It seems Paul Clark is not the only one “spreading the flap” on the Razzline (see recent post “Don’t Freak Out”).
These guys just don’t seem able to restrain themselves.
By the time this program airs there won’t be anyone in the bubble that is not aware of it. And believe me, a lot of people will watch it out of curiosity even though they are warned not to do so. It has really been built up BIG TIME inside the church. Normally it is pretty easy for the run of the mill Kool Aid drinker to ignore anything that is in the media as merely being the rabid utterances of the “merchants of chaos”, and they think no more of it. But in this case, their own people KEEP bringing it up.
And the flap continues to spread, with a segment on NPR Sunday afternoon interviewing both Larry Wright and a bemused film critic who received one of the church’s loopy emails telling him he should be reporting “both sides of the story.” The NPR host and he sort of wondered what “both sides” of reviewing a film would be. And commented “I didnt MAKE the film, so why are they telling me I am biased, I simply watched what was on the screen.”
But more tellingly, his conclusion was that the email sent out to all the journalists that reviewed the film confirmed what they had seen on the screen. The church of scientology is a paranoid, controlling and creepy organization.
That’s some fine media handling — doing what David Miscavige does best — creating enemies at every turn.
And here is some more Razzline panic spreading. Way to go “razzies”/”razzerinos”/bubble dwellers/bubbleheads….
From: Xxxxx Xxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 9:19 AM
To: The Razzline Email Service
Subject: Freedom Mag Special Report
Hello Razzerinos, I don’t know how you deal with the tabloid-like “news” headlines that are sometimes hung out on the ‘net proclaiming this or that “revelation” about our church. I make it a point to never click through to read such an article, on that basis that an entheta line requires theta for its existence (I do not contribute my theta to it). Further, I choose not to support a media organization’s lack of integrity by reading its hallucinatory story.
So I see some weird headline and think, “What the what??” (I actually use a different word for the second “what”). I know it’s false or spun, ignore it and go on. But from time to time I do wonder, “How in the world did someone ever even come up with that, and who exactly was it?” It doesn’t hang me up, but some of them do get filed in the bullpen corner of my universe as a slight, dim, unimportant, almost-but-not-really mystery. 🙂
Well, my friends, Freedom Magazine has done a fabulous exposé on the history and sources behind a current
“What the what??” that also explains the true source of some of the other weird items that I know I have seen in the past. In its pages are fascinating histories of some of the “fallen,” write-ups some of them, in brief moments of clarity, have done, as well as affidavits, court record excerpts and other documentation that explain A LOT. Oh my gosh – A LOT!I spent the entire last evening reading this material (not finished yet) and cannot recommend it highly enough. It is here:
Thank you to Freedom Magazine, and I hope you enjoy this as I have.
This woman spent an entire evening reading “Freedom Mag”? I wonder how many points her IQ went down?
From: Xxxx Xxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 8:51 PM
Subject: Some “ammo” for FSM’s
Here’s the link:
Love it. Freedom “knocked it out of the ball park.”
I am willing to bet that if you put something on the Freedom website that said the Dalai Lama was a pedophile embezzler and Mother Teresa ran a gay porn production company they would “know” these were facts because “the church never lies and is the most ethical organization on earth.”
Call me bad, but I do enjoy a decent Miscavige-created clusterfuck. And this one’s a beauty!
When you read about what the “Church” is doing, it will only make sense once you cross over to the practicalities that DM must work with while running this failing religion. DM knows that the religion is doomed and it will get no new members because he knows that people are not stupid enough to fall for this crap any more. So his job is to keep the current membership geed up and enthusiastic so that they donate more. That way the Church has enough money to survive plus to keep him in luxury until the day he has to go live in Bulgravia and bribe the police.
I always feel a little gaggy when I see the term ‘selectee’ or better stated ‘your selectee’
Do this chosen people go about their events proudly with little name tags with,
Tim Lost
Bill Found’s selectee
It sort of has a veterinarian’s ring about it, like a pet obedience session or remember when you were really young at school, two captain’s picked their teams from a bunch of kids who had no idea how to play.
What a strange bunch of people Razzliners are, bonded with what again? Oh yeah – Panic!
The kook-aid drinking bubble dwellers need to replace “entheta” with “uncomfortable truth” or perhaps “shocking revelations that will shake up your stable data”, and you would have something closer to the truth. It’s funny the lengths the bubble dwellers will go to to avoid confronting something that’s hard to confront. Could Miscavige really be a sadistic dictator? Are there really no OT levels past OT 8? Are there really no OTs? Forget it, let’s just stick our heads in the sand instead.
Janna, that is your conscience talking to you. You WILL regret not listening.
Haha, they really look at both sides. Ehm… I don’t mean the film critics.
I have actually sent more than one COS supporter to the Freedom Mag website on purpose, knowing that they would see the outpoints in the reporting. It worked! Some saw that the site was loaded with outpoints, got interested in the background of the “bitter apostates”, got the rest of the story by looking for themselves on the net, and then drew their own conclusions. Many people aren’t as stupid as Miscavige believes.
So, ironically, I still find Freedom Mag to be useful tool to expose the enemies of the Subject of Scientology. 🙂
Regarding some comments above, those who are true believers are unlikely to go see the film because doing so would be an overt. They would fear that would show up as missed withhold at the start of a session when flying rudiments. And it would probably get them routed to ethics.
I still remember when a certain university newspaper came out with a negative article on Scientology. That was back in the 1970s. A group of local Scientologists stole all of the papers they could from racks and distribution points. It was a stupid and counterproductive thing to do. When I reported this to the local mission, I got a chilly and noncommittal “we will look into it.” In contrast, the group of thieves got kudos. While my reservations put me on thin ice with the group, those who stole the papers were “obviously” acting for the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics. They got a wink and a nod.
Hubbard was diabolically effective in getting others to suspend disbelief, embrace irrationality, and turn off critical thinking. Scientology’s inability to learn and change and to examine itself will bring it out its own demise.
Fleet Admiral Miscavige assures us that it is always darkest before the dawn and that the Church of Scientology is about to crush the forces of Planetary Suppression thereby ushering in the Golden Age to end all Golden Ages. What is required is that we stay faithful and true and fund the IAS war chest in a last and final push in which nothing is held back, literally we donate our secret hidden emergency money; sell our cars, homes, and anything else that can be sold and the proceeds donated to the IAS. There can be no holding back as the Church of Scientology enters the final, epic, planetary phase of battle on… Craigslist.
Grrr8!, Does Dave have his HBO subscription paid through March? Is he having his sound system upgraded for the big day? Sounds like he is running his own case of rectal-cranial inversion on the staff and public,
Is anyone taking the thought and time to take on the difficult task of engaging these folks, being that we have their emails?
Dutch news Item
CD — very few readers speak dutch. What is the signifiance of the 2012 show?
CD, this is old and confusing? What’s the point?
Mike, CD has gone around the bend.
Tony recently dropped the banhammer on him after patiently asking him not to spam the Bunker’s comments with strange links and his delusions of persecution.
I think he needs help.
