The “Flag WUS Team 10,000” are SOOO incompetent at getting anyone to show up for Clive Rabey’s shake down seminar they are sending out a pitch from Pat Parodi “to use” to “close people” to come to the event?
Here you will discover that GAG II has “blown the doors to OT off their hinges” and other incredible statements followed by the clincher “-fact!” so it must be true.
Wowzer!!!!! (This deserves some exclams)
Don’t forget — “Report your confirms!!!!!”
Date: Wed, 21 May 2014
From: “Flag WUS – Team 10,000” <[email protected]>
Subject: Parodi ammunition to help you promote 6 p.m. Sat. Seminar
Please use this communication from Pat Parodi to close people to come to Mr. Rabey’s Seminar this Saturday night. Feel free to forward it!!!! And click reply to report your confirms!!!!
The Golden Age of Tech Phase II has blown the doors to OT off their hinges and Scientologists are now moving up their Bridges with more wins, more cognitions, more stable case gain than at any previous time in our history-fact! Having the correct set of postulates, putting them into an alignment with your own personal goals of moving up the Bridge, getting to Clear and OT and becoming trained-all this takes an application of the Tech to one’s life. And when you do, the affluence will come!
I am personally inviting you to an entirely new seminar which will help you to achieve your goals, to achieve Affluence! All materials are 100% LRH and they are exactly what you need to give you the time and energy to do what you have wanted to do for a very long time; go OT and become competent!
Attend this Seminar delivered by Flag Executive and Deputy Captain of the Flag Advanced Org, Mr. Clive Rabey. Hear the wins and successes from Flag, get the data you need to achieve your own success and Affluence!
Please RSVP to the number below and I hope to see you this coming Saturday at the AOLA Atrium at 6:00pm !
Pat Parodi
All I can assume is that the earlier pitch that Clive Rabey had an “important release” didn’t fly….
Weird that there’s such a strong negative reaction to this post. Seems personal…
Correction! The email should read something like this:
The Golden Age of Blown Sea Org Members has blown the doors to personal freedom wide open. In unprecented numbers, abused indentured servants are escaping and can now:
1) get reacquanted with life where you can get a good nights sleep,
2) eat three delicious meals a day,
3) exercise,
4) have a day off when you need it,
5) get back in comm with family members and old friends
6) watch the latest Hollywood movie in the comfort of an air-conditioned cineplex,
7) have access to the Internet and read all those “entheta” sites that exposes the lies, fraud and other abuses perpertrated in the name of “religion”,
8) own a cell phone once again,
9) get their personal mail un-opened and un-read and un-censored,
10) travel whever they want and when they want,
11) hold a rewarding job that pays well above minimum wages and has great benefits,
12) go to the doctor and dentist again and catching serious illnesses before they have a chance to fester,
13) have a relationship with whoever you want to have a relationship with,
14) have children without being pressured to have an abortion,
15) own your own home and not have to sleep in flithy/smelly “berthing” with twenty other staff members in a 10×10 room,
16) own a pet,
17) not have to salute someone else’s pet,
18) never get yelled at again for no good reason,
19) never get hit again for no good reason,
20) never have your O/Ws read in front of other staff members just to “destimulate the crew”,
21) never have to follow an order again which you know is illegal and stupid,
22) never have to kiss ass again,
Well, I could go on, but you get the idea. The best thing is that Sea Org members are also now no longer intimidated into not speaking out; the Church’s scare tactics are no longer effective. The protest, PR and legal actions over the last six + years have all led up to this point. Hip hip Hooray!
Wow! Quite a list JB!
“Scientologists are now moving up their Bridges with more wins, more cognitions, more stable case gain than at any previous time in our history”
“go OT and become competent”
These kind of statement have been in Flag promo since forever (20 years at least). What do they reveal? Hidden assumptions that no one is actually winning and no one is competent. Welcome to Flag.
Exactly! Flag the friendliest place in the whole world!!
The more money you have the friendlier they are.
Well, well, well, MISTER Clive Rabies……that “MISTER” that keeps appearing before your name seems to signify that you consider yourself to be a VERY Important Person. Well, here is a little something that LRH had to say about that:
“The title of ‘mister’, implying ‘master’, I also abandon.” “…..The wide world calls me plain “Ron”. That is more than good enough for me…..” -HCOPL 14 Feb 1966.
But “Clive” isn’t good enough for you, is it Clive?
