Thursday Funnies have been postponed to Friday in order to update the happenings in PAC. I was out of town all day yesterday so didn’t have a chance to compile the information sent in from various sources.
This is clearly a topic of considerable interest and The Funnies won’t lose their funny in a day….
Tonight (Friday) is the Big Spin presentation of “greatest expansion ever” news with the combining of two Day and Foundation Orgs and the wholesale “letting go” of the contracted staff of the Model Ideal Org.
What is astonishing is that as long as ANY news is presented as “expansion” or “great news” it is apparently swallowed without even being chewed.
How the recently declared “Ideal Pacifica Bridge” and “Model St Hill Size Ideal Org” could so rapidly be replaced with something completely different is an act of sheer audacity. And not only do the sheeple not blink, they gaze glassy eyed at what is paraded before them and bleat approvingly on cue.
Just a few months ahgo, Dear Leader was proclaiming the Pacifica Bridge as the embodiment of everything LRH wanted in PAC. Was it then just his “oversight” that he forgot that ASHO Day and Fdn should be turned into a single org and their CO’s removed and the Class V staff in LA Org should all be dismissed and that too should be turned into one org? It would be like Steve Jobs announcing a new iPhone and then two months later saying “here is the real new iPhone, and this one has a color screen and you can connect it to the internet” without ANY mention of how come they made a big deal of the previous one as if it was the greatest thing on earth, but clearly they already knew what they planned to do a couple of months down the line.
Of course, the truth is that both ASHO and LA Org (like every other org on earth) have been struggling to keep their lights on. As the weeks have gone by since the big reveal of the Ideal Pacifica Bridge it has become more apparent to ANYONE who didn’t walk around with a blindfold on that they are NOT expanding, but continuously contracting.
Something drastic had to change. Miscavige knows that after the big announcement of the “ideal PAC” there are too many people in LA seeing the place increasingly resemble a morgue.
A message had to be sent. The executives of ASHO had to have their heads put on a pike (they have been shipped off to Flag — out of sight, no doubt pulling weeds at the Hacienda and NOT in public view). And to demonstrate something more being done than just “bust the CO’s” the orgs were “combined” in a massive “expansion move.” At least that’t the PR pitch. How combining two orgs equates to expansion, I guess the lucky audience will hear at graduation. I suspect the explanation will closely resemble the old standby “because we say it does.”
And LA Org was even MORE dramatically failing. That Test Center is a total bust. The org is hardly capable of paying ANY bills. They have empty course room and unhappy, unpaid staff.
A BIG statement was needed for this problem. And in classic Miscavige fashion he overkills it. He has used this technique many times in the past — overwhelm with force and numbers. So, he rounds up 230 unutilized SO members (there are PLENTY of them, half of management is not on ANY post — the FSO is WAY overmanned for their measly delivery stats) and sends them in to LA Org to create a “Big Bang.” Nobody would have ever dared come up with this sort of plan. If someone had presented it to him as a “bright idea” they would have been shot for being “completely CI to LRH intention for LA Org.” But as it was HIS solution, it will proclaimed a “slam dunk” brilliant handling that only the bold genius of Dear Leader could come up with. And he will dismiss all the “LRH advices” that he has been cramming down people’s throats for years about how incompetent they are for failing to make LA Org grow as being “complied to with this handling.” The truth is that he has NEVER been able to build any Class V orgs (or Missions) and scientology is dying because of it, as there is NO flow of new public.
All the other “ideal orgs” are too isolated from one another for anyone to get the big picture. But LA Org is different — it is seen by the AO public. And a LOT of SO members. And all sorts of scientologists in PAC who are told to attend different events in PAC. The failure of LA Org could not be allowed to continue for too long. He just could not afford it. It would destroy the illusion.
As I said, he has no idea how to build a Class V org (frankly, it’s not just Miscavige who has not managed this task — NOBODY has done this for any sustained period in the history of scientology). So, the only option was to make a big show and have 230 Sea Org Members arrive all at once. That he can control. They can be ordered around. He couldn’t even order Class V staff around to man up LA Org — so it HAD to be Sea Org Members.
I am sure behind the scenes he is telling everyone “this is how you do it” (like anyone else will be able to send 230 SO members to NY Org or Copenhagen Org let alone Dallas or Malmo). It’s a one time desperation move that is not a pattern for anywhere else on earth…. I am also sure the poor sods who have been sent to LA Org have been informed that they have been useless, SP freeloaders sitting around doing nothing while COB has had to “do it all by himself” and this is their chance to “make up the damage” and get something useful done by getting in some GI.
Those are my speculations about the behind the scenes reasoning that has resulted in this bizarre week of events in LA.
Following is a summary of information forwarded to me from people in LA (along with a final, rather interesting commentary about the Hare Krishnas). They are in no particular order and come from 5 different sources. I have not repeated duplicated information but included what was sent pretty much verbatim:
- Official number of SO at LA Org is 230 (fully manned). There’s a meeting at LA Org Thuresday night at 6:30 PM for FSMs, OTC members, and some others to do non-E with the new staff. Wider announcement at PAC graduation on Friday.
- The internal PR positioning is that (a) that this is the final phase of creating the “Ideal PAC”, “just like COB did for Flag”; and (b) that the Org has now gone Saint Hill size (for the 3rd or 4th time?)
- They’re also taking advantage of the sudden exodus of Cl V staff to man up the LIC / Test Center.
- Captains of ASHO and AOLA have been replaced and sent to FSO “for training and auditing”.
- Staff were thanked for our work and contributions. Really??? It was not like Russia taking over Berlin, it was more like Hong Kong being handed over to China or the Canal being handed over to Panama. Today everything is different. But still the same.
- All the Execs and many (most?) of the other new staff came from Flag where they had been staff for many years. Some staff came from other Sea Org orgs like ASHO. Some came from CLO which has been pared down.
- There are now 3 PAC Sea Org Orgs: AOLA, ASHO and LA Org, each with a new CO (Commanding Officer). They report to a new post called CO PAC held by a guy who was a Deputy Captain at Flag for Outer Org Trainees named something like Jason Hemphill.
- New ASHO CO is Sandra Colon. LA Org CO is Heather Wolfe.
- The short routing form for staff leaving had them sign up to do something in the field, like become an FSM, or a bookseller, etc. Staff could just choose to leave with no strings attached. Staff were doing friendly hat turnovers to the new Sea Org post holders. One person was crying and being consoled by another staff member over the loss of their post and missing their friends at the org already. Mostly, the staff seemed to be in shock.
- Staff could stay to finish their contract if they committed to a Day or Foundation schedule plus a 12 ½ hour per week enhancement time. The HCO area in the LA Org basement was extra busy as staff were working out what to do.
- The org boards for ASHO and LA Org were already merged and updated with the new names as far had been pre-determined.
- The LA Org HGC auditor assignment board is now filled with names pulled from the 25 new GAT2 auditors. The main goal is to “make LA Org a truly Model Class V Org” since the past staff could not make LA Org a viable, Model Org, then a wholesale infusion of Flag-trained people is the solution.
- The new Sea Org staff will live in the existing Sea Org berthing in Los Angeles. But the berthing building with the Test Center on the ground floor on Hollywood Blvd. is still not opened even though COB commanded it to open.
- The new Sea Org staff were on their best behavior. They were friendly and applying the non-Existence Formula. They all were wearing regular LA Org uniforms.
- They are talking about having to buy more buildings to increase capacity to be at least as big as Flag because 1,000s of people will be going up the Bridge at PAC now.
- Far across Hollywood, away from this turmoil, was a team of Scientologists doing the usual, manning a free stress test table at the Highland & Hollywood complex trying to compete for new members with the cheerful and animated Hare Krishnas who always attract attention with their drums and chanting. The Hare Krishnas (ISKCON) gave Scientology a 16 year head start and today they are a worldwide confederation of more than 550 centres, including 60 farm communities, 50 schools and 90 restaurants. Their Food for Life org currently serves up to 2 million free meals a day in 60 countries. Aside from their dabbling in murder, racketeering and mail fraud, they had a little bump in the road in 2002 when they responded to a $400 million Texas law suit with over 400 claims of sexual, emotional and physical abuse suffered in Krishna boarding schools during the 1970s and 80s by filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. By 2008 they were back in business. Maybe we should start tapping our cans together chanting the Dianetics Jingles on public sidewalks. (“If you want to be in chains, let some other buy your brains. LRH 21 May 1952”) Although we don’t allow members to molest children, we do allow our members to smoke cigarettes, drink coffee and eat meat, so it should be a cinch to out-duel those culty weirdos.
The scientology bubble is shrinking and it’s a madhouse in there.
Swampland4Sale says
DollarMorgue said, “You have a right to believe whatever you like, but you will not be able to do a thing to make BBJ change her conclusions. I also believe we can never truly know another person’s experience.”
Correct. However, I don;t know why you are addressing this to me. I NEVER stated that I knew anothers mind or subjective experiences. I have only stated facts as they exist in the physical universe and comments about such. You either haven’t really read what I wrote or, have me confused with someone else. But, I understand. Stating facts doesn’t always change peoples minds. Look at those still following DM. Facts don;t matter. It was/is the same for those who follow/followed LRH. Marty R. covered the possible mental reasons for that quite well at one point on his blog. WELL worth a read.
Pepper says
DollarMorgue was not addressing you – it was for Hallie Jane. In fact, Dollar defended you. Read it again.
Sorry Dollar, I don’t mean to speak for you. I know you are quite able to speak for yourself!
Schorsch says
I think this will be the new strategy for orgs. I guess that David Miscavige is facing a future problem. A normal Class 5 Org staffmember as he exists today is getting no money and no social security payments. Nothing except maybe 5 to 20 $ a week or so. In order to avoid legal action in the future he will fill (when needed due to legal reasons) every Class 5 Org with Sea Org staff. And he has to throw out the old normal staff. If he would “convert” then to Sea Org on paper would not be acceptable in court.
Swampland4Sale says
Foolproof, the term Kool aid drinker predates DM’s regime by a LONG time. It is used to denote a person who accepts the lies and follows an unethical cult leader. DM & LRH qualify
Foolproof says
No I don’t think it does SL4S – as applied to Scientology. Yes I know about Jonestown and the origins of the word etc. but in 99% of the applications of the term to Scientology it has meant the DM regime and IAS and whales and “massive expansion” and “move up in Status” etc. As far as I recall it only started to get used (and also just in relation to DM’s version of Scientology) about 6-8 years ago. I never saw it used before that and I have been on the Net for years. People in Scientology before DM’s regime I don’t think one can refer to as Kool Aid drinkers – they didn’t swallow any of the later crap. Some of the earlier crap maybe they/we did swallow but in terms of “size of crap” there is no comparison to that which now comes out of the Church. And the earlier crap whatever it was – and I don’t recall that much, was more than made up for by the relative decency of those times compared to later and now.
Swampland4Sale says
Foolproof. It HAS been used for years (before DM) by people who talked about US following LRH. I was called a kool aid drinker by a bunch of people driving by in a car in ’80 when I was walking from the Sandcastle to the FH while in uniform. Heard it scores of times in that context.
99% of the time when I post I am referring to what happens/happened in the real world. Not what I or another THINKS or believes. Reality bites sometimes. But, confronting it can help you recover from Scn.
