How very timely.
After posting yesterday about the church and IAS not supporting Criminon in any way, this drops down the chimney from one of our Special Correspondents.
Apparently, the IAS has gone missing in this endeavor too — until it comes time for the IAS event and scraping together some videos and maybe even a medal winner, in which case handing out WTH booklets in Israel and on the West Bank will become another “monumental IAS accomplishment.”
To fund their activities, the WTHappinessers have formed their OWN “membership organization,” because you just cannot have too many of them in the Vulture Culture. The “membership” will entitle you to be “briefed on the project” and get “an [sic] commendation from WTH Fdn International.” They are starting to sound like old cereal commercials — “you get a special decoder ring in each box.”
What is even more remarkable about this pitch is the implication that peace in the middle east hangs in the balance — all to be determined by how many WTH are distributed. But this is really getting tired — as with Criminon, there have been numerous videos already shown at IAS events and crowed about in Impact mag and at least one IAS Freedom Medal handed out for “mass distribution” of WTH in Israel/West Bank accompanied with stories of “calm pervading,” “violence decreasing” and “peace now made possible.”
Even the most drunken sheeple eventually come to realize that they have heard the same thing over and over and over.
Check out the pix in this promo piece. Somehow soldiers with guns drawn become happy guys with families out for a Sunday drive when they are handed a WTH.
Wow. If it really IS this easy, why Dear Leader are you not ordering the IAS to pay for distribution to every citizen in the entire midEast (not just Israel and Palestine) — hell get them to everyone in Afghanistan and Iraq and Iran and Lebanon and Syria. Just think of the results — and I bet it could all be done for $50 million or about 2 1/2% of the 2 billion (VERY conservative estimate) at your disposal.
2 1/2% of your net assets to achieve peace in the vast majority of the world?
Or don’t you really believe your own hype? This is something you want OTHERS to give THEIR money to, but once you have their money, you don’t want to do anything with it other than hoard it?
Scrooge McSavage. Collecting money for the sake of rolling in it, not for the sake of being able to use it to do good. Even though that was why people handed it over to you in the first place.
From: The Way to Happiness Foundation International <[email protected]>Subject: An urgent requestDate: 14 May 2014To:Reply-To: [email protected]
Dear Xxxxx,
This is Dr. Razi Ronen writing to you with an urgent request for help.
The situation in Israel-Palestinian Authority is escalating rapidly, as the Peace Talks reached a full stop due to recent events (today noon). It is threatening to blow up and bring us back to darker periods, instead of moving forward to a real resolution of it.
We have a one-time opportunity now, with a very special person who is eager to help through our MIDDLE EAST Way to Happiness campaign and has gotten almost 100 volunteers with him, in a combined effort in both Israel and the West Bank.
This opportunity, for various reasons I cannot mention in this email, is available ONLY if we manage to raise a certain amount of money in the next few days.
Therefore, we have formed a very special membership organization, dedicated to spreading The Way to Happiness® on both sides of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict.
WE are working around the clock to get members from all over the World – Israel, Europe, USA – for $150 each.
WE NEED to get THE FIRST 70 memberships NOW. MEMBERSHIPS ARE valid for one year, and all members will get briefed about THE PROJECT.
Each member will get an commendation THE WAY TO HAPPINESS FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL.
Please hurry! We have no time to spare, and the positive effect we can create is huge!
Click here to become a member NOW!
The above photo is from this month’s news.
Below is the reaction in the West Bank to The Way to Happiness movement:
Thank you, Dr. Razi Ronen and the team at The Way to Happiness Foundation International
The Way to Happiness Foundation International
201 E. Broadway, Glendale, CAMain Web site:
Peace in the region is simple.
Stop keeping palastinians locked up in concentration camps and calling them refugees and violating their basic human rights daily.
The C of S should keep out of the Middle East scene or they wil come unstuck. They do not have the media control they think they have until the critisise this area but they will find out.
Also would be a good idea if the Palestinians stopped killing the hated Jews by blowing themselves up in public places, around school buses…you get the idea. It’s not – and never has been – a one way street. 🙂
I love how the link goes straight to a paypal account.
Mike. YOU are so freakin’ funny. Just had to say it.
That is all.
Isn’t North Korea a very big danger to world peace right now? Why not distribute a few million in that country by an entourage led by COB? I bet TWTH booklets would be go like hot cakes if they were printed on hot cakes. Imagine the number of new followers for COB if half of TWTH booklets distributed in North Korea were printed on hot cakes, and the other half on LED battery lights. Finally, a campaign that actually may help people.
