How low can an “ideal org” go?
Putting out a promo piece about two people completing an Intro Course is a pretty good measure.
There should literally be dozens, if not hundreds of these completions every week. Β And if there were hundreds, they would still be 25,000 years away from “clearing Oregon” as a hundred basic course comps might translate into 20″Major Comps” and that in turn probably translates into 2 clears a week. 100 a year.
But to get the real answer about how low it can go, there is this:
Wow, that booming field is really “Clearing Portland” – ONE selectee brought into the org. ZERO selection slips submitted.
This is REALITY in the ideal orgs.
And this, according to their own promotion, is “Scientology City.”
It’s beginning to look like scientology may find itself on the same history book page as the hula hoop and flavor straws. It’s a shame really. The flavor straws I mean. They were fun.
Oh, gosh, I had forgotten about flavor straws! They WERE fun.
The staff member in that Portland Org picture is Ben Stiller, who was the OES of CCPTL when Godeka came into the CC PTL org and shot 3 staff members and one Sea Org member and lit a fire around the reception desk, and took the Treas Sec hostage before turning himself over to police (1996). There were no public in the org (surprise!) when this attack happened, and everyone injured were staff or Sea Org. Twenty years later and he (Ben) is still in the fold. It’s so sad to see these staff persist. I hope he is ok. (He was not one of the people shot, but he was there when it happened).
(Does this site always have a wait for moderation? Do I need a special ticket?) π
Shoot I might have his last name wrong. Stiener? Or something like that?
Yes, everyone is moderated. :-}
Link to story at the local Portland paper…they ‘gave it a lot of ink’, quite detailed coverage.
…and when you open the comments at the bottom of the whole thing, there is an interesting follow-up.
Diane Tiller was my recruiter (wannabe). Funny thing, when I talked to her…She asked what was holding me back in life…what was troubling or upsetting me? I told her I was happy, retired, and looking to have a good time with the rest of my life. I asked “what can scientology do for me?”. She couldn’t accept that I am happy. She would only say that scientology would help me find what upsets me, even though I wasn’t upset.
She then wanted me to take a personality test. For my own benefit. She said she would not analyze the test. She said the great thing about Scientology is that I will learn what is true for me, on my own. But then, she analyzed the test and said that I was antisocial.
Scientologists don’t even know the true definition of “antisocial”. In clinical terms, it equates to sociopathic behavior. Scientologists think it means that you are not very social.
Field control sec’y Jeremy was right about one thing: “it’s all downhill from there”
Du-ally seconded, Love that “all downhill”…
Dear Jeremy: I would love to see Mike Rinder, Debbie Cook, Marty Rathbun, Pat Broeker, Heber Jentzch, Shelly Miscavige, Karen De la Carrierre and all the other SP’s that drive you crazy – come into the Portland Org. START!
Meanwhile I’m at page 83 of Tony Ortega’s book and I am just stunned at the sheer…I can’t even find a word to describe the actions against critics so far.
It’s truly heart stopping, isn’t it?
Yes. Just the absolute lack of anything resembling a conscience.
Amazing ‘zing’, you’re demonstrating there, Mike, my good man. After your ‘Niacin’ marathon of some 430 odd kilometers (pardon me), REPLIES, I thought you might just give it a res– — But nope, the SHOW must go on!! ( I get you. π )
But this is the whole point, isn’t it! Now this PORTLAND “show”, is nothing of the kind! For it is simply a damp squib. — And it doesn’t even have a fuse — it doesn’t even get to leave the starting line!
What?? …2 (TWO) completions ??? WTF???
And The DMented Piper of Shamology? Where is he? Where are the “millions” of Shamologists, now ready to start moving in — to TAKE the planet? Where are the Billions, amassed from the Sham? (Some) morphed into Real Estate, in a divided ghost town called Clearwater? But more importantly, where are the front people who were originally tasked with the job of preventing this kind of abomination, from ever seeing the light of day?
— Your original GENUINELY trustworthy, trained “listeners” — The AUDITORS!!!
