This is old, I just haven’t had space to include it and give it the notice it so well deserves.
Clearly, the staff of organizations are aware of the state of their field. It is a dismal scene. No doubt they hear it repeatedly.
It apparently never enters their mind to wonder why:
1. So many of their “parishioners” have no money or are in debt and think that every call is about fundraising
2. Or why, when they have the tech of life itself and the answers to being cause over MEST that so many of their people have messed up, out of control lives
3. Or why if they DO have the most valuable “tech” on the planet,the cure for all ills and the secret to eternal life, people aren’t knocking down their doors to avail themselves of it.
Cognitive dissonance.
Dear XXX
I would like to invite you to the Ideal Org events on the weekends. I know what you are thinking, but hold your thought and do me the courtesy of reading through the mail till the end, though you feel like this:
Believe me we have been there and have had the same thought bubble over our head. Yet we have contributed constantly for 10 years. We didn’t just stretch our limits, we bent our universe to do this.
There are only 8 weeks to completion of the fundraising. It can be done if we all pull in the same direction with all our theta.
Last two weeks we have had super theta and super fun events. Some very ‘on purpose’ thetans have made huge contributions. At least I know one of them, for whom making a United means, cutting down on her monthly allowance. But that’s the degree of purpose and responsibility this person and others who donate have. However, it was quite disappointing to see only 30-40 people applauding these wonderful people who are raising the bars, stretching their limits, cutting down their budgets to make our Ideal Org a reality.
I know you share our purpose and the purpose of all Danish Scientologist – to have that Ideal Org opened as soon as possible. I ask of just one thing. Revisit and rekindle that purpose which you had at the time of your first donation or first event participation. Now is the time to put all the data you have got on responsibility to application. We all have benefited from LRH’s tech, its time to put it to good use so millions can benefit from it.
If you can’t donate money, you can at least come to the events and applaud those who have donated. You can get 5 of your friends to come along. You can share the invite on Facebook. You can contribute with your Theta energy. Let me clear an MU. These weekend events are not hardcore ‘regging’ events. These are to celebrate the achievements and contributions. The fundraising that happens at the event is short and only as an extension of all the energy that gets created. I ask for only 2 hours of your week for next 8 weeks.
Now, that these barriers are removed, its your turn, to STAND UP AND BE COUNTED.
We owe it to the wonderful staff of DK Org who have contributed so much to our Bridge progress. We owe it to the relentless work of the OTC, the tremendous contributions of all the donors. But most of all WE OWE IT TO LRH, WHO IS THE REASON WE HAVE A POSSIBILITY TO SECURE OUR FUTURE FOR EVER…INFINITY.
I hope to see you and your friends at the next event.
Does MU stand for Muck Ups? Seriously after you die do you all still get these crazy illogical dense letters from these irrational ungrounded idiots?
Hi OSD,Thank you for your info on David,I really don’t know that much about him.I’ve read here to find out more & the little I knew when I wrote to him from Asho F. I would not want to meet him though! Ann.
My pleasure, dear! Remember, “For every action, there’s an equal & positive reaction. DAVID “LET HIM DIE – PROVABLE BULLSHIT” MISCAVIGE is in for some massive karma reaction.
Hi OSD,Thank you,may you post forever.David Miscavige is in need of massive karmic reaction.And I do believe it is coming his way. When & where I am not sure, but like the shadows cast at night by street lights, lamp lights, fire lights, running lights, star lights, that Karama will bite him! Always Ann.
Hi OSD, These gremlins,love me as much as The Rats! Karma I meant.Ann.
Keep calm and post on, Ann B!
Hi OSD,Thank you for the sage advice.I will try to calmly post on.Gremlins & Rats hit me wth your best shot.Always Ann.
Penny asserted, “There is nothing wrong with self defence [by a business] to the point where one leaves you alone,”
In business that is suicidal. One does NOT viciously attack everyone who voices negativity about your activity. (which is what El Con directed as they were SP’s) To do so makes one appear quite mad to the general public. I am very familiar with ALL of El Con’s “policies” in this area. If applied in the real world it would be a PR disaster.
Radhika is toast for feeding the enemy line. This is the furthest thing from Tone 40 imaginable.
Do these people know where “sacrifice” is on the Scientology emotional tone scale?
Yes, by all means go to the event and give your last fucking dollar.. You will likely end up like this guy who has been FSMing and giving intro lectures at various orgs in the SF Bay Area for 50 years and now needs to move; Here’s his plea for help from the cult members who might be listening. The fellow is in his 70s and he and his wife cannot afford more than a room in someone else’s house!!??!!??
Hello, friends …
Our roommate / landlord wants to renovate his house and sell it … and we need to new place to live …
Rooms in a house? Apartment? Have a place? Know of a place?
Our landlord wants us out by the end of August …
Any help is greatly appreciated,
R and P
Mike Rinder,
A wonderfully poignant post, Mike; thank you!
Much love, One Point Won
PS Your 2 added comments were quite accurate as well!
I’m on a roll. Please, this win must be shared:
“My whole space has expanded. My entire viewpoint has shifted. I used to have all these barriers about Ideal Org Fundraising. Then I read this email from Radhika. Well, I don’t understand how it happened, but after reading this one little email, every single barrier about fundraising just disappeared! All gone! I had been carrying them around, in this sort of bubble over my head, for just ages! But no more! Now I have plenty of time, my family can take care of themselves for fuck’s sake, I’m no longer in debt, I LIKE to be fundraised, I consider fundraising events truly fun now and can’t wait for the next one. I do hope its soon. Actually, I’m hoping that fundraising goes on forever!”
Much Love,
“Now, that these barriers are removed, its your turn, to STAND UP AND BE COUNTED.”
