Just for the sheer enjoyment that comes with rejection of outpoints.
Mel Brooks could make his funniest movie ever with the material that gushes forth from the bubble. It could be a sequel to Spaceballs — Screwballs maybe?
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2014
From: pat parodi <[email protected]>
Subject: Sunday Note and QuoteHello to you!
If you live in So Cal you are probably bailing out from the amazing amount of rain we have experienced in the past several days. It was enough rain to push back the grand opening of AOLA and ASHO. It appears that we are in the process of “drying out” and everyone is looking forward to the re-scheduled ribbon cutting! Our grand opening was not the only event that was bull baited by the weather Gods-the Oscars, filmed live from Hollywood today, will have a very soggy “Red Carpet”– LOL-when it rains it pours–in LA!
As a “side bar note”, I am continuing my adventure on the SRD and the auditing on the Objectives. Although barely an intensive into the program, I am noticing subtle changes in my universe. I am more calm, my TRs in life are better and I find that I have more Causation over the pictures, restimulation–whatever one would like to call the stuff that an OT VIII would still be carting around with him! In other words, conditions are changing and the change has been noticed by the pc! Undoubtedly, more to come!
The following quote from Bridge Publications may have otherwise arrived in your mailbox but I am using it here as it was just so cool. If you have ever had your attention stuck on a person, if you have ever had some situation which just didn’t make sense, didn’t “add up”. If you have you ever lay awake worrying about something. Then you will appreciate this wisdom from LRH; it is definitely a “Life Tool”!
I hope you have a good week. Please work out how to get started on the new Student Hat, Purification Rundown or SRD (if needed). All are Golden Age of Tech Phase II services, all are amazing! If you are really an adventurer, start making plans for your Super Power, Cause Resurgence Rundown or the L’s! And never forget that the ultimate route out is the OT Levels. Auditing to completion of Solo NOTs is the final chapter in negative gain for a being. From the point where you attest to OT VII forward, you are on the positive case gain route-leaping into Eternity with OT VIII, IX, X and beyond!
Referrals are the time-tested and the best way for me to get new selectees. I am never too busy to help people to move up the Bridge and frankly, its pretty much all I do, 24/7!
So I ask you to please remember to share with others any wins you may have had in working with me, as a FSM. Then, suggest that I become their FSM as well. If you do this and let me know how to reach them, I will gently follow up, as that is normally what it takes!
Much love,
He is repeating his “subtle changes” line, still not really getting anything out of his Objectives re-do it seems.
And I wonder exactly what you would call the stuff that an OT VIII would still be carting around with him? Debt? Perhaps Continuous Missed Withhold?
And if completing Solo NOTs is the final chapter in negative gain for a being then what are these “subtle changes” all about? More calm, better TR’s in life? Sure sounds like “negative gain” to me….
But I am sure not one of his “selectees” will even notice. The insanities that are pawned off within the bubble are nearly unbelievable. And they just keep on coming.
It’s hard to imagine Pat with a once upon a time ponytail, with his cute little mini fro and all.
Regarding the “stuff an OTVIII would still be carting around.” That one jumped out at me. Isn’t OTVIII the one where the person “knows” that he’s always been only himself and none of those other people he thought he was in ALL those past lives?
Why would an OTVIII “still be carting around” anything? Pictures of what?
Pictures of his ponytail.
That’s funny!
He keeps it in a secret drawer and reminisces about the good old days when no one’s looking. Guilty pleasures.
Probably an inane question but: aren’t the islands of sanity calm already?
Calm as a cemetery (except when they bring in the back hoe to do some digging and/or landscaping).
Of course, occasionally, some inconsiderate person will start wailing and crying.
“The most formidable weapon against errors of every kind is Reason. I have never used any other, and I trust I never shall.
Your affectionate friend and fellow citizens.”
Citizen not citizens.
From over use of exclamation points to inappropriate use of quotation marks.
Pat Parodi ,I hope that the light comes on for this guy.
Well Pat just admitted that the OT levels were for naught. But, I don’t think that the bots will notice. The guy has also been leaching off of ASHO/AOLA for 30 years while pretending to be an FSM. (he isn’t alone in that regard). He is getting his just reward I guess.
” I am continuing my adventure on the SRD and the auditing on the Objectives. Although barely an intensive into the program, I am noticing subtle changes in my universe. I am more calm, my TRs in life are better and I find that I have more Causation over the pictures, restimulation–whatever one would like to call the stuff that an OT VIII would still be carting around with him! In other words, conditions are changing and the change has been noticed by the pc! Undoubtedly, more to come!”
reading something like that is like watching a compulsive gambler make another bet.
