After years of promises, now we know: in 6 weeks Pasadena IS going to be “SH Size”.
Remember when they had the Sea Org Mission “making them SH Size”? It was about 6 months ago. Fizzled.
Remember when they opened the “Ideal Org” in 2010. Nothing.
Even with their “ideal org” 6 years later they are still not SH Size. How can that be? L.Ron Hubbard said in the original birthday game that announced “SH Size” as a target that it only took a matter of weeks to accomplish. That they just wanted a big booming org and they got one. In 2003 Miscavige said the “why” for orgs not making it to SH Size was that they were trying to do too little and that it was like trying to conduct an auditing session in an improperly set up room with no paper, no meter etc. Well, they have had perfect auditing rooms for 6 years and they are still not SH Size. Just more proof (not that any is needed) that ideal orgs are a complete lie when it comes to generating “expansion” but they are all time winners when it comes to generating revenue/assets for the organization.
I was in Pasadena a couple of weeks ago – drove past the org. It’s one of the few that have not covered their windows. You can see in the ground floor. Saturday afternoon the ONLY people visible were two staff members. Also went past Denver last week — they have covered up all their windows so you cannot see in — but mid afternoon their parking lot was empty (there was no Rockies game at the time…)
But, as is always the case in scientology, the one thing they have mastered is unreal enthusiasm for how great things are going to be tomorrow, next week, next month, when the X is opened, when our ads appear on the Super Bowl etc etc.
Nick Lekas is my brother in law. Melanies husband. I had heard Chelsea and Mel went to Pasadena when the SO took over LA Day and Fdn. I wonder what it takes to wake somebody up . Hey, wake up!
Hey Pasadena, Pacifica Borg, Flag and all orgs on the planet, here’s an idea for you to get your bodies in the shop stat up, put out a press release that the first 5000 people in the door will actually get their money back for ALL of services or materials that they now regret BUYING. No CVB routing form, no SP declare just walk away. Send a copy to the IRS. You would see a stampede.
After thinking more on this and the LRH ED 339R targets for St. Hill size, I surmise, based on all available data, that there are not enough scamologosts (people actively doing bridge) in ALL of SoCal to make Pasadena St Hill sized if they all transfered to that org for services it could deliver. I’m talking from Santa Barbara down to the Mexico border!
**** totally aside from everything else:
I just went through three weeks of mail and I want to say this:
I don’t care I don’t care I don’t care I don’t care.
F*ck off with all your promo and lies.
Pwhew. Thank you.
Just feel a bit vomity.
Oh for the future day of Out and Seen.
<3 <3 <3
Getting there…now you can say it instead of trying not to think it.
did you see this?
“I was in Pasadena a couple of weeks ago – drove past the org. Its one of the few that have not covered their windows. You can see in the ground floor. Saturday afternoon the ONLY visible people were two staff members”.
Hey Mike, you evil SP you, I’m thinking that someone at Pasadena Org is right now at the mall buying window shades.
Hey, Pasadena! Better buy those thick, opaque, “room darkening” window shades. They cost more but then no one will be able to see in to your empty building again.
They do it on the cheap and put up DN Posters and things that fill the window.
if all it took was for everyone to bring one new person a week in for 6 weeks to go SH size, why haven’t they done that years ago?
because nobody can find 6 new people who even want to walk into the church, let alone join it.
even if a Scientologist could find such a willing person, my bet would be that the hard sell and desperation tactics employed would quickly scare them away. desperation is such a turn off.
Ha ha, Pasadena Org going “St. Hill” (whatever the fuck THAT means … don’t they just have some stat standards that if reached ONCE on a Thursday, they get the “St. Hill” stamp … which of course is removed later on.) I’ve actually visited St. Hill once, very nice place. Wasn’t St. Hill a big success at the time in the early 60s because Ron was living there and delivering the latest tech? Hardly the scene on Raymond Ave in Pasadena.
This whole “new game” once again demonstrates something I realized years ago and have posted a number of times. These people – Lupe, etc, are now functionally mentally ill. They do not function sanely; that is, they cannot perceive the universe as it is and cannot communicate to it in any semblance of reality. In other words, for all intents and purposes as to being in the real world … dey nuts.
OMG, Busted in Moscow and St. Petersberg
looking down the business end of an AK 47.
They could shift the campaign to Moscow if it’s going sour here.
No, wait, they can’t. The police are blocking the door.
“Several illegally installed microphones and cameras were found and withdrawn from Moscow’s Church during a search last August.