I thought the Church of Scientology prided itself on understanding the human mind. Why doesn’t it get what every elementary school kid gets? When you tell someone over and over again not to think about something (in this case watch something), it is basic human nature to think about it (or watch it).
These emails will, of course, have the opposite effect than the one intended. Knowledge about the existence and content of the film is being hammered into members of the church by these emails. As a result, the film is probably being discussed by many in the church. Many of the email recipients will watch the film only because of the emails. Then what? Sec checks for watching and discussing a film the church is spending so much time and effort educating members on? Probably. That would make as much sense as anything else Miscavige is doing.
The amount of truth escaping from the Church of Scientology today is unprecedented. Who knew there were so many lies packed into and on top of any organization? By all reports (like Sheldon Goldberg above) HBO/Gibney will give us a taste of what was really there.
60 years ago LRH said: “The DEFENSE of anything is UNTENABLE. The only way to defend anything is to ATTACK, and if you ever forget that then you will lose every battle you are ever in engaged in…”
Today I see this “attack” as an institutionalized “missed withhold phenomena” designed to obfuscate or cover up the truth.
The “attack” works temporarily to deflect probing eyes, but it is also UNTENABLE to hide the truth forever because you can’t deflect, distract and overwhelm EVERYONE, ALL THE TIME AND FOREVER.
Eventually, when the attacks stop (read law suits), the truth walks right out the Church’s front door. That is what is happening now. These truths and lies are NOT “leaks” anymore, they are an avalanche from which there is no recovery.
Right on, Robert A. “Never defend, always attack” only works when your hands are clean. If you’re innocent of what you’re being accused of, then you know that whoever is attacking and accusing you is either ignorant or suppressive. But if you’re not innocent and you attack those who are accusing you correctly of things you’ve actually done, then attacking them is just a stop-gap measure which puts you in a terrible trap.
What a great Spring this is going to be with the HBO documentary being released just three days after El Ron’s birthday. My family and all of our friends will be watching as well as MILLIONS of others. Happy Birthday Ron.
The child natzi MAAs will be doing meter checks on the few remaining zombie seals as they enter the Dolby Theater for the West Coast rerun of Dave’s latest drivel on March 21st.
Hi everyone! I am a never-in who has been following this blog and others ever since I read “Going Clear” back in December.
Firstly, I just want to say that I love you all!! I so enjoy the camaraderie I see here (especially considering what a good majority of you have been through), and I have learned so much, so thank you for all of your posts!
Secondly, I have a dumb question that I’m sure is addressed SOMEWHERE, but how do you email another member here?
Lastly, I have to say that I am giddy with excitement for the HBO documentary to air!!! My hubby looked at me funny when I told him we need to subscribe to HBO for JUST one month, lol.
Take care everyone!
JoAnne 🙂
Thanks for helping spread the word JoAnne. If you live near an Idle Morgue you could stop in and let them know what you think of the Cult! I’m sure they would appreciate hearing from a neutral bystander. 🙂
I’m trying to reply to the never in that Coop replied to. You could go to ASHO and ask them how many students do they need to have routed onto the BC in order to open up the BC again and deliver it at ASHO?
I said the moment the release of “Going Clear” was announced that there was nothing, not a thing, Scientology could do that wouldn’t prove the movie’s premise.
The reaction evidenced on NPR is proof of that.
Why not limit their spin to just those still in, like the above? Another major blunder.
And Mike, please the next time you are interviewed on camera, bring up the fact that NO ONE from CoS will appear on camera. Alex, and probably you, have said so in print, but the impact on air, would be enormous and cause everyone viewing to think.
And maybe the interviewer and media too. “Why won’t they show their faces?”
Ah, it’s just going to get worse for them anyway.
I agree 100%! They don’t dare show their faces. Can you imagine the clown dwarf getting interviewed? That would take them down right there. Just like when he was on Nightline.
If I had had the data in Larry’s book available when I first got in, regarding LRH’s beating women, this would have seriously raised a question on the nature of my involvement.
In a few months, I am predicting that there will be many new Ex-Stupidtologists posting here and at the Underground Bunker. Great Work Freedumb Mag. These dumb asses are doing our job for us. Do you think Miscavage would get the roses, if I sent him some ?
Dutch news Item:
The Church’s out-ethics pulled in the documentary. Freedom mag is just noise about it and the church now is just a bunch of noise about applying out tech. The tech is alive and well in the independent field and is growing into the future. Its free now and will grow. The Church now is irrelevant and in a lower condition, confusion , and will remain so until it applies the condition formulas or completely destroys itself! I suggest that we get up the
bridge in the Independent field and ignore the noise and create a great future.
Yvonne – +100. It was that Freedom issue that got the alarm bells ringing with me too and thus started my journey out. When they published Ethics Folder stuff and O/W write-ups I considered this lower than low, and realised NO-ONE is safe. So I say let them at it – it will result in more droves out the back door and us standing there with open arms to welcome them into the sunlight. 🙂
When is this film coming out? Will it be shown in Australia in limited theatres does anyone know? Or do we wait for it on the Internet?
Thanks, Mary!
The church’s frantic “dead agenting” can only fail and backfire on them. D/Aing works well only when you have provable truths as ammunition, and, as we here well know, when it comes to the truth, the Church of Scientology is shooting blanks.
Come March 16th, everyone “over there” is going to spying on each other to see if they are watching the film. It’s going to a mad house and it will be spectacular to view.
With ripple effects far greater than Debbie Cook’s letter. If Debbie influenced half of the sheeple, this will take out more than half of those who remain. Enough to make Dave loose his mind entirely.
I’m a never in, so I don’t know how church members are likely to react, but from responses here by ex-members, I gather that most of you think this will cause an exodus from the church. It sounds like most of you think it will be a big exodus.
This got me thinking. Yes, I know, that’s dangerous.
You have an exodus. Size unknown as yet. Let’s say it is 5%. The result will be a Stat Crash. This will put pressure on Sea Org, who will pass the pressure onto the Public. Which will results in more members leaving, which will result in a bigger Stat Crash, which means more pressure, which means more leaving…
At least this is how I see it playing out, but I’ll happily admit to not understanding the mind set of church members.
Mad Hatter, I’d say you have it right except I have a hunch that the only people left in this miniscule “church” are the children or the rats and snakes that may not have the ability to get out on their own volition. The Pied Piper or St. Patrick (wasn’t he the one that drove the snakes out of Ireland?) are the only ones that can help those left in. The children will follow.
I think you may be overly pessimistic. There are people posting here who are ‘UTR’ and their loved ones are candidates. As are those in areas with Orgs that are suffering from really low attendance.
Just think, there could be Orgs which no longer have enough staff to function. Sea Org might have to staff them. We’ll see if that happens.
Mad Hatter,
I’m not so sure about the mass exodus of staff but I do think it will have a large impact on the public members. They have to live life out here in the scary world where people can actually freely ask questions. This film will get people asking questions, especially of those still with the stain of kool aide on their lips.
I think public $cientologists are going to be looking very stupid and they are not going to like it. Too bad for them … with it!
