When the only people starting course in Pasadena are names I know from the 80’s or even back to the Apollo years, and the services they are on are Student Hat, “SRD” and Purif it tells you everything you need to know about the “straight up and vertical” expansion in one of the premier “Ideal Orgs” in the center of the largest population of Scientologists on earth. They are probably the six people huddled in the one courseroom they turn the lights on in.
These Ideal Orgs should be renamed Cannibal Orgs, because that appears to be ALL they do. (Perhaps a big pot could be set up in reception so they can dance around the prospects sitting in the boiling water until they give in to the “wallet-shrinkers” from the IAS tribe).
From: Sara Jonic
Subject: [OTC-Mail] from Sara- Ring in the New Year at Pasadena!!Dear OTCers,
Let’s ring in the BEST YEAR ever for Scientology together with HUGE outflow to new public AND getting you and the rest of our field routed onto the Golden Age of Tech Phase Two!!!
We will BOOM our beautiful Pasadena Org through TRAINING !!
This week so far Kevin Wilson, Barbara Wilson and Maggie Reinhart all started their Student Hats!!!
AND Diane Mcphee, Amanda Reynes and Ron Fiandica started their Survival Rundown AND Kevin Burke started his Purif!!!
AND Bob Veach COMPLETED his Student Hat!!!
This is your opportunity to get the Bridge, training and/or processing, as LRH intended- you deserve it!!!!
Come to Pasadena and get started TODAY!!!!
Mike, I think you are a stand up guy.
Thanks for getting involved in the Texas case and helping bury TD and DM.
I get the impression that 2014 is the end for the Dwarf Maniac.
I was wondering, was TD as big an arrogant little snot as he comes across?
Reading him trying to out manouvre Ray in the deposition was awesome.
Evidently perjury is unknown to the twerp.
You make a lot of sense and you sound like a very nice person. When I used to take calls from the orgs, I used to do the same thing; ask people what they are doing on the Bridge. I would hear all sorts of answers but mostly not a whole heck of a lot. I would two way comm this with people if they were open to talk about it and I would enjoy that too.
My favorite way I would get staff off my back whenever they said that doing such and such was “Command Intention”, I would tell them that “David Miscavige does not live my dynamics, I do.” “Therefore, making my own decisions about what I’m doing on the Bridge, or going to do is up to me”.
If prodded, I would then tell them that “I am not going to defend myself here, to you.” That always worked!
Sometimes, I would hear an audible GASP over the phone whenever I said “David Miscavige doesn’t live my dynamics, I do”. Almost always, that person would end the conversation as quickly as possible and never call me back again. May not sound very nice, but that one was reserved for the hard-core, you must follow Command Intention, antogonistic types.
Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun are doing something about it and I can’t say thank you enough!! Exposing what was happening while you were in helps everyone understand the enormous invalidation, nullification and pressure Captain David Miscavige was creating for you. You are really strong people!! You were not caved in!! Now karma has turned the tide and it is hitting the Church of Scientology and CAPTAIN, David Miscavige. (I will make a point to always address the leader of Scientology from now on with “Captain” – it seems to be a button for the Scientology attorney’s. LOL
On another note – a few friends of mine went into the Ideal Org to the GAT II event. This was about 1.5 years after getting out and hanging in the fringes (telling other Scientologist’s they were busy paying off Scientology debt). The reality was they were doing their own research on the internet, interviewing others and decompressing from the betrayal of being in this cult for many years. They wanted to step back into the bubble to have their own independent viewpoint and experience while under no influence from anyone! They went early to obnose!!
They reported that the Ideal Org was DEAD – no one in the building except a few staff member kids on course.
The event was suppose to inform everyone of what happened and the need for GAT II. When these old timer’s noticed is – this was done back in the 90’s and it was suppose to fix everything.
They were told everything would be explained at the event. Nothing was explained – it was the exact same story!! Generalities about “SP’s” is all Captain Miscavige said!! “The SP’s” no name, time, place, form or event!! How come RTC keeps flunking on their post? Because it is filled with SP’s – people that make less of others, covertly invalidate and nullify others below them. If you do not become suppressive – you get kicked out!! That is why the good people blow! Only the evil shall stay in and continue to suppress and squash everyone in their path!! They must get pleasure out of seeing others suffer!
In 1991, the BASICS were released by Captain David Miscavige with the same story – SP’s altered the tech and he worked tirelessly around the clock for 4 years fixing the “tech”. This would make clearing now possible.
In 1996, Captain David Miscavige released the GOLDEN AGE OF TECH – with the exact same story he is telling the clubbed seals in 2013 – SP’s got in and altered the tech…he now has fixed it and will make planetary clearing happen for real now!! Everyone must retrain and re-do the Bridge.
The old timer’s who were there back then in the 90’s can’t see the similarities of these momentous occasions in the history of their church. The goal is to get rid of them unless they accept all of it. The new kids don’t know the history of the Church so they don’t question anything! They just believe what they are told.
One month after the GATII release and nothing has changed one bit. They said that the bubble is intense and the staff members were vultures ready to pounce on their wallet. They were very graceful and simply walked out. Never to return again and will just move on with their lives!! They are going to stop communicating with all Scientologists gradually over time. They have no interest in any harassment or drama coming from Scientology so at this time, they will remain quiet and simply withdraw!!
Happy New Year everyone – more people are leaving Scientology and this will be the best year ever!!
