Towards the end of his days, Hubbard became more and more obsessed with psychiatry. And more and more unhinged in his writing.
Some of his last official “technical writings” railed against psychiatry. His unpublished writings are even more bizarre — the infamous rant about “Farsec” which was the planet where psychs originated and from where all the evil in the universe derives.
Let’s take a look at some of the very last things he wrote. Note there are now a lot of bulletins that have been issued with dates later than these, but almost all of those are either old things that someone found and decided to publish or “compilations” of things he had said should be published and they stuck a later date on it when they got around to the compilation.
He became more and more convinced that his failures and the failures of scientology were a direct result of psychiatry and its influence on the governments of the world. Every cult has to have a boogeyman, and Hubbard made it very clear that the evil seeking to destroy scientology was psychiatry. They were a good choice. Plenty of barbaric practices in their past, and a lot of mystery surrounding their practices. Perfect raw material to convert into the ultimate “suppressives on the whole track.”
In a 29 Nov 1981 bulletin titled DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY COMPARED TO 19TH CENTURY PRACTICES he said the following:
A comparison between Dianetics and Scientology and psychology and psychiatry is nonsense.
The two 19th century subjects, psychology and psychiatry, do not achieve ANY good results. On the contrary they are destructive beyond belief. They make crackpots, sexpots and vegetables when they do not outright kill.
The greatest crime of our times is the use of psychology and psychiatry to teach little children in schools with them and manufacture crime and a whole world of immorality and unhappiness.
The character of the Governments themselves is established by their tolerance and use of psychology and psychiatry. In no human race of any civilized repute has any law condoned broad mayhem and murder of their populations. Yet under modern governments psychology and psychiatry not only have carte blanche but also get insistence on their use.
Murderers flock to murderers according to old sages. The governments only smile at the brand of Cain upon their heads.
Is this a civilized world we’re living in?
I’m afraid it only will be when Dianetics and Scientology can bring wisdom enough to Man to blunt his furious efforts to do himself in.
So laugh in people’s faces if they compare Dianetics and Scientology to the “orthodox mental subjects.” They are insulting you.
It’s the classic good vs. evil. And we are the only hope to vanquish this scourge.
And the trend continued. This excerpt is from 26 APRIL 1982, THE CRIMINAL MIND AND THE PSYCHS.
So let us look at psychs again—what they call “treatment” is a suppression (by shocks, drugs, etc.) of the ability to think. They are not honest enough, these psychs, being just dramatizing psychotics themselves for the most part, to publish the fact that all their “treatments” (mayhem really when it is not murder) make people more stupid.
These actions of shock and crazy evaluative counselling etc. lower IQ like an express elevator going down to the basement.
They do not tell legislators this or put it in their books. This is why they say “no one can change IQ.” They are hiding the fact that they ruin it.
So the psych in prisons is engaging in an action (shocking or whatever) that makes people who are already criminal even stupider.
Although they obviously tell their victims to go out and commit more crimes (the psychoanalyst urged wives to commit adultery for instance), they would not have to do this at all to manufacture more crime.
Their “treatments” make the criminals more stupid. The stupid commit more crimes.
It is pretty simple, really, when you look at it.
Why does the state support psychiatrists and psychologists? Because the state is stupid? Or does it want more citizens robbed and killed? It’s one or the other. Take your choice.
A week or so later, on 6 May 1982, THE CAUSE OF CRIME.
They say poverty makes crime. They say if one improved education there would be less crime. They say if one cured the lot of the underprivileged one would have solved crime.
All these “remedies” have proven blatantly false.
In very poor countries there is little crime. The «improving» education, it was tailored to «social reform,» not teaching skills. And it is a total failure. The fact that rewarding the underprivileged has simply wrecked schools and neighborhoods and cost billions is missing.
So who is “they”? The psychologist and psychiatrist of course. These were their crackpot remedies for crime. And it’s wrecked a civilization.
So what IS the cause of crime? The treatment of course! Electric shocks, behavior modification, abuse of the soul. These are the causes of crime. There would be no criminals at all if the psychs had not begun to oppress beings into vengeance against society.
