The imminent release of A Billion Years has scientology doing things they have not done before. It’s all-hands panic stations in OSA.
These days their legal threats fall on deaf ears. Everyone knows they cannot file lawsuits — not just because what is said is true, but because Miscavige cannot afford to go into deposition and be exposed for what he really is.
Since the days of the Truth Rundown and then Going Clear, scientology has devoted a team to creating video and online content to smear those who speak the truth about their abuses. I have written a number of blog posts about this, including Scientology’s Latest Lie About Me which also has links to earlier posts of mine and there are also excellent pieces by Jeffrey Augustine and Stefani Hutchison.
Over these years of smears, they have usually refrained from “mentioning/@ing” me directly in their social media posts. They flail away without alerting me, while blocking me from their profiles. But in the last little while, suddenly my daughter is including me (and Simon & Schuster) in her mean tweets and Insta posts. It’s a sign of the level of desperation.
As if this is going to accomplish something? They are frantic to “do something.”
If you check out her Instagram account, she would appear to have 432K followers now. Someone has been spending a LOT of money to get bot followers for this account.
Obviously, they are not real followers. How can you tell? Check how many likes and comments any of her posts get. Less than a handful… I have less than a quarter this number of followers and get thousands of likes and comments…
Here are some recent ones (at least I get to see photos of my brother and son) –look at how many “Likes” and comments there are…
Apparently, those 432K “followers” must all be body thetans.
Next, in an effort to keep their “story” relevant they decided to get a new “comprehensive medical exam”… Curious timing isn’t it? After 12 years of peddling the same lies they are getting a new exam. To “prove” the same old well-documented lies?
It’s all so contrived. As has so often been noted, the “damage” documented by the paramedics at the scene was a graze on her arm that came about from “incidental contact” as she and her gang followed and then approached and aggressively attacked me in a secluded parking lot. Perhaps if she sustained some other injury to her shoulder it came after she was put on “heavy MEST work” (physical labor) after messing up this assignment so terribly and being recorded by the BBC…
The third marker of the desperation level: one thing they can do with their tax-free slush fund is pay for Google Ads to show up any time someone searches my name or A Billion Years.
They’ve gone all in on this one. They even modified their pitch so it seems like it might be a “family story” they are selling rather than OSA propaganda using my family.
The best thing about this is the more people who search, the more it costs them. And they are going to know how many searches there are for the book by the bills they amass.
Anyone that sees these ads will likely realize it is from scientology.
If they inadvertently click on the link, they will know immediately and leave the site at once. If they had not planned to buy the book beforehand, many of them will do so after they are disgusted by what they see.
Scientology has virtually no credibility in the real world these days. Hopefully A Billion Years will reduce it to a flatlined zero.
If you want to order the book or audiobook to be delivered to you on the 27th, click here.
Seriously tempted to go Google “Mike Rinder” and “A Billion Years” hundreds of times just to make CoS pay for their ads.
Mike, I applaud the way you handle these vile but untrue accusations. You never seem to let them faze or upset you. Can’t say I would be able to keep so calm. Keep up the good fight against this appalling cult. When they lose their tax free status hopefully it will all come tumbling down and they will be exposed (not that they haven’t been already) for what they have done and are still doing to people.
What a misuse of the word justice.
If there was a domestic violence case that the criminal or civil courts would agree to hear, that is where it belongs. That it is only being used as an accusation to try to destroy the reputation of “the perpetrator” and no justice is actually being sought is telling.
The last thing any Scientologist wants for someone who has left and is speaking out against Scientology is real world justice. Scientology justice is that such a person is to be destroyed, and if real crimes cannot be found, they should be manufactured.
Sad truth for Scientology, though. The largest audience for Mike Rinder’s book is people who know better, people who have also left, people who themselves are well aware of the tactics, people who were never-in but became exposed to the criminality of the group and in challenging that found themselves under attack. The audience of people who’ve never heard much about Scientology is much smaller, and far less likely to even see any of the attacks before deciding this looks like an interesting read.