Odd Thomas says
Foolproof, I would have to agree with you.
Everything in the world evolves. Plants, cats, one-celled organisms, people and organizations. One may assume that they all evolve from good to better, but in reality some evolve into something completely different. Even into something greedy self-absorbed and without compassion.
The Scientology that existed in 1972 when I entered its orbit, has not existed for over 25 years. The intention of the people engaged in it in 1972 is different from the intentions and ideals espoused today – they just are.
What I am curious about is why there appears to be this movement or desire to name SCN as bad or terrible or destructive. One single slashing statement that deals with “it” once and for all. Scientology is not the buildings or the people, no more so than Catholicism is the Vatican, St. Patrick’s or the Pope. Logically there has to have been good in both organizations, otherwise they would not have lasted as long as they did. People do not defend evil from the get go – unless they are mad.
I have known people who were good Catholics who said emphatically that all that mush about priests and children were all media lies. They could not have their religion being associated with that sort of evil — but it happened. And eventually these generally good people could no longer turn away from the truth
Some have loved SCN wholeheartedly – like I have – because of the good they saw in it. Being in the “old” GO I saw the good, the bad and the ugly. I saw the heroic fights, the covert ops and the slide into robotic compliance. The SCN that I loved passed with LRH. Not the technology, that’s still here. But the heart and soul. It died and what was left of it was shoved into a robot’s body and kept alive to march on to the growing sounds of cha-ching.
Lets agree that LRH was no saint — for the record. That there were lies, and bad ideas and WTF moments that have left many of us scratching our heads for 30 years.
However, there are many of us who believe in what he did – because of direct personal experience – so this belief is not going to change. For those who were hurt and mistreated – I’m not really sure what can be said. People created unbearable situations. People abused other staff, including children. People came up with crazy ideas and enforced others to carry them out or else.
Not one building or book or idea ever did any of these things. Just stupid selfish self-absorbed, sons-of-bitches, who saw an opportunity to control others and make money and did it.
Nothing is immune from evolution. Everything changes. But it’s not all on Nature. People have made a mess of what SCN could have been. People can fix it, ignore it, run from it — all options are open and okay. Personally I just don’t think banging on about how bad it all was is getting us anywhere. But then I may be wrong — the number of comments on this post seems to measure the true degree of our feelings. So maybe it’s a necessary part of the healing process. In that case – fire away.
Pepper says
Hi Foolproof,
I don’t wish to enter into the whole “KA” argument but I would like to let you know that I do know a few people who were in Scientology since the 1970’s, Apollo service, trained under LRH, were SO staff for over 30 years, and are STILL IN. Not only that, they support and encourage DM’s products of discovering “source.” Go figure. I cannot explain it, and I am not qualified to since I am ‘late on the chain’, being much more of a newcomer. I got in and busy with Scientology after LRH was long gone.
I do find the whole generational gap interesting here on this blog. And there definitely is one. People who were in Scn prior to the early 1980’s and people in came in later. There is even one guy who posts here who frequently says that people who came into Scn after 1984 don’t know anything about Scientology (and he thinks that’s why they are still ‘in’ too). I find that a little bit off since I studied and practiced Scn myself for years, and have met a number of ‘old timers’ over the years. This is a little off topic but I just wanted to say something about that. It’s something that piques my interest.
Foolproof says
Pepper – in reply to your comment re the generation gap: Yes, I can see that it would and probably does exist. However, I think the guy who stated that people who came into Scientology after 1984 don’t know anything is a bit extreme and I wouldn’t state that. There is certainly something of a technical gap (now) and imo this was caused by a) the deliberate removal of all that experience as the years advanced (staff wastage and being thrown out), b) the blind leading the blind “policy” invented by COB, which was a complete fallacy – it was simply an excuse to throw out the trained staff to make sure that all that experience could not be passed on generation to generation or to argue or at least point out to others the falsity of his stuff (3 swing F/Ns being the obvious example), c) poor course supervision and internships (resulting from a and b) and probably a few more things along this line.Executive interference with C/Sing also. The PRD was also used extensively to make top-flight auditors and technical staff(and people) and this has also dropped out.
But then after saying all that how are you going to argue when you say something is technically false when the guy you are arguing with says he will hit you over the head if you disagree or point out the HCOB violation, as is the case since about the early 1990s?
In a nutshell what I am saying is that no one can now say “flunk” when the auditor in training interrupts the PC’s itsa line. They don’t say anything now. I doubt many supervisors or cramming officers would even be up to spotting it. If they do spot it they refer you a drill that has been invented by someone in Compilations Unit, essentially doing what the experienced people did before. Some of the ideas of GAT1 were ok but the main crime overall was getting rid of the people (thetans) who could make a decision about something e.g. was that command delivered with good TR1 or not? Are his assessment TRs out or not? Was that an Instant Read or not? (We won’t mention F/Ns here – ha!) etc etc.. All that experience has been moved out of the Orgs. It has been a gradual thing but ever-accelerating. So it is more of a training/experience gap – it just happens to be generational by default. And I have seen with my own eyes the difference as I train people now from all generations.
Most old timers are quite mellow and understanding and not extreme at all, except for their understanding of the workability of the tech, as they have seen it produce miracles and wish to defend this.
Lurkness says
Recognizing the Signs of Human Trafficking….. See how many might just apply to YOU.
Individuals may be forced to work in highly exploitative conditions with little to no pay.
Are you or someone you know being trafficked? Is human trafficking happening in your community? Is the situation you may have encountered actually human trafficking?
The following is a list of potential red flags and indicators of human trafficking to help you recognize the signs.
If you see any of these red flags, contact the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text to BeFree (233733) for specialized victim services referrals or to report the situation. This list is not exhaustive and represents only a selection of possible indicators. Also, the red flags in this list may not be present in all trafficking cases and are not cumulative.
Common Work and Living Conditions: The Individual(s) in Question:
Is not free to leave or come and go as he/she wishes
Is under 18 and is providing commercial sex acts
Is in the commercial sex industry and has a pimp / manager
Is unpaid, paid very little, or paid only through tips
Works excessively long and/or unusual hours
Is not allowed breaks or suffers under unusual restrictions at work
Owes a large debt and is unable to pay it off
Was recruited through false promises concerning the nature and conditions of his/her work
High security measures exist in the work and/or living locations (e.g. opaque windows, boarded up windows, bars on windows, barbed wire, security cameras, etc.)
Poor Mental Health or Abnormal Behavior:
Is fearful, anxious, depressed, submissive, tense, or nervous/paranoid
Exhibits unusually fearful or anxious behavior after bringing up law enforcement
Avoids eye contact
Poor Physical Health
Lacks health care
Appears malnourished
Shows signs of physical and/or sexual abuse, physical restraint, confinement, or torture
Lack of Control:
Has few or no personal possessions
Is not in control of his/her own money, no financial records, or bank account
Is not in control of his/her own identification documents (ID or passport)
Is not allowed or able to speak for themselves (a third party may insist on being present and/or translating)
Claims of just visiting and inability to clarify where he/she is staying/address
Lack of knowledge of whereabouts and/or do not know what city he/she is in
Loss of sense of time
Has numerous inconsistencies in his/her story
Lurkness says
To the Scientology Lurkers, those recently removed from their post or others seeking a way out, now is your chance to leave and also get help. There are ex members willing to help. In the USA of Canada Call toll free 1-866-XSEAORG (1 866- 973-2674). This is a good number to call to hook up with old friends or find a place to stay if you’re just out. In the UK (London) call 0208 864 4940.
Human trafficking is also a crime in the United States and know that many of you are victims of Human Trafficking. Here is additional information about another resource and even more help that is available in leaving Scientology. They can assist with food, shelter and legal issues. Please call. Be free… now, now, now.
Call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888-373-7888 or text to BeFree (233733) to obtain local referrals, safety planning information, or to report a human trafficking situation.
Call if YOU or someone you know:
is being forced to have sex against his or her will
has had his or her ID or documents taken away
is being threatened by or is in debt to his or her boss
wants to leave his or her job but feels he or she cannot
Operators are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Interpreters are available for up to 170 different languages for those callers that require interpretive services. All calls are strictly confidential.
Pepper says
Thank you for that data, very much appreciated. I have noted the phone numbers and web site and will use them for future reference.
Chuck Beatty says
This new PAC means a whole lot of people being kicked out are really SPs, and hopefully these SPs surface and tell more from their side.
Whole lot of blows to come hopefully from the people demoted and kicked out!
Swampland4Sale says
Hallie Jane, you are now babbling incoherently. I have posted nothing here that isn’t objectively true. If you have a question or disagreement about something SPECIFIC I posted here let me know.
Simple says
I think my favorite thing about this blog is that finally all of us who have been “in” can say what we have been thinking.
Odd Thomas says
The amount of TA (Tone Arm action) being generated by this post, has been quite something to witness. The energy is palpable and impressive. I only wish this much collective energy, commitment, and dedication to bringing a point of reality home, could have been demonstrated 30 years ago, when it could have changed things fundamentally within the church. No sarcasm or snark intended here. Scientology needed adjustments and course corrections years ago — it didn’t get them, because they weren’t allowed. If Scientology had been open to influence by the wide spectrum of diverse viewpoints that existed in 1980 or 1990 or 2000, then it would be a far better, far more responsive and appreciated body of knowledge than it is right now.
What I am reading here and have been reading for some time on this blog – my opinion of course – is that Scientology is either good and worthy of support or bad and worthy of all the distrust and enmity being heaped upon it. It’s neither.
When I was ten years old back in Brooklyn, I was in awe of many of the majestic aspects of the Catholic Church. The stain glassed windows, the statues towering above me as I made my way down the center aisle to receive communion. I listened in rapt attention to the mass delivered in Latin and often found myself drifting back in time.
Three years later I wanted nothing more to do with the church and have never been back. What changed?
My instant answer – people. I ran into too many priests and nuns who didn’t give a damn about the beliefs or dogma that resided behind all the hymns and prayers. The stain glassed windows and cathedrals built as a showcase for what was supposed to be Jesus’ teachings. I was given, far too often, glib responses to heart-felt questions about God, Heaven and the Holy Spirit. We all asked “why” as a child, I asked one time to many and was essentially told to shut-up, listen and do what we say. Too many people, over too short a period of time, were too intent upon “delivering the word” that they seemed to have forgotten what it actually meant. So I left, because that church was no longer interactive for me.
I believe the same thing has happened over the years with Scientology. It ceased being interactive. It ceased existing only to service those who needed or wanted change. It became a ‘fast-faith’ franchise whose only mission was money. The more it made, the better it was perceived to be.
Scientology worked for me. Were there massive and financially crippling missteps – you betcha. Were there staff members who thought ethics could be gotten in with a fist? Or that screaming was a far more effective means of scaring misunderstood words out of a person – than say, wordclearing? Yes.
Scientology soared and saved many lives in the last half century. It also mimicked Sherman’s March on Georgia and ravaged far too many.
What I learned and what I gained can’t be undone, no matter how frightfully stupid the current crop of “Scientologists” become.
The interesting thing is, both realities can co-exist. The Scientology that didn’t produce a god-damned thing and the one that may just have produced a miracle or two.
Lordburg12 says
Fabulous post, Odd Thomas. You said it all for me, including the parts about your Catholic experience.
Pepper says
Thank you Odd, a great summary of our existence on this blog.