There’s only one remedy for crime—get rid of the psychs! They are causing it!
Ah yes, it’s true on cases and cases of research on criminals. And what’s it all go back to? The psychs!
Their brutality and heartlessness is renowned.
The data is rolling in. Any more you pick up off a criminal or anyone, send it in.
On crime we have an epidemic running on this planet. The wrong causes psychs assign for crime plus their own “treatments” make them a deadly virus.
The psychs should not be let to get away with “treatment” which amounts to criminal acts, mayhem and murder. They are not above the law. In fact there are no laws at all which protect them for what sane society would sanction crime against its citizens even as science? They should be handled like any other criminals. They are at best dramatizing psychotics and dangerous, but more dangerous to society at large than the psychotics they keep in their offices and looney bins because they lie and are treacherous. Why the government funds them I do not know. They are the last ones that should be let loose to handle children.
And he wrapped it up with this one. Almost the last issue in the Tech Vols is HCO Bulletin of 26 AUGUST 1982 PAIN AND SEX which contains this “important discovery”:
Go into an asylum or a prison and look at the increasing institutional population and know what you are looking at. In the main, there are pain and sex addicts, decadent and degraded and no longer capable.
They were sent on that route down through the ages by the psychs and here they are still in the psych’s hands! And do they get well or go straight? Oh no. Whether in prisons or insane asylums they just get worse. And the psychs in both places rub their bloodied hands as they turn their products loose again upon the remaining population! It’s no accident. And the stocks- in-trade of psychs are PAIN and SEX.
They will even tell you it’s “natural” to steal!
To compound their felony—if that is possible—they tell you it’s the body doing it.
Another crashing big false datum on top of all their other lies. These are data which emerged from recent thorough research of the whole track. This is not theory or some strange opinion. It is provable electronic fact.
The waves are just synthesized. They are the most used tools in the campaign against beings in furthering the general goal of those creatures whose sole ambition is destruction. The universe does not happen to be either destructive or chaotic except as such obsessed creeps make it. Statements it is otherwise are just more false data from the same suspect “authorities”. It fits their purposes to make seem natural what they make artificially. The universe only seems that way to a being because such loathsome psychotics make it seem so. They destroyed every great civilization to date and are hard at work on this one.
Increasingly at the end of his life, Hubbard resorted to explaining his strange opinions were not in fact strange. They “emerged” from “whole track research.” In this case, “provable electronic fact” (whatever that means). I wonder what provable electronic fact he is referring to? His claim that psychs say it is “natural to steal”? That insane asylums are full of “pain and sex addicts”?
It got to the point where this was his version of “God spoke to me.” Or the Angel Marconi appeared before me… His “whole track research” consisted of him coming up with “strange opinions” and then declaring “this is what really happened 64 quidzillion years ago” and hey presto, it’s “whole track research.”
If you doubt his obsession with psychiatry, pain and sex at the end of his life, all you need do is read a few pages of the 10 volumes of Mission Earth. It is absolutely off the charts lunacy. But no scientologist who wanted to remain in good standing ever questioned out loud. Though every one of them when they read it, thought “OMG, what IS this?” They put it down, like I did at the time, to Ron writing about his experiences from the whole track. He didn’t even need to say it…
That is the level of delusion.
This post details how sick Tubby was when he dove into complete seclusion after abandoning his “fabian” fantasies onboard his “fleet”. In fact, while he was on the “Apollo”, he never had been so easily located; just ask the port captains he aggravated, the ones who regularly threw the PITA crew out, sometimes with backing of an warship, they were SO anti-social. It’s no wonder he ran out of harbors he could hide in.
It sounds to me like Hubbard was just back to his paranoia of the early 1950s – quite possibly driven then by his use of drugs, including amphetamines, which he refers to in lectures – when he was writing letters to the the FBI that got him classified as a “mental” case, including claiming that people were trying to kill him in the middle of the night.
