A recent email from one of the people that delivers seminars in orgs and is touted as one of the “great disseminators” of our time.
It provides some interesting insight into the general public’s view of scientology and how things are going from bad to really bad. You’ve got to make sure you “inoculate” everyone, because all they know about scientology is bad.
And this is the fastest growing religion on earth?
More than doesn’t quite add up…. the cognitive dissonance of these people is mind-blowing.
From: Randall Michael Tobin [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 8:26 PM
To: Ray McKay General Distribution
Cc: Daphna Hernandez
Subject: Handling Black PR (great handling by Daphna Hernandez!)
How to Immunize Your Prospects
Before They Get Infected
by Daphna Hernandez
Author, Field Auditor, Power FSM
Have you ever shared a bit of Scientology with someone and had them leave your side blown away just to return later all “ridgy” and filled with misconceptions about our religion?
This had happened to me more than once and I finally decided to put an end to it.
I was doing life coaching with a client in my office. Based on what came up, some enlightenment about the mind was in order. I hatted her briefly and she reached for the Dianetics book.
“But this time,” I thought to myself, “I am going to inoculate this person and make her immune to black PR.” So I said, “Now, when you leave my office you are going to hear bad things about Dianetics. It is controversial!”
“How come?” she said, having just had her first cognitions about the reactive mind.
To tell you the truth, I don’t remember all I said. I told her that Dianetics had enemies. I pointed out how much money is made with pharmaceuticals and told her that, with Dianetics, conditions such as depression, anxiety, trauma and loss can be handled rapidly and without drugs. Therefore, Dianetics takes business away from vested interests that depend on people’s misery for their fortune. And since pharmaceutical companies spend billions on advertising, newspapers and magazines print anything just to please these sources of revenue.
This made sense to her and she was now a staunch supporter of Dianetics. But I didn’t stop there.
I pulled What Is Scientology off the shelf and, pointing at the cover, I said, “Have you heard about this?” “Now, that’s bad!” she replied.
I was amused but I didn’t show it. I got her to tell me all the lies and rumors she’d heard about Scientology.
I pointed out that Dianetics and Scientology were created by the same person and that Scientology had enemies because of the good that it does, which cuts across certain people’s profits. Then I showed her a “pressbook” I had created with pictures that document the Church’s good works…
She bought the Dianetics book and left my office with the necessary ammunition to handle anything thrown at her out in the wilderness. Last I heard, she shut up her husband when he tried to say something about Scientology.
Who said immunization was bad?
From an outsiders point of view, I will say that it does seem there is quite a negative perception, and no real evidence as to why. Just saw a youtube video today talking about Scientology, “Oh, Im scared they may be watching, etc” – and “it’s bad”, and at the end, “but we really don’t know why, so you tell us.”.
And then the comments ‘conspiracy’ of “a Scientology ad was right before this video” – and then what, the content was about Scientology, doubt the algorithm knows if its bad or good. 🙂
So, yes there is the ‘bad’ Scientology… personally, I love the videos I have seen from them – again, having been deeply involved in the Protestant religion, I can understand that at the top, people are not necessarily following the beliefs that others below them believe they are.
Good and bad… but Im not sure fighting is going to help push anyone closer to an ‘enlightened’ state… seems that one could focus on what works… in any given religion, and move on – kind of like human relationship, what works and move on… you’re not going to convince anyone of anything anyway… they all want love and acceptance, give it, and you both can go a long way together.
I saw on her FB page a photo of her office. There are stacks of a book that she wrote called Picking Right. Oh yea, I’m sure Miscavige is going to let that continue. Expect it to go the way of Ruth Minshull’s “How To Choose Your People”. Actually, it might be kind of interesting to compare the two books.
I didn’t like the tone of Daphna’s comm – she has that bossy, know-it-all, make-wrong thing really down – but in fairness, she really is between a rock and a hard place with regard to promoting to raw public.
When I was in five years ago I would volunteer to sell books. A small, rag-tag bunch, didn’t sell too many. Lots of effort, setting up those stupid tables, lugging all those books, and we sold very few. At the time I knew nothing of the Church’s horrendous PR. Once, when I told her rather despondently that I had only sold one book that afternoon, the PES of my small org responded, “Selling a book is a VERY big deal!”. I was sceptical, but she looked serious, not like she was just flattering me.
Now, if it was a big deal 5 years ago to sell a Dianetics book, I’m thinking it is even harder today. In my business I work with 20-somethings, they are my public. All of them do internet searches on everything they buy, so I would imagine Daphna’s attempted D/A of bad PR would be her best shot at selling a book, and that a pro-active approach to what’s out there about Dianetics and Scientology – an attempt to head-’em off at the pass, so to speak – would be pretty much a no-brainer for anyone trying to get new public on board.