Oh, and then there’s also this little LRH quote from the PR series, Clive:
“Asserting one’s own importance is about as popular as a dead cat at a wedding.” HCOPL 30 May 1971 entitled “Manners”.
Listen up, Clive, I’m trying to help you out here. This is straight LRH! It could partially account for your low turnouts. We won’t even mention the one where Ron says that “self- importance is a button of the not-quite-bright”.
Hi Espiritu,
I haven’t seen Clive in many years, so I don’t know how he is now, and he may fit your description very well.
But when I knew him at Flag he was a sweet person and one of the more sane staff members there. I think he was Div 6 Sec. Then he got “promoted” out of that onto bigger posts, and (in my opinion, from my brief observation of him after he was promoted) he became less himself. Most of my memories of him were of being a pretty rational and caring person. But that person is probably long gone now.
Hi Morris,
I never met Clive personally and I am sure you are right about his basic goodness. Also about that goodness becoming dissipated in as he moved up the chain of command in that environment.
It just annoys me a little bit every time I see someone high up the chain of command COS being referred to a “Mister” when Ron set the example of just being called “Ron”. I think that was a good example for many reasons. It indicates an absence of pretentiousness and suggests inclusiveness of others.
Well, that is only sort of true. After 1967, he was addressed as “Sir” as Commodore of the Sea Org. Even his wife and children addressed him that way.
They are expert at covert invalidation- In the 1st para. you read: “Scientologists are now moving up their Bridges with more wins, more cognitions, more stable case gain than at any previous time”, in other words, before the people has had less wins, less cognitions and less stable case gain.
Subtle, veiled but the invalidation/nullification is right there (plus in other lines of the e-mail). Maybe is hard to see as it is placed along the flow of “help and/or get better”.
Oh, forgot the exclamation marks…THANK YOU MIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah ….. “the CORRECT set of postulates” ….. y’all get that? And THAT my friends is what happened to Scientology. Forget about 8-8008 and Axioms 1-3. And 90% plus of “the basics” you are SUPPOSED to understand. You will be TOLD what your postulates MUST be, capisce? Isn’t “total freedom” a blast?
“Go OT and become competent!”
“If you give us lots of money, maybe one day you won’t be such a dumb ass!”
Old School (LRH) OT = CAUSE
New School (DM) OT = DONATIONS
“Wowzer!!!!! (This deserves some exclams)”
Mike, shouldn’t this actually read “Wowzer!!!!! (This deserves some ex-Clams)”?
Beat it, Troll. Mike and others on this blog want their families back. Have you lost a loved one to the Church of Scientology? If you haven’t, then zip it.
Dude’s done gone quiet.
It’s over whether Scientology, LRH or Miscavige this religion cannot survive. There will be those that hold on however the future portends only a death spiral. People are free to follow whatever teachings, beliefs or systems they choose. Still Scientology for all practical purposes is dead there is no future.
What youth would ascribe to any of the teachings in their formative years, the answer is none. Therefore there will be no one to carry on other those that document the slow demise. Yes there are a few unfortunate misguided individuals that will get caught but the number is so low it’s sad.
I saw an earlier post that I thought equated Scientology with military indoctrination. This I found to be quite true, the isolation of bootcamp; different terminology, isolation indoctrination etc. Ingrained daily in the US armed forces of which I was apart of in my life.
Was it taken to the sickening lengths used by corporate Scientology, No, however the same principles are used.
Cognitions, postulates, wins whatever happened to the English language, oh I forgot different language promotes an us or them thought process. Further isolation of SO, public another fine example of further military indoctrination principles.
I’m sorry so many attached themselves or were ill-informed and bought into this ‘Tech’ (teaching). I do have compassion for those that spent so many years following a false prophet for lack of a better term. Yet still ‘Study Tech, TR’s, Clear and OT’, history has shown they are all misguided.
Possibly a ‘Cognition (realization)’ it’s over said and done.
Mike I do thank you for bringing all of this information to the public realm you are an unsung hero in your own right. Your blog is the only one I now read all the way through including comments, I hope that is a good, I do believe in your task.
Possibly this posting was not tailored for this reply however it’s over the sands in the upper glass are growing less and less everyday.
Philosophy maybe study the Buddah, Lao Tzu or Joseph Campbell or someone else’s teaching.
Miscavige travels with ex Spec-Ops mercenaries for protection still maybe someday someone will still punch that punk. I put more than one officer on their back to hell with their security detail or the charges. In the end my superiors never brought a single charge bullies deserve it.