I didn’t know it was an ecclesiastical function to tell someone they suck cock on Hollywood Blvd. Tommy Davis was right, some of us would never hack it in the Sea Org. 🙂
I know I misspelled “ecclesiastical”.
Yes! Tony´s blog – OH MY GOD!
I think your days in the church are over, David Miscavige. They certainly are for me! If this exposure doesn´t kill you in court, it will without a doubt in the public eye.
“Counterintentioned cocksucking SP sucking cock on Hollywood Boulevard” – is the way the “eccliastical leader” of Scientology adresses his
coworkers? This is DISGUSTING!
I´m so glad you survived the ordeal Mike, and lived to tell the tale. It is indeed educational.
For me it is like a deja vu.
Was on training happiness rundown in 1982. Had been Cl 5 already. In the end on the training side had been ordered to do the whole training side again. Starting from Student Hat and processing side starting with Objectives. Looks like DM has no new ideas. Always starting from the beginning. Again and again. I quit training right then. Never did audit again.
Tonight my friend (non Scio but knows about them) ran into $cientology in “old Town” with their BS Stress test out. She called them on it, told them it was a Cult, a fraud, etc. They called her a “bitch” (Wrong girl to be calling names, Scios). She got it on video…so when they threatened to call the cops, she said “Go ahead, I’ve got you on video”. Way to go, to my friend 🙂 <3 These "Ideal Morgues" ARE going to be the death of Davey boy. Tick Tock, tick Tock…..oh yes! Time is on **our** side!! Tory/Magoo
I forgot to say “Old Town” Pasadena. I asked, “By their Ideal Morgue?” She said no…they were out on Colorado street, pitching their “Free Stress Test”. She knew enough to know this IS a con, and had the courage to speak up. As she told me later, their own actions proved what she was saying was correct. (I used to say that to OSA, years ago when “in”: “YOU are C R E A T I N G your own enemies by these creepy actions” –when they wanted me to picket Mark Bunker’s home with lies about him. I said “no way”. Dan Murnan did—and his photo was up on Mark’s site, for years. Love to ALL here, and Happy New Year!! 🙂
From: Lou/DM
To: all CICSes everywhere
What!?? you give me nothing, I go to fishwrap making sandwiches to help you proliferate and what you do?! Nothing. You ARE CICSes! You CICses. Why do I even bother. My underwear are better than a piccolo any day that you watch your porno music doing back flips in the woods. You got that you CICSes? Don’t even think about it. Don’t even worry about it. I’ll do that. that’s what I have to do thanks to you. And Lou, f___ you too. F___ all of you in the ass. No, you’d love that. Just die………everybody die!
Translation: There is none.
Explanation: He’s just coo coo. (ho hum)
Mike, Re those text messages, what does “TD” and “BT” mean?
Here’s the context,
“From: Lou/DM
To: Mike Rinder
Mar 19, 2007
What are you going to do? Act like you “guessed” they were there? Or, if you understand TD acronyms, BT?
From: Mike Rinder
To: Lou/DM
Mar 19, 2007
Dear Sir. I am not planning to BT.
TD is Tommy Davis.
BT is Blow Them.
Tommy Davis once used that abbreviation and had no idea it had any other meaning.
ESMB people say “Be There”
I totally derailed myself.
Tony’s blog – OH MY GOD.
Mike Rinder’s comm? Unfailingly polite, respectful, informative, grammatical..
Mr. Miscavige’s comm? Let’s put it this way: Being a barbarian should be a GOAL of His.
But that’s context, and what’s important is the content showing proof of His total focus, absorbtion and participation in the handling of a perceived enemy.
Oh, is this gonna be a good year!
You ROCK, MIke! You just freakin’ ROCK!
Now, pleeeez, someone, some poster on this blog or elsewhere please take up the handle “CICS”. Out of respect, we OWE this to HIM. Don’t you just love the way in one of His texts He the qual’d whether or not His recipients understood this very important ecclesiastical acronym?
I swear, its too much, I can’t take it. This is all too strange, too funny, too unbelievable. – you simply cannot make this stuff UP!
Yep, you can’t make this stuff up! It shows in spades that Der Midget micro manages every aspect of the church and thus he did have dealings in TX when he hired those PI’s and spys and ordered the Squirrel Busters to harrass Marty and Mosey, and thus Der Midget should and must be made to take the witness stand and give his deposition in person in Comel County Courthouse. YOu rock, Mike!!!!!
running on empty meets slip sliding away
These names in the email are members of the Old Guard (and I do mean old) redoing the re-do of actions they EP’d decades ago. They are not stupid, either. I suspect they are fully aware of the BS they’re swallowing but by now, their careers and social lives are so intertwined with Scientology and it’s so late in their lives to be starting over, they believe they have no choice but to play along. Integrity has long since left the building, so they may be right about that.
I hate this cult
Veach an AOLA CS & NOTS auditor completes his STUDENT HAT!!! WOW!!! Impressive indeed. You think he can NOW understand KSW? Why do I doubt that? Is this ike REVERSE “progress”? HAS course next? Then an OCA eval? Honestly, no joke here, I think these old timers on GAG2 have mental problems, a form of delusion or maybe a little dementia setting in. Hey, it happens. Even a form of group insanity.