The concept (To ‘Help’ straighten out the aberration of man (specifically the now overwhelmingly destructive effects ‘he’ causes to our common habitat) is as valid, and urgent, as ever) of “Doing Something About It” remains a noble, desirable goal, Even though we really need to step a loooong way back, from our mere myopic, comfortable, discussions, “about” it.. Aside from ‘people’ problems, we need to square up to the kind of world we’re leaving to the next generation.(our kids!) We need in one word — “balance” to be restored, in order to be able to RE-function in a biologically “symbiotic lifestyle” where we CAN live in sync. with Nature, instead of as adversaries.
My off-topic ‘rant’ done. Your feedback would be appreciated for it’s guidance value! Thanks Mike! π
Hi racingintheblood39, An excellent rant if I do say so myself.I tell you Mike can kick ass with the best of them and keep on the fast track with this blog too.Whew does he make me feel ancient! But lord knows I love him for him! I get comments still because you could not have kids why should you care about this planet.Sorry those that say that wrong answer.I care about all living spirits vegetable,no Ron I do not talk to tomatoes,smile,animal,mineral,and human who aren’t totally out of their heads.I care about the Sea,the sky the whole fabric of this dimension and those beyond.Sunrises,sunsets,moonrises moonsets,starfises star sets.When I go on out I want to have left a light loving foot print here that says now it is your turn with this planet.Cherish it and keep it as pure in ones heart as possible.I know all the opposite stuff all too well and the cult that David so callously runs,well that is one aspect I will not miss.I think your posts resonate with me because you are you with them.You may not always agree with someone but you state your viewpoints so well.And I’m more super sensitive and emotional than you at times! Need to let some stuff flow on by.Still learning….All Love,Ann.
Well, dear Ann, how does one respond to such a heart -felt reply as yours?
I can only say that I really feel as ONE with you. π
I see you grabbing hold of life like overflowing buckets of Christmas gifts, opening each gift just like an excited kid, overjoyed with love and gratitude.
i am truly awed and openly touched, by the unbridled enthusiasm you express to all.
You really DO resonate vitality in spirit.Ann. And here’s something my wife shared with me, just a week ago; “Gratitude, is when what you already have, is enough.”
I think Ann, that we already have the very best teacher of how to live life to the full, right here with us; — You. π
Hi racingintheblood39, You and your wife are so sweet to me,thank you from my heart and soul.With you both watching my back even if I have to fly away at some point how can I be afraid? I’m not planning to anytime soon but time does march on.Love you both forever and yes I love opening presents which is what your post gave me, Ever,Ann.
You know what just occures to me… that if Ron had just paid his taxes like a good boy should he would have gone out in much better standing, position in the world. Instead, he went out in hiding. But, fat chance, that he would ever willingly pay his taxes. Greed, like so many other negative virtues, is simply in the DNA of this innately corrupt organization.
And so today comes around, and that same DNA provides us with a fat target: to take this church of his and nail the whole damn thing to the proverbial cross, blood-red letters of shame to forever adorn the coffin.
-mark marco
He DID pay his personal taxes. Religiously. I assume you are talking about agreeing for the church to pay taxes?
Well, yes. But, I assume church income to be the result of his personal action, hence, the apparent argument amongst the lawyers. In my book, the guy’s a crook including in the category of taxes, as has always been, since taking up hypnotism, and I do consider the wealth of the organization vs. the poverty of his players. But I didn’t know he was a boy-scout tax-payer with his actual personal taxes. Like I say, I just hold him personally responsible for everything that happened and is happing regarding…”it”. Don’t credit Mr. M with too much, but that’s another topic.
And, yes, if the church had paid their taxes, they would have gotten away, with being in existence. There never would have been a documentary and we, the people of Earth, would still be unawares, Church of Scientology flying under the radar*…
Instead we have this battle and now we are winning it, also pointing towards my perceived inevitable outcome. -mm
*well, of course, until you came along. But, you would have had to begin from a much further point back, I do believe.
glad 2C he did something religiously,
fills a terrible void I’ve been carrying around
some time gone.
I’m back.
-mark marco
LRH paid his taxes ‘religiously’?…..there’s a pun in there somewhere!
I seriously doubt it, Chee Chalker! I guess I have to remind you: Use a pun, go to prison!
