. Bottomless gratitude.
P.S. (Love the sassy stats)
Congratulations Mike! Wow, what a downstat for David Miscavige and OSA!
Thank you, Mike, for starting and leading this blog. It opens up and maintains internet discussion on the faults of Scientology which is now so very vital to prevent people from joining and getting trapped.
Provocation is a mighty weapon having the power to make down up and going but it’s a double-edged sword. Provocation can also make down forever down.
I heard of Scientology when some showed up with pamphlets in 1968. We were at the bus stop and because of our values we took them. I was 7 at the time and I read the pamphlet on the way to school. I asked my friends about what they thought some kids had not read it. I said to them it sounds like JW or a cult. We gave them to our parents and the next day they were back. Our parents also they tried to reason with them and they wanted to argue with our parents. The police were called and they had to leave. We never heard from them again. I have been following this evil cult for years and thanks to you, Leah, Tony and DM’s Father and sooo many more I have learned more about this evil cult I Thank all of you. I know one day soon this will end and then the hardest work begins. Helping them get back into life and love again. I truly believe you will be reunited with your other children soon. Congrats on 10 years and keeping us informed about this evil cult. I am so happy that you have found life love and joy with your new life. I enjoyed the vacation pics and I know that you did too.
Mike, you have been a rock to so many of us. A decade has passed and look at the progress you have made. I for one am grateful you are here.
Hi Mike
I’ve never been a Scientologist but I have taken a lot of interest in the last few years, I’ve watched many documentaries and especially the series with Leah Remini.
I just have one question what will happen to the so called church if David Miscavige dies.
It will continue, but shrink even faster than it is currently. His death will not spell the end of the abuses, they are baked into the scientology DNA.
Just WHO is going to replace Miscavige IF he dies….
I can’t give you enough thanks for putting this ALL out there or public review. I knew quite a bit about the Hare Krishna, Children Of God, Moonies J.W.’s etc….and only a little about COS.
You and Leah have enlightened so many people as to the ins and outs of this cult……it’s still hard to believe that COS is able to con people into “donating” every cent they have towards that non existent bridge to nowhere.
People left in financial ruin, over extended with credit card debt, no money for life’s necessities, no money for college educations for their children or for their own retirement…it goes on and on….all the while a “certain person” living a life of luxury.
The Devil gets his due….it has to be pure HELL on Earth for David Miscavige to never be able to go outside, or to wonder WHO he can trust, WHO is going to turn on him at any time, having to look over he shoulder wondering WHEN the authorities are going to come to arrest him….he must drink himself into oblivion just to be able to sleep at night.
Thank You Mike, Leah & everyone else….Please Mike, keep the website going……
@balletlady, would you have predicted that miscavige would have replaced LRH? I didn’t see that one coming. Miscavige was a punk kid. But he was the greediest so he won.
Here’s my take on it: the miscavige replacement will be the person who can stab the most people in the back the fastest just like it was for the LRH replacement. Unlike with LRH, though, those waiting in line to usurp the power won’t be taken by surprise because they won’t be grieving for a lost friend like Pat and Annie Broeker were (and miscavige wasn’t). I can’t imagine there are many people who will be heartbroken when COB drops his body.
Some poor beaten wretch who has languished in the Hole for a decade will be brought out, dusted off, put in a tuxedo and sent out to lead the charge for Planetary Clearing. My bet would either be on Yager or Lesevre if Miscavige dropped dead tomorrow.
Every day that goes by I hope to read or hear some “new information” on COS and David Miscavige being brought to justice. Of course, it’s a dream…but one I’d like to see come to fruition.
So many brave people who put ALL at risk, appeared on the Aftermath Series, stepped forward like yourself with their own tale of horror & suffering at the hands of COS & it’s current Ecclesiastical Leader.
I wonder WHAT “he” would do if the authorities would one day be able to penetrate his stronghold…..I have had visions of “The Green Mile” scenario where justice enters and is pounding on the locked door yelling in that movie…..the guilty warden’s name…….but this time it is his name………..WHAT would “he” do????
This is a bit O/T. but standing in line at the grocery store one of the rag magazines had a full front cover with Tom Cruise and Suri saying he is reconnecting with his daughter with Katie. The article said that he had not had contact with her because her mom left Scn, but that now he had reached out to Suri and wants to get back in her life and make it up to her and see her. So they’ve had some emails and face time on Skype together and he says he will come see her in person next time he is in NY. (I would think that after all this time he would rush over there to see her instead of “next time I’m in NY.”) And the article said Katie was OK on him seeing their daughter.
I think that DM is worried that all the negative press on Disconnection will come out with the lawsuits etc. And I think he reads Mike’s blog and knows we all talk to the world about Tom being told by DM to disconnect from Katie and his daughter out of the whole SP thing. So this is his way of proving to the world, “We don’t practice disconnection — see, Tom Cruise sees his daughter!” I think DM is bowing to public pressure and trying to stop the bad PR he is getting.