Is this magic or what? Talk about operating as an OT! Barriers? What barriers? Where’d they go? They were in that bubble above my head a minute ago.
No time, family to take care of, need to go in session, only one day off, no money, in debt, debts stretched to limits, don’t like to be fundraised, feel bad saying no, would rather stay away from events…POOF!
Every one of these darned barriers to Ideal Org fundraising and Planetary Clearing REMOVED just by reading this brief, 9 paragraph email from Radhika!
Impressive, no?
I wonder where she got this Ability Gained.
Must be all those checks she wrote for David Miscavige’s real estate.
It’s funny that this person is “spreading enemy lines” about their own event to get them to attend. Pathetically hysterical.
The times when I was most at cause in Scientology were when I blew, more than once, and when I told a Flag Staff person that the organization was an “expletive” cult and hung up. Now they no longer send me any mail.
Mike I really enjoyed meeting you at the Library in CW.. It was such a pleasure. It was a great day until I got banned from the library after having a skirmish with a Scn. ( long story) ( Fun Times..) ha
“We own a tremendous amount of property. We own a tremendous amount of material, and so forth. And it keeps growing. But that’s not important.
When buildings get important to us, for God’s sake, some of you born revolutionists, will you please blow up central headquarters. If someone had put some H.E. [high explosives] under the Vatican long ago, Catholicism might still be going.
Don’t get interested in real estate. Don’t get interested in the masses of buildings, because that’s not important.”
Tape: The Genus of Scientology
Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress
31 December 1960
Dear, poor Raddish,
The field in Denmark only has 40 members. There are no “friends”.
So she is saying: “Even though you are broke from giving to Scientology, you should at least show up to clap for people who are giving because they are not yet broke so they can feel appreciated.” What convoluted logic! Also, do any of the whales give to Scientology without expecting an ostentatious trophy or endless rounds of applause from the unwashed masses? I doubt it.
It’s about time for the whales to start wailing on Davey.
Hmmmmm. The whales wailing on a minnow….
Now that sounds like fun…
OK so I made a very strong postulate yesterday
that all orgs will close shop in 5 years. Now I am
working on “not-ising” that creation so we can have
it solidify into an “is-ness”.
Are you with me DM? You can retire somewhere in
South America and live like a king (pope). BUT, I
want to come down and enjoy all the parties. OK!?
I’m with you, Lars! And…I love your timeline! BTW, party at my place at the beach!
Can you imagine for one minute how alone David ‘let him die’ Miscavige is. No true friends, no true partner, and no true family. He is living a desolate life filled with hate, fear and desperation. Sure he has the fawning admiration of a dwindling cult, and the odd Hollywood space cadet, but really, he is living in the ultimate prison of belief, and his only relief is at the bottom of a single malt or some seedy, concealed sex. He is living behind his own cage of titanium bars – even if he manages to slink away to a tropical isle with all the loot he can carry, he will NEVER be free.
Yeah, but look at those shoes!
When the whole thing falls apart, Michael, let’s donate all of DAVID “LET HIM DIE – PROVABLE BULLSHIT” MISCAVIAGE’s shoes to the homeless.
Hi Zola, Good to meet you.I like the cage with titanium bars not because I’m into cages with bars but because this is where those that inflict the same harm on others belong until it it is seen that pretending to love & care for any one who gave up all to Clear the Planet and get Ethics in on the Universe is the exact opposite of Freedom.What evil.Always Ann.
Here you have a business and a clientele, nothing is ever given for free unless it is the toilet paper in the bathroom, or a reality adjustment from the local police (ethics officer). You pay for everything including conversation. Yet it is drilled into your head, “We owe, we owe, we owe.” “We owe L.R.H…” (Who passed away in the 1980’s). By some accounts Hubbard had in excess of 480 million when he passed away that he wasn’t able to spend in his lifetime. And here is someone trying to collect debts for his estate.
Hubbard was also in the business of selling and delivering service and never ran a pack of beggars. And this staff member doesn’t seem to realize they don’t owe Hubbard the time of day when it comes to following his the valuable advice he left behind. And didn’t they get the memo from David Miscavige that Hubbard is an overt product maker?
“We owe Hubbard so let’s pay David Miscavige” is the current theme. Miscavige is a debt collector for Hubbard. And he gets the beggars to convince the customers they still owe.
Oracle said, “Hubbard was also in the business of selling and delivering service and never ran a pack of beggars. ”
Um no. El Con was a Con man. He lied about almost everything regarding dianetics & Scn to increase “sales”. He ran a scam and trained conmen.
This is a good example of intentional ignorance. She admits that for the last 10 years, she has been bending her universe. I prefer a universe unbent. I prefer truth over lies. That’s my way of “standing up
and being counted”.
I bent my universe once. And I’ll tell ya, it hurt like hell! You’d be surprised how sensitive it is…
You might be suffering from WUS (warped universe syndrome).
My God, Dr. Michael! I do believe you’re right! I feel better already!
there’s no sign of life, it’s just the power to talk.
I remember when a young man all the excitement about buying a new car. When signing the papers for the purchase and loan data all I could think of was the idea of cruising around in that brand new car. Then as I was driving down the road from the dealer it hit me… empty feeling of what have I done?….I have just gone several thousand dollars in debt. Can I make the monthly payments? What an empty scarey feeling. But at least I had something in exchange and a reason to do what I needed to make those payments and come out of debt with my own car.
Giving money to the church gives one no tangible exchange. No partial ownership in the building one is giving money for, no say so in how the money should be spent and really no actual knowledge of where the money is going. Nothing but a big hole in one’s checkbook and that scarey empty feeling of loss. The last time I looked that empty feeling of loss is not a theta activity and will not encourage one to move up the bridge to total freedom. If there is such a thing as total freedom then in this case David Miscavige is the only one achieving total freedom. Miscavige has been able to turn the collective theta of those still in to agree as a group that what he is doing is good when it is not. He is turning theta into entheta.