Is this letter really in p/t? I haven’t kept close track of it but I thought that Portland went “Ideal” a couple or so years ago. If that’s the case and these “stats” are accurate, well, they may as well sell the building & marble counter tops and cut their losses. Based on the hype I would’ve expected those stats from the first hour of the first day of opening, at a bare minimum; not the third year. Correct me if I’m missing something here.
In 1977 “Operation Z” was created to Clear the planet by 1983. In 1978 Mexico was announced to become the first Clear country. Moving forward…it is the year 2015. NOW there are a couple of new programs:
the Ideal Org Program, the Raise Your IAS Status Program…just to be brief but a Clear planet never follows. The one thing that never ceases to amaze me about church members is “Why do they think their case will never get handled for?”. They must have BIG, HUGE O/W’s, the discovery of which might prevent auditing and training. People can go Clear and OT faster in their living rooms 4 nights a week than if they stayed at Flag for 6 months of intensive training and auditing. π
I recall Operation Z “Clearing the Planet by 1983”
and No more Psychiatry by year 2000, as in no more Psychs !
Both of these should be new episodes of “South Park”
Hi Jose Chung, Thank you I had forgotten Operation Z.And I swear I remember a film the old hand held jumpy color kind of film,we were shown in the special Sea Org briefing room at Asho on Temple St of a crew on a ship that was to explore Mission Into Time.This room was not that large, painted light blue with a huge gold Sea Org symbol on the wall and a small table in front with a big lighted globe of the Earth with a cap as Ron wore then on the globe.Our little Asho F band thought this was all so On Source we got goose bumps.I have not thought of this film in years but trust me I saw it more than once.After a few showings we never heard about the project again.I was really into its premise so felt like I was left drifting at sea about the whole thing.Thank you your post fired up a recall of Op Z as well. Always Ann.
Did the say which planet would be clear by 1983? From what I hear, Mars is clear…..
Chee, I believe you’re right! Mars is Clear now. However, Mars does not have freight trains like the one that almost hit El Con.
Poor Jeremy Moll! A born-in Scientologist, he became sort of internet-famous a few months ago when he was featured on Tony O’s blog.
You may remember the young man who had given up his plans to become “a Global Artist in Music and Film” to go on staff in Portland. He penned a gushing letter that stands, in my opinion, as the most vivid testimony by a true-believer in the Ideal Org dream — rather touching and sad in its wide-eyed fervor and credulity. And he signed off with what must be one of the oddest comments ever made by a musician: “There is a uniform and a desk here with your name on it.”
Now Jeremy has changed hats, from Chief Body Registrar to Field Control Secretary. (Do these job titles have a chilling quality, or is it just me?) Back in April, he was trying to persuade fellow Scientologists to join staff. Then as now, he was touting LA Org as the shining example of how things ought to be done. But one detects a certain dimming of the light in his eyes today. He’s citing statistics of “1” and “0” and pleading, “I know this is not the best we can do.”
Maybe not, Jeremy. Maybe someday we’ll see a “2” or even a “3” in those columns. But what a far cry from this dreamy vision from just a few months ago:
“You arrive on the second floor and head to the Freedom Cafe to order a coffee and grab a snack. Our full-time cafe team, in Action on the tone scale, is busily taking orders from the long but fast-moving line of customers. The sound of the espresso machine steaming milk, the clank of porcelain dishware and the dull rumble of dozens of happy conversations fill the air.
“You hear, from several floors above, several voices simultaneously shout: ‘Are you ready to start?’ Several packed courserooms resound enthusiastically, ‘Yeah!!!'”
Some dreams die hard, I guess. But the hard fall from Global Artist to poor schlub in a tacky uniform beating a dead horse must be particularly disheartening.
Sad, but true, Richard. I can’t tell you the number of kids I’ve seen graduate from high school (some even dropped out) to join staff or the Sea Org. Most are ill-equipped to cope with staff life (hell, most adults can’t handle it), and end up being subsidized by their Kool-Aid drinking parents.
A good percentage of them are off staff after their 2 1/2 year contract, or have routed out of the SO. Then what? Rarely do they go back to school to get a higher education. Most end up working for Scn companies.
You would think a 2 1/2 year tour of duty would be enough to wake these people up, but often you will find them spending years co-auditing Objectives (bought by mom and dad) in the evenings. What a dismal existence.