In 2007, St. Petersburg City Court liquidated the “Center for Scientology” following accusations that it was collecting data about citizens’ private lives.”
Big Brother Dave has been caught watching YOU! They say it is to ensure technical perfection, but they really do use it against you if you step out of line.
Yep! Here’s hoping that the Russian authorities will take this opportunity to prosecute the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology for its many crimes (and not for “being a wrong religion” which seems to be the executive summary of the many recent prosecutions…)
If you would like to tour the Pasadena Ideal Org with Anonymous simply click here:
PS it was totally empty a WEEK after opening. The only people there were us two protesters and a lady who wanted to use the bathroom. I hope it did not have toilet paper!
AGP, you really crack me up. I saw that vid where you got the dianetics booth thrown out of the Ag fair for hiding their real agenda. Hilarious! Keep up the relentless, terribly irritating harassment. You push their buttons like playing a piano. hahahaha
Can you post that video of where AGP got the Dianetics booth thrown out of the Ag Fair? We’d love to see it.
Thanks AGP.Very informative video.I appreciate it that you on this video let people make an ass out of themselves instead of you making an ass out of yourself.
I have watched many of your videos and if I would not be a flat broke ot7 with 3 l’s I would definitely send you and Mike and Tony some cash to keep up the good work that people like me who have family still in are benefitting from.
If my amazing ot8,l10,11,and 12 powers finally kick in and I get back on my financial feet I will contribute.Promise.
Hey everybody let’s play a game where you bring somebody into the org, you know, the one you NEVER go to? Well, bring a new person there once a week and let’s have fun watching the stats go up and the unicorns dance. What’s that you say? You don’t think that’s a realistic proposal? Okay, then how about you bring somebody into the org and just watch the unicorns?
Is it possible these lame attempts at recruitment are snagging one or two people each time? Sadly that would be enough to keep holding on longer.
It’s a recycle center. The same old bottles keep being returned for deposit.
And a lot of staff re-sign their 2-1/2 year contract to avoid the disdain (not to mention sec checks) which would accompany any decision to do something else.
Remember when they had the Sea Org Mission “making them SH Size”?
I was told by a CMO Int Mission IC that every Ideal Org that opened got a CMO Int Mission to take them to SH Size, and that they would remain on mission until that was accomplished.
Which means they’ll eventually be recalled and Comm Ev’d for a failed mission – ’cause they ain’t go’in Saint Hill Size. Getting this mission assignment is like a fast-track to the RPF.
One question comes to mind: what is Lupe himself doing? The letter hammers on non staff to bring in prospects and suggests the use of another “public” person if help is needed. It appears Lupe merely sends out this kind of palabar and waits at the phone to answer any questions recipients might have.
In my years in the cult I watched public being pressured more and more to do the work that org staff should be doing. I’ve also seen staff from all posts (not just reges) pressured to raise money from public. This has included some of the most highly trained and experienced auditors at flag; each of which could be better utilized delivering the tech in auditing rooms instead. But no, they have a quota just like every other staff member. Folks have been called into ethics only to be hit up for a donation by the EO. Since pencil dick took over it has become abundantly clear the whole game is about sales and the almighty dollar. Any signs the tech is still around are swiftly vanishing if not already gone.
For the record, ‘Lupe’ is short for Guadalupe, a female.
I just figured Lupe was short for Loopy
If they keep it going this way, sooner than later, the orgs won’t be able to maintain this rate of contraction.
But this ain’t a problem for Miscavige, he will sell the buildings, amass more money and dream of another delusional “WHY’ to even steal more money from the few parishioners that decided to stay and follow a sociopath.
Is up to them after all.
Anyway, covering Windows is only the demo that there is nobody and nothing inside. More or less like when on opens somme of LRH books and policies. I remember coming in dec 1999 to Cleawater, where the insane DM had bought the pathways before the Ft Harrison, and “tunnelled” the otehr side way, and taken some tens of trucks to hide the othhr building facing Ft Arson: scientology was forced to close the Windows up to the 11rth stair because Arnie Lerma had stroing voices able to teach by inatsnce that LTH had gotten 4 years jail in France for Fraud!
This makes me think of the collapse of the Third Reich in 1945. Up until the Russians went blasting their way into Berlin Hitler and Goebbels kept slinging the bullshit about how Germany was winning the war when in fact it was losing. Seems like the same scenario with Scientology. We’re going Saint Hill size even though no one is coming through the front door.