This falls into a new class of outreach I’m seeing more and more from The Crutch – a request for money so blatantly stupid that it could shake a few of the sheeple out of their slumber.
Ha, and for an extra $1K your dog will get Captain’s bars and everyone will have to salute it! LOL
/scratches head
Okay, so all the booklets that they’d previously collected money for didn’t work, so let’s do more of that!
The claims from 2003, “Association for Peace and Understanding in the Middle East”:
In 2012, The Way to Happiness Foundation International spent a whopping $12,745 on distributing booklets in the Middle East and North Africa.
This fact alone tells you that Dr. Razi Ronen is one of the passengers in the TWTH clown car.
IRS 990 for TWTH 2012 here:
We should introduce the Nigerian scammers to the c of s addresses. They can then find and discharge against each other, and maybe they will even as-is each other.
About 3 cent production cost, that’s mostly paper and ink
purchased in massive discounted quantities.( church prices)
Printed in one of D.M.s publishing mills by Sea Org slave labor
which is 19 hour work days , 7 days a week for 8 dollars per week.
3 cents a booklet production cost ?
Documents published on the ABLE site 2004ish said 14 cents in offshore bunk, plus 7 cents per copy license fee.
The Way to Happiness is a cute little book. No one could really disagree with it. Basic precepts of how to get along and live a good life. These precepts have been around long before this book. You know, don’t kill your neighbor or screw his wife. Take care of your teeth? Sure why not. But life changing? no. Besides, if it was so great, and can change a planet, put it on the web. Have a page called “The way to Happiness book in its entirety” .com. Change the world for $9.95 a month. It’s funny, when I was in the EPF, there was a course I took called the “personal hygiene course”. One of the exercises was, “go outside and put dirt on your hands. Now go and wash them. Notice how you feel”. Seriously. Don’t get me wrong, I like clean hands; but didn’t change my life in anyway. Fundraising with this book is at best unworkable. (unless you’re the one collecting the $).
Don’t the letters WTH at first glance remind you of WHAT THE HELL? So, the ads are all “hurry, hurry, hurry, step right up to the biggest game in town – you won’t be sorry only $150 – OR ELSE!! Always need the “or else” :). I do believe that DM has expanded on LRH’s ads. Oh wonders – will DM’s creativity never cease!!
This reads like one of those Nigerian scam emails.
This is just barf-worthy. Thank you, Mike, for reporting this.
So if I send some of these to Int base the violence will stop?
That’s really funny. You should, with a note explaining why they were sent.
Oooh. Maybe we should have a foundation for that campaign up at the Int Base. What should we call it? Votes please:
V.O.I.C.E – Violence Over In California Encampment
C.A.S.T.E. – Californians Against Slavery, Torture and Entrapment
C.A.T.S – Californians Against Torture and Suffering
N.O.A.H – No One Again in the Hole
D.I.C – David in Chains
Then we’ll have a really good shoop done of David in Chains and make it the cover art — and put them in every shop in Hemet and drop them on the base at muster time. Bwahahahaha!
It’s always some angle to get money to keep the boat afloat.
Next week it will be some other disaster and another and another.
Then they get recycled.
Colonialist bullshit
who cares if the middle east is about to blow up, it’s all a mock up anyway and besides aren’t they on their way to clearing the planet? this way there’s less wogs to clear.
i’m not worried one bit.
not with scientology’s on going unprecedented expansion.
and especially now that GAT II has been released and people are moving up the bridge faster than ever, thousands already on solo NOTS, this planet will be clear in no time. yeah, I’m certain of it this time.
it’s all so easy peasy. just disagree with the physical universe.
“I’m Keith”
…………if you haven’t seen “bowfinger” with steve martin and eddie murphy, treat yourself to a very pleasant and funny movie. you can’t miss the allusion to scientology.
Doh! ……It’s obvious,
MV fast approaches and they need a video for the IAS Night event to show they are actually doing something and the IAS will take the credit without handing out the cash!. Then they will crush reg more out of the whales. “SEE WHAT YOUR MONEY ACHIEVES!”….they are beneath contempt
Calm down and trust. This is just David glowing it right.
“WE are working around the clock to get members from all over the World – Israel, Europe, USA – for $150 each.”
Interesting wording.
In my neighborhood if you “get someone for $150” it means you either stole it or conned them out of it.
Well Dave, at least you can say there is some truth in all your bullshit.