From this it can also deduces that Daphna KNOWS about the bad PR…how, I wonder? She couldn’t possibly be permitted by the cult to read anything for herself. Maybe OSA fed her just enough data per their “need to know” policy. Must suck to have her job nowadays.
Edit: “From this it can also be deduced…”
In Denver I see they sold 2,300 books last month in exchange for parking at the Rockies game–seems to skew the stats some.
It’s a VERY exciting and busy time at our Denver Ideal Org…
● There have been 56 Purification Rundown completions since the release of GAT II
● 63 students are on the Survival Rundown
● Denver was #1 WUS for Purif & Survival Rundown starts, week ending 3 July 14
● Over 2300 new public have bought an LRH book or DVD while parking in our lot for a Rockies Game
● The Drug-Free World campaign is now being implemented in Denver
● We have an Introductory Free Film & Lecture EVERY Friday night at 7:30pm for new public
Come to the Org and join in on all the fun!!
Purification Rundown: Wayne Hoffman, Rob Campisi, Belinda Buck, Tom Woodruff, Ariana Diaz, Rev Eriksen,
Tim Murphy, Joe Becker, AJ Barron, Chuck Erdkamp, Paula Coffee, Jim Streuwing, Laura Ryan
Objectives: Jamie Wallis
Student Hat: Jeanette Banks, Curtis Johnson
Upper Indocs: Erik Hofstetter, Ellen Peterson
Pro Metering: Tom Manley
Scientology Drug Rundown Auditor Course: Diane Gronseth
Purif I/C Course: Jeanette Banks
Evolution of a Science: Joe Becker
Fundamentals of Thought: Jackie O’Beirne, Rev Eriksen, Kent Eckhardt, Pat Post
Science of Survival: Dan Neal, Laura Nay
Self Analysis: Rachel Kras
Handbook for Preclears: Tracy Zimmer
Milestone One: John Childers
1st International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists: James Vogel
Remedy of Havingness: Steve Fabos
Application of Games Theory: Steve Fabos
Life Improvement Courses: Matt Huddleston (3), Bill Meadoff, Cheryle Hutto (2), Alyssa McCullough, Gail Becker, Kendall Pruitt, Justin Esquivel, Jonathan Banks
Learning How to Learn Course: Elesea Jarrell, Hailey Tarango
Basic Study Manual: Janet Thompson
Staff Status I: Janet Thompson
False Purpose Rundown: Laura Zaspel
Next home games: 8/5, 6 & 7 and 8/14-24. To help out in our parking lot, contact Chris or Titus at the Org.
A very good Black PR handling actually.
But why did he not apply the same Technology when the squirrel dwarf ( a low level auditor with little Tech knowledge) re defined the F/N and damaged more cases than any enemy of dianetics and Scientology.
There is a saying “Put your own house in order first”!!
Knock, knock, Daphna dear, is anybody there?
“Therefore, Dianetics takes business away from vested interests that depend on people’s misery for their fortune.”
Ain’t the pot calling the kettle black.
Scientology under Miscavige has become its own Black PR generator. While all criticisms and negative testimonials about it may not be 100% accurate or spin-free, the Church has become the epitome of what the negative publicity says – breaking up and bankrupting families, unethical and fraudulent fundraising, total money motivation, abusive treatment…its all there in spades. If Daphne really wanted to handle the Black PR she would be focusing her attention in a different direction than using some spurious “tech” to convince people that it is all otherwise. Chuck B. raised a good point re: the first step of handling negative PR from the annotated PR books. Yes, the first thing would be to admit mistakes and wrongdoing and set about correcting it. Of course that is last on the to-do list of Misvavige and what is left of the OSA PR Bureau.
Hello,Hello, this is extreme out tech.
There is no LRH Green on white or Red on white that comes close.
In the World of Daphna Hernandez the solution to Nuclear War is
sprinkle everyone with Plutonium !!!
To Clear the Planet ,easy, Increase the amount of chaos and murder.
Daphnas GOLDENROD should ban her from Scientology everywhere
and copies sent to her Rabbis .
Daphne’s client has had an introduction to the scientology cognitive dissonance experience. She can now resolve it in her favour or in scientology’s favour. If she resolves it in scientology’s favour, she will continue to do so until being in scientology hurts too much. If she resolves it in her favour, she may pursue those niggling doubts, learn and thankfully never truly know just what she escaped.
“The Orgs themselves blow people off all by themselves without
any Internet revelations.”
You nailed it Karen!
They are like a guy who keeps bashing himself on the head with a hammer while complaining very loudly about what a terrible headache he has! 🙂
“Last I heard, she shut up her husband when he tried to say something about Scientology.”
“Good job”, Daphna. …..Sowing the seeds of familial upset in the fine tradition of DM, aren’t you?. Is that supposed to be a good product?
And she also said, “last I heard” which means that she is did not continue taking responsibility for the effects caused by her communication.