Yo Tom, John and Krusty,
Deal with it!
Hi Wayne,
As a never inner, why not arrange a hoot of time and go visit an org someplace if they are close. See for yourself the value of stats to these people, their empty premises are very creatively explained as you stand there looking at an empty org. Make sure you go at 11:50am so you “see the rush” of students from the academy at 12, or if there aren’t any students milling about, ask where they are as you’d like to speak to a student auditor about Scientology specifically a Class 6. Then stand intently waiting for an answer.
At any time you feel like you are falling under some sort of weird “you need” spell, use your get out a jail card – “may I speak to Mike Rinder please, I heard he works for you.” The door will be very quickly opened for you and an honour guard provided for your exit to the real world. Comparing the real world with those organisations takes some pretty amazing magic, black magic that is.
If you don’t live close, give them a call, show them that there are people out there who care.
The nearest ORG is Toronto, which is 600 kilometers south of me. I understand it is U de construction currently.
Of course driving 600 kilometers would leave me totaled for a week.
“I don’t know how you deal with the tabloid-like “news” headlines that are sometimes hung out on the ‘net proclaiming this or that “revelation” about our church. I make it a point to never click through to read such an article, on that basis that an entheta line requires theta for its existence (I do not contribute my theta to it). ”
I think someone has a unicorn on the loose.
“Further, I choose not to support a media organization’s lack of integrity by reading its hallucinatory story.”
If it’s so fabricated why doesn’t the church sue? They’re not exactly shy about that.
“So I see some weird headline and think, “What the what??” (I actually use a different word for the second “what”). ”
Oh gee ya think? I’ve NEVER NEVER NEVER heard a scientologist swear….
“I know it’s false or spun, ignore it and go on. But from time to time I do wonder, “How in the world did someone ever even come up with that, and who exactly was it?”
That a girl. Keep wondering.
“It doesn’t hang me up, but some of them do get filed in the bullpen corner of my universe as a slight, dim, unimportant, almost-but-not-really mystery. ”
Bubbles don’t have corners.
LOL, great comment, Lisa Tighe. My father used to say, sarcastically, “Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up”. It was the way he wrote off people who would not look or listen to any viewpoint except their own.
Spot on Aqua!
Lisa, you’re good! 🙂
Very interesting dialogue today imagine that an honest discussion of relevant subject matter, who would have thought?
Possibly in a related vane entertainment types are blogging Tom Cruise recently had a segment story for his latest project stopped prior to filming. It was relayed that the network reporter made a few inquiries into the HBO Scientology project. A few days later the on-set segment was axed after quite a bit of preparation. Tom also snuck into the prestigious BAFTA (Academy Award’s equiv in the US) award show in England recently. Also many today are wondering why Beck has resurfaced and won at the Grammy awards. Beck last won a Grammy back in 1999 w/2 prior wins in 1996. Maybe that’s why “Who is Beck?” was trending on social media today. The inference being that some pressure was exerted for Grammy members to vote for him.
Just gossip however this project “Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief:” is crossing all boundaries everyone is talking about it. Across all mediums/media it is and will be talked about things look bleak for Scientology unless they want to have honest, open, frank discussions. I don’t see that happening.
Mike I hope I didn’t take any of the shine off the comments today. It’s just this HBO piece is just so far reaching it’s really going to cause a lot of people to have a lot of questions.
One wonders how Scientologists will ever be able to disseminate once the documentary is seen by the public, because as I understand it, there is quite a bit of actual footage of Hubbard that is quite damning.
Is this a paradox or a conundrum?
To Scientologists:
How can you answer questions about a documentary concerning your group that you haven’t seen?
Per the usual operating basis ……….. just lie about it. Maybe no one will notice!
I used to try to help non-Scn friends by getting them into Scn back in 2000-2004. I thought I had answers to their problems, and that Scn was a good solution. I didn’t ever force them, didn’t care whether they were Scn or not, but wanted their lives a bit better. Mostly just gave them a book.
This is simply not possible since 2007-2008. You cannot talk to a non-Scn about Scn anymore. There is zero dissemination going on, and no “new public” in RCS. I can tell you that from working near a nearby org. They are simply doing services on people already in, not anyone new.
The “new public” numbers are false and made up. An org staff member in a different org flat out told me that, and they worked in Div 6, were then put on Div 2. There is absolutely nothing new coming into the org. Regging is all existing public, being cannibalized from other orgs, shuffling public around. There are four orgs there, and they just fight over public for their “stats”.
As far as your question… You spout the party line. They give you informational packets or Freedom mags and briefings (which technically have nothing to do with whatever “entheta” or bad press is going on).
You have no other choice. If you say anything off, you will be made persona non-grata and labeled an “ethics particle”. This can hurt your marriage, family, and many times, your professional career.
I think the heat is really being turned up to protect the flock from the documentary. We are UTR because of family we love that are still in so we still get calls and emails and letters. We have gotten several in the last day or two trying to get everyone in the field to come in for special “briefings” with either the local ethics officers, ethics people at higher orgs or from the famous Senior Case Supervisor for the Western U.S.
We’ve gotten several calls, emails and even text messages along this line for “must attend” briefings even from our local Director of Special Affairs. Unprecedented.
We won’t go but will try to find out the details and let y’all know.
Very interesting, Mary.
I received one such call which was a mandatory briefing for all OTs by Clive Raby back in the Fall of 2009. I have discussed it before so won’t go over it all again. The main point is that Sandy Dodwell, FSO-WUS had brought along Bill Batchelor to conduct interviews of certain attendees (spelled suspected disaffecteds) and following the briefing they did just that.
Later on, when Marion Pouw and Mike Sutter came calling, I asked them what sort of policy they were operating on and what they were looking for. Marion said “Oh, we don’;t do that anymore!”. I said what the hell was it you were doing that you don’t do anymore?” Needless to say, the perps trying to occupy the ‘high moral ground’ really don’t like ‘flippant’ answers so she attempted to quell the insurrection by pretending it never happened.
Not attending a mandatory “must attend” briefing, being a ‘no show’ at events, not moving up in status, not gleefully praising GAG II and COB, not being on course, not being on lines ….(somewhere) will all get you labeled as someone who is suspect. Pressure will be brought to bear on your ‘loved ones’ to be sure they remain true believers and if there is any wavering on their part, expect them to receive a fresh round of sec checking to find out about YOU.
They are looking for one thing only. Are you UTR and if suspected to be such, how much of a threat are you to your ‘still in’ loved ones. Good luck Mary!
How are you guys doing on maintaining your central files of apostates. I have been receiving calls for the CCHR rape and pillage event. I have also started getting mail (again) for extension courses, The Way To Disaster promo booklets and so on. Please see if you can get a handle on these outnesses.
Cooper, how is it with all that going on that people don’t chafe under the orders and realise they’re in a totalitarian culture. Makes me shiver just to read that stuff let alone contemplate what it would be like to live it.
I suppose that life inside the bubble slowly morphs into the totalitarian nature. It happens slowly over time so, like the frog in the pot, most never notice that the water is getting hotter. A few get splashed with it and wake up. The rest turn into stew.