Oracle, you are in fine form today! Thanks for the laughs from the dog jokes to the glow it right thing. Maybe we can get Dm a plastic glow in the dark tube to wear as a necklace, the kind the kids wear at concerts in the dark and on the 4th of July. At least then we could find the little guy after it gets dark. That is the closest he will get to being able to glow anything right. His is a black hole reverse vector that sucks in all lightness and turns it dark and spreads darkness wherever he goes. Not only does it suck to be DM, but it sucks worse to be around him.
I hear you about this middle east situation. The thing is you should send a CSW to David Miscavige to glow it right.
Can’t he glow things right? That’s a fucking out point and an enemy line!
If he is “all that” he should be able to glow it right. I glow it right. Do you mean I have abilities he does not? Has anyone asked him to ‘glow it right?” I want him to glow some shit right right now. How can the leader of the Church not be able to glow it right?
O.K. Dave, you are front and center. Glow it right in the middle East. Otherwise it will look like you are not cause over the wogs, What are you selling if not domination over the rest of mankind? We are all waiting for you to glow.
The half dozen or so times I was part of handing out WTH promo (usually in Denver or Boulder) you could hand someone a booklet, watch them walk several yards away and then throw it in a trashcan or on the street. The ground would be littered with WTH booklets afterward. Same with OCA’s.
I guess Denver/Boulder were already happy enough.
I suspect this new membership scam will perish along with the offending authors. This is money not going directly into DM coffers (IAS) and that is verboten.
I recall once asking why I should donate based on retail prices to distribute a humanitarian booklet to some troubled place. I was met with blank stares. On another occasion I asked my FSM ( CCHR reg on OT7) the same question and his response was I was dramatizing the “Free Overt”. I took it by his response that if something is free and you receive it it is an overt or if you want to distribute humanitarian booklets without making a profit, it’s an overt. He truly believed it or had been hypnotized into believing it.
Oh gosh golly, they withheld the ref of the “Free Overt” from me, help!
“This opportunity, for various reasons I cannot mention in this email, is available ONLY if we manage to raise a certain amount of money in the next few days.”
The hidden data line in this email should make you jump up and down to donate. Ok yeah, you’ve got me. I always fall for the hidden data line. Tell me more tell me more tell me more more more.
Here’s your check. You don’t mind that it’s a postulate check on a closed account written under a bogus name do you?
For various reasons that I cannot mention in this comment, I will give you the actual money ONLY if you manage to fix something, ANYTHING that is wrong somewhere with all this money you have been hoarding rather than just beg for more money.
LMAO! Scientology hasn’t been able to create peace and non-violence in its own organization. It is going to create peace in the M.E.?
I guess the Dwarf knows that the whales will push cash to any scheme he dreams up out of a bottle of expensive Scotch.
Its magic.
Or bs.
The WTH is a good little book, but like many other things it has been been built up to be magical. Pretty soon handing out a single WTH in the center of a city will clear everyone, stop all crime and everything else.
They truly have no shame, it’s both appalling and fascinating from a psychological perspective.
Notice the guy handing out the booklets? (the photo that looks like he’s working the ‘windshield wash racket). Is that a bullet proof vest under is t-shirt??
You may be right. He’s not wearing it in the close-up photo.
yeah, probably a bit more likely than a bra…
Mr. Kumalo, a Nigerian prince e-mailed me today and informed me that his rich father died and left him $163 million.
He can not claim the money since he is of noble status in a foreign country and the government will take all of the money for themselves.
Thus he asks for your help in transfer of the funds.
This opportunity is available ONLY if we manage to raise a certain amount of money in the next few days.
Sounds like Mr Kumalo needs an IAS “briefing”. You know, just to get briefed on the data.
I would think these various reasons
he cannot mention might be helpful
for one to decide whether to donate or
And who is this very special person?
Why does this person have to be a mystery?
Give us the money and then we will
brief you on the project….really?
Only in the current COS and politics
do you hear such ridiculous comments.
Can you imagine going in to buy a new
car or appliance and the salesperson saying
you have to pay for the $30,000 car or $2,000
appliance first to know its features and how it
Anybody with an ounce of common sense would
walk away.
Come on folks in the church….muster up some
good ole common sense. Question this guy.
Make him give specifics. Back him up against
the wall like he is trying to do to you.
Mike, given all the stuff you post here…and just guessing at the total amount of dreck you receive, how do you keep it all straight? And not want to drink heavily? I truly admire your sheer strength in confronting all this crap on a daily basis!
Pressing the cheap and nasty fear button, how lame.