The way I “immunize” people to the “black PR” when I introduce someone to Scientology is to tell them the following:
“I want you to know that I have nothing to do with the so called ‘Church’ of Scientology which has degenerated into a money-grubbing cult. When L. Ron Hubbard passed away the organization was taken over by a psychopath who twisted and mis-used the original subject. I have nothing to do with those people. I only practice those original teachings of the subject which can be helpful in improving and enhancing a person’s life”.
That usually handles the bad press that the COS continues to create day in and day out.
The cult of Scientology and Dianetics causes quote “depression, anxiety, trauma and loss”, not the other way around.
That “pressbook” of hers must be the tiniest book in history.
“The cult of Scientology and Dianetics causes quote “depression, anxiety, trauma and loss”
What a load of utter bollocks.
A being creates their own feelings love.
This is not even a clever make-wrong.
Uhm, I don’t know about how other people would react to her “handling”, but I as a never-in would be more than a little freaked out by someone who starts off with conspiracy theories when trying to promote religion, self-help or coaching.
It would send me straight to the googles to see what flavor of nut I just met, and how to get rid of it safely.
Its the perfect scam. Anyone seeking out life coaching is exactly the kind of chump scientology is looking for… assuming they have adequate cash.
I’ve audited Dianetics per the 1951 Dianetics book and also received it. Both ways it was great. Helped me incredibly and I’ve helped other with it, for many of them beyond anything they could’ve wished for.
The administrative wierdnesses surrounding Dianetics and all the other technology since then has turned out to be unusable at best and more realistically destructive.
But there is nothing and no one that can convince me that those good things never happened to me or my preclears. That stuff is worth furthering and supporting. Now that would be some pretty effective “life coaching.” But you have to do it right and understand what you’re doing. And you can’t combine it with the administrative “rules” that were developed for the organizations that delivered the stuff or you’re just headed for another failure.
Well said. It is the technology that people want not the administrative criminality surrounding it. If the subject is taught and practiced well it sells itself.
“Justice, mercy, forgiveness, all are unimportant….”
-L ron Hubbard from “What is Greatness”
Your omission distorts the message.
You and Carcha make a good point. Should not have approved that comment. My bad.
” … the Devil is tempting ….” (Jesus Christ).
Here – this is still out of context of a beautifully written piece with a profound message, but at least it gives SOME context:
“Why should one change and begin to hate just because others have lost themselves and their own destinies are too cruel for them to face. Justice, mercy, forgiveness, all are unimportant beside the ability not to change because of provocation or demands to do so.”
Cat Daddy, you can do better than deliberately truncate a sentence to twist the meaning … can’t you? I mean c’mon, your post there is like someone saying Amira sings well, but she “looks funny” and it’s “perverted” to allow someone so young to perform.
Well here you all go.
What Is Greatness? – L. Ron Hubbard – CERTAINTY Vol. 13 No. 3 [March, 1966]
The hardest task one can have is to continue to love one’s fellows despite all reasons he should not. And the true sign of sanity and greatness is to so continue…..
There are those who appoint one their executioners. Sometimes for the sake of the safety of others, it is necessary to act, but it is not necessary also to hate them. To do one’s task without becoming furious at others who seek to prevent one is a mark of greatness — and sanity….
If there is any saintly quality, it is not to forgive. “Forgiveness” is a much lower level action and is rather censorious. True greatness merely refuses to change in the face of bad actions against one…. Justice, mercy, forgiveness, all are unimportant….
Man is basically good but can act badly. He only acts badly when his acts done for order and the safety of others are done with hatred. Or when his disciplines are founded only upon safety for himself regardless of all others; or worse, when he acts only out of a taste for cruelty. To preserve no order at all is an insane act. One need only look at the possessions and environment of the insane to realize this. The able keep good order. When cruelty in the name of discipline dominates a race, that race has been taught to hate. And that race is doomed….
Never use what is done to one as a basis for hatred. Never desire revenge. It requires real strength to love Man. And to love him despite all invitations to do otherwise, all provocations and all reasons why one should not…. To love is the road to strength. To love in spite of all is the secret of greatness. And ma
Cat Daddy – You don’t disagree with that, do you? I find it a bit difficult at times, to not hate, reading all about the Co$ abuses and everything. Love extends to oneself, as well.
Carcha, hate would mean I would want to poke your eyes out. I do not.
I disagree with the intentionaly placing these little soundbites into text to discard basic things that ARE important.
It all over his writing. Even in the Tone Scale.
Scientology….. Destroying marriages since 1954!
Daphna Hernandez a leader and Brains of a Shadow Group
called “Friends of Narconon”. They secretly charge Narconon Public Credit
Credit Cards and deliver NO SERVICES, the money is funneled to David Miscavige.
