It’s not just Chicago that is really happening for real this time no joke.
Paris is opening in January (coinciding with hell freezing over…)
The hype has begun. But their preparations are just a few years behind…
They are apparently now starting their “Files Project” (which you will see they promote as a “unique project”??) and they are trying to recruit people from outside the country to come and do it. Like every org since the beginning of orgs, they cannot keep the ridiculous amounts of filing required by Hubbard’s “advanced management technology” current. And when required to get it caught up for the “ideal org” opening, it requires bringing in people from out of town to do it. Some orgs have taken YEARS to accomplish this. I would bet the two people listed to contact are Sea Org members sent from Copenhagen to “get the files project done.” They will likely end up sending a whole lot of SO members to tackle the “Hill 10” (scientologese for “big problem”).
One of two things will happen.
a) The ideal org will open WITHOUT the files project done (the most likely scenario as Miscavige will insist this org be open for the Olympics as that will be a PR opportunity to promote at the next IAS event, or,
b) the files project will drag on like every other one and the ideal org will not open this year at all (like the 3 he promised at the New Year’s event last year).
It’s also notable they are announcing the combining of the two orgs in Paris — Paris Org and CC Paris — into one. According to Hubbard, this is a suppressive act.
The new building will be announced as evidence of “massive expansion and huge demand” — the reality is that they will shrink by half in one fell swoop.
Scientology: the fastest shrinking cult on earth.
Miscavige will get Third World visitors who know nothing about the cult to pose with their materials in Paris, and claim every good thing that happened in 189 countries after that was caused by the world-changing deep connections that were forged.
He won’t have to open another org for four years, so he can repeat the performance on an even greater scale in Los Angeles in 2028. But it will take fundraising on a previously unimaginable scale to save the world by exposing them to LRH at the correct magnitude.
One should not look too closely for good reasons for actions of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology. However, one good reason for moving from key Paris central locations to a suburb would be to service (or rather, to defraud) the “corporate training” sector.
Any news of “eagle’s flight”/”Eagles Team Building” – or whatever the name(s) the Co$ attempts to rope in business victims?
A filing project was started in San Francisco Org in 1971.
But hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day, right?
But geez, didn’t the Taj Mahal get done in less time?
Scientology is dead, it is just PR to do ideal org. Maybe they will get something, but scientology will not win again!
Furthermore we are invaded bu migrants, terrorists, criminals, and unfortunately Paris became a very dirty city, and sad one
I am confused. CC Paris is opening? Wouldn’t that be REopening? Or, having closed down for a while as a Celebrity Centre org, it has now become a regular Class V (Ideal) Org? And if it is no longer a Celebrity Centre, doesn’t this amount to closing down one org and merely shunting the members of that former org into another building and calling it Paris Ideal Org?
Imagine going to Paris and only seeing piles and piles of filing the whole time…
I cannot!
What about the millions and millions and millions of $camologists they keep raving about? Surely there must be a few hundred thousand followers living in Paris who will help out with sorting the flies…I mean files.
News from the future:
18 December 2035. We have news that on the 82nd bithday of $camatology the corpse of the religion has finally dissolved into a gooey mess of flesh and bone. Pathologists who had been called in to examine the body were stunned to find a tiny still living alcohol preserved figure curled up in the mess clutching a soggy $100 note and squeaking, “It’s mine…all mine, my precious…” It has been placed in a jar of scotch, sealed in a concrete and dropped in a volcano.
I was a staff member for 20 years at CC Paris and I experienced winters without heating and without pay, so when I think of the electricity bill to light and heat this building, I cannot imagine the congnitive dissonances that the staff will have to face it. That said, I passed the message to the Town Hall of Saint Denis, that’s the town where the new building is located and they are not particularly happy to welcome them.
Wow, last I knew CC Paris was supposed to be one of the Celebrity Centres which was DEFINITELY KEEPING its individual status AS a celebrity centre. Times are tough indeed…
I happen to live not far from the CC Paris. It is located in a lively and trendy neighborhood, surrounded by shops, cafés and restaurants. On a typical Sunday afternoon you cannot avoid to notice the stark contrast between the cafés flooded with people, the crowds strolling on the narrow sidewalks and the dead and empty CC.
I just returned from Paris and am sad to admit I didn’t get the notice of the files project or maybe I would have stayed and pitched in.
Ha, ha, ha, Never in a trillion years! NEVER!!