Early on they were “convinced” to use Scn to make decisions in life, to operate off “the greatest good”. And where did that get them? Years behind their peers in the game of life, or permanently enslaved by cult-think.
After your money and your time, the last thing Scn will take from you is your children…and their future.
OMG! How very, very sad, richardgrant! This kid sounds like he had a boat load of talent and it just went down the drain. Do we know if his parents are in? And if not, I wonder how they feel about their son giving up his dreams? RG, do we know how old Jeremy is? Imagine the pressure applied to him to join staff. A sorry state of affairs…..
Clearwater, Florida was supposed to be the first “Scientology city.” Look at the consequences of the criminals trying to take over that town.
Yeah, how’s that working out for you, clams? Not so much? The city hates you folks? Tough being a clam….
At least Portland is being honest right back to scientology. I feel we don’t give enough credit to the good people of Oregon. The public staying away in droves, perhaps Portland is setting the precedent and those two course completions should be checked for legitimacy – I think they are plants, rhododendrons or some such brought in under the cover of darkness to look like locals.
I think they should do a drivers licence check of all scientologists completing anything at any org. It would probably be interesting to know how many scientologists can actually afford a car and to see how many SO actually have drivers licences. Such is the expense of belonging to the fastest growing religion on earth.
Scientology, putting legitimacy and trust where it belongs… somewhere where you are not!
I’m with you, I Yawnalot! Very suspicious indeed! I think you should do a check of these two dating back, at least, 10 years. We need to get to the bottom of this! NOW!
“The Portland Field is truly a
specialdwindling one!”Fixed for you Jeremy
One of Portland’s nicknames is the City of Bridges. Maybe this confused The Ron and he thought Portland was all about Scientology.
Hi FOTF2012, Good morning from Steamy Baton Rouge, La.I love your post! Classic and priceless! Always,Ann.
Ann B. A couple months ago I was crossing (going Eastbound) the river while on the 10. It was backed up for MILES West of the river into the swamps. This was around 4 pm on a weekday. Is that usual rush hour traffic nowadays in Baton Rouge? It broke up right after I passed the University. It had been decades since I drove that route on the way to the Gulf.
Hi John Locke, Yes the traffic here is absolutely terrible,in fact it ranked worst in the U.S recently. We came here in 96 and it took 15 min to get to the Baton Rouge Clinic on Perkins Rd.Now even though we live in the Sotheast corner of the city,15 min or so from Tiger Stadium we leave for the Clinic 35 min ahead it is that bad.Hurricane Katrina changed BR forever some for the good a lot for the bad.But the powers that be refuse to do a thing about the deluge of cars coming in here from all directions.We love our house we built here and where we live but at 65 hubby and myself 64 we are seriously thinking of moving to Pensacola,Fla at 70 or so.Hubby has friend there ang seeing the sea again always calms me down Also the little Org- Mission here moved from a small building on Commerce St a tiny st no one uses to a plot of land near I-10. In the paper Sci said the better to get foot traffic,huh? what do they do,run out to the center of I20 and flag cars down? Laughter Always Ann.
Hi John Locke, Sorry meant friends there,meant and,and meant I-10. Ann.
The most common bumper sticker you see in Portland is “Keep Portland Weird”. Even with that in mind the morgue is looked at as a curiosity to be avoided. They may be weird, but they’re not stupid.
“They may be weird, but they’re not stupid.” Right on the money, Bystander! I love Portland! It’s almost a magical city in my mind. “Keep Portland Weird” make perfect sense to me! And I’m sure the Idle Morgue is, indeed, looked upon as a curiosity to be avoided (at all costs).
I’m sensing a new episode of Portlandia……(which if you have not seen….make an effort to watch. It’s hilarious!)
Portlandia is outstanding! Funny as hell!
Sorry if it is a it off topic, but Going Clear is finally going to air in the UK on Sky Atlantic tonight at 9 tonight. I will certainly be watching it.
That subject is NEVER off topic
(laugh, snicker, snort!). Yep, these are incredible times we’re living in, Mike. Watching the demise is just so much fun! I wonder how Mr. Welman of Cobb Theaters is doing with all of his voice mails today…
Just found out that it is being released on DVD on 22 Oct. in New Zealand. Have just pre-ordered my copy..