This is huge sums of money, not small amounts by mistake. See Narconon Georgia and other
places Narconon is under Grand Jury Investigation. Clever Girl Daphna !!!!! Keep it up
your prison cell is ready !!!!!
It would be interesting to know if the IRS is aware of her income.
Her income is of less importance than the income of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology. The credit card scam being worked by the narCONon front is a good example. Once they find a federal prosecutor who doesn’t buckle at the knees like they have done recently, and once the money is traced to its ulrimate benefactor, then we’ll see if the IRS gets interested…
A Captain Obvious moment here: Why is Daphne calling herself a life coach instead of a Scientology FSM or Scientology Field Auditor, hmmm?
Look up “Life Coaches” connected to Psychiatric based practices, count the number of them.
Life Coaches have been around for a long time and relatively successful. Scientology FSM’s are dishonest tail hangers.
looks like the unemployed bloggers on the fringe of the internet are making a difference.
when she saw the book on scientology she said “now that’s bad”, she didn’t say “what’s that”, “I never heard of it”. she said that’s bad.
she heard of it before, she knew SOME thing. it’s not really the bloggers/critics that are responsible for scientology’s bad PR, they’re actually just akin to facilitators. what is responsible for scientology’s bad PR is scientology’s actions and a looking glass to view those actions. they do what they do and the internet is the looking glass, the spectacles to see what they do. the bloggers/critics merely facilitate that.
nobody makes things up about scientology because you don’t have to. you just have to say “look at this”.
you can’t inoculate someone from cancer. we all know if she gets taken in by it, sooner or later she will be taken out by it.
I don’t know if I am just different, but if someone was trying to pitch something to me and told me I would probably hear bad things about it, my interest would be piqued and I would immediately go on a hunt for those bad things – there are two sides to every story after all.
Besides which, isn’t telling someone that they will probably come across Black PR “forwardi8ng the enemy line”?
Absolutely, Blank Panther. The first time I started looking on the Internet about eight years ago was when another Scientologist sent out an email warning me not to look at the Internet that day because of a story about Tom Cruise (it was the one about Int Base when Tom took Nicole Kidman there and a field a wildflowers had to planted the night before so they could frolic in it). So of course I looked and it went from there.
I’d like to add my own experience with “innoculation” to what Black Panther and Pepper have shared.
Sometime in the first week in January of 2012 a terminal in my org, with no explanation, forwarded an email to me that I didn’t immediately understand. It was extremely vague but from what I could gather it was an attempt to DA anyone who was dissing (my term) Int Mgmt or David Miscavige, his plans and programs. It was not an on-policy DA because no details were given, so who/what this all referred to was not immediately apparent. Conceptually, the comm consisted of the writers remonstrations against people who complain about COB, and this writer’s “DA”, consisted solely of long-winded affirmations of how much he TRUSTED COB.
With no details, this VERY long, ambiguous email was puzzling to me.
Now, a short time before I HAD read Debbie Cooke’s email, but not because she had sent it to me, but because it was on Marty’s blog. I never personally got that email from her. And I was under the radar and reading all kinds of stuff, but mostly Marty’s blog.
Anyway, I started thinking, “Hmm, lets pull this thread”.
So I contacted this org terminal and queried why I had been forwarded this confusing, long-winded email from someone I didn’t know, warning me about I-didn’t-know-what, and the response was that an email that was “entheta and enemy line” had gone out to many on-lines Scientologists and that this was a “handling” for this email. I then thanked this terminal for clarifying this for me, adding (evilly, but with perfect truth) that I had not received that entheta email, which was apparently enough data to satisfy this terminal as I was asked no further questions.
Then I got off the phone and went back to the Net and read Debbie’s email again, this time very carefully. “Entheta and Enemy Line”…unbelievable. Yeah, that’s LRH nowadays: Entheta and Enemy Line!
That “inoculation” pretty much cinched my intention to leave the cult.
“A problem to persist muts contain a lie”.
The Bad PR about Scientology is caused by the greed, abuses, crimes and lies of the own Church’s leaders and other blind minions that have been involved on despicable and unlawful activities for many years.
The bad PR does NOT occur because of the Drug Companies or other’s greed, NO mister; your decline is caused from the inside. Pointing the finger at psychs, drugs companies, apostates and so on does not, and will never solve the bad PR Scn has created itself by itself.
So, stop blaming others. But…that is a good tactic, distract your own followers with a “presumed enemy” over there while you yourself commit crimes-maybe that is why they can’t see it.
I don’t know about now, Silvia, but back in the 60s/70s, in every ethics office was a large sign in big print: “You are totally responsible for the condition you are in.” For myself, I found that to be true. Only *I* could respond to change/improve the condition or, it I were in good condition, improve it. (I did not confuse “responsible” with “blame”, which is what LRH intended.) My question all these black pr years has been, “Why doesn’t that apply to those in the czerch? Or to Hubbard, for that matter?
