As the time for the first episode of Leah Remini’s new show draws near, you can see the panic inside the bubble seeping out into the real world.
OSA has put their shills to work, spreading “good news”. Unfortunately they don’t have anything better than an old court case in Belgium from March. They plastered this everywhere at the time as if it was a massive “victory for religious freedom” – in fact it was a repudiation of prosecutorial incompetence. Now they are dusting off this old news and sending it out again. You may wonder what they think this will accomplish?
It’s POLICY. Fill the vacuum with good news. And they don’t have much.
They want to try and pre-empt Leah’s show with evidence that scientology is “winning” and “gaining more acceptance than ever in history” etc etc without mentioning Leah specifically. This will then “prove” that Leah (and me and anyone else on the show) are “screaming” because scientology is expanding so much. That is what L. Ron Hubbard says so it is true.
In fact, here is L. Ron Hubbard’s exact unalterable truth:
Thus the theory goes that in the unthinking minds of scientologists, because they are winning it follows that anyone saying anything negative is a “squirrel” which means they “can’t view other people helping others without going berserk.”
So to the true-believer scientologist, Leah Remini, me, Amy Scobee and all the rest are now “berserk” and therefore must be ignored. Who in their right mind would listen to a madman? No good scientologist of course – unless he was the leader of scientology.
Shameless Plug
A&E are advertising on Google. Oddly, they mention me before Leah in the blurb, though obviously her name is what catches your eye at the top. But this is my first tv credit.
Don’t miss this first episode. It is riveting.
For those without a TV, A&E is available for free sign-up on one’s computer.
Thank you!
Happy Thanksgiving Mike & family!
Can hardly wait to see it!
This is great stuff!
“…and all the rest are now “berserk” and therefore must be ignored. Who in their right mind would listen to a madman? No good scientologist of course – unless he was the leader of scientology.” Spot on, Mike!
F Scott Fitzgerald said “There are no second acts in American lives” but Mike Rinder, Chris Shelton and others who spent decades in the Scientology cult are now doing well on the outside. You guys proved F. Scott Fitzgerald wrong.
$camology: the ferocious slavering attack dog that once had the media cowering is fast becoming a whining toothless husk that only seems to garner derision and should be put out of its misery.
So well put, Kronomex.
Way to go, Mike!
I am very much looking forward to seeing you on TV again.
MIKE RINDER ON TV is definitely a product that DM is trying to make sure does not happen!
You did fantastic on “The Kelly File” on Fox a couple of years ago, and I can’t wait to see what you do on Leah’s show.
It’s really great to have the former head of the Office of Special Affairs on TV talking about the abuses that the Church of Scientology commits on former members – and especially on critics of Scientology.
I giggle with glee every time I think about it.
By the way, here’s Mike on The Kelly File:
Holy shit, I hadn’t seen that clip. Rinder is telegenic, articulate, and relatable.
Thanks for the link.Marvellous interview.Straightforward,balanced,catching and credible.
Powerfull antidote for wining,hyperbole,goon squads and Shermanspeech.
Giggle with glee, indeed! What a devilish delight that David Miscavige’s former punching bag is on prime time television with an A-list star detailing the villainy and lies Miscavige does NOT want openly discussed. Charles Dickens himself has never told a better tale of comeuppance than this! This is what is meant by revenge being a dish best served COLD!
Agreed Alonzo.
Reminds me of the basket of Hystericals attacking the Deplorables, insanity at its best.
For far too many the true evil of the cherch’s policy of coerced disconnection only becomes real when it happens to them. Let’s hope that you’re never put in that position to learn the truth in that way.
Well, we actually go berserk because the Church is not helping the community, its parishioners and staff, It has been, and is still a scam which reached ‘monumental’ proportions of disaster with miscavige at the helm.
And you are right Mike, there is nothing good for them to promote, in fact the bad PR for Scientology has an up trending statistic!
We are more than ready to watch the program.
You just crossed a girl named Remini
And suddenly that name
Will never be the same
You slandered a girl named Remini
And suddenly you found
How horrible a sound
Can be
Say it loud and there’s OSA wailing
Say it soft and you’ll hear lawyer’s preying
He’ll never stop cursing Remini
The most horrible sound Dave ever heard
OUtstanding, Mephisto. Parody Perfection!