Still it’s over, that is all, carry on:)
Hey Taylor,
I hate bullies too. I also don’t like the kind of bullies who go on negative rants about things they know nothing about. Are you a troll? Taylor Made by DM? I hope not.
If not, I sincerely hope that you get over your reactive anger issues and get interested in something positive. There are lots of things that can bring true peace and happiness to your life. I would suggest looking into one of your own choice if you feel so inclined.
Well, Taylor, looks like you generated a few negative responses and assumptions about you.
Your writing is rather unique, but what I got out of your message is perhaps unpopular to some writing on this blog:
1. It’s over. (Not just the Church, but Scientology?)
2. And Miscavige deserves a punch in the face.
If those were your points, I generally concur. However, I knew lots of good people while in Scientology, and had good successes myself and in auditing others. There are many points in Scientology worthy of _scientific_ study and research.
However, in the big scheme of things, Scientology simply failed to deliver. It produced not a single proven Clear or a single demonstrated OT VIII in 64 years.
After spending many thousands on Scientology, it took me quite a while to quit apologizing for Scientology. The subject does not need apologists. It needs proof of delivery of promised results.
It quite evidently cannot deliver those results, and so will dwindle into a small sect that will probably persist for some time. Yes, it will blossom from time to time into affluence as it penetrates new countries, and then it will subside in those countries when its true character, written into the DNA of the group via policies and “tech,” becomes known.
My hunch is that Scientology will persist via small numbers of true believers for quite some time. The shame is that as long as it is cloaked as a religion, auditing will probably not be studied scientifically. And that’s a shame in my opinion because it denies science the chance to examine auditing. And that robs humankind of the chance to see what is valid in Scientology.
Thanks Pat but I already consider myself competent. This would be before and after doing OT Levels and would also include being Affluent too, so thanks but no thanks.
A note regarding Affluence: It you really want to be affluent, live within your means and don’t live on credit card debt. In fact, don’t use credit cards at all and think if you don’t have the cash to buy something, then don’t buy it. You probably can wait and can live without it anyway. Save some money too. Most of all, stay away from the CoS, who will encourage you to take out credit cards to purchase your “Spiritual Freedom”. There is no freedom in that and you will end up a financial slave to the bank. Pretty simple.
Pepper, I get the distinct feeling that Pat’s not listening.
Well, I believe your perceptions are spot on. So, you can now attest to the Super Power Perceptics Rundown.
Mr. Parody apparently remains deaf.
Retread for him.
Save me a ton of cash. Sorry Dave, you ain’t a gettin’ my hard earned income. Why don’t you get a real job?
Isn’t there anything else you can drum up about scientology? You were supposedly a Loyal Officer in the SO for so many years, there must be something else to BLOG about. You must have some dirt to share to have such an obsession to destroy scientology. Poking fun at their promo is getting o-l-d. Give the haters some m-e-a-t. Seems all the entheta sites get soooo excited about this lawsuit and that lawsuit, and DM beating people up (who are 2x’s his size apparently), on-line petitions to shut the Church down and yet – they all fizzle out. Give us all something to really “hate” about them, my god, they are soooo evil – you must have something more to be so obsessed.
Must have hit some nerve recently for a troll to be wound up and sent off in this direction. You are pretty rare these days.
If you can’t find enough to turn your stomache in all the stories about Fair Game, swindling people, disconnection, physical abuse, lies, misappropriation of money, idol worship, deaths at Narconon, insurance fraud, child abuse and, and, and… then I guess you will remain blind forever.
I will remain obsessed until the children I unfortunately put into that septic environment without any choice, are free to walk away. You have prevented my son from leaving a number of times. But in truth, neither of them know any other world.
Things are changing. The house of lies will collapse.
And I will then go my way.
Be duly warned MsBHvn.
Thank you Mike.
MissB wasn’t attacking you or your blog.
I realized long ago when I was member, the PR and Marketing was being communicated to me as a member, to get me to continue donating money to continue up the (circular) bridge, but there are now two bridges. LOL
One is a bridge to total freedom, the other being a bridge to status level in the IAS.
I’m not sure if they are not the same. LOL
I believe MissB was just asking for more of your personal experiences as opposed to just making fun of the bullshit public relations lies.
I don’t know, just speculating.
that was an inspired and resolute reply Mike. you couldn’t have expressed it better.
For a number of reasons, I find the promo and email comm to be HIGHLY indicative of where the CoS is at and how it is operating (and extremely fascinating I might add).