Also similar to Baghdad Bob during the Iraq war
You forget that Hitler and his minions spoke to millions .. which believed him and his PR ..
16.897.389.443. 829 beings are now scientologists .. 25 BTs did not agree .. and are now declared .. declered as a gänseblume ..
Good point. Thanks.
This is how ridiculous it is to stay inside that religion in this day and age:
Burl Ives – I Know An Old Lady (that swallowed a fly)
HELLO, LRH put on Red on White that it only takes 3 years to CLEAR everyone on Earth.
Miscavige added a dozen zero’s to that number with the IAS and Ideal Org’s.
Pasadena org is a nest of ex GO Staff and nobodies from 40 years ago.
Waiting lines at the examiners office is a traffic jam of Iron lungs.
And didn’t Pasadena get all the LA Day & Foundation staff when they were replaced with SO a while back? I’d love a report from an insider. It must be a complete wreck inside those churches now. I hope many are leaving and will come out to tell us. Thx for the reporting Mike.
Dunno about the whole staff, but they got Mel and Chel, the Dynamic Dunderheads who ran LA Morgue like their own personal fiefdom. Obviously, that didn’t help.
I heard that my daughter when she was forced to leave LA Org when the 200 SO took over, was thinking of going on staff at Pasadena Org, but in the end decided not to because it costs $10 a day to park and she couldn’t afford the parking fee to work there. The staff at Pas Org and most orgs in general don’t even make enough to cover gas and parking to get to the org.
Wow Cindy. I’m surprised they have permits to operate without their own parking. What a goof to have an org with no parking so the public have to pay also. Crazy.
Cece, most businesses down on Colorado don’t have their own parking. There is no room. Everything is jammed together. At least that’s the way it was 15 or so years ago.
Ok I’m going to be very generous here. Let’s pretend 10 people actually manage to bring in 1 person a week. The problem here is that of the 60 people brought in, 10% of them MIGHT sign up for a service and for those six who did sign up maybe 1 would be there at the end of six weeks. That’s being very generous since the topic of Scientology is radioactive to anyone but hard core bubble dwellers. The more likely scenario,is that of the ten remaining people on lines, two will quietly or noisily leave.
Valerie – sorry to put ice cubes in the cold water scenario, oops “game”, that you paint but how does a dedicated kool-aid addict who lives sleeps and breathes in a sci-bubble eeven find 10 wogs who are naive enough to show up to an org at the sci’s behest and watch a bunch of overproduced cheesy videos trying to show the church in a good light? If one asked me to come on down I would have so many questions they could only give patent lies as answers and they would be in sec checking faster than you could say “why are you cavorting with sps”. Remember when DM’s best buddy did his video laughing nervously about a time when sps would be extinct? Ha!
Hell Tony, we haven’t even gotten started and the walls of Dave’s cave are falling all around.
Anyone who even finds a piece of ‘new meat’ and gets them to the cherch on time has no chance after the initial visit of getting them back.
The ‘new meat’, upon returning home mentions where they have been and all other members of the household unload with something like “Have you even checked the internet on those crazy loons?”
Raw meat then googles it …………………….. game over ….. DAVE!
I think a person would stand a better chance of surviving Fukishima than a visit to an Idle Morgue. The symtoms are very much like radiation poisoning; first you whither and if you don’t crawl out, you die.
Why do the people using WiFi at the Starbucks across the street from your Hollywood Boulevard Testing Center scoff at your minions?
Ummmm….because it fun to make fun of cult members?
The Fukishima Nuclear Power Plant would be like Disneyland compared to going into a Model Idle Morgue.
Ice cubes I’ll take Ice cubes right now, our air conditioning broke at the office. Yeah, tony b I was being not generous but totally and thoroughly unrealistic in my analysis. I can’t imagine a bubble dweller with enough confront to actually attempt to get a “wog” to come into the building these days.
Valerie, you are absolutely and completely wrong! That scenario you set up is indeed enough to clear the planet … many times over, actually. Get with the program, kid!
Lekas; wasn’t it his wife who babysat the heart/lung machine at LAF for decades? After watching his BFF (Ritchie Acunto) implode on all dynamics at the top of the bridge, you’d think that he would wognite and leave.
Yeah, that was Melanie Lekas, the Mel part of Mel and Chel. She got shoved out of LAF by the Sea Borg and shoved into Pasadena as ED.
Ah! Okay, that explains her hubby doing seminars at Pasadena now. tks
Here we go Lupe Loo
Here we go Lupe Lie
Here we go Lupe Loo
All on a Thursday at Too………….