Thanks Aqua. Dave is a seemingly inexhaustible source of good material.
The squirrels are screaming because scientology is winning! And when scientology screams it’s because…the squirrels are winning? Does Hubbard’s Law work both ways?
Tony Ortega’s blog has informed us of the outlandish screeds noted David Miscavige alter ego, Karin Pouw, has sent to the A&E executives. They are 1. nasty and 2. LENGTHY. Somebody is screaming like an hysterical two year-old and we all know who it is.
Scientology legal counsel, Gary Soter, is now pulled in to Miscavige’s childish fray as Leah demands a million and a half dollars to assuage her traumatized psyche (she knows how to turn tables and play cat to Miscavige’s mouse!). Mr. Soter calls the demand, “ludicrous”.
Poor Mr. Soter, but that’s what he signed up for when he sold his soul to the devil. ‘Ludicrous’ is when a grown man, David Miscavige for instance, writes an eight page letter full of below-the-belt insults to TV show executives that they will, for reasons miraculous, cancel a ‘done deal’ show which promises to garner immense viewership!
That constitutes “screaming” by all standards of international law. As does “Fair Game” policy. As do character assassination videos. Those are examples of scientology screaming and independent studies show they appear when the squirrels appear to be winning. My conclusion is Hubbard’s “Screaming Squirrel Doctrine” has only limited application and cannot at this time be considered a natural law.
Every time Hubbard makes some great law about human behavior that doesn’t make any sense to anyone not high on Ron-aid, hold a mirror in front of him and you’ll know exactly, specifically who it applies to.
Like all narcissists, Ron was an expert in the childish art of projection.
So in this case, if Ron is screaming, it means the “squirrels” (I never understood this rabid hatred and fear of squirrels – WTF ? Rats, cockroaches, ok, but squirrels ? It’s like being scared of fluffy bunnies) are winning. And it makes sense only in that direction, because most of us “squirrels” aren’t narcissists/Ron-clones.
The derogatory basis of the slang term “squirrel” has to do with that species of rodent’s fondness for nuts…as in, “These indie $cilons have gone completely nuts and are squirreling the tech like there was no tomorrow!”
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.
These Deluded Ones deserve everything they’re going to get. Let them swallow whole whatever they hear from OSA, their Dear Leader and from whomever or whatever they consider as On Source. Let them reject out of hand with no examination or analysis any other data from outside of these sources including what their own eyes and ears tell them. I’m done with compassion for these people. My personal censure and short circuiting mean nothing. Life inflicts cruel punishment on those who operate this way. And I don’t care anymore. I know that’s not the right attitude, but that’s where I am right now.
“Thus the theory goes that in the unthinking minds of scientologists, because they are winning ….”
What I read there at first glance was:
“Thus in the unthinking minds of Co$ members they are winning.”
(Honest – that was first went through my mind. The article says essentially the same thing, but the key differentiation is whether one is actually winning, and who the squirrels actually are.)
Is this really your first TV credit, Mike? I mean, I’ve seen you on various YouTube broadcasts, and I thought you had appeared in TV before. Do you mean TV credit as an actor?
Been on numerous TV shows, but never had promo that says “Featuring” or “starring” or anything
Time to put those other Aussies like Russell Crowe and Mel Gibson out to pasture.
Oh my! Russell Crowe is a Kiwi. Born in Wellington NZ. He just takes advantage of a better climate that’s all, and a passion for Aussie rugby league. Mel Gibson was born in New York. If I was to use Scientology on you – I have to say you’ve got MUs buddy!
Congrats to you too Mike Rinder! I think it’s terrific that you & Leah joined forces to make the new show. Kudos to you two. – T.J.
You’re going to give us autographs, right Mike?
Keep your TR’s in! (Ha, ha.)
Can’t wait, Mike! I’ll say it again as have many of us numerous times: Miscavige lost a great asset when he lost you. And if I had a lot of money, which I don’t, but if I did I’d bet it all on Miscavige’s frequent gnashing of teeth as he regrets not working things out with you and keeping you in the fold.