I remember seeing that at the LA Org in 1973. I used that line to tell people (and myself), “I have good news and bad news and they are both the same thing…”
I’m sure the “flood of people” that come through this month will never look at a negative thing about Co$ again. Bahahaha!!
And BTW Daphna, you’re not too bright because you probably sent that person straight to the internet to find out what the hell you were talking about. We’ll be sure to fill your customers in.
Assuming this story is true, the husband would most likely take to the internet…
He probably started by checking out this ‘life coach’ his wife went to see. And then hopefully they’ll both realize what a scam she’s running.
Daphna has a truly myopic viewpoint.
The first time her new Scientologist gets jumped on for $$$
and is overwhelmed with incessant money demands, not to mention
enforced objectives for 2 years (Had Emails from newbies forced
to do SRD objectives for 2-3 years til they blew)…her “handling
Black PR” would be futile.
The Orgs themselves blow people off all by themselves without
any Internet revelations.
You got that right, Karen.
You did indeed get it exactly right Karen. The best Reg I ever knew was a guy (years ago now of course) who would put interested people through several basic courses, get them to read a book or 2, and then eventually get them on to the Academy Levels and made (real) Scientologists out of them as well. But that was in the days when “Scientology” as such was worth defending and people got case and life gains and weren’t “executive C/Sed” from DM. Nowadays they walk in off the street and are hustled for their parent’s inheritance straight away and driven away, as you say. No wins = no Scientologist. And that is of course not forgetting the IAS and Idle Org no-exchange scams as well. Makes one wonder of course if such obvious failing tactics are all part of the plan to destroy the subject? One can really draw no other conclusion.
How many years does an OT have to spend on their objectives?
Notice that she had to ruin her client’s marriage.
What ever happened to “trouble spots ONLY occur because of no results or bad results…”
People like that should be sued for copyright infringement – they’ve never used or are Scientologists by their own definition. You don’t have to introduce anything new or lie about anything with these pseudo wack jobs – there behaviour speaks volumes.
“…I finally decided to put an end to it.”
Really? Is the coast clear now? No more PR problems in sight? It is highly likely that the young women in this story will go home and either her family or friends will get there two cents about the church and the life coaching success will be completely undone.
Daphna, I don’t doubt your heart is in the right place but if you intend to pull Dave’s church back from the brink, boy have you got work to do
There is no pulling that croc of shit back from anything…………..it is out of the bowl and into the sewer pipe. Now Davey gets to ride it out to the final destination
Right on the money, KFrancis.
“Have you ever shared a bit of Scientology with someone and had them leave your side blown away just to return later all “ridgy” and filled with misconceptions about our religion?”
Some day Daphna will awaken to find that the ridges were not about misconceptions about her religion but because of the truth. She will have to confront that the crimes committed by members-in-good-standing of her religion actually happened.
Some common “misconceptions” which Daphna fervently believes:
That Dianetics quickly and easily handles depression.
That Narconon has a 70% success rate.
That she will someday be able to knock hats off at 50 feet.
That the Zenu story is still secret.
That david never beat his staff.
That LRH is in favor of outrageously expensive buildings which are needed to clear the planet.
That people aren’t PTS to miscavige
That miscavige is an auditor.
That the IAS spends lots on money on social betterment.
That SO members are the only people on earth who are not DBs (except her and her clique)
That lying, bitter, de-frocked apostates are responsible for the condition her cherch is in.
That no one ever EVER coerced young ladies into having abortions.
and and and…
She can only use lies in PR. There is almost nothing left.
Well said LDW
I’m feeling all ridgy, but fully confident that with people like Daft-na pushing their cause the COS is doomed to fail. Oops, sorry Daphnia I misconcepted your name…. But, isn’t Daphnia the zoological name for a water flea?.
My favourite quotes ……”Dianetics takes business away from vested interests that depend on people’s misery for their fortune” [Shouldn’t that have read” Dianetics makes its fortune from milking and aggravating people’s misery”?]
and “….and that Scientology had enemies because of the good that it does,…..” yeh sure!
Scientologists even cannot see LRH’s own words disparage Scientology irrefutably!
LRH calls potential followers “prospects” for the Field Staff Member to list on the FSM slips so the Field Staff Member can submit and get his FSM Commission, sheesh, this goes from bad to worse!
LRH’s in house language just isn’t religious at all!
“Potential enlightenees” I’d have called them! And that’s still bad, I can’t even think of a better label I’m still so undereducated.
LRH’s own bad labeling just slips by Scientologists, they just continue LRH’s bad irreligious and greed slanted labeling!
“…she shut up her husband…”
Great example/product of a life coach. Geesh!
Auditing process R2-45 will do that too.
Thx for the additional info, Jose. I figured she had to be well-known if she devoted an entire business to conversion and regging!