Mike, I need some advice. I have been able to enlighten nearly every one of my family members who was “in the bubble.” I suppose that each of them had already spotted the outpoints themselves to a greater or lesser degree, so it wasn’t very difficult. But there is one last hold out. This person is very indoctrinate, OT VIII, Class VIII, very, very under the thumb and jumps to any convenient (no matter how illogical) defense for the numerous glaring outpoints with CofS. She has been sent Debbie Cooks as well the Letter from Garcia and a few other gems from indie OTs. It will be a blow to our family if I can’t handle this person. Any recommendations on how to proceed? Or any from posters on this blog?
Another great quote might apply here:
Did they get you to trade
Your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?
– Pink Floyd
Yes, if you can afford it, get her to go to Alaska with you and agree to be land locked deep in a wilderness setting. If you can find a comfortable cabin in a pastoral setting that would be great. No phones, emails, TV or church members allowed at all. The only connection to the world should be the occasional supply plane landing on a nearby lake to check on your welfare and drop off some coffee and canned food. Get her interested in fishing and hunting for her dinner and the absolute necessity to be aware of wolf packs and bears. I figure about a year of this will break the church “habit” and allow some decompression. The rawness and stunning beauty alone can’t help but reach her on some level.
AnonIndie you may think I am joking but I wanted to do this with my own sister to get her away from booze, her prescription drugs, man problems and an unreasonable thirst for aggressive psychiatric treatment.
A complete change of environment was one of the valid forms of therapy LRH recommended along with some others.
That’s a tough one. You’ve already provided ample truth to the indoctrinated individual. Perhaps sincere question(s), delivered in the right way (e.g., innocently), would invite them to look and inspect their considerations. In order to be effective, the questions would have to bypass indoctrination and avoid triggering any thought stopping mechanisms.
For example, “What were you looking for when you became involved with Scientology?”, asked sincerely and with follow-up questions to fully reveal his/her reasoning. Something like this might not produce an immediate result but might spark something later, such as (in this example) a comparison of the original motives versus current results.
Asking such innocent and sincere questions will also make you a better terminal for this person than any terminal in the current CO$.
Good advice.
Sure AnonIndie. Just ask him what he thought after OT VIII when he still had amnesia on the Whole Track (that was ALL that level was really supposed to handle). Now, if he lies and said it was handled, ask him for a DETAILED write up on how to build an interstellar space craft. (per LRH we’ve done everything before on the track) But, if you have to go that far you must know that you are dealing with a person that is too far gone to do anything with…
“…..whatever one would like to call the stuff that an OT VIII would still be carting around with him! In other words, conditions are changing and the change has been noticed by the pc!”
What did Pat mean by that statement?
Was it a slip of the slip of the tongue? Or is this OTVIII saying that he is a pre-Clear, i.e., not Clear? Shouldn’t Pat be referring to himself as an OT or a pre-OT?
Sounds like someone has someone been invalidating his case gain.
You know who.
Pat Parolee anyone?
It’s all a ruse to keep the faithful distracted so they won’t be asking about OT 9 and above (which will never be released.) Tie them up redoing the bridge to make them feel inadequate and that they missed something.
DM, judge, jury and executioner. What kind of due process is this? They’re used to be a television show called ‘Father Knows Best’. Just substitute the word Dave and you’ve got what the ‘church’ has become. This is some f***** up s***.
+ 1
IMHO, but quite frankly, Kudos to Pat Parodi for sticking with a name that invites ridicule. Sticking with being a victim of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology – not so much….
So stuck he’s glued to the wall.
I guess Pat and all the rest of the kool aide drinkers are now doing step C of their A-E after miscavige issued a verbal SP declare on every single person remaining inside the bubble.
Must be hard to be the ONLY ONE who doesn’t need to retrain anything.
I trust everything Dave says so I can apply the opposite.
If you haven’t been trained how can re-train.
I always thought FSMs were there to disseminate Scientology to new people. Now it looks like all they do is latch onto someone already in Scientology, and like some sort of virulent virus suck as much energy (money) out of them as possible.
I would pay dearly to see a cont by cont graph of first service starts for the last 30 years. Talk about a death slide!
That’s certainly true of the “FSMs” in the UK. You’ve got Sheila Bulger, Lorraine Bulger and Pavanne Fraser – and I don’t think one of them has even tried to bring in any new public for years. It’s all about leaching off existing public. Anything but face real people with their real questions!