All this expensive investment of energy and activity from C of S must be seen to be believed. The lame nature of it confounds. The super self-importance people in scientology assign themselves is sad. About their perspective no one cares. Only other Still-In scientologists listen to these childish attempts at a “take down.” Still-In scientologists live the definition of an “echo chamber.” Whereas Mike and Leah are Emmy Award-winners, with their series receiving other accolades as well for outstanding human rights-based documentary journalism.
I agree with others in this blog community who are pointing out: If Mike’s first wife remains in such dire physical straits for 12 years, errr…then this shows how much the promised healing technologies do not work. According to LRH, he used his technologies to heal himself of blindness and lameness. A bit of forearm or shoulder injury should be sorted out easily and in full (forever) with scientology’s powerful toolkit.
I fear the level of covertness of the hostility at work in scientology is just too, too covert for hardcore members to spot it. They are complicit with the hostility, but they don’t see that they are die-hard practitioners of such, which is really something—a dark flavor of ironic.
If those are recent photos, I’m guessing they are a direct answer to your photo with your son and book.
Also betting they’ve no treasure trove of OTHER happy-family-happy-life photos together…..
Whereas you, and your tribe?….
I’d already preordered the ebook as soon as it was available after our favorite cult got back on my radar through binging the amazing Aftermath. Then I saw all the horrible stuff about Mike all over the internet. A deadbeat father, a wife beater. How awful.
…so I bought the audiobook as well because screw those liars, let them flail in their desperation. I can’t wait to listen to the truth in the voice of the person who lived it. This is going to be like a thermonuclear airdrop on the “church.”
I just followed your daughter and left this message
Scientology is the perpetrator of abuse. It is so sad that you don’t see that. You are so blinded by indoctrination. I hope that someday you will be free from this abusive “religion” of power, money, and destruction.
I will let you know how quickly I am blocked 🙂
Amazing how the tables have turned. Telling the truth has dire consequences for liars.
“And @rindermike, the perpetrator, has not been brought to justice.”
Yeah, why not, tarynteutsch2/OSA/DM?
If it would be true, Cathy/OSA/DM would have filed a suit long ago against Mike Rinder for pain and suffering damages with the intent “to ruin him utterly”.
Excuse me if I just didn’t read carefully enough, but WHO is that chubby guy with the smarmy smile in the striped red shirt photobombing the pretty girls?
My brother, Andrew
So pathetic… Definitely proof of how desperate they are.
We ordered both the book and the audio book. Can’t wait to dive into it!
I pray that Taryn and your son wake up and see the truth so you all can be reunited. I envision tears of joy. Someday…
As per Wisdom of Wog World ( www) when an organization goes against An individual and makes him ” the person” , it an admission of ” the fear” which shall leads to ” It’s a final count down”
We have already mentioned that Mike has been chosen for transition from Age of Paranioa to Age of Decay.
Not to mentioned it is written on the wall, and what’s written on it is the will of the God.
Clever how the cult coordinates the exact wording and content of all these attacks. It’s like the tentacles of a hive mind controlling its slaves.
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My good friend Helluva Hoax posted this on Ex Scientology Message board.
Its a perfect summary
Let’s review. . .
A screaming, hate-spewing mob of Scientology thugs urgently all fly 2,547 miles from Los Angeles to Clearwater to attack Mike Rinder in a doctor’s parking lot. When the carefully trained & drilled cult goon squad miserably fails to terrorize, intimidate and “shatter” Mike, they forcefully steal his car keys and then attempt to burst into the doctor’s office where Mike’s pregnant fiance was receiving medical care.
In the melee of Mike avoiding their verbal and physical assaults—and false imprisonment, Mike’s former wife gets a little scratch on her arm which SHE provoked, initiated and realized by HER OWN ILLEGAL AGGRESSION.
According to Scientology’s Ministry of Truth, this means Mike is a WIFE BEATER and the scratched attacker is therefore a VICTIM. Yup, that’s what they are claiming on their hate websites. This is notably bizarre, because. . .