The mandatory briefings, the “see your MAA” the call to arms tells one thing: DM and his minions are running scared.
The majority of people smeared in Freedom Magazine were in 30-40 years (except for Garry Scarff). Don’t those who have been in a long time wonder why these people (who they once knew) are now scum? Isn’t somebody saying “Hey Karen De La Carriere was a great auditor. Why are they trashing her?”
Most important, why don’t they ask “If I leave will they do this to me?”
I’m at the fringe of a major Scn locale, and I can actually answer this.
There are two kinds of people in the Church right now: Onlines and “offlines”. The Onlines are total “kool-aid” drinkers and forward the party line. I ran into one last week who talked about Debbie Cook. They believe all the “production” she did was false report, that she was the most evil thing to walk the planet, and that she personally held Flag back from expanding while she was on post.
They believe every single thing the Church utters, and have no TV, do not go on the internet, and literally are in a bubble. I’m not shitting you on this. I’ve heard it said (yesterday) by two different “onlines” people, when asking about major news points, like the Sony hack, or Russian involvement in the Ukraine. They didn’t know about any of it.
Then there are the “offlines”. This probably makes up about 75% of their “public” (currently, of about 230 scn friends, there are ~42 that actively are involved). People who either socially are involved and spout the party line, or are on the fringe and don’t get involved. Those are the people I’ll answer for, because I’ve talked to a few. We read it all, we read this blog, we don’t get involved with the insane Church.
Sometimes they think that “this too shall pass” or that the insanity will get sorted out and Scn will be back to “usual”. Others just don’t care anymore (“apathy”).
I’m pretty sure all of these 75% know that the Church will do the same smear job if they leave and start talking. That’s why you never ask questions, and trust only friends who are of the same mind and not likely to go back on services (because, if that happens, during the sec check they’ll offer you up faster than you can spit). That’s why they’re not speaking out – friends and family, jobs, etc. all have some influence from Scn.
Personally, I think (as with the Cook email) that another swath of people departing the Church will happen. It won’t be publicly, although I’m sure a few will go public, it will be 2-3% speaking out, the rest just distancing themselves.
The cycle that I and everyone else tends to go through is:
1. Can’t afford services or goes offlines for whatever reason.
2. Notes how little “care” the Church actually has for parishioners, how there is no recovery, and an “ARC broken” field that never gets handled.
3. Start reading “internetz”. Initially, you use cognitive dissonance to explain it all with LRH terms, MU’s, etc.
4. Something major happens to you or someone you know. This is what I call “the head scratcher”. Doesn’t make sense with Scn policy.
5. The brainwashing is wearing off. More reading, start looking at the group, see that the solutions actually don’t work, aren’t applicable to everything, and that Scn is not the best or only way out.
6. Most at this point are no longer involved, other than a cursory review of stuff.
We’ll see, but I suspect this film is the “head scratcher” for the new batch of “I want no more of this”.
The church needs to add a new question to their Novus IQ test:
Q: If David Miscavige fired a bullet at his foot that was traveling at 1,700 MPH and the bullet hurt him pretty badly, how many such bullets would he have to shoot before he realized he was shooting himself in the foot?
HE only has one foot left at this point; so we should find out soon.
“We should find out soon.” PASS! That’s the correct answer.
What’s this about theta not being used to handle entheta? By “not lending her theta” to the situation (the perceived entheta) she’s limited her confront. Way to make the able more able. Ha!
$cientologist Janna Trevisanut said, in part, “So I see some weird headline and think, ‘What the what??’ (I actually use a different word for the second ‘what’).”
As JennyAtLAX would say to any disgruntled apostate, “F*ck the what,” Ms. Trevisanut, and see HBO’s documentary, “Going Clear.”
What a loser! You have zero facts. COB and his “trechnology” is a God-damned joke. No one inside or outside the Cherch gives a crap about what you perceive as “theta” or “entheta.” Why don’t you do something with your life, Ms. Trevisanut. OK?
“….if they are going to quit let them quit fast….” – L. Ron Hubbard, Keeping Scientology Working #1
Well, this documentary will help execute that order from Ron.
People who quit, they can file a Compliance Report, on KSW #1, about quitting fast, and that will count on the LRH Communicator statistic of their local Ideal Org, if they send in their compliance reports and correctly detail how they are executing this one of Ron’s policy orders.
thus, this documentary is “on Source.”
Stay tuned for the tsunami of “brief moments of clarity” that is forecast for March 16th.
My wife is a morning show host for a radio station in Oregon. Scientology has been sending her copies of Freedom Magazine for the last year. I have to say it makes for some entertaining bathroom reading!
I am trying to think of something witty or snappy even thoughtful,
but it seems the C of $ has outdone itself in spades.
The obvious point is that the church is paranoid as hell. So how do IT handle ITs fear? Encourage its parishioners to read Freedom Mag. Oi Vey! I’m telling you, if you are truthful to yourself Freedom Mag SCREAMS “Guilty.” Some of the bubble dwellers will welcome it because it will “justify their overt” of not looking past the outpoints in Freedom Mag’s hysteria to find out what is really true or just look at the other side.
What a small-minded, petty, paranoid, mentally ill group IT has become.
Holy crap! You know it’s false or spun so you ignore it. You just know it. You haven’t even bloody tried to read it and already you know what it says? That’s some serious OT 15 shit right there! First barrier to study… when you already know it all!
I’m sure that many of those who will read this article in Freedom mag will come to the obvious conclusion that something is worth further investigation here and will start open their eyes.
It will be fun to see how Scientology attempts to vilify those pesky things known as FACTS.
I think they will have to declare some of the facts to be suppressive, because the spreading of these suppressive facts is not the greatest good for the church.
I know I said the above in jest, but upon re-reading it, it is not too far from the truth.
That IS the truth. So sad.
Facts? We don’t need no stinking facts….
Dave says so
(Aplolgies to Mel Brooks)
Janna Trev-is-a-nut. Sorry, I just couldn’t resist.
The more they try to handle the more they entangle.
The lilttle spidey’s should take more care navigating through their own web.
They are just catching their own bare asses with this strategy.
Wait, I am an nut? LOL!
Yes. But, you’re a high quality Macadamia. 😀
It’s true that this strategy will backfire in some cases. Many scientologists will watch the documentary because people keep telling them “there’s a documentary over there” and then telling them “don’t look at it!” But I think the more devoted ones will take this message to heart, and will view people who watch the documentary as having helped the enemy. In this way OSA is already setting up the split that will happen within the community. If you watch the documentary and it gets out, you’re OUT! It’s going to be a much more serious offense than reading Debbie’s email or The Truth Rundown. They have a little bit of time left to drive that home, and I think it’s their best bet for retaining as much of the membership as they can. Problem is, the documentary isn’t going away, and will continue to peel off members for years to come.
I agree. The church is drawing a line in the sand. Cross it and you are toast.
“Entheta/Enemy Line Alert! Watch this and you are ETHICS BAIT, and don’t say we didn’t give you PLENTY of warning”.