I think the only way DM sees he can keep the money coming in is to keep finding flaws in previous tech so he can require people to redo the same stuff with the most minor of variations.
After all, it’s been 60 years now and there not one — not one — demonstrated achievement of clear as described in DMSMH, or as clear on the grade chart where someone can document the achievement, and not a single case of someone being able to demonstrate, both subjectively and objectively, being at cause over matter, energy, space, time, thought, and life.
Given that the marketed product demonstrably does not exist, I guess all you can do is keep claiming that the product hasn’t been realized yet because of errors you continually have to keep fixing.
Sooner or later though, the dog will get tired of running in circles and chasing its own tail. At that point, Scientology will either consult David Copperfield or Chris Angel to see how to fake the marketed end states, or will collapse.
Could there ever be such a thing as a real clear or OT? I actually think some flavor of those abilities exist in all of us. Better to go spend a year free in Tibet or India or in a local Zen monastery though than to ironically surrender 100% of your freedom in a quest to be 100% free.
Yes, there are demonstrated achievement of Clears. I know them.
I think it is strange that someone can realize they are mocking up their case once. Blow it. Then mock it up again and realize they are doing it a second time.
That is what I find disturbing.
Soory, I meant NOT realize they are mocking it up again.
This is one of the strangest things I have ever seen.
But I can understand it, after having done L12.
I agree with that, Oracle. I attested to clear once myself — but the puny, Dianetics version :-). I can indeed demonstrate a certain level of cause over my mental apparatus. One of my relaxing techniques to go to sleep, as a trivial example, is to create objects in my “mind’s eye” in brilliant color, one color at a time, and so forth.
But am I free from any and all “aberrations”? I don’t think so.
By the rather vague criteria posted at “http://www.scientology.org/faq/clear/what-is-the-state-of-clear.html” I guess I am clear. But what does that really mean in terms of what can be verified in double blind, objective studies? How do you prove in a scientific way that one has a reactive mind, much less prove one no longer has one? I mean in terms of non-Scientology research.
As to clear in DMSMH, well, even LRH’s first demo flopped when the clear woman with supposed total recall couldn’t even remember the tie he was wearing that day.
I do believe we all have a lot of potential in areas such as aimed for in clear and OT, and I would not invalidate anyone’s personal experience. I have myself seen and done things (and seen others do things) that remain inexplicable to me in a material-world-based model. At the same time, personal experience does not a scientific study make. I would love to see principled studies done and debated openly.
So sorry — I did not mean to impugn anyone’s sense that he or she has reached clear. I am speaking of objective verification that could be confirmed by independent, non-Scientological research.
On L12 one gets into purpose clearing and identities. Thetans mock up purposes that align with identities down the track. It is really purpose clearing.
But if someone had a purpose to be hurt, you could clear him alright, but these purposes flow through time. If he had a purpose to be hurt, let’s say to be a Martyr, he will mock up another case to flow along that purpose line.
I think it might have been a better idea to get a person through L’s right after clear.
And of course, you can always get more auditing L12 if something comes up, if you didn’t educate yourself enough through the process, to know know to view things in a way that you could handle them yourself when they pop up.
Actually, having karma is a purpose.
Bonjour to all and FOTF2012,
“I have myself seen and done things (and seen others do things) that remain inexplicable to me in a material-world-based model. At the same time, personal experience does not a scientific study make. I would love to see principled studies done and debated openly.”
May I let remark that “science” is just trying to understand and reproduce things occuring in life area. As long as the technical means and the viewpoint are not correct, A LOT of life phenomens will stay “strange” and unvalidated.
Thanks to Mike for this blog and his terrific job. I’m used to read the South-African site, but I see this one is quite living… Wonderful !!!
Well, I have seen many many people who achieved Grade Chart EPs, and which are quite discernible in the reality of the physical universe – for instance someone who was quiet and non-communicative before he does his Grade 0, then afterwards he is outflowing and can communicate with anyone. As to Clear the people I know who are such, are such. As to “OT”, the actual OT Levels have not yet been released by the Church apart from a watered down version of the real OTVIII. So to look for “OT abilities” is a bit of a red herring and a misleading statement when these levels have not yet been released.
Mike Rinder – THANK YOU AGAIN!! I read the texting that went back and forth (to you and Tommy Davis) from Captain David Miscavige posted on Tony Ortega’s Blog (The Underground Bunker) and my heart goes out to you and any of the Sea Org members that had to endure the abuse from COB, – David Miscavige. It really helps us who were never in the Sea Org now understand the atmosphere in the smaller Orgs, which was creepy and evil. IT all came from the leader of Scientology – Captain David MIscavige. He is a monster! Thanks for doing something about it – you are awesome!!
It started way back in about 81, 82 or 83 when there was a telex “order” to “lean on staff until they either break or go with the flow”. This was pure psychosis and pure DM. Helped to destroy the Orgs. Moonlighting was also heavily “frowned upon” despite the LRH HCO PL on this which more or less states otherwise. We all felt the wave of evil that came over the Org network.
Yes, the orgs are clearly in decline. Maybe David Miscavige needs to start overseeing the day-to-day affairs of the Church?
jgg2012, the orgs are not in decline, but in disaster. This is due to nothing else but DM’s attention to the day-to-day affairs of the “Church”. DM’s vision is to wipe out, totally, anything having to do with Hubbard. DM wants his signature on every single piece of official paper, nothing more, nothing less.