I suppose Radhika’s thinking on the thought bubble was “If I try and make it look as if I see it from their point of view they will feel “duplicated” and their considerations will “as-is”. So they will come in after all and get regged!” In actual fact I suspect most reading this will think “someone is trying to make it look like they really get the way it is for us, and will stop at nothing, no shameless tactic is too low to get further into my credit cards”. Btw “But most of all WE OWE IT TO LRH” – is a flunk. You failed to acknowledge COB.
So true about ‘as-ising’ those pesky considerations that Scientologists have. A good try but a big flunk.
I wanted to tell you that the program Frontline aired ‘Escaping ISIS’ last week here in the US. It is a powerful story and the Yazidi man who is leading his group to help kidnapped women and children escape ISIS is a true humanitarian indeed. I just read what you wrote about his work a few posts back and I completely agree with that the parishioners in the CoS could use a lesson in differentiation between being a donator to an Ideal org, and thus receive the title ‘humanitarian’ vs. actually helping someone in real time.
Wow – I am so pleased this has been aired far and wide. I can’t stop thinking about that Yazidi guy and his helpers putting their lives on the line day after day to save these desperate traumatised women and children. You are so right – the contrast between true humanitarian heroes like him and the synthetic credit-card Idle Org variety and their pathetic trophies could not be more stark.
Thank you Martin. I can’t stop thinking about those Yazidi men either. It is very inspiring.
Pushing the Help button, big time. Its all the cult does now. Nothing else works, except inducing guilt.
There’s no INTEREST, that’s for sure, so drop it down to COMMUNICATION. Whoa, can’t reach anyone on the phone, emails ignored, looks like pubic majorly out of comm, so drop it down to Control. Hmmm, of COURSE they’ve got O/Ws but this isn’t working either…oh, well, drop it down to HELP…no matter what shape people are in, they still want to HELP…
“Hi So and So, blah blah blah is going on right now and gosh we really need you, LRH is depending upon you, anything you can do would be SO awesome, YOU are so awesome, and so NEEDED, we NEED you like NEVER before and we KNOW how tough it all is for you but anyway PLEASE understand, please help, HELP us, help your group, help help help please please please beg beg beg …”
Congratulations, Auquamarine, you have graduated from scientology with full ep: A person who has seen through the bunk and can satirize it with killer accuracy.
Thanks, Roger, H.
“Believe me we have been there…”, but are stats are due tomorrow and we are farqed! Roflmao!!
What this dunce fails to realize is that her fundraising “problems” can be summed up in two words: Out Exchange. These suckers, errr…I mean members, are getting NOTHING in return for their money. And it never dawns on the reggers or the fish……..mind boggling.
This person is an a$$hole!
An asshole is useful. It stops the shit backing up past your teeth. It clears the system and makes room for more pancakes.
This person is a tapeworm.
A tapeworm that will soon be in ethics for putting in print what those of us watching from outside have pointed out for a long time and those on the inside have been thinking since Debbie Cook dropped the email bomb.
Toot, that might be an insult to all assholes. I like douche bag. Or dog shit.
It’s all Daveshit OSD. Dogs are mans best friend. Dave ……well ……not so much!
I stand corrected oh might one!
Wow, the script inside the bubble is spot-on. Whoever wrote that knows exactly how Scientologists universally feel.
Radhika is true-blue to the bone. She compliments the staff and the public for their hard work, dedication, stretching their budgets, living with less and sums it all up to the man responsible for it all and beyond to infinity: LRH.
Hip, hip, Hooray!
“You can get 5 of your friends to come along.”
Thanks to Scientology and my constant demands for “loans” from my friends, I don’t have any friends left, nobody will talk to me because I keep hitting them up for money I keep claiming I’ll pay back “soon.”
“You can share the invite on Facebook.”
All my Facebook friends have unfriended me because I kept posting fucking insane lunatic frauds and asking them for money. –sobbing– I HAVE NO FRIENDS!
BTW, when are you going to pay me back the $1.50 you’ve owed for like, forever? Scotsman never forget a debt. But, laddie, I’ll cut you some slack: Just pay me $1,25 and we’re good.
To send such a ‘low-toned’, admitting and pleading letter is an indication that the situation is really not good. Not even the help button is pushed but a “we owe it” (meant you) as an effort to get attendance.
“…the situation is really not good.” Not good!? Hell, the entire cult is circling the drain! Every day in every way, they’re getting smaller and smaller. And the absurd over the top hype is not doing a damn thing for them. I’m so happy…
Your mouth to God’s ears, OSD. My instinct says you’re right.
As Tory says: Tick tock. This cult is on the wrong side of history…
OSD – of course, you are right. I’m in a mood of understatement at the moment. 🙂
And what a wonderful post you made. But for me, it’s personal when it comes to this cult. I can go a bit off the rails at times…
“If you can’t donate money, you can at least come to the events and applaud those who have donated.”
Wow. Incredible. These filthy criminals demand that they aren’t some kind of criminal cult and yet look at the fraudulent, insane emails and letters these filthy crooks sent to their surviving customers. Amazing.
Hi, I’m inviting you to the Ideal Org on weekends! Oh, I know what you’re thinking. You don’t have any money and you’re tired of being hounded for it, right? No worries! Relax! This is a friendly letter to reassure you and put your mind at ease.
I’ve not just stretched my limits but I’ve bent my universe into pretzels because I’ve been constantly helping the church for ten years so how does THAT make you feel?