So basically the film will winnow out the last members who have a bit of decency and common sense, shrinking the organisation to the final few fundamentalists. What happens then?
Reminds me of people being pulled in ethics to find out if they had read Debbie cook’s email who had not read it , not even heard of it !
The fear is palpable .
Yep and once pulled into ethics to see if they read Debbie Cook’s letter, then the mystery sandwich and curiosity get the better of them and they run right out and surreptitiously read the Debbie Cook letter, looking over their shoulder the whole time. The church is their own worst enemy.
Questioning people over reading an email they might not have even known about. I would love to hear what that conversation is like:
“Have you read Debbie Cook’s email?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Debbie Cook. She sent out a mass email with lots of entheta.”
“Debbie Cook….hmm, that name sounds familiar. Anyway, what’s so bad about this email?”
“It’s entheta! Do not read it!”
“What’s so entheta about it? You’ve obviously read it if you know what’s in it”
“No I’ve not read it. I don’t read entheta. All you need to know is that it’s full of lies.”
“You’re not making a whole lot of sense”
“Just don’t read it!”
“Gotcha. Note to self: DON’T read Debbie Cook’s email. You know it probably went straight to my junk mail folder anyway like lots of stuff from the chur…I mean, entheta. I set my email program with an entheta filter. I’ll have to double-check to see if the entheta filter got it.”
“If not, I’ll just delete it manually. Debbie Cook, right? That’s the name in the header?”
“Debbie Cook, correct”
“Great. I’ll just look for it and not read it”
“Well done”.
Please keep directing people to that stupid Freedumb Mag site sheeple. I haven’t spoken to a single person who has seen it who didn’t think it was completely overboard or totally nuts. And every person asks the same question: “What church does this?”
You’re making our work easy Dave & Co.
Haven’t you heard? David Miscavige became the leader of Anonymous after Tommy Davis got out. 🙂
And, boy, was it a bitch trying to find a small enough Guy Fawkes mask to fit him.
The Little Big Being really does have to do everything himself doesn’t he? 🙂 May it continue to rain footbullets.
Yeah, i remember that. In the end we took the head from a pez-dispenser
I’m delighted that Freedom Mag and Razzline are in action. I went to the F’winds to do OT VIII in 2009 shortly after the Truth Rundown aired. I had seen an ad for the program and confessed to that so I was given the F’mag to read. That was the issue that assigned nicknames to Marty, Mike, Tom, Amy. By the time I got to the last page, I knew I was in a cult and way over my head. Definitely the beginning of the end for me. From my experience, I know this current issue will be the same for many others. The exposures may be keeping new public from being sucked in but the cofs itself is doing the work to awaken those who are stuck inside.
Yvonne, I had a very similar experience. The C of $ is its own worst enemy. I’m so glad you saw it and trusted your perceptions and knowingness and got the heck out!
What a wonderful testament to your strength and courage. Thank you for sharing this story.
There is more hope for those long-ins than I would have believed.
Yes, Delilah, I was a long-in also. So many of them know something is wrong and have seen outpoints. Every person has their breaking point; it’s just some (stupidly) hang in there longer than others.
The Freedom mag will cause more kool-aids to see the film as they believe they are “armed with the truth” about the criminals that created and participated in the film. They might not fear watching it as they believe they have all of the “dead agent” material.
They will be in for a HUGE SURPRISE. As has been stated here already, the church’s own footage which constitutes about 1/2 of the film is BRUTAL. Freedom has no response for any of that. Of course they wrote their copy without even having seen the film!
Unless you are the most die-hard kool-aid drinker, it’s hard to imagine this film not putting some doubt in your mind.
And like the guy said the other day, yes his friends and family will quite probably continue to consider that he’s a pretty decent sort, BUT – they are going to feel pretty certain that he is mixed up in some WEIRD SHIT.
We should be treated to a real classic issue of Freedum after the 16th of March. They will probably throw everything including Daves tanning bed into it…….. speaking of WIERD DAVESHIT.
her name ends by nut, or am I nuts?
I find it hard to decide whether those terminally deluded clams are doing the equivalent of fingers-in-the-ears and going “La-la-la I’m not listening”, or following the example of General Jack D. Ripper in ‘Dr. Strangelove’ by obsessing over their precious bodily fluids: “an entheta line requires theta for its existence (I do not contribute my theta to it)”. Either way, as ‘Razzies’, they sound like human whoopee-cushions.
…as ‘Razzies’, they sound like human whoopee-cushions
Wish I had thought of that. Nice turn of phrase Mr. Gruntfuttock.
Thank you, Mr. Rinder 🙂
I do not avoid wogs, Mandrake, but I do deny them my essence.
Popcorn. Check
Drink. Check
Snuggie (it’s Winter here). Check
Phone turned off. Check
Everybody in the house warned to STFU until this goes off. Check
From the first razzerinos; “It doesn’t hang me up, but some of them do get filed in the bullpen corner of my universe as a slight, dim, unimportant, almost-but-not-really mystery.”
Yes, the members are now having a “really?” question in their minds even if they pretend to ignore it. The more OSA promotes ‘NOT to watch’ the film, the more information the sheeple will have about it, and the more general public will watch it.
Keep at it, your strategy is a great promotion for Going Clear.
Yes, good point, Silvia. The more they say, “don’t watch it,” human nature will make them have to watch it. It’s the ‘you musn’t so I must’ push pull. That is how compulsions are born…. from the you must nots…. and also “Try NOT to think of a black cat.” And what pops into your head immediately? A mental image picture of a black cat! So they are ensuring their flock will see the documentary.
Hey Silvia! Maybe we should get a group of people with signs that read: DON’T WATCH GOING CLEAR. EVER! NOT THIS LIFETIME OR ANY OTHER! EVER! And stand in front of Big Blue.
Sylvia and Cindy – so very true.
Proof it in the laboratory of life by putting 2 young kids into a huge room filled with beautiful dolls, wondrous toys and games of every kind, and tell them its all for them, all of it, EXCEPT this little, plain, shabby, old,worn-out teddy bear over here – this little stuffed toy here, you can’t touch that. Play with everything else, just not THIS, ever…Instant curiosity, ultimately fascination and even obsession with the shabby little toy. They will have to touch it. They have been forbidden to communicate with something – why? If they’re healthy, they’ll just have to know all about it. Without this curiosity we would be animals.
“Prove”, not proove, sorry.
Yeah, just can’t keep NOT thinking of that ‘pink elephant’!
Hi Mike,
Do you think that a RCS member has been able to see the documentary yet? Perhaps at the film festival?
Oh yes, I am sure. If not then they are below Keystone Kops level of ineptitude. They will stick to the “dead agent the sources” routine as they have nothing else they CAN say. “That was not really L. Ron Hubbard’s voice.” “That is not David Miscavige you seeing speaking absolute gibberish in front of a room full of clubbed seals,” “that’s NOT Tom Cruise, it is an actor pretending to be him for a spoof movie…” “never heard of Xenu,it’s not part of scientology and never has been.”