An FSM actually dissemenating to raw public, instead of going for the big commission or IAS, now that’s a rarity.
But scamming the public, luring them in with a bullshit pretense, like for instance “life coaching…,” that’s perfectly normal.
“An FSM actually dissemenating to raw public…” yep, it is an outpoint these days. Desperate measures?
The guy saying the Black PR handling works, is his modern Scientologist FSM disseminator success story, he’s just saying his “Black PR” handling worked!
When I carefully had almost unlimited time in the final 15 months of my Sea Org career, while I was routing out, and had chance to read in detail, while I was on the RPF’s RPF and we had time to study whatever was in the course room for the RPFers, I read the whole PR book that is used for the Scientology training course to train the Scientology PRs.
I very carefully read at the parts LRH in red pen, struck threw as not worthy of Scientology PR people to use, in the “Effective Public Relations” book by Culter and someone else, to see the opportunistic use of modern PR principles that LRH sought out, and made into, Scientology scripture for staff to study in Scientology today, also for LRH Honorary PRO people to study. The parts of the text LRH said to skip, are important to know, to see what LRH left out of the movement members’ repertoire.
The important PR tool of honestly admitting the group’s errors, LRH struck through, and instead his “Black PR” handling is the edited and shorter version of full PR people’s handling of their groups mistakes!
In truth, LRH’s edited “Black PR” policy, is at fault, but no one’s gone to that degree of dissecting his “Black PR” editing which he left Scientologists as their policy to follow.
It’s a violent letter. It smacks of vigorous oppression. There are none so blind… etc. I’m hoping the girl walks out of that office and goes and does a little research on the internet.
Not a chance. Daphne is Kool Aid to the core and she enforces it on others.
….” Last I heard, she shut up her husband when he tried to say something about Scientology.” …..
“Shut up tech”. WOW! She’s a field auditor? Scientologists are getting tough! Why bother with understanding when you can Shut ’em up and shut ’em down! It’s so John Wayne. Reminds me of: “Shatter suppression” “global annihilation”. Hammer and stamp out of existence…. NO HE&R….. Scientology: The religion that will naturally raise your testosterone level! (side effects include lowering of IQ and your critical thinking skills or thinking for yourself. It’s so exhausting anyway)
Scientology is a masculine religion to its core. Bereft of real compassion and love. Its drive is Intention, Goals, World Domination. And the SO is its army. You can see this hard, cold steel in the female SO staff – they very often turn cold, unfeeling and masculine.
Welcome to Humankind again Geir.
On behalf of loving masculine women everywhere, I take offense.
In earlier times, it was easier to explain away the “Black PR” as it was mainly coming from a few journalists and a handful of ex-Scientologists. Now the bulk of Scientology’s bad PR is coming from ex-members – at last count over 1000 have publicly spoken out, including a number of very credible high-profile former Scientologists. And it’s hard to discount it as “rumors” or “lies” when it is the heart-felt life stories of these people and what they actually experienced in Scientology. Any Scientologist reading these stories recognizes the truth in them.
Just like your story Jefferson, which was the very first one I came across on the Internet and read several years ago.
It had a huge impact on me, exactly for the reasons you stated and I knew it was true.
Same here, Jefferson. Yours the first eye-opening book I read and still my favorite of all of the unemployed defrocked bitter apostates. Hope life is good for you now.
Mr. Hawkins, Your story helped me get out. My heartfelt thanks.
I do believe the count of the day of ex-victims who have spoken up is just over 2400 (“Big List of THOUSANDS of Exes Who Have Spoken Out” on WWP)
Which rather enforces your point – carry on 🙂
Actually, the last count is over 2,400. 🙂
Narcissists will do insensitive things to get their narcissistic high, because they both want it so badly and because there’s no empathy to make them feel for the people they’re being unkind to. Then, because they know it’s wrong and that it makes them wrong, they cover it up and ( sometimes deny it, and also projecting their way out of responsibility so that nobody, including themselves, will see them as imperfect for having done it). (And if you see them as imperfect, then you’re a serious problem, because as long as you are around to remind them they are not perfect, they will have to think about the concept, and they just plain won’t.)
SP -serious problem
This admittedly defensive attitude conveyed in e-mail is a Scion’s pot full of anger, frustration and their official state of losingness, with a profound loss of their meaning of life, all coming to a boil. Some folks all they have to hold onto is their interpretation of “life’s meaning”.
Watch out Daphna! Not only does scientology have a bad reputation, but scientologists have a reputation for being crazy conspiracy theorists.
I am reading “The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo” by Stieg Larsson, and came across this paragraph:
“Blomkvist pushed a filing tray aside. The media have the ability to attract the craziest people to call in perfectly absurd tips. Every newsroom in the world gets updates from UFOlogists, graphologists, scientologists, paranoiacs, every sort of conspiracy theorist.”