According to insider accounts, from the mid 1970s on, Scientology was suffering from the ebbing of the flood of young baby boomer “seekers” who had made easy pickings for body routing, and allowed the CofS to grow and make money in spite of heavy turnover. Even one of the more savvy mission holders reportedly figured out that they were facing a demographic problem and a shrinking market – professionals many sectors such as education and marketing also clearly recognized what was then known as the “baby bust,” and all sorts of institutions and groups were affected or even vanished. Hubbard apparently couldn’t be “reasonable” and recognize that the he was up against powerful external limitations (as Scientology is now with the pandemic) including changing interests and priorities as well, as hippies turned into yuppies
Peacemaker, he never did lose that paranoia, just focussed his energies at other “rants of that particular week”.
Should also mention that Nibs said Hubbard was obsessed with PDH at an early age. PDH in the sense of applying PDH Tech on himself to postulate OT powers.
$LRH applies clothing pins to nipples
$LRH pops a few bennies
$LRH presses play on his tape recorder
“ He became more and more convinced that his failures and the failures of scientology were a direct result of psychiatry and its influence on the governments of the world.”
This assumes we must take Hubbard at his word. A more likely reading is that Hubbard wanted his followers to believe psychiatry was to blame for all of his and his cults failures, which he would never call failures. Who knows if he ate the shit he was shoveling to the Cult. Once shit hit the fan, he made sure everyone else loyal to him sure did, and made it their life’s work to destroying these perceived enemies.
One thing is certain, Hubbard sure was full of shit.
SmershMerch, he merely blamed others for ALL his errors and shortcomings. Psychs were just a handy any-day excuse, the “who” who keeps on giving.
He did. He may not have actually believed any of the whole track evil psychs horseshit he wrote volumes about. Hubbard did want his cult to believe it was all the psychs fault, and had them attack them with all seriousness.
I remember when I just turned 20 and I joined the SO. There were some nice and free girls with whom I flirted as we normally do to see where we are as respective interests.
I received KR in no time for “2D flows”. In Hco they made me read precisely Pain and Sex. So I asked what I had to do. They told me that the best thing was to take one and marry her. But to be honest I didn’t understand, however, if I could have flirted a little or not to find one. What dramatizations.
Fascinating Series.
Would definitely love a podcast. Would tune in.
Have questions.
Keep up the great work and keep safe.
Trudy from 🇬🇧
It didn’t make sense that Hubbard would write the massive “Mission Earth” instead of working on the completion of the OT levels.
When I hinted at this at the time when the “Mission Earth” series was published one book after the other, I got some ‘answer’ with the meaning like this: He was writing it in the form of science fiction to reach many people (‘wogs’) and then get them interested in Scn.
Hubbard’s perverted mind-set was apparant, but nobody would dare to mention it, but it was spuriously depicted that it would be to restimulate the readers on some subconscious level (something like the volcano on the Dianetics book) to achieve interest via Hubbard’s ME into Scientology.
About how the writing and publishing of Hubbard’s masterwork really went down at the time: “L Ron Hubbard’s Ghost (Writer)”:
A writer does what they want to do.
Lame. You missed the point.
More on Ron the writer with his ghost writer and ME:
It never occurred to me that he should have been working on Scientology instead of a book. I guess I assumed that he had finished his research, a thought that would have been cemented when we got the famous briefing about just that, and he was off to Target Two.
I remember the reasoning that the book would stir people up and they would reach for Scientology.
Pluvo. I personally never met anybody who came in or got interested in SCN after having read one of his fictions book. Never.
These are not even books you’d like to advice to someone.
My personal idea is that he had under him an organization of people that would have push those books in the public hands over dead bodies just to make a lot of money.
If he wouldn’t had such organization I believe that people would have been hardly interested in buying ten books full of crap.
Or if any publishing company would give it a minute of attention.
Pluvo, isn’t “battlefield Earth” the completion ov the OT levels?
“It didn’t make sense that Hubbard would write the massive “Mission Earth” instead of working on the completion of the OT levels.
Having read the existing OT levels — I forget where I grabbed a copy from — there’s nothing to “complete”. Just like the “Clear cog” was that it was all mocked up, OT VIII teaches us that all we did prior to that point wasn’t “us” or anything else approaching reality. ‘Twas all fantasy, either ours, or, in the case of III, Ron’s fantasy enforced on all who got to that point.