DM is the psychopath in charge, and his “efforts” and “overseeing the Church” have destroyed Scientology.
I’m interested in what you said about SRD and David Mayo. As a side note, I love the use of the word “Survival”. It’s quite ironic.
I came into SCN after Mayo was long gone but always heard references to him as though he is the Boogey Man of Scientology. The biggest SP on the planet. I guess this guy has achieved legendary status in the CoS and amongst RCSers. I personally could never understand why he always has to take the blame even now, for “corrupted tech”.
I have a friend who is highly trained and is on OTVII. She is touting that the church is not doing well and hasn’t expanded as it should because the “SP influence on the tech has never been fully taken off”. Hasn’t Mayo been gone for 30 years now? If he was so bad, why was the tech he worked on never looked at and corrected over the last 3 decades? This guy must be some mighty “big being” to still be suppressing Scientology today.
Will the David Mayo train ever pull up to the station? I think it’s time.
I think she must mean DM for the “SP influence on the tech has never been fully taken off”. You could start ´by asking her to define what an F/N is which is the rather large tip of that particular iceberg that the steamship Titanic Scientology has collided with.
You could also point out to her that LRH wrote & directed a training film on the subject of TR’s to demonstrate to students what standard TR’s would look and sound like. This film represented L. Ron Hubbard’s concept of standard TR’s.
Then at some point, DM stopped using LRH’s TR film and replaced it. Only a squirrel SP would do that.
This is exactly why we moved out of the Glendale/Pasadena area years ago. To GET AWAY from this insanity. We are getting calls at least 5 per day from the orgs to get back on this “training”. Not going to happen.
I would suggest this to anyone who is suffering staff members coming to your house everyday for MONEY or YOUR KIDS, which we were. If it can fit into your living syle, move out of the perimeter of the orgs and their immediate reach and get your (real) life back and that of your family’s.
I know it may sound extreme and one could say “Why should I have to do that?” It worked for me and my kids got out of the cult for good. Worth it to me and I like where I live now too.
Pepper, you give good advice. Yes move out of the PAC area. That way they won’t recruit your kids for SO. If your kids go into the SO there is a chance they may end up at Gold or Int and that is horrible because it is closer to He Who Must Not Be Named and to the Hole. And they are that much closer to suppression and the Sociopath and the Sociopath Valences that serve him. by being so close to that, there is a very great possibility your kids will end up in The Hole. And once in Int it is hard to escape. Move away and save your kids.
If people are coming to your house and you don’t want to move, there is something much easier. Just tell these poor guys what you have been reading on these blogs.
A few years ago Willie Wong kept showing up at my house in the middle of the night or when I got home from work.
Being a good scientologist I never brought up taboo subjects. Then one day, I started asking him about all this anonymous stuff and questions about outpoints etc. He got flustered after about 30 minutes, said that he had to be somewhere else. I haven’t heard a word from him since.
Another lady called to reg me. I reversed the flow and asked her where she was on the bridge. I was surprised that she opened up and said her bridge was to read the basics and she hadn’t done “shit” in ten years! Amazing to hear this from an AO reg.
I suggest that you don’t run from these people. Instead try to help them. You might have some wins with some of them and that I find is very gratifying.
Mike, I just wanted to say Thank You for giving your statements and text message evidence to the FBI.
Tony, over at tonyortega.org has posted excerpts of those messages between you, “Lou” and Tommy Davis during the John Sweeney Panorama episode.
As I understand it these were filed in Monique Rathbun’s case in Texas against DM, RTC, CSI and others. Also Thank You for helping out Monique with her case so she can live in peace without harassment.
Michael Leonard Tilse.
Seconded. This seems like a lawsuit where this information can really help.
Eight people total? Are you kidding? Hope the media gets hold of this blog and, after some investigation, publish the real facts of the unprecedented expansion….blah, blah, blah.
Kevin and Barbara on student hat? Great! They made it all the way through OTVll without knowing how to study? What a fucking inval! Someone must have said, “Hey, you two are illiterate. Everything you’ve learned so far you couldn’t possibly know!”
Well, what else are they going to do but sponge off current resources and put OTVll’s on course in missions now. They haven’t got any other bodies in the shop. It costs 40K for a license to disseminate (open a mission). And then you have to surrender all of your civil rights to S.M.I.. David wiped out the mission network and buried all the people who were bringing new people in, as criminals.
And now we see Barbara and Kevin Wilson on student hat in a mission.
The people that have been selling consulting and advice to professionals across the world. Turn out to be two dumb fucks that need student hat once again.
Like I said Dave, you sure know how to set someone up for a loss!
Times over equals certainty.
Kevin is in this photo back at Flag, I helped train Kevin in 1981, he’s the 21st or so head, top row, from the right: Dark haired tall head back row.
These faithful who do whatever they are told, have perfected how to behave as Scientologists.
Chuck nice to see you back in your “glory days” lording over the “biggest boom ever” — the bs just keeps being repeated over and over….
Great photo Chuck. Reminds me of the good old days. We sure have some good memories too don’t we?
Speaking of blasts from the past, Greg Hughes: https://www.facebook.com/greg.hughes.1069?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab
Maybe you have to be logged in to face book, to access.
You forget how many people you used to know until you find one and look at the friends list. GEEZE!
It is great to find people you really cared about are doing alright. Even if they wouldn’t dare speak to me now.
