Rona has her knickers in a twist because the NUMBER ONE ORG IN THE WORLD HAD 2 PURIF/SRD STARTS IN ONE DAY, and they, the mighty ideal org of Pasadena had zero.
The astonishing fact that TWO STARTS in a day puts you on top of the world of Scientology seems completely lost on Rona (or anyone else inside the bubble for that matter). To justify these ridiculous buildings they are in they should have 10 starts every day. at that order of magnitude they MIGHT make 50 Clears a week if they did EVERYTHING right. Even then its only 2500 Clears a year…. And that would possibly make them viable. It would also make them bigger than the FSO, and STILL not even scratching the surface on “clearing their zone.”
And not surprisingly, this is apparently all that anyone is interested in. Purif and SRD starts… This is par for the course. When GAG was released it was all GAG. Same with Basics. And Congresses. And ACCs. And Ron Mags. But even before that it was KTL. It was Grades. LOC. PTS/SP. You can run through the list, scientology exists on fads. “The latest” is the greatest and there is nothing more important. Until the next “latest” comes along.
Amazing that Pasadena Org is watching the STARTS in Taiwan by the hour… And trying to drum up enthusiasm and business on this basis. This is the very small world of scientology. They try desperately to make it sound big and omnipotent. In fact, it is small, shrinking and increasingly impotent.
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2014
From: Rona Bowles <[email protected]>
Subject: [OTC-Mail] OMG!!! We are #2? No Way!
Dear OTCers,
I just got word that the Kaoshiung Org got themselves in high gear and moved into 1st Place with 2 Purif and SRD starts today!
This moved them into the lead of the game that we are NOT going to lose this week, right?
And how many starts did Pasadena get today? OMG…it was zero!
Never fear, when our darling Brooke arrives at 4 pm to start the Purif on Tuesday, we will move up to be tied for 1st place. But what if the Taiwanese Tigers get another start before the rest of our starts for the week?
Don’t let me stress out too much guys, it isn’t a pretty!
Come and start the Purif or SRD this week. Send in your friends, family or selectees. Let’s make this happen!!!
We’re #1! We’re #1! Right??? It’s Pasadena style!
Looking forward to seeing you and hearing from you to help us take the lead again in the next 24 hours…
I did not know that COSMOD was actually on campus before it was forced to move down the hill. As to Gus Cox’s comment “Who the hell are these people?”, it was exactly this situation that led Delphi management to banish Sheridan Mission public from the campus. One day in fall 1983, some girls were all atwitter about the “perv” who was staring at them from behind some bushes during girls’ soccer practice. Turns out some Mission public (a middle-aged man, natch) blew from the sauna (the exit of which at the time provided a view of the upper soccer field), and took it upon himself to “observe” the practice until the girls freaked out and the soccer coach (hilariously George Hancock, if I remember correctly — George was one tough operator who probably scared the pants off (or maybe back on) that perv).
You can bet that the Mission’s raw public disappeared from the Delphi campus after that! The students were whispering about it for weeks afterward.
George was a part time campus cop in McMinnville. Scary.
Amen. Sometimes the steam comes in waves, though. I think I’ve let it go, and then another wave comes and I get really pissed off (probably noticeable in my posts, occasionally 😉 ) but it gets better – much better!
Yeah, Delphi had to work out some issues with Scientology overlap. Not just in the curriculum.
Before that mission was in Sheridan, it was on the 2nd floor and it was called the “Staff Courseroom.” The idiots in Int Mgt decreed that as a mission, it should be available to the public so that’s why they moved it to town.
I didn’t realize the school had a sauna, but yeah, having mission public come up the hill to sweat would have been a problem, similar to when they had COSMOD staff lurking around there at odd hours, of “who the hell are these people?” When you take a lot of money to take care of people’s children, you don’t want any “who are these people” on your campus. No effing way, period.
Now, I believe they have a shuttle to Portland Org for staff “enhancement.” Hell, Delphi’s probably the biggest source of PDX Org public these days!
Yep, true. Amazing that she’s still in after all this time. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose, non?
The good news is the “orders of magnitude” slogan really works this time! See, 1st place at 2 starts is 100% greater than 2nd place at 1 start. If third place is zero starts then, by definition, 2nd place is incalculably better! See what I did there? Straight up and vertical I tell ya!
4th place – 1, 5th place – 2, etc.