The LEAST you could do is show up at the org 2 hours a week and applaud those who ARE helping!
You think these “events” are all about regging? That’s an MU and I’m going to clear it up right now!!! Sure, there’s a teeny weeny little bit of regging if you want to get technical about it but these are CELEBRATIONS! Got it? So bring five people and I hope to see you and them, that’s six checkbooks, at the next event! You OWE it to LRH because he gave us all this freedom!
ARC break,
“ARC break”. Laughter!
You are a Sociopath
Hey Jose, I’m just trying to get my stats up!
ML. (reference ‘What is Greatness’)
Jose, is that like a garden path or different?
“There are only 8 weeks to completion of the fundraising.”
In any other organisation it means that they will be fundraising for 8 weeks and then they will stop. In the CoS it means you better give them the stipulated amount by the deadline (because they are NOT going to stop til they get the full amount.)
This email just screams undue influence and undue pressure on members.
There is a furore in the UK because an elderly lady who sold poppies for many, many years for charity committed suicide not long ago because she could not take the pressure from charities. Those charities are kittens compared the CoS. Apparently new laws are to be implemented to stop this and it will be really interesting to see how the CoS keeps the money flowing in the UK.
There is a lot of attention starting to build up – worldwide – on fundraising and what actually happens to the money, The honeymoon is over.
Not only do they need money but bodies to clap at those that give. Not a good scene to admit too.
I know, huh? Isn’t it great! What’s happening to the cult is MY dream come true…
Isn’t that mind numbing? Who would admit that ..well besides Scientologist Dee.
Or…”Hey you freakin’ DBs! Not coming to these events is a massive MAKE WRONG! What the hell is wrong with you people! This is your eternity we’re talking about here! If we don’t pay for this Model Ideal Idle Morgue, who will? Look, if you REALLY don’t have the money, at least come to cheer the upstats who donate. If you can’t donate, I understand (however, you will be sec checked to find your EVIL intentions).”
“We really do need everyone, and I mean EVERYONE to come to these events! Look, 600 new people are flooding the L.A. Org, every single week! 6 fucking hundred! The staff can hardly keep up with the demand for our services! You have no idea how hard the L.A. Org staff work! That piece of shit, so-called documentary, Going Clear, with all of its lies, is driving massive amounts of new public not only to the L.A. Org, but all the org in California! In fact, we believe California will become to first cleared state!
Please, I only want 2 hours* of your week for 8 weeks! And if you really can’t do that, you’re a CICS who SCHB! Two hours is NOTHING! The staff work 12 to 16 hour days every day of their lives!
So…I’ll leave it up to you. Mankind’s ONLY hope is YOU! Stop being PTS to the middle class! They don’t have the tech. Homes, cars, vacations come and go. But the tech is FOREVER! And, BTW, I’d like to know about your children’s college fund…
* (“I only want 2 hours of your time” = 8 hours in scino speak)
“…If you can’t donate, I understand (however, you will be sec checked to find your EVIL intentions).”
OSD, I know you’re goofing but this is actually a stable datum for the Ideal Morguers now, i.e., not donating = not wanting Scientology to expand. Not donating equates to wanting orgs to stay small. The cult has it all worked out 🙂
Hi OSD, Your post is just in time with the light starting to change to evening here.Even though the sun goes down late the light is how I tell the four seasons.All my time in the SO at Temple Street, I used to sit on a low white brick wall that went around the loading dock where our volley ball net was set up & we had some fierce SO players.But I would sit on that wall come what may & gaze at the setting & rising sun. A huge disk of heat power would rise & fall right in front of me.Temps have been 95+ degrees for over 10 days here.2 hours = 8 hrs is so true.And in The SO Time does not exist.Always to you & your wife,Ann.
Absolutely, Aqua! Their desperation in their ads tells me all I need to know. When I wrote that, it was only half tongue-in-cheek. I remember another plea awhile where the person is saying to OTC folks, “You cannot just not show up! You HAVE to have a reason! This is NOT ok!”
Hi Mike, Well different lyrics=same song.Your point hit me hard because that has been my train of thought now,if all this Tech Ron’s & David’s were so amazing incredible transforming policies why is this Cult mean nasty & destructive?It does not spread light but darkness wrapped in a phoney gift package of light!Ann.
Wow, did this hit home to me. Ideal Morgue fundraising was what got me out of the cult, before I had any clue that I was in a cult. Before I knew any of the things about David Miscavige which are common knowledge to all of us reading the internet. Ditto LRH. I really knew nothing and as a public had no real problems until my tiny org started fundraising for a new building, every week, and until I understood that this was going to continue indefinitely. Until it dawned on me that I would not only have to pay for my Bridge and my training but even more importantly for the purchase, renovation and furnishings of the building in which my org would deliver these services to me. Not only did I have to allow myself to be fundraised, I myself was expected to fundraise others, as a volunteer. I really loathed this. My common sense objected to this. In private protest, I poured thru all the Green Vols looking for “the LRH policy on fundraising” (I assumed there was one.) Found nothing. Nada, zip, on fundraising for a new building. I was puzzled. How could all this fundraising activity being going on (and on and on and on) without ANY LRH policy covering it? Certainly it was important enough for LRH to have written an HCOPL. After all, he had policy on how to do laundry and wash cars. Well, I kept looking thru everything I had. Couldn’t find a thing. So gave up trying to find it on my own and brought the matter to the org’s EO. And that was the beginning of the end.
I’ll say this: these staff in my old org – they know.. They’ve known for a long time. Why do they stay? That’s another story. But there’s no doubt in my mind that they know that Ideal Morgue fundraising is off policy, wrong and ruinous. They KNOW.
