They’re panicking inside the scientology bubble over Aaron Smith-Levin running for City Council. See post from yesterday for other indications.
This letter was sent to an OT 8 who attended the recent fundraiser in support of Aaron’s campaign. It arrived in the mail a few days after they were spotted there.
A couple of things in this letter of interest.
Wonder why Flag has a PO Box in Tampa as their address?
Cara Goloshefksy (the Mike Ellis of Flag) is now Cara Pendery? I didn’t even know Rafferty Pendery had a brother…. Apparently he has been in the Sea Org for years. Which begs the question: if Rafferty is SO on Source and such an example of an amazing scientologist, why isn’t he in the Sea Org. As Ron says, “it’s the sensible things to do”? And he is completely at cause having done the running program 3 times.
As a 501(c)3 exempt org, scientology is not supposed to take political stances or endorse candidates. They carefully don’t mention that this is being taken because of attending the fundraiser — but it is the only thing the person has done to put themselves on the radar. Clearly Aaron’s political campaign is considered a “group” antagonistic to scientology. Scientology is walking on thin ice here taking this action — though the likelihood of the IRS doing anything about it is slim to none. It is probably one of the reasons the letter is so cryptic.
They’re apparently scared of saying “You’re now a declared SP”, let alone “here’s a copy of your SP declare”– instead it’s a cryptic “see page 316 and 317” and even that is just the A-E steps for a “suppressive person.” Obviously they are afraid of actually saying what they are doing?
Finally, do you think Clive Rabies took a name off his 10,000 onto or through OT VII before the 22nd century count? Not a chance.
If anyone else gets this kind of letter, try this as a response!
[CJC or IJC name],
Thank you for your letter, dated [DATE], regarding the cancellation of my Scientology certificates and awards.
Your letter is contrary to LRH’s instructions on writing an ethics order. As LRH states in HCOPL 2 June 1965, WRITING OF AN ETHICS ORDER:
“When writing an Ethics Order, don’t ARC Break its readers by leaving out the data. Don’t create a mystery.” — LRH
“Don’t be unspecific of you leave people in a huge mystery.” — LRH
“Always put in what you know, nothing you don’t know, and only what you have evidence or witnesses for. Ethics Orders are issued on real data, not opinion.” — LRH
Despite LRH’s instructions, your letter creates a mystery, as it is unspecific, and neglects to cite any data that supports your ethics action. As LRH states in the aforementioned policy letter:
“Write a nice informative Ethics Order. Don’t leave anyone in mystery. Mysteries cause trouble and the purpose of Ethics is PEACE IN WHICH WE CAN GET IN TECHNOLOGY.” — LRH
As your letter does not follow LRH policy, I cannot in good conscience adhere to its contents, and therefore consider myself to remain a Scientologist in good standing.
Love it! Of course, they’d just ignore it, they’d never respond, but it would rattle a few chains over there.
Cults are so predictable.
I’m watching a great show atm called ‘The Path’. It really shows how a cult like Scientology operates. It’s excellent.
I think Aaron will be successful. Scientology is really crumbling now. Thank god! Too many lives have been ruined already by it.
The Path is devastatingly similar, and the scriptwriter lady who did most of the script, admits taking from Scientology among others.
Totally great was her having the cult leader tell a close associate that the cult needed to disband and people go their ways.
Similar, but not entirely, to Hubbard admitting failure to Sarge at Creston before LRH died, although Hubbard could only state this, he didn’t implement this, and the word and order never trickled down that Hubbard felt he’d failed and wasn’t coming back to help everyone achieve clearing the planet, etc.
That to me is the standout moment.
Because the massive body of the Scientology movement and bureaucracy, and the writings in the movement keeping the movement going despite Hubbard admitting privately he failed, and he also admitted he’s not coming back to earth, LOL, complicates the simple Path story script.
But the Path caused me headaches and emotional turmoil by reminding me so much of the Scientology stuff. Scientology is bigger more overwhelming entrapping and takes more time to unwind and relearn life once you get out of it, though.
You never fail to suprise with your up to date content. Amazing how up to date you are in current Scientoliegy affairs from all parts of the globe, from posting videos and photos of orgs to inside information on treatment of members and inside info on the going ons of the orgs etc etc. Great work Mike.