Leah Remini is a lovely, vivacious, smart and intelligent woman. WE LOVE LEAH!
Congratulations – Leah Remini has reached the status of….
“Patron Maximus with HONORS”
for her humanitarian efforts to EXPOSE THE TRUTH about Scientology.
She looks to be a shoo in to take this year’s Golden Xenu award for the best film or television show exposing the cherch’s crimes and human rights abuses! Steve Cannane should get the Xenu in the best book category for his very well-written and well-researched Fair Game, imo.
It’s been a horrible year of most other regards, but a banner year for exposing the cult and bringing pressure to bear on it end some of its most evil practices.
Leah Remini Fuck Yeah!
Oh, and as for “Featuring Mike Rinder:”
Mike Rinder Fuck Yeah!
Has anyone else noticed that Leah keeps appearing younger each time she is revealed? In these latest photos, she seems to have shed 10-15 years. Could shedding BS and entheta reverse the process?
I noticed that too. Either being out from under heavy suppression or surgery or both. Doesn’t matter, she looks wonderful.
OK, can we please think about what we say before we make insensitive and/or rude comments? There is absolutely no reason to speculate that someone has had surgery when there is no indication of that, and it just strikes me as a very negative comment. Why do people think it is ok to make personal comments about celebrities as if they are immune to hurtful remarks, or to comment about women’s looks in general, assessing them in minute detail with harsh remarks… as a female I resent that. Let’s please try to keep the focus on the awesome work Leah Remini is doing and steer clear of idle speculation and personal comments, ok? Thanks. I don’t think anyone meant to be malicious, but the fact is, this type of comment is unacceptable. Now, instead of trying to defend the remarks, use this as an opportunity to self-assess what you say and how you say it.
Even heroes have lice.
If your heroes have lice, I’d say they’re the kind of heroes who do not wash very often.
To each their own, I guess.
All the heroes I know don’t.
I love Leah Remini. 🙂 She’s amazing. I admire her honesty and bravery in speaking out. I respect her for what she’s doing, it shows a real caring for other people, so unselfish. I read her book “Troublemaker” and found out that she’s got a great sense of humor and is down-to-earth, she isn’t full of herself. Every time I hear Katy Perry singing “Roar” it brings back the memory of Leah dancing to that song on “Dancing with the Stars”. The dance routine was very original and creative, at the same time sending a clear message – she was a “puppet” in the beginning of the song, with someone pulling her strings, but midway through she breaks off and goes her own way on her own with no one controlling her. I am really looking forward to seeing the series. Love to Leah!
Love it! You’ll be listed in IMDB and, if I have any say in it, a Hollywood Blvd star too. Congrats!
A long time out of the crazyness friend sent me this happy little link this morning. From E-News. As busy as I was, I dropped everything and watched as Ellen De Generes interviewed Leah Remini about the show. I listened to the audience response to Leah and was delighted.
Take five here:
Leah Remini: Why I’m Fighting the Church of Scientology | E! News
I’m picturing viewing parties for across the world. Perhaps a drinking game or two, maybe someone can come up with a Scientology and the Aftermath Bingo. With words like Pope of Scientology, David Miscaviage, Suppressive Person, Disconnection, Forced Abortion, Human Trafficing, Lawless, Psuedo-religion. Who else has Bingo words for Leah’s Scientology viewing party?
What sort of prizes would we give out? Maybe Monopoly “get out of jail free” cards with the word jail scratched out and Scientology written in.
Does anyone have a link to that interview? I can’t find one.
Here is a link to the Ellen show on November 23, 2016, her guests were Mariah Carey and Leah Remini:
If you skip to 7:07, this is where Leah comes out. (you don’t have to watch the first half with Mariah Carey if you don’t have any interest).
For future reference, if you go to YouTube, and search for whatever you want to watch (I put in the words “Ellen Degeneres” and “Leah Remini”) you will most likely be able to find it. Another thing you can do is choose to sort by date (most recent videos first in this case) to get more relevant results.
Hope this helps! 🙂
– T.J.