Brave souls.
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The perspective afforded by Scientology is amazing. I look t that quote you posted and think about how often I’ve tried to get across to Scns that Scn is a “help” (not as in, “I will do everything for you and you don’t have to do anything”). One must make one’s own life, from where one is, and improve it. The data in Scn is correct, and all the auditing provides amazing potential, but one must use all that data, and one’s new potential to use that data, oneself, to build one’s own life along one’s own constructs. One must set one’s own goals, envision one’s own ideal scenes, and the only way it is a “free ride” is that one does it oneself. That’s freedom. You earn it yourself, you maintain it yourself, your success is measured by your own skill with your own hand, and you do all that on your terms, on your conditions, and improve those until you are good enough to help others to do the same for themselves. Anything else would be a trap. I see people get into Scn, I see them fail to work for themselves in their own space, I see them fail to demand errors in their auditing be repaired, then these same people turn around and blame Scn for it. I see what Goethe said, so does that make me a Goetheist? And if I fail, is it Goethe’s fault? Scientology is the continuing evolution of a train of thought in the Big Conversation. It is a tough conversation. You’re talking with Lao Tzu, Buddha, Confucius, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Jesus, and many others whose IQ’s can only be guessed at. You can be dropped out of that conversation pretty easily. LRH defined, accurately and with precision, the parameters of life. He defined the science, the data, and provided precise procedures to get out of the morass of confusion. “Is this what you were looking for?” he might say, Cheshire cat.
P.S. MJ – I used “you” generically in my quick post – just to make sure you don’t take all “you’s” as referring to you. Thank you for the post. It makes me think.
My pleasure Carcha. It’s interesting how many Scientologists refuse to check out other thinkers. I once asked a word clearer at AOLA if she’d ever heard of Thomas Paine. She hadn’t and had no interest in finding out either. Sad but true. I’m pretty sure LRH read him. Thomas Edison was one of his biggest proponents. The existence of America is due in no small part to his efforts in the writing of Common Sense. Enough said.
Very apt Carcha.
“If you really want to enslave people, tell them that you are going to give them TOTAL FREEDOM.”
– L. Ron Hubbard
Do you have an exact reference for that?
Pat seems to have a “crashing MU” on the word “ultimate”. If the OT levels ARE the ultimate, there are no lower-level process REQUIRED on the other side of them. See how I got that right away? Because I no longer keep myself from seeing the obvious and I am not afraid to think for myself, or OR TO SAY IT OUT LOUD! I highly recommend this approach!
Also, Pat, why are you still less than 12 1/2 hours into your program of mind-numbing Objectives? What a dilettante! Actually, I know why. You are, as you say, working 24/7 to pay for that very auditing, auditing which you hate doing (yes, we can tell), and which grossly invalidates your case state. It insults the prestige of your lofty status as an OT 8, doesn’t it, and embarrases you to be forced to try to squeeze out these pathetic “wins”
It must be a very hard life these days for anyone making their living entirely from FSMing others onto this thing they are calling The Bridge.
The bridge has become a tunnel with no end in sight.
Yes! And once you have reached the end of the endless tunnel, you have tunnel vision as the EP.
Cap’n Miscavige has turned off the light at the end of the tunnel until further notice – maybe to save money for Ideal Orgs.
There was a light?
Man that’s what I call flourishing and prospering.
Pat seeks admiration and as such will never as-is anything that would lessen it.
Which includes his mocked up case that gets no TA.
Hey GOB, What’s that about seeking admiration? Is that a thing in Scientology, as in a no-no? It reminds me of something I heard somewhere else once upon a time.
Yes hgc10, a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
More calm? Pat needs to spend a couple of weeks at a beach resort and find out what “more calm” can really feel like.
More calm equates to an increase of distance from the cult.
Shut up and drink your Cal-Mag.
An OT VIII with pictures? That is what technically is defined as a By Passed Case, meaning, the prior Bridge steps haven’t touch him/her. Maybe that is why his current changes are so subtle, God knows.
Also, he jumps from one subject to another and his comm is in propitiation, despite having better TRs in life. Interesting indeed.
Pat Parodi did his SRD back in 1981. How much fun to go up the bridge and then all the way back down!
Isn’t that roller coaster?
I think that roller coaster is an implant from the Gorilla Goals. Ol’ Hubbs had some good drugs . . .