Daisy, if you haven’t seen it yet, you’ll be amazed at how fast a two hour movie can go. It’s that riveting! Literally. I watched it in Hollywood with an ex SO who had just gotten out from 33 years in. Michael’s insight was very useful. After it was over, we went to get a bite to eat and talked about Going Clear for almost 2 hours. I’ve never seen another movie/documentary like it. It pulls you in and keep you there!
And Daisy, if you haven’t seen it, let us know what you think when you have.
It appears Jeremy that two Div 6 course completions, empty course rooms and empty auditing rooms is the best you can do. I can hear the echoes as you walk through those empty rooms. But hey they look really nice.
I will say, it is a very beautiful building! I wonder who will buy it when the final collapse comes?
I thought LRH had chosen Miami Org as his chosen scio city. Someone has to be lying. Again.
If you listen to the recorded intro for RJ 28 (or whatever it was) that were sent out to every org, you will hear about a LOT of “chosen cities”
It is as the Bible says, ‘Many are called, but few are chosen’. How’s that affect your commissions mr/ms FSM? Proselytizing at the bus stop doesn’t seem to be working.
They ‘postulate’ 20 new bodies, ot8isgreats Ken Delusion must have helped out with that ‘postulate’.
Still, with that one ‘selectee’ and a several actual ‘services’, the FSM received $950. That equates to what, 3 purifs or any combination of services. I have to wonder if the FSM is being regged to pay the electric bill.
Speaking of religions….well….I guess no one really brought it up, but…speaking of religions: Here’s a primer for everyone. I hope this puts a smile on your face and a laugh in your heart. I mean, this Old Surfer Dude isn’t much good for anything else. So, sit back and relax as I enlighten all the posters here. I posted this on yesterdays blog, forgetting I had a new blog. And…away we go!!!
Taoism: Shit happens.
Hinduism: This shit happened before.
Buddhism: It is only the illusion of shit happening.
Zen: What is the sound of shit happening?
Islam: If shit happens, it is the will of Allah.
Jehovah’s Witnesses: Knock, knock. Shit happens.
Atheism: There is no such thing as shit.
Agnosticism: Maybe shit happens…and maybe it doesn’t.
Protestantism: Shit won’t happen if I work harder.
Catholicism: If shit happens, I deserved it.
Judaism: Why does shit always happen to me?
Televangelism: (A very close cousin to the cult): Send money or shit will happen to you.
Rastafarianism: Smoke that shit (“Ya mon! We have da best ganga here!” And I can attest to that).
Unitarianism: Who gives a shit?
So…there you have it. That explains everything, doesn’t it?
Scientology: Aw, shit. I used to have money.
Scientology: Send money AND shit will happen to you!
Scientology: Give us all your money, now, you CICSDB.
(I enjoy your posts, OSD. Keep posting & enlightening!)
Hi Zemooo, Loved your post.As a very young wide eyed open 22 yr old Sea Org baby I honestly thought that quote was Ron’s alone.Just like “the truth will set you free” … but you have shown me no,he cobbled those into his Dream World of a Religion. That is why I love this blog and your posts.Always ,Ann.
Nice, Mike! You didn’t do too bad yourself!
Did you leave our favorite cult out for a reason????
$cientologism: You just can’t pay enough for a good shit.
Hi Newcomer,Well you got me with your post.That was really Good! Thank you.Always Ann.
As always, you’re right Coop. Now……………….I KNOW! Scientology: Where you can get the shit kicked out of you daily. Oh…and it’s your fault.
Coop, the cult didn’t make the list. Not even close. They’re an after thought now. Not even worthy for polite conversation…
Dang, I guess they’re wimp(erin) out!
I say Cee Ohh Bee is a pussy!
Ok, Coop! That’s enough out of you! I know we’re pals, but, you just stepped over the line! Saying Cee Ohh Bee is a pussy, is an insult to all pussies everywhere! Now, go wash your mouth out with soap…….
What an illuminating letter. More evidence supporting the decline – the proof is in the/not in the pudding.