Hi Aquamarine, Powerful stuff thank you.To me the chasm now is that I never ever had to worry in SO about paying for any new furnishings etc at Asho even the Big Blue we paid in sweat equity to renovate it,but not for materials etc.Along the years that all changed.You were and are so smart and strong to have known & seen as you did.I could not take all my Ron tomes & all policies when I blew so I have just recalls,but he also had pls on NOT getting a sunburn on the deck of the ships,how to wash cars & motorcycles and boats and how us SO ladies should take a shower & wash our hair! I was one of the clean freaks and would stay in ice water showers no matter what not only to feel clean but to wake up! So Ron not having a pl on this type of arm twisting fund raising is interesting.But then David has been head boy since 1986, Always Ann.
It’s always interesting to me to read or listen to what was ‘the crack in the dam’ for people. I find it’s pretty unique to each individual, so I’m thanking Aquamarine for that too.
Ann, you are very kind to say that I am and have been smart and perceptive and but I tell you with no false modesty that this is not actually true. Someday when we meet and are celebrating the cult’s demise at OSD’s I’ll disclose in detail the incredible crap that for years sans any inspection whatsoever I believed, simply because so and so from the cult had told me…gullible doesn’t even begin to cover what I was, Ann. Thank you though. I sense that you are a person with a kind of spontaneous goodness, and that’s a very attractive quality. I’m looking forward to meeting you some day when we here gather to raise a glass (many) in celebration together.
Back at you, Pepper.
“But then DAVID “PROVABLE BULLSHIT” MISCAVIGE has been the head boy since 1986…”
True that Ann B! However, he started to consolidate his power since 1982.
Yes. I remember specifically when I was sitting in ASHO ANZO when regging began for renovations. First time I saw no exchange offered along with incessant demands for money. All that was offered was the satisfaction of handing it over for the “cause”. You could have cut the air with a knife. The sense of bewilderment that filtered through down into the orgs in the coming days was matched only with the fact we were forced to be so grateful for LRH and his sacrifice (ad nauseam).
It was a study in itself how everyone got introverted over this but hid it for the most part, no references were produced as there weren’t any and the pressure to give money just grew and grew. Yet, the public stayed and dutifully handed over their money. The people who resisted were regged harder that’s all, eventually they folded or even joined staff. It was really weird how people justified this new “enthusiasm”.
It apparently surprised management and being the criminals they are saw a winning formula developing. And from there it morphed into the extremely profitable “Ideal” way to get money – real estate. The rest is history and emptied scientology of the able first and then turned the orgs into morgues.
It’s all lies. And the gullibility of people who trusted the SO and what it stood for were played for ever cent they had. Geezers…
I believe the awareness characteristic is Masochism.
Same here, AM. All I had to do is question the “on-policy-ness” of the Ideal Org program to get a jackboot to the neck.
I’ve often wondered if this change of direction, in part, was intentionally designed to weed out traditional-minded Scnists; you know, the kind that seek to operate on-policy, standard tech, blah, blah, blah. Amid all the Ideal Org madness, the orthodox Scnist sticks out like a sore thumb.
It becomes a sort of litmus test, if you buy into the whole Ideal Org, you’re “with the program” and will follow Command Intention. If not, well…you’re days are numbered.
Looking back, it’s probably the best thing that happened to me in Scn.
Hi Aquamarine, I will see you there! Always Ann.
Scientology is like a small communist country…
Finally some honest communication.
It’s interesting to note the emphasis on Time and Money.
Scnists often flaunt the “It’s NEVER about TIME or MONEY!” line when getting someone to do something contra-survival. This, by the way, is taken completely out of context; which, I believe comes from the C/S Series and is advice LRH gave to Case Supervisors when programming a case. In that context, it maybe good advice.
But, Noooo…this has become stable datum used by regs and staff and has become a universal truth for just about anything. Scnists have had this drilled into them, and are expected to perform acts which defy time and finance, regardless of the consequences. Once done they are lauded as being “OT” – Cause of MEST! What is always not-ised are the often disastrous consequences of these “OT feats”.
BUNS UP, KNEELING…Very Good! Now, if you could give me just a LITTLE extra help by holding them spread apart whilst continuing to keep your head down, I will inject some theta. A whole new twist on ” holding one’s position in space”…
Nice Zappa reference…now, there’s a source of wisdom 🙂
Absolute masters at manipulation, mind control and masturbating all of a person’s financial resources into their hands.
You do have a way with words, Dio! However, that could get a bit sticky…
“Cognitive Dissonance’ indeed. Out of a 2 hour ‘show’ you only get regged for 20 minutes. What a deal!!! With only 30-40 hard core paying the bills for the new Idle mOrg, who is going to be left to actually give and take ‘services’? I like the references to ‘allowance’. Is some 10 year old kicking back their allowance, or is it some welfare type of payment? Inquiring minds want to know.
It is indeed ‘burnout’. Or is it ‘oxidation’? Oxidation is when any substance reacts to oxygen and usually water. As Neil Young said, ‘Rust never sleeps’. Is the clampire rusting out? Or is it regged out?
It will take 3 years to “Clear” the entire population of Earth !
That was an HCO lecture given to me in 1981, 30 plus years ago.
CCHR will get rid of the Psychs by the year 2000 !
I brought this up will IAS big wig in 2008 and the excuse was
we did not get the estimation of effort right.
BULLSHIT !!!!! when all the money goes to ruinous schemes of you know who
it is all a waste,not to mention the motorcycles and girlfriends for another you know who !
Someone tell me I’m wrong, anybody ?, anybody ?
Hi Jose Chung, You are so right! Thank you for all your posts.Ann.