Here is another link, to just Leah and Ellen…
Sorry if there are advertisements with the videos, I don’t see them because our household has “YouTube Red” which eliminates all ads, so I sometimes forget others may see ads with the videos. Again, hope this link helps.
Hey Dave…might be a good time to get Dingaling and the other tax attorneys warming up in the bullpen. Just ‘sayin.
Yes sir, signs of success indeed. So I was running this business and was having phenomenal success. To say that we were winning is an understatement. The number of complaints and reports to the Better Business Bureau only confirmed what we already knew. Yep, there’s nothing like screaming customers to indicate the high quality of services you’re delivering.
“Hey Lou, tell me again why I can’t beat the shit out of anybody I like again.”
“Because it’s bad for business Dave.”
“Oh….that’s right…I keep forgetting. Thanks Lou.”
I like the way the church states something to the effect of it being the same old bitter apostates who were kicked out years ago. I was “kicked out” in 2013 after 40 years with a ton of training and auditing and money given freely, and also fraudulently taken and extorted. The church just couldn’t squeeze any more out of me; so I got “kicked out.” My husband was “kicked out” in 2014 after 40 years and SOLELY because he would not divorce me.
Thank you for your role in the series. I look forward to seeing it.
Lastly: LEAH ROCKS! Not many that were part of this church and that have some clout are willing to risk their comforts in life And shine a light on the truth of its abusive activities and pain and agony it inflicts in order to bring an end to it and david miscavige’s reign of terror.
Dave has the ego of a top Philadelphia Victoria’s Secret’s franchise holder.
Ironic,since he is a Philly boy or from somewhere around those parts.
The first time I read your post, Alco, I misread it as Sillyboy! LOL
No problem there! My blogger name is based on my high school (Allegany High School. Class of 1984).
One of the least admirable qualities of scientology members is how they can fawn over someone one day and reject them as “berzerk” the next. Scientologists: the worst friends anyone could ever have.
True.But look at it from the viewpoint of the last remaining scientologist.The are being the most obedient kid in the class and like half their friends have been declared SP.And the org is empty.It goes two ways.
Hey David Miscavige….. you need to cancel this HCOB (HCOB 1 May 1958…” tell the complainees: come in, get clear” ) Since you take everything Hubbard said literally… and since you have Flag telling public to disconnect from the same air molecules that non-Scientologists breathe….this doesn’t fly with old Ron anymore does it?
Yesterday, L. Ron Hubbard set it down in clay
Know his policies will never change
Oh, I believe in yesterday
Suddenly, Leah’s bringing on the misery
There’s a shadow hanging over me
Oh, yesterday came suddenly
Why she had to blow, I just know, she pissed off Dave
She did something wrong, now I long for yesterday
Yesterday, Ms. Remini seemed to be okay
Now I wish that bitch would go away
Oh, I believe in yesterday
Good job Mephisto- I could even hear the tune in my head as I read it…
I really believe in yester-daze. Especially with what happened last night…
Is that why Mondaze is such a horrible day?
Yep! I always sleep in on Mondaze…-
Your first TV credits Mike. Congratulations. I can only imagine dear leader got a good dose of the warm & fuzzies when he read that!
Best of luck to you, the Scientology script really is starting to reverse flow. If you listen real close like, you can just make out the screams coming from Hemet.
So did Mike and others hold high offices in the Most Ethical Organization on the Planet for years when *the whole time* they were unable to “view other people helping others without going berserk,” or did Scientology make them that way?
Mike, you are now one of the Hollywood elite. The amount of celebrities who are out of Scientology far outweighs those that are still in.
Have you considered that Scientology through its blatant abuses, smear campaigns and criminal activities have created a group of well known and respected whistle blowers while turning their celebs into the equivalent of Nazi sympathizers a la those in France and other European countries in WW II.
It’s sad, as the bubble people blindly believe that everything is right in Whoville while in fact the tiny Grinch like dwarf continues to bleed his followers. It’s actually amazing that in the middle of a society that has access to almost infinite information the members are so brainwashed they literally cannot see 99% of what’s going on around them because they are hypnotized by Hubbardian claptrap.