Pat Parody, Wendy Ettricks, Ty Dillard, Barry Klink and about 30 other sleaze bags are all owned; heart, mind and soul, by David Miscavige. They make their sole living from commissions given by the various Churches of Scientology and IsuckAss opps, IAS. Because they pay their rent and groceries from commissions from the CofS you will never hear anything execpt over the top bullshit from them about how great everything is. It’s like going back in time and asking an Enron stock salesman how things are going. “GREAT!!!!” is the only possible answer. These guys are even more under the thumb than SO members. Think about it- as an SO member you could get assigned to the RPF but you will still have a dirty matress to sleep on and beans and rice to eat. People like Pat Parody have wife’s and kids and mortagages and cars and if AOLA and Flag and IsuckAss refuse to pay their commissions because they are “in a lower condition” they will do absolutely ANYTHING to get paid. These people are on the same disgusting, lying, sleazy level as IAS Registrars. And that is really saying something. These scuzz balls will kissy kissy with absolutely anyone or anything to get paid. Everything that comes out of their mouths is a lie. Perhaps once upon a time, 30 years ago, they were bright and happy to disseminate Scientology. But right now these people have sold out and could not care less about standard tech or results or any other thing- just their commissions.
Well stated Rory! Hits the nail right on its ugly head. These people are all in Treason as well as their outright criminality towards the philosophy. Thing is when DM is finally kicked out or departs for pastures new they will be the first ones to say “I knew it all along that he was a squirrel” etc.
Roy, I knew all of them 30 years ago. They were vampiric (on the org & staff) sleazeballs then too. They were never “FIELD” Staff members. They hung around the org tagging on reg cycles for a %. COMPLETELY off policy and detrimental.
Fuck COB.
A little off topic, but applicable to those in power or not:
“You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.” – Goethe
I view it as capitalism. I make an investment of my capital into someone and wait for the payoff to come back to me. It often goes around on a Flow 3, but every now and then, someone gets what I say, immediately instantly makes something of it, and I get back more than I expected. Thanks for the post – I’ll make it a point to add Goethe to my reading list. I think it’s sad to see someone who doesn’t appreciate Scientology. I got a bit frustrated with one guy, and gave him an expensive book on philosophy, which he thanked me for (for the book). I asked a few months later if this avid reader had looked into it. No. He was reading more popular stuff. So I worked the conversation around (rather unsubtly) and found he really isn’t interested in philosophy at all. All I had said about Scn went down a drain. If anyone else has experienced the same, it isn’t anything wrong with what you’re saying, or with Scientology. It’s simply that you have to fish for a way to immediately do something for someone (a Muslim friend of mine sent me something about mixing different colors of vegetables and fruits to get good nutrition, and it made me think more of Islam). Most are not interested in the theory or the philosophy, no matter how much someone may talk about the urgency of doing something. Most have some hang-ups stopping them, and want an immediate fix. I still would rather find someone interested in the philosophy, then do something for them. The theory of capitalism and free markets in action: put your investment where it will yield the highest productive return. (Someone will jump on that and argue against it because it isn’t the fix they were looking for.)
Years ago, I was having a conversation at a party with a Scientologist Dad, when the subject of college came up. He shook his head and casually mentioned that his 16 year-old daughter wasn’t even going to finish High School. Okay, I bit, “why not?” Why does she need High School, he said, she’s training to become a Cl IV auditor.
I was flummoxed. I wanted to reach over and thump his head, to see if there was anything inside it. Several others around me just stared at him, but it had no effect. His world began and ended with whatever Scientology he managed to comprehend, which evidently was very little.
He wasn’t the first one to think like that. He simply possessed an IQ low enough, that allowed him to say it out loud.
Great quote. Many people have said this in different ways but it’s so true. And how do Scientologists treat those who can do nothing for them? Or better yet how do SO members treat them? Pretty shabby by all accounts. They treat them as downstats. On the other hand, people like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa had a reputation for treating others with kindness and love. I have always been amazed at how Scientologist will write on letters and messages “ML” short for “Much Love” when there’s no love in their communication at all. I don’t think love exists in Scientology except for love of savings one’s own sorry staff ass for the stat push. And that goes for their OT Committees too.
Donnie Hathaway and Roberta Flack said it best – “Where is the love?”
Those who desire to rule most are the least suited to do so . Churchill
Sounds about right GTBO.
Amen 🙂
So, in the Finally on Source Church of David Miscavige, all the events are “OMG, the greatest ever” while gains from auditing are ….”subtle”. Well then, just sign me up for the events, please. I’ll get my auditing elsewhere.