Mary says
Hear, hear, Odd!
Foolproof says
I must admit I was thinking of giving up posting and reading on this blog after reading some of the ranting comments above, as quite frankly, it seems/seemed to me that many of the commenters are nuts and this forum had become a central point for some people to vent their spleen, or in non “wog” terms, bypassed charge or perhaps chagrin that they had not enough auditing (always the real complaint). But Odd Thomas’s remarks put things somewhat in perspective and I ahven’t posted here what I originally wanted to post. So, well said Odd Thomas.
Gus Cox says
“…could have been demonstrated 30 years ago…”
I think it would have, but it’s happening today because of the revolution in communication technology – we can all talk to each other now, and we couldn’t then. All we could do then was try to scrape up some money to print some pamphlets to put on cars or whatever, and maybe reach a few people. In 1984, Scientology could take out a full-page ad in USA today and drown us all out.
Today, all I’d have to do is touch the “video” button on my cell phone if some asshole tried to harass me, and within minutes of the encounter, it’s on a 24-hour TV station with a worldwide audience (youtube). I could post the link here and at many other websites, and anybody and everybody could see what assholes Scientologists are for themselves. You wouldn’t have to take my word for it – Here, see the Squirrelbusters for yourselves!
Could you imagine how things would have gone after that little twat Miscavige fucked the missions, if the internet of today existed then?
Nobody has take our word for it anymore. *That* is why it’s happening now, not 30 years ago IMHO.
Smokey says
This past few days has witnessed a fascinating discussion on the recent events at PAC. I just wanted to make a couple observations.
First, I know the OTC minutes leaks make DM crazy. Can you imagine how outraged he must be to know that active staff members are not only looking at critical sites on the internet but communicating with the dreaded SP Mike Rinder about activities in the org in practically real time? Rinder’s getting better intel about the situation then DM. I bet people are being hit as I type. It must be pure hell to be a staff member stuck in a contract with family and friends in and to know that you’d rather be ou
Second, someone commented that ask LA Org had 10 million in reserves (I’d look it up but its too difficult with my phone) and today someone commented that in 2012 LA Org had 2 million in debt. If the ten million in reserve is accurate how did they get 10 million in two years? I’m sure it isn’t revenue from services. Is that money part of a fund for the planned auditorium or Idle Morgues? Whatever it was earmarked for I’ll bet that it disappears straight up line.
Mike Rinder says
Anyone that said LA had 10 million in Reserves might have been referring to money that LA Org has in the GLF (General Liability Fund) and Building Reserve which are technically kept within the individual corporation, but are not under control of the local church> They have no ability to spend this money (I doubt they have 10 million) — it requires approval from “international management”. But the local bills of any church are their own problem. They may technically have money in “reserve accounts” but its useless when it comes to paying bills and if they don’t have the money that goes through their “Financial Planning” to pay the bills, then their only solution is “MAKE MONEY, MAKE MORE MONEY. MAKE OTHERS MAKE MONEY” which is precisely what that quote is about.
Smokey says
Thanks for the explanation. I appreciate the information.
Cars says
“They are talking about having to buy more buildings to increase capacity to be at least as big as Flag because 1,000s of people will be going up the Bridge at PAC now.”
What a relief! This is EXACTLY what is needed to make it finally go right. What a brilliant strategist COB-un is!!! With 47X expansion also happening at Pacifica Bridge, these buildings are needed right NOW!
Thanks to Mike’s tipster, I’ve already applied to up my credit card limits in anticipation of the official start of fundraising. And I can’t wait to hear all about it at Graduation on the 3rd! I find it all so exciting and incredible! It’s so hard to believe! This calls for a moment of silence…
Cooper Kessel says
I got so excited I wet my pants!
Cars says
Lucky you! I squealed and jumped up and down with joy so much that my Depends (normally so-o-o dependable!) fell right off and I wet the floor!!!!!!!!
Gus Cox says
Cars, sounds like you need to switch from Depends to Definitelys! (rimshot) (sorry 🙂 )
tony-b says
Cars: COB may be a brilliant strategist but I suspect he doesn’t do satire quite so well as you do.
Eileen says
Dan, Dan, Delusional man…
Aquamarine says
What you’re describing would work both ways.
People who share that they’ve experienced benefit from Scientology could take care to not sound like Scientology is for everyone because they love it, and people who share that they have not benefited from Scientology could take care to not sound like Scientology is for no-one because they hate it.
My 2, for whatever its worth.
Aquamarine says
Simple, I was just about to post the same thing. This is such a relief to me. It can get very heated on this blog but it is a safe space to express our own very real truths without intentionally disrespecting one another. No one who posts here is malicious, no one here communicates with the intention to wound or harm.
Eileen says
The narcissism of scientology “it was good for me, so that is all the matters in evaluating scientology” really points out the damage that is done by the cult. It strips away any ability to recognize the importance of other people’s experience.
Themoreyouknow says
The Solipsism of “I got wins, therefore Scientology is OK by me” is selfishness to the nth degree.
If the world larger worked like that, everyone would be walking around with guns and clubs so they were ensured of “getting their own way” and “putting in ethics” on others.
Safe Web says
I think I read all the comments and I didn’t see this one in there. You have to feel bad for the hard working members of a LA Day and Fnd. These were very dedicated individuals who probably haven’t done anything except work as a staff member for many years. Although the conditions in the org were terrible and pay was non-existent, it was their org and their posts. To have all that taken away in an instance and be offered the chance to work at the test center!?! is nothing short of heartbreaking. RIP LAD and LAF as we know it.
(That is not to say they are lucky to get away from the sjppression but it is still sad.)
cindy says
+ 1000
Pepper says
I loved the Hare Krishna reference in the update but I do wish the point wasn’t made that “we don’t allow you to molest children.”
David Miscavige does look the other way if there is a child sex offender in his midst. As in the case of a Scn serving jail time and still in good standing all because his mother is or was a very close aide of his, a “personal favorite.” The guy is openly a Scn in good standing on social media as he serves his prison time. Not good PR at the very least but shows how abused the disconnection policy in the CoS is applied. I’m not saying this to open any wounds either but it did stand out to me and I had to say it.
Vic says
It stood out to me too, although I wanted to read the other responses and not duplicate something already said. And, I don’t mean this to be a derail of the main topic.
Although molestation isn’t promoted or discussed as okay behavior, their actions when it does happen “say” otherwise and allows children to be molested. Offenders have been sent out of the area of jurisdiction, as well as allowed to stay in good standing. The victims – well, “what did they do to pull it in?” is the approach taken, and they are blamed.
Pepper says
Mike – your speculations are spot on and this is a terrific update. Thank you.
Cat Daddy says
looks PACked
SadStateofAffairs says
Above and beyond the desperate situation that these big moves are telegraphing, there is something else about them that are a Miscavige hallmark. He loves to do org takeovers and invasions and slam dunk reorganizations. His reign is littered with them. And I can imagine the justifications he drags out for them, taking some very time and situation specific LRH advice, or LRH eval handling, or telexed order and using this or that to justify these grandiose “handlings” of his — but they never seem to handle.
But I have another question, directed to you Mike. Does Miscavige actually believe in or respect LRH Tech and Policy? He has not only ignored by for decades has done the exact opposite of certain LRH policies or management issues, such as: ignoring the PL that forbids these stupid donation schemes (“solve it with Scientology”), or the management issue forbidding International Events, and many, many more. So if he can so easily violate such policies and directions from LRH, does he really believe in LRH or what LRH wrote? Or does he just cherry pick LRH quotes to justify doing whatever the hell he wants to do?
Mike Rinder says
I think he “believes” to the degree that it is required to keep the sheeple on board. I think he has probably convinced himself of the validity of it to the extent that it doesnt hinder his desires. But it’s pretty easy, as you can find some LRH quote that justifies virtually anything. The one thing I do know for certain. The only thing that truly matters to Miscavige is the well being of Miscavige — and by well being I mean that he gets what he feels he deserves (unwavering obedience, unquestioning servitude and unlimited sacrifice). Hubbard is a convenience for him — he would have gotten nowhere had he NOT espoused his fanatic on Sourciness. Is there really a distinction between being cynically enslaved or foolishly enslaved? I know this is a pretty cryptic response SSOA, but I don’t know that I know the simple answer to this.
outraged says
It seems to me that DM is all about Miscavology. He uses LRH to his convenience only. The way he treats people is so heinous that it would make total sense for him to use the tech only if it works for his own ends and toss the rest to the trash. Let everyone else drive themselves crazy trying to get thru the mess of tech. I am a never-in and still, am completely confused by the steps up the SciFi ladder. According to many, DM was never audited, never tested. He is shooting from the hip and playing with his people and buildings as if it was the game of Monopoly and not real people with a life to live. Everyone is just a pawn to his Final Plan, whatever that is.
threefeetback says
outraged, sociopath is an appropriate description
Themoreyouknow says
That’s an excellent answer Mike. It is insightful and nuanced.
Plus it is based on first hand eye-witness observation and therefore likely to forward the truth.
Thanks for making this blog available and supplying a steady stream of relevant commentary.
Just Some Guy says
This is a fascinating appraisal.
Almost like no one else Miscavige is portrayed as a simple black or white cardboard cut-out. He is COB or he is Hitler. It is easy to forget that he is actually just a guy. Your rely isn’t cryptic, it merely reflects the fact that if we strive for honesty real people are very difficult to truly understand. We don’t really know what drives him or why. All we can do is speculate.
For me Miscavige personifies the idea that absolute power corrupts absolutely. But he should well know nothing is free, eventually there will be a price to pay. Scientology is in a death spiral. It will be his end but I don’t think he knows it. Spin spin spin until he follows everyone else down the drain. Such blind hubris.
cre8tivewmn says
Didn’t I read somewhere today or yesterday that so had been preparing manuals for running orgs? Maybe this is all part of a grander plan.(such as it is) Despite saving in staff salaries is there another advantage for DM to take over a class V org? Surely they’re not making much money from training with everyone ordered to the beginning again?
Swampland4Sale says
Well, this is evidence that DM DID study some PL’s…
“The way to redefine a word is to get the new definition repeated as often as possible. Thus it is necessary to redefine medicine, psychiatry and psychology downward and define Dianetics and Scientology upwards. This, so far as words are concerned, is the public opinion battle for belief in your definitions, and not those of the opposition. A consistent, repeated effort is the key to any success with this technique of
propaganda. One must know how to do it.”
[Contraction equals straight up and vertical expansion]. There has been no real change with Scn’ers. They listened to El Wrongs lies and accepted them without critical thought. They do the same with Miss Cabbage now. Why? Because Hubbard built in “thought stopping” via inculcation of key “axioms” be made up.
Royal Jandreau says
” Scientology in any form will never rise again in the future of the universe” advocates sound a bit like Monday morning quarterbacks, talking from the stands, that have never actually played the game. I love these self proclaimed experts. I think I can fly a 747 but never studied a manual on it.
Swampland4Sale says
Dream on Royal. I played the game PLENTY. (you and I both played the game a long time ago and, FOR a long time.) From Mission auditor to Flag, and all the way up to Int level. I’m no “Monday am quarterback.”