The wheels have come off the scientology shitwagon.
It seems to me that the clubbed seals will pretty much have to watch this documentary now that it is going to become popular culture. Maybe the most dedicated kool aid drinker won’t but I think lots of them will be interested in seeing what the “damage” is. This should create another wave of people leaving and waking up. The truth shall set you free. 🙂
Dave uses Dramamine (drama, mine) to fight off the sea sickness as he tires to make sense of the bootlegged film made with those shaky lapel cameras.
The ego inside the bubble fights a world that does not exist. The make believe demons that their faith demands they have are shadows of complete unrealities: the product of SP data and “we are the only hope for man” and critics are ALWAYS criminals.
When they fight these demons and call them us, wogs, the press and critics, we intuit their distorted projections of what they think is happening and that further confirms their madness.
I think that is called “the tables are turning”
They should become more vocal and more noisy. With more public screeds and hate.
Every press person should go to Freedom Mag and read the sophomoric infomercial grade reporting with the cheap, hyper, over kill music scores that are like a manipulating political commercial during election season.
“the truth, though always fought, always in the end prevails” L Ron Hubbard
In this case the truth will win by simply letting them be themselves.
” In this case the truth will win by simply letting them be themselves.”
The perps will continue to do what the Cult sponsors: working long hours with little sleep and poor rations to not think about ‘pink elephants’!
Yo Janna,
Don’t think about what is in the new movie ‘GOING CLEAR’. Get those curious thoughts out of your head. Do NOT wonder whether any of it might be true. And for gawds sake, get yourself some sec checking and tell Dave your crimes. All will be well …………. for a couple more minutes …………….
Same goes for you blokes. Remember ……………. all is well in your bubble…………….. the stories in the media are a sure sign that your group of criminal types is making a major difference out in the Wog world. Take it from an apostate …………….. you are. You are driving in tons of people who might otherwise not even consider seeing the new Documentary ‘GOING CLEAR; $CIENTOLOGY, HOLLYWOOD AND THE PRISON OF BELIEF’. Keep up the good work as guardians of the footbullets fellas.
I thought you guys were acting out the Titanic. I was wrong. The ship pulling up along side you is likely the USS Missouri. The black hole you see is the inside of one of the 16″ diameter barrels. You won’t hear the discharge but it is coming very soon. Mark your calendars: 16 March 2015.
Yo Dave:
Your predicament is described by one word ……………TOAST. The type that forms when you leave the handle stuck down ……………….as in a ‘held down 7’ …………..for a few days too long. It comes out very black with multiple singe marks around the edges and no one likes it.
“… exposing the crimes of the writer and producer and the crims who appear in the film…”
Holy cow. They really do take Hubbard literally when he says that all critics are criminals. How wonderfully delusional.
+1. Neither does the word “entheta”.
“I make it a point to never click through to read such an article, on that basis that an entheta line requires theta for its existence (I do not contribute my theta to it).” By that logic, Janna, I wonder how long the church of scientology will continue to EXIST.
C’mon now, hgc! These are people who are told they evolved from clams. The next logical step IS delusion. Which I might add, is in great abundance in the cult.
“most ethical on earth”
Well, yes actually. But in spite of the victims of the mind-fuck perpetrated by the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology using it all the time, the word “ethical” does not mean what they think it means
My reply below mistakenly posted for hgc10
Well, I’m still counting your reply as a boost to my tone level.
Well yes, but try to get anyone to look at actual Ethics and you run into a sudden “idiot zone” (the phenomenon of someone apparently intelligent suddenly dropping into the idiot band of IQ.” To demonstrate what I am saying in real time, here is a brief summary of Ethics, and you may witness the (no) replies to this absolutely central subject.
1) “Ethics consists simply of the actions an individual takes on himself. It is a personal thing. When one is ethical or “has his ethics in,” it is by his own determinism and is done by himself.” (Introduction to Scientology Ethics, Chapter 1, The basics of Ethics, on the first page of the chapter, in the 2007 edition, LRH.) I know this confuses some people because they aren’t used to doing anything by themselves without the approval of someone else who is responsible and can tell them whether it is right or wrong.
2) Administration Scale. This is a very simple, plain English scale of priorities which is, in my view, a template for logic of any and all actions. One can use it to define more precisely, and inspect, the logic of one’s goals and actions to achieve what one envisions as an ideal scene. As such, when one has illogical juxtapositions between goals and ideal scenes, those illogics show up. Admin scales can be used to define one’s own ethics. Arguably the most powerful assemblage of a dozen words in any language.
3) Ethics is a very old subject. It Is the be-do-have of life. I realized that, then about two years later became aware that Mary Freeman (LRH-trained Class VIII) had said the exact same thing many years earlier. Aristotle wrote two books on Ethics. The guy considered the many walk of life of men, at different ages in their lives, doing right things and making mistakes, as well as their interactions with others. He covered darn near everything with laser perception and logic like a steel vise. (I very strongly recommend any Scientologist at any level read Aristotle. It will give you an idea of the extraordinary depth of the subject of philosophy.) Yet it took LRH to come up with the admin scale.
Scientology is accurate data. Processing and training enable one to reach a clarity of mind with which one may seriously enter the realm of philosophy. Ethics is central to philosophy. But Scientology leaves you there, and does not tell you what to think or do with your life. If it did, it would not be freedom. The last act in Scientology is to run out Scientology. You are on your own. You can get by using the ethical guidelines LRH laid out. It is fine and well and good and ethical to audit and train. The policies and procedures are laid out. You can go for a very long time doing only that.
But at some point in time, one must ask oneself why one is auditing a PC. What does one envision as an ideal scene. What are the goals of auditing someone? What do YOU get out of it? Why would YOU on a self-determined basis, want to audit someone? Brownie points, or do you have something more substantial and serious in mind? I could write for a few pages on this, but it dawned on me final that a very principal havingness in life is the havingness of another. You want to have fiends. Have conversations. Have thoughts. Have exchanges and interactions. The better off a being is, the more he is capable of creating with you, whether you’re just being, waiting for some dumb fish to bite, or playing music. He comes up with better thoughts, and is more able to hear what you have to say.
Do an admin scale for your next communication. Define the goals, the product, the ideal scene you wish to achieve for that one communication. Try it for once. I dare you to.
This is Ethics.
I’m going to respectfully pass. Thirty years of Hubbard-think, I think I’ve met my quota. But, don’t let me stop ya.
I used to have one back in the day when I was lapping up the good juice that told me LRH was honest, sincere and truthful. I think the name was something like Dumbfuck.
Anyway, thanks for the dare but I’ll have to decline. I’ve had more than my fair share of the scales approach to life. If you want to do some sort of scale, see if you can interest Ray McKay in your admin know how.
Nickname says,”Scientology is accurate data.”
Splane this to me Lucy:
1) ALL critics of Scientology are criminals
2) All psyches come from the planet Farsec
3) L Ron Hubbard is the only one to map the road to freedom
4) all religions are a Marcab mind control
5) L Ron Hubbard is the Anti Christ (from original OT 8 materials)
6) Jesus was a lover of boys
7) auditing cures leukemia
8) auditing cures needing glasses
I can go on and on Lucy. Splane me how this is accurate data.