Thank you Ann,
Jose Chung
look how long it took the internet to sweep the globe. it had no difficulty getting people to use it at all.
that’s what happens when something actually works. if the tech worked, the planet would already be cleared and we’d all be OTs.
like who wouldn’t want to slow down time. no one argues with what works.
you don’t see them on the net at all these days, it used to be when something critical was posted anywhere the trolls would come out in force, you’d see them commenting on forums, blogs, youtube, everywhere, just attacking. now it’s crickets.
Looks like it’s over, you knew, I couldn’t stay
She’s comin’ home today
We had a good thing, I’ll miss your sweet love
Why must you look at me that way? It’s over
Try to remember the magic that we shared
In time your broken heart will mend
I never used you, you knew, I really cared
I hate to see it have to end but it’s over
Sad eyes, turn the other way
I don’t wanna see you cry
Sad eyes, you knew, there’d come a day
When we would have to say, “Goodbye”
Jose, you’re right as rain!
Thank you OSD,
Jose Chung
Saint Hill Staff
LMAO!!! You are one funny motor scooter, Jose! BTW, can you get on staff there?
Jose Chung – I read your posts all the time. You’re right all the time.
Damnit Coop! That’s what I was going to say!
The nearly total disconnection from reality leaves me shaking my head…your Mark Twain quote is apropos.
Mark Twain: MY MAN!
“You can not cut the hair of a bald”.
A bald what? Eagle?
This is a beautiful thing
“It can be done if we all pull in the same direction with all our theta”. Theta? Since when is money theta? Oh yes, I forgot – since DM said so. Sure, I’ll come along and flow HEAPS of theta at you. You might want to invite the late JC to this event though – I believe he once turned water into wine – maybe he can turn my theta into money. Just sayin’.
Hi Shelley,Good to meet you.Outstanding post! I can flow heaps of theta along with you.JC might feel left out as they would reg first ask questions later & even then then questions are not free!Ann.
Hi Ann – with two of us flowing all our theta they don’t need anything else 🙂
Hi Shelley,Like a river hitting the Sea.Always Ann.
Shelley, you made me think of something. When still in I would get a lot of verbal and written comm wherein the word “energy” was substituted for “money”.
Today, if I got comm with this usage I would answer, “You need energy? SURE! I’ve got plenty of energy for you! Are your ready? I’m flowing you MAJOR energy right now! Do you feel it? Can you feel the energy? Is it enough, or do you need more? What’s that, you say? Oh!…MONEY?…Money! Sorry, I thought you wanted energy. Money, now, that’s in my bank account… Definitely there, and staying there, yes…yes, well, good luck with that…yes, I’ll fully clear the word, “energy”, in fact, let me do that right now…’bye…”
Good one Aquamarine! Ha ha ha
When I was “in” my wealthy friends often said to IAS: “Can’t someone else give? I am not the only person out here!” and then they gave them some money to stop them from talking/calling.
But, they soon learned that “giving” was the reason they kept getting calls on every Wednesday night. It didn’t stop the calls, it made them worse.
The only way to fix the situation was to say no on the phone and not go into local Org or any events. And, when you HAD to go to Flag, you hold onto your wallet by pre-made excuses for the 20 vultures that descended on you on the RF.
In the end, you graduate from the cherch of $cientology by getting on the internet, find out the truth and then quietly walk away to preserve your family and friends from disconnection.
Without disconnection, current management would be in jail for all the fraud and blackmail they commit daily to get money from parishioners. And, make no mistake, the threat of disconnection IS blackmail of the worse kind.
It’s a criminal organization….The RICO act applies to it like any “protection” racket.
It’s like feeding a stray cat, they keep coming back!
So what you are saying is we need to capture them, neuter them, clip their ear and release them back in their neighborhood?
Stray cats are pretty ok in my world – despite the loss of bird life – at least they keep the rats away
Leave the poor cats out of this one. At least when you feed the cat, you have a beautiful animal coming around to visit you, who asks for nothing more than perhaps a piece of chicken. Now that, is a great exchange.
Hi Overrun in California, I adore cats.Have always had them,but they get brought up with minni dachshunds.Quite the family!Ann.
Wow, this should be a huge wake-up call to whoever receives it. Basically what it is saying is that YOU are not the only one who has this ‘thought bubble’, EVERYONE does. Since scientologists are not allowed to have these types of conversations with each other they often feel alone and isolated like they are the only ones having doubts. If they were to bring this up with a friend or even a spouse, they could easily be the subject of a Knowledge Report or worse. Of course anyone who posts here knows this. In scientology, no one is really allowed to communicate freely with anyone on any subject even though you may have paid out the ass to ‘gain those abilities’. Writing this here is just preaching to the choir, but maybe someone who is fence-sitting may benefit. Time to heed the wake-up call that is coming directly from inside the bubble. LOOK at what is going on right in front of your eyes people. DON’T LISTEN to bitter defrocked apostates who post things on the fringes of the internet. DON’T LISTEN to the begging and pleading of church officials. Everything you need to see is right in front of your own eyes.
Hi Ms.B.Haven,A most perceptive post.How I wish those inside would read your words.Yes I paid for many facets of cos & SO in blood sweat many tears many I was wrong all my badness caused conditions etc,and I knew the unspoken policy is as declared anyone I brought up cos in any form to who was not the MAA @ Asho F or higher in Justice was forbidden.I am the enemy.If those still in could only see the cat with the mouse game,they are played for.Being embarrassed & feeling foolish for doing things I did while in,& throwing money but more importantly my mind and soul to Ron does make me feel vulnerable & stupid now.But I would rather feel all this & be out,then still be in & feel nothing or be stuck in the valence of SO forever.The outside is a mixture of all sorts of adventures good & evil,but I’m not approaching outside from a SO slave viewpoint anymore! Love,Ann.