Those stories get leaked (planted) to the tabs by the movie PR people usually at the start of their campaign for an upcoming Cruise movie. Haven’t checked if he has anything coming out but that’s been the pattern for years.
“he single largest day of traffic was 15 August 2019 when Aftermath Announcement was posted with 81,117 page views and 61,394 visitors. (This is about 3 times the total number of visitors as there are active scientologists,”
Wow, I hope Dave reads the real stats. You have 3 X the number of visitors as there are active Scns. What a stat! Mike, thank you so much for keeping this blog alive for 10 years. Congratulations on your tenth anniversary! You do a heck of a job! We are all so grateful for you and the work you are doing. Thank you!
Happy 10th Anniversary Mike, as an Australian and a never in I congratulate you and your team for exposing this evil cancerous ruse, Since following your daily posts and the Aftermath series I not only see through their terrible deviousness but I also wonder why so many so called intelligent people still get drawn into this web of deceit, abuse and deception, now I am only your average Joe but even I can smell bullshit from a mile away, I admire the work you and your team do to expose this cult, all I do is look up people from your blogs and send them a message through messenger that is from the Anderson report and point them towards the Aftermath foundation if they require help, “long live the troll” if trolls highlight this scam !! best wishes
Smudge – Australia
There are not enough words to show my gratitude for all you have done, Thank you indeed.
Whatever long it takes to abolish Miscavige´s abuses, we will be here with you.
Hey Mike, Have loved your blog for many years. It’s nice to know there’s a place I can go with so many others who have been through similar things that many of us have been through. For me, being a former S.O. member and long time Scientologist, it’s really been a breath of fresh air. Well, a whole city of fresh air. Scientology does their best to try to make you think that it’s all your fault, and that you’re “suppressive” etc. etc. And at one time that might have worked in many cases. Thanks to you, and others like you, many of us can now, much more easily, see through the bullshit. Thanks for being here.
You are a Genuinely Cool Dude Mike.
I’m glad I met you,
Keep up the good fight.
Thank you Mike for the help this blog gives to others. And thank you to your wife. I’m sure she’s the silent support for you.
And thank you sooo much for seeing value in my writings. My wife thanks you, as I’ve been able to dump some psychological kinks, through these writings.
I am a more tolerant and loving person simply by my writings these essays. It’s been a purge through creative writing.
Much love to you and yours,
Brian, thank You for your writings. Though never in, that has helped me.
That means a lot to me Gravity Sucks. Thank you!
Brian, I can levitate my arms & legs. Surprisingly it’s not that hard.
You have practiced well grasshopper:-)
High praise from the Master, of which I am not worthy.
Keeping these feelings IN is NOT a good thing Brian. Often times it really helps us psychologically to DUMP all the negative crap we’ve buried deep inside our souls for a very long time.
Carrying around this burden eats us from inside out……it effects us mentally and Physically. I know people who HID for years that they were willing members IN a cult…they did NOT want anyone to know because they’d get “ragged/teased/tormented” about how STUPID they were for getting involved….”they shudda known better”….so they carry around an unnecessary burden of guilt.
So much easier to finally let it all out before one bursts in frustration and suffers an emotional breakdown…add to that the physical toll it takes on one’s body….heart problems, etc….who needs ANY of that when WE are HERE to listen.
LIFE is a lesson, we LEARN from our mistakes. I am glad you found some peace and solace here….and new friends as well. Your writings are inspiring Brian….Keep it up…LET IT OUT…we need all the information we can get.
Bless you and yours!
As much as your writing has been cathartic for you and helpful for your wife to see you be able to purge some of the pain (so glad to hear that it’s helped you so much!) I hope you realize even a fraction of the people you’ve reached through doing so.
Your essays have sparked so much thought, conversation, and because of your grace and understanding for others – have inspired the same IN others!
Thank you Jenny, your kind words are an inspiration to me.
Congratulations Mike! You have come so far and accomplished so much in the past ten years. I hope the next ten years brings you even more success and happiness. Wishing you all the best!
Big hugs, from CV ❤️
Answering Beyond OT’s comment:
Scientology’s abuses, over a span of almost 7 decades, are well-documented.
Scientology’s claims of “threats and violence” to parishoners, staff, and Captain
Homunculus are,as Mike said,lies,as are your group’s repeated claims of its explosive growth and its “massive” ,beneficial impact on society.
Stop projecting your self-loathing, spiritual poverty, emotional disassociation, chronic dishonesty, and culty delusion on people, whether ex-scientologists or other concerned citizens, who protest the money-grubbing, family-disconnecting, fraudulent and criminal behavior of your organization, its leader, and his hired thugs.