Oh, I let it go a long time ago. But my feelings on bullies hasn’t changed. And my “fuck you” attitude toward that kind of thing is here to stay. Mine is a long story, and one day I’ll tell it if anyone had any interest. But never again will I give the benefit of the doubt to assholes who abuse power. The result justifies the means? It better be a hell of a lot better result than the CO$ gets. Not even close.
‘Don’t let me stress out too much guys, it isn’t a pretty!’
You know, when I hear this attitude, it reminds me of all the bullshit I, and many others have had to put up with in this group. Most of us were there to help, and this fucking attitude was our reward.The amount of bpc I have in regards to this is overflowing. I wouldn’t put up with an ounce of this shit anymore. If anyone ever treats me the way I was treated as Sea Org staff, I’ll knock their teeth down their throat. By the way, if I ever run into Diane Marple again, she’ll definitely know it was me she ran into.
I know the feeling overrunincalif, but you gotta just let it go. Think of the poor bastards still in who are still doing this to each other and running around in ever tightening tiny circles while their tiny world gets tinier every day. Out here in the real world there are more important concerns, like living a real life and getting to know real people. You’re giving them far more power than they deserve if you bother getting mad at them. Laugh at them instead! It really tees them off!
I agree with overrunincalif – They need a good ass beating.
That’s the spirit Overrun – I did laugh when I read your comment. I remember when I was Qual Sec squaring up to the HAS when he wanted to do something off policy (quite usual for HASes) amongst many other similar situations. So I am stlll chuckling now – if you need a hand in knocking someone’s teeth out let me know! Ha!
Ah yes.
Qual…I said Quaaaal….
Fond memories of the jer…er I mean execs who wanted us to sec check such and such or do an ethics interview on so and so ( musta been dyslectic) and all the other orders and suggestions.
The Qual Sec and I got tired of saying “Qual Takes Orders From No One” so we made this huge sign that said exactly that and would point to it every time we got an order or “suggestion”.
It’s a business, get a clue Rona.
Ideal Org Fail, Fail, Fail.
Help me, Rona
Help, help me, Rona
Help me, Rona
Help, help me, Rona
Help me, Rona
Help, help me, Rona
Help me, Rona
Help, help me, Rona
Help me, Rona
Help, help me, Rona
Help me, Rona
Help, help me, Rona
Help me, Rona yeah
Get her out of my life
“Don’t let me stress out too much guys, it isn’t a pretty!
Come and start the Purif or SRD this week. Send in your friends, family or selectees. Let’s make this happen!!!”
I will destroy you if you do not comply with my orders (from upper management)
Get the fuck in my sauna and overload on Niacin you slackers. I don’t care how many times you have already done it. I need stats now bitches!!!
YA VOL MEIN kommandant
Sieg heil!
First prize…you get the Cadillac. ….Second prize…you get the steak knives. ….third prize…you get the fuck out…..!
Damn, now I have to go on youtube and watch that.
Sheldon, you still have some Scientology residue stuck to you. Foot traffic hasn’t been relevant to Scientology’s growth since the Internet exploded in the mid-90s. It really hasn’t been relevant since the first wave of popularity of the smart phone, where a Google search could be done anywhere in seconds. If those still in still believe that foot traffic is still relevant, they’re suffering from one of two types of cognitive dissonance. Those in the Idle Morgues that are built out in the middle of nowhere (like, say, Malmo) are wondering why the Church is deviating from LRH in putting the org where there’s no foot traffic, while those in orgs like Pasadena are wondering why no foot traffic is coming in, since LRH said that it was critical to booming an org, and LRH couldn’t be wrong, could he?
I totally agree Hallie,
Thanks to the 3 swing “F/N” which is probably a persistent ARCX “F/N” in many cases. The Gross Alteration of Tech, GAT and now being forced to redo levels that one has already done which tends to invalidate any gains that were previously made under GAT II they’re soon going to be running out of customers.
In my opinion the one’s who will remain are gonna be the NCGs who never made any gains any way because of reasons covered in the Expanded 40 and think that the next alteration will maybe give them some gain of some kind.
Probably why they have such an abiding faith in lil’ Sgt Furry.
Hi Remoteviewed – your comment re those remaining in being NCG types is spot on. When I look over the people I knew who are still “in” many of them fit that bill of goods.And they daren’t think a revolutionary thought as that means someone might sec check them and find out what they are really sitting in, although I have the idea that good auditing and good sec-checking skill disappeared years ago from the Church. And these people were also the sort that couldn’t really tie their own shoe laces. This is what DM has reduced “Scientologists” to.