I hear you nickname. Ethics is just a subject. I’ve always applied some of the Scn ethics tools to individuals, to help them make their lives better on their own terms. I’ve had very good success with this although I’ve also had no preconceived ideas of how their lives should look or what their priorities should be. It doesn’t have to be twisted into knots and used to manipulate people. Unfortunately, the radical church has perverted the subject, twisting it to the ends of power and money. This is so far from an individual person deciding the greatest good for the greatest number of their dynamics, according to their priorities, viewpoint, time track etc. There is no resemblance to the gross presumption, evaluation, invalidation and illogic that is practiced in the rcs today. Ethics is not a new subject, I know many people who make serious daily effort to live, not just a moral life, but a reasoned, high level, considerate one.
You may have to allow for more than one reason for people declining your suggestion… But nice work calling anyone who disagrees with L Ron Hubbard an idiot – you’re helping me make my point, so Thank You 🙂
“…But Scientology leaves you there, and does not tell you what to think or do with your life.”
How many years of being told what to do with your life are you trying not to face up to?
Desperate much?
Statpush and all who took their time to read and reply –
Whole track, and in this life, I have a large collection of kitchen sinks. Unfortunately, I have found that what makes them go “bong” on my head, are things I have done in moments of personal degradation and downright evil – moments of illogic, moments of departures from logical alignments of goals to ideal scenes. Whole track, there are a few of those “mistakes.” E.g. Someone made me wrong, so I’m going to hurt him to make myself right. E.g. Someone was stupid to try to hurt me, so I’m going to be smart, and hurt him back. E.g. My life isn’t going well at the moment, so I’m going to make someone pay for that, because it’s their fault. And at the times, I called those “ethics.” Dumb examples aside, what makes life “hard” is discovering sound ethical principles, establishing and maintaining my own policies based on solid ethical principles, then developing plans and implementing programs based on those – all in the context of an eternal life. I think we all have notions either of our own or based on other people’s examples, of what is good – if we could only “live” those, everything would be great (and we’d be happy with ourselves – as the script writer said in “Saving Private Ryan”). One basic principle is that acting on hatred isn’t a really logical way to go about things, compelling as it may be at times. One has to have a better solution based on solid principles, to lead another to after you stop them. Legal systems try to do that.
I don’t understand many things, one of which is how anyone could have difficulty distinguishing between a) the description Scientology offers (and training and processing), b) Hubbard the individual, and c) the society of the church. And in reply to unclepepin, who drew attention to this, of course I am other-determined in many aspects, such as eating with either a fork or chopsticks, speaking English of Chinese, going to school, using a decimal system to count = the vast majority of us do as we are told in order to be in society, and Hubbard knew that. The bigger problem is that the vast majority of us aren’t confronting the “hard part” of life, and he made that easy, by telling us. He then established a society within the church, to provide an environment within which people could safely learn and audit, and it worked until it followed so many civilizations of the past and collapsed – and I think we’re all aware of how that happened, just as we look back on history. As I see it, the goal of Scientology is to enable an individual to establish his own determinism based on solid principles, and I think that’s the goal of philosophy. At some level, we all seem to know we are basically good, and that everything would be better if we were truly free – and that is “hard” because it means establishing our own ethics – and not “lapsing” into those moments of illogical rage, not divorcing ourselves from what we know is right.
Hallie Jane – I hear you. I’ve run admin scales on people (very simple thing to do, no huge training required, as a matter of fact, I had NO tr.. tr.. training on it, just get the points in agreement). I did it at the conclusion of a Life Repair program. I did have preconceived notions of what’s right, but it’s THEIR admin scale, not mine. One I recall I thought was “wrong” – wrong goals, wrong ideal scene – but the person doing it lined it all up and the thing is, she looked at it, and saw what she was doing. I saw the cognitions going on in her head as she saw it laid out in front of her, knowing she had done all of it herself. And the little physical indicators like the mouth forming an “Oh ….” I lost contact with her, so I don’t know if she changed it around, or just improved on it and continued, but she knew how. I don’t see anything wrong with telling someone, “Look at what you’re doing” and letting them figure it out.
As a never in, I know I cannot begin to understand what Mr. Hubbard was communicating here. As a person who can and does read for education and pleasure I am unable to extricate any actual data from these sentences. There is nothing but self reference and casual anecdotes. I am stunned that someone who claimed that misunderstood words caused improper application of action thought that there was any useful data in that series of letters. I am so grateful and proud to know that so many of you made it out of the bog of misdirection & are continuing to help each other and those still caught in the hodge podge of blather that prevents them from being what they want to be or doing what they want to do with their lives. Thank you all, for all you do.
yeahbutnobut – pretty thorough invalidation. If you find out what an administration scale is in Scn, that might clear up your misunderstood and maybe you could then make sense of what I wrote. You could go read a page on physics with math you’ve never been exposed to, and get a blank similar to what you have described, but it isn’t the fault of the guy who wrote the formulas. All I have said is that your goals reflect your ethics. An admin scale explains how to actually implement goals. Is that plain enough?
“…but some of them do get filed in the bullpen corner of my universe as a slight, dim, unimportant, almost-but-not-really mystery”.
Janna – you need to report to Ethics immediately for thought crimes – this is the beginning of a condition of Doubt. Nip it in the bud before it blossoms into full blown “looking” – an even more heinous crime.
Reminds me of a great chat I had with an old-timer shortly after waking up in 2009. He told me that the magnificent Truth Rundown was simply “entheta”. He didn’t doubt it may be largely true, but still it was “entheta”. Thought-stopping it its best.
You are correct Martin, this is the mindset. At my Comm Ev I was accused of forwarding truth with the intent of causing harm, and was shown the section in Science of Survival about Handling of Truth. In the wog world, they say “The truth hurts”, but in the church any truth that may have an upsetting quality is simply labelled as “entheta” and is to be avoided. So, by their own words (and Hubbard’s), Scn is NOT about discovering truth, but discovering selected, approved truths.
A cousin to this, is Scn’s propensity to believe in “theta lies”, which is the information promoted at any Int event.
I love it. Theta lies. That just sounds sooo… theta.
I thought the truth never hurt? I must have misunderstoods.
Statpush, you said, “At my Comm Ev I was accused of forwarding truth with the intent of causing harm, ….” Yea, me too. Isn’t it interesting that the church, David Miscavige, any MAA or OSA officer can tell your family members (my son and husband and friends) how bad you are and spread that truth/”entheta” but that’s okay. It’s only when the entheta or truth hurts the church of David Miscavige (scientology) that you’re not suppose to look at it.
MCarran you got that right! So why is it that the church can spread entheta and black lies about people to their very own children and family to turn them from you, and yet if we talk about the truth, with facts that shows them to be lying and committing overts, that is NOT OK? It is the pot calling the kettle black, only the kettle is telling the truth. So the only ones who can and do deal in entheta are the church. In my case they didn’t declare me with, “…and she read the blogs…” They lied and said, “…she is working to bring down the church…conspiring to bring down the church.” Not true. I don’t care if they come down or not. I just chose not to belong anymore. Someone in court should call them on their lies.