Pressing the fear button and throw in a little mystery sandwich, and urgency, and you have the perfect recipe for making money, tons of it from stupid sheeple who don’t inspect for themselves. So exactly WHO is the one sowing a dangerous environment here? And not only making it all seem dangerous, but then making money off it too? I’ll take the media over DM and his minions any day.
Exactly right, Cindy, selling fear for profit. It’s an old trick, and DM wants a slice of the cake.
Funny, the church always goes on about the media being the Merchants of Chaos and Fear, yet in many of these types of email we see the church being EXACTLY that! They sky is falling! Women and children about to blown up! WE (read YOU) have to do something right now (or at least before Thursday at 2:00).
And correct me if I am wrong, but I believe LRH said something like “WHTH has a calming effect on society”. And because LRH said it, we do not have to inspect it, it’s just a self-evident truth. I am certain this what the sheeple are basing their actions on. And if we didn’t get the expected result, well, obviously we didn’t distribute enough of them. As far as I know, there is absolutely no documented evidence that this little book solves anything on a mass scale.
Regarding the “very special membership organization” – Good Lord, these people just can’t get enough of “belonging” and “status”. Guarantee they will have their own status levels like all the other sub-groups within the church. Their wallets are empty, but are now filled with membership cards.
WHOA! I figured out the various reasons they could not mention!!!!! They will be going in the hole or onto RPF if they don’t raise the money. And the next few days? Thursday before 2:00 of course. Thanks for making this all perfectly clear for us!!!!!!!!!
(Note the judicious use of capitalization and exclamation mark tech; however, I still have a problem as a single suppressive semicolon snuck in this sentence — I will be reporting for sec checking the moment I hit Post Comment).
It appears this kind of ‘earning income’ has been going on for a very long time.
See in comparison ‘six million jews 1915-1938’:
The Co$ has become a copy cat…
Thanks for the link, very interesting!
Hmmm. Peace in the Middle East doesn’t even require three stooges, just two: David Miscavige and John Kerry.
LMFAO…..very funny and true!
Here is The Way to Happiness IRS form for 2012.
Thank you for that link. Wow.
23% of the income collected went to royalties.
41% went to salaries and employee benefits, although only 8.9% of that was salaries – and the rest was not itemized as an expenditure — hmmmm? and only
10% went to fundraising expenses
19.2% of the money collected went to booklet distribution.
.001% $400 TOTAL FOR THE YEAR for cost of printing all booklets distributed
3.4% Distribution costs for the year.
This is for their claim of having distributed over 860,000 booklets in 2012. Pretty top heavy for an organization whose entire printing and distribution costs are less than $9,000 to spend $250,000 to do it.
I certainly would not contribute to ANY charity that had those statistics. And that is what they reported to the IRS.
Thank you for that analysis. Wow!
The booklet “The Way to Happiness” is a laughable solution to the problems in the Middle East. I had read this booklet many times before but just started looking at it again. I even did the “Happiness Rundown”. As an ex-Sea Org member I can tell you that these precepts are not being applied in Scientology. The first one, take care of yourself has not been applied in Scientology for decades. Passing out WTH booklets will not have any effect on the issues in the Middle East especially when WTH isn’t even applied by those who are pushing it. Ridiculous.
Writing a check now.
😉 Me too! I’m writing a Postulate check though.
Create a mystery…”we can not tell you all right now”, plus an emergency…. “it is urgent and needed now, now”- “please hurry” and a threat of …”darker periods”.
Control under fear and threats and somehow the always present subtle ‘make guilt’ if you don’t contribute.
The obvious purpose = make easy money, stealing basically and the hallmark of Black Heart “don’t care and has nothing to do with me”.
Are these sounding more and more like those curious letters from Nigeria? Just give us your Bank details and we will sort it for you (but we can’t tell you right now….)
Dr. Ronen,
I am willing to donate to your scam but I need to have you check with Scrooge Miscarriage to see whether such a donation and of what size will be required to get me through my A to E steps and possibly be able to visit with my daughter who is in the gulag in Hollywood known as the HGB.
Also, I was wondering if you were going to also start a membership for the Ukraine and possibly Pakistan. Looks like Vietnam and perhaps China will also need one as things seem to be escalating a tad in those parts due to some drilling rig or something. Anyway, I’m sure you and your paths to happinessers are on top of these issues.
Oh yes, I really need to figure out how to earn a couple more of those commendation what do you call ems….chits … so I can fill up a couple of blank spaces on my wall. I need for my office to look good even if I’m not doing shit right now because of this declare cycle and all. Hope you understand.