PeaceRaker, could you please explain why your glorious midget leader never gives interviews. No confront ?
If he gives no interviews, it’s tougher to find him to serve legal papers, etc. He’s TERRIFIED that he might have to answer for his actions over the years, perhaps even be jailed or worse. As long as he’s nowhere identifiable, he’s safe and doesn’t have to face responsibilities.
Mike when I was seeing all the people in Scientology, when I first started learning about and reading and watching videos about it, I never thought you’d leave. So when you did, I was ecstatic! I thought if this guy did it, who was so deep in it, such a “true believer” who grew up in the cult then there’s hope for all people. It makes me sad, that they twisted your personality so bad, because I saw you aren’t anything like the guy they made you into, you are a sensitive caring man who was led to be their enforcer. I’m glad you are out, keep telling the truth.
Someone should Photoshop a bunch of whales into the event and sent to FSO MAA. They can kick out some sources of cash. Tehe cult is imploding with every person it kicks out.
Scientology Cult promotes the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights while having absolutely no intention to follow it in any way whatsoever. Article 19:
“Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
Flag just violated Article 19 by cancelling the OT8’s certs. This is a human rights violation in the endless human rights violations committed by the hypocritical and lying Scientology Cult.
Plus violating the religion clause in that Scientology fair games their “SPs” former members who do the littlest of “evil” acts as communicate to other “SP” former members.
Shunning I wish the UN Declaration included shunning as a no no, or the UN went further into a group’s manipulative DNA that keep people doing bad things, like breaking up families.
It’s just a sad adult human history word game, which humanity hasn’t overcome.
The UN Declaration is almost insufficient, but it’s a start.
A characteristic of certain psychotic people with a sociopathic personality is that in their plans or designs they strangely take no account of people, except as a mass that unfortunately exists. For example, perhaps few people know that Hitler made paintings and drawings depicting urban areas. What is striking is that human figures are always absent in his drawings or paintings by him.
DM must have got an idea in his head of Clearwater as the first clear and ‘ideal’ city, regardless of the people. Then Mike and Aaron appear to break the eggs in his basket. Possibly he is heavily cursing in ancient Aramaic.
LmR, McSavage hardly has a barely-adequate grasp of English, much less Aramaic, which is too far below him to sully his tongue with.
More attrition. Scientology dies bit by bit, day by day. Nice to see an OT8 “escape”.
Cancelling useless certificates. Yeah, like that’s gonna leave a mark.
The zombie “religion”.
Will the “OT” even notice? The only thing he *might* miss is the adulation of scns who think that his past accomplishments are somehow significant. It’s not as if he gained some sort of superpower which will magically dissolve with his certs being cancelled.
Is the “OT ” really concerned that their ‘certs’ have been cancelled? IF they received any gains, they can’t be taken away so cavalierly. If they DIDN’T, who cares about some cheap piece of paper?
My thoughts exactly. Plus, in the LRH “Dolls” tech film, the doll named Capt Jak, is declared SP and tells the reporter that the gains are permanent, even when Jak is a declared SP.
So, no worries, all SP declared and certs cancelled Scientologists, just wait it out, and do like Capt Jak the LRH scripted doll did, and petition LRH to get your SP declare unwound, like Jak.
Oops, forgot, LRH hasn’t come back, so hold off on doing a petition.
But, your gains are permanent., LOL.
“IF they received any gains, they can’t be taken away so cavalierly. If they DIDN’T, who cares about some cheap piece of paper?”
Years and years of striving and mumbling to himself, plus tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars spent, and what did this big shot OTEA Ate get? Cancelled, that’s what he got.
Yeh, buddy, where do I sign up?
Thank you. Just what I was thinking. All the years and effort and expense of a member, and then, poof! Cancelled, in a few short sentences, with no reason given! Amazing! I mean, this is BEYOND insane!
Scientology will eat their own to stay alive.
To the person that got this letter: I’m sorry if it caused you any stress but I know you will eventually peel back (and off) the crazy you accepted (and earned certifications to prove) and it will turn into such a PEACEFUL and BEAUTIFUL life. Keep your certs! They’ll make great conversation at holiday events.