Royal Jandreau says
Good for you. I guess you deserve to have an opinion on the subject. And as Dirty Harry so accurately put it, ” Opinions are like assholes. Everybody’s got one.” Just to clarify, I’m no defender of Scn. Inc. I do support independants though as they have as much right to practice and believe their subject as any other educated fool out there. And Scientology (past and present) has monopoly on educated fools as I’m sure you are aware. For example, want a real laugh, just look at newspaper headlines.
Beryl says
I agree, it is probably too late to grow back LA org. because of the bad publicity and easy access to the internet.
Dan Locke says
Thank you, Mike Rinder, for jumping in. I should have paused longer and reviewed what I said before responding to BBJ; I think I would have managed a response that did not have that condescending element to it. When I read the stuff she wrote, I somehow felt that I had to respond with “something”… but, looking back, maybe not.
I’m open to talking with anyone who’d like to talk with me. Click on my avatar and you’ll be taken directly to my FB page and you can message me there. That goes for you, too, BBJ.
There’s plenty to respond to in several comments to or about me here, but I don’t see that defending myself or clarifying my intentions publicly would further the flow of the general conversation here. Just want you to know that I am not “ducking” or avoiding by not continuing to comment; it’s just that Mike’s probably right: right here and right now might not be the best place for it.
I have a tendency to stick up for what I feel is good about Scientology and that’s likely to continue. Those who regularly read here also know from my commenting that I am not ignorant of the abuses that have been or continue in Scientology; it’s just not where I tend to focus very long.
Themoreyouknow says
The beneficial aspects of Scientology are real, but they are also superficial and not unlike those available elsewhere at other churches and organizations. Of course there were some benefits / truths or else no one would have ever become involved with Scientology in the first place or stayed involved for more than a few days.
However Scientology is everything Hubbard wrote / spoke on the subject, since he himself said he was “Source.” Cherry picking the “good parts” was forbidden by Hubbard himself.
Thus the outcomes of Scientology, both good and bad, have the same source. One cannot fairly pretend that “bad people” ruined Scientology via misapplication. One also cannot review the voluminous formerly confidential materials (written by Hubbard and his GO minions) seized by the FBI and now publicly available and not come away with an entirely different perspective on the true intentions under which Hubbard was operating.
Much of the nastiness of Scientology that is now publicly visible was simply better hidden previously. Scientology has also become worse, but it was never a beneficent organization at any time in it’s history if one honestly reviews the information supplied by first person eye witnesses going all the way back to the publication of DMSMH.
The patterns of abuse have been similar for more than six decades. The abuses are bake into the “tech” and “policy” of the church. Only the magnitude and scope have changed over time with Miscavige in charge.
If one had “wins” in Scientology (as I did) but ignores the personal tragedies and abuse heaped upon the folks that made those wins possible, one is not being entirely honest about the totality of the situation.
No personal “wins” are valuable enough to come at the expense of many others who suffered great injustice to facilitate ones own comfort. That is not a “theta” situation, nor is it one worth defending.
basketballjane says
“No personal “wins” are valuable enough to come at the expense of many others who suffered great injustice to facilitate ones own comfort. That is not a “theta” situation, nor is it one worth defending.”
Thank you for summing up what I have been trying to say so eloquently.
Did I have “wins” while doing Scientology. I guess so. Yes I made people laugh and I laughed whiled doing TR’s. That was always fun, till some A-Hole broke 3 of my ribs while I was coaching him on TR7. After that TR’s weren’t fun anymore. In fact life after that has been hard for me. Those ribs have never totally healed even almost 13 years later.
Did I have wins making things on the Base when I was on the RPF? Sure. I personally stained over a mile of baseboard for the ABLE building. I built hundreds of stands for the new Dictionary. I demoed the Bronson Building for my then Org CCI. When I threw my back out (herniating two discs) doing those demos did I get proper care? No. Am I still physically debilitated from that? Yes.
Were my “wins” doing those activities worth the cost to my body? NO.
That is my point. Those are just a couple of examples of the physical scars that I have from Scientology.
The mental scars are much deeper and I am still working on recovering from them. Every day I work to bring myself one step further out of the foggy mire of self doubt and loss of my own identity that Scientology drove me to. And it is a gigantic and sometimes seemingly endless mire that has been building since birth. See, growing up in Scientology adds many more complex layers of mind control and mechanisms than someone who voluntarily joined Scientology can comprehend. And so every day I pull myself further out of that.
So when I see news like this, seeing that the house of cards is starting to collapse around them, that their inevitable demise is imminent, and in the middle of that exceptionally good news, to hear someone, anyone, want to talk about how this organization has redeemable qualities makes my blood boil.
That would be like saying, “Well you know not all of us guards at Auschwitz were bad. I mean, I never personally tortured anyone. And I did my best to make sure at least everyone in my area got enough scraps of bread so they didn’t starve. And we did put on a magnificent Christmas dinner for everyone. It was really nice.”
It has taken a lot for me to get to the point where not only I can take an honest look at my own life and see the good and the bad that was done to me and how that affected and still affects me, but even harder is to look at how I contributed to others bad times and nightmare experiences. That is a bitter pill to swallow.
Looking at Scientologys own collapse should be an indicator for anyone who was ever in about the fragility of the lies that we were all weaving and holding onto as beacons to “eternity”. They don’t exist. Not enough people are there making the lie real any more. And pretty soon there won’t be any more people there at all.
Cooper J Kessel says
+100 Nicely stated TMYK.
Pepper says
You wrote a very insightful comment and the last two paragraphs are what took me out of Scientology all together.
Mary says
Whoops. Marty Rathbun’s book…not Mike’s. Sowwy.
basketballjane says
Yes I have heard of and read Marty’s book on “Black” diantetics and I am familiar with the technique. If you had continued your research with more reading, like perhaps “A Piece of Blue Sky” or “Going Clear” or even Marty’s own blog for the past year and a half you would know that there really isn’t any such thing as “Black” or “White” or Good or Bad Dianetics. It is all one singular mind control trap. Neither version is good. Neither version is workable for anyone. Both have the same result. Which is a person who is no longer in control of themselves. A person who is subservient to the power of suggestion and the specific power of suggestion of their auditor and by proxy, any authoritative Scientologist and especially LRH. Dianetics is not a solution to help you to overcome your past upsets, failures, injuries et al. It is a path that leads only to your continued focus on that past real and mostly imagined, so that any time ANYTHING happens to you right now you immediately look for what YOU did in your immediate or distant past to cause that. So you get in a car accident right now, according to Scientological and Diabetic procedure ultimately something in your past you did made that happen. But there may be an evil SP on your lines right? Well they would have no power over you except for that tricky Overt Motivator sequence that means YOU did something to them and now you get your motivator! So you see ultimately it is always you. You “created” your own bank, you hurt the SP and now they have power over you, you, you, you, you, you.
Then eventually that hypnotic command takes over completely. You don’t even have to have another terminal to talk to about something that happened. You “take responsibility” and handle yourself with a “Danger Formula” because you are downstate and confess any and all sins you can think of until your sins are so ridiculous that they come down to imagined thoughts about people that you have never met. (e.g. I thought that COB looked really kinda sick during the last event. OR I don’t like standing and clapping all the time.)
Dianetics is mind control. It isn’t help. It is the perfect weapon. Total, absolute mind control, hiding in plain sight as total freedom. Wickedly brilliant really when you think about it.
4a says
Hey Dan just to let you know, Im with you, I had wins too and I appreciate and enjoy your comments. I never liked severe reality adjustments while on staff and I would be damned if I would put up with them now. Keep up the good work!
Cooper J Kessel says
” I am not ignorant of the abuses that have been or continue in Scientology; it’s just not where I tend to focus very long.”
I can grant you that Dan. But when you are dealing with an Auschwitz type situation I think one needs to be able to focus for as long as it takes to fix the situation. Make no mistake; the scene inside the Cult is every bit as much of a mindfuck as existed in Nazi Germany. Deny it at your own peril as I did and watch your kids turn into Hitler Youth.
My daughter joined the SO at 16. She spent about a decade as Dir I&R CMO-IXU working in the HGB around other SO lifers. In 2010 she brought Mike Sutter, Marion Pouw, Hansuli Sueili and others to my office to straighten me out. She is 32 now and I can tell you she is a hard, cold, crome steel, hammer your ethics in or die trying kind of a gal. I’m sure she makes Davey proud. She has a mouth similar to his as well.
And yes, she does what she does because she believes in the good of $cientology and that her efforts will make this a better planet to occupy. Good luck with that. If my comments in fact bring a smile to your face then please do not respond.
basketballjane says
I am sorry. I met your daughter a few times, and she is FIERCE.
I hope one day that you can reconnect with her. And that she can once again be a human being.
It may be a really long road for her but never give up hope.
tony-b says
Cooper: sorry to hear about your daughter becoming such an unloving person. So sad.
Ronn S. says
Jesus Christ… er, wait, forget I said that. Sounds like a new script for a dumb and dumber movie.
George says
I agree that DM made this move to put on a show in the most visible org in LA (besides CC Int).
However I predict, that this re-re-re-move of “fixing” PAC may become a very, very soar thumb that will be sticking out more and more – for it won’t fill with public (for long, after the initial push and rush) and THAT will become visible and show that it DIDN’T WORK AGAIN.
Maybe those in will start to conclude …. though it may take a (long) while … if the idle org strategy isn’t working in the MODEL of all other idle orgs … it just might not be working ….
Dear Leader HAD to make a move. But regardless what move he makes he’s in a self-constructed catch 22.
threefeetback says
DM has pulled the term ‘Saint Hill Size Orgs’ out of mothballs to describe his shift away from his ‘Ideal Orgs’, which he pulled out of his asshole.
Alex Ortiz says
Jason Hemphill is well-known to anyone who has trained at FLAG in the last 17 years. First he was the D/FCCI PO for OOT’s O/O (for real) and then he later took over for Val Rollins (wjp was the D/FCCI PO for OOTs) when she got RPFed.
Jason has been the D/FCCI PO for OOTs since then. He’s a decent guy. He has never smelled one iota of life outside of SCN or the SO. He has been in the SO his whole life. He is about 35 years old at most. Even though he is a decent guy, he is also the kind of guy who probably completely believes that Debbie Cook was actually just a raging SP pharma-plant in disguise for 20 years. This guy will believe anything he is fed from RTC.
As of 2008 Sandra Colon was the Public Servicing Sec at FSO. Don’t really know her.
I think (only THINK) that Heather Wolfe might be Heather Hoff (maiden name) who has been in Snr HCO FLB for the past couple decades. She has been either Snr I&R or Snr HAS FLB. She is also in her 30s, and has never known life outside the SO.
As much as I was not fans of the old COs (Cal was okay), the fact is that removing people who have DECADES of experience on their posts is one of the dumbest things one can do to an organization if one actually cares about the organization. You can’t buy that kind of hatting. In SCN it is supposed to make even less sense to do this.
If Scientology works so freakin’ well, then why not apply it’s solutions to people who are under-performing to make them better versions of themselves. If you buy into SCN’s propaganda, then it’s not like the SO veterans can be lumped into the “building a world with broken straws” cliche. “Many are called few are chosen”, right?
An SO vet, who is a trained OT, is like the upper 1 billionth of intelligent beings on planet earth, right?. And SCN Tech & Qual solutions weren’t “good enough” to make these people “make it”??
Just more glutz PR from Kim Jong-Eh (DM, get it??)