You bring up a good point. 🙂 Scientology customers know that it doesn’t work for them, even the more dimwitted rubes like Kirstie Alley and Tom Cruise, they know it’s not working for them, they can see it does not work, and yet they look at the fraudulent claims Scientology makes, they look at all of the forced “confessions” where people write up their “wins,” and they assume that there is something wrong with them because it seems to work for others.
The fact is that once they start talking among themselves — which is forbidden — and find out that it doesn’t work for those who are willing to admit as such, the house of cards crumbles, they see that they’re not the only ones who realize it doesn’t work, they walk away and start to wonder how they can get their money back.
“Revisit and rekindle that purpose which you had at the time of your first donation or first event participation.”
Tell you what, DK Org: You rekindle my bank account I had at the time of my first donation, and I’ll rekindle the purpose… maybe.
“You rekindle my bank account…”
ROFL! I brayed laughter like a jackass. 🙂 I wonder how many Scientology customers actually keep track of all the money they’re rooked and swindled out of, how many customers actually keep paper records which they can examine later to see just how much they’ve handed to these crooks.
“I don’t like to be fundraised”. I may be wrong, but I think scientology invented the word fundraised. IRS take note.
“I ask for only 2 hours of your week for next 8 weeks.”
If that were true…
But those people have become so desensitized to what life is like in the real world that they feel like what they are asking is reasonable.
Here in the real world:
I sit on a few committees and boards. If any of them met 2 hours per week, I would not be on them because that’s a huge commitment of free time. If I knew that every time I went, I would be asked for more money, no matter the state of my pocketbook, I would quit going. I once resigned from a board which was asking too much of my time.
A voluntary one time donation of money or time makes you feel like you are helping a group. A voluntary donation of money or time given incrementally (monthly, quarterly) makes you feel like you are helping.
When someone pulls a guilt trip on me to get me to give either my money or my time, whether or not I have the money or time to give, If I cave in and give it, I not only feel bad about having given it, I also feel bad about the person or group to whom I have given the money to and go out of my way to avoid contact with them after that.
They are creating their own downfall by demanding people do more of the same thing every day. People have come to realize that too much is never enough.
I think it means that they lift your wallet.
Don’t walk down dark alleys at night or the local org — you might get fundraised.
“we have contributed constantly for 10 years. We didn’t just stretch our limits, we bent our universe to do this.”
I simply asked the last reg who phoned me up “What Policy are you operating from”?
He rang off after a 1 minute comm lag.
The Ideal Org program is not going to work because its “off Policy”.
The best thing I have read for years was Debbie Cook’s Email (thank Mike rinder for presenting it here) which said it all.
I don’t think I have read a comment in here since that matched that email.
The ideal org program is not going to work because it is a scam and it violates the fundamental laws of economics. Not because it is “off-policy”
I also have to wonder why the IRS’s CID isn’t indicting these Scientology crooks for this “Ideal Org” fraud. The crime syndicate is soliciting money from its customers under fraudulent claims, and the money is being used for other purposes — which is part of why Jimmy Bakker went to prison.
Mile I love your honesty. Always tell it like it is.
Fredric L. Rice, because the Ideal “Org” pgm doesn’t violate Fed law nor the IRS codes. That’s why the IRS has no interest in it.
Maybe policy took economics into consideration, and did not have money as the goal?
Maybe it did. But the failure is not because something violates policy as if policy is that natural law. Something could succeed because it violates policy too — it would violate policy not to “attack the attackers” but it would succeed in generating more goodwill for scientology…
“…would violate policy not to “attack the attackers…”
So Mike, I guess you’re saying they HAVE to do the sick things that they do. It’s written so it’s law. And does this boil down to ‘The end justifies the means?’
If you read the GO directive about “attacking the attackers”, the 2nd point is to “not do anything illegal yourselves” or words to that effect. There is nothing wrong with self defence to the point where one leaves you alone, if you are clean, but there is everything wrong in attacking whistle blowers exposing illegal or immoral acts. So the GO/Osa directive would work if it were applied!
“…it violates the fundamental laws of economics.” Like Economics 101: The principle of Supply and Demand.
Confucius say, “All demand and no supply, make Davey’s scam sure to die.”
Nickname, El Con did seem to have a basic grasp of Econ. Some Policy may have been written with it in mind. However, the most senior of Chuch policies he wrote (directing how the church was to be run and its Admin scale) show that amassing money in bank accounts was his highest intention and priority. The public got to read about unicorns and rainbows. Management was ordered to amass cash as the highest priority.
Mike – Policy cannot stand alone from all other points on an admin scale, the goals and ideal scenes must be considered, and that is a matter of reason. (I wrote about three paragraphs only on crime and punishment, societies, and ethics, which conclusively resolve everything including how to make Bernaise sauce but the paragraphs were too long for the servers to handle. I’m not trying to pick fights here, just to be sure you know. I haven’t gotten to Aristotle’s “Politics” yet. Still working on his “Ethics.” The guy was a very smart man. Well worth reading. I strongly recommend him to any Scn to clarify the subject of ethics and differentiate it from organizational discipline.)
Scientology organisations, the game where self, family and friends always come second.
For all the good intentions of staff members, each and everyone of them is a financial train wreck and they work so hard to create the same scenario for everyone they meet.
Vampires really… I would hazard a guess and say they are probably the lonest of people.
Hi I Yawnalot, Thank you for your post.I agree Lonley Vampires in the Club of Clearing the Planet ASAP.Shivers! Ann.
Ann B. Watson – So that’s what the “V” stands for.
Hi IYawnalot, That V now has a whole new vibe to go with the jacket!I was in New Orleans once at night near Jackson Square,& there were shadows that were vampire-like.Not Fun.Always Ann.