The cult claims that Scientology OTs are never a
“victim”, because OTs are “total cause over life”.
(“A victim is an unwilling and unknowing effect of life, matter,
energy, space and time. —Hubbard, HCOB 3 Sept 59)
I guess Scientology was forced to make an exception to their total-cause axiom, due the fact that Mike’s OTness is more total cause than Scientology’s OTness. Do not attempt to clay demo this concept because you can get pneumonia or something that can kill your meat impediment, or whatever.
The despicable actions of the cult that used Mike Rinder for blood since his teenage years, now concocting habitual and compulsive pathological lies. Propaganda.
Taliban Scientology.
IIRC, in “The Sociopath Next Door”, the sociopath most wants/needs to reverse things and present themselves as the poor pitiable – pitiful in this case – victim of their victim. Sadly, your daughter probably has no way to know what OSA is posting in her name.
Not to give OSA any new ideas (not their strong suit anyway). But it is perplexing how someone with 432k “followers” would “document” their grievance on youtube in no fewer than 84 videos and amass a following of 236 (0.05%) You’d think that these nearly half a million folks reading her short-form gripes and grouses would flock to find out all the gory details for themselves. At least, you would think that a few more of the “millions” of scientologists would have rushed to these “documentaries” since there’s so much else on the interwebs that is forbidden territory for them.
Even the recent “Update on Mom’s Injury”–a matter of grave urgency on the eve of the alleged malefactor’s book release–has failed to break 13 (THIRTEEN) views in the three days it’s been up. Numbers don’t lie. Something that can’t be said for internet propaganda. And most assuredly not if that propaganda originates with OSA.
Plainly and simply, Taryn and Catherine have been successfully reprogrammed into good rabid cult SciBots and are trooped out whenever $camandstealyourmoneyandmindology attempt (and keep failing dismally time after time) to land what they think are killer blows on Mike.
My good friend Helluva Hoax posted this on Ex Scientology Message board.
Its a perfect summary
The despicable actions of the cult that used Mike Rinder for blood since his teenage years, now concocting habitual and compulsive pathological lies. Propaganda.
Taliban Scientology.
I’m not in tune with smearing, I stopped reading smearing from Scientology over a decade ago, it was annoying and always inflated, sounds bogus, about as bogus as the word “Scientology.”
Xenu’s body-thetans on all of them, non stop.
Xenu caused the Wall of Fire, just shower Scientologists with Xenu and body-thetans talk, til they quit their nuttery. Xenu caused earth’s body-thetans surplus souls problem, not. It’s fiction that L. Ron Hubbard added to his Scientology sci fi faux religion, Xenu dumping body-thetans onto earth made Scientology more like a soul exorcism practice, and thus a little closer to what religions are with their normally supernatural beliefs.
I wonder if Cathy ex wife has had any NOTs auditing of her arm, and did she discover that at the moment of contact with Mike, his body-thetans must have jumped off Mike and onto Cathy’s arm, if Hubbard’s body-thetans theory holds any merit.
I wonder in that case, hasn’t Cathy done more OT 5 tailor made exorcism to fix her arm yet? Can’t get what Scientology’s not working for her?
If Kathy is still suffering from that ‘old’ injury then someone needs to mail her a copy of NOTS #34 on healing by running out her BTs. Since they have already assigned Mike as the SP and Kathy is no longer PTS to Mike then Either she has another SP on her lines and in the immediate area OR she has not had enough auditing (possibly none) on NOTS #34, OR it has not been run to full EP.
The why also could be GOD. In that case it would be DM, COB, the cult pope.
Yes, @Bruce, Google now has the whoisMike… hate site first, that wasn’t true yesterday, I wonder how much they are spending on this, which will be a fail like everything else they do.
Let them howl into the wind. It only demonstrates everything you have been telling us about them for years. Keep on keepin’ on!
Mike Rinder data-scientist! You’re on the money here Mike; good work.
I can’t wait to get my copy. This has been a long time coming.