They drove sec checking skill out when they set up Sec Checkers School at NWC.
Been there done that.
Got popped at ASHO for allegedly “Missing a Withhold” on a PC while I was doing his End of Endless Int Repair RD fer christsakes but the robotic moron we had for a “C/S” said I could either do Sec Checkers School or get a Comm Ev.
Looking back I probably should’ve taken door number two but anyway they were brain washing auditors over there to be “unreasonable” idiots and demand withholds the PC didn’t have and how to clean a clean.
So I put on my smiley face and did the course and graduated and basically threw out what false data I “learned” over there and never did a sec check after that with the exception of a couple of Eligibility cycles.
Moving on.
Most of these so called “OTCs” in my opinion are basically continuous o’s cases especially the big patrons and WISE members.
Probably what they need more than a sec check is a prevent list.
Others have no reality on overts anyway because the ends justify the means doncha know and they’ll do anything to “secure” their next intensive or pay for their next “status” short of robbing a bank because it’s for the “greatest good” as far their concerned which happens to be supporting a corrupt organization with a so called “leader” who aligns with their intentions which probably got missed on Xdn and FPRD.
Ever ask yourself why after all the high end auditing delivered at the Magic Kingdom someone like Matt Flashback has gotten he’s still wearing those coke bottle lenses?
I see what you’re saying Remoteviewed and Foolproof. I see it as more of a buildup of the effects of reverse auditing. I’ve heard quite a few comments about the gains being less often or less in quantity, from various people. Due to the gross out tech, mismetering (eg; 3 swings, forcing false reads), misprogramming (eg; everyone is the same, evaluating case states), and unsafe auditing, the bypassed charge is actually building up in people, the reverse of what it should be. Every once in awhile some charge blows so the person has a “win” but the quantity of charge left is greater and is building. The auditors focus on thoughts instead of charge which is the ONLY thing they should be interested in handling. When the charge on overrun, underrun, inval, eval builds up, you can get a very weird feeling person, ie: the person feels weird to himself and to others around him. “Creepy”. They are particularly getting charge on their own point of view which is reverse Scn. One either sees the decline in their mental health and leaves or succumbs by having to go out of valence. I have seen more than a few still ins who are literally cross-eyed. Their effort to assume a beingness not their own takes it’s toll physically.
Reverse Auditing or Black Scientology pretty much describes what’s going on in the Church these days.
Has anyone ever seen the movie Weekend at Bernie’s? If not, please do and you will see how absurdly appropriate it is to the state of the “church”. For a quick synopsys see this wikipage – . In a nutshell these lowlevel idiots have to pretend their boss is still alive because they fear they will be killed by gangsters if it’s discovered he is actually dead. So they spend the weekend dragging this corpse all over the place trying to keep up the appearance that their boss is still alive by essentially making a puppet out of his corpse.
These OTC clowns and Kool aid drunk fools putting on a black tragicomedy grotesque marionette show starring themselves and this bloated corpse they once knew as their church. Parading it around as if it was still alive while knowing full well it is long dead but if the show stops, they stop too. These actors have allowed this hideous thing to become an integral part of their identity and if it dies, they die too. If you think I’m being dramatic just listen to the panic and desperation in Michael Doven’s voice in the recording here when Marty tells him the church is dead – .
If this isn’t black comedy I don’t know what is.
Can confirm this. I was a student at Delphi, Oregon who joined staff upon graduating. As a student I thought Rona was just kind of obnoxiously perky, like a post-menopausal cheerleader. Then, when I had to work with her a few times, I realized how ineffectual she was. I thought she was a total theetie weetie. She actually routed off staff within months of me joining.
Whenever I encounter the name of someone who was in Scientology the same time as me 20 to 40 years ago — and find that person is still drinking the kool-aid, despite everything — I feel sad and disappointed. With Rona, however, I have to say I’m not too surprised. Based on her email, it appears her perkiness has become even more maniacal. The thought of having her as my ED makes me shiver.
Still, though, one freakin’ start on the Purif? Really? Even after the Mission assassinations in 1982, the Sheridan Mission (down the hill from Delphi) was still regularly sending new people on to the Purif. It was actually a problem because the School had the sauna facilities and eventually didn’t want the non-student raw meat on its campus alongside its actual paying students. Eventually the Sheridan Mission withered away (and became a bed and breakfast!). Rona Bowles was there at that time, as well as at Celebrity Center in Portland during better years, and personally witnessed what booming orgs really look like. The cognitive dissonance is strong in this one.