I see that they are having to import staff from India as people in the EU will have nothing to do with scamology now a days. The only chance to get new parishoners in Europe is to snag 3rd world immigrants who cannot read a major EU language yet (and thus find out about scamology on the Net)…
That has been a phenomena that started around the mid 1990s, yeah. In the a.r.s newsgroup we noticed that almost all of the long-time rubes with “Western” names were dying off, abandoning the fraud and walking away while slowly the Scientology crooks sought customers in countries that had low amounts of Internet capability.
As the Internet spread and Usenet newsgroups died off, social media networks increased, blogging came in to its own, comment posting on people’s blogs were added as functionality, more and more people started exposing Scientology’s core criminality and human rights abuses, as Scientology’s reaction was to (1) attack people’s freedom of speech rights and (2) seek customers who had no technology but still managed to have money.
20 years later we see the crooks down to some 30,000 surviving customers world wide, the majority of them still within “Western” countries yet none of them are new customers, the only new customers and slaves that the crime syndicate has these days are coming from third world countries which have minimal Internet.
It’s one reason why a.r.s people started getting blogs and web sites that are translated in to multiple languages, to help expose the syndicate’s crimes to inoculate people in countries as they came on line.
New public inflow (those that wanted and paid for “major” services) started to decline in the late 70’s as the Boomer’s “grew up”. They was the only demographic that, statistically speaking, were gullible enough to buy El Con’s insanity. The internet certainly shut down any new flow into the scam though!
In my last years as a member I found out that most of the staffs in my local org weren’t able to read in English, just some execs were fluent in English. The same was with the public. I estimated that about 20% of the staffs and public were fluent in English and this probably is the situation in most European Orgs. But in my country about 60% of the population is fluent in English, so you can imagine the education and intelligence level of the people that stay in the church.
Here some interesting stats about proficiency in English in the world:
It seems that that those who can read Englisch left and those that can’t will never be able to read all those interesting blogs on the Internet.
Roger, out of curiosity were those staff able to speak German (or French or Italian) if not English?
Quite right. However, this is for a Danish tentacle of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology. And Denmark is number one in the list that you link to 🙂
Which makes it less likely that the victims are going to laugh at the notion of being addressed by a person with, ahemm, an exotic name and in a language other than their own. Shame. On the other hand, if that thought bubble and the paras below don’t scream “HELP! I’M TRAPPED!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!” I don’t know what will.
Google Translate can help with that. They’re going to have to resort to people who can’t read.
And people who don’t know how to use Google…
And people who have no brain…
That would be the same people who don’t know how to use Google, Mary. The good thing about people with no brains is the Zombies will leave them alone…
Looks like the bubble over the cartoon guy’s head is what she would have liked to have had as the main text.
It’s what they are ALL thinking. For her to have even published that cartoon means there is a crack her dam.
It is a bit bigger than a crack I think. Sounds like the Horror is beginning to dawn on her.
Zombies wanting their money back will be next…
Methinks a sec check and SRA are in her future if she stays much longer. I’m sure that thought bubble was not approved.
I agree with your analysis, Ilonya. For her to even write these “CI thoughts” in the cartoon bubble means they have occurred to her and all her friends and acquaintances. It’s her way of trying to “indicate the bypassed charge” and thus move it out of the way so that the regging an go in easier. But what I find funny is the heavy use of the buzz term, “on-purpose…” That is so over used. On purpose? The KA still ins wouldn’t know their own purposes from Adam. Their entire self-determinism is gone. There is nothing of their own purposes. It is all only the purposes of dear leader, David, let him die, Miscavige. It is hypnotized, “your wish is my command” type of stimulus response. All these purposes are David’s and not the parishoners. We were all fine with regular buildings and even in some cases were fine with bringing our own toilet paper. None of us wanted to go in debt for new, opulent buildings if it meant no customers, no auditing occurring and no auditors being made and no new public coming in. DM’s purposes are the only ones that count in the C of $.
Cindy – Exactly. Increase in self-determinism (ethics) is what it was all about. That originates from only one place, the individual himself.
Dear Radhika – thanks for the veiled threat, but alas, I’m going to have to pass as I’m busy adding on an entertainment center to our home. Perhaps some of your fundraising could be sent to help me with expenses? These items don’t come cheap!
Basic random parishioner
Hi MM.I hear you.We added an entertainment zoo to our house,and if done right is wonderful but definitely not cheap!I refuse to watch that supposed studio of David’s fancy if it ever gets off the ground! Ron trying to get me on the first cassette tapes of SO members was hard enough.I’m camera shy which very few young ones today understand.Explaining that to Ron via whoever was posing as him took months! It was thought I must have evil intentions towards the camera! No kidding! Love your posts always.Ann.
This is such a begging letter and too many words. Most people probably gave up reading it after the bubble! I eventually decided to read it to its end and my thought at the end is that I don’t owe anyone anything! Certainly, not “LRH”, the sod, the rip-off artist!
My finances and mental and emotional health have been so good. Muu…ch better, all three, than while I was in the cherch and scn. It feels G……OO……D.
Bit of a puzzle as to my taking so long to note my degeneration though but, in my defence, there was this thing that “we” have all the answers. What bs, hey?
I’ve finally got the answer as to why I was susceptible in the first place and it was the feeling of certainty, that this place DID indeed have certainty about things,and this is what what I felt I had missing from my life. The whole eternity story I couldn’t quite get into. I couldn’t imagine it.
Dear Radhika, as much as I would like to contribute but not able do so for two reasons …
1- I am spending all of money on psychiatric sessions which are much needed after the mind fuck by El Wrong Blubbered
2- My psychiatrist won’t allow me to contribute so $lappy Mc$horty can live a lavish life on my dime