Fortunately today, people who leave Scientology are greeted with open arms. I hope 2017 continues to be another banner year for exposing and further collapsing Davey and Hubbards Orwellian construct.
Mike congrats. I am looking forward to watching the series.
Mike, relax. You are “only” featured. Leah is starring! It’s gonna be okay. For everybody but Dave, I mean.
I saw a short preview, and it looks like one of my favorite authors on Scientology, Amy Scobee will appear, yay! Everyone should read her compelling true story in her book: “Scientology – Abuse at the Top”. I’ve got it in hardcover :-p available in kindle too. 🙂
It’s a double feature today, what with Tony Ortega’s “Before Leah Remini Burns it [scientology] to the Ground,” and Mike Rinder’s “Hurricane Leah”!
Fred G. Haseney
Ex-scientlogist (1977-2014)
Great news Mike. If you haven’t yet, apply for your SAG card.
Whoops, sorry ’bout that first sentence. I’ll fix.
Mike, get your squirrel, complaining ass in gear and get your SAG card! 🙂
I Love the Leah Salvo.And Mike your little blog on the fringes of the Internet,spread it’s wings & took off! Congratulations to you and your tremendous work.Hugs and more hugs?
If it’s true that “a culture is only as great as its dreams and it’s dreams are dreamed by artists,” then Leah is simply an artist dreaming of a culture without David Miscavige tearing apart families and harming people.
And doesn’t it seem that as Leah has more and more success, Dave screams louder and louder?
Isn’t it amazing how scientology can’t exist on its own merits. It needs disconnection in order to survive (and keep hidden its dirty deeds).
The void is not being filled by you. Go back to your bubble. ‘They’ will come and get you when the time comes.
And the sun never sets on Scientology – geezers, ain’t that the truth! They are being lit up like the proverbial Christmas Tree and Miscavige sits on top all lit up with flashing lights trying to hide.
Hide, can’t hide – DM’s breakfast shake.
Merry Christmas Dave – ML Leah & friends.
I have a bit of a different take on this: in order to accomplish the ‘scientology lobotomy’, study tech has to be altered or omitted so as to accomplish no need to think for your self. So Logic 8. “A datum can be evaluated only by a datum of comparable magnitude.” has to be relegated to the dust bin of time. Now, understand that ‘Logics’ apply to all universes, Axioms to only the physical universe. As per LRH in 1952.
And never mind the Data Series. Or what LRH had to say about religions and humanoid behavior back then. No, just keep buying those indulgences and sending $$ to “the pope”.
Enjoy your self-determinism and Freedoms of Choice this Holiday season.
I’ve always enjoyed a bottle-in-front-of-me, rather than a lobotomy.
And time for the sheeple to get a robotomy.
Crap! I guess the psychs must have gotten to me in my sleep state. I meant to say, a frontal lobotomy. I wonder why half my brain is missing…
hmmm at least 25% of mine is too, because I understood exactly what you were saying in your first post. lol. 🙂
You know me so well…
This particular policy letter about how “whenever we’re winning the squirrels start to scream” has always been interesting to me. It basically plays a key role in driving the organization off the rails because it blinds Scientologists to truth.
That’s because, in the face of this idea, you measure your success by what other people do — if the squirrels aren’t screaming, then you’re not doing something right. You forget all about measuring effectiveness by objective external criteria. Eventually, you start looking to other people for their reaction more than your own “what’s true is what’s true for you” self-determinism.
So if all the squirrels are shouting “stop, you’re going over a cliff!” what you have to do in this way of thinking is to step down harder on the gas pedal.
“The heart of Review is HUMILITY.” – HCO PL 17 FEBRUARY 1972,
It is noted that the very insane often attack anyone who seeks to help them.
This outpoint is very fundamental as an illogic and is very useful. Just ask Shelly……..oh wait, you can’t.
You’re making too much sense. Report to Ethics immediately.
That is all.
And if you make more dollars than cents report to the reg.
“You forget all about measuring effectiveness by objective external criteria.”