Agree. Not at all surprised. And her idiot husband Tim was equally blind.
Actually shelgold,
Pasadena Org moved from a busy high body traffic zone right off the 210 Freeway next to a shopping mall to a back water location which is off the beaten path of what is considered “Old Town Pasadena” which is basically a tourist trap meaning that most of the public in that area are mostly from out of town.
So much for actually promoting to actual Pasadena public.
Anyway when I was on staff we had some of the worst PR thanks to the GO’s rogue op that got blown and later the whole Jonestown Massacre where anything that wasn’t a mainstream religion was considered a “Cult”.
Yet despite these flaps we still had more than two lousy starts per week.
My opinion is that these so called “Ideal Orgs” are really not delivering of value these days. Basically no or poor results. Not to mention the invalidation of being told that you now have to redo every level you’ve done previously.
“Don’t let me stress out too much guys, it isn’t a pretty!”
Who is she, Chico Marx?
The unfortunate truth is that horrible stats and no new public don’t really hurt Miscavige and the Ideal Org cycle of action. He blames the locals and they don’t really cognite that it’s a systemic problem across all of Scientology.
Cycle of action for the ideal orgs:
1. Pick out a really expensive building (must be at least 5 times bigger than needed.)
2. Fundraise like hell. Use all the techniques that have been developed (i.e. use of Shills, every type of off-policy
money raising method that can be dreamed up.)
3. When you get close to getting the Fundraising target (take a large chunk and buy a testing center out of the blue.)
4. More Fundraising get to goal.
5. Trusted locals buy the building.
6. Now let everyone know about the “renovations” and the additional fundraising that will be required.
7. Move in mobile S.O. Staff to make the Org seem real.
8. Big Gala event – Org opens.
9. Slowly move S.O. staff to next target Org.
10. Transfer ownership to corporate entity that only Miscavige controls.
11. Wait x number of years.
12. Sell the testing center.
13. Wait x more years
14. Sell the building, keep the money… blame it on the local field.
If anyone doth protest with any step be sure to Sec-check the hell out of them or kick them out and attack the shit of them. Org? dedicated Scientologists don’t really need an Org, they can go to Flag. It was their fault they didn’t work hard enough to create the Org.
Dedicated to the consumers of daily drivel from Chef Corn on the COB:
“It’s All In The Game”
Many a tear has to fall
But it’s all good with Dave
All in the wonderful game
That we know as slaves
You had thoughts ’bout him
And your future’s looking dim
But these things somehow you’ll rise above
Once in a while Flag will call
But it’s all in the game
Soon you’ll have lost all your guts and brains
And he’ll kill your dreams
As you wonder why you were so mean
And your bridge will fly away
Maybe between step 10-11 and 12-13, insolvent orgs borrow money from Scientology international against the equity in the org. When the org becomes unable to pay, Scientology international forecloses and takes ownership of the building.
Sorry, I meant Antarctica is number 3.
Anyone wanna start an org in Greenland?
Why pollute an otherwise clean space. We need to begin quarantine operations worldwide!
Good point. The natives don’t want them anyway.
This is one of the saddest I’ve seen. In a word, UNREAL. With the tech corrupted and the personal win stat, lowest ever, the chance of getting willing customers is very poor. I recently spoke to someone newly out. She described how she used to have such beautiful wins from auditing, but now, it was grueling and unproductive. Now that wins are compromised and it’s common knowledge that funds are being misused, the money train is off the rails.
“Don’t let me stress out too much guys, it isn’t a pretty!”
Well, I’m afraid I see many ugly days ahead for you.
And you’re right, it isn’t pretty.
Let me get this straight: The purpose of doing Scientology services is so that your org’s stats can get a boost in a never-ending contest?
for a sane person trapped in scientology it must be a lot like being Yossarian in Catch22.
There are no sane people in scientology.
All of the people still left in are those who are happiest not knowing the truth. They’d rather live a lie than face reality. My own dear family included.
Antarctica is number.
I worked with Rona in a former Scilon life at Delphi Oregon. What a fool she is! Always had her head in the sand (or in some other part of her body) and totally oblivious to BS going on at that school. Always. suck up as well.
I said already 30 years ago that we try to redo everything .. today it is a basic to redo everything .. earlier it was called a Prpgress Prg or Advanced Prg or simply a repair .. I asked once in my last time: how we can repair 70 hours with 1100 hours – what happened here ..