One of the people on lines I really cared about was a guy named Chris Estey. I remembered him because of the Wilson’s names coming up. He was working for them for a while.
Just found him and looked at his face book friend’s page. Wow! What a blast from the past!
I think they are all off the bridge though.
Ron Fiandica? I remember him at SFO. Its gotta be 35 years or so. Still in! and starting over.
His wife died of colon cancer mid-OT7. Still a true believer, nonetheless, I guess.
I tried telling one of his sons the Debbie Cook story. He told me to stop attacking his friends, scolded me like a child and promptly cut us off. My husband and I had cooked and frozen two weeks of dinners after his first child was born. Maybe that wasn’t worth my time ….
What you do out of good will is never void. For all eternity, that is part of what you are. What they are is up to them.
That was very kind of you. Brainwashed is just that.
On my way to Hawaii a few weeks ago, I stopped in LA. A friend took me over to Pasadena and I decided to go into the org to check it out. It was totally empty. I was led into the div6 area by a guy wearing a full length uniform coat. He looked liked one of the high plains drifters.
I began asking him questions. For every question I asked, he would say “that’s a good question, let me show you this video.” He would never answer any question in any other way. He finally asked me if I wanted to take a personality test and I told him my wife was waiting for me and left. He never even asked my name.
The empty buildings, reminds me of the great amateur film, “The Bridge.” In particular the movie’s scenes when we only see the Receptionist alone in the org.
This movie likely could be updated to show the newer reality, of even bigger buildings, more upstat, but even more empty.
Just so you know, Mike – I really understand and empathize with the state you had to be in during your “internship” with the sociopath. There was no other way to be and still function. I’m only happy you are here now – doing what you’re doing.
For the rest of members here, if MIke’s position and communication is hard to duplicate then you’ve never tried to live and work under a real Sociopath.
God bless ya, Mike and all who were under that suppression but made it out.
Such an appropriate alliteration Mike,
“Pathetic in Pasadena” pretty much says it all.
Loved the line about “the wallet shrinkers” of the IAS and setting up a boiling pot in the middle reception so they can cannibalize their public.
Should really call it the Church of the Red Dragon or Silence of the Lambs.
Why do these names look so familiar?
Guess it could be the same ones on the same completions list going back to the early ’70’s.
So that’s a rhetorical question.
Pathetic is right.
Even more pathetic is the line:
“We will BOOM our beautiful Pasadena Org through TRAINING !! ‘
(Notice the added exclamation point as if Sara is psyching herself up.)
Yet the majority of these “comps” are basically case actions with the exception of the Student Hat.
More pathetic than that is the line:
“This is your opportunity to get the Bridge, training and/or processing, as LRH intended- you deserve it!!!!’
(Notice even more exclamation points as if she really has to psyche herself for this big fat lie.)
Personally I don’t think the Ol’man ever intended people to do the same actions over and over and over again.
I mean people like say Kevin Burke were supposed to move up the Bridge to the next level and thus create a vacuum for new public.
At least that’s according to all the various HCOBs and Policies I’ve read. But I guess I haven’t been channeling the Ol’man like these people seem to be doing.
And I thought Cap’n Bill was out there when he claimed that Ron psychically transmitted some OT Levels.
I mean these guys got Wild Bill beat to hell.
Moving on.
I just wanted to comment on the SRD.
Years back as I remember rightly Ron ordered the other DM who was the newly minted Snr C/S Int at the time to pilot an objective RD which included a set of additional objectives dealing with handling disorder that Ron had specifically written for the program.
Actually there was nothing wrong with the SRD yet when the coup took over in their typical throw out the baby with the bathwater fashion threw out the SRD and replaced it with the “Objectives and TRs Course” which I’d always felt was inferior to the SRD.
But since it was written by that evil espee Mayo it had to go.
Now I guess the other DM being historically challenged himself (probably still thinks suicide bombers attacked Pearl Harbor) probably thought everybody else is so he resurrected the course.
Maybe he didn’t think anyone would notice his complete and utter hypocrisy.
All this because there is no upper OT Levels. The grade chart of 1982 is a piece of false advertisement. Even “Truth Reveal” is a hoax, there is no truth revealed neither any amnesia on the whole track handled.
The state of the research in Scientology remained the same that in 1980. SRD was developped by Mayo if I do remember well, as well as happiness RD. Not’s is basically co-authoring LRH/David Mayo, by Mayo own statement.
And that was it. No more level. I was one of those who perceived the shit. I remained for 30 years in the wrong group. It ruined my case, my health, my wallet, my reach.
In 1982, Robertson, that you quote Remoteviewed, did some more research. And developped Excalibur. I studied the level, it just explain why some people survive very badly on Solo Nots and never seems to see an end. The charge you blow is somehow replaced…
I read it all. I am a professional class VI and I did Solo Nots twice, and I can tell you Excal is amazing. It does handle what you really want to handle, for good. I know many OTs who have done Solo Not’s, the Ls etc… and when they do Excal, they say that what they did before is nothing tp compare with Excal. And they are having very good indicators (high tone level, alertness). I’m about to start myself the auditing.
Bill Robertson was very injustly invalidated. For me he just continued the upper bridge where LRH left it. He just weared the boots in the sky.
I didn’t sign up for another cult. The feeling is Scientology like in the 70s, very spiritual and fun.