Why in god’s name would they have to create a NEW post for the captains to report to? CO CLO wasn’t good enough? What the hell is the CO PAC even going to DO?? Mediate fights between the CO’s? What’s the point? The point is really that there isn’t a point. Kim Jong-Eh’s op basis is “if it’s working, remove the person who’s getting credit. If it’s not working, don’t fix it, just completely change everything about it.”
Good news is that with 230 staff members in LA org (where the hell do they all FIT?) they don’t have to round up bodies for photo shoots. As long as Gold is there with enough wardrobe, NO PUBLIC need witness a photo shoot evolution. That’s one problem solved. GO KIM JONG-EH!
How much you want a bet they took a bunch of failed Super Power auditors (or just ones that had no PCs because there aren’t enough public at FLAG) and sent them to PAC saying “we’ve been secretly training these guys for you for the past year, because combining these orgs has totally been our plan the whole time…”
They might well have sent a whole crop of auditors to ASHO (in addition to LA org) because the last I checked ASHO still only had a few actual posted auditors in each org.
So technically this is HUGE expansion….on the staff side. Which means LESS PAY for everyone. LESS room in the berthings. HIGHER expenses for the orgs who are already not making enough money.
Demand for stats to raise as a result of this handling will be enormous. Penalties dealt out once the stat’s don’t go up will be equally enormous.
The only stats that can be predicted to go up are:
–Calls made to public
–Letters written to public
–Door knocks at publics houses
–interrogs issued
–ethics interviews conducted
–free ARC break sessions offered
–event attendance (extra Sea Org members!)
–# of student points falsified
–# of touch assist hours delivered in the HGC
–# of hours “found in folders” to justify delivering free service to get the WDAH up on unpaid public (easier to convince people to come in for free auditing)
–# of RPF assignments
–# of time times Jenny Linson’s photo will be shown to staff as a warning of what COB will be forced to do to the PAC Base if they don’t make it go right.
Mike Rinder says
This is a well informed comment. Thanks Alex.
When I found out the posts these three have been on it confirmed something else.
The FSO is in deep trouble. No way would Miscavige unmock the biggest source of funds to Sea Org Reserves if it was not WAY underutilized. They have been pouring resources into Flag for YEARS in anticipation of the opening of the SP building and delivery of SP. When it happened and it fizzled, you can be sure Miscavige has been ranting and raving about how lazy everyone is at the FSO, and how overmanned and underproductive they are.
The other thing is that more than anywhere (except perhaps the Freewinds), Flag SO members treat Miscavige as if he is God. More fawning there than anywhere. So, loyal minions who will follow “command intention” are the perfect patsies to be sent to “get LA into production.”
Cooper Kessel says
I think the stats for the hours of “I’m not auditing you” will also be is affluence shortly.
Old Surfer Dude says
Through the roof, actually. The biggest stat they’ll have…
Themoreyouknow says
“Even now, with the PR against Scientology at all time highs, it COULD be won, if all concerned managed to move to and stay at 4.0 and above and became expert at TR-4 and dissemination tech.”
Great idea Dan!
And maybe when Bernie Madoff gets out of jail (in 145 years) he can just smile brightly, put on his TONE 40 TR’s and happily call all of the people he previously conned to tell them that he’s back in business but this time it is going to be great!
Forget all that stuff you have read and heard about in the media…none of those atrocities ever happened…Scientology has ALWAYS been happy and fun. Come on back…we’ll prove it to you!
(In case anyone is confused…this is intended as sarcasm. I can’t quite tell if Dan’s comments are also sarcasm, but I do hope so.)
knatherthomas says
The consolidation of LAD with LAF and ASHOD with ASHOF is “elastic team tactics” par excellence. And the new post of CO PAC will surely prove to be some kind of ultimate hot seat for some poor soul who’s looking to make good. If the Test Center really is going to be up and running does this mean SO members are going to be body routing?! Wow.
Draco says
Another thought: does anyone out there know if these now ex LA staff have been contacted by any of the other LA orgs to “come on over”? Or are they now all considered personae non gratae as they have had to have the SO come in and take over to “rescue” LA Org?
Espiando says
Posters here have been mentioning this possibility. I keep wondering why the other LA orgs would do this. What would this new staff do other than occupy spaces on an org board? None of the other orgs can pay their utility bills, much less staff. Their Div 6es are FART-tastic. Their Academies are empty. Their HGCs are empty. If the experience at the Model Ideal Org was demoralizing, this would be worse.
On second thought, invite the launchees to the other Class Vs. Once they see how empty they are, those people will cognite that it wasn’t just LA Day or LA Foundation, and blow for good.
DollarMorgue says
When I was at Saint Hill several years ago, I was shocked to see the org board not fully posted (in fact there was a severe shortage). I would have felt much better in the vampire’s lair had I known it was fully staffed.
I’m sure the occasional visitor to the local idle morgues will be more than pleased to see they are now brimming with staff. A sign of success indeed! Makes the bloodletting so much more agreeable.
Draco says
“Staff could stay to finish their contract if they committed to a Day or Foundation schedule plus a 12 ½ hour per week enhancement time.”
I can’t imagine that many could afford to do this. In essence it means you can’t have a day job, or moonlight, as you would be in the org every hour it is open. Only people with wealthy partners or families supporting them could stay on.
I really pity those who do decide to stay. Working in a SO environment when you are not SO is going to be bloody awful. SO staff generally consider Non-SO to be out ethics, theetie weetie bags of shit, and in a stressful environment will treat them as such.
My advice to all the old LA staff is to thank your lucky stars, remove your personal stuff from your workspace and RUN!! Much nicer out here folks 🙂
Old Surfer Dude says
Draco, your post is spot on! Now, imagine what will happen when public come into the L.A. Org (I know, I know…that’s an oxymoron) and have to deal with SO personnel who think public are nothing but down stat DBs who should quit their jobs and REALLY do something important: Join the Sea Org. I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that one.
cindy says
“I really pity those who do decide to stay. Working in a SO environment when you are not SO is going to be bloody awful. SO staff generally consider Non-SO to be out ethics, theetie weetie bags of shit, and in a stressful environment will treat them as such.
My advice to all the old LA staff is to thank your lucky stars, remove your personal stuff from your workspace and RUN!! Much nicer out here folks :)”
I second that Draco!
Zonkos says
A crew list for the new LA Org would be a very interesting thing to see. Just sayin’, for anyone with the means.
cindy says
Could any of the people leaking the info please please please get us a crew list for the new LA Org and also a list of SO terminals?
Daisy says
Great news And check out the pic of all the people cheering. I think I see an alien on the right side.
DollarMorgue says
The comments by your special correspondents are very informative, and that last about the Hare Krishnas is particularly delicious, a work of art 🙂
Here, half a world away, the Hare Krishnas even dance. Lots of people gather to watch, but I doubt they join because that would mean dancing in strange clothes and making a fool of oneself in public, too. Not very popular in today’s “I’m such a cool selfie” age.
Everfree says
As I recall, it is a High Crime to close an org.
Old Surfer Dude says
Closing down the Foundation or Day in any org is a suppressive act per policy. But, when you have a loony leader, up is down, right is wrong and Alice in Wonderland is key to case gain…
Cooper Kessel says
DM cannot commit a high crime, he is one.
Old Surfer Dude says
+1 Nice post!
Zephyr says
Swampland4Sale says
Correct Everfree. It is also a High Crime to Falsifying records. But, LRH never declared himself over doing that repeatedly while committing the Scn CRIME of Tax Evasion… The commission of Crimes and High Crimes by the person running the Church goes back at LEAST 5 decades now. Why Scn’ers are just NOW realizing it is a mystery.
Peter Bonyai says
I sense a trend here. If this works out, then Dave will probably downsize all CLOs around the globe and send their staff to the nearest model org – e.g. most of CLO EU will be transferred to the Copenhagen “Continental” Org. And I think he will probably disband all the OTLs (Italy, Hungary and Russia) and post all the Sea Org members in their central Class V Org. All this cost cutting, downsizing – hardly a sign of expansion!
Robert Almblad says
When an organization cannot financially maintain a division, it gets rid of it. This is called a
“Strategic Withdrawal”. A common and respected business practice that has kept multinationals profitable for 100’s of years.
LA Idle Org should have been a “Strategic Withdrawal” of a failed Idle Org. However, because the whole Idle Org program is really a Ponzi Scheme that feeds investor/parishioner money back into failing organizations to “keep up expansion appearances to keep parishioner money flowing in” there is no “strategic withdrawal”. Instead, they create higher income due lowered costs of “free” SO staff that are already being paid anyway, compared to LA Org staff that have to get paid.
But what do you do to prop up income at the LA Org?? You can’t photoshop more income. And, if you send in “shills” (a common Ponzi ploy) into Orgs to spend more money on auditing and training, it would be quickly discovered. So, what will DM do to increase income? Some sort of “shill” program always shows up in a Ponzi scheme… maybe he will give away a new Cadillac with every intensive. Ha. Keep an eye out for spending SO or IAS money to “keep up appearances”. This will be DM’s biggest business expense as the Ponzi Scheme implodes.
Cooper Kessel says
“LA Idle Org should have been a “Strategic Withdrawal” of a failed Idle Org.”
More to the point I’d say that the whole frickin Cult is now facing ‘Strategic Withdrawal.’ That group of kool aide consuming mind fuck specialists is now going to reap exactly what they have sown in spades.
Yo Dave,
Count on this…….. We are coming for you good buddy! Better find some dark crack to crawl into and soon.
Chee chalker says
Would someone be willing to give a curious never in a brief explanation of the “non existence” formula? Particularly a ‘friendly’ non existence formula?
Martin Padfield says
Wow, thanks Mike and ALL the special correspondents who keep the vital flow of TRUE and factual information going.
It will fascinating to see when, in a few months or less and there is no discernible increase in stats, what reason is given for this, and who is now “CI to COB”. (I know I am).
As I recall it, the purpose of the Sea Org, having removed counter-intention from the environment, is removing OTHER-intention-ness from the environment. Since even the thirstiest kool-aid drinker isn’t at the same level of madness/sociopathy as Miscavige and therefore by definition “other-intentioned”, one wonders – is the end result here DM single-handling EVERYTHING? Maybe he thinks if only he could clone himself multiple times and man up all the Orgs himself it would be problem solved. But then – who would be “CI” when the stats STILL didn’t go up. Hm…
DollarMorgue says
He could beat himself up. Now that would be interesting to watch.
Ronn S. says
LOL @ DollarMorgue. Yes, I would in fact PAY to see that! … and maybe we’d let him poor himself a Scotch after it was all done.
Beryl says
I think it would be good for morale if DM would hang around PAC for about a week and demonstrate to everyone proper dissemination, and it would also be good for him to go out in the streets and disseminate to raw public for two or three hours each day. With anywhere from 20 to 30 new starts from his work, motivation would go through the roof and you would see a new boom.
Swampland4Sale says
Beryl, DM would NEVER go near those dirty wogs (whom he wants money from) because that is the job of all the SP minions he graciously allows to stay in Pig’s berthing. Etc., etc.
Seriously, I am shocked that anyone can work around him without pounding him into hamburger. He would have a half life of about 30 seconds if he were my boss.
basketballjane says
Wow. The person who sent in that write up wow. Just wow.