Hey Mike,
I don’t know who this person is but perhaps you do.
I’m just glad I aint MsBHavin.
MsBHavin, this blog is primarily about the transgressions of the “CHURCH” of Scientology, not Scientology. You asked for “m-e-a-t” for haters. That would be for you, apparently. Mike doesn’t hate Scientology. Mike is a whistle blower who is exposing the transgressions of the “CHURCH” of Scientology. And no, the “CHURCH” of Scientology does not = the Subject of Scientology.
If you want some “m-e-a-t” for the “haters” of the “CHURCH” of Scientology, then please actually read this blog and research the reports given here for yourself, or stop by your local org and observe what is going on there and compare it to what was going on before DM took over. But if you are just here to stir up trouble then, please, either piss off or wake up and come over to the sunny side of the street:
The truly amazing thing is you yourself Mike were just a kid put into Scientology via no choice of your own when your parents joined and became dedicated Scientologists. The fact that you managed to break away from the SO and mental/physical enslavement, and now are a leading voice in the fight to end the abuse and fraud rampant in the CoS is astonishing. I only hope you show yourself the same understanding you have for your own children’s situation. Keep up your incredible work and congrats.
Right on, Mike.
MsBHvn I see that the cowardly dwarf has sent one of his flying monkeys from the Hole. I guess that scotch swilling psycho has his knickers in a twist today…
Cute remark about Mike having an obsession about destroying Scientology. I know my remark here won’t have the slightest effect on you, but others will read it also.
Scientology has already been destroyed by David Miscavige. We are now trying to stop him from destroying more individual people, among other things.
“Scientology has already been destroyed by David Miscavige”
Truth. It just ain’t what it was, whatever it was before Miscavige made it over in his image.
Here’s something you can hate….
If you have done the OT levels as
delivered by you”re current leader….
you are still not competent.
If you don’t believe me…..ask Pat.
MsBHvn from your comment it is clear to me that you have never completed or done some proper “tech training” as ORIGINATED by LRH or have received any proper “auditing” as ORIGINATED by LRH because if so you might have an insight or cognition that the abomination that is Miscabbage Scientology would turn your stomach. If you can’t handle the truth here, do us a favor and stay out.
Mr. Rinder has been around for decades and knows of what he speaks and reports here. And unlike the rest of you cowards at least has the balls and tenacity to allow you to spout on his blog your point of view!
MsBHvn – We are all here for Mike and will stay until the end, which is soon, otherwise you would not have come here to let us know how upsetting this all is to you. What’s the matter – no stats for 2pm today?
We will continue to poke fun at your regime called Scientology and expose the truth every day.
We will poke fun at your propaganda you feed your clubbed seals. It is just the right thing to do.
We will expose your crimes, your secret cog’s you $ell for $$$,$$$,$$$, your cru$h regging scams, your extortion and bribery and we won’t stop until they shut the doors to every Idle Morgue in the World.
We are relentless, defiant, resolute! We are SP’s and that is what we do.
We love Mike’s Blog and we love Mike!!
Surely, Mike is winning because, by the tone of your post, you are howling!
MIke – thanks for the leaks from Scientologist’s trying to $ell their $cam.
We love the fact that so many Scientologist’s are really out of the cult and forwarding the propaganda, otherwise, Mike would not be receiving tons of leaked e-mails from Scientologist’s pretending to be in, but are really out. That is what disconnection does OSA Troll – you won’t be able to trust anyone inside.
We understand how it feels to be suppressed – it really sucks but karma is a bitch and expect more cuz we ain’t stopping!
Thanks Mike – you do great work and my whole family reads your blog several times a day!! Continue…It is a successful action that drives the REAL SP’s (OSA) crazy!! Howling like a bunch of wolves…can you hear em? Ooowww….Oooowww….OOOOOOWWWWWWWUUUUUUUU!!
“I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand walking in the streets of Soho in the rain, etc. etc. – ahwoooo werewolves of London ahwoooo!
We can hear em, ahwoooooooo werewolves of London awhoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
Very well put, IM! I agree 100%.
A while ago I thought of a better motto for the IAS which would go well on their T-shirts:
“The IAS! Criminal! Corrupt! Cowardly!”
Would be good if someone made up a bunch of such T-shirts and give them to Anonymous to wear at future protests.
I was on Solo Nots for 6 YEARS. They have been saying this kind of crap the whole time I was on the level and it has always been PR.