Loved that book. Read all three of them.
Sidetracking a bit but this made me remember when I met Stieg Larsson, not very long before he passed away and before those novels were published. Me and hubby discussed with him about cults in general and scientology in particular. He was btw very interested in science fiction.
Dream on Daphna. You may THINK you handled this lady. I’d bet big money she was just getting the hell outta there. If not, she will learn soon enough that the attacks on Dianetics and Scientology aren’t just because of vested interests. People don’t like confrontation and dollars to donuts, this lady didn’t either.
I agree Mary. The lady probably just wanted to get the F. out of there ASAP and probably realized she was talking to a fanatic. Now she’ll have to put up with the incessant phone calls until she changes her phone number!
Exactly, McCarran.
I call BULLSHIT on Daphna and her supposed “immunization” handling of Black PR.
This girl is not handled and will probably keep looking on the internet as will her husband. If she does get on service at one of the empty “booming” LA area orgs, she won’t last long.
As a very wise friend told me, the days of new people getting in and staying in for long and for sure for 30-40 years are gone.
You have a very wise friend. 🙂
” Last I heard, she shut up her husband when he tried to say something about Scientology.”
Yo Daphna,
If the situation continues just tell your mark to dump the son of a bitch and look for a new 2d who is a bonafide cult member. And don’t forget to innoculate yourself because if you think things are bad for $cientology right now ……………….you ain’t seen nothin yet!
Right on, Cooper.
I was gonna say, wow, she hasn’t even joined the church yet and already the Tech is working its magic on her marriage. That’s some powerful juju right there.
“you ain’t seen nothin yet! ”
Daphna is a woman. I think an OT7 or 8 and an FSM – she would show up a the LA FSC office off an on. Mimsey
Oh dear…you say people pay good money to listen to this man?
No one has done a proper article or paper on the whole gamut of ex staff members who were good disseminators in the Church of Scientology’s history.
Sometimes the execs of missions or orgs, the various Div 6 staffers, even sometimes the auditors and other tech people, had the gift of one on one “enlighting” people to start courses (study) or auditing (counseling, therapy) of Scientology.
The human contact disseminator person usually had innate capability to communicate sympathetically and with empathy and good will enough to convince a newbie to continue doing the elementary level study of Scientology.
It was done by good personalities, that’s what good disseminators have.
It’s sales people one on one ability these people just have, expressing their reassurance that there is something of value to be gained in Scientology.
Handling Black PR by formula only works if you really overcome the downsides of Scientology’s behavior.
If you have no control over the bad honest truth to Scientology’s downsides, and no way to change those downsides, then no matter how good your dissemination, you will fail.
We live the fact that disconnection as a policy doesn’t work, people reject it, no matter if they lose their family still in official Scientology.
There has to be real substance and real spiritual gain, in the first place, to sell or promote.
Not just placebo and other psychological principles in a subject or group, to warrant continued participation in it.
Marty’s today’s article hits on this and the other related points.
Scientology has to deliver the goods, really, the ex member voluminous data is out there, on the lack of the really high flown promises (out of the body travel at will once one supposedly completes the Hubbard L Rundowns for instance), so Scientology has to deliver, and not just be a long drawn out subject that blames it’s participants for not being “standard” in failing to produce on one another these high spiritual states!
Disseminators who are successful have a stable of client/parishioners they disseminate to, their own smaller captive audience of believers.
People will cease to believe once they see lack of results! And it’s not the tech people’s sole fault, it’s also the fact that the claimed results from LRH’s tech isn’t universal by a long shot, and only some people get the high spiritual states (I consider it temporary delusional hallucinatory all brain related).
No disseminator can deal with the historical mound of evidence of lack of results in Scientology compared to the claims!
The world wants to see the real superpowers of the super top OT people in Scientology being put to exemplary use improving the world, not just helping the super salesman class bilk their captive audience fellow following travelers who hopefully believe in the OT powers!
In the bigger mystical powers and religion field, the supernatural powers attainment supposedly that Scientology will give it’s most dedicated and long term OT traveling members, always hoping, always long range trying, gives the movement that sub group of members who NEED their FSM disseminators to keep luring them to these spiritual heights!
It’s a big captive audience.
And with everything free on the internet, better to get fooled by fellow travelers in the freezone who at least won’t rip you off, you can find people to co audit for free, no stress, in the freezone Scientology, if you must try out Hubbard’s trauma therapy and exorcism on yourself!
Skip Press
“As I’ve said many times before, I knew a hypnotist in the L.A. area who thanked me in the Foreword of one of his books, who told me how Sea Org members would come and pick up the “processes” Hubbard paid him to develop. As Jon pointed out, Hubbard was always stealing ideas and calling them his own.”