What in the world is a field control secretary foundation?
FCS is in charge of a Department within the Public Division on the LRH ‘Org Board’. He/she is in charge of ‘controlling’ the field of course. The Field Staff Members (FSMs) are under this department who makes sure they are paid their 10/15% commissions for the persons they bring in to the org and get started. There are FSMs that live with 6 figure yrly incomes on this activity alone.
@cece, I wonder if that’s still the case with the 6 figure incomes.
In one of DM’s alterations of the tech, some years back he changed the whole way that FSM’s are paid, in direct violation of the FSM policy that Ron wrote which was clear and understandable and unequivocal. This cut the FSM’s money flow so badly that Pat Parodi at that time and Drew Johnston, two big gun FSM’s had to take on outside Non-Scn jobs to supplement their FSM income. It was a huge shakeup and I’m sure other FSM’s also had to “moonlight.” I was on a routing form at Flag and had to talk to the FSM I/C and asked her why they had changed the FSM commissions and pointed out it was in direct violation of what LRH wrote. She looked furtively around to see if anyone overheard this comment and told me to not talk out loud about this and just let it drop and then she hunched down in her chair and tried to act like, “nothing to see here…just move on…”
Wait a minute … did you say that Drew Johnston actually once WORKED for a living? I find that hard to believe.
Joe as I live and breathe, yes Drew Johnston got a moonlighting job while being an FSM. I know because I went to the co he was working for and he came in the room and talked to me and we specifically talked about why he was working there (changed the way FSM’s are paid and my income was cut 50 to 70% he said.) And in that meeting Drew told me that Pat Parodi was also doing outside work to meet his FP 1. I started saying how unfair it was to do that etc, and Drew said not to buck it and just out create it. So Drew never questions DM and never looks. He just is a dutiful supporter. That always surprised me about him because he is smart and highly trained (OT VII and Class VII field auditor and CS and Power FSM — that is until they took all his certs away until he re-did the training bridge again when GAT II came out.) I hope Drew cognites and gets out. But that is not likely since he and Dede have a daughter in the SO and they’d lose her if they did that.
Cindy, someone showed it to me at the time. Are you referring to when the change was made so that an “FSM” got paid as each service was started as opposed to all at once? That was the only change I ever heard of since I’ve been out.
Flag is/was paying only ten percent on training instead of 15. I’ve no idea how or why.
They won’t pay commission for VII after the initial “getting on”. So all the money for sec checks/handlings/etc on 6 month checks are not given commission. The excuse I was told was that once on VII they no longer need to be ‘handled’ to do the next part so the FSM is not actually FSMing them anymore. It was total B.S.
Also they twist the line in the policy of “no cross FSMing” to mean that no spouse can collect on the other spouse. Even if you got them in and put them on course before you ever married them you won’t get a commission after the wedding. Nope.
Basically Flag does what it wants and makes shit up to keep its greedy paws on the dough.
(and remember, we couldn’t buy the new meter off money on acct – it had be cashola at the till. Forced to buy it, and forced to cashola it.)
Not sure about FSO as it has LRH references other than HCO PLs that are written JUST for that org. The question I had was for other orgs.
It is a subsection of the Office of Redundancy Division Department.
Once we get into Fall, I’ll be heading back up to Pasadena to see the New Model Idle Morgue. In all it’s glory….
Summer in Pasadena is brutal.
Ideal Fail equals Ideal Fail however you want to spin it
Well, at least their failure is Ideal! That counts for something……right?
3yrs ago INT missionares were calling me at least 4 times a day for a week to get me to be the SR C/S
of Pasadena Org. Of course I declined!!!
The amount of bullshit they were trying to push on me was unbelievable. IE: Good pay, auditing ect…
I promise everyone who reads this blog that Pasadena will never I repeat never be ST. Hill size.
Oh they might rig it to have “the staff and public they need to do this for a week” but that will collapse
and they will be worst off than they began with.
People get tired of being fed bullshit and leave. Also INT missionares get tired of dishing it out and leave.
All that will remain will be a big stinking, steaming pile of Daveshit.
And folks that is what Scientology has become!
Willie, FAIL is written directly into the DNA of scamology. No matter what one tries to use it on it will FAIL.
Prepharation H (Hubbard) is now so strong that you don’t have to put it ON something to shrink it, just getting it NEAR things shrinks them. Businesses around orgs are vacant because the clams creep out and scare away customers. And the clams aren’t customers— they’re all broke. WAAYOOGH, gasp, cough!