My last post was lost in cyberspace. I will send a brief summary.
Hubbard is wrong when he attributes all evil to psychiatrists. Twelve years ago my daughter
requested a visit with a “shrink” because she was having problems. He prescribed a medication
which worked so well I asked my daughter to tell me about it. She was on the pill for less than 30 days.
She told me that after taking the pills, she could see her problems “clearly”. She said that the pills put
her at a high point from which she could solve what was bothering her.
If I was in Scientology, it would have cost me $100,000 for useless auditing and she never would have
Wow George.
Sounds like your daughter got the End Phenomenon promised on one of the grades. That one is supposed to make one able to spot the source of problems and make them vanish. Idiots like myself paid huge sums and got nothing. Your daughter got that EP for the price of a few pills and a Dr visit. AND, likely got it all paid for by some insurance policy.
Good point. I did not make the connection to the Grades. It was covered under Insurance as well.
It seems to me that Hubbard tried to get everything down as caused by one simple point.
Engrams, Implant, Psychs, SP’s etc. I wish I remember the name of the pill. But I checked later and found out that in general it works on Depression.
After I rejected Scientology, I became open to psychology and psychiatry, and even the medical profession. I don’t discount anything. I would consider anything.
I’ve been seeing a psychologist for two years and she’s been very beneficial. In my very first session, I told her that I was an ex-Scientologist, and that they consider psychologists and psychiatrists to be the true evil of the world. I told her that Scientology will come up all the time. She had never met a Scientologist, and it didn’t surprise me.
George M White said, in part:
“Hubbard is wrong…”
You could have stopped writing right there and stated the full and complete truth of the matter.
What a shame! LRH turned out to be so obviously insane, yet so many (like me) have fallen for his promises of super powers (for the lack of better words).
It’s sad and shows how much people would like to be at cause over a universe that effects us so much, and what realities and knowledge we can suspend in an attempt to attain that goal by following the path of another false prophet (as they all appear to be)!
Great article Mike.
In fact, I remember on Mission Earth a guy who had sex with every dead person who happened to hit him and everything was described in a very explicit way.
Also this guy appeared several times in the saga.
Sex with the dead?
I had never remotely heard of it before.
Crazy stuff to publish and wasn’t even funny.
It’s called NECROPHILIA……..
I had a neighbor who in his mid 30’s decided on a career change & he began mortuary school. His assigned “study buddy” was a guy who began to creep him out after a few weeks of studying & working together.
This other guy was discharged from the school for remarks & his over excited interest & obsession with what it would be like “to have sex with a corpse”….sickening.
My neighbor became a very successful Mortician…he’s retired a few years now, but he still remembers this dude who was just plan weird.
Ballet Lady. Thank you. Yes necrophilia…. So sick.
Your neighbor must have considered that guy a bit weird. Lol.
I don’t know why hubbard came up with that character. Maybe to blame psyches or to be funny but my initial interest for that saga went really down.
Yes, Richie is and always will be a good friend & mortician. He took care of the services for two family member & several older friends & acquaintances…..did beautiful work.
He always had a dry sense of humor, like my own, so we got along very well. He was very caring, loving, kind, & knowledgeable & NEVER screwed a family over when it came to burial preparation & needs.
One of my friends back then had a son who was just out of the Navy & interested in becoming a Mortician (kid had a wicked sense of humor, down to earth, funny) so we were surprised by his choice. I mentioned that kid’s interest in mortuary work & Richie said to me “Hey, bring him over Sunday afternoon, I’m free”……….Well, Richie showed him around & took him in “the back room”…..where “the preps are done”….. After seeing all the “equipment”…the kid changed his mind in one quick hurry…….
Richie’s response “Well there goes another one”………………..people think this is easy…they have NO IDEA of the emotional & physical trauma WE FEE:”
Yes, he said he had to take a few steps back with “that dude”…Richie said that dude was the stuff nightmares are bad out of”.
As a “Sci Fi” writer, what ELSE would we expect to come out of Hubbard’s mind…’s so sad he invented a religion that destroyed so many people & families.
Take care LMR…you ARE a dear friend Too!