For people in a group that offers services that are supposed to increase awareness, extroversion, the ability to think clearly, the ability to apply logic – this is so far below pathetic that pathetic is virtually an unreachably high goal. Beyond the fact that playing to get one or two more Purif and SRD starts does not even put one on the playing field (if “Clearing one’s zone” is the game), most likely the one or two Purif and SRD starts (and probably 90%+ of all Purif and SRD starts) are enforced redos. This is no expansion at all, as it simply recycling what they already have for a few bucks and to keep a few staff a little busy for a little while. It is in fact an indicator of contraction, not expansion. And they really do not even see it, so what does that say for the supposed gains in awareness, etc people like Rona should have already experienced. We have reduced awarenesses (contraction) and re-cannibalizations or already cannabilized existing members. Wow.
All the other orgs, ideal or not must be tied for last with zero starts. Straight down and vertical ……Miss Carriage style.
To paraphrase Billy Joel re Dave: “He’s got a way about him.”
The problem is the wrong stats are being measured. If Co$ progress was measured in lawyers’ billable hours the stats would be through the roof! Come on people get it together
Right on. Straight up and vertical.
If you mean why can’t they reach profitability, well, even with slave labor, donations, price increases and whatnot, the thing is that the huge empty buildings they seem to be so proud of cost more in taxes and utilities than whatever they can bring in.
And there is nothing they can do about it. Wog companies don’t give a rat’s ass David Miscavige thinks he’s an important ecclesiastical leader, is busy “clearing the planet” or throws tamper tantrums when people contradict him. They want their damn money, or they cut you off.
Those are called “fixed costs” in a business.
Or pee in her cornflakes.
Yes, I agree, statpush, I thought it got more and more bizarre my final 7 years. Since I was declared and officially arrived outside the bubble, the business of the church CONTINUES to look more and more bizarre, and my personal life becomes more and more pleasant. It’s as if I had been living in an underground mine adapting to toxic fumes and have been gradually adapting to the oxygen coming in and continue to adapt as the light comes in.
Their “orders of magnitude” are indeed out of proportion and so is their ‘power of influence’; practically microscopic.
Pasadena is number TWO????? I don’t get it. Who the heck is number THREE fercryinoutloud? ….. or number four …. or is this some sort of “two man game” of some sort? (Because otherwise I would think Pasadena would be number 15 in the WUS)
When I was in, it seemed there was always someone on the purif. Groups of someones. I would say that 3-8 were on it as I went through, and Pasadena is about the same size. I don’t even remember having a OT committee.
I still can’t see how on-tech Scientologists would go for so much of the crap coming from Captain Miscavige. GAT I and II are so out KSW as to boggle the mind. Ideal Orgs, and the fund raising IAS status: Hubbard was clear to me, shabby orgs are OK and Scientology services should pay for everything. And I wasn’t in all that long.
Don’t cry to me Pasadena
The truth is your plan was stupid
All through your down stats
Your sad existence
You killed Ron’s promise
Just keep your distance
you call that a song ..
A song, a poem, a lyric, a barb…
Fighting to be #1 in the world with one or 2 Purification RD starts. If they pull it off (and that’s a big IF), I’ll bet the starts are REDOs.
All of the slick ads on TV and this is the result? No wonder she seems befuddled. Pasadena Org is a beautiful building on a very busy street.
In 1973, when I got in, most people never heard of SCN. That was MUCH easier to deal with than the current PR situation.
Sheldon, I am sure they are REDOs. starts too..
I had the same experience in 1973… the Church’s “bad PR” was they were “anti-establishment”, which was post Vietnam War era…. At the time LRH said any PR including bad PR increased growth… It was true for me: Anti-establishment? Oh boy, let’s go there!!!
Today it’s a nut house. Look at Tom Cruise’s big fail at the box office. I believe his financial loss is because of his stance in the nuttyness of Scientology.. Co$ type of backwards Scientology of course.
“We’re #1! We’re #1! Right???”
To quote Rodney Dangerfield, “Don’t step in #2.”
Must be Brooke Owen, wife of Jim Owen, both OT8’s, both in for 30 – 40 years or more.
Great that she’s finally getting to do her Purif again! At least it will be done right this time! They have the next 30 – 40 years to redo their entire bridges several more times. Oops! They will both probably be dead in 10 – 15 years, and will have lost their chance for “eternity”.
Let’s hope one or both of them wakes up before then.