I am neither an internet lunatic nor a bigot. I was in your group for 15 years. I know that your comment is simply an example of a well-indoctrinated, doctrine-spouting scientologist parroting his PTS/SP dogma who,long ago,replaced his/her critical thinking ability and common sense with the Tilden Turd’s culty nonsense. I wish you a speedy reclamation of your intelligence and humanity!
To Mike: Thanks for continuing to do all that you do!
Thank you so much for the time, effort and money you put into this blog, Mike. I began coming here right after reading Going Clear, and very much appreciate your links to other sites/posts/books where I can find out more about the true nature of this destructive cult. You and so many others here have suffered both inside SciCult and outside, for speaking up and telling the truth. Bravo! (
And maybe take another wonderful, well-earned family vacation soon and post photos for all of us to enjoy?? 🙂
This was submitted earlier by someone going by the name “Beyond OT” — it appeared as a response to yesterday’s post due to the difficulty with commenting today.
But I thought I would include it since most won’t have seen it:
Great job, Mike. But since it seems the 10th anniversary post doesn’t allow comments, I do want to add some numbers you forgot.
1,247 — serious threats to Org and/or staff safety that resulted in police reports
73 — threats of death or serious bodily harm to COB
100% (guesstimate based on anecdotal evidence) — percentage of staff who have expressed fear of your and Leah’s and Tony’s band of unhinged Internet-based lunatics and religious bigots
This is my response:
Of course, a troll.
It’s a great opportunity to respond to your “talking points.”
1. Obviously, you are wrong, your comment is posted. Unlike scientology sites, you CAN post here. I not only cannot post, I am BLOCKED from most of them. And yet you shout about what champions of free speech you are.
2. 1247 “serious threats” is just a random number you have invented and is based on absolutely nothing. You guys tally up tweets that say things like “scientology is a harmful, abusive cult and should be shut down” and count it as a “serious threat” to your religious freedom. Or “I am going to picket the church today.” Or “I hope you get the retribution you deserve.” But even more relevant, has it ever entered your mind that perhaps people are upset at scientology because it has destroyed their family? Cost them their job? Taken all their money? Promised them the world and failed to deliver? When you do that to people, they get mad.
3. As for the “threats” to David Miscavige, again, plucked out of thin air. I guarantee you I have had more “threats” from rabid scientologists, PI’s and “anonymous” people than David Miscavige. That was for speaking out about the abuses of scientology. If Miscavige has in fact had threats, maybe it’s a result of him beating people? Physically and emotionally torturing them? Running a worldwide scam? I bet Bernie Madoff had people threaten him. As did Jim Jones. David Koresh.
4. As for your guesstimate… hopefully those staff will wise up and get the hell out. It’s ALWAYS uncomfortable when you are lying to people and ripping them off and you don’t know if the person you abused yesterday is going to end up in the media tomorrow. That’s the real reason for any fear they may feel.
Scientology dishes out abuse and lives on playing the victim.
You are evidence of this.
Thanks for taking the time to make the point.
Has anyone ever noticed what incredible powers so-called SPs have over Scientologists? Even the Clears and the mighty OTs are no match when an SP walks into the room. In order to preserve their Eternity, avoid disease and bad luck, they must shun you instead of simply saying hi and being normal and sociable. But even though they claim to have power over MEST, they don’t have the power to withstand the simple presence of an SP. This is the height of absurdity and cognitive dissonance, but this is what Scientology does to people.
Mike, you gave that troll free speech on your blog which is something the church blogs and tv station would never give you or any of us “special people.” They can’t confront and shatter SP’s. They can’t even look at them in the eye. I know because my ex went into fear and couldn’t even look at me when I politely rang his door bell. He practically ran away. It was a struggle for him to not run. All these figures this troll quotes are fiction pulled out of DM’s hat or places further south. Macbeth said it best on this trolls false figures, “”It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
Congratulations, and well done! Ten years ago, I was barely aware of Scientology, as it is nowhere to be found here in New Jersey. I’d only known the Dianetics ads from the ’80s. Ten years ago, I was also largely unaware of the ways cults and even individuals wield manipulative power in the life of a trusting follower or friend. Watching the Aftermath in 2016 got me started on a path to recognizing the various ways I’d been manipulated by various agents in my own lifetime. I had shed some of my toxic allegiances by then, but I still didn’t recognize just what had happened. I thank you!
Ten years ago it was nowhere to be found in New Jersey? My oh my! Who was it that said that Organized Crime had no benefits for the people of New Jersey? That is clearly one big benefit. Don’t you think?
Hey Mike – thanks so much for all of the effort you’ve put in over the years!! I read your blog every day and it really helps in getting over the loss of family and friends.
It’s been a great pleasure doing my small part helping you with the tech part of the blog.
I hope the cherch eventually allows people to communicate with whomever they wish. Amazing that they don’t.