I was the Field Control Sec (aka 6c Sec) at LA Day. Doug was my boss (nice guy…cannot remember his last name). I remember Rosa body routing people into the org and RUINING people. She was “so good at it” – like it was a video game “kill” or something.
I refused…REFUSED to do it and was removed. I stood in disbelief watching Rosa do her thing getting people to tears and mostly it was hispanics (she was fluent in Spanish).
Boo hoo for me!
“More evidence supporting the decline…” The decline?! Oh man, they’re getting close to rock bottom! The “First Clear City???” Really??? Portland is one of THE most beautiful cities on the west coast. It’s good to know that the cult is only a tinny tiny presence there.
I do have a question though: What are selection slips? Having been out for over 3 decades, this is something new to me.
Everything about the way scientology operates is in a new unit of time. So new nobody has caught up with them yet. 3 decades isn’t long Dude, and look at all the stuff you’ve got to look forward to learning about them.
The static of scientology, where they set the precedent for extracting the most amount of cash for nothing and you’ve been selected.
Selection slips are all about the flow of money, what else could it possibly represent?
Thanks, I Yawnalot! I’ve never been “selected” so I was clueless.
OSD: Selection Slip is a paper delivered to the prospect and the church. The selectee is supossed to rush to get his/her life saving service. When he/she arrives and starts the most epic journey, the selection slip is used to arrange the comission for the “lucky” field staff member.
I see said the blind man who picked up a hammer and saw. ed, this is all new to me. But, of course, I never needed ‘selecting’ as I was an enthusiastic member.
Trust me …… you need to be selected OSD. Without the slip you are illegitimate and you jam up the money flows. Creates all sorts of Do Do for Der Leader.
I’m jamming up flows??? Coop…I…I’m not sure I’ve ever had a nicer compliment! I really don’t think I’m worthy, but, I’d like to thank COP for his continual “flows.”
Hi Toot TO OT, Thank you for your post.I think Rosa was after my time at Asho F.I honestly do not recall any Hispanic language public on lines in my day.Of course I may be wrong.But that Rosa getting people to cry reminds me of some hard times I had with GO/Intel.So glad you refused to play along.So glad I finally saw the light and escaped.Always,Ann.
Toot – could it have been Doug Brown?
Yes! It was Doug Brown.
Lets see here………………
The Success through Communications Course, DONE.
Personal Efficiency Seminar, DONE.
Next step on the bridge to total freedom …………………….. time to see your IAS Registrar and take your place among the anointed in helping Ron and Dave to help you to help save the planet. How about a modest three grand for a lifetime membership in the friendliest Cult in the world? Thats 3Gs to each of you BTW!
Where do I send my FSM slip?
Why Portland ? Makes no sense at all.
What do you mean, Jose?
There is no There ,There.
Ahhhhhh. Master, I must start back on my studies. Of course, there is no There, There. And it’s never been There.
When I can snatch ‘There’ from your hand, time for me to leave Temple. That is, if the Temple is There………………………..
Another small theater will not show Going Clear in Clearwater.
But now a Freeking gigantic theater complex in Tampa (AMC)
with dozens of screens and much more seating capacities are showing Going Clear.
The exulted Midget has done it again, making Scientology 47X Road Kill
and Movie popcorn vendors rich !.
It was AMC 20 in Clearwater that bowed out after Cobb 20 bowed out. Now to AMC 24 in Tampa. 24 compared to 20 isn’t that much bigger — which makes me very suspicious of the AMC 20 Woodlands now bailing.
Deep throat says follow the popcorn.
Well, they have their inevitable result.
The movie is now opening on 2 October at the Veterans 24 in Tampa AND at the Muvico 10 in Palm Harbor — just up the road from “Flag.”
Instead of one theater in the Tampa Bay area, they now have two.
And a bunch of publicity, with more coming.
They are the PR masters.
OSD says follow the butter. Hmmmmmmm. Paid off? Pictures? Recordings? I’m with Mike on this. It doesn’t add up.
Yay! Great news, Mike!