…”I find that I have more Causation over the pictures, restimulation–whatever one would like to call the stuff that an OT VIII would still be carting around with him..” Check please.
Exactly! Wake up Sheeple. Pat is saying all you need to know.
Glad he’s not my FSM. Up the down staircase per chance?
Their are far worse FSM’s. E.G Wendy Ettricks, etc.
Wendy wanted to be my wife’s FSM. She had more chance of seeing God.
GTBO, you dodged a bullet. Wendy can be pretty intense and before you know what’s happening it’s like the Star Trek Borg has arrived and you’re being absorbed whether you agree or not. I was absorbed….LOL
Never met her. Sounds like a must avoid. On second thought it’d be fun to tango with her. Bring on the music!
Yep, Wendy Ettricks and also could be worse cuz you could have Ronit Sorocco for your FSM.
This guy is doing more harm than good regarding the state of Clear and OT …openly stating he is effect of pictures and restimulation. This is going to make more people go “What??” than just about anything else I have seen.
Subtle gains = hamster wheel.
“… it’s pretty much all I do, 24/7.”
It sounds like Pat’s income stream from FSM-ing is really suffering and he’s promoting to gets some new customers. It is only going to get worse as time goes on Pat.
I think he may need to consider acquiring some kind of a new skill other than shuttling people off to Flag.
……the thirty year run for all these Pro FSM’s is coming to an end. I’m sure they’re going to look nostalgically at the good old days of the 80’s and 90’s and the easy money they made on all the hype Dave served up to everyone.
So True K Francis.
It just seems to get more off source on an expanding scale. In retrospect, that’s what started me having doubts. When I wasn’t looking forward to being on course and hated going to events, the light finally went on.
My ex-husband was a full time FSM. We were visiting his sister one year for Christmas. She asked my daughter, who was about 7 years old at the time, what her father did for a living. She replied – he goes to people’s homes and asks them for large amounts of money! Out of the mouth of babes.
Sounds like an accurate assessment. We can all learn a lot from kids.
I had one of these Pro-FSM’s attached herself to me. She was a nice enough woman and her husband had been my twin on course so although I didn’t need her I didn’t put up a fight either. She couldn’t really assist me other than to be a cheerleader in the background. I thought it was ridiculous that she was collecting money as I paid for services at Flag but I figured her deal was with the Org. so I just washed my hands of it and let her collect her checks while privately shaking my head.
Now that’s what I call exchange. NOT.
I see you canned my other post on your earlier blog.
Fair enough. No place to get into a political debate.
Thanks for brightening up my day with another Pat Parody post 🙂
Is this guy for real?
What “subtle changes” could he be possibly making on the objectives?
Another intriguing question is what is an “OT” still doing with pictures?
Also if the ultimate out is the OT Levels as he says then why is he doing the SRD? Or recommending that others do actions that are not even part of the Grade Chart like Super Power and the L’s?
I’d say lil’ Patty is confused.
Who knows?
Maybe he really needs those objectives he keeps making “subtle changes” which may eventually lead to find out where he is.
Yes Robin — I canned it and a few others as it was just getting into political debate that belongs in a different forum…. 🙂
Happy to brighten your day with a new parodi though.
Yes parodi has become the new way to spell parody 🙂
rain is bull baiting?! but i thought they could handle that?!
Out TRs. Flunk, you blinked. Cause over what?
This Parodi is pretty introverted, I’d say. Substantial rain falling in an area after a year-long drought would be something that a real OT living fully on all 8 dynamics would celebrate. Actually, anyone not a Miscavobot with an IQ in the double digits and no 4th dynamic death wish would be jumping up and down for joy at heavy rain after a such a long and dangerous dry spell.
I knew Pat since the 80’s he was a good guy had a ponytail for years, and when I saw him when he cut it off, I asked him why? He said COB ordered him too. Now look at his mindset.
We can’t have your selectees thinking you’re a hippie, now can we Pat?
Didn’t Travolta say in Saturday Night Fever – “Don’t touch my hair!”?
When my husband completed OTVIII, he was told he had to cut off his ponytail before they would take his completion pictures. He was pissed. That was a turning point for him that lead him out the door! Of course….as soon as he got home he grew it right back.
Real freedom as long as you do what we say.
Must be like Samson – lose the hair, lose the strength. Only with Pat it appears to have been his mind. At least Samson lost it to the beautiful Delilah. Pat lost it to Diamond Dave — what would Shelley say?