“we don’t allow our members to molest children” ummmmm yeah you do. Yeah you do buddy. That is one of the MAIN things Scientology has gotten especially good at over the years. Old, perverted, men have been preying on young virginal girls for decades in Scientology. Decades. Then after softening them up (God only knows how) they marry them so the statutory rape is legal. Disgusting.
And Mike this is the second time a few hundred staff from elsewhere has been used to bulk up PAC. In 2001 we woke up one morning on the RPF and magically almost 300 more people had arrived to be with us. I am pretty sure all those grads were placed throughout CC and PAC.
Oh and a GIGANTIC PS to Dan Locke, what the hell is your major malfunction? How are you still balls deep in the kool aid pool? Scientology isn’t not expanding because people aren’t winning man, the aren’t expanding because they are a mind fuck manipulative cult that doesn’t work. Period. And all your rah rah nonsense isn’t fooling any OSA troll reading this blog. Unless you are the OSA Troll? Do some research man. doesn’t matter how many wins you had or think you gave to other people. Scientology has only one outcome and that is total loss of self. So when you are constantly talking about how great someone thee things could turn out for people you sound like a Herion addict in the middle of his intervention yelling, “But you don’t get it! Herion doesn’t affect me like that. It’s good for me. I am better on it. My teeth and my health aren’t real anyway. Only the feeling I get from Heroine is real. Why don’t you try it and see??!!”
basketballjane says
Ugh spelling errors “someone thee things” got autocorrected from “some of these things.”
Dan Locke says
Jimminy, Jane! That is indeed a GIANT PS. “Balls deep in the kool-aid pool?” “Scientology has only one outcome and that is total loss of self”? I sound like a “herion addict”? “OSA Troll?”
For your own good, I hope before the day is out you find some better feeling thoughts about me. The ones you have expressed here seem somewhat less than kind.
IMSLTHO, I find a LOT of value in much of the technology of Scientology. I think it is to the benefit of people who were once a part of the Church, to examine what IS good in Scientology and validate it; even encourage it.
Your opinion that Scientology “has only one outcome, and that is total loss of self”? Did that happen to you? To ANYONE you know? Truly, a “total loss of self”?
I should “do some research”? Of what? All that is out there to “research” would be what other people think and say about the experience. How would considering that be of any benefit? Their experience has been theirs; mine has been mine. No matter how much research I might give others’ experiences with the subject, I don’t know that anything I would study would change what I consider to have been my experience.
I’ve touched something in you that’s not resolved. Look what you have written after “Scientology has only one outcome and that is total loss of self”: it’s not even understandable. I think that you are writing as an anger holds you.
If you are at all interested in a friendly relationship with me, I would suggest you reach out to me and we talk person to person. That brings about another thing that Ron said that I agree with, that trying to straighten out upsets that have occurred via writing rarely is resolved by more writing; resolving such things requires live communication. (Model Hat for an Executive PL). Of course, if you evaluate EVERY thing of Scientology to be of no value, even that datum won’t make sense to you.
There’s a LOT that I think is crazy in Scientology and that I wish were not a part of any of our experience. But these things have happened or are occurring, and, so it is. A one-time cramming officer at Flag apparently once wrote that “looking for the good in Scientology is like looking for raisins in your shit.” That’s a LOT of people’s view, not mine. Yes, there is a lot of shit and it is all over the sidewalks, but it’s just shit and it’s a lot less permanent than the sidewalks.
All of that stuff COULD be cleaned up and Scientology COULD become a vital, life-giving activity. I am going to keep rooting for that.
basketballjane says
Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Yes I am angry. I am MAD AS HELL. I probably won’t be any less angry about Scientology for the rest of my life. No matter how much I talk about it. Since you have completely given yourself over to the Borg of Scientology I can understand why you don’t get the concept of having a total loss of self since you are in that state.
As for your critique of my writing, I already apologized for my autocorrect typo and corrected it but let me reiterate to you again since you seem to be totally missing the point, your “viewpoint” is skewed. You want to only look at the shiny happy points. I remember when we were on the RPF and you would be getting yelled at by someone, even by me a few times, and you would keep that plastic smile smeared across your face like some kind of crazy mask. It would make the person yelling even more infuriated. I remember you saying something once to the effect that everything had a good point and that I needed to find the good in things that were going on.
Well Danny Boy, yes I believe that focusing on the positive is better than focusing on the negative, but you can’t PRETEND that the negative isn’t there. That doesn’t erase it. It doesn’t make it not true. You can’t smile your way through the holocaust. You can’t smile your way through tragedy and pretend it hasn’t happened. That is just nuts. That is a non confront.
You don’t understand what I mean by research? How bout reading “A Piece of Blue Sky.’ “Going Clear”? These are not opinions about Scientology and LRH. They are facts. The man was an out and out liar. He stole every idea he presented as his own discovery. All the War stories that we worshiped in the Sea Org were all fake. He never cured himself of being lame or blind, he was in the loony bin because even the NAVY thought he was a nutter.
Every win you and everyone else (Including me) had in Scientology ever was based on fiction. Fiction and deceit and mind control. Just because we laughed sometimes on the RPF doesn’t make it a spa vacation. It was hell. It was torture physically and mentally. The SPOON ISN’T REAL. None of it is real.
I don’t hate you Dan. You frustrate the hell out of me still with that phony baloney smile constantly plastered on your face while you talk about all the happy bullshit. You need to take a hard look at what you did. What you really did. How you hurt people. We all did. We were all a part of this Scientology road kill express. All these people still in, that are throwing their money and their lives away we did that. We are responsible for that mess. The best thing we can all do now is tell the truth. Tell the hard stories and help those brave enough to jump over the abyss and land in the real world. They need our help adjusting and figuring out how the hell they are going to live their lives now that they have nothing to show for the decades of life they have dedicated to a total lie.
Mike Rinder says
BBJ — I appreciate your passion. And I know Dan was pretty condescending in his response to you. But I think this back and forth is done. I edited another response to him because he seems to have prodded a hornet’s nest. If you guys want to debate this til the end of time in private, I will give you his email address if you want it and he agrees. Otherwise, I would rather get back to the topic that is really important. Dan may still agree with things you disagree with, but I am pretty sure he isnt enforcing disconnection on anyone or taking their pensions and forcing them into bankruptcy. That’s the real target.
Themoreyouknow says
Hey Dan,
Do some word clearing. Start with these terms:
Marketing Jingles
Use a real wog dictionary, not a self-serving piece of drivel from Hubbard.
Then, take a look around at the actual results of Scientology based on the first-person histories of the several thousand people writing on the internet that have participated in, then fled the organization.
Those horrible things reported on the internet happened to real people in Scientology.
Cooper Kessel says
I would say that you have arrived at the bargaining stage of the Kubler- Ross grieving process. No harm in keeping on – keeping on I suppose but I think BBJ has nailed it squarely on the head.
As Einstein said about the nature of insanity…..It is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Scientology produces one end result IMHO and BBJ pretty much wrapped it up when she commented:
” people aren’t winning man, they aren’t expanding because they are in a mind fuck manipulative cult that doesn’t work. Period.”
Carry on. You made my day!
Cooper Kessel says
“All of that stuff COULD be cleaned up and Scientology COULD become a vital, life-giving activity. I am going to keep rooting for that.”
Well Cult members could get their heads out of their collective assholes too and Wake The Fuck Up. But they will never do it by hoping, wishing or rooting for it. They have to DO IT!
George says
Dan, you say you would like to revive “the good old Scientology of yesteryear” but aren’t you already envisioning something else than “Scientology” … you take parts and you leave others out as you see fit (and I think you have every right to do so). I also think it’s a good idea (if one intends to keep this subject alive) to modify it as “the good old Scientology” has brought us exactly to the point where we are now.
Despite all the claims from LRH that he had “refined” the org board of an old civilization (forgot from when, certainly not this planet) for it had a division (Qual) missing and this would ensure the survival of an org, it would be a self-correcting mechanism. It just didn’t happen.
In case you want to reply that DM or others subverted the whole thing etc. etc. – I hold against it that LRH said that his tech handles and filters out all those people, and that an SP in the presence of a graduate of the PTS/SP course (of which we have a lot) would just shatter. It just didn’t happen. I NEVER saw an effective Qual anywhere.
Or could it be that the end result is a somewhat (I admit, this is an understatement) timid person, very obedient to what his superiors say, afraid to speak up, doing what he is told to do, easily introverted by pointing out that whatever it is he had pulled it in and that he is responsible for his current condition, ready to follow the dictates of the man in charge like a lemming over the cliff and into the water or fire. For that I do see. In volume.
I felt like you for a long time. But I have come to a very different conclusion.
The brewing of beer was invented by monks.The breweries today still use the same principles but it certainly doesn’t require a belief in god to make beer.
The “independet”, “ex”, “indie” etc. Scientologists today often think that LRH brewed some might fine schnapps and that it must be preserved, revived or brought back to some gloried old time period and forget that some moonshine can be so damn good (and strong) that it not only makes you drunk but also blind.
Think of it: It’s written into Scientology that it must NEVER CHANGE and that ANY change would lead away from the only workable technology (KSW No. 1 etc.) – so revive the “good old day” and what you get is just the same old same old.
I know I played with my simile to suit my purposes 🙂 but I think its not off either.
Hallie Jane says
I’m with you Dan. I met you when you worked at ASHO and you were an upbeat, caring staff member. Thanks for that. Personally I find both these 100% good or bad scenarios to be unreal. Why would anyone who spent years studying something suddenly decide it’s all total shit? Were these years done with no integrity whatsoever? Did the person have their head in a bag the whole time? The problem is with the extreme haters of Scn, is that they woke up from something extreme, that is their personal experience. What is extremely offensive and stupid is them thinking that everyone had the same experience, or the same lack of wins, or the same lack of integrity, or the same ANYTHING. The lack of respect for individual point of view and experience is just typical bigotry. The “clever” invalidation of anyone that values Scn, that, they are still drinking koolaid is trite and weak. This is SO what the radical church has been doing for decades now so, Alanzo and Swampy, good job on forwarding the goals of the rcs, to squelch free thinking. You know there are other viewpoints than yours, right?
DollarMorgue says
Hallie Jane, by labelling people haters, you are not really contributing anything to bring the discussion back to a balanced perspective, either. In fact, you are demonstrating what you are accusing others (Alanzo, “Swampy”) of. You have a right to believe whatever you like, but you will not be able to do a thing to make BBJ change her conclusions. I also believe we can never truly know another person’s experience. However, what comes across to me from what Dan and you say, even if it is probably not meant that way, is that if anyone suffered in this group, it is a) their problem, and b) was worth it, as speaker had “HUGE” gains. This completely discounts and negates another’s experience – even if it is entirely unintentional. It is one of the problems of written communication.
Chee chalker says
IMSLTHO? In my ____ ______ ______ honest opinion?
Mary says
“Every win you and everyone else (Including me) had in Scientology ever was based on fiction. Fiction and deceit and mind control.” BBJane, what you experienced was NOT Scientology, but a twisted, twisted thing called Black Dianetics. Mike’s book really laid the concept of Black Dianetics vs. real Dianetics/Scientology out well! You should read it!