Being spring here in South Africa, I’ve been spring cleaning. I finally bit the bullet and through out all my Green Volumes, in the recognition the admin tech DOES NOT WORK. I also through out my False Purpose ‘Rondown’ lectures, PTS/SP lectures and Management and R&D volumes (the vast majority of which I had never even opened). I took them to a charity shop thinking some poor deluded scn fool could at least pick them up cheap. However, with new start stats such as these, I can’t see that happening. At least the paper can be recycled. There’s still plenty more where that shit came from, however. I’m spacing it out to enjoy the win!
Sorry… “threw”
Hey dr mac! When the over-the-top push to sell multiple sets of basics for libraries, how did your libraries react? Here in California (& I’m sure the rest of our country), if it’s unsolicited, it goes straight to the $1 bin. Not one set of basics EVER ended up on the shelf. Epic failure….
My wife is a travel agent and she’s been going to Kenya for almost 10 years now taking groups on photo safaris. I hope we can get down to your neck of the continent sometime.
Hi dr mac, I liked your post.Ah yes cleaning out stuff.Well just a few months ago, I threw out the letters I had gotten out with that I thought were really from Ron, old issues of The Auditor,and old stock photos of Ron.I don’t need photos to remember him!I had to leave all my Ron books that I left in my room at Asho all the red and green volumes and even Hymn of Asia.I did not throw this away out of hate I actually did it out of love,at last love for me and all those who got out and those still trapped who can’t leave.I’ll have to work on my memories next,the bad bad ones will go at some point before I fly away I hope.Always, Ann.
“All you have to do is name your selectees and bring them into the Org.”
Oh, is that all? Similarly, to build a car, all you have to do is get the parts and slap it together. It’s that simple! … in the Magicland. What’s left out of this formulation is bringing selectees magically into existence and convincing them to spend the butter and egg money on worthless claptrap.
hgc, will you be my selectee? It would really help my stats…..
Well, I guess this answers the “bang or a whimper” question…
Lol. New keyboard.
Jeremy’s email is fascinating. I wonder what happens with the 100 selectees being routed each week to the “Model Ideal Org in Los Angeles”.
Wait…..what? Hey Robin! Are you talking about the L.A. Org? Because if you are, Andres Rodriquez said 700 NEW PEOPLE Flood into that org EVERY WEEK! They can barely keep up with all the new students. And, believe me, Robin, Andres would NEVER lie. Ever……..
I bet a pound to a penny the $22,000 paid out weekly to LA Org’s FSMs is news to LA Org. Even if there was potentially that much FSM commission paid out one week, last I heard trying to actually get the cash – as an FSM – is like pulling teeth. The goalposts kept changing. First it was paid out when the public’s cheque cleared. Then it was made so that the FSM commission was only paid when the public had signed up for a course, then only when he was routed on and started, then I heard it was withheld until it looked like the public wouldn’t blow or become a refund cycle.
Right Martin. Not a chance. It’s like the 700 new people starting on service a day. Or week? Or minute? Or 47X expansion. Or more expansion in the last year that the 75 million years previously. Or 12,000 scientologists in Clearwater. Or 12 Million in the world. Scrambled numbers word salad.
LMAO!!! Now that’s some funny shit, Mike! I especially liked: “Or more expansion in the last year than the 75 million years previously.” Now that’s some upstat expansion!
The communications coming out of the cult are so smug. Everything is great! We’re expanding like never before! Floods of new people are overwhelming the staff. The Idle Morgues are completely full of students! Planetary clearing is now a reality! And all you have to do to become part of this, is to walk into any Idle Morgue. They’ll take care of you from there……
Actually the Portland org has a much better profit margin. If the FSM amount is $950 then that one person bought $9,500 in services. However, there was zero slips so not sure why $950 was even paid. At LA org they had a 100 people, so $2,200 each for services using the same logic. Both sound like made up numbers to me.
I zeroed in on that 100 new selectees/$22K weekly in FSM commissions also, which latter would mean that LA org is doing $220,000 per week on new people alone. Yeah, right.
“All you have to do is name your selectees and bring them into the Org. It’s all downhill from there.”
OMG… I caught a scientologist telling the truth.
Thanks for this post, Mike. It sure makes clear the current state of scientology.
Jeremy’s Freudian slip tells the rest of the story for sure.
I had a Freudian slip the other day, John. Fell right on my ass. And as I was falling, I wondered what Freud would do.