Oil was probably discovered by cave men, in tar pits. Then someone realized it could be burned on sticks to give light. Then someone thought of wrapping dried branches and leaves and vines around the stick, covering it in tar, and you had a longer lasting torch. Then someone found a way to refine the stuff. Then someone doped out how to use the refined stuff to replace whale oil. No doubt someone noticed it can explode. Then someone came up with internal combustion. Would you insist Exxon and GM credit cave men? When you add usefulness to someone else’s idea, or make it fit as a component, you can apply for a patent and are usually granted one. Buddha came up with processes. So your hypnotist friend “stole” the idea of a process. Are you able t cite any specific process?
It seems to me there is something in the minds of men which generates “criticism,” and that is a lesser attribute than focusing on a problem and solving it to serve some practical purpose.
+1 for Carcha
Actually Charcha uses a lot of words to deflect of the Hypnotism part MJ
It isn’t about the “stealing”
It’s about Scientology processes being Hypnotic Processes.
Cat Daddy – You have a hangover today?
I’m guessing that pressbook doesn’t include any news reporting from Tony Ortega, Joe Childs or Tom Tobin.
Ha,ha,ha,Daphna is the Chief spreader of Black PR in this sector of the Universe.
Lower orgs send Black PR about her public because they know she will pump it out
like a burst water main or broken fire hydrant. I was GASLIGHTED by Daphna which didn’t work and result was a beaten to death Narconon Girl almost under the Big Blue cross. She is big buddy buddy of ED Bryant and anyone in authority or has tons of money. She will sniff out your credit cards
and bankrupt you post haste.
It means to drive you crazy on purpose by basically playing mind games on you and making you think you are going insane. There’s a great movie on it called Gaslight, that’s where the word comes from. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslight_(1944_film)
In my opinion there is truth in the idea that some things can be handled with good communication and some of the tech of Scientology. I have seen it happen many times.
The lie in what she is saying is that Scientology and Dianetics are being attacked ONLY because of vested interests. It might be partially true that they are being attacked for those reasons. Scientology mostly is being attacked for their crimes against humanity which are all well documented on the internet.
I see in her “handling of black PR” really, the attempt to stop her prospect from looking at things and make a firm decision that it is all good and that she no longer has to evaluate information. A sort of A=A. The tech is good and therefore evil money grubbers want to stop it, therefore ANYONE who reports negatively against it is an evil money grubber. That seems to be the reactive logic she is using.
Well Tony, she does seem to be applying the basic underlying principle of immunization. Inoculate the person with a mild case or strain of the disease and let the body create its own immunity. In this scenario, tell the person about all the money grubbing, back-stabbing shit going on, and she’ll be immunized from all the money grubbing, back-stabbing shit directed at her by church members and won’t rabbit when her purse is lifted and her credit cards maxed out. Brilliant!!!
Well said Tony, +1.
Also the way Daphna managed to pit wife against husband at the end because hubby tried to tell her something about Scientology. Apparently shutting up your spouse is a commendable action in the church that strongly supports marriage, family and children.
She is using / abusing 3rd party tech, and proud of it.
My opinion on this matter is that when I stopped trying to defend COB and upper management I found the ridges just went away. I said, you know, there are a$$holes running that Church right now. What you mostly encounter anymore is about their crimes against their parishioners and former parishioners. The philosophy I encountered worked and helped me. I never encountered any of that other crap people seem so adamant on talking about. It’s amazing when you indicate the truth. COB is an A$$ and suddenly this makes sense. Power positions are typically held by SPs in govt, police, military, etc. It makes sense to them that the controversy is because of these jerks at the top.
Just checked out her website. Yes, she is quite obviously shilling for Scientology, citing her work with Narconon and their 70% success rate.
Yes Heidi, Daphna is a professional FSM who’s job is to get people to buy services in the CoS. Its how she makes her living and the “life coaching” definitely is an inroad to FSM people onto The Bridge.
What sort of life coaching does this letter-writer do? Sounds like their job is to get people onto Scientology…
Daphna is a full time FSM for Scientology or outside sales for those persons not familiar with the term FSM.
Its funny but I used to disseminate that way because of all the bad PR and used the same techniques years ago. Now when I talk about Scientology I just say that the Church is utterly corrupt and the organization is to be avoided but in case you are interested the actual therapeutic side is pretty useful and I get more reaches now than I ever did. I guess that’s the reality level of society about the subject.
Wow, Daphna taking desperation to a whole new level. Since they are going to hear bad things just tell them that upfront so they won’t look more. Like a standup comedian saying they are fat and joke about it all night so it’s cool because they are in on the joke. Well jokes on Scientology, they are bad, and they can’t hide it with humor.
I like the technique of telling lies in order to handle possible “lies” in the future. Covert overts. 🙂
Also the Third Partying” Last I heard, she shut up her husband when he tried to say something about Scientology.” Fucking ASSHOLES!