A bit off-topic…the more time I spend outside the bubble, the more bizarre the business of Scn becomes. I know of no other organization or group that operates this way. For example, what method do they use to determine the price of their services? With the recent price changes for training and processing, it appears they just pull these prices out of a hat.
They think they have a monopoly on Scn, and I’m sure they consider it an advantage. But even with this AND tax exemption AND near-slave labor workforce AND money-for-nuthin donations, they still can’t seem to make it work. Geez, what else is left?
How can anyone objectively look at their operating policy, and the result it produces, and claim it is superior in anyway? Is it superior because their orgs are shiny, prosperous examples and proof-positive of the efficacy of Admin Tech? From my experience, having been on staff, the only thing that Admin Tech consistently delivers is dysfunction.
It is because they live in a bubble. Their world is the world that exists exclusively in their minds — a universe created by imagery presented to them at events and in emails and promotional pieces. It’s ALL they see….
DM was so right with his “the blind have been leading the blind.” It’s just that the clapping seals have failed to recognize who the real leader of the blind is.
…..and apparently in their universe 2 is a big number.
Perfectly put Mike.
Mike: you system do not work on reply .. communication is impossibele ..
Amen Mike… its a bubble in the internet age… hard to maintain.
It’s business system built on growth of people and money. And, when it reverses there is a stuck point, like a giant rubber band being pulled until it breaks… will it go out with a whimper or a bang in the end?
So true Mike,
One of the main reasons I stopped going to International Events was because they were nothing but agitprop,
It seemed that the only Orgs that were allegedly doing well were in faraway places one never heard of and those annoying exploding stat graphs with no actual numbers going “straight up and vertical”.
(Never mind that a stat like WDAHs could look like it was in screaming affluence if the previous hours were say zero and they managed to do one whole hour in the HGC just before the event or in this case get an actual purif start.)
Then there was those obvious Potemkin Villages called “Ideal Orgs”.
Not to mention all those photo shopped images of “full” venues.
You go from those “events” to say some backwater area like LA where there are more Course Supervisors than students and you can hear your echo in the PC waiting area and suddenly you come to the blinding cognition that Management is full of shit.
Either that or sign up with the Electric Acid Koolaid Test of Scientology known as the OT Committee like everybody else there go on a drug free LSD trip which includes megalomanic delusions of grandeur.
Freedom betrayed is indeed a bitter pill to swallow.
@RJ “… the Electric Acid Koolaid Test of Scientology known as the OT Committee…”
Ooooh, cool one, RJ. Damn fine.
Except those poor saps who get conned into the OTC are heading their way to a Crime and Punishment outcome. I wonder how many Dostyevsky-ish justifications these OTC leaders have to come up with to keep afloat of their cesspool of ripoff overts as they condemn another “OMG! It’s darling 30 yr vet Brooke darling back for her 3rd Purif!!!” to yet another spin on the hamster wheel.
And if they can get just 5 more seals into the Ordered Terror Compound well maybe they can just save their own sorry ass for another week. …At which time all past good deeds are shite and you get to start a new week of horror… Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!
That sums it up well, Mr Rinder…”Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”. — all smoke and mirrors and propoganda that keeps the remaining sheeple mesmerised and compliant.
And what other organization has had so many of its top people all leave and criticize the organization? Suppose the top 99 people in Microsoft all left and said Bill Gates punched them–would it still exist? Yes, Microsoft (like any company) has attrition, but 99% of those people say it was a good experience, but they wanted to do something else.
“Is it superior because their orgs are shiny, prosperous examples and proof-positive of the efficacy of Admin Tech?”
IMO it’s because of the sheer terror of losing one’s safety, any level of personal comfort, financial seciruty and spiritual freedom which is spread by the charming Mr. Miscavige. If sea org or staff don’t get something done….well…you can read how desperate they sound, and they disappear. If public don’t get something done or money doled out they suffer being shunned by family and friends still “in.” What a miserable, issue-y life.
The only way to get out from under the terrorizing, torture and abuse is to VERY quietly plan your departure and one day just be gone. Be willing to temporariily lose the rest of the friends and family who are still so duped, or Stockholmed or so stupid to still allow themselves to be manipulated like that.
Then get an entirely new life. If you want to continue in training and processing the right way you can do that in the indie field. And there are C/S Series about how to continue auditing without pc folders. Hundreds–well probably thousands of people have already gotten the heck out and would NEVER go back to the C of $ and Miscavology.
The air is nice and clean out here!
Desperation. I love it!
Makes you just wanna jump in her sauna, don’t it?