Pat Parodi used to be my FSM. I kind of liked him. He was very friendly but his comm always seemed a bit unreal to me. I guess what motivates him is the almighty dollar, since FSMing is how he makes his living.
Clive Rabey, I really don’t see how this guy keeps doing this. What a horrible life. I really feel sorry for these guys. My wish is that they would wake up and leave and start having a nice relaxing life before they get too old and die.
100% Pure LRH???? They have been beating that dead horse for 64 years.
Can’t wait until the lawsuits for that fraudulent scam start up. It will be a no-brainer.
Er Mike
Didn’t we all go into Scn with the goal of improving ourselves and moving up the bridge via auditing and training.
What is this person waffling on about?
Don’t people in the Org these days actually understand that you have to read the PL’s and HCOB’s and actually apply them standardly in order to get some results?
Or is it so bad now they have to await the dwarf’s bidding.
They keep going on about the GAT II products but all the dwarf did was produce a very squirrel version of the Student Hat and remove a vital WC series, and invent a couple of Squirrel Rundowns to screw upper level cases up., and they cheer him for this?
One looks up to the sky and wonders!
Sheeple chant: “Davey, Davey tells us what to do. We need some good direction and it all depends on you.”
Dumb question: If all the materials are 100% LRH, then how is this an entirely new seminar?
Does anyone want to drop by AOLA Atrium at 6:00pm and take a photo or 2 and post it here?
Ooops, I see that was last Saturday
It is this coming Saturday – May 24.
Yikes! I would have thought the OSA crazies would have sent out an email to all Flag, CLO, Orgs and Missions that emails are NOT allowed to be sent out any longer. Crazy stuff!
I am sooo happy that I do not receive messages like this anymore! Especially the “this is a a mandatory event for all OT’s” that I used to receive when Clive was coming to town..
Before the Golden Age of Technical Black Death
public would see Clive Rabey , standing room only.
Now the cockroaches scatter in empty Org’s.
Third rate FSM’s hunt the graveyard of Scientology Meccas for anything with a pulse
pushing QUICKIE Fast talk on 24 th rate public.
If humanity starts to having Biblical life spans ( 700 to 900 years)
and everyone owns an oil well or Gold Mine.
NAAA, forget it, it’s just not going to happen.
Hi Mike,
I made a few edits on this amazing piece, which should make it even more effective. Here is my re-write:
The Golden Age of Tech Phase II has blown the tech of OT off its hinges and Scientologists are now losing their britches with more hallucinatory wins, cognitions, more stable no change of case than at any previous time in our history-fact! Having our insane set of postulates, putting them into an alignment with your own abandoned goals of moving up the Bridge, getting to Clear and OT and becoming trained-all this takes the non-application of the real Scientology Tech to one’s life. And when you don’t apply it, no change will come!
I am personally inviting you to an entirely new seminar which will help you to achieve absolutely nothing, to achieve Self-Delusion! All materials are 100% Miscavige and they are exactly what you need to take up your valuable time and energy to prevent you from doing what you have wanted to do for a very long time; go OT and become competent!
Attend this Seminar delivered by Flag Executive and Deputy Captain of the Flag Advanced Org, Mr. Clive Rabey. Hear more delusory wins and successes from Flag, get the data you need to prevent your own success and Affluence!
Please RSVP to the number below and I hope to see you this coming Saturday at the AOLA Atrium at 6:00pm !
Pat Parodi”
Brilliant! Lovely “parody”, indeed. By the way, Mike, every time I now see WUS, my mind instantly changes it to WUSS!
David Miscavige is lonely. Real lonely. Won’t you help? Just $1 from every Scientologist in the world will buy him a nice TV to watch every night…
Well, Morris, this would be really funny if it weren’t so sadly true.
Good parody.
Now that is 100% on source!! When these squirels get too close, cover your nuts.
Dear Pat – can’t make it as this Saturday is bowling night. Perhaps some other time. Have Clive tape his presentation and mail it to my post office box. I’m sure you’ll pack the atrium as I made a very strong postulate for you guys and besides, how hard can that be? LOL.
By the way, say hi to Dave if you see him on one of his theta inspections of PAC. For some reason he seemed to ignore me at the last event. That entourage of his is really something though, isn’t it?!
Once again, you’ve come through, MJ. You crack me up.
Thanks Annabelle. Glad I made you laugh. 🙂
MJ, respect!
Uh, that Respect! for MJ was from me, not from MJ.