After viewing the Miscavige-narrated, 4-part Elron bio pic featured in Tony’s blog post today, I think it’s far more serious than mere forgetting; I’m certain that all these Good Scientologists have been given “forgetter” implants that cause them to go all spinny and their vision to blur whenever they come across that very clear and completely logical Elron policy letter concerning the two key stats to be used to measure $cn’s progress toward clearing the planet.
Since I escaped the cult years before lil davey the savage usurped control, I must have avoided being implanted because I can still very clearly remember that Elron designated the number of “well done auditing hours” and “auditor training course completions” as the two primary measures of $cn’s overall progress toward that “star-high goal.”
It must be some sort of evil psych plot to destroy $cn that involves lil davey and mass implantation because, otherwise, someone would surely have applied the data evaluator policy and realized that there was a massive, world-wide error of omitted data occurring here, in which these two key stats have not been reported for decades!
You can’t clear the planet if no auditing is occurring, and auditing can’t happen without training auditors, so HOW is it even possible that Good $cilons continue to fail to notice such an obvious, widespread and long continuing situation like this!? Imo, that could only be the result of some very serious mass implanting, probably occurring during the sec checking that has become so prevalent in $cn these days.
“It must be some sort of evil psych plot to destroy $cn that involves lil davey …..”
You can stop right there. Again, I have a different take. The worldwide protests by Anonymous vs Scn were a 4th dynamic rejection of Dave and his ‘faggotry’, pumping Tom Cruise as the most dedicated scngst’. ( How many WDAHS does he have in his career?), when in fact it was a smoke screen for his criminality. He should have gone to jail for the death of Lisa M. Same as the ‘Global Elite” bankers that got bailed out later that year. People just aren’t buying the bs any more from unaccountable twits. And props to Leah, for reminding us all that “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” I could go on, about how the 9th dynamic (Ethics) is senior to the lower 8, etc, but I have said enough.
I asked for my declare (and got it) right there in 2008. . Watching the comm-lag of the physical Universe has been somewhat entertaining since then, but exactly no one is achieving life changing case gain any more, apparently…..
Umm, I try to make my facetious,sarcastic and satirical comments as obvious as I can most of the time, but I’ve clearly failed in this particular instance.
There is NO evil psych plot; that’s just me satirizing these whacky $cilons and their close-to-crazy conspiracy theories.
There is a never ending confusion within the subject of Scientology of separating out the application of what piece of tech applies to what (dynamic) & when. It all blends and is more often than not selectively applied to make a point to whatever the agenda or mindset is at a particular point in time. I’m not saying the system is workable as clearly look at where the organisation ended up but unfortunately Scientologists are systematically processed to be weak of mind and cannot be cause over the differentiation of almost anything. They have to be told what to believe and do. In Hubbard’s attempt to give life it’s operating manual he created far too many opportunities to overwhelm the obvious.and went ahead and designed a tech to handle it. He out-created the hell out of it and in the end ruined anything good in it as two or people can argue forever with the amount of contradictions in reference to every conceivable scenario of human behavior. Of all the subjects ever conceived Scientology chases it’s own tail the most.
Maybe the whole thing is a pipe dream but I wish to hell he would have taken his own advice in 1965. imo it turned out he was the prime hypocrite by writing KSW1 & developing a military based system to govern it – it imploded everyone & everything! It gave rise to a dogmatic rank system where an asshole like Miscavige can rise to power, is nurtured and enhanced from within its own ranks. Scientology’s biggest threat was always from within.
JPC, very true. I have also thought of these types of policies as prophalytic measures designed to combat anyone who wasn’t thrilled with the results of Scientology and becomes a detractor, or people who percieve Scientology to be a money scheme, a cult, mind control, or whatever. It runs along the lines of “We’ll degrade you first before you degrade us” and of course, because Ron said it, or wrote it, its true.
Cannot wait! Now my friends and family will understand why it’s such a fascinating topic
How this organization runs in today’s world, blatantly abusing people and breaking the law….
Congratulations Leah and Mike, Amy, Mat, the Headleys, everyone who spoke out and was involved!
The Golden Age of SP’s (GASP) is truly upon us. Thank you Mike for all your work. And Dave you’re doing a great job, keep it up.