McCarran, sounds like we both experienced the first rule of Scn Justice – Protect Scn, its orgs and agents, above the welfare of its parishioners and the truth.
My SP declare wasn’t even published before they began leaking PC folder contents to the field.
The most “entheta” I’ve ever experienced on the subject of Scn was not from the internet – it was from my own church.
Mike, you’re right that some bubble dwellers will watch the documentary out of curiosity even though they aren’t supposed to. I remember way back when hearing some OT’s talk about seeing the Truth Rundown and they were amazed that I hadn’t seen it. And this documentary is getting way more media attention and hype and exposure than the Truth R/D ever did, so yes there will be KA drinkers who do watch it. And I also can’t believe how they can read Freedumb Mag and not see the over the top smear campaign and Black PR tactics they use. On a side not, I spoke to an e SO member who had been a top HCO person when in and this person said that there is a Policy Letter that is not meant for public and is for SO consumption only where LRH instructs on how to write a Goldenrod SP Declare. You make the person sound as bad as you can, make them look bad and evil so that no one will follow them. And you make them look ineffectual so that it looks like they can’t get anything right, not even their “crimes.” Again so that no one will leave with them.
I remember reading (I think it was a Flag Order) where LRH said, regarding the Fitness Board findings written on people who request to leave the Sea Org,
“They must be declared to be incompetent or psychotic, for wanting to leave a decent group.”
Interesting Cindy. It certainly sounds true, based on all the SP declares I’ve read.
This says a lot about LRH’s personal ethics level. What a snake.
“Theta Lies” = a Postulate. There I cleared up your MU. Oh shit I just gave “verbal Tech” ! I’ll send myself to ethics.
Some people will believe to the very end. We can only hope they make the Freedom articles/website known far and wide, and show it too all their curious non-scn friends or selectees. Most may be too polite to say anything, but will know what they are witnessing.
The rest can go read Freedom so they can feel better “equipped” to deal with the documentary when it airs. It’s going to hurt, either way.
Question from a never-in: what is a “selectee”? I’m trying to figure out what meaning makes sense in this context.
Bob, I’m thinking that in this context, it means the “opinion leaders” that the bubble dweller chooses to go and read the cult’s chimp-like shit-flingings, in order that the “opinion leader” can become convinced of Freedumb’s distorted point of view and spread the word. Since the selectee is an “opinion leader”, he can thus convince others that Freedumb’s reality is the correct one. We all know how Scientology feels about “opinion leaders”, so this makes sense to me.
Of course, I could be wrong and there’s a specific definition of the word inherent to the Clampire, in which case, ignore me.
A selectee is a person that a scientologist (FSM = Field Staff Member) has selected to introduce to scientology. If the selectee buys a book or does a course, the FSM gets a commission (or finder’s fee).
As the Going Clear movie is making the rounds, it’s waves are bound to lap at the shores of still-ins in the form of non-members approaching scientology volunteers (non-staff) about it, such as at stress test tables, or asking about it if they happen to wander into an org. FSM’s will most likely encounter this and need a ‘handling’, which Freedom rag in its everlasting wisdom has so brilliantly provided.
Sorry. Fiefdom Rag.
Selectee: Scientologeese for a friend that you are trying to screw over in the name of help.
Selectee is someone you’re sending into the church for services – to be hypnotised and brainwashed; and robbed blind. Usually, the person who’s sending the selectee in, sincerely believes the selectee will be helped. That’s the sad part about it.
And with the shortage of toilet paper, that’s another thing Freedumb Magazine is good for!
Too many thorns OSD, ….not a good idea.
Free advertisement for the Movie !! Those guys are great… lol Hoping that movie will come out soon in france
And in South Africa.
I keep thinking about what kind of a mind-set one would need to be stuck in to read a Freedom mag and not be utterly disgusted with the obvious hate and ridiculous over-the-top villification of perceived enemies.
All I can come up with is Jim Jones and the koolaide express.
There’s actually a very good adjective that generalizes your conclusion, Les: “psychopathic”.
I know LDW. I was wondering how these people’s disconnected family and friends that know the truth about their previous loved ones and friends, that know the truth, can read Freedum and not blow right then and there.
They want to avoid “entheta” and then dive into Freedom Magazine articles, which is a cesspool of hate. The Church sends out emails to watchers of a film accusing them of bias, because the movie goer hasn’t viewed the opposing information from the Church. However, they do not follow this themselves.
Freedum is a vile, hate-spewing rag. Shame on you Tom Whittle (if you’re still around).
Sadly, that style of vilification by association and lies is nothing new or rare. I can point to the United States’s propoganda from WWII concerning the Germans and Japanese peoples, the publications of hate against the Jews by the Nazis, or Israel by the Arabs, of African-Americans by the KuKluxKlan, I guess I don’t need to continue. And the percentage of people who are blind to the falseness of these things is not dimishing in any amount I see…
I’ve always thought that the cult was just a shade above Jonestown. And falling fast…
Yeah, bit of a worry hey? Delusion is a crafty and cruel master.
It’s interesting that these people get all their facts about Going Clear not from the film or the makers or contributors to the film, but from an ‘expose’ in Freedom. Isn’t that exactly the church’s beef against Gibney and against any and all reviewers?
Well, yes, but…
Do NOT apply logic to the cognitive dissonance that occurs within the bubble. That is forbidden.
To Chuck Beatty,
My daughter’s boyfriend goes to UCLA and he told her that they are discussing Lawrence Wright’s book and the upcoming documentary in his religion class.
So there will be a few papers written after all.
Mike do the scions believe tht Freedom Mag is a legitimate, major news venue that is thoroughly researched and investigated,and vetted by legitimate powers of B?
Wait…what??? Freedom Magazine is not, in fact, a major publication throughout the country??? They never saw the movie??? They’re basically dead agenting everyone who was interviewed, directed and produced this film??? But…but…I’m shocked! Shocked I tell ya! I doubt I’ll ever be the same again. Oh…wait…this is scientology? Never mind…
Freedom mag deserves a High School paper, college PR subject paper, Master’s thesis, Phd dissertation, study.
OSD, I thought you said the Freedum was published in 15 different languages with distribution in 128 countries and a readership in the tens of millions??? That is $cientology ……right?
Yo Dave,
Please explain ……………… we are listening. …………………………
Where is Dave? …………………
Oh Daaaaaaavy! Where the fuck are you???
Coop, I believe it’s now published in over a thousands languages from all across the universe. I know for a fact that the Marcabian Federation gets it in their language. Of course their language is spoken in grunts, moans and farts, but, it’s still their language.
Note that they expect critics to watch the movie AND talk to someone who dislikes it without even watching it before giving their opinion. That would be like Siskel and Ebert watching a movie, then talking to someone who hates all movies of that genre and THEN giving their opinions. Not objective and fair. Or does Scientology want coverage that is objective and fair.