I know, some of you are going to be outraged that I dare to say that Robertson continued the work of LRH. But give it a look like I did, and then you could decide and not out of a prejudice..
I did Excal and I wouldn’t compare it with the L’s by any means.
Not even addressing the same areas of case. Big differences and very little similarities.
NOTs (Solo that is) does have an end and people do achieve the EP. You have been fed a line I think.Either you never did Solo NOTs in the Church or the other tech you have had or seen is faulty. Even the Tech in the Church these days is better than Excal. You have your opinion – I have just stated mine.
“R2-22 Spanning Attention” and “R2-69 Please Pass the Object” were those objectives. However that piloting was completed prior to the issuance of the course.
SRD 16 even called for piloting on OTs. (The last of the SRD Series). No data on these results have ever been published.
Absolutely true !!! The SRD is a way more thorough application of TRs and Objectives, and it’s not just TRs 0-4 and Upper Indocs, but also the whole “Admin TRs” enchilada excepting “TR MEST on PEOPLE”, which are done after the “Order/Disorder” section on the checksheet.
Only SRD 15, the correction list was written up by Mayo and approved by LRH, the remainder written up by Melanie Murray under LRH’s instructions.
Mayo as senior CS int piloted the RD. Of course all the data on the course are pure LRH, basic objective processes. Mayo wrote the repair list. I don’t know if they are going to use it now. It was a very popular level, cancelled immediatly as “off source” by the new management in 1982. There was an indian on the pack. Order versus disorder is a very good process which was new to this RD at the time.
I think even OT’s may have a lot of wins on this. But COB is an impostor. He’ll take pride if people have wins on SRD, he never piloted it. He was searching old good stock to have something to sell.
Can you imagine there was more time from the issu of SRD in 1980 till now than the writing of the “old objectives” late 1950, till the issu of SRD.
30 years of Miscavige. Going from young and handsome to old. A facking adult lifetime to follow this fascist. To give all your money and being degraded… Time went so fast in this bad dream. We have to erase that, go back in time and start again! Hope the little dictator will go to jail!
Most of the people I had spoken to loved the SRD and were disappointed it was quietly withdrawn without much explanation except for the circulation of a false rumour that Mayo had written the course. Anyone could have looked at the bottom of the HCOB/PLs in the copyright block/sigs and know that wasn’t true, even followed it up since LRH was still alive then. It was dirty lies right from the get-go in ’82. No wonder after RTC took over these authorship trails disappeared:
Copyright © 1980
by L. Ron Hubbard
Some hard liners live around that area.
A few have bailed to parts unknown.
How many times do you think Bob has had to complete the Student Hat course in his time at CO$?
Dave, YSC in Pasadena!
I think this BS about everyone re-doing objectives, and at the same time allowing OTs to do objectives in co-audit at their local org, along with redoing training from Student hat up, is simply calculated to throw the orgs a bone in terms of making some money off their existing field (cannibalizing as was noted) and also, to create more of a vested interest on their parts in their local org, thus giving them more of a vested interest to empty out their bank accounts to pay for Ideal Orgs, the Ideal Orgs dissemination programs, and whatever other rationale is thrown their way for donating to the orgs for other than services.
Thats very nice of dave, letting OTs co audit their objectives, until he decides those coaudit objectives were squirrel and need to be redone at flag.
I knew Kevin Wilson from my days at Sterling Management Systems. He’s kind of a dm type himself so I can see him wanting to “push power” to the cob and gratuitously do the student hat again.
I worked at Sterling for awhile. At a staff meeting, Kevin verbally abused and humiliated one of the employees. That incident was one of the reasons why I left.
Wow, this is all news to me. I knew them both as two beautiful people who were extremely humble, gracious, and generous in every regard.
Really stand up people with a LOT of very beautiful and talented children.
This must be torture for them. I wonder if they have kids in the Sea Org now.
Sophia, I worked for Kevin and Barb also at Sterling back in the day and what you say is true. And when the Times article hit in 91, they made staff work for many months at no pay because they were having to pay out so much in refunds. They wanted staff to second mortgage their homes and live off credit cards to help them pull through and many of us did just that.
But Kevin and Barbara never 2nd mtged their house and they lived in La Canada, a rich part of town. Kevin wore $1,000 suits and never reined in his spending a bit when staff were going for months working for NO PAY and living on beans. Kevin drove an expensive car to work every day. He didn’t change his rich lifestyle one iota to try to weather the storm, yet he expected his employees to do just that. Sounds like DM with his SO slaves.
Yet I personally know of 3 or 4 people (and I heard there were much more than that) who had to declare bankruptcy after working for months at no pay for Kevin. And I know two people who got 2nd mortgages on their homes for Kevin so that they could work for free.
And then the non-Scientologists who worked there took them to the labor board for nonpayment. It became religious discrimination because the attorney on staff, Larry Wiley, told them to pay the Non-Scns to avoid labor board, but to NOT pay the Scns because we were forbidden in the ethics codes to sue another Scn. That is religious discrimination! But no one dared say it because we were all trying to be good little Scientologists. That was a group engram.
I was at a party a few years after that bad time period and saw an old Sterling employee and said, “Hi! I remember you but can’t remember your name.” He looked all happy and excited to have my comm. But when I said, “we worked at Sterling together,” his face dropped, the smile turned into a frown, and he walked away without another word. That was the effect most had when the word Sterling or Kevin or Barbara were mentioned after that group engram.