Looks like you have the inside track Chewkacca,
Here is some recent news from Sacramento Big Beings such as those that made it go right to put an Idle Morgue in that city:
Local Business owned by the Alley family may need to contact WISE for assistance in handling the situation:
“On 10/26/2015 BBB confirmed that Contractor’s State License Board revoked the license of Alley and Co. Heating/Air, Inc..”
Info on this report can be found here:
All I can say is keep those FSM commissions rolling………….
I just got back from eating Chicago hot dogs and much more in the great Chi Town and have now gone St Hill Size! It was fun! Something tells me that downsizing now won’t be but not as painful as what the Pasadena Ideal Org staff will be going through.
big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
One thing you can count on with Miscavige is unreal targets, also known in Scientology speak as “suppressive targets”. No matter how much work or how much money the staff and public contribute, they will have a loss.
Forget about all the false promises and false carrots. These people are put in a continuous no win situation. The next step is to find out WHO has the counter intention (CI) and put their head on a pike. Of course it is always the poor fool who was working and trying the hardest.
That’s spot on about unreal targets, Matt. I used to feel so sorry for the staff at my org. They would ask for help a la: “We’ve been given this REALLY stiff target to _____by ____”. My reply was usually something like, “But that’s impossible!” to which I’d get a shrug, and a “Can you help?” I’d usually try to do something because I pitied them while inwardly shuddering at the idea of having to deal with the kind of thing they had to deal with.
Aqua, I’ll be glad to hand over 13 cents. As a Scotsman, that’s a lot of money. I was going to make it 3 cents, but, I thought I’d be magnanimous….
Maybe, just maybe, the Big Bean that contributes to humanity by bilking $$$ to provide a strange voice for a cartoon character (that is 1.1 on the Tone Scale) and giving the $$$ to empower a dictator who abuses people for personal gain will wake up AFTER this Morgue goes SH ???
Doubt it…but one can always have hope…..
Scientology did not destroy my hope for mankind…but it came close!
I used to feel pity for staff members.But anyone who is still playing this game in 2016 cannot blame the Evil Dwarf.This level of stupidity and the Dwarf are just made for each other.
The Evil Dwarf is just implementing and enforcing existing LRH policy. Don’t blame him. AAAROOO!
Xenu’s Son, I agree with you in theory, but I think many staff stay on staff because of their affection for each other and their desire to “not let the group down”. From what I saw as a public ( I was never staff or SO) the affinity and loyalty to one another was consistently high. I have to say I think its a damned shame that the basic decency of these people keeps them enslaved. That’s why I believe what someone said yesterday on this blog, that only enough abuse, experienced personally can cause staff to consider leaving.
so anyone who cognited and comes OUT is “stupider” than those who came OUT before? As a recent “OUT” I have empathy for those who are still IN. The power of IN is such that I can’t fault those who still dream of the brass ring. I’m just so damn thankful that I had such trauma as to burst me out. I lost everything and gained a glimmer of clarity.
Is it possible that Scientology is about to do what Texas A&M University has been doing for decades? If you take and complete a course there, you are eligible for “The Association of Former Students”, which is their alumni association, and you get to be dunned for donations just like people who graduated. I believe that if you pay a fee of $50 or so, you can be in the alumni directory as well.
Deeming an organization to be Saint Hill size based on total contacts that they have had with people over some period of time, rather than current active membership, is one way that the whole central files project makes sense. Of course, they want to try to bring people back into the fold by dunning them for donations. It is actually not that strange a notion. Most religions consider you “theirs” until you do something to change your status, such as resign in writing from a congregation.
This is one organization that most members would not admit to being a member of. And not put on one’s resume. And that removes names (like David Mayo) and photos of members from official histories. And one that can’t recruit new members. Added together, it means goodbye. WAAROOUNK!
@chewkacca, so true. I always avoided putting scientology on my resume and I’ve been gone for over 30 years. Even back then, people looked at you askance at the very mention of it.
Valerie, I know staff who moonlight and advertise their businesses on social media – staff who have been on post for decades – and not a breath of a whisper about Scientology will you find on their Facebooks, LinkedIns, and so forth. It amazes me because the ones I know, at least could not be more dedicated koolaid drinkers, and yet, they mention nothing about the cult, not even under “hobbies”.
my resume sucks sooooo harshly. *sigh. Thanks Scientology!!!