OSD, Freud would say that you are goofy footed! π
Nice try, but, I’m regular foot. However, I like your way with words! And you got the term right! I will admit, though, that’s I’m certainly goofy…and proud of it.
Yes, all good points Mike, but isn’t the real estate value of the Portland Org the one stat we should really be concerned about?
Ird like to know what you did yourself then to get the Portland affair partly in tomb, since the damages went from tens of millions to some few hundrteds of thousands, Mike.
Think he’s asking for background on Larry ‘One Thin Dime’ Wollershem.
No, I was asking about what happened to the Julie Christofferson damages, what was the activitiy of GOWW then to get the judge refusing the tens of millions and getting the cult to pay only that. I’m asking precisely this because it was a big affair, with enormous damages, and scientology was able to cut in piΓ¨ces. To-day, another cult NXIVM, was taken hand in the bag putyting pressures on judges -6 of them – to avoid more enquiries . Scientology had also acted long before against judges, sending whores, drug, under Hubbard’s orders. Did Mike participate in any of those like the Portland older affair?
No, before my time. What i know about Portland and Judge Ritchie etc is from reading others’ accounts of them
McFly????? Anyone home McFly???? Knock knock ……. (knuckles on forehead) ………………
Do they have a wall for each course to pose in front of? It’s a good thing the Briefing Course was only given at Advanced Orgs, or they’d have to throw a tarp over that one.
Hi RMycroft,I loved this! Sad but so burning with truth.Always Ann.
I looked more at the photo, and I think they’re projecting that Personal Efficiency Course stuff on the wall. Talk about a lot of underused overkill!
Plus, they’re Doing It Wrong. Projected backgrounds are old school photography: you have projection screen on the wall, and the projector is right next to the camera, so you don’t see shadows behind the people. The military uses that a lot when they want individual pictures to send to the folks back home. (Some of LRH’s war-time pictures look like that. e.g. him leaning on something with a big building in the background. It probably happened by the numbers in some office.)
“It’s all downhill from there….”
Truer words were never spoken
Ain’t that a fact…
Yep, that’s the fact, Jack! (they were doing army maneuvers)
Wow, one FSMC paid? I don’t think we EVER had one FSMC paid when I was on staff in the 80s. Unthinkable.
So, much for the idea that “non-Ideal” orgs were repelling the public because of their “non-idealness.” That FSMs were ashamed to bring their public into the org because of their low standards of MEST.
What kind of person invests millions of dollars other people’s money on such a WRONG WHY? Guaranteed you will not find ANY evidence or data which supports this assertion. NONE. These are the actions of an arrogant know-best with little regards for other people or money.
Flunk! Free thinking! Start.
Yet llttle in ALL other valuable aspects! π
“It’s all downhill from there.” – Jeremy Moll
nailed it
LA Org 100 selectees per week? $22,000 in commissions paid? Really? Some how I don’t think this is true, but then maybe those 200 SO member brought in to turn things around is actually working. ?
There is NO way that LA Org stat is correct on a weekly basis. Not even HALF that would be close.
I don’t know, John. You’re sounding more and more like ethics bait! Plus you’re hurting their feelings……
good one
Whaddya mean you don’t think this is true????!!!! I detect some CI here and it needs to be cleaned up immediately.
We’re talking Cee Ogres here. Of course it’s working! Dave said it was the thing to do and Dave is always right.
Yo Dave,
You said that was the thing Ideal Staff should do. But there I go again, talkin about more of your do-do……….. do this and do that and before you know it that is all you have left is a bunch of Dave Do-Do.
Testify, Coop, testify! Alleluia! Amen!
In scientology, the good stuff is always happening somewhere else.
“Its all downhill from here.” At least those words are true from a Scientology poster!
Amen to that Lori …………….. and glad of it!
Yo Dave,
If it is written it is true …………. you and your troops are going out with a whimper good buddy.
Coop, I can get front row seats for us if you want to see it.
Are we going to have to stand up and clap and sit down a whole bunch of times? I’d do it if Cee Ohh Bee was crawling back and forth in his thong.
On second thought…………………
Only on the “forth” leg maybe…
LMAO!!!!!!!!! Whew! Mike, you can Coop just blew my mind. Still laughing….