Jane Doe, thank you for sharing your knowledge of and experience with Sterling. I’m amazed that a Scientology company could get away with treating its Scientology employess in this unethical fashion. I mean – exchange? Hello? Its just incredible!
Wow…it’s comforting to know that the person who was my auditor for NOTS has just now completed Student Hat.
Oh, Bela, that was old tech not used anymore 😉
Gee Bela…does this make you feel any less…NOTs-ish? Oy!!!
Perfect. Kevin and Barbara Wilson are some of the biggest perpetrators of all that is wrong with CoS. Of course they are on course. My hubby worked with them at Sterling many years ago and they were responsible for some of the biggest overts on staff there is. That ought to seal the fate of Pasadena org. More power to them.
I agree with you 100% Bonnie.
What little I know of ConEvil was probably written about people like the Wilsons, the Jensens, the Feshbachs, the Burkes, the Van Susteruns, Coales, Wisemans etc.
What’s more is they’ve pretty much financed that over inflated pip squeak “COB” who is now forcing them to redo the whole Grade Chart and has pretty much eliminated their “OT” status.
As Sara said in her email “(they) deserve it” 😉
Funny how on occasions the chickens do come home to roost and occasionally one reaps what one sows and that blow back is a bitch.
“over inflated pip squeak “COB” who is now forcing them to redo the whole Grade Chart and has pretty much eliminated their “OT” status.”
Couldn’t be happening to a nicer group of folks! I’m sure they are commiserating among themselves about all the wins they are having redoing the Student Hat and donating to Teddy Braggin and the nuclear IAS registrars! Damn, I miss that scene.
YOu’re right Bonnie. And if Kevin and Barb are in first place for swilling Kool Aid and mistreating staff, then Craig Jensen takes a close second place. When the Basics came out, he made all his Scn staff buy them and get on course and had the SSO hounding them to do it and they were reporting this stat to the SO Orgs. Talk about an identity crisis! He didn’t know if he was a SO Org or a For Profit Private Company. The IAS Reges came weekly with his blessing and went from person to person on staff to harrass them on post time. And the D of P’s brought meters and had D of P interviews on post time for these guys. Nowhere to hide! And he never paid what the rest of the market paid for similar work, so his workers were always under paid. He quoted the LRH on exchange as his justifier. Again, identity crisis.
Jane Doe, you are so right about the identity crisis Craig Jensen always ran on his staff. In the 80’s it was very common for Comm Evs to be held on their staff for the slightest infraction of company policy. And they even had an Int Fin Dir. WTF? We even used to joke about it at my Class V org, that Craig and his minions were in a condition of Confusion, and needed to find out where they were, since apparently they thought it was the SO.
Yes you hit the nail on the head Emelie. Confusion! I think the courts helped them apply the condition cuz I heard their Non-Scn staff sued them for all this.
This is really almost unbelievable. I recognize almost all of those people from the distant past. The GAT II has been out for more than a month and this is the kind of response they are getting. Somehow, I’m not a bit surprised.
Even when I was drinking the KA, I don’t think the idea of racing down to co-audit objectives for 5K, or redo the student hat would be very exciting. Even if it were in a fancy Cathedral.
Off topic…Just read Tony Ortega’s blog which has to do with the Rathbun trial and new evidence submitted: Text messages between His Al-mightiness and Mike Rinder during John Sweeney’s visit to the States.
That was hard to read, Mike – I don’t know how you managed to live it, year after year. It just affirms what a first class swine dm is. I actually felt nauseous just reading it. I recommend everybody here reads it – it is just a little window into what it is like working for and answering to someone who is totally insane!
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not easy to make me speechless but, OH MY GOD!
What can I possible say? The only words that come to mind are TIPPING POINT. And, OH MY GOD! Maybe, GAME OVER.
OH MY GOD! I had NO IDEA of the MAGNITUDE of David’s SER FAC CASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 24/7 SER FACS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
David I hope you are reading this. It is obvious that YOU did not have the courage to confront this BBC journalist. You yourself couldn’t get up off your ass and do ANYTHING.
That YOU sat in your comfy 20 million dollar office and berated and degraded a volunteer who DID have the courage to get up off his ass and do something is an index of what a small, pathetic, power abusing little hypocrite you are.
Running your ser fac case on Mike Rinder did nothing but prove to the world how wrong YOU really are.
Injustice recoils like that. YOU are the one that needs to be on student hat at some mission.
From these texts it is also very clear evidence that Tommy Davies has perjured himself. That is prison time.
Like I said, you sure know how to set people up for a loss!
Do you know in the state of Texas if you want to visit someone in prison, you have to submit to a strip search? If Ann Archer wants to visit her son or of his wife wants to visit him, they going to have to strip down and bend over and spread their cheeks.
Like I said David, you sure know how to set someone up for a loss!
I kind of feel for your 15 to 25 attorneys and legal staff. I can’t imagine what they must be thinking under the realization they have been lied to and forwarded these lies. You really set these guys up for a loss David!
I doubt there is one person on this Earth that has personally known you, that could write a success story about their connection with you.
What is your next step? Set Lou up to perjure herself too?
Don’t hang yourself on a door knob and deny us the pleasure of watching YOUR comm ev. For once I am glad to be a taxpayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They should throw the lot of you in juvenile hall!