I hope at some point your kids figure this out and realize what they’re missing.
Dear dave,
Do you think everyone out here in the real world is stupid?
Come clean. Confess your crimes. Make amends. “Order” families to reconnect.
You’ll feel better. Naw probably not. Maybe then the “attacks” will stop. Naw probably not. Oh well, you had your chances but you continued to be mean and cruel. I know – you can’t help it.
For those who stay away from Amazon and are frustrated with B&N, the eBook and AudioBook will be available from Kobo on the 27th.
They use ePub format that works with most readers, including B&N ‘Nook’, and have an ‘app’ for PC, phone or tablet if you don’t have a dedicated eBook reader. Also fairly easy to import into “Caliber” if you use it to organize your eBooks.
And on Kobo it’s already #12 in Nonfiction, Religion & Spirituality, Other Practices, Scientology before it’s even been released!!
You can also pre- order/purchase the book at your favorite independent local bookstore. Just ordered my copy from my local indy bookstore… Win Win!!
I got my copy of A BILLION YEARS yesterday!
Just received my hardcopy (Dutch guy here).
Off to read…
I Ordered the Hard Copy just now thanks to their Ad Campaign stupidity, which I will donate to my local library after reading. I bet it’ll be kept too, unlike dianetics & whatever other drivel CoS tries to put in libraries. I have a feeling there will be a waiting a list, and no extension checkout on your book for awhile in many libraries.
My Hubby ordered the audio book already but then CoS did what it knows best, lie, imo. With foot bullet ad campaigns and the horrid sm crap with your daughter which was probably done based on an order or the like. I not only want to support you and your continued great work Mike, but also talk with my money as CoS understands that concept.
Side note, perhaps related and perhaps not. Ever since hubby bought the audio book a week or so ago, we’ve been getting bombarded by the internet ads for Grant Cardone’s crap which was a first, and we’ve been supporting and sharing the awareness message of this blog, Leah, & many others on the topic for 7+ years at least.
Congratulations on your star review. Best wishes, health, and happiness to you and yours.
With Respect,
Such a small game called scientology. Those in it now will either die as a scientologist, or wake up. I did almost thirty years, lulled into sleep by ksw1, writing oh dubs, and the droning voice on the clearsound tape player. I thought I was soooo lucky to have found it.
Your choice, Mr. OSAman. What’s your choice?
That nagging thought in the back of your mind is not your case.
My preorder ships Sept. 27, looking forward to it!
Just did a simple search on “mike rinder” (the quote marks make it a specific search for that exact name, not just mike rinder as separate words).
Duck-duck-go came up with the stupid Wiki entry first, but this blog second. Then the hate site.
Bing was about the same.
Google has the hate site first. Somebody is blowing a lot of cash on this.
If anyone has an old gmail address or is using some of the Google “free” services, be aware that your personal information is being aggregated and sold. Any searches you do, even on other search services while logged into anything Google will also be aggregated and sold. Same with your internet history.
Time to ditch the Google! They used to say there is no such thing as free lunch – so true in the days of saloons that offered a snack with their expensive booze. Today there is no such thing as free anything.
Using these “free” services including the photo sharing, Facebook etc. just makes you the commodity that is being bought and sold! In the case of Tik Tok all the information is going directly to China.
Get your face out of the flickering screen and back in the real world. Fall is just getting started and there are others with real faces to visit. Maybe your grandma needs a hug. The emoji is just not the same.
I’m thinking that what Mike’s ex wife really needs is some good old fashioned Dianetics!!! This earth shattering technology of the mind has been around and widely available to the public since 1950. By using these revolutionary methods, Mr. Hubbard says that the blind will be able to see and the lame will be able to walk. It even cures cancer and lumbosis!!! Surely Book One Dianetics will be able to fully heal a scratched arm. The Tech works 100% of the time when applied 100% correctly on 100% of the people (except on the 2-1/2% it doesn’t work on cuz they’re SPs).
Don’t you mean some good old fashioned diuretics?
A suggestion for the OSA goons reading this: STOP!