Ballet Lady. Thanks for this funny story. I guess why the boy changed his mind. Really funny.
Just the fact of having to clean and dress the cold and rigid body of a deceased requires a lot of stomach.
Hubbard as a ‘great writer’ exists only in the cult PR. Outside you don’t find it mentioned for free anywhere. It is forgotten.
He just created a money-making machine that exploits people. But this will change soon.
I also consider you a great and important friend. Thanks and take care.
Thank you LMY! Yes, the young man Bobby was a really great guy, a BIG guy, but a softy….once he saw “the tools of the trade”…..he opted out for something else.
My friend Richie (the mortician) in his early 40’s developed a cancerous tumor in his neck, only through wonderful medical care did he survive. He was married and had five kids…he LIVED for them. He’s in his 70’s now, retired, husband/father/grandpa/great grandpa. Sold his mortuary site (which carried his last name)….New owner changed the name & it’s still doing well. ….people still ASK about him.
Hubbard had one fantastic idea to “create a religion” to make himself & his legion of minions millions….at the cost of ruining many lives & families, nothing sadder than that.
You often times reap what you sow, Karma comes to bite you in the behind…seems like the “end of his life” was not a pleasant one. I often times reflect upon those sad stories on the Aftermath & so many BRAVE people who told their OWN horror stories.
I come here often to learn more details & to see hopefully how everyone is doing so much better. My heart ACHES for the disconnection policy for those who would WANT to have their family members part of their lives…..WHY WHY WHY?
Of course the answer is because “the outsiders, the wogs, the S.P.’s might just CONVINCE a “still in” to wake up & leave…….so so so sad.
For everyone, I pray that what has been TAKEN FROM YOU be returned & the sooner the better. Good friend, take care, hold those you have around you close to your heart! Stay well & most of all BE HAPPY!!!!…that is the BEST revenge!
Ballet Lady. I am really happy for your friend. He must be a really good person.
Hubbard had an immense ego. The contradiction is that when you increase your spiritual consciousness your ego should disappear as it is a reflection of your experiences and therefore what you identify with (but you are not). And becoming aware then you are more yourself in the present.
But in my opinion he wasn’t. Otherwise things would have been said and done in different ways.
Disconnection has a strong hold because in SCN you “learn” that you are a thetan that has always existed and that parents are actually only bodies inhabited by other beings. But my dear friend, even if it were so, to love someone does NOT require “logical” reasoning. Loving is natural. SCN is NOT natural.
Take care!
Hubbard’s obsession with PR was also obvious from the mission Earth series. Remember J. Walter Madison?
True. I had forgotten the PR aspect.
Hubbard was NOTHING but empty PR, when you get right down to it.
Excellent post.
I suspect that Hubbard was institutionalized sometime in the late 1930’s-early 1940’s.
There are a few hints in his lectures and in the private papers. He may have even had electroshock.
His hatred of psychiatry may have been triggered by that.
Nomnom. Damn! If so, besides being motivated by a personal hatred towards psychiatry (I speak of LRH), I followed and listened to an illegal pc! Good that I left.
LMR, it’s ALL good that you left. AFAICT, twas’t nothing but a cult of personality, by any measure.
Hubbard was definitely at a psychiatric hospital in Georgia over the war. He claimed in lectures that he was working there, but if I recall there was some account that his parents had been seeking psychiatric treatment for him, so it may well be that he was spinning a stint as a patient.
ETA: s/b “after the war” – that was also around the time Hubbard sent a rather pitiful letter to the VA begging for psychiatric treatment:
Note that he also admits to having been put on “certain medication” – the nature of which he apparently wants to avoid elaborating.
“It is pretty simple, really, when you look at it.” Yes it is simple, the Hubster was seriously out of touch with reality.
His blaming the psychs from Farsec was a delusion built out of EE Doc Smith’s Lensman series. The good non-corporal beings, the Arishians (or something like that) were eternally battling some other non-corporal beings (like the Vorlons and Shadows in Babylon 5) who were fighting over the corporal universe. All of Doc Smith’s Lensman stuff was written in the 1930’s and Lron consciously copied Doc Smith’s writting style.