There are so many good people out here in the Wog World.
There are plenty of Causes you can join in on that fit your own dreams.
You can get a job helping people (I have the best one I love to say) and you’ll not get chitted, Comm Ev’d off post, shunned…
Good luck!
If nothing else the cancelled certs MIGHT be helpful in starting a Solstice fire to keep warm with.
The clut is dying?
No Mickey. It’s your blug that is dying.
Your topics are so repetitive. This org is shrinking. That org is shrinking.
But Scientology will still be going when you are long gone – and the sooner the better.
If you had submitted a critical comment like this to a Scientology site it would never has been approved (I know, – I’ve tried, and in far more polite ways).
Your comment is nasty, low on content and a bit petuant but it’s there.
If ‘Mickey’ isn’t afraid of publishing critisism, why is Scientology? If Scientology is the ‘road to total freedom’ why is a slight exercise of that freedom punished? What happened to Scientology’s support for human rights – specifically the right to free association?
Looks to me as if they are not only shrinking but terrified of dissent, too.
Yea, thank Xenu to that too.
But, on YouTube you can comment on Scientology videos, they didn’t get around to turning off comments on loads of their YouTube videos so you can comment there.
I tell the OT 3 data and body-thetans theory of Xenu’s doing, and the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps, every chance I get.
Know about Xenu’s story before you join scientology, and that you will be required to do 5 (OT 3, 4, 5. 6, and 7) levels of exorcism, all due to Xenu dumping body-thetans onto earth, if you join and ever make it to OT 8, which I’ll bet 96 percent of Scientologists don’t make it through OT 8.
KNow Xenu before you join Scientology.
scientology SAYS many things, most of them false. IF it could have ever delivered on its promises, even in one specific area, we wouldn’t be out here taking pot shots at it’s desiccated corpse.
Scicrit, leaving PeaceRaker’s comment alone is the best tactic; let him hang himself with his own illiterate ramblings. The fact that scientology’s “blogs” don’t allow any disagreement with the party line is of little importance. It seems Hubbard took the book “1984” as an instruction manual.
Scientology has been pretty much “gone” for some time now. They just haven’t realized it yet.
Yesterday you were pathetic, today you just seem painful like someone who has to do it.
I think you must be just a loose cannon
My dog wants less attention and knows when to retire to the kennel. Learn from her, son. Maybe your life could evolve for the better.
PS. Calm down unfortunately you arrive late, scn is now gone. It’s as old-fashioned as a 70s-style collared shirt with long spikes. Nobody wants it. Too toxic and inconclusive. It must now cannibalize itself – whales
– to survive any longer. But then it’s really over.
And what better proof is there that there’s panic in the bubble? Lame repetitive comments like these that have surfaced recently. Many of us have been where you are, and know well the OSA game. Please, you can do better.
Going where? To having more staff than public?
scn’s PRIMARY “public” has been their staff, for a while. Without the truly dedicated willing slaves, there is no more scientology. Sadly, they’re aging out and have to be dumped someplace for “wogs” to take care of. It’s really a shame that “wogs” and “bitter apostates” care more for them than their seniors do, in the long, and short, run.
The Xenu story is public. OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the five standard Hubbard exorcism levels of Scientology to clean up Xenu’s dumping of the R6 implanted body-thetans onto earth that attach to all humans today, and can only be removed with Hubbard’s standard exorcism.
That knowledge is spreading and kind of chokes off qualified new public who aren’t tainted with entheta, once they learn what is in store in Scientology.
Know before you go, the newbies ought to find out about OT 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 theory, I’d say.
Ironic that Scientology rejects newbies who spout Scientology’s upper levels theory to Scientology.
So, by this logic, telling the public widely simply Scientology’s upper level beliefs, that backfires and makes them unfit to be allowed to do Scientology.
Quite an instilled predicament Hubbard left his movement.
OT III, as it was written in the tubby one’s own hand, IS public knowledge, yet there’s been no news of mysterious deaths, spontaneous combustion, or whatever. I don’t think I’ve had even so much as a cold since I read that drivel. It COULD be a vaccination against the common cold, for all I know.