Can’t believe you accuse Tommy Davies of , “having a self important button that he’s a big shot”.
Wonder how David will work out his security detail for arriving at the courthouse. Does he think he will hire out the local police force to protect him ? Or will he surround himself with the bodies of other peoples X wives?
I can tell you from my time on staff, Mike Rinder was the most popular Int Exec. With the public anyway. Not sure what the staff were thinking.
Nobody would have ever, ever guessed he was being treated in this manner.
This is going to cause blow offs, just as it did with Debbie Cook.
I read Tony’s site today too and sure agree with Draco. I was struck with how humble and respectful Mike always was, and what an asshole Miscavige regularly was. And he fancies himself an “ecclesiastical leader”?
I read the entire set of conversations that was posted, and noted the power dynamics reflective of a damaged narcissistic sociopath:
— In addressing DM, via Lou, DM always has to be addressed as “Sir” or “Dear Sir.”
— Whoever DM writes does not have any kind address label. Best you get is a “Thank you” before your idiocy is blasted again.
— DM must be addressed respectfully, always.
— DM can address anybody else in whatever terms he wants.
— Mike always signed off with “ML” for much love.
— DM gets to sign off never with love, but with CSMF or CICS and stuff like that. What a juvenile jerk.
— DM never apologies.
— Others apologize regular to DM.
— DM apparently can’t read. Mike gives him a tone of detail, and then DM yammers idiotically about Mike being an SP because Mike is speaking in generalities. How specific do you want, sir? Too much info and you get screamed at for giving the wrong info. Too little of whatever DM wants and you get screamed at. This is the no win, double bind situation that psychologists know can and does drive people over the edge. Maybe DM should enroll in Psych 101 at his local community college.
Unfortunately, I am of the opinion that DM probably learned well at the feet of his master, LRH. Perhaps DM is the EP of Scientology.
I’m sure DM will use that exact legal defense.
I wrote this, I announced this YEARS ago on some forum. That DM would plead he had been brain washed and become the biggest anti Hubbard fanatic on the planet. Blame it all on the books he read.
Now, I would like to add, he will probably also offer as a service, “Golden Age of Recovery from Scientology tech” to his resume.
In addition to DM pleading guilty by reason of brainwashing from reading the books, maybe he will add the Twinkie Defense to his plea.
Or perhaps the Scotch defense?
“Unfortunately, I am of the opinion that DM probably learned well at the feet of his master, LRH. Perhaps DM is the EP of Scientology.”
You state your case very clearly on why DM is completely unhinged and a raving sociopath. Why then assign his condition to LRH? One has nothing to do with the other.
I once spent time in a Catholic school and as a six-year old watched nuns grab small boys by their hair and bang their heads against the blackboard – because they talked. Or rubbed used chewing gum into their scalps, because they were chewing it in class. Psychotic? Sociopaths? Or were they simply poorly taught by the Pope, and merely manifesting the EP of Catholicism?
Your conclusions appear to be borne out of prejudice and not direct observation. Once again … was LRH perfect? No. Did he ever make mistakes, some very big ones? Yes. Did he fail to correct problems that he put into motion? Yes, again. But does all of this erase proven benefits through his technology? No.
Observation and analysis takes time, effort and immersion into a subject and the willingness to be as wrong as you are right.
You are fast becoming the biggest threat to DM’s leadership. That you had these and made them available is the biggest expose of the insanity that is DM yet. Thank you. This is an insight that cannot but make a lasting impression. I can’t wait for the next episode in this case.
I knew Bob Veach in 1971 at ASHO and then again at AOLA where he was a NOTS auditor. I had always considered him to be a rebellious type but seeing that he is still in tells me a different story. I knew Barb and Kevin Wilson when they first got into Scientology in Cincinnati Ohio back in 1975. As you said in your post, these people have all been on the bridge for decades and are Oatees. Why aren’t they doing courses at AOLA or Flag?
What is truly sad is that I remember when Pasadena was a mission and there were never enough chairs for the course room. Completions of 10-20/wk easily and hustling with activity. Cramped, cheap and full of life and laughter.
Wow, I know the names above and it confirmed what I thought… they are still in!! still looking for that answer of why are they not getting the wins, oh it must be because of …
That Org is probably one of the most valuable property holdings of the church. If Dave needs to thin out his real-estate portfolio at some point that Old Town Pasadena holding could be the first to go. J. Crew, Crate and Barrel and Apple are just some of the names that would probably love to expand their operations in Old Town. It’s loaded with 30 something’s with money in their pockets.
It is a beautiful building in a great location. Many happy memories at the little stage downstairs and the Italian restaurant. Locations in old town ebb and flow.
Yeah…..that IAS tribe is a tough bunch. You arrive in their camp a grape and leave a desiccated raisin.
where do I sign up? or should I go straight to the IAS and donate everything I have
I’m from LA and I know every one of those names from the 80’s. There is not one new person among them. Not even a kid of an old timer. It’s just old timers. And Bob Veach should be ashamed of himself. He was a NOTS auditor and CS at AOLA and being that highly trained, he should recognize Squirrel tech when he sees it. Amazing that even someone as highly trained as Bob is just does not see it. Or maybe won’t let himself see it. He and the others must have the thought stopping going on high 24/7. So sad.
Straight down and pathetic
Straight up and vertical indeed…