And then near the end of his life, Lron retreated to his twenties and entered his delusion. Yeah Psychs from Farsec did all the bad stuff. Ir wasn’t me. Said every 3 year old.
Having stories about protagonists and antagonists is how you keep interest up. Hell, that stuff goes back to Greece and way back to the times people first developed language. Tell me Lron, which vowel did you invent?
“L. Ron Hubbard” has a trademark, like anyone would even wish to violate that. “LRH” has a trademark.
Imagine a band calling themselves
“The LRH’s”
Someone would notice and tell them to cease, etc.
Then they should change their band name to
“Xenu’s Body-Thetans”
O/T. Scientology Youth For Human Rights Award Winner Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam is banned from posting on Facebook for 60 days because he posted an interview with anti-vaccine and Coronavirus conspiracy theorist Dr. Judy Mikovits that was in violation of Facebook’s Community Guidelines. Two images.
Story tweeted:
ESMB Redux post:
Tweet with typo corrected:
I hope you are not extolling Facebook’s posting guidelines as being fairly applied rather than politically-motivated censorship in many instances.
After yesterday’s talk of gentle spirituality and mothers’ love, today is classic Hubbard fire and brimstone.
That he conflates psychology and psychiatry shows how little he knows of either.
reading anything he wrote about anything you know a little about shows that he knew NOTHING about what he wrote, most times. It was, at best, his paranoia and egotism being sprayed randomly into the cosmos. To somewhat obfuscate his ignorance, he intentionally used big, important-sounding words thrown randomly about to make his writing seem more intelligent, then blamed you, the reader, for not making a 5-star gourmet meal out of the word salad he served up.
Mike, excellent article. In particular neutering of scientologist from 1982 on was directly related to the bulletin PAIN AND SEX. And it gave the repressed already mixed up SO executives and ethics officers a chance to impose more control on both staff and members. Now they could impose endless security checks to find “sexual overts and perversions”. After all with Hubbards new disdain for sex, a good scientologist could not actual like sex!
Here is a quote from the bulletin that shows just how insane Hubbard was. I suspect when he wrote it in 1982 he was completely impotent with all the drugs he was taking.
“When sex enters the scene a being fixates and loses power. Destructive creatures who do not want people big or reaching—since they are terrified of punishment due to their crimes—invented pain and sex to shrink people and cut their alertness, knowingness, power and reach.”
So now if you have sexual feelings you need lots of auditing to stamp them out. I noticed as I was leaving the cult just how sterile and cold the women were. The reason normal people feel uncomfortable around Scientologists is not just the their weird staring TRs habit. It is how inhuman and sexless Scientologists have become. As for Scientology men, they are creepy because the can’t stop sexual feelings very easily.
A word to those thinking about getting into Scientology or those who subscribe to Hubbard as a brilliant philosopher and spiritual researcher. He was truly nuts.
SEX IS BAD became his mantra. It became a wonderful control mechanism for the organization. No retracting that now. Interesting that David Miscavige removed the Tech Volumes. Just to many contradictions and crazy s—t like Sex And Pain in those volumes.
In my experience, the women of scn were cold and sterile before the ’82 issue. Part of what drove me crazy was that, and much of my overwhelming joy upon leaving and re-establishing a saner balance was that *real* women were much warmer and welcoming.
Yes, I think you’re right. The new bulletin just made it worse.
Someone I know who is UTR told me that Flog is (read: was) full of female Scientologists “of a certain age” hunting for a well off marriageable male Scientologist who would/could pay for their play. Now, there’s nothing essentially new in this basic concept except that these women flocking back in the day to Flog had their own twist to the age old marital quid pro quo, i.e., “pay for my Bridge and I’m yours”. He said they’d tart themselves up with major make up, big hair and glittery tops and were quite aggressive when spotting live prey. My friend said they were encouraged in these stratagems by the Flog staff and indeed were reg’ged to come to Flog with the concept that they’d meet a rich guy who’d pay for their Bridge. Well, Lorelei Lee had her thing – d diamonds; for these women it was, “Pay for my Bridge, and I’m yours, Big Boy”. Pretty cold, huh? And it worked both ways. Another friend, a woman I know who is UTR and very well off, was hit on many times at Flog by unemployed male Scientologists looking for lonely, wealthy female clams on the prowl for THEIR future meal ticket and rocket ride to Native State 🙂
So now the reges are getting into the Pimping business.