Lower Condition assignee,
Since the orgs are empty of PEOPLE, what exactly will “still be going” when he is gone? What an insanely illogical statement.
Are you still posting your ad nauseam repeating idiocy via the Hong Kong or the India IP addresses? If you are then one word springs to mind: Coward!
The missions are certainly dying and will soon be gone — and they’re the canary in the coal mine. The once were the lifeblood of scientology, long ago when it was actually booming.
It’s the CofS that falsely claims ‘expansion’ over and over, using repetition and the “big lie” technique, requiring rebuttal in response by truth-tellers like Mike. Is your real frustration, the constant internal propaganda that you dare not criticize or even think critically of, that causes you to lash out at others with projected accusations?
The orgs, and Scientology, may live on as virtual zombies because there are billions of dollars in reserves to keep them open even when they are effectively dead, as some orgs already are, requiring subsidies from international management to save them from oblivion.
I was under the Missions were all dead or converted to “orgs”, level V or lower. Any mission so converted is as good as dead, since Orgs always failed to produce new “raw meat” scns in the numbers sufficient to offset shrinkage of scns just walking away from the hamster wheel.
“Reserves” MIGHT be used to keep the Potemkin villages seemingly functional for a (short) while — until Davey tires of his little games.
Jere, if DM spent $100 million a year to keep things open, he could probably do that for as long as he lives without running out of money, there’s that much in reserves. and $100 million a year is about $750,000 per Class V local org, more than enough for a lot of the money to actually go to upper level and international orgs, buy Super Bowl ads, etc.
i think he plans on running out the clock, and stands a good chance of managing that unless some sort of ‘black swan’ event (including action by authorities) occurs. while doing so he can even continue to christen renovated ‘ideal’ buildings at the rate of one or two a year and keep up the propaganda illusion of ‘expansion’.
@ PeaceRaker:
Actually, us Wogs are winning. Officially.
Scientology is dying a slow, agonizing death. I can’t wait to see its people unchained, able to love their families again, and live in the real world.
“your BLUG”?
PeaceRaker, methinks you need a cram.
You really should find your MU.
Get thee to Qual asap.
Go on now. You don’t want to embarrass your cult.
Oh, excuse me – your CLUT 🙂
Seriously, PeaceRaker, where are you from? Russia? Poland?
There’s no way that English is your first language.
Your Hubbard Fellation Cert is in the mail.
We all bow to your brilliance and thank you for your stellar
no-gag, OT(onanist twerker) , epiglottal havingness and
tone 69 service.
To Ignorance, and Beyond!
If things such as clear and OT are stable states of being, as they are being sold as, wouldn’t canceling them invalidate the subject of Scientology? This is the main reason I was never worried about being declared. If “clear” can be canceled, it never existed in the first place and one should be grateful to be declared suppressive.
Beautiful, beautiful, inspired comment brimming over with pure truth! Wow! Yes, unfortunately for our favorite clut (not a typo, thank you PeaceRaker) unfortunately for the organization that is CO$, real gains a person makes cannot be cancelled. Real gains become a part of who one IS. A piece of paper with writing on it, a piece of paper in a frame on a wall, OF ITSELF means NOTHING. Thank you, Bryon!
Cara is simply justifying her fancy title by slapping down any clam with any connection to Arron Smith-Levin. I don’t see why Miscavige is so concerned, the city council can’t really do anything to him or his evil plans for secret base under the ideal volcano.
Thank you to the recipient of the cancellation. I love a good outing. Good work Mike.
Typical kind of Scamtology “justice”. Slam the member with the only justification being “it is the greater good for the greater number”.
So what if the 0T 8 attended. Maybe it was simply to collect information and report on the matter. Nowhere is it indicated the person did anything wrong. I have seen far too many “one-sided justice” actions in my decades in the cult and know with absolute certainty the only motive is to benefit the cult; never any of the parties involved. Never!
Yo Dave,
Glad to see you have one less donor today. Congrats good buddy and cheers in advance on Arrons new job description!
Yer faithful, happy, Oh Tee Ate detractor
Gee, Gosh, Wow.