This kind of thing is so offensive because it usually seems to involve some part of the world where the people are presumed to be so uncivilized or uneducated or downright primitive that a pamphlet written by a white man will bring them wisdom and solve all their problems. Just expose these heathens to the wisdom of the Great Man and poof! — they can crawl out of their state of ignorance and depravity and be (almost) as good and peaceful as we are.
I don’t know if this is inherently racist but it certainly seems colonialist and outrageously arrogant. I’m still trying to purge from my head an image from about a year ago with a bunch of brown-skinned children clamoring ecstatically around a truck with piles of Way to Happiness booklets in their eager little hands. Jesus leaping Christ. I feel embarrassed just to KNOW about this stuff.
Well said Richard…..I bet those children would
have rather had something nourishing to eat than
the WTH booklet in their hands.
It is totally arrogant and truly embarrassing.
The IAS could feed millions of starving kids
and adults across the world. Then when their
body ruds are in give them the WTH booklet.
Not only that, but a lot of the ideas in TWTH came from Jewish and Arab writings. Not attributed, of course.
that is a fact. thank you.
Exactly what I was thinking cre8tivewmn. This is a part of the world where the 10 commandments are probably read more often than anywhere else in all the different languages. Really? WTH? Hell, if the words in WTH are so powerful, why not print them on really cheap newsprint and make sure everyone in the world gets one. Peace should reign instantaneously according to the hype…but then again, maybe not…
Good points richardgrant. I’ve been thinking about this and the level of arrogance is so astounding that it’s hard to describe. It’s like saying someone is rich who has 4 trillion dollars in the bank. The fact is that all this money has been amassed by the rcs, and that dm has done nothing to earn it. Like a Saudi prince who lives on a yacht but has never worked a day in his life, Dm’s reality is so out that he has no concept of real work for real exchange. The fact is, that Scn’gts are incredibly, incredibly generous and have donated all this money over a long period of time. It does represent the goodwill that LRH created through the wins that so many have had with the tech. The wins and the vision of having more wins, and of a lot of people, having lots of gains, has made many want to give generously. They thought Scn would continue to provide value to their lives and to the lives of others. Not only has dm and his crowd extorted and amassed all this money, fraudulently, coercively but then, they have failed to use the money for ANYTHING reasonable, forwarding the goals of Scn. It just sits there in a huge pile while staff struggle for basic needs and public are pillaged to the max. At the same time, the tech has been corrupted via gag 1&2. The further out tech of an unsafe, invalidative, off purpose environment has grown, and the goodwill that LRH created has run out. This latest email is so offensive on so many levels.
For ” reasons I can’t mention” I won’t be donating : p
This is what some refer to as a “burn”.
And a most excellent one it is.
So, after I ‘donate’ only $150, I get to be a ‘patron idioticus’ and then I get invited to a special ‘briefing’ where I will probably get the chance to move up in status to ‘patorn ginormus’ by paying some really big bucks. As my jewish friends would say ‘such a deal’! Oh, wait that needed a lot more exclamation points!!!!!!!!!
You ate my words, I can’t donate for highly confidential reasons either. Wonder if they’re the same…
He’s down to $2 billion? Oh, I forgot, Las Vegas is just 3 and 1/2 hours drive away.
The Church has every angle covered except the ASPCA.. I want to know when they will open a dog pound and care for rescue animals.
I’m glad you brought that up. You can join my new membership organization: The Way to Puppiness. You will get a top secret de-flea-ing and a special chew toy.
Can you just see Norman Starky assigned to a rescue animal? Jenny Linson assigned to some poodle?
I mean, how long do you think it would take them to choke the life out of the animals?
I can see them going through Qual now. “It needed food?”
“It needed food?”….We’ll Norman being a bit low on protein decided to bulk up on the puppy……It gets tough living in a double-wide.
“The Way to Puppiness”
hgc10, you are too funny!
How does Karin Pouw manage to stay on her post as C of S INT speaker with all that bad press against Scientology? Do they still have stats to measure their success?
She is just a name that is used for press statements. She doesnt write any of them. She doesnt appear anywhere. She doesnt talk to any media. She may well be in the Hole.
Why not? If the sheeple are stupid enough to fork up the dosh, even though the campaign has been done before,
(I distinctly remember an event video with film of translation into Arabic by a Bedouin tribesman and the Palestian minister of education gushing about it ‘s success) with soldiers with guns holding or waving the booklet and smiling.
If it was that effective wouldn’t they have kept it going?
Another illustration of talking the talk bit refusing to walk the walk…. Disgusting.