I’m curious what will come next. To what lengths will they go to keep the cash coming in?
Can we expect them to run through the entire criminal gambit? Gosh! i would hate to give them any ideas. But will they next start some kind of gambling app where suckers come and get hosed?
After gambling, organized crime usually goes after extortion crimes next.
I’d like to see just how far they will go before the entire lot of these scumbags get arrested and then try to worm out of their charges using a shield of religiouss exemption?
When it comes to this gang, I suppose there is just no limit to their depravity. As our civilization continues to deteriorate look to this scam to head up the forefront while we all go to Hell in handbaskets.
Hmmm … I suppose they will also get into the business of having their slaves make handbaskets so they can sell them to the suckers?
Well, Skyler I think that Flag’s Sea Org staff have been in the pimping business for quite some time, based on the stories my UTR female friend has shared with me. She is a professional woman but independently wealthy via family money. Divorced with no children, for a while back in the day she very much wanted to remarry and she wanted a Scientologist. Many times was she regged to go to Flag with the promise of meeting someone. What invariably happened was that she was surrounded by men of all ages of no prospects whatsoever looking for a lonely, single wealthy female Scientologist to support them and pay for THEIR Bridge. She could tell they were after money because they weren’t very subtle. And she was attractive, too. Striking looks. But they wouldn’t have cared if she was a beachball with arms. They were after money, it was obvious. Later she realized that the Flag registrars were using HER specifically to get these guys to come! Just as they would entice single female Scientologists to come to Flog to meet their Sugar Daddies, using the same ploy, they were enticing male Scientologists to come! Urging them to do whatever it would take to scrounge the money together to come to Flog and connect with a Sugar Mama! Although when regging my friend they didn’t lure her with the promise of meeting a wealthy man. She didn’t need money. She had money. She paid for her own Bridge. She wanted love, closeness, children, the whole nine yards. She was still young enough back then to have children. She wanted the whole dream and she wanted it with a Scientologist. Knowing this, they regged her by saying she would meet someone whom she could truly love and relate to mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually IN Scientology. Oh, boy did they press this button with her, over and over! Disgusting. Disgusting people, those Flag registrars. Pimping? Those lowlifes
had the pimping concept totally down.
There was plenty of free love going on in the 1970s. The Pill plus make love not war, baby. haha
Other than the usual squabbles between couples which landed in Ethics nobody cared. Hubbard would have lost half of his customers back then if he tried to impose sex restrictions.
Richard, to hell with Free Love; I am for sale; pay in full and in advance for my Bridge To Total Freedom and I am your slave, its that simple 🙂
Ms. Aquamarine – Cheesecake photo required before commitment.
Done, Sir 🙂
Look me up on “Silver Dating”. Or is it “Silver Sneakers” ? – I’m confuzed.
“Silver sneakers” 🙂
I only rewrote a sketch.
Yes, if one reads Mission Earth one will be able to see Hubtard’s two largest personal fixations. Accumulation of wealth and having sex with teenage girls. Hubtard projects (“Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings.”) his own desires onto the main antagonist in the story.
I found “Mission Earth” to be wildly sexy, and it was uncomfortable for my teenage mind to comprehend how this saviour of mankind would write this. Was I supposed to be turned on? Because I was. I reasoned that he was trying to make man confront the depravity of the world. It never occurred to me that he was going crazy.
Now that you put it that way, I guess Fishman’s tome makes more ‘sense’: He merely was channelling his “inner Tubby”.
“Accumulation of wealth and having sex with teenage girls.”
This begs the question: Why didn’t Jeffrey Epstein start a religion when he had the chance?
I replied Aqua but my answer was NSFW
Yeah, you’re right. Gotta be careful of accusing people of murder and pedophilia Win.
A coroner who examined all the evidence already said it was murder not suicide. The evidence on the pedo side is very high. High enough that prosecution was already started…
But it’s your site and you have to set the bar according to your judgement not mine. I just go with what is legally able to be printed
Oh I had not seen anything that named those people as either murderers or “pedos”? Epstein might have been murdered and a pedophile… but don’t know about the others.
The coroner ruled Epstein’s death a suicide. A controversial forensic expert-for-hire, brought in by Epstein’s estate and beneficiaries who have a huge financial interest in fending off lawsuits and claims that Epstein killed himself to avoid responsibility, provided an opinion that the death could be considered “more consistent with ligature homicidal strangulation” – hardly conclusive, regardless.
NYC medical examiner rejects claim that Jeffrey Epstein’s death was a homicide
He “was awaiting trial on federal charges accusing him of sexually abusing underage girls and running a sex trafficking ring” – and there was indeed plenty of damning evidence for that.
Nothing “controversial” about an experienced coroner who has much experience with suicides ruling this a homicide. PeaceMaker.
The ONLY controversy about this incident is that the dedicated guard posted to PREVENT such a murder was removed from the area immediately prior to the “suicide” (NO EXPLANATION) and 24/7 cameras to protect from same threat were TUNED OFF during the time of the “suicide” without explanation. AND other prisoners testified that they heard a multi-person struggle in the cell when the “suicide” occurred.
Only those with room temp IQ’s cannot figure this out.
Wyn, my friend, no worries, I got your reply even though it didn’t make it onto the blog. Which triggered a polite and respectful counterpunch I was all set to post to you. Which you would have hated 🙂 Pot-stirring stuff, Wynski 🙂 We have to control ourselves 🙂
Thank Aqua. Don’t worry nothing you could post politically would make me think badly of you as a person. I was trained old school where differences of political opinion didn’t effect relationships. Probably the best model of this was the British House of Commons of old (pre-1930’s).
Got it on everything. Whew! Good to know. Perfect example you furnished of civilized, analytical debate! Yes, I was brought up the same way. But nowadays I find myself treading very carefully, no matter if I am “armed” with verifiable facts. So many people either flip out and get very upset, or close off altogether and refuse to discuss if there is any disagreement.
I grew up with my parents having spirited discussions and debates over their martini before dinner. They could and sometimes did go at each other hammer and tongs but there was no disrespect, no insults were hurled. There were plenty of “May I point out to you that…”s if they happened to be disagreeing about something or someone, but it never got ugly. I was allowed to contribute but I got plenty of “And who told you that?”s …”And where did you read that?” You had to back up what you said, they taught me. But no matter how heated the subject of debate, once dinner was on the table, that was it! A consensus of opinion may or may not have been reached but no matter, the subject got shelved, possibly to be taken up the next evening, possibly not. Benign conversation at the dinner table. Those 2. Talk about being able to compartmentalize! They were something, those 2. I was lucky to have them for a brief time.
I’m no fan of lobotomies, electroshock or overmedication with psychiatric drugs. But Hubbard was writing long after the awful lobotomy trend and before the use of drugs had mostly replaced counseling and psychotherapy, and ECT isn’t a required part of training even for psychiatrists. The only way he could have made such outlandish claims was to have literally no idea whatsover what psychology was. Yet we know he read some of the early writings on psychology before writing Dianetics and even re-purposed and distorted a few of their discoveries. I guess I’m just flabbergasted by Hubbard’s level of delusion and how he could maintain it. He knew at one time that he was lying, because he knew that was not what all psychology was, and yet he convinced himself of his lies so completely that he became completely deranged by them. It’s frightening, especially when you consider people with similar disorders who have even more power.
Psychiatry is a science, and thus subject to change, so older techniques were dropped when the data said they were harmful. This is how science works.
No, it isn’t a science. A science researches and tests until it finds an answer that is correct. THEN it implements that. An ART (which is Psychiatry) TRIES things out on paying customers that may or may not work.
Engineers (who apply SCIENCE) don’t try different types of bridges out on the public seeing if they stay up and even keep building ones that fall down. I’m afraid you don’t know what science is.
O/T – Jerry Stiller, who worked with Leah on ‘King of Queens’ has passed away.
Sad. I loved Jerry Stiller.