Foolproof says
I noticed a comment on here (as I do) that mentioned that the derogatory term “Kool Aid” now seems to imply (in the mind of the writer) belief in the workability of Scientology. “Kool Aid” has always meant swallowing the lies of the current COB cult inspired regime – it has never meant belief in the workability of Scientology itself. Until now when it seems some people want to change it to suit their own insulting ends. To imply that Dan Locke has swallowed Kool Aid is like saying that LRH was a rabbi.The whales and IAS Regges and donators have swallowed Kool Aid. Not Dan Locke.
As for the hornet’s nest which you have stirred up Dan, I admire your patience but I wouldn’t bother too much explaining yourself. I and probably most others reading here, find your ideas correct (even some still in the Church – ha!).
Hallie Jane says
DollarMorgue, sorry this took me so long. Haters is not a label, it’s a fact, some people hate Scn. I have heard that clearly expressed quite a few times. I’m not regging anyone to change their view, I’m trying to express mine. I did not get that Dan was saying that someone’s suffering was “their problem” and I certainly don’t feel that way. No one implied HUGE wins. After auditing for years and years and years, I feel frustrated and deeply heart broken, that the average person, coming in for help, including staff, did not get the best that Scn had to offer. It really pisses me off. I have witnessed wonderful wins, handling people, for 40 years, that’s just my experience, so people who think Scn is 100% shit probably won’t want to hear it, but it is, nonetheless, my personal experience. I object to people being called delusional or koolaid if they feel Scn has benefited them, it’s arrogant and rude. That’s ridicule, not an opinion. Everyone should of course tell their truth and when all the negative has been unloaded, at least check for positives. That’s perspective and that’s the truth too. .
cindy says
+ 100 Hallie Jane
Bert Schippers says
Bbjane, I like your explanation tha scn outcome is a total loss of self. I can think of many examples suuportive of that in my personal experience. When I finally made my personal decision that I was not going back, I experienced true freedom. And then in the decompression years I got more and more of myself back.
The Dude says
When I go fishing and look at the lake or river, I always have a moment of thinking that the better spot is on the other side, in that quiet little bay over there. My neighbour looks over my fence and loves my lawn, I look over the fence and think his is better. When I go to collect my kids from school, I can’t help thinking that school was so much better years ago, when I was a student. Yes folks, the grass always looks greener on the other side. The fact that I always catch fish where I fish, that my lawn is identical to my neighbours and that my kids school has facilities and opportunities beyond anything my school had sometimes gets wiped away by my stroll down memory lane. I used to be a party to groups who’s behaviour and results were shocking and harmful and I know that my behaviour was exemplary and that I learned a lot of good things in that place. The result of my good behaviour however was a lot of heartache for a lot of people. I am still dealing with the fallout from this, and cannot insist that what I was doing was good even though the people I was doing it with were “bad”. I had to deal with this cop out and stop justifying my supposed “wins” in order to mitigate the obvious results I was inflicting through my justification. I had bought the “idea” of a better world and so set my self up to ignore the daily beheadings and floggings. Today, I fish where I fish because I choose to fish there. If someone turns up and wants to fish with me, I welcome it, or I point them towards that beautiful quiet bay just over there. 😉
There are so many things i wish were real, however I no longer insist those things are real simply because I wish them, or believe them to be real. One honourable soldier in the ranks of a murderous troup does not make an army right or good.
If I could think of any more cliches, dag nab bit, I would put em in!
George says
LOL …. my thoughts too but I commented in a different way in my reply to his comment.
George says
this comment is in the wrong place – it was supposed to go below Basketballjane’s comment
Illinoisian says
Could someone please explain this to a ‘never in’? Regarding the “best behavior” demeanor of the Sea Org members as they took over: “They were friendly and applying the non-Existence Formula. ” (I comprehend ‘friendly’ — it’s the second half of the sentence I need help with, both literal definition and what it implies in this situation.) Thanks.
Martin Padfield says
In essence just asking what is needed and wanted (from that post or job). “Starting from scratch”.
Communicator IC says
Illinoisian, to start, in Scientology:
The Condition of Non-Existence
(New Post Formula)
Every new appointee to a post begins in Non-Existence, whether obtained by new appointment, promotion or demotion.
He is normally under the delusion that now he is “THE ________” (new title). He tries to start off in Power Condition as he is usually very aware of his new status or even a former status. But in actual fact he is the only one aware of it. All others, except perhaps the Personnel Officer, are utterly unaware of him as having his new status.
Therefore he begins in a state of Non-Existence. And if he does not begin with the Non-Existence Formula as his guide, he will be using the wrong condition and will have all kinds of trouble.
Non-Existence Formula
The Non-Existence Formula is:
1. Find a communication line.
2. Make yourself known.
3. Discover what is needed or wanted.
4. Do, produce and/or present it.
A new appointee taking over a going concern often thinks he had better make himself known by changing everything whereas he (a) is not well enough known to do so and (b) hasn’t any idea of what is needed or wanted yet. And so he makes havoc.
Sometimes he assumes he knows what is needed or wanted when it is only a fixed idea with him and is only his idea and not true at all and so he fails at his job.
Sometimes he doesn’t bother to find out what is really needed or wanted and simply assumes it or thinks he knows when he doesn’t. He soon becomes “unsuccessful.”
Now and then a new appointee is so “status happy” or so insecure or so shy that even when his boss or his staff comes to him and tells him what is needed or wanted, he can’t or doesn’t even acknowledge and really does go into Non-Existence for keeps.
Sometimes he finds that what he is told is needed or wanted needs reappraisal or further investigation. So it is always safest for him to make his own survey of it and operate on it when he gets his own firm reality on what is needed or wanted.
If the formula is applied intelligently the person can expect to get into a zone of bypass where people are still doing his job to fill the hole his predecessor may have left. This is a Danger Condition—but it is the next one higher than Non-Existence on the scale. If he defends his job and does his job and applies the Danger Formula, he will come through it.
He can then expect to find himself in Emergency Condition. In this, he must follow the Emergency Formula with his post and he will come through it.
He can now expect to be in Normal Operation and if he follows the formula of that, he will come to Affluence. And if he follows that formula, he will arrive at Power. And if he applies the Power Formula, he will stay there.
So it is a long way from Power that one starts his new appointment and if he doesn’t go up the scale from where he really is at the start, he will of course fail.
This applies to groups, to organizations, to countries as well as individuals.
It also applies when a person fails at his job. He has to start again at Non-Existence and he will build up the same way condition by condition.
Most failures on post are occasioned by failures to follow the conditions and recognize them and apply the formula of the condition one is in when one is in it and cease to apply it when one is out of it and in another.
This is the secret of holding a post and being successful on a job or in life.
Non-Existence Formula Expanded
Many people misapply the Non-Existence Formula and then wonder why they seem to continue in trouble.
Executives sometimes wonder why certain staff personnel never seem to be able to do anything right and out of exasperation wind up handling the whole area themselves.
The answer is a misapplication of and not really doing the Non-Existence Formula on post.
Experience has shown that even experienced executives and staff members have not in fact ever come out of Non-Existence. And where the organization runs at all, it is carried on the back of one or two key seniors.
The phrase “find a communication line” is shortened down by too many to locating somebody’s in-basket and dropping a “needed and wanted” request in it. This is not really finding a communication line.
To handle any post, you have to have information and furnish information. Where this is not done, the person finds himself doing projects that get rejected, projects that have to be redone, restraints put on his actions and finds himself sinking down the conditions. He gets in bad with his seniors because he doesn’t acquire and doesn’t furnish the vital information of what is going on.
It is the duty of any staff member, new on post or not, to round up the communication lines that relate to his post, find out who needs vital information from him and get those lines in in in as a continuing action.
When a person fails to do just that, he never comes out of Non-Existence. He isn’t even up to Danger because nobody knows they are even bypassing him. In other words, when a staff member does not do that, in the eyes of the organization, he is simply a zero.
Orders being issued by him usually wind up cancelled when discovered by some senior because they are not real. Joe was already handling it. Bill’s schedule was thrown out by it. Treasury yells, “How come this wasted expense?”
Pretty soon, when staff hears it’s so-and-so’s order they just ignore it.
The bright hopes of such a person usually wind up as hopes he will be able to get transferred, the sooner the better. Everybody is against him.
But what really happened?
He never applied the Non-Existence Formula for real and so he stayed in Non-Existence. His actions do not coordinate because he does not have the lines to give or receive information.
It is really and factually not up to anyone else to round up his lines for him any more than it is up to others to do his breathing for him. The inhale and exhale of an organization is the take and give of vital information and particles.
Anyone who finds himself in apparent Non-Existence or worse, should rush around and find the communication lines that apply to his activity and post and insist that he be put on those lines.
Such a person, staff member or executive has to write down what information he has to have to handle his post and what information others have to have from him to do their jobs.
And then arrange communication lines so that he is an info addressee from secretaries on those lines.
Senior executives such as division heads or heads of an organization do have a responsibility for briefing staff. But they are usually also faced with security problems as well as a wish to look good. And their data is general for the whole division or organization. It does include specifics like “Mrs. Zikes is arriving at 1400 hours” or “The telephone company rep says the bill must be paid by 1200 hours today or we got no phones.”
Havoc and overwork for executives occur where the bulk of the staff has omitted to get themselves on important communication lines and keep those lines flowing. Do not send to find why the statistics are down if 90 percent of your staff is in Non-Existence or worse! Simply because they never really found any communication lines.
Therefore the Expanded Non-Existence Formula is:
1. Find and get yourself on every communication line you will need in order to give and obtain information relating to your duties and materiel.
2. Make yourself known, along with your post title and duties, to every person you will need for the obtaining of information and the giving of data.
3. Discover from your seniors and fellow staff members and any public your duties may require you to contact, what is needed and wanted from each.
4. Do, produce and present what each needs and wants that is in conformation with policy.
5. Maintain your communication lines that you have and expand them to obtain other information you now find you need on a routine basis.
6. Maintain your origination lines to inform others what you are doing exactly, but only those who actually need the information.
7. Streamline what you are doing, producing and presenting so that it is more closely what is really needed and wanted.
8. With full information being given and received concerning your products, do, produce and present a greatly improved product routinely on your post.
I can guarantee that if you do this—and write your information concisely so it is quick to grasp and get your data in a form that doesn’t jam your own lines—you will start on up the conditions for actual and in due course arrive in Power.
Illinoisian says
Thanks very much. (I must say that it has provided me an interesting counterpoint to read Martin P.’s extremely concise reply followed by your more expansive explanation.)
Chee chalker says
Wow…Illinoisan….your comment was not up when I submitted mine, but it is almost identical…. Freaky….plus I live in Illinois…… Doo doo dododo (attempt at Twilight Zone theme song)
Potpie says
“bleat approvingly on cue”.
Very funny!
I hope at least some of those still in see this
as something that does not make total sense.
I would look at it as a take over, and would wonder
how long it will be till all CL V orgs are run by the
SO. Or even how long will CL V orgs as we once
knew them, would even be around.
Really what is it that the SO can do that is so much
better than non SO folks can do??? Non SO people
are idiots and don’t know the tech or how to apply it???
Aside from being happy not to be under the suppression
of being on staff these days, some of these non SO LA org staff
will take this as a wrong why for sure. Like they are the
cause of this obvious failure?
With this announcement I would wonder why I should
really give more $ to these Ideal Org projects if eventually
they are going to be taken over by the SO.
This to me is akin to a military force taking over civilian run
municipal agencies and local, city governments.
If I were still in I would be very worried about these current “events”.
richardgrant says
That last item, about the Hare Krishnas, is a work of genius. Whoever wrote that (you Mike?) deserves to be shortlisted for something. The Golden Snark.
But this is the kind of thing that leaves me scratching my head: “They are talking about having to buy more buildings to increase capacity to be at least as big as Flag because 1,000s of people will be going up the Bridge at PAC now.”
No doubt someone is saying this, but is there anyone who actually BELIEVES it, at this stage of the game? Does Miscavige himself even think this way?
Cooper Kessel says
” Does Miscavige himself even think this way?”
He SAYS that way. You really don’t even want to know what He thinks! A peek behind that curtain would no doubt be something to behold. I’d say a new R & D series would be in the making!
Yo Dave,
Now that you fixed the Pac Base fiasco and have some time on your hands, why not drop us a line here at the blog and give us your thoughts!
shelgold says
When I was on Tampa Foundation staff in 2006 and 2007, we were always an “inch away” from being St Hill Size. It was relatively easy to get more staff. The main problem was gross income. That was normally 15K/week (or less). Definitely not viable and definitely accounted for my less than $100/week pay as an auditor.
Gross income divided by number of staff was the big point of non-viablility. That stat hovered around 150/week. Pretty gross. The Ideal Org p/l touts the staff would be well paid. Not.
Miscavige can throw 230 staff at LA Org and make it a “big” place, but the GI is the key. St Hill supposedly made big dollars in its day. Orange County was bringing in over 100K week in the late 80s when it actually did go St Hill size.
My guess is that LA Org will look big, but will continue to have a relatively low income – which won’t be complained about by the staff as they are all SO and get around 50/week and room and board regardless of the Org’s income.
Mreppen says
True on the GI. I wonder which lucky ones get to be the Reges at LA org. Doubt they will bring back Joe Bueno and Kathy Johnston.
Pepper says
Agreed. GI is the bottom line, as it is with any flourishing business, and LA Org hasn’t been “flourishing” in decades.
I know a bunch of OTVIII’s who got together around 2002 and paid off ALL of LA Org’s debt, which was 2 million dollars (that’s what they told me). They were also sent for special staff training at the management building in Hollywood and then all went on staff at LA Org. I’m sure others remember when LA Org was staffed by a crew of OT 8’s in the mid 2000’s. Most did not resign when their contracts were up and left staff when they could, after much sec-checking at Flag with ethics handlings. Claire Taylor was one who I know stayed on.
Around 2002, the fundraising went into hyper-drive at PAC and you couldn’t walk in or out of the orgs without being asked for money or to attend a briefing for the purpose of getting money out of you. One of my friends who paid LA Org’s debt said something about it to a Sea Org exec and was told “Well it’s you guy’s fault – you’re the ones who paid 2 million dollars to clear LA Orgs debts and now there’s an expectation that everyone should do this now.” This has been discussed many times over that the idea that public will kick in and pay the orgs debts, or will just willingly come up with the money to do something like this, changed the viewpoint of how public is expected to shell out whenever asked. Maybe that was the viewpoint all along, but this is specifically applying to LA Org / PAC Base.
cindy says
Thanks for that data Pepper. Very enlightening. That also explains to me anyway, why Koko and Farid Tabibzadeh joined staff at LA Org. They did not re-sign.
cindy says
Sheldon, I agree. And they might get a lot of new SO recruits from the ranks of LA Org staff members if they are promised $50 a week and free room and board. That is way better than they were doing as contracted staff members at LA Org. My kids are/were on staff at LA Org and they said many times the weekly pay was so low that they didn’t even bother to pick up their check and just donated it back to the org. So now to have free room and board and $50 a week — Whopee! A raise! (but I still hope they don’t join SO)
Pepper says
Hi Cindy,
I don’t think any of the OT8’s who joined LA Org staff resigned their contracts. Claire Taylor is the only one I know of that’s still there. I could be wrong though.
It was a fad at the time when the OT8’s came on board to join staff and they recruited a lot of people, including the children of all the people they knew.
This was when fundraising really went through the roof and it is still talked about today how that group of OT8’s “created a monster” when they paid off LA Org’s debt of 2 million. They told me they paid 2 million but who really knows what the debt actually was? It could have been a lot less and that figure was thrown out there to see if more money could be extracted.
Regardless, the fact the LA Org was 2 million in debt in 2002 says something. They have not been fiscally healthy for a very long time.
Pepper says
Cindy – I also hope that your kids don’t join the SO.
cindy says
Thank you! Me too!
Toshiro says
LA Org and the SO sounds like an attempt at a senior danger condition handling. Bypass. Danger is a far cry from expansion. Truth is showing, But like you always point out, Mike, the public just accept what is fed to them. They all know their condition formulas and this is as plain as can be.
cindy says
Toshiro, that thought occurred to me too about it being a Danger Formula Bypass. But if they were to apply the right condition, how about starting at Treason? Or even Confusion and working up from there. In this mass exodus there will be some who leave the whole shebang and join the Indie ranks. I think we as Indies need to prepare for mass incoming wounded both now and especially later. We could make up a Checksheet for Re-Entry to the Real World. It could have auditing, FDSing, and PAB 6 walks and etc. Maybe even have a halfway house for a place for them to live while getting their feet on the ground. If not that, then some may take a few people in to their homes. I even think if we went to the government and told them we want a grant to help ex-cult members transition out of the cult, we might get government grant money to do that with. I know halfway houses for battered women get grant money. As long as we’re dreaming, let’s dream up a way to help the poor sods that are leaving.
Aquamarine says
Toshiro, I agree that what’s being done is clearly a Danger Formula, and Cindy, I agree that its the wrong formula, way too high, and should be Treason at the highest.
Foolproof says
+1 to your comments Aqua (and Cindy), as usual from me.
Dan Locke says
Good to hear all that you have learned so far! I sincerely hope they have success. Even now, with the PR against Scientology at all time highs, it COULD be won, if all concerned managed to move to and stay at 4.0 and above and became expert at TR-4 and dissemination tech.
The ideal handling for LA Day would be to round up all the old execs and crews of the best missions of the 60’s and 70’s and drop them in there and then leave them alone. Find out who these missions most inspirational leaders were and tell them that they are the new EDs. Deliver wins, have fun all day long and live by the creed “If if isn’t fun it isn’t Scientology”.
Alanzo says
Dan! Dan!!
Wake up, Dan!!
You’re having a dream!
Dreaming, Dan.
Alanzo (:>
Dan Locke says
Alanzo, you are right; that’s a dream! Remember our “dogshit on the streets of Paris” chat some years back?
I only dreamed that it COULD be done; I am not dreaming that it WILL be done.
Interesting (to me) that, in the last few weeks, I have bumped into two old time auditors who now have practices utilizing Sarge Gerbode’s TIR therapy. That’s a VERY close cousin to Dianetic Auditing, but in a sane delivery environment. So, with these practitioners (and, I imagine many others) some of that dream is still coming true. As, would TIR (and the very many successful – yet squirrel applications) have come true if Scientology had never had any success?
There’s plenty of field auditors still delivering Scientology in friendly environments; just for the good of the p.c. and not to further any other goal than that. I hope these guys keep dreaming.
Old Surfer Dude says
Bringing back all the great mission holders from the 70s & 80s would undoubtedly bring on massive changes for the better. It could actually turn things around! But, Dan, that has as much of a chance of succeeding as the Evil Dwarf admitting that he was wrong about everything he ever came up with and will repent by paying all SO workers livable wages and stopping his assaults on his staff because he’s leaving for good. . Fun to think about, but…
Swampland4Sale says
Not a chance in hell OSD. Scn is DEAD because the truth is on the web for anyone to see. No Class IV/V org in SCN history has EVER maintained a viable level of services sold and delivered for any notable length of time. And NOW? Not possible as “wogs” are educated on the scam or would be as soon as the hear about it. Young people go immediately to the internet now when they want to know about something.
Old Surfer Dude says
You’re right, of course, Swampland. I know I was dreaming out the good times in the late 70s very, very early 80s (up to ’82). And, yes, I’m sure it’s for the best that it all crumbles to the gournd.
But your point about young people is absolutely spot on! The Dallas Idle Morgue is right across the street from the University of Texas!!! And…it’s empty.
McCarran says
As I said when my story posted in March, if DM wants to hear real thunderous applause from both those in and out, stop the Disconnection policy. This “band aid” he just applied to a hemorrhage will obviously not work.
Espiando says
And if we went back to Victorian times, we could get high on over-the-counter opiates and cocaine and child prostitution would experience a boom. That would be fun too.
That won’t happen. Neither will any revival of the “good old days” of Scientology. It’s far too late for that.
Artoo45 says
I get sad when I come over here and see the desperate rah-rah’s of people clinging to the tatters of Hubbard’s con. It’s like a little kid convinced that if they’re really, really good god will reanimate their dead turtle.
George says
– The old execs from the 70s and 80s are no OLDER and I don’t think they are interested in taking the positions (and so many of them already have passed away, Jens Bogvart, for instance).
– These old guys have been successful in the old days in the then existing environment – this is 2014 with a very different public attitude toward Scientology. If they tried their old ways they would fail instantly.
– The old guys either left (declared, disaffected) and certainly wouldn’t want to come back to the nuthouse or they toed the line and became “new Scientologists” so they have lost their “old touch” and have been made incapable of original thoughts.
– I have been some 20+ years on staff and SO and by now know Scientology since almost exactly 40 years – I wouldn’t want ANY of that however glorified time to come back (it is just “great” in our memories as it was different, more hippie and there were lots of people – but it was NEVER a truly decent environment for staff AND public).
– The only suggestion of yours I agree with is ” … and leave them alone”. Let people do Scientology if they wish but leave them alone. If they wish to organize into groups let them do it. Their obstacles to be lastingly successful in doing so are written right into LRH policy … just think of their Thursday 2pm madness … eventually it will set in again, even if dropped for a while. Unless, of course, you really let people interested in this subject truly alone – but then they will develop something different.
Zephyr says
You are right. If anything it is “great” in our memories.
Call it an ‘ADVENTURE’ when we were young and needed that at the time and we sure got it!
No old timer would want to come back to this kind of ‘nut house’ when being fully informed.
Foolproof says
Your comments and sentiments are quite correct. However, there seems to be a few people keen on feasting on the rotting carcass of Miscavige’s “Scientology” but as we all know that isn’t Scientology. What you (re) envision is (true or truer Scientology). It can still be recovered and will be one day, much to the chagrin of those who want it to fail for whatever weird reasoning they have. I also believe that the whole thing could be turned around within months once the current regime was gotten rid of and the necessary changes made. It seems there are two types of commenter on this blog – those who want it to crash and burn totally and those who want it to recover and do the job it was supposed to do – train auditors and audit PCs.
Foolproof says
The above was addressed to Dan Locke – forgot that at the start of the comment.
thegman77 says
“Captains of ASHO and AOLA have been replaced and sent to FSO ‘for training and auditing’”.
Auditing, I suspect, is limited to unrelenting sec checking with regular assignments thereafter to “The Hole”.
Rick Mycroft says
At this rate, Miscavige will have to pull the people off the guard detail at the new Ideal Hole, and order the inmates to